Growths in the form of warts. Warts: what are they and how to get rid of them? These growths respond well to treatment

A wart is a benign formation on human skin. Usually its size is a few millimeters, but there are also larger types of warts. Such neoplasms can appear in various places on the human body.

As you know, not all warts are safe. There are types of skin formations that require immediate removal. This is necessary in order to prevent further complications.

Classification of warts

In medicine, there are several types of benign formations that can appear on human skin. They differ from each other in appearance, have different specific development, as well as location.

There are the following types of warts:

  • ordinary (most common);
  • plantar (observed on the feet);
  • genital (condylomas);
  • filamentous (acrochords);
  • flat.

Common warts

Such neoplasms have a diameter that usually does not exceed 1 cm. They are fairly dense tumors with an uneven surface and clear boundaries. Skin formations that belong to this type are characterized by the following features:

  • round shape;
  • color from yellow to dark gray;
  • Common warts are often observed on the elbows, fingers, knees, lips and other areas of the body that are often injured.

Sometimes the formations disappear on their own, but in most cases they require long-term treatment.

Plantar warts

Such growths get their name from their location. They are located on the feet and have a convex shape, but due to the constant pressure created by the weight of the human body, they can become flat. The formation is surrounded by a keratinized layer of skin.

may create discomfort and be painful. This type of benign formation differs from calluses in that when cut, small droplets of blood appear, rather than liquid flowing. Plantar warts can make it difficult to wear shoes. They can appear at any age.

Genital warts

The fibroepithelial formation contains a large number of pointed nodules that are interconnected. Their surface can be white or red, sometimes they bleed and cause pain.

Pointed benign neoplasms usually appear on the mucous membrane, where it transitions into the skin. Subsequently, they grow and become larger. As a result, tumor-like growths form.

Filiform warts

This formation on the skin gets its name from its shape. Filiform warts are narrow and long. Their locations are as follows:

Externally, thread-like formations resemble a broken thread. They can appear on the body of a person of any age, but are often observed in older people. As they develop, thread-like formations change their appearance:

  1. At first, acrochords look like small bumps on the skin. For this reason, they can easily be confused with a mole.
  2. Subsequently, the nodule increases in size and takes on an elongated shape. In some cases, the acrochords are round, but they still have a thin stalk.
  3. The consistency of the formation is elastic and relatively dense. As a rule, its length is no higher than 5 mm, but there are cases when the acrochord is more than 1 cm.

Some people have several formations on the body that grow together. Thus, they resemble a cockscomb in appearance. The acrochords may be brown or remain flesh-colored. Sometimes they itch.

Flat warts

Such formations are nodules that are flat to the touch. They are yellow-brown in color and are usually located on the eyelids and face. Such nodules often occur in children, but can also appear in older people. These benign tumors do not tend to transform into malignant tumors. This type of growth occurs extremely rarely.

Slightly rise above the surface of the skin. They are distinguished by a smooth surface and clear boundaries. A distinctive feature is the absence of dead skin, thereby maintaining smoothness and shine. Such formations are of the lower leg, the dorsum of the hand.

Advice! In case of neoplasms on the body, you should definitely consult a dermatologist. Only he will be able to establish exactly what nature they are. This will prevent the development of malignant tumors on the skin.

There is another type of benign formation that occurs on the human body, which can be divided into a separate category. Their features are as follows:

  • (seborrheic keratosis) appear exclusively in older people and do not require treatment;
  • they are usually located on the skin, which is often covered by clothing, and are rarely seen on the hands and face;
  • such neoplasms develop from the epidermis.

Elements of seborrheic keratosis are often multiple. Clinical manifestations depend on the timing of development and location. The early elements are small flat spots of pink or yellow color, with clear boundaries, as well as a warty surface.

They resemble greasy crusts on the skin that are easily removed. Subsequently, these crusts become denser and riddled with cracks. Over time, they transform into a mushroom shape and become black or dark brown.

The formations have a soft consistency, their boundaries may not be entirely clear, even jagged. However, they are similar to melanoma. In some cases, a dome-shaped form of seborrheic keratosis elements is observed.

Advice! If you have senile warts, it is recommended to significantly increase the amount of vitamin C entering the body. It helps stop new spots from appearing. However, it must be remembered that excess vitamin C can lead to some changes in the functioning of the stomach, and also contribute to the appearance of kidney stones.

The choice of treatment method depends on what types of warts are being treated. One way or another, this process should not be left to chance. A timely visit to a dermatologist will allow the patient to undergo the procedure of removing skin lesions with ease and without complications. In addition, a wart can be confused with malignant diseases, the treatment of which definitely should not be delayed.

Even the healthiest skin is prone to warts. The cause of this disease is not a lack of skin care, but papillomavirus (HPV), which, as a rule, is benign in nature and appears in the form of rounded nodules or papillae on the skin. Note that almost every person can secretly be a carrier of various modifications of this virus.

What type of warts are and how to distinguish them - read our article.

How does the papilloma virus become infected?

The main reasons for the appearance of warts are various injuries to the skin and a weakening of the human immune system. As a result, the papilloma virus, already present in the blood or introduced from the outside, begins to activate and pathological growth of the skin occurs.

HPV infection occurs in various ways:

  • direct contact with the skin: with mucous membranes, including sexual contact;
  • household items: towels, manicure tools, etc.;
  • public places: transport, swimming pools, saunas.

Warts caused by the papilloma virus vary in size and location. Therefore, it is worth distinguishing between the types of warts.

Types of warts

We emphasize that “real” warts are considered to be those formations that are of a viral nature. Let's look at what types of warts there are.

  • Common (vulgar) warts

This type of wart usually appears on the back of the hands and fingers and toes. They look like nodules of varying diameters, identical to the color of the skin (in rare cases, grayish or brownish). Their treatment is not always effective, but they can “disappear” on their own over time.

  • Flat warts

Their second name is juvenile, since they often occur in children and adolescents. The size of these warts is somewhat smaller than the size of ordinary warts.

They also have a lighter shade - from pinkish to light brown. And due to their slight elevation above the surface of the skin, they are called flat. A characteristic feature of this type of wart is also clearly defined contours that have an irregular shape. Flat warts like to “settle” on the face, neck and chest area, arms and legs.

  • Plantar and palmar warts (horny warts)

This type of wart can be either flat or very protruding above the skin. They are formed (logically by their name) mainly on the feet, sometimes on the palms.

Plantar warts can be easily confused with calluses, so they are not always easy to diagnose. Their sizes do not exceed a ten-kopeck coin, but they are characterized by a very high density and crumble in the center of the formation. Perhaps this is the most painful and intractable form of the papilloma virus.

  • Filiform warts (acrochords)

They look like elongated growths and can reach significant sizes (more than 10 mm). “Favorite” locations for this type of wart: face and neck (especially eyelids, lips, chin, nose), armpit area, hairline and skin folds. Acrochords differ from other species in that they can spread to adjacent areas of the skin and merge with each other. Another feature of them is relapses after removal.

  • Genital warts or condylomas

These small, in the early stages, neoplasms can grow to very significant sizes. As a rule, condylomas affect the mucous membranes, and therefore form on the genitals, in the anus and in the oral cavity. The lack of proper treatment can cause significant damage to the body: infection with other diseases of the genital organs, pain and discomfort during bowel movements and sexual intercourse. This type of papilloma virus is also called anogenital or venereal warts.

Possible malignancies

There are several other types of warts, which are divided into separate groups. Their separate classification is due to the high risk of transformation into cancer cells. Let's describe them in more detail.

