Mgn - people with limited mobility. Categories of disabled people in Kosgu: decoding of the classification in the Russian Federation Special requirements for places of residence of disabled people

What is "MGN"?

Even if we decipher this abbreviation, the concept "low mobility groups" Few will understand it in its entirety. And, meanwhile, we don’t even suspect how closely we are connected with the mysterious “MGN”.

To make it clearer, I will give list of those who belong to this category:

1. People with physiological and mental developmental disabilities moving independently and with assistance. (Visually impaired, blind, people in wheelchairs, on crutches, with canes, people with mental disabilities, hearing impaired and others)

2. Elderly and elderly people.(You and I, whether we like it or not, will someday join this category and then the relevance of accessibility will be fully felt for us. Now our parents and grandparents may be experiencing these problems)

3. Women preparing to become mothers.(And this category may sooner or later turn out to be important and close to us)

4. Moms and dads with children (and most often with strollers).(The importance is the same as the previous point)

5. Children.(Actually, all three points (3,4 and 5) logically follow one after another)

6. People temporarily unable to work(with various injuries and patients).

7. People with heavy bags and luggage(for example, people boarding a train will be glad to have any ramp, so as not to drag their suitcase up the steps, but to roll it)

You yourself will probably be able to offer several more options that could be classified under the concept of “low-mobility groups of the population.” And I want to believe that you will not remain indifferent to any of these groups (even if you are not in contact with them now).

In our country there is now a situation where people, who do not have the opportunity to enjoy all the benefits of our civilization on an equal basis with others, for lack of a choice, most often stay at home or limit their movement. That is why we do not have the opportunity to observe everyone who wants to go “in public.”

This is the manifestation of our humanity. Make public life accessible, help those who need it so much.

This is what we want to do.

Read our news, visit the website, write.

We will be glad to receive any of your suggestions and letters.

Sincerely, Director of LLC "ARDOS" Alexey Zorin.

APPENDIX A (required)


Low-mobility groups of the population (MPG)- people who have difficulty moving independently, receiving services, necessary information, or navigating in space. Low-mobility groups here include: disabled people, people with temporary health problems, pregnant women, older people, people with baby strollers, etc.

APPENDIX B (required)


When using Appendix 2 of GOST 12.1.004 (section 2 “Basic design dependencies”), to take into account the specifics of the movement of MGN along evacuation routes, additional calculated values ​​of the MGN movement parameters should be used.

B.1. Based on their mobility qualities, people in the flow of people evacuating from buildings and structures should be divided into 4 groups according to Table B.1.

Mobility groups

General characteristics
people mobility groups

Average horizontal projection area of ​​people
f, m 2

People with no mobility restrictions, including those with hearing impairments

Frail people whose mobility is reduced due to aging (disabled people due to old age); disabled people on prostheses; visually impaired people using a white cane; people with mental disabilities


Disabled people who use additional supports (crutches, sticks) when moving

Disabled people using manually propelled wheelchairs


B.2. The calculated values ​​of the speed and intensity of traffic flows of people with different mobility groups should be determined using the formulas:

, (B.2)

where and are the speed and intensity of movement of people in the flow along j- type of path at flux density Dj ;

D- density of human flow on the evacuation route section, m2/m2;

D0, j- value of human flow density on j- the type of path, upon reaching which the flow density begins to influence the speed of movement of people in the flow;

The average speed of free movement of people along j-th type of path at flux density values D? D0, j ;

a j- coefficient reflecting the degree of influence of the density of human flow on its speed when moving along j-type of path.

Values D0, j , , a j for flows of people of different mobility groups for formulas (B.1) and (B.2) are given in Table B.2.

Table B.2

Mobility groups

Parameter values

The value of parameters by type of path ( j )


stairs down

stairs up

ramp down

ramp up

D0, j






a j






D0, j






a j






D0, j







a j




V.Z. When moving human flows with the participation of MGN on sections of the track in front of the openings, the formation of a flow density higher than 0.5 should not be allowed. In this case, the calculated maximum values ​​of traffic intensity qmax through the opening of different mobility groups should be taken equal: M1 - 19.6 m/min, M2 - 9.7 m/min, M3 - 17.6 m/min, M4 - 16.4 m/min.

Appendix B

Materials for calculating the fire safety level of people with limited mobility

When using Appendix 2 of GOST 12.1.004 (section 2 “Basic design dependencies”), to take into account the specifics of the movement of MGN along evacuation routes, additional calculated values ​​of the MGN movement parameters should be used.

B.1. Based on their mobility qualities, people in the flow of people evacuating from buildings and structures should be divided into 4 groups according to Table B.1.

Table B.1

The calculated values ​​of the speed and intensity of traffic flows of people with different mobility groups should be determined using the formulas:

Where And — speed and intensity of people’s movement in the flow along the j-th type of path at the flow density ;

D is the density of human flow on the section of the evacuation route, ;

— the value of the density of the human flow on the jth type of path, upon reaching which the flow density begins to influence the speed of movement of people in the flow;

— average value of the speed of free movement of people along the jth type of path at values ​​of flow density ;

— coefficient reflecting the degree of influence of the density of human flow on its speed when moving along the j-th type of path.

Values , , for flows of people of different mobility groups for formulas (B.1) and (B.2) are given in Table B.2.

Table B.2

Value of parameters by type of path (j)
M1 V_0,j 100 100 60 115 80
M2 V_0,j 30 30 20 45 25
MOH V_0,j 70 20 25 105 55
M4 V_0,j 60 115 40

B.3. When moving human flows with the participation of MGN on sections of the track in front of the openings, the formation of a flow density higher than 0.5 should not be allowed. In this case, the calculated maximum values ​​of traffic intensity through the opening of different mobility groups should be taken equal: M1 - 19.6 m/min, M2 - 9.7 m/min, M3 - 17.6 m/min, M4 - 16.4 m/min.

Disability Recently, it is increasingly perceived as one of the possible social statuses and does not mean for a person that he is excluded from life or rejected by society. Numerous examples show that disability does not deny a person access to theaters, parks, even sports grounds, but leaves the opportunity for feasible work. At the same time, disability provides certain rights and benefits, to which our state is paying increasing attention. Assistance measures provided by the state became increasingly significant over time in order to reduce the distance that arose between a sick person and a healthy one. Where this is not enough, human mercy has always come to the rescue.

Recognition of a citizen as a disabled person is carried out during a medical and social examination based on a comprehensive assessment of the state of the citizen’s body based on an analysis of his clinical, functional, social, professional, labor and psychological data using classifications and criteria approved by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Depending on the degree of impairment of body functions and limitations in life activity, a person recognized as disabled is assigned disability group I, II or III, and a person under the age of 18 is assigned the category “disabled child.”

A medical and social examination of a citizen is carried out in the bureau at his place of residence, place of stay, as well as at the location of the pension file of a disabled person who has left for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation.

A medical and social examination can be carried out at home if a citizen cannot come to the bureau (main bureau, Federal Bureau) for health reasons, as confirmed by the conclusion of an organization providing medical and preventive care, or in a hospital where the citizen is being treated, or in absentia by decision of the relevant bureau. (see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled”).

The conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled are:
a) health impairment with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;
b) limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or ability to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study or engage in work);
c) the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation.

The presence of one of the conditions specified in paragraph 5 of these Rules is not a sufficient basis for recognizing a citizen as disabled.

The decision to recognize a citizen as disabled or to refuse to recognize him as disabled is made by a simple majority vote of the specialists who conducted the medical and social examination, based on a discussion of the results of his medical and social examination.

The decision is announced to the citizen who underwent the medical and social examination (his legal representative), in the presence of all the specialists who conducted the medical and social examination, who, if necessary, give explanations on it.

Rights and benefits of a disabled person

Citizens duly recognized as disabled people of groups I, II or III have the right to a disability retirement pension.

A labor disability pension is established regardless of the cause of disability (except for the cases specified below), the length of the insurance period of the insured person, the disabled person’s continuation of work, as well as whether the disability occurred during the period of work, before entering work or after termination of work.

If a disabled person has no insurance experience at all, as well as in the event of disability as a result of his commission of an intentional criminal act or intentional damage to his health, which are established in court, a social disability pension is established in accordance with the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in Russian Federation".

The size of the disability pension is determined depending on the disability group. The fixed basic amount of the labor disability pension for persons who do not have dependent disabled family members is established in the following amounts:

1) for group I – 5,124 rubles per month;
2) for group II – 2,562 rubles per month;
3) for group III – 1,281 rubles per month.

Also, when determining the size of the pension in each specific case, a number of other indicators are used.

Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”)

A labor disability pension is assigned from the day a person is recognized as disabled, if the application for it follows no later than 12 months from this date.

An application for a pension is considered no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of this application or from the date of submission of additional documents (if not all necessary documents were attached to the application).

The following documents must be attached to the application of a citizen applying for a disability pension:

  • identification, age, place of residence, citizenship;
  • on establishing disability;
  • about the insurance period, the rules for calculating and confirming which are established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • on average monthly earnings for 2000-2001 or 60 consecutive months until January 1, 2002 during working life.

In addition, if necessary, the following documents are attached:

  • about disabled family members;
  • confirming that disabled family members are dependent;
  • about the place of stay or actual residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • confirming the place of permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • about changing the surname, name, patronymic.

But paying only a pension cannot solve all problems, just as you cannot fill up the abyss with a shovel. Therefore, the state, trying to reduce this inevitable gap between a healthy and a sick person, must provide him with at least a “bulldozer”, that is, try to provide him with rights in various areas of human life. And our further narration will not develop into a separate continuous story, but will become a kind of journey through all areas of legislation.

Housing legislation

Housing law norms (Articles 51 and 57 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 17 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 27, 1996 “On providing benefits to disabled people and families with disabled children to provide their living quarters, payment for housing and utilities") establish benefits for people with disabilities in terms of the procedure for providing housing, the size of the allocated living space and benefits for paying for utilities.

Citizens suffering from diseases specified in the list of severe forms of chronic diseases, approved by Government Decree of June 16, 2006 N 378, for which it is impossible for citizens to live together in the same apartment, have the right to priority receipt of housing:

  1. Active forms of tuberculosis with the release of Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  2. Malignant neoplasms accompanied by copious discharge;
  3. Chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe persistent or often exacerbating painful manifestations;
  4. Epilepsy with frequent seizures;
  5. Gangrene of the limbs;
  6. Gangrene and necrosis of the lung;
  7. Lung abscess;
  8. Pyoderma gangrenous;
  9. Multiple skin lesions with copious discharge;
  10. Intestinal fistula;
  11. Urethral fistula.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 1996 “On providing benefits to disabled people and families with disabled children to provide them with living quarters, pay for housing and utilities” granted disabled people the right to be registered for the improvement of living conditions both at their place of work and at your place of residence.

The legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law “On Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons” and Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”) also provides for other cases of preferential procedures for providing housing to disabled people.

Residential premises in the houses of the municipal housing stock, vacated by disabled people sent to stationary social service institutions, are subject to occupancy first of all by other disabled people in need of improved housing conditions. Specially equipped residential premises in houses of the state, municipal and public housing stock, occupied by disabled people under a rental agreement, upon their release, are occupied first of all by other disabled people in need of improved living conditions. In case of refusal of the services of a stationary social service institution after six months, disabled people who have vacated residential premises due to their placement in these institutions have the right to priority provision of residential premises (if the previously occupied residential premises cannot be returned to them).

The right of a disabled person to receive a separate room is taken into account when registering for the improvement of living conditions and the provision of housing in houses of the state and municipal housing stock. In addition, a disabled person placed in a stationary social service institution retains the residential premises occupied by him under a rental agreement in houses of state, municipal and public housing funds for six months from the date of admission of the disabled person to such an institution. If members of his family remain living in the residential premises, during the entire period of his stay in this institution.

Residential premises occupied by disabled people must be equipped with special means and devices in accordance with the individual rehabilitation program of the disabled person. Currently, the form and content of such programs are still being developed, but, nevertheless, the construction of new houses is carried out taking into account the requirements of equipping them with appropriate devices that facilitate access to them for people with disabilities. If a disabled person was placed in a stationary social service institution and expressed a desire to receive housing under a rental agreement, he is subject to registration to improve living conditions, regardless of the size of the occupied area. Such disabled people are provided with living quarters on an equal basis with other disabled people.

Residential premises in houses of the municipal housing stock for social use (that is, specially equipped for use by disabled people and some other categories of citizens) are provided to single disabled people, disabled people whose relatives, for objective reasons, cannot provide them with help and care, provided that these citizens retain the ability to self-service and non-compliance of their living conditions with the requirements of housing legislation.

The standard for providing a disabled person with living space is determined by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

By Government Decree of February 28, 1996, in accordance with the Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons,” a list of diseases was developed that give disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space in the form of a separate room:

  1. Active forms of tuberculosis of all organs and systems.
  2. Mental illnesses requiring mandatory medical supervision.
  3. Tracheostomy, fecal, urinary and vaginal fistulas, lifelong nephrostomy, bladder stoma, surgically uncorrectable urinary incontinence, unnatural anus, malformations of the face and skull with impaired breathing, chewing, and swallowing functions.
  4. Multiple skin lesions with profuse discharge.
  5. Leprosy.
  6. HIV infection in children.
  7. Absence of lower limbs or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including those of hereditary origin, with persistent dysfunction of the lower limbs, requiring the use of wheelchairs.
  8. Organic diseases of the central nervous system with persistent dysfunction of the lower extremities, requiring the use of wheelchairs, and (or) dysfunction of the pelvic organs.
  9. Condition after transplantation of internal organs and bone marrow. Severe organic kidney damage, complicated by renal failure of II-III degree.

The area of ​​housing law includes a number of other benefits provided to people with disabilities, which are aimed at protecting this category of citizens. Disabled people and families with disabled children are given a discount of at least 50 percent on payment for living quarters (in state, municipal and public housing stock) and utility bills (regardless of the housing stock), and in residential buildings that do not have a central heating - from the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population. Additional living space occupied by a disabled person (regardless of whether in the form of a separate room or not) is not considered excessive and is subject to payment in a single amount, taking into account the benefits provided.

Unfortunately, when implementing benefits for reduced housing costs, some disabled citizens may have difficulties, since reimbursement of expenses for the operation and maintenance of housing and communal services, which is on the balance sheet of the enterprise, is made from the profits remaining at the disposal of this enterprise. If these funds are insufficient, the departmental housing stock may be transferred to municipal ownership. You can try to contact the social security authorities of the area where you live for such assistance, but in this case, obtaining these benefits will be difficult.

For disabled people of groups I and II, if technically possible, telephone installation is carried out out of turn (Presidential Decree of October 2, 1992 “On additional measures of state support for disabled people”).

Disabled people and families that include disabled people are given the right to priority receipt of land plots for individual housing construction, farming and gardening. When allocating a land plot, it must be taken into account that, in accordance with the Presidential Decree, this plot must be as close as possible to the place of residence of the disabled person. Special requirements have also been established for the execution of transactions for the purchase and sale of residential buildings (premises) in order to pay for social services:

  1. Reserving for a disabled person the right to lifelong residence in an alienated residential building (residential premises) or providing him with another residential premises that meets the requirements of housing legislation, as well as the right to material support in the form of food, care and necessary assistance.
  2. Obtaining written consent from local social services authorities to complete the transaction.
  3. Benefits in the field of housing legislation can also be provided to other categories of disabled citizens, in particular, disabled military personnel, disabled Chernobyl survivors and some others.


  • DP-V - fully accessible to everyone;
  • DP-I (K, O, S, G, U) - fully accessible selectively (specify categories of disabled people);
  • DC-V - partially available to everyone;
  • DC-I (K, O, S, G, U) - partially accessible selectively (specify categories of disabled people);
  • DU - conditionally available,
  • VND - temporarily unavailable
  • K - wheelchair users;
  • O - supports;
  • U - mentally retarded
  • C-blind
  • G-deaf

Accessibility of the building at 9a Gagarin Ave. - administrative building

1. Object availability status

1.1 Route to the object by passenger transport: minibus of the appropriate direction to the stop “60 years of October”

  • Availability of adapted passenger transport to the site: no

1.2 the path to the object from the nearest passenger transport stop:

  • distance to the object from the transport stop 150 m
  • travel time (on foot) 2-4 minutes
  • the presence of a pedestrian path separated from the roadway (yes, no)
  • intersections: unregulated; adjustable, with sound alarm, timer; Yes
  • information on the route to the object: acoustic, tactile, visual;
  • altitude changes along the way: yes, no
  • their arrangement for wheelchair users: yes,

2. Availability status of the main structural and functional areas

(information about the social infrastructure facility)


2. Characteristics of the organization’s activities at the site

2.5 Categories of disabled people served: disabled people wheelchair users, disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders; visual impairment, hearing impairment, mental development impairment

2.7 Participation in the execution of IPR by a disabled person, a disabled child (yes, No )

3. State of accessibility of the facility for disabled peopleand other low-mobility population groups (MPGs)

3.1 Route to the site by passenger transport(describe the route using passenger transport) - by bus No. 18 to the stop “Kildinskaya street”

Availability of adapted passenger transport to the site - No

3.2 The path to the object from the nearest passenger transport stop:

3.2.1 distance to the object from the transport stop — 230 m

3.2.2 travel time (on foot) — 5 min

3.2.3 the presence of a pedestrian path separated from the roadway ( Yes , No ),

3.2.4 Intersections: unregulated; adjustable, with sound alarm, timer;No

3.2.5 Information on the route to the object: acoustic, tactile, visual; No

3.2.6 Height changes along the way: There is , Noclimb with a slope of 15-20 degrees .

Their arrangement for wheelchair users: Yes, No

3.3 Option for organizing OSI availability(forms of service)* taking into account SP 35-101-2001

* - one of the options is indicated: “A”, “B”, “DU”, “VND” (“A” - full accessibility of all areas and premises, “B” - special areas and premises are allocated for serving disabled people. “DU” — conditional availability is ensured: assistance from an employee of the organization in the institution, or services are provided at home or remotely, “VND” — temporarily unavailable: availability is not organized).

What benefits are available to disabled people in Russia?

Who is disabled - concept

Benefits and guarantees for people with disabilities

Rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people

Medical support

Right to receive necessary information

Whether a citizen is disabled or not depends on whether he will receive material benefits and benefits.

Who is recognized as disabled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

The main law defining state policy in the field of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”.

This law defines the concept of “disabled person” (Article 1 of the Law) and establishes categories of disability groups.

Disabled person– this is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions, caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life activity and necessitating his social protection.

In this case, the limitation of life activity is understood as the complete or partial loss of a person’s ability or ability to carry out self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study and engage in work activities.

Depending on the degree of impairment of body functions, persons recognized as disabled are assigned disability group I, II or III, and persons under the age of 18 are assigned the category “disabled child.”

Recognition of a citizen as a disabled person is carried out by the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise on the basis of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.”

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides benefits and guarantees for people with disabilities.

Undoubtedly, the main measures of state support for people with disabilities are the payment of a monthly cash payment and the provision of a set of social services (the right to receive a voucher to a sanatorium, free travel on suburban transport, receiving medications).

More details about how to obtain NSO and who is entitled to it can be read in the article at the link.

We list all the benefits that people with disabilities in Russia are entitled to by law below.

Rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people

Under rehabilitation refers to the system and process of full or partial restoration of the abilities of disabled people for everyday, social, professional and other activities.

Habilitation of disabled people- this is the process of developing the abilities that disabled people lack for everyday, social, professional and other activities. Rehabilitation and habilitation of people with disabilities are aimed at eliminating or possibly more fully compensating for the limitations in the life activity of people with disabilities for the purpose of their social adaptation, including their achievement of financial independence and integration into society.

The main areas of rehabilitation include:

  • Medical rehabilitation, reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and orthotics, spa treatment;
  • vocational guidance, general and vocational education, vocational training, assistance in employment (including in special workplaces), industrial adaptation;
  • social-environmental, socio-pedagogical, socio-psychological and socio-cultural rehabilitation, social and everyday adaptation;
  • physical education and health activities, sports.

The legislation provides for the right of disabled people to implement the main directions of rehabilitation and habilitation as follows:

  1. use of technical means of rehabilitation by disabled people;
  2. creating the necessary conditions for unimpeded access for people with disabilities to social, engineering, and transport infrastructure facilities;
  3. use of means of transport, communication and information;
  4. providing disabled people and their family members with information on rehabilitation and habilitation issues.

Technical means for rehabilitation of disabled people

Technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people include devices containing technical solutions, including special ones, used to compensate for or eliminate persistent limitations in the life of a disabled person. These include special means for self-service; special care products; special means for orientation (including guide dogs with a set of equipment), communication and information exchange, etc.

Medical care is a right guaranteed by the state

Disabled people are entitled by law to free medical care.

In some cases, people with disabilities are guaranteed the right to receive free medications. The list of preferential categories of citizens and types of medicines is provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 1994 No. 890 “On state support for the development of the medical industry and improving the supply of medicines and medical products to the population and healthcare institutions” (effective in 2016). See the full list of free medications for the type of disease at the link.

Thus, disabled people of group I, non-working disabled people of group II, and disabled children under the age of 18 have the right to receive free of charge all medicines, medical rehabilitation equipment, colostomy bags, urinal bags and dressings (for medical reasons).

Pensioners receiving a minimum pension for old age, disability or loss of a breadwinner, as well as working disabled people of group II, disabled people of group III recognized as unemployed, during outpatient treatment, have the right to purchase medications according to doctor’s prescriptions with a 50 percent discount from free ones. prices

In addition, disabled people of group III who are duly recognized as unemployed, in addition to medicines, have the right to purchase medical products (urinal bags, colostomy bags) and dressings for medical reasons at a 50 percent discount.

Right to receive necessary information

The implementation of this opportunity is ensured by the publication of special literature for the visually impaired; acquisition of periodical, scientific, educational, methodological, reference, information and fiction literature for people with disabilities, including those published on tape cassettes and in embossed dot Braille, for municipal libraries.

This publication presents the form of a map of the accessibility of facilities and services for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population (with a graphical display of the state of accessibility of priority social infrastructure facilities), as well as a methodology for generating and updating maps of the accessibility of facilities and services on the official public resource of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation using information -telecommunication network Internet (taking into account international symbols and technologies).

The methodology is intended to serve as the basis for the formation at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of unified (comparable in form, design, structure, procedure for collecting and updating information) electronic maps, including “routers”, allowing you to find the required object according to given parameters, to create the most convenient route of movement for disabled people and other people with limited mobility. The use of a unified methodology will provide an opportunity for both specialists and various categories of citizens to receive and exchange information about the state of accessibility of facilities and services in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in Russia as a whole and at the international level - in accordance with the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Notations and abbreviations


AIS Automated information system
VOG All-Russian Society of the Deaf
VOI All-Russian Society of Disabled People
VOS All-Russian Society of the Blind
IOGV Executive body of state power
YPRES Individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person (disabled child)
KD Availability level factor
MGN Limited mobility groups
OOI Public organization of disabled people
UN United Nations
OSZN Department of Social Protection of the Population
PD Availability Status Score
SNiP Construction codes and regulations of the Russian Federation
CO Social service
JV Code of Practice for Design and Construction
TSR Technical means of rehabilitation
USO Social service institution
API (English, application programming interface) Application programming interface

Categories of disabled people

Object (zone) availability status

Option for organizing object accessibility
(forms of service)


One of the priorities of the social policy of the Russian Federation in the field of social protection of people with disabilities, in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law, is the implementation of a set of measures aimed at creating equal opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in the life of society, including the equal right to receive all necessary social services to meet their needs in various spheres of life - in order to improve the level and quality of their life.

The Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies and organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms (according to Article 15 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”) create conditions for disabled people unhindered access to social infrastructure facilities (residential, public and industrial buildings, structures and structures, sports facilities, recreational facilities, cultural, entertainment and other institutions), as well as for unhindered use of railway, air, water, intercity road transport and all types of urban transport and suburban passenger transport, means of communication and information (including means that provide duplication of sound signals for light signals of traffic lights and devices regulating the movement of pedestrians through transport communications).

The state guarantees a disabled person the right to receive the necessary information and unhindered access to it, including using special, adapted media.

The implementation of the main directions of rehabilitation of disabled people also includes providing disabled people and members of their families with information on the issues of rehabilitation of disabled people, including about social infrastructure facilities and the services they provide (taking into account the requirements for the accessibility of facilities and services for citizens with various types of dysfunctions and disabilities).

According to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN, 2006, ratified by the Russian Federation on 05/03/2012), to ensure that people with disabilities have access, on an equal basis with other citizens, to the physical environment (buildings and structures), transport, information and communications, as well as to other facilities and services , a set of measures must be implemented, including: identifying and eliminating obstacles and barriers to accessibility, which, in particular, apply to buildings, roads, transport and other facilities, including schools, residential buildings, medical facilities and workplaces, and to information, communication and other services, including electronic and emergency services.

In accordance with the goals and objectives of the state program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2015” (hereinafter referred to as the State Program), it is envisaged to create conditions for unhindered access to priority facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population (both through assessment the state of their accessibility, and through the implementation of systemic measures aimed at increasing accessibility - adaptation); as well as improving the mechanism for providing services in the field of rehabilitation. It is recommended that all constituent entities of the Russian Federation reflect the results of this activity on a publicly accessible information resource - maps of the accessibility of facilities and services for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups. Among the target indicators (indicators) of the State program: “the share of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that have generated and updated maps of the availability of facilities and services in the total number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.”

In this regard, this manual presents the results of developing a unified methodology for creating and updating maps of accessibility of facilities and services for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) for its use for the purpose of further development of an information resource (website, portal) in each subject of the Russian Federation. , which is an interactive router map formed on the basis of the ongoing certification of social infrastructure facilities and services.

To develop the Methodology, a comparative analysis was carried out and an expert assessment of Russian and foreign experience in creating and updating maps of the availability of facilities and services was given; the main trends in reflecting information on the availability of facilities and services have been identified; technologies, means and methods of information transmission used; The most frequently used symbols and graphic images have been identified to illustrate the degree of accessibility of various objects: both for all categories of citizens with limited mobility, and for citizens with various types of impairments.

Developed and offered in this manual:

1) a form of a map of the accessibility of facilities and services for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population with a graphic display of the state of accessibility of priority (most significant) social infrastructure facilities on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as facilities that do not have a postal address (public passenger transport, bus stops and parking lots , traffic light objects, rest areas);

2) a methodology for generating and updating maps of the availability of objects and services on the official public resource of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation using the information and telecommunications network Internet, taking into account international symbols and technologies, which also provides for the procedure for displaying information.

The order of displaying information on the map is defined and described:

On the adaptation (adaptability) of objects in priority spheres of life for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population, taking into account the special needs of people with disabilities of various categories (taking into account the main types of health impairments);

On the degree of accessibility of the object (in particular, according to the assessment: the object is fully accessible, partially accessible, conditionally accessible);

On a comprehensive assessment of the state of accessibility of the main structural and functional areas of the facility (accessibility of the site - the adjacent territory, entrance, traffic routes in the building, designated purpose areas, sanitary and hygienic premises, information on the facility) both universal - for all citizens with limited mobility, and for individual categories of disabled people - taking into account the characteristics of health impairments;

The possibility of laying out an accessible route is presented (with determination of distance and travel time), as well as indicating the means of adapted public transport to the site.

The developed methodology should become the basis for the formation at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of unified (comparable in form, design, structure and procedure for collecting and updating information) electronic maps, including “routers”, allowing you to find the required object according to given parameters and create the most convenient route movement for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups (by distance, by time, by accessibility). It is intended to become the basis for unifying the form and structure of information on the state of accessibility of objects and services, both in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and throughout Russia as a whole, with the possibility of obtaining and exchanging information at the international level.

Section 1
Analysis of foreign and Russian experience in creating and updating accessibility maps

1.1. Analysis of foreign experience in creating accessibility maps

To review and analyze the experience of foreign countries in creating accessibility maps, 26 independent sites (portals) from 9 countries were selected, as well as pan-European, North American and international resources, including: the USA, France, Great Britain, Australia, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany; as well as neighboring countries: Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine. General information on the analyzed sites is presented in Appendix A.1. The information contains the original names of the sites (with address and link) and their brief characteristics, including the place of formation, information base, the procedure for collecting and updating information (if relevant information is available), the software platform on which the corresponding information resource was created.

Among the general directions for the creation and development of websites dedicated to accessibility, it should be noted the desire for universality (“universal accessibility of cities”, “universal design of buildings and structures”); This applies both to city reference and information portals and to special sites (portals) dedicated to the problems of people with disabilities. As a rule, reference and information portals of cities contain information necessary for any citizen, including special information for persons with disabilities. Interconnection and interchange of information have been established between the main Internet resources of cities, which facilitates and speeds up access to necessary information for different categories of citizens.

Noteworthy is the fact that almost all Internet resources are accessible to any citizen, as they are equipped with special programs that allow you to select a language for reading, change the size, color and background of the font, and also, if necessary, listen to the content of the site, so The needs of people with visual and hearing impairments are taken into account.

To reflect the necessary information, two types of maps are used on the sites studied: static and interactive.

Static are maps and diagrams, most often made in PDF format, which contain a variety of information about objects and services, including the degree of their accessibility for various categories of people with disabilities and people with disabilities. Maps are updated as information changes or is added. Such maps are posted on the websites of New York (“Access New York”), France (“Infomobi”), the University of Cambridge in the UK (“University of Cambridge”), and Sydney (“City of Sydney”).

Interactive are “GoogleMaps” maps, which are used, among other things, to generate interactive maps that reflect information about the accessibility of facilities and services for people with disabilities and people with disabilities. These are, for example, maps of London (“Inclusive London”), France (“PARISINFO”), Belarus (“Life without Barriers”), Ukraine (“Barrier-Free Ukraine”) and others. In addition, interactive maps allow you to plot routes, calculate distance and travel time using Google maps navigation.

Since ensuring accessibility is a priority task of national governments around the world and Europe, maps reflecting information on the accessibility of facilities and services are posted on the Internet resources of government agencies and organizations of these countries; At the same time, there are maps posted on the resources of public organizations, including organizations of people with disabilities, as well as a number of private organizations that post information about their facilities and activities.

Information about facilities and services and the degree of their accessibility for various categories of people with disabilities and people with disabilities is supplied to accessibility maps both from official sources (directly from facility owners and service providers) and through direct communication between the service consumer and the site administrator (via E-mail). In the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, and a number of other countries, voluntary assistants and volunteers take part in the description of objects and the collection of necessary information. However, data is most often entered into the database only after it has been checked by site administrators. There are also free access maps, information on which can be placed by any user, similar to Wikipedia.

A large number of sites on the foreign part of the Internet are focused on the needs of citizens traveling around Europe and the world, including people with disabilities and people with disabilities. They contain information reflecting the availability of tourist infrastructure facilities and services, main transport routes and recreational areas. Maps of these sites reflect the accessibility, first of all, of excursion routes, roads (surfaces, crossings, traffic lights, etc.), transport (its types and adaptability for people with disabilities and disabled people), parking lots, gas stations, hotel rooms (including staff preparedness to work with this category of citizens), food outlets, recreation areas, special toilets, etc.

Maps and websites in general, made mainly in the unified GoogleMaps format, make it possible to solve the problem of creating a unified information space, meeting the requirements of common standards, unifying object catalogs, used map symbols and conventions, as well as universal tools and map controls. The analysis of foreign sites made it possible to determine the basic international principles and directions for the formation and development of relevant information resources, as well as widely used symbols and graphics that are already familiar to consumers.

1.2. Analysis of Russian experience in the development of information resources on problems of accessibility of objects and services

In a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, work has begun on the formation of interactive maps of social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities that are accessible to people with disabilities and other disabled people, or have limited access. For this review, 10 addresses of accessibility map sites in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were found and analyzed. Summary information about them, indicating addresses, links, names, regions where they were generated, the platform on which the maps were made, as well as a brief commentary on each address, are presented in Appendix A.2.

In general, the analysis of the created accessibility maps in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation showed the lack of a unified approach, technology and methodology for creating and updating accessibility maps. Noteworthy is the lack of uniformity in the selection:

Customers and performers,

The procedure for generating and updating maps,

The classification of objects used,

Conventional signs and symbols,

Software to form an additional layer in terms of accessibility.

When creating most of the maps, we took into account, first of all, the needs of disabled people who use wheelchairs when moving, and less often of people with visual impairments; and virtually no information is provided on the accessibility of facilities for other categories of people with disabilities.

Many maps are formed and supported by public organizations, including organizations of people with disabilities: “No Barriers” and “Kazan Inaccessible”, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk. The authorities have created and maintained websites for Moscow and the Rostov region.

Filling out the map is carried out by everyone through electronic communication with the site administrators (“No Barriers”, “Kazan Inaccessible”, Tomsk). It is enough to inform about the object, signs of its accessibility (and more often, inaccessibility) so that it immediately appears on the map. In the Rostov region, on the contrary, specialists from the Ministry of Labor and Social Development process information before placing it on an interactive map.

To generate additional layers of maps that reflect accessibility, web maps are used: “Google Maps” (“No barriers” and “Kazan inaccessible”, “Map of accessibility of Moscow objects”) and “Yandex.Maps” (“Map of services” of Moscow and map Rostov region); as well as the 2GIS software (map of Nizhny Novgorod and Tomsk), as well as a platform specially developed in the region - (map of Krasnoyarsk).

The Rostov region has applied the technology of generating separate maps that reflect the accessibility of individual elements: “Traffic Light”, “Ramp”, “Street Surface Defects”, “Elevator”, “Doorway”. Volgodonsk - by type of objects: “Social protection institutions”, “Cultural and sports institutions”, “Health care institutions”, “Other objects”. This approach does not ensure the integrity of information on the infrastructure and the facility.

Of the symbols and conventions used on Google Maps and Yandex.Maps, three colors are most often used to reflect the degree of accessibility: green, yellow, red - respectively, the object is fully accessible, partially accessible, inaccessible; an object is indicated either by a base map symbol on which an accessibility map is developed (for example, a multi-colored “blob” in Google Maps), or by a specially designed icon in shape and color depending on the type of object (the “wheelchair” symbol and colors are most often used traffic light).

In connection with the above, the need to propose a unified form and structure of the accessibility map, a unified methodology for its formation and updating, for use by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is of particular relevance.

Section 2
Form of a map of the accessibility of facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities in the Russian Federation

When developing the form of the accessibility map and the corresponding structure of the information resource “Map of Accessibility of Facilities and Services on the Territory of a Subject of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation”) the principles of “universal design” were used:

1) equality in use (for people with different physical abilities);

2) flexibility in use (choosing how to use the product, taking into account the various individual preferences and abilities of the user);

3) simple and intuitive design (regardless of experience, knowledge, language skills and level of concentration at the moment, if necessary, the presence of hints);

4) easily perceived information (regardless of environmental conditions and the characteristics of the user’s perception; using various methods: visual, verbal, tactile; separation of the main from the secondary; compatibility with various technologies and means used by people with disabilities);

5) tolerance for error (design should minimize the danger or negative consequences of accidental or unintended actions);

6) low physical effort (the consumer must use the design as efficiently and comfortably as possible, with a minimum of effort);

7) size and space for access and use (ensuring the visibility of important elements and easy access for any user, including the use of assistive devices or a personal assistant, if necessary).

2.1. Form and structure of the information resource “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation”: general requirements for information, compositional and graphic solutions, symbols used; possibilities and types of sampling

Among the main requirements corresponding to the concept of “universal design”, when developing the project of the information resource “Accessibility Maps of the Subject of the Russian Federation”, the following are taken into account first of all:

Convenience and ease of entering information and updating it;

Convenience and ease of use, obtaining information by users with various perception impairments: visual impairment, hearing impairment, mental impairment;

Possibility of data comparison (or information unification): international, Russian, regional information systems;

The maximum possible universality of design (color, graphic design, features of reflecting information about the state of accessibility of objects for people with disabilities of various categories) using officially recognized or most frequently used symbols (international, Russian, unique).

Taking into account the stated principles, an approximate form of an information resource, its graphic, compositional, and content solution have been developed.

The basis is taken from Yandex maps with a standard set of management tools and functions of the Yandex.Maps service.

The formation of the map can be presented page by page (by levels):

I. Federal level

Page 1. “Main page of accessibility maps for the Russian Federation” - contains summary information for all constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the availability of accessibility maps (shown in Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Main page of accessibility maps for the Russian Federation

Duplication of information about the subject of the Russian Federation that developed the Accessibility Map is available in the filter field (to the left of the map) in the “Accessibility Maps Created” window, where the same icon is located next to the name of the subject of the Russian Federation that has the information resource “Accessibility Map of the Subject of the Russian Federation” