Sputum in respiratory diseases. Treatment methods for rusty sputum depending on the cause Coughing with rusty sputum is typical for

M sputum is a mucous or other kind of exudate that accumulates in the structures of the bronchial tree under certain pathological conditions. According to medical statistics, rusty sputum occurs in approximately 5-7% of all patients who consult a pulmonologist. It is rusty in the literal sense, since we are talking about the oxidation of blood by mucous exudate and atmospheric air.

Another reason may be increased capillary permeability in smokers. This occurs everywhere and the more often, the longer the smoking history of a particular patient.

  • Pneumonia.

Pneumonia in the early stages. An intense cough reflex leads to rupture of small blood structures and the release of a small volume of hematological fluid into the bronchial tissue.

Manure is particularly rich, and human pollution occurs when it enters the body through a wound or injury. A spore, once entered into the body, becomes a bacterium as long as you find conditions favorable for its transformation. It is not the bacteria themselves that cause intoxication, but the toxin it produces, which circulates and is transported to all parts of the body very quickly.

The incubation period when it is infected varies from three days to three weeks, and the shorter the incubation period, the more virulent it will poison, which is unlikely to give the infected subject. The effect of the toxin is disruptive to the nervous system, its main target, as it blocks the action of neurotransmitters, and the subject contracting the infection will suffer from painful and uncontrollable spasms, which can also be caused by mild irritants.

The result is oxidation of the blood and gives it a brown, rusty hue. Most often we are talking about lobar pneumonia in the early stages of its course.

  • Bronchitis.

Much like pneumonia. Without objective research, it is simply impossible to distinguish one pathological condition from another. An x-ray is required, or even better, an MRI or CT scan.

Remedies, treatment and treatment against tetanus

The first symptom of a tetanic infection is trice, an uncontrolled contraction of the jaw that will prevent any movement and will be followed by stiffening of the neck, abdomen and entire body. A subject who contracts tetanus should be hospitalized immediately, as they will need to be intubated and anesthetized as the spasms may be such as to cause fractures.

In intensive care, the affected subject must be intervened for a long time, even weeks, as the toxin will remain attached to the nervous system for a long time and will take time before it can be completely eliminated.

  • Lung cancer.

Oncological pathologies are extremely common. According to medical statistics, lung cancer is among the leaders in incidence, being an almost absolute record holder. The reasons are subjective in most cases: frequent, systematic smoking in large volumes.

Research shows that an avid fan of “tarring” has several genetic mutations in the cellular apparatus of the bronchial epithelium. This is a direct path to malignant degeneration. Rusty sputum is observed only in the early stages, although this is not always true.

The only cure is prevention, that is, vaccination, which is currently included in the mandatory group for children under 7 years of age. If you are injured and a long period of time has passed since your vaccination or last call, you should vaccinate and also take a dose of immune serum because the vaccine will take too long to provide effective protection.

The presence of blood in sputum can be associated with a number of lung diseases. When blood in the sputum is in small quantities, in the form of threads, you speak of hemoptysis. Blood scars are a sign that necessarily requires medical treatment and a search for the cause.

  • Rusty sputum is characteristic of bronchiectasis.

Bronchiectasis is a pathological expansion of the alveolar structures of the bronchi. The essence of the process is to encapsulate a large amount of pus and oxidized blood in the indicated anatomical formations. Exudate in bronchiectasis is complex in nature and includes several layers of pus and blood. The color of sputum ranges from pale sand to rusty and dark brown.

What could be the causes of a blood clot? There are many possible causes of blood in sputum. Some of the most common. Fake hemorrhage occurs when blood in the sputum comes from the nose, tongue, or gums. Bleeding should also be distinguished from vomiting blood.

What tests are done if you have hemoptysis? People who complain of blood in their sputum require tests to determine how severe the bleeding is and whether the patient is at risk of breathing. The cause of the bleeding must be determined. Initially, the patient needs a thorough examination and assessment of his physical condition. A chest x-ray may reveal the presence of a lung mass or fluid accumulation in the lungs.

  • Pulmonary edema.

It is relatively rare and is more characterized by the release of fresh hematological fluid.

What other diseases cause rusty sputum? Definitely pulmonary tuberculosis. A very common pathology. But rusty sputum is released only in the early stages.

Diseases can only be differentiated through objective diagnosis. A component of the research is the assessment of associated symptoms.