  • Seborrheic keratomas (age warts)

The peculiarity of this type of growth is that neoplasms appear in old age.

The reasons for this are age-related skin changes that have nothing to do with HPV. Keratomas can vary in color and appearance. In the early stages they have a yellowish or pink tint, but over time they become black or dark brown.

One of the characteristic features of keratomas is their multifocality and similarity to melanomas. As such, this type of wart does not pose a danger, but their diagnosis requires considerable attention - cancer cells very often disguise themselves as them.

  • Cervical papillomas

These are benign formations that can occur during pregnancy and be asymptomatic. However, such warts can lead to cervical cancer, and therefore surgery is recommended.

  • Bladder papilloma

It has the shape of a light-colored growth covered with villi. Symptoms may include pain, bleeding, and difficulty urinating, or may not occur at all. This type of skin pathology easily develops into a malignant wart and therefore is operated on immediately.

  • Laryngeal papilloma

It is characterized by a ribbed surface of the growth, which appears in childhood and, as a rule, in men. The main symptom of such papilloma is hoarseness and difficulty breathing. In worst cases, the virus spreads to the lungs and bronchi, causing pulmonary failure. Treated with surgery.

Video: a dermatovenerologist talks about the causes of warts, their types and methods of prevention and treatment.

If such growths are detected, contact a specialist who will select the appropriate treatment for you. Be healthy!

Warts: various types. Warts in children on the head, face, body, legs (photo)

Today we will talk about what types of warts exist, as well as for what reasons they appear. In addition, you will learn about what preventive measures should be taken to protect yourself from skin diseases.

General information about warts

Before presenting to your attention the main types of warts, we should tell you what such formations are.

Warts are rounded elevations of the skin that are formed as a result of intensive growth of the surface layers of the epithelium, as well as the underlying papillary layer.

Thus, they are benign neoplasms of the skin that arise as a result of their infection with the human papillomavirus.


The appearance of warts on the face, neck, fingers and other parts of the body can vary. Such neoplasms have different sizes (for example, from 1-3 mm to 16 mm). This depends not only on the type of skin elevation, but also on the place of its formation.

It should also be noted that there are often types of warts that represent the fusion of several neoplasms. As a rule, they are large, hemispherical or conical in shape with a wide base.

At the beginning of their development, such elevations have the same color as the skin. But over time they become brown and even black. Although in some cases they owe their dark color to dirt, which quite easily sticks to the rough surface of the skin.

The main types of warts on the human body

Currently, there are 4 types of skin tumors. Depending on their location, as well as other features, they have different sizes, shapes, etc.

Before starting treatment for such warts, it is imperative to identify their type, as well as the cause of its appearance. Moreover, only the attending physician should do this.

Simple or ordinary

Such formations are keratinized papules of high density and with a diameter of 1 to 7 mm. Their favorite places are the backs of the hands. In most cases, they disappear on their own, without medical intervention. As a rule, this happens within 2 years.

These types of warts are very common in children and adolescents. At the beginning of development, they are flesh-colored, and then become grayish or brown. A characteristic feature of this formation is that next to the “maternal” elevation a “daughter” one may appear.

Plantar wart

Types of warts on the legs, or more precisely on the feet, are called plantar warts. They belong to varieties of ordinary formations. Some experts call them “spikes.”

They are located on the skin of the foot and are a dense thorn that can be painful and also interfere with walking.

Most often, such elevations form on very sweaty feet in places where they are compressed by shoes. At first, the neoplasm is small in size and has a shiny surface. Subsequently, the keratinized plaque or papule acquires a yellowish-gray color with an uneven and rough surface.

The plantar formation is usually solitary. Although sometimes there are 3-6 warts on one foot. This occurs as a result of the fusion of smaller elements.

In rare cases, such elevations cause temporary disability.

Youth or flat

These types of warts (photo presented in this article) have clearly defined shapes with a smooth surface. As a rule, they rise above the skin by 1-2 mm and have a diameter of up to 0.5 cm.

The very name of this neoplasm suggests that it most often occurs in children and adolescents.

Juvenile warts have round or irregular shapes in the form of flat nodules. Very often they are located on the shins, the back of the hands and the skin of the face. The color of such elevations is light brown, flesh or pink.

The appearance of flat formations is promoted by irritation of the skin (for example, as a result of cuts, scratches, etc.).

Pointed formations or condylomas

This is perhaps the most unpleasant type of wart. It is a tiny pink skin growth. Such nodules often merge with each other and form a papillary growth that has a soft consistency. In this case, the condyloma has a base in the form of a reddish or flesh-colored stalk.

Where are these species most often found? Genital warts are especially unpleasant because in most cases they appear on the female and male genital organs.

Experts say that such formations can be transmitted sexually, especially if there are microtraumas or cracks in the groin areas of the partners or on their genitals.

If condylomas are not removed, they can grow to very large sizes and cause significant damage to human health.

Very often, pointed formations indicate the development of other infectious diseases of the genital organs. According to medical practice, this type of wart occurs in those representatives of the fairer sex who are at risk of developing cervical cancer.

Keratomas or so-called senile warts

The types of warts mentioned are the most common in older people. The following names can be synonymous with such a benign skin tumor: seborrheic wart, seborrheic keratosis and basal cell papilloma.

These formations develop from the epidermis. The reasons for their origin are still unknown. However, experts believe that such a lesion is formed from cells of the basal layers of the epidermis or keratinocytes located on the surface of the hair follicle. It should also be noted that keratomas are not associated with human papillomavirus.

Seborrheic keratosis can be multiple. It is usually located on the chest, as well as the neck, face, dorsum of the hands and the extensor part of the forearms. It should also be said that these types of warts on the head are more common than others.

Keratomas never affect the mucous membranes. Their number does not exceed 20 pieces, and their diameter varies from 0.2 to 3 cm (sometimes it can reach 4-6 cm).

Patients with multiple seborrheic keratoses have a positive family history. This is a reflection of hereditary predisposition.

What do keratomas look like?

The clinical picture of senile warts depends on their location and timing of development. Early formations have a flat shape. They appear in the form of small spots or papules that seem to stick to the skin, have visible boundaries, as well as a yellow or pink color, a corrugated surface and easily removable greasy crusts.

Over time, these types of warts (a photo of a keratoma can be seen from above) become dense and also riddled with cracks.

As experts say, senile warts develop very slowly (sometimes over several decades). However, they never undergo malignant transformation.

Reasons for appearance

The reasons for the appearance of various types of skin formations may be the following factors:

  • personal contact with a person who has skin elevations;
  • the use of things and household items that belong to the patient (for example, a towel, clothes, dishes, etc.);
  • using tools not treated with an antiseptic for manicure or pedicure;
  • spending time together with a sick person in a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool;
  • sexual contact with an infected partner;
  • wearing very tight shoes;
  • increased sweating of the feet.

It should also be noted that the most favorable condition for the development of warts is weak human immunity, as well as stress, poor diet and lack of sleep.

Preventive measures

  • strict adherence to personal hygiene rules;
  • treating wounds or cuts on the skin with brilliant green or iodine;
  • lack of stress;
  • normalization of nutrition;
  • having the same sexual partner.

In addition to the above, you should:

  • When in contact with an infected person, wash your hands well with soap and limit the use of common household items;
  • use gloves when working with chemicals;
  • wear only loose and comfortable shoes made from natural materials.

How to treat?

Now you know what warts are, what they look like, why they appear and how to protect yourself from them. All that remains is to find out what measures should be taken if you already have such formations.

Treatment of warts begins with safe and inexpensive methods, most often these are traditional medicine. Unfortunately, not all of them are effective. Therefore, if simple methods do not help, they immediately move on to more expensive and aggressive interventions.

There are several medical ways to get rid of skin diseases. The best decision would be to see a dermatologist. After an examination, such a specialist usually prescribes medications that boost immunity and calm the nerves. The doctor may also recommend taking vitamin complexes.

If you decide to get rid of warts using radical methods, then only a doctor can correctly determine which of the existing methods is most suitable for you (cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, laser coagulation, surgical excision, chemical methods).

Folk remedies

In addition to traditional medicine, folk remedies are also used to eliminate any types of warts.

We will present the most effective recipes right now:

  • Lubricate the growth daily with wormwood infusion.
  • Apply raw garlic to the formation 2 or 3 times every day.
  • Squeeze the juice from dandelion or celandine. Apply them to the wart daily. Duration of therapy is about 3 weeks.
  • Some types of moles and warts can be removed using tea tree oil. They should only lubricate the formations several times a day.
  • Soak raw onions in vinegar essence, and then tie it to the growth and leave it overnight.
  • Every day, lubricate the new growths with juice from sour apples or lemon.
  • Mix horseradish juice with salt and use it for compresses.

Types of warts on the hands and what they look like (photo): viral, small filamentous on the fingers, dry

One of the most common skin diseases are benign formations, warts. They are a type of viral infection that affects any part of the body, but most often the face, arms, legs, and nails.

Today we will talk about what they are and what types of warts on the hands there are, photos, how to diagnose them and how to treat them.

Exists several types of warts, each of which has its own causes and methods of treatment.


You can see what warts on your hands look like in the photo:


This species is also popularly called vulgar warts. They are represented by an uneven, cone-shaped fleecy skin growth, usually gray-brown in color.

Dry warts They are dangerous because they can cause pain and even lead to bleeding.

They are growing to quite large sizes - 1.5 cm and can merge into clusters of skin deformations, which already becomes a pathology that is difficult to treat.

Causes of occurrence There are a lot of dry viral warts on the hands, but the most common is the presence of the papilloma virus in the human blood. The virus can strike in several cases:

  • When shaking hands or other contact with an infected person;
  • Through things that have been touched by an infected person (towels, handrails on a bus, etc.);
  • The virus penetrates especially quickly through microscopic damage to the skin (scratches, cracks, inflammation, cuts).
REFERENCE: As shown by studies conducted by the American scientific community in 2011, carrier of the HPV papillomavirus is over eighty percent of all humanity on Earth, and many people do not even suspect that they carry a hidden disease within themselves, which for the time being can remain in a frozen state, and with overheating, hypothermia or other factors, awaken and develop into a painful form.

As a rule, dry warts on the fingers are treated with medications.

Modern medicinal treatment represented by a wide variety of chemicals.

ATTENTION: Read the instructions for the products very carefully before use; as a rule, they contain alkalis and acids.

Avoid contact with healthy areas of the body and especially eyes.

Keep away from children and animals.

  • Soliderm. A potent drug consisting of a mixture of lactic, oxalic, nitric and acetic acids. The drug is used only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Verrucacid. It is a combination of phenol and metacresol. The powerful, caustic composition breaks down the wart. But getting the solution on a healthy area of ​​skin will cause an instant burn.
  • Super clean. This remedy is the most common, effective and, at the same time, inexpensive. Its price varies from 20 to 30 rubles.

    Super clean consists of sodium alkali, it perfectly breaks down both papillomas and viral warts on the fingers, but again, it is important to treat skin areas very carefully, avoiding getting the product on undamaged areas. If sharp pain occurs, you should immediately rinse the skin with running water and lubricate it with anti-burn ointment.

Flat (youth)

Given type of skin growths can affect any part of the body: face, legs, but especially often, fingers.

They are represented by small warts on the hands (no more than 5 mm), growths in the form of flat nodules of pinkish or brown tints.

As a rule, skin deformities flat type appear in adolescents during puberty with a sharp hormonal imbalance. Among all existing ones, they are the easiest to treat.

Warts arise under stress, hypothermia or sunstroke, failure of the hormonal and endocrine systems.

Flat warts can be treated well with both medication and folk remedies.

From traditional methods Treatments include lotions made from onion or garlic juice, or Kalanchoe juice.

Recipes mass, and here a person already chooses based on personal preferences and lack of intolerance to a particular product.


Filiform warts- these are small growths, in most cases affecting the fingers, reaching a size of 4-6 mm.

Important! The danger of the filamentous type is that the slightest disruption of the wart thread leads to the appearance of several similar lesions at once.

Reasons for the appearance There may be several thread-like growths:

  • Frequent wearing of tight clothes or shoes made of non-natural, synthetic materials;
  • Microscopic injuries;
  • Hereditary factor.

Whatever the reason, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist who will prescribe competent, consistent treatment.

Firstly, it is necessary recognize a wart, understand that this is precisely this disease, and not, for example, a mole, cellular carcinomas or epidermal nevus.

After all, if warts can be removed in one way or another, then moles should not be touched under any circumstances, otherwise it can lead to very serious consequences, including severe bleeding or even cancer.

Also epidermal nevus and other serious dermatological diseases, they require a completely different therapeutic approach, and missing treatment time can lead to irreversible consequences.

Important! You should not rely only on the external signs of a wart (color, shape, sometimes itching), because other skin diseases have similar symptoms. Diagnosis is carried out by dermatologists who conduct a series of studies, based on the results of which a diagnosis is made, and according to it - competent treatment.

Usually carried out histological examination: wart fragments are taken, which give a 100% accurate diagnosis. Dermatologists often refer patients for an HPV test, which includes a blood test and a dermatological test.

In cases where the doctor doubts whether it is a wart or a malignant formation, a biopsy. This is a painful procedure, but it gives the correct picture of the disease to within a thousandth of a percent. When it comes to human health, any mistake can be fatal.

If the study has proven the presence of a filamentous wart, then either medication is prescribed treatment, or procedural. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is suggested, a section that is performed under local anesthesia.

Nail area

This type of growth is often confused with nail fungus, which slows down the treatment process: antifungal agents have no effect on slowing down the growth of warts,
whereas action here needs to be taken urgently in order to avoid the development of the disease to the pathological stage, in which all nails and the surrounding nail space are affected and destroyed.

Causes diseases lie in disorders of the hormonal and immune systems. Nail warts also appear upon contact with a source of infection or when hygiene rules are violated.

Treatment is quite lengthy and includes both a procedural stage and a medicinal stage.

Senile keratomas (seborrheic keratosis)

Unfortunately, no person over fifty years of age is protected from the occurrence of this disease.

If the previous types are associated with a viral infection in the body, then keratomas appear completely for other reasons, the main of which is internal imbalance, decreased immune system, changes in hormonal and endocrine systems.

Keratomas can develop on any part of the body, but most often on the cheekbones, eyelids, and hands. People prone to seborrheic keratosis should avoid direct sunlight, overheating, as well as hypothermia, and stress.

Otherwise, warts increase in size and new growths appear. Keratomas look like loose keratinized lesions, gray, brown, and less often black.

Keratomas are easily removed folk remedies, in particular, they can be split onion juice. But still, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist.

ATTENTION: Never try to cut off warts yourself. At best, this will lead to a sharp increase in formation and the appearance of new ones, at worst - to bleeding or cancer.

Now you know which one danger are warts. Don't delay treatment. And finally, all we can do is wish you health and goodness!

To learn more about the types of warts on the hands, you can watch the video:

What to do if a plantar wart appears

Among all the varieties of warts, plantar warts are perhaps the most unpleasant.

In addition to their very unsightly appearance, they also cause discomfort comparable to the feeling of stepping on a small pebble with your bare foot.

What can cause a plantar wart to grow, how to avoid its appearance or get rid of it quickly? Let's take a closer look.


Medicine knows several types of skin growths called warts:

  • vulgar– small growths with a hemispherical hard surface, usually growing on the fingers and hands, but can appear on the knees and toes;
  • flat– protruding spots of a round shape, appear in adolescence;
  • plantar(spikes , « chicken butt") - dense round growths on the bottom of the foot and toes;
  • filiform– elastic thin growths that appear on the face and in the folds of the skin;
  • genital warts– elastic growths in the form of cones or cauliflower, affecting the mucous membranes of the intimate area and genital organs;
  • senile Warts (age-related keratomas) are dark spots covered with greasy scales that appear on the skin of people aged 40 years and older.

Of all the listed types, only senile warts are caused by functional disorders in the skin.

All other growths are of viral origin.



A wart can appear on any part of the human body, including mucous membranes.

  • Internal organs were no exception. Papillomas (the same warts) are found on the bladder and in the ducts of the mammary glands.
  • These growths are least common on the back, on the outer side of the thighs and lower legs, shoulder and forearm, and scalp. All other areas in contact with objects of the surrounding world or people can equally become their target.
  • Very often, skin growths are localized on the face, neck, hands and legs. Here you can find vulgar, flat warts and spines. Plantar warts are named so because they appear on the foot. But there are cases when similar growths affect the fingers.
  • Skin folds have favorable conditions for the development of warts - warmth and moisture. Therefore, thin, thread-like growths can be found here.
  • Genital warts, in addition to the penis and vagina, can grow on the labia, perineum, around and inside the anus.

Causes of plantar warts

The causes of plantar and other types of warts have long been discovered by scientists.

This is the human papillomavirus (HPV).

It penetrates the skin cell, inserts its genome into its nucleus and causes it to change functions.

Outside the human body, the virus quickly dies. But heat and high humidity can prolong its viability.

  • Therefore, a common route of infection with plantar warts is the floor, benches and handrails in swimming pools, common showers, and baths.
  • At the same time, walking barefoot on the beaches does not threaten the appearance of plantar growths. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the virus dies instantly.

Risk factors

Factors that increase the likelihood of infection include the following:

  • foot skin injuries;
  • weakened immunity.

If the sole is protected by shoes, this does not at all exclude its injury.

Photo: wearing tight shoes made of artificial fabrics contributes to infection

On the contrary, tight, uncomfortable shoes cause coarsening of the skin of the feet and cause congestion.

  • Microcracks may appear on it, which take longer to heal under such conditions.
  • And if your feet also sweat a lot, then the conditions for the development of the virus are most favorable.

In this case, immunity can have its say.

It has been noticed that a healthy body, not weakened by diseases or other unfavorable factors, can resist the virus for a very long time and prevent the formation of growths.

Whereas someone who is struggling with other diseases or is under constant nervous tension gives up very quickly.

Are they dangerous?

For the most part, warts are harmless; they very rarely develop into malignant tumors.

  • But growths on the mucous membranes tend to provoke changes in the surrounding tissues, which can then turn into cancer. Therefore, if they are detected, it would be useful to visit a doctor, at least for your own peace of mind.
  • The main danger from plantar warts is pain when walking. If the wart gets bigger, the pain will increase.

It can go away on its own, but few people want to wait for it. Mostly, people quickly consult a doctor or try to remove it on their own.


The manifestations of plantar warts increase gradually.

Photo: this is what a plantar wart looks like

  • Initially, a small lump appears on the foot, which many people mistake for a callus or corn.
  • Then a rough area forms in its center.
  • The edges of the wart begin to rise slightly above the skin in the form of a roller formed by keratinized skin cells.
  • A person may experience itching because the hard growth puts pressure on the receptors of the surrounding skin, irritating them. Pain is associated with a thick layer of skin compaction. When walking, the wart, which grows quite deeply inward, compresses the nerve endings, so the pain when walking is sharp, stabbing.
  • Black dots can be seen among the thin growths in the center of the wart. These are small blood vessels that were located deep in the skin, but were crushed by the growing wart.

Should I go to the doctor?

In principle, you can deal with the thorn on your own at home, and if it doesn’t bother you, then just wait. Perhaps the growth will go away on its own.

But in some situations it is better to consult a specialist.

Photo: examination and dermatoscopy of growths on the foot

This is especially necessary if:

  • the wart causes discomfort when walking;
  • hurts or manifests itself in other sensations;
  • the size of the growth exceeds 1 cm in diameter;
  • several daughter outgrowths appeared next to the first one;
  • you have doubts that it is a wart.

In all these cases, home methods may not be effective.


Usually, to diagnose plantar growths, it is enough to contact a dermatologist and conduct a visual examination.

But sometimes you have to use additional methods:

  • To better examine the tumor, the dermatologist carefully scrapes off the upper keratinized scales. The presence of thrombosed capillaries confirms that it is a wart;
  • PCR diagnostics detects the presence of papilloma virus;
  • An ultrasound may be prescribed to determine the depth of the growth. His data will be needed to select a treatment method;
  • sometimes plantar growths resemble manifestations of syphilis. Then an examination for this disease is required.

Such extensive diagnostics are used only in complex cases.

Video: “Plantar wart - laser treatment”


Treatment of plantar growths, like other warts, is best done comprehensively.

Of course, the main thing in it is removal.

Why do flat warts appear on the face?

How to remove a wart on a finger? Find out here.

But to prevent relapses, we must not forget about antiviral drugs.

You should also act in other directions: improve your diet with healthy foods and strengthen hygiene procedures.


Some pharmaceutical products are very good for removing growths on the foot.

There are several groups of such drugs:

  • antiviral. Effective only for young growths or in the treatment of children. They help to gently remove the wart without leaving scars;
  • necrotizing. These are Ferezol, Verrukacid, Solcoderm. Plus, they are short or even one-time use, and the effectiveness is quite high. To apply the products, use either the included applicators or cotton swabs or wooden swabs. Contact with healthy skin should be avoided;
  • keratolytic. They dissolve the coarsened hard layers of the growth and promote its gradual exfoliation. Usually these are products based on salicylic acid, but may also contain other acids and alkalis: Supercleaner, Collomak, Duofilm, Wartner pen applicator, Salicylic acid, Salicylic ointment;
  • drugs with cryotherapy effect. These are Cryopharma and Wartner Cryo - aerosols containing a freezing substance. Specially designed for vulgar and plantar warts.
  • plasters. You can use any intended for dry calluses. They gradually soften the growth, and when changing the patch, the upper scales are scraped off. You can wear them around the clock, changing them once a day. The most popular is Salipod, but others can be used.

Photo: using a callus patch

Removal methods

How to get rid of warts quickly?

Various medical institutions offering growth removal services will help with this.

  • There are many specialized clinics in Moscow that will help solve this problem.
  • But it is better to discuss the choice of method with your doctor, because not everyone is suitable for plantar growths.

Modern medicine uses the following techniques:

  • removal with liquid nitrogen. As a result of exposure to this substance, the wart instantly freezes and dies. This is evidenced by a change in its color (it becomes white-gray). But due to the difficulty of adjusting the depth of treatment, cryotherapy has an increased risk of relapse;

  • electrocoagulation. This is an effect of electric current, as a result of which the growth is completely burned out. It is not often used for plantar growths because the recovery period is painful, meaning it will be difficult to step on the foot for several days;
  • radio wave method. This is cutting out a growth under the influence of radio wave radiation (radio knife). This method eliminates the development of bleeding or infection. But when removing plantar warts, it is not very popular, despite positive reviews;
  • laser removal. It is based on the action of laser radiation that vaporizes wart cells. The growth is completely removed, the risk of relapse is minimal. This method is very popular due to the speed of the procedure, its painlessness and safety;
  • surgical method. It involves cutting out the growth with a scalpel. It is used only for large warts or large areas of damage. But when used against plantar growths, a person’s mobility will be limited for some time.

It is very important to make sure that there are no contraindications to removing warts in a certain way; sometimes additional research is required.

But all of them are the key to not only the success, but also the safety of the chosen procedure.

In children

In children starting from the age of 5, plantar warts are a common occurrence.

Of course, not all methods of their treatment used for adults can be used in this case.

  • It is better to use antiviral ointments from pharmaceutical drugs. They rarely cause side effects and are the safest.
  • The growth in a child can be removed using traditional methods. For children's skin, it is better to use the mildest products. If a burning sensation or severe redness occurs, it is better to cancel the procedure and choose another recipe.

Of the radical treatment methods for children, laser is the most suitable; it is fast and painless.

Folk remedies

Many folk recipes exist specifically for plantar warts. Here are some of them:

  • tie a piece of garlic to the wart overnight;

  • you can lubricate the spine with celandine juice 2 times a day, it helps very quickly, within a week;
  • baths with thyme are made every other day, a glass of dry herb is poured with 2 liters of boiling water and infused, feet are steamed in the broth for 30 minutes - an hour, 5-6 procedures are enough;

  • take an equal amount of copper sulfate and butter, mix and apply to the wart, cover the skin around it with a bandage, bandage it and leave it overnight, you may feel a slight burning sensation;
  • a very strong remedy - a cake made from vinegar mixed with flour, it is applied to the wart at night, protecting healthy skin.

All traditional methods will be more effective if you first steam the wart and peel off the top layer.


If you know why warts appear, then you can derive simple rules that will help protect yourself from becoming infected with them:

Photo: Walking without shoes in the pool contributes to infection

  • do not walk barefoot in swimming pools, baths, saunas, showers, use personal rubber slippers;
  • Maintain good foot hygiene by changing your socks daily;
  • comfortable shoes that do not squeeze or rub the foot are the key to healthy feet;
  • Do not scratch or touch warts with unprotected hands to avoid spreading the infection to healthy areas.


More than half of plantar warts that appear will go away on their own.

But not many can calmly wait for this moment due to discomfort.

These growths respond well to treatment.

But no method or recipe guarantees 100% absence of relapse.

This does not depend on the chosen method of wart removal, but on the state of the immune system and the activity of the virus.

Wart (Verruca) can also be called Wart, and in the plural – Verrucae. Basically, it is a benign formation on the skin, which is of viral etiology. This skin formation looks like a papilla or nodule. Various viruses can cause warts, which are called human papillomatosis, abbreviated as . This infection can be transmitted through the belongings of an infected person or through direct contact with a carrier. But sometimes the pathogen exists perfectly in the affected human body, without revealing itself, but it can be transferred to another carrier and develops in his body and appears as a wart formation.

Common reasons for the formation of all types of warts on the skin

Factors that contribute to the formation of warts on the human body can be:

  • general decrease in immunity or a particular organ;
  • mental disorder of the nervous system and constant stress;
  • vegetative neurosis or vegetative dystonia, which occurs in cases where a disease of tissues or organs occurs due to damage to both the dynamic and functional nervous system responsible for autonomic processes;
  • insufficient blood supply to small capillaries, causing bluish skin and acrocyanosis;
  • excessive and constant sweating on the hands and soles.

This type of wart is called seborrheic wart or keratoma. It is a benign formation that occurs in patients whose age begins at 40 years and does not have a viral etiology. A characteristic feature of senile warts is their reduced growth rate, which can even last for decades. Usually, at the very beginning, a small speck of brown color forms on the skin. Then, over time, it begins to grow, often reaching 6-10 mm in diameter. The surface of senile warts is covered with crusts that are permeated with sebum - seborrheic scales. Such crusts are removed quite easily and under them growths in the form of papillae are found.

But when the final stage of wart development is reached, that is, its growth has completed, such a nodule already rises slightly above the skin, taking on a rich shade - mostly dark brown, grayish and even black. The crusts that covered the surface become compacted and cracks begin to cut through them. The concentration of such warts is in areas of the body hidden under clothing, although in some patients, senile nodules form on the surface of the face, arms and legs, on the neck and on the hairy area of ​​the head.

It often happens that in fairly elderly patients, age-related nodules begin to merge into one tumor. It is important at this stage that the dermatologist accurately distinguishes seborrheic keratoma from a pigment spot called Clark's diplastic nevus, which also has the form of a warty formation with a diameter exceeding 5 mm and is characterized by an intradermal accumulation of melanocytes. This disease can develop into melanoma, that is, a malignant tumor. But there are cases when a senile wart can degenerate into melanoma.

5. Filiform warts

This type of wart on the skin is also called in medicine papillomas or acrochords. People who have crossed the 40-year mark suffer from such formations on the skin, but most often elderly patients. It is important that they are promptly distinguished from molluscum contagiosum. Filiform warts are papules that are soft to the touch and vary in color from flesh-colored to dark brown. Occasionally, a small “leg” may be present. The places of their formation on the surface of the neck, the skin of the eyelids or the armpit, can be found in the groin area and in women under the mammary glands.

Typically, a filamentous wart varies in size between 1-4 mm, but can reach 3 cm or more in diameter. Since there is a feature of self-infection (or as it is also called autoinoculation), it is confirmed that such a wart arose on the human body during a viral infection, which can be combined with diabetes mellitus or the patient’s weight is too high (obesity), and can occur during pregnancy or when a woman reaches menopause. The last two factors indicate the presence of a hormonal component of the disease. They differ from other types of warts in that they can easily spread to adjacent skin and merge with each other to form tumors. Recurrences are also observed after removal of such nodules.

6. Genital warts

They are called in dermatology pointed condylomas or genital warts. This type of wart formation is highlighted in a separate section, since they can form at the entrance to the vagina, near the coronal groove of the penis, near the anus, and the place of their formation can also be the internal areas of the foreskin. Occasionally, the patient may find them in the folds of the inguinal-femoral part, near the mammary glands or near the hollows of the armpits. Pointed warts look very much like a cockscomb or cauliflower, as they appear in large numbers, they rise slightly above the surface of the skin and almost merge with its color or take on a dark brown tint. May cause pain during sexual intercourse or during bowel movements.

Infection occurs due to HPV, but intimate warts are mainly transmitted through sexual contact. Occasionally, specialists or patients may find such formations in the oral cavity. It is important for a dermatologist to distinguish condylomas from diseases with similar symptoms, such as secondary syphilis, which causes condylomas lata. The latter are more dense and have a wide, hard base.

Video about the types of warts (papillomas): simple, plantar, flat, pointed, filiform, senile: (said by a practicing dermatovenerologist: Makarchuk Vyacheslav Vasilyevich):

Watch the video from the program “Live Healthy!” removing warts and moles at home:

Often, after a fleeting glance by an inexperienced person at a small skin growth, a simple everyday diagnosis is announced: “”.

Ignorance of the true face of a wart is fraught with destruction if a harmless neoplasm is mistaken for a malignant one.

On the genitals

  • regular and flat;
  • and pointed;
  • plantar and;
  • other .

The growth of the formation may be exophytic(outside) or endophytic(into the underlying tissues).

The roots of the “endophytic” plantar spine grow inward under pressure from walking, irritating the nerve endings and causing pain. The outward growing roots of an ordinary, flat wart or condyloma give the neoplasm a villous appearance.

Under a microscope

Having looked at what a wart looks like under a microscope (photo below), you can see that its mass is based on intensively dividing cells of the granular layer of the skin. The cells are enveloped in a rich network of dilated blood vessels, forming together the roots through which the wart feeds. If the stratum corneum is damaged, capillaries may rupture so warts are easy.

Let's find out what a wart looks like: photo under a microscope.

Some people think that there are no special problems and do not see a doctor for a long time. The longer the process is delayed, the more difficult it is to treat a wart. And it doesn’t matter what worries you, a simple wart on your arm or a papilloma in the genital area.

In both cases, a visit to the doctor should not be postponed also for the reason that any benign tumor can, after some time, degenerate into a malignant one. Also, a specialist who treats warts will suggest methods of elimination. He will explain the difference from papillomas and what they have in common.

The formation of warts is caused by the human papillomavirus.

  • It affects cells of the skin or mucous epithelium.
  • Its dimensions are so small that they allow it to penetrate inside the cell.
  • The virus rearranges its functionality to suit its needs, the main one of which is reproduction.
  • The cell is dividing rapidly, and each new element already carries the genome of the virus.

Photo: contact route of transmission of the virus

A wart or papilloma is a benign growth caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Such formations can appear anywhere on the skin: on the arms, legs, face, genitals and even in the mouth.

Warts can also look completely different. Why are formations caused by one virus so different from each other?

There are over 120 types of HPV. They have a lot in common: the virus only affects people (animal papillomatosis is not dangerous for people), is localized on the skin or mucous membranes without entering the body further, appears on the skin due to scratches, injuries and other damage, and affects people with reduced immune defenses.

However, although all types of HPV have only one symptom - warts, growths on the body differ in appearance and location depending on the type of virus.

In most cases, a qualified dermatologist can determine by eye the type of wart, the type of virus that caused it and, accordingly, will be able to understand the properties and prognosis regarding the further development of the process.

Reasons for appearance

The growths are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).

In total, more than 100 varieties of the virus are known that cause the growth of one or another type of wart.

  • Some types of HPV are non-oncogenic and cause the growth of benign tumors.
  • Others belong to the HPV groups of low or high oncogenic risk and can give rise to malignant processes (cervical cancer, genital cancer in men).

The virus enters the body in several ways:

  • contact-household method - through damage to the skin through direct contact with a carrier of infection or through the use of contaminated household items, clothing, shoes;
  • sexual;

  • from mother to baby during childbirth.

The reasons for the appearance of various types of skin formations may be the following factors:

The main cause of wart formation is the human papillomavirus (HPV).

The cause of warts lies in the human papillomavirus (HPV).

It has many varieties. Each is characterized by features specific in appearance and location.

Infection occurs from person to person through contact between them or when sharing certain objects.

Photo: you can become infected through contact with a virus carrier

Indirect factors of infection transmission can be called:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin (scratches, cuts, abrasions, diaper rash);
  • weakened immunity.

The virus is transmitted not only in everyday life, but also through sexual contact.

  • It can accompany other sexually transmitted diseases or develop against their background.
  • Transmission of infection is possible when a child passes through the birth canal if the mother is infected.

The main factor in the appearance of warts is the papilloma virus. You can become infected with it from early childhood. And it may appear in a few years.

The microbe will wait for the moment when the immunity weakens. Then the time will come for the virus to manifest itself. It provokes the growth of skin cells to certain sizes in different places.


A growth on the skin in the form of a wart (photo can be seen below) can have a different structure, color, size and shape.

It is these characteristics that underlie the classification of neoplasms, according to which they are divided into seven types.

We emphasize that “real” warts are considered to be those formations that are of a viral nature. Let's look at what types of warts there are.

  • Common (vulgar) warts

This type of wart usually appears on the back of the hands and fingers and toes. They look like nodules of varying diameters, identical to the color of the skin (in rare cases, grayish or brownish).

Their treatment is not always effective, but they can “disappear” on their own over time.

There are several types of warts, each of which not only has a similar appearance, but also prefers certain areas of the body:

  • ordinary (simple, vulgar) - these small dense growths that have a spherical surface can be found on the finger or the back of the hand;

  • flat (youthful) - appear more often in adolescents or young adults, are round or irregularly shaped spots that are localized on the face, sometimes on the upper back, neck;
  • plantar (pinuses, “chicken butt”) - round hard growths on the feet, the surface consists of individual outgrowths-scales, between which black dots are visible (traces of thrombosed small vessels);

  • filamentous - these are papillomas that have a soft but elastic structure, grow up to 0.5 cm in length, have a thin base, they can be found in the folds of the skin or on the face;

    anogenital, venereal warts) - cone-shaped formations that appear in the intimate area or anus, sometimes have the appearance of cauliflower.

Previously, other types of formations were considered as warts, which modern medicine classifies as other manifestations not related to the papilloma virus. In their case, there is a high risk of a malignant phase, so if it appears, you should consult an oncologist. These include:

Currently, there are 4 types of skin tumors. Depending on the location, as well as other features, they have different sizes, shapes, etc.

Before starting treatment for such warts, it is imperative to identify their type, as well as the cause of its appearance. Moreover, only the attending physician should do this.

A person may encounter the following types of warts:

  1. ordinary. The most common type of papillomas can appear on the finger, the back of the hands, on the elbows, knees, and face. Often such formations appear near the nail plate, which can provoke its deformation. They are hard to the touch and have a grayish or yellowish appearance;
  2. flat. They can appear on the leg, arms, face, have a small diameter and practically do not rise above the surface of the skin. In most cases, such papillomas immediately appear in groups. The color can be pinkish or flesh-colored;
  3. palmoplantar. Such growths appear on the foot or palm. Plantar warts cause more problems for their owner, as they are subject to pressure when walking. Because of this, their root grows deeper into the dermis, which causes even more discomfort when walking. They are yellow, gray or almost black in color. Due to the strong proliferation of the epithelium, they can resemble calluses;
  4. genital. They may appear on the labia, penis, inguinal folds, and near the anus. They grow in the form of genital warts and are usually flesh-colored and soft in consistency. If such formations appear on the labia majora of a pregnant woman, then during natural delivery the child is likely to become infected with HPV;
  5. keratomas. They are also called senile warts because they only appear in older people. They most often appear on the face, neck, back and chest, but can also be localized in other parts of the body. They can reach a very large size. Color ranges from gray and brown to deep black, rough to the touch.

Any type of wart can be treated well, the main thing is to choose the right removal technique or drugs for cauterization and immunocorrection.

There are several main types of warts that can be safely removed by a cosmetologist and dermatologist. They do not pose any danger other than the inconvenience of a cosmetic defect.

Types of such warts:

  • ordinary (simple);
  • youth (flat);
  • plantar (palm);
  • filamentous (acrochords);
  • genital (condylomas);
  • senile.

Common warts

Usually found on the surfaces of the hands and feet, on the back of the fingers. They usually range in size from 1 to 10 mm and may disappear spontaneously or after treatment.

This type of wart may appear as single or multiple growths on the skin. The color is usually yellowish-gray, the surface is rough and dense.

One wart that appears can subsequently grow several more, uniting into extensive plaques. They can cause pain when walking if they are on the surface of the feet.

Juvenile warts

Modern medical classification distinguishes the following types of warts:

  • flat warts (or juvenile warts),
  • ordinary or vulgar warts and their variety - plantar warts (or spinules),
  • filiform warts (or acrochords),
  • genital warts (or genital warts),
  • senile warts, or age-related (or seborrheic keratosis).

Let me remind you that the cause of the appearance of warts on the skin is different types of human papillomavirus. Read more about HPV

Flat warts (juvenile)

Read more about flat warts here.

  • flat view,
  • flesh-colored or light brown,
  • 1-2 mm rising above the surface of the skin,
  • located on the face or back of the hands,
  • appear in children and adolescents, in the area of ​​skin irritation, cuts, scratches.

These are flat warts on the face

Common warts (vulgar)

Detailed article about vulgar warts - go

  • This type of wart also appears more often in young people.
  • Another name is simple warts.
  • They are rounded elevations on the skin, up to 5 mm in height, initially flesh-colored, and then grayish or brown in color, gradually growing.
  • A small “daughter” wart may appear next to the large “mother” wart.

Vulgar warts on the fingers

Another type of common wart (photo below) is plantar. It is also called “spike”.

These varieties are located on the sole of the foot or on the palm. And they look like a thorn grown on the skin, dense, slightly painful, sometimes making it difficult to walk, since it is painful for a person to step on this place.

Plantar warts of different locations

Filiform warts (papillomas, or acrochords)

These types are located:

  • on the face
  • on the neck,
  • in the armpit areas,
  • under the mammary glands in women.

They are rounded elevations above the skin, on a thin stalk (see photo).

As a result of HPV activity, the following types of warts may appear:

The ICD is a classification of various diseases.

It is revised internationally from time to time, including or relocating certain diseases.

This is due to the development of medicine and new discoveries in it.

The ICD 10th revision is currently used. Warts are also included among other diseases.

You can find them using the following codes:

  • viral warts – B07;
  • venereal warts – A63.0;
  • bladder papillomas – D3;
  • cervical papillomas – D0;
  • laryngeal papillomas – D1;
  • seborrheic keratosis – L

Color, size, location will help you visually determine what type of growths they are. Let's take a closer look at all types of warts:


They are easy to recognize by the following signs:

  • nodules with clear contours along the edge;
  • size - about the size of a pea;
  • color – from yellowish to gray or flesh-colored;
  • to the touch - a rough, heterogeneous surface.

Visually, only a small part of the wart can be seen. Its roots go deep under the skin. Characteristic of a simple type of growth is the presence of multiple rashes. A whole conglomerate may appear near one.

Signs of HPV infection

How can you identify a wart? If new growths appear on the skin in the form of single or multiple rashes, this is a cause for concern.

If after accidental unprotected sexual intercourse a pimple pops up in the genital area, be sure to see a doctor. For the most part, warts do not hurt, do not itch during growth, and do not cause any particular trouble. The exception is plantar warts.


  • Typically, a wart is a lump-shaped formation, round or oval, elongated.

Photo: this is what a common wart looks like

  • The surface of the growths is rough, less often smooth.
  • The shade of the wart may not differ from the color of the skin, but may be darker or lighter.
  • There are also growths of pink, dark brown and black color.
  • Some of them cause pain and itching.

It is important to understand that some malignant skin diseases have a similar presentation.

Such pathologies include: epidermal nevus, molluscum contagiosum, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma.

In addition, there are other growths that can be mistaken for a wart. This:

  • dry calluses;
  • moles;
  • birthmarks.

At the site of the future wart, a lump first appears on the skin.

  • It may resemble a callus or be nodular in nature. It depends on the type of growth.
  • The wart grows quite quickly and reaches its size within a month (usually no more than 1 cm in diameter).

These growths usually do not cause pain, itching or other symptoms.

Photo: visual examination of the patient by a doctor

Typically, the appearance of warts is not accompanied by specific symptoms, and the patient may not even notice them at first (for example, a small papilloma on the back or a millimeter-sized papule between the toes).

But when a wart grows in size, it can cause some discomfort.

  • More often, when you press on such growths, pain appears; plantar papilloma can be especially disturbing.
  • If genital warts have grown in an intimate place, they may itch. But you shouldn’t do this, since scratching them can lead to infection and inflammation.

What do warts look like?

  • They have a rough surface and can be pinkish, yellow, gray, or flesh-colored.
  • Black dots – thrombosed capillaries – are clearly visible on their surface.
  • The size of such growths can reach 1 cm, but more often they do not exceed 2-5 mm.
  • New warts look like smooth, shiny papules, but as they grow, the stratum corneum becomes thicker and the papillomas acquire an uneven surface.

You can see what a wart on a finger looks like in the following photo:

  • Flat warts practically do not protrude above the skin; their color is often light brown or pink.
  • Their surface is quite smooth and there are no black spots.
  • The genital formations have an elongated shape, they are soft to the touch and do not hurt when pressed.


If new growths appear on the skin, you should consult a doctor.

Only a specialist knows exactly how to distinguish a benign formation from cancer. Diagnosis is carried out by visual inspection.

But if necessary, he may prescribe additional studies:

  1. PCR analysis, which determines the quantitative content and type of virus;
  2. dermoscopy - examination of growth tissue under a microscope;
  3. histological examination of the tissues of the removed tumor - to confirm the malignant process and determine its stage.

To diagnose warts, a visual examination by a specialist is sufficient.

Sometimes a dermatoscope is used, which allows you to examine the tumor in detail.

But in the case of genital warts, a number of additional studies are always carried out.

This is necessary, first of all, for the early detection of precancerous conditions.

The following methods are used:

Usually, a doctor can easily identify a wart by its appearance and papillary-like surface.

  • But sometimes dermatoscopy is required, when the growth is examined under a light microscope.
  • To confirm the viral etiology of the tumor, a PCR test may be prescribed.
  • In particularly difficult cases, a tissue biopsy of the skin growth is necessary, which will help differentiate a wart from a mole or skin cancer.

For diagnosis, it is better to contact a specialist. Usually it does not cause difficulties even with visual inspection.

Additional diagnostic measures include:

  • dermatoscopy - examination of the growth in an enlarged form using a special device;

Photo: examination of the tumor using a dermatoscope


Pharmacy drugs

When treating with pharmaceutical drugs, carefully read the instructions and follow them strictly. What do pharmacy chains offer today? There is a large selection - ointments, creams, gels, sprays, tablets, aerosols.

Treatment of neoplasms is carried out comprehensively, including:

Treatment is necessary, first of all, for those warts that cause psychological discomfort or are located in places of injury and rubbing with clothing and shoes.

The following methods can be used for this:

  • conservative treatment;
  • elimination with the help of pharmaceutical drugs;

Photo: pharmaceutical products for cauterizing growths

Modern methods

Removal of warts in medical institutions is performed using one of the following methods:

  • cryodestruction - removal with liquid nitrogen. The wart is instantly frozen. Then the thawing process occurs, but the vital activity of its cells is not restored. The method is especially suitable for keratinized growths that are not very deep in the skin;

  • electrocoagulation- a method of cauterizing growths with high temperature. It is safe in terms of bleeding or infection, but is not suitable for sensitive areas of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • radio wave method - using this method, the wart is cut out of the skin without damaging adjacent tissues. There is no risk of bleeding or infection, and the material can be sent for histological examination;

  • laser is the most popular method that leaves no traces after removing a wart. It is often used in children as a quick and painless method. This technique is almost universal and has few contraindications;
  • excision - performed with a surgical scalpel. Used only when indicated, when it is difficult to remove using other methods (for example, with large warts or a large affected area).

All methods allow you to quickly get rid of growths.

But each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is better to choose them on the recommendation of a specialist.

The causes and treatment of warts on the hands are similar to those for plantar warts. Therefore, the same methods are applied to these varieties.

Folk remedies

At home, you can use folk remedies.

The ingredients for such recipes are easy to find, and their effectiveness is sometimes surprising.

The most commonly used recipes are:

  • celandine Its fresh juice has a cauterizing effect, so it should be applied directly to the growth once a day;

Photo: cauterization of a tumor with celandine juice

  • A good remedy for growths is the juice of dandelion, milkweed, ripe rowan fruits, sour apples, lemon, onions and garlic. You should lubricate the wart with them at least 3 times a day;

Photo: removing plantar growths with garlic

  • You can remove hard growths on your hands and feet using vinegar. You just need to drop it on the wart. For the best effect, make applications from vinegar mixed with flour. You should get a pasty dough. It is applied to the growth and, after drying, bandaged overnight;
  • For wart cakes, a garlic-lemon mixture is also used. Rub the garlic on a fine grater and add the same amount of lemon juice. Knead with flour until thick. Apply to the growth overnight;
  • Horseradish juice has a cauterizing effect. The root can be finely grated and mixed with salt. Such applications at night will quickly remove the wart.

When looking for an effective way to get rid of a wart, choose the safest one.

According to the lunar calendar

Don't forget to look at the lunar calendar.

  • It is very important to choose the right moon phase for treating warts.
  • It should begin on the waning moon.
  • When treatment is started at a young month, the risk of relapse increases, or the result may be completely absent.
  • If the treatment is carried out for a long time, then a break should be taken during the new moon.

Also, you cannot continue exposure during the full moon and three days before it begins.

Now you know what warts are, what they look like, why they appear and how to protect yourself from them. All that remains is to find out what measures should be taken if you already have such formations.

Treatment of warts begins with safe and inexpensive methods, most often these are traditional medicine. Unfortunately, not all of them are effective. Therefore, if simple methods do not help, they immediately move on to more expensive and aggressive interventions.

There are several medical ways to get rid of skin diseases. The best decision would be to see a dermatologist. After an examination, such a specialist usually prescribes medications that boost immunity and calm the nerves. The doctor may also recommend taking vitamin complexes.

If you decide to get rid of warts using radical methods, then only a doctor can correctly determine which of the existing methods is most suitable for you (cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, laser coagulation, surgical excision, chemical methods).

Getting rid of a wart on an arm, leg or any other place involves a complex of drug and hardware therapy, which together give positive results.

Only a doctor should choose removal methods and preparations for cauterizing such growths, since some of them have contraindications and features of use.


To remove warts, you need not only local drugs, but also antiviral and immunomodulating tablets, which will help eradicate the cause of the appearance of tumors.

Therefore, first of all, the patient is prescribed one of the following drugs, selected individually:

  • Viferon;
  • Arbidol;
  • Isoprinosine;
  • Immunal;
  • Lykopid and others.

Photo: chemical removal products

Local preparations for cauterization help to get rid of warts:

Positive results are given by drugs for cryodestruction (Cryopharma, Wartner), special pencils (Lapis, Wartner) and patches (Salipod, Ultra Profi Doctor House).

They give visible results after the first use.


Warts on the palm, foot, face and other areas of the skin can be completely eliminated in one procedure.

For this purpose, beauty salons offer hardware methods for getting rid of skin tumors:

  1. Laser therapy is a modern method that allows not only to remove the growth itself, but also to “seal” capillaries with a laser beam to prevent the spread of the virus through the blood. After this procedure, no trace remains on the skin;
  2. removal with a radio knife is a technique identical to the first method, but manipulations are carried out under the influence radio wave radiation. This procedure is not yet widespread, but is already in demand;
  3. electrocoagulation – burning out warts high frequency current. An inexpensive method of hardware removal of skin tumors;
  4. cryodestruction - freezing the wart under the influence of low temperatures. After cauterization with nitrogen, a bubble appears, under which healthy skin then forms.

In rare cases, surgical removal of the wart is required, but this method has one significant drawback - it leaves a scar.

Traditional methods

Traditional recipes can help in the fight against small papillomas:

  • lubricating the wart with celandine juice. The procedure should be repeated several times a day. After cauterization with celandine, the neoplasms disappear after 2-3 weeks;

  • soak a small onion in vinegar for 2 hours and apply a piece of it to the wart overnight, securing it with a band-aid;
  • crush a Kalanchoe leaf and apply to the growth overnight;
  • during the day, lubricate the wart with red rowan pulp;
  • drip garlic or onion juice onto the growth throughout the day; you can use vinegar for the same purpose.
  • Rub cement powder into the steamed wart.

Before using any of these methods, you should consult a dermatologist.

How to get rid of plantar

Since getting rid of plantar papilloma is the most difficult due to its constant rubbing and deep roots, experts recommend getting rid of such growths with a laser.

This technique will allow you to most accurately burn out the wart and restore the skin in a minimum period of time - only 5-7 days.

All types of warts listed in this article are not dangerous, so if there are no aggravating circumstances, then they can be removed at home.

The only danger lies in erroneously determining the type of formation. Without distinguishing them from moles, you can provoke the development of dangerous processes on the skin. Therefore, the first thing you need to do when planning to remove warts is to get confirmation from a specialist.

It's also important to understand that types of warts caused by the human papillomavirus will almost certainly go away on their own within a maximum of two years.

This may not happen only if the body's immune system does not do its job well, but then your problem goes beyond skin growths.

The decision to remove the growth is completely justified if it:

  • creates psychological discomfort and interferes with communication with others with a repulsive appearance;
  • causes physical pain or severe discomfort;
  • increases in size, bleeds, changes color or shape (should only be removed under medical supervision!)

Before removing a skin tag, all conditions must be assessed. There are more and less aggressive methods.

Strong drugs such as Cantharidin, Superclean and many others are not suitable for removing warts on the face, since their use may leave a scar.

Less effective remedies, such as ordinary celandine juice or an ointment based on salicylic acid, cope with their task a little longer and remove the growth within a month.

It is no less important than on the face not to damage the skin on the legs, especially on the feet, since wounds after plantar warts can limit the ability to move as much as the growths themselves.

It is safest to remove warts on the hands, where the skin is strong enough and the risk of pain is low.

Before smearing anything on the wart, it is advisable to keep it in warm water for 15 - 20 minutes, then wipe it dry and apply the selected drug precisely.

The procedure should be repeated daily until the growth is completely eliminated. Between applications, dead skin should be removed each time.

Another method - adhesive tape (electrical tape) - causes confusion among doctors who cannot explain how the product helps.

Some don’t even make such attempts, others attribute the result to the placebo effect, but the fact remains: with the use of duct tape, in most cases, warts disappear within a month.

The advantage of the method is its simplicity - you just need to cover the wart and renew the sticker every six days.