Associated symptoms

Rusty sputum is never the only symptom of certain diseases. Most often we are talking about the following manifestations:

  • Hyperthermia. Simply put, an increase in body temperature. It is observed in the range from 37.1 to 39 degrees Celsius, depending on the nature of the current pathological process. With cancer, patients and doctors note constant hyperthermia at the level of low-grade fever. Infectious diseases are classified by high thermometer readings.
  • Pain syndrome behind the sternum. When inhaling and exhaling. A nonspecific manifestation, typical of many pathologies.
  • Respiratory failure. Shortness of breath, suffocation. Paroxysmal character or constant breathing problems. It all depends on the type of pathogenic process.
  • Heaviness in the chest, whistling, wheezing when breathing. Indicate narrowing of the bronchi due to stenosis or occlusion (blockage).

Thus, sputum is not the only symptom, but allows you to determine the vector for further diagnosis.


Diagnosis is carried out by pulmonologists and phthisiatricians if there is a suspected tuberculosis process. In the case of cancer, you cannot do without consulting an oncologist. At the initial appointment, the specialist interviews the patient about complaints, their nature, duration, and limitation. An anamnesis is collected, that is, the doctor determines what diseases the patient has suffered during his life.

It is important to identify the presence of a focus of chronic infectious damage in the body, contact with tuberculosis patients and other important factors.
To put an end to the issue of the origin of the symptom, a number of instrumental and laboratory studies are carried out aimed at differentiating individual diagnoses.

Accordingly, the following are required:

  1. Bronchoscopy. An absolutely necessary study aimed at identifying bronchial pathologies. The doctor can evaluate the condition of the anatomical structures with his own eyes.
  2. X-ray of the lungs. It is carried out first.
  3. Fluorography. Reveals only the most severe changes in the condition of the chest organs.
  4. MRI/CT diagnostics. It can replace most studies and allows you to give a comprehensive picture of the disease-causing condition.
  5. Biopsy followed by histological and morphological examination.
  6. General blood test.
  7. Biochemistry of blood.

In total, these studies are sufficient to make a diagnosis.

Stages of lobar pneumonia

Lobar pneumonia is one of the most common causes of rusty sputum when coughing.

In its development, the disease goes through several stages:

First stage. Lasts several days. There are no symptoms at all.
Second stage. Lasts 4-5 days and is characterized by active production of rusty sputum with a gradual increase in the degree of respiratory failure.
Third stage. Characterized by the appearance of leukocytosis.
Fourth stage. Resolution of the disease. Lasts about 2 weeks. It occurs 7-10 days after the onset of the disease.

Yana asks:

What medications should be taken if purulent sputum with blood appears?

Purulent sputum mixed with blood can be colored in different colors:

1. Green sputum.

2. Yellow sputum.

3. Sputum is "rusty" in color.

Each color of sputum is characteristic of an infectious and inflammatory process occurring in the ENT organs and respiratory tract. So, green sputum is characteristic of. Yellow sputum indicates inflammation in the bronchial tree, pharynx or trachea. And “rusty” sputum appears when... The admixture of blood, as a rule, is caused by damage to the vessels of the mucous membranes of the ENT organs and respiratory system, which become brittle during inflammation. Only with pneumonia does an admixture of blood appear as a result of the destruction of lung tissue. Thus, the pathogenesis of blood impurities in purulent sputum is the same. But since the type of sputum depends on the location of the inflammation, the treatment in each case should be different. Let's consider the basic principles of treatment of various types of sputum mixed with blood.

If a person has green sputum mixed with blood, it is necessary to treat sinusitis. The following groups of drugs are used to treat sinusitis:

  • Antibiotics (Sumamed, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Cefazolin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, etc.);

  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Xylometazoline, Galazolin, For the Nose, Otrivin, etc.);

  • Antihistamines (Erius, Zyrtec, Telfast, Zodak, Parlazin, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc.);

  • Drugs that improve the flow of mucus from the sinuses (Sinupret, Imupret, etc.).
In addition, for sinusitis, it is useful to rinse the nasal sinuses with various antiseptic solutions, for example, furatsilin, etc. During the treatment period, it is necessary to avoid excessive stress on the sinuses, do not try to blow your nose too much, do not stand upside down, etc. Such actions lead to damage to blood vessels and the appearance of blood in the sputum.

If a person has yellow sputum mixed with blood, this indicates the presence of bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, etc. In such a situation, inflammatory diseases of the airways should be treated using the following groups of medications:

  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics (Sumamed, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cefuroxime, Cefazolin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, etc.);

  • Mucolytic drugs (expectorants), thinning sputum and facilitating its elimination (thyme, ACC, Bromhexine, Bronchipret, potassium iodide, etc.);

  • Antihistamines (Erius, Zyrtec, Telfast, Zodak, Parlazin, Fenistil, Suprastin, etc.);

  • Bronchodilators (Ventolin, Atrovent, Truvent, Oxyvent, Briconil, etc.);

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin, etc.);

  • Antipyretic drugs (Paracetamol, Aspirin, etc.);

  • Inhalations with Mucaltin and hydrocortisone.
Typically, 10–14 days of therapy with the above drugs is sufficient to treat purulent bronchitis, laryngitis or tracheitis. During the treatment process, you should limit attempts at a strong, hacking cough, trying to cough up sputum, since this leads to trauma to blood vessels and the appearance of blood.

As sinusitis and inflammation of the respiratory system are cured, purulent sputum ceases to be released, and the admixture of blood gradually decreases, completely disappearing by the end of the therapy. In this situation, the symptom of blood in the sputum should not be treated, since it is concomitant.

When a person appears rusty-colored sputum We are talking about pneumonia. Pneumonia is treated with various chemotherapeutic agents that act on the pathogenic microorganism that causes pneumonia. If the pneumonia is bacterial, then treatment is with antibiotics. For viral pneumonia, symptomatic remedies are used. Used for fungal pneumonia

Sputum is a respiratory secretion that is a product of the tracheobronchial tree of the respiratory system. The color of sputum can help a doctor diagnose a patient's condition. Knowing what the different colors of sputum mean is useful for the average person.

In this article:

What is sputum

Phlegm is a mucous, sticky substance that is secreted from the respiratory tract. Mucus often comes out when you cough or spit.

Sometimes sputum indicates that you may have some form of respiratory disease. The color of sputum usually helps doctors diagnose the condition, along with other symptoms, medical history and physical examination, and laboratory results. Sputum cytology (examination of mucus under a microscope) and culture of sputum for microflora also help identify pathogens associated with the color of sputum.

Sputum consists of secretions from the respiratory tract (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, etc.), as well as exudate, cellular elements, microbial flora, which causes an inflammatory process. The sputum is usually mixed with saliva from the mouth and mucus from the nasopharynx.

Morning sputum is the best option for research, since it is at this time that the amount and composition of mucus is ideal. Otherwise, sputum samples taken later in the day may be contaminated by staining of other substances from food and drink.

The color of sputum is only one of the characteristics of the clinical analysis of this substrate. Other important parameters are:

  • her smell
  • consistency,
  • the presence of any impurities, including those that change its color.

By assessing the external nature of the sputum, a competent doctor can answer whether the patient has acute or chronic bronchitis. But microscopic examination of sputum provides even more information for diagnosis and better treatment. When examining sputum under a microscope, the following can be found in it:

  • epithelial cells,
  • fungi,
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
  • other microorganisms,
  • atypical cells (indicate a malignant process).

The color of sputum is one of the indicators for the doctor, based on which it is determined whether the patient can be treated at home or whether a more in-depth examination is required in order not to miss a serious illness. By the way the sputum comes out, you can also determine whether there is a positive trend from the treatment or whether more serious measures need to be started.

How to evaluate the color of sputum when coughing

Phlegm from the respiratory system is often mixed with saliva produced in the mouth. Sputum may contain microorganisms, cell debris, immune cells, dust, and blood components. The different colors of sputum when coughing may depend on the pathological process and the amount of components mentioned.

Thus, your sputum may have a wide variety of colors that can give a more accurate understanding of the health problem: clear sputum, white sputum, yellow sputum, gray sputum, green sputum, pink sputum, red sputum, brown sputum, black sputum or colored sputum rust.

1. Clear / White / Gray sputum

It is normal to occasionally cough up a small amount of phlegm. However, excessive production of clear or white sputum may be abnormal in some cases, such as:

  • respiratory tract infections caused by a virus - clear to white sputum
  • asthma - thick, white/yellow sputum
  • chronic bronchitis (COPD) - clear/gray sputum
  • pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs) - clear, white, frothy sputum
  • after nasal drops
  • allergic reaction
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD

Cigarette smoking and air pollution can cause grayish mucus to be produced. Clear or white sputum may also precede the appearance of yellow or green sputum, especially early in the infection. However, white, frothy sputum may be a sign of health problems that lead to increased fluid in the lungs - or indicate pulmonary edema.

2. What does yellow sputum mean?

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Yellow sputum is often seen with infection, chronic inflammation and allergic conditions. This is due to white blood cells called eosinophils, which are associated with increased sensitivity to allergic conditions, or neutrophils, which are associated with infection. Examples of conditions when you may have yellow phlegm include:

  • acute bronchitis
  • acute pneumonia
  • suffocation

Light yellow sputum may be a sign of normal functioning of the immune system, which means it is fighting a viral upper respiratory tract infection. However, thick, dark yellow sputum may indicate a bacterial infection, which can occur in the sinuses or lower respiratory tract, such as chronic bronchitis or pneumonia. Contact your doctor immediately.

3. What does green sputum mean?

Green sputum is an indicator of an old or chronic infection. It occurs as a result of a lack of neutrophils (neurophils are reduced), which are the main enemies of pathogenic bacteria in the blood and tissues. A decrease in neurophil levels causes the release of enzymes from cells.

Non-infectious but inflammatory conditions can cause the production of large amounts of greenish mucus, but infectious diseases are associated with green sputum that has a large amount of pus (more purulent). These conditions may include:

  • pneumonia
  • lung abscess
  • chronic bronchitis
  • cystic fibrosis
  • bronchiectasis

In addition to green sputum, there may be symptoms such as fever, cough, weakness and loss of appetite. Contact your doctor immediately for proper evaluation and treatment.

4. Brown/Black Sputum

Black or brown sputum indicates the presence of “old blood.” This color of sputum is associated with the level of red blood cells, which leads to the release of hemosiderin from hemoglobin. Organic as well as inorganic materials can also cause brown or black sputum. Examples of conditions where dark-colored sputum may appear include:

Pink or red sputum usually indicates the presence of blood in the sputum. Blood cells may cause the mucus to completely change color or appear only as spots or streaks in the sputum. Pink sputum means bleeding in small amounts. Rust-colored sputum may be due to the breakdown of red blood cells. Conditions with pink/red/rusty sputum include:

  • pneumococcal pneumonia
  • lung cancer
  • tuberculosis
  • pulmonary embolism
  • chronic heart failure with pulmonary edema
  • lung injury
  • lung abscess
  • bleeding
  • tropical eosinophilia

Blood in the sputum (hemoptysis) may be a sign of some serious illness, the diagnosis of which requires immediate medical attention. If you have a lot of blood mixed with mucus, call an ambulance immediately.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this article about sputum color , is intended for the reader's information only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Cough, shortness of breath, suffocation, less often hemoptysis, pulmonary hemorrhage, respiratory failure, sputum, chest pain, chills and fever.

Sputum (lat. sputum) - pathological secretion of the tracheobronchial tree separated during expectoration with an admixture of saliva and secretion of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

Normal sputum (tracheobronchial tree secretion) is a mucus produced by the glands of the trachea and large bronchi, containing cellular elements (mainly alveolar macrophages and lymphocytes). Tracheobronchial secretion has a bactericidal effect, promotes the elimination of inhaled particles, cellular detritus and metabolic products using the mucociliary cleansing mechanism carried out by the ciliated epithelium. Normally, the volume of tracheobronchial secretion does not exceed 100 ml per day and is swallowed by a person upon release.

Pathological sputum

Color and smell

In pathological processes, the volume of sputum discharge can range from several milliliters to one and a half liters per day. Sputum may be colorless, yellowish or greenish (such colored sputum indicates an admixture of pus). Bright yellow (canary-colored) sputum is observed with an eosinophilic infiltrative process in the lungs, bronchial asthma; this color is due to the large number of eosinophils in the tracheobronchial secretion. Rusty sputum may indicate lobar pneumonia, in which intra-alveolar breakdown of red blood cells is observed with the release of hematin. Black sputum is observed in pneumoconiosis and contains coal dust. Sputum with streaks or blood clots (hemoptysis) can be observed in various diseases - tuberculosis, pulmonary embolism, bronchiectasis, Goodpasture syndrome, etc.

Usually the sputum is odorless. The putrid smell of sputum is observed with gangrene or lung abscess and is caused by the growth of putrefactive microorganisms.

Consistency and character of sputum

Mucopurulent sputum

There are liquid, thick and viscous sputum; sputum can be mucous, serous, mucopurulent and purulent.

Mucous sputum colorless and transparent, observed in diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by catarrhal inflammation (initial manifestations of an acute inflammatory process or a chronic inflammatory process in remission).

Serous sputum colorless, liquid, foamy, odorless. It is observed with alveolar pulmonary edema due to extravasation of plasma into the lumen of the alveoli. May have a pink color with diapedetic bleeding.

Mucopurulent sputum viscous, yellowish or greenish. May have a slight unpleasant odor. It is observed in bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, pulmonary tuberculosis, etc.

Purulent sputum has a liquid or semi-liquid consistency, a greenish or yellowish color, and a foul odor. It is observed during suppurative processes in the lung tissue - abscess, purulent bronchitis, gangrene of the lung, etc.

Cough - a constant but nonspecific symptom of respiratory diseases.

This is a forced exhalation through the mouth, caused by contractions of the muscles of the respiratory tract due to irritation of the receptors. The physiological role of cough is to cleanse the respiratory tract of foreign substances and prevent mechanical obstacles that disrupt the patency of the airways.

Cough with sputum is characteristic of respiratory tract lesions, primarily chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and bronchiectasis.

Rust sputum (s. rubiginosum) is bloody M., containing rust-colored inclusions formed as a result of the decomposition of hemoglobin in the respiratory tract; observed, for example, with pneumonia, tuberculosis.

Large medical dictionary. 2000 .

See what “rusty sputum” is in other dictionaries:

    Sputum ... Wikipedia

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Sputum is a modified mucus that is produced by glandular cells of the mucous membranes of the bronchi and lungs. Mucus moisturizes the mucous membranes, and thanks to the movements of the villi of the epithelium of the airways, it is gradually removed from the lungs.

Normally, up to 150 ml of mucus is formed in the respiratory organs of an adult every day. When an infection enters the respiratory system, adults and children may develop inflammatory processes, which are manifested by changes in the characteristics of mucus.

Sputum is one of the very first signs of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system in adults and children. The characteristics of pathological discharge in combination with other clinical manifestations enable the doctor to establish a preliminary diagnosis.

Sputum analysis as a method for diagnosing pulmonary diseases

The characteristics of altered mucus do not differ between adults and children. Its change is influenced by the type of disease, the pathogen itself and where the sputum comes from (from the upper respiratory tract, trachea, bronchi or lungs).

For diagnostic purposes, when establishing a diagnosis of respiratory pathology, patients are prescribed a sputum test. Material for research can be taken from a patient in two ways:

  1. When expelled on its own, sputum is collected in a sterile container when coughing.
  2. In the absence of sputum production, use suction devices (this collection method is used in adults during diagnostic bronchoscopy or in small children).

During laboratory examination of sputum, its characteristics are determined:

In addition to microscopy, which gives a general description and determines the types of sputum, the laboratory also carries out bacterioscopic analysis and, if necessary, bacteriological culture.

During bacterioscopy, the following is determined in the secretions:

When coughing up during the day, the material is collected in a separate container to determine its daily amount. This has important diagnostic and prognostic significance. The daily amount of pathological discharge can be:

  • small (individual spitting);
  • moderate (up to 150 ml per day);
  • large (150-300 ml per day);
  • very large (over 300 ml per day).

If necessary, pH (acidity) is determined in the secretions.

Measuring the pH of the environment in the lungs is important for prescribing antibacterial agents that are unstable in acidic or alkaline environments.

Diagnosis of pathology by sputum analysis

Changes in the characteristics of the mucous secretions of the respiratory tract can be pathognomonic (correspond to only one pathology) or general (characteristic of many diseases). Interpretation of laboratory test results in most cases allows the doctor to establish or clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Amount of sputum

The volume of pathological secretions that patients cough up per day depends on:

A small amount of discharge in adults is observed with laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, and a large amount is discharged from cavities in the lung tissue (bronchiectasis, abscesses) or with pulmonary edema (due to sweating of plasma).

A decrease in the amount of pathological discharge after a previous increase may indicate:

  • subsidence of inflammation (accompanied by improvement of the patient’s condition);
  • violation of drainage of the purulent cavity (proceeds with an increase in clinical symptoms);
  • suppression of the cough reflex (in elderly or malnourished patients).

Sputum smell

The odor of normal bronchial mucus is neutral. As a result of a violation of bronchopulmonary metabolism (due to bronchial blockage, infection, tumor disintegration), various substances appear in the secretions that are not typical for normal mucus. These substances may have a different odor, which may suggest a diagnosis.

The smell of discharge changes to fetid as a result of the activity of anaerobic bacteria, which cause putrefactive decomposition of proteins contained in sputum into substances with an unpleasant and fetid odor (indole, skatole, hydrogen sulfide).

Deterioration of bronchial drainage aggravates putrefactive processes in the lungs.

This sputum smell occurs when:

  • abscess;
  • gangrene of the lungs;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • disintegrating cancer.

An opened lung cyst is usually accompanied by the release of altered mucus with a fruity odor.

Character of sputum

Mucous glassy sputum is transparent, colorless. Transparent sputum when coughing appears in the early stages and during the recovery stage of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, as well as after an attack of bronchial asthma. White sputum may be produced when the patient is dehydrated.

Serous discharge is formed as a result of the sweating of blood plasma into the lumen of the bronchi. Discharge of this type is liquid, opalescent (irridescent), transparent yellow, foamy and sticky (due to the content of a large amount of protein).

As a result of active respiratory movements of the chest, the sputum quickly foams, and sweating together with the plasma of blood cells gives the discharge a pinkish tint. Foamy, pinkish sputum is characteristic of pulmonary edema.

Mucopurulent sputum is viscous, thick, with a yellowish tint, yellowish-greenish. It is released in acute inflammatory diseases or in the acute stage of chronic pathologies of the respiratory tract, pneumonia caused by staphylococcus, abscesses (before breakthrough), actinomycosis of the lungs.

Purulent sputum is liquid in consistency and tends to separate into two or three layers.

Yellow or green sputum when coughing is characteristic of acute and prolonged bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, severe pneumonia, bronchiectasis, and pleural empyema.

Sputum color

The color of sputum when coughing can range from white to black for various diseases, which is important for making a diagnosis. Based on its color, one can suspect a certain pathology:

With bacteriological culture, not only the pathogen is determined, but also its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

Treatment of pulmonary pathologies

Treatment of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system should be comprehensive and prescribed only by a doctor who knows how to get rid of sputum and other manifestations of pulmonary pathology. Self-medication can be dangerous to the health and life of the patient.

The treatment program will depend on the diagnosis and may include:

  • Conservative treatment:

    • medicinal;
    • non-medicinal;
  • Surgical treatment.

As a rule, the vast majority of lung diseases are of an infectious nature, so the basis of drug therapy is antibacterial therapy (depending on the type of pathogen): Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Cefazolin, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin. For viral etiology of the pathogen, antiviral drugs are prescribed (Acyclovir, Ganciclovir, Arbidol), and for fungal etiology, antifungal drugs are prescribed (Amphotericin B, Fluconazole, Itraconazole).

To thin and facilitate the passage of secretions, reduce swelling of the bronchial mucosa and increase their lumen, patients are prescribed:

  • bronchodilators and mucolytics: Bromhexine, Bronchipret, Acetylcysteine, Potassium iodide;
  • antihistamines: Zyrtec, Zodak, Fenistil, Suprastin;
  • bronchodilators: Atrovent, Ventolin, Eufillin;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (they are also painkillers): Ibuprofen, Nimesulide, Diclofenac.

In most cases of pulmonary pathologies, good discharge of secretions formed in the bronchi and lungs significantly facilitates the course of the disease.
Symptomatic drugs that are used in the complex treatment of respiratory diseases include:

  • antipyretic drugs: Paracetamol, Aspirin;
  • antitussives (for debilitating nonproductive cough): Libexin, Tusuprex, Cough tablets.

It is advisable to prescribe immunomodulatory drugs (Dekaris, Timalin, Anabol) to increase the resistance of the patient's immune system.

If the acid-base balance in the blood is disturbed, infusion therapy is prescribed, and in case of severe intoxication syndrome, detoxification therapy is prescribed.

If necessary, after suppressing the acute inflammatory process, surgical treatment is performed, the scope of which depends on the disease. The patient can undergo:

  • drainage of the pleural cavity;
  • opening of a lung abscess;
  • tumor removal;
  • removal of a lung or part of it.

It is dangerous to ignore the appearance of pathological discharge from the respiratory system. Any self-medication for pathology of the bronchopulmonary system is unacceptable. Early detection of the disease and prescribing the correct treatment contributes to the patient’s speedy recovery and improved prognosis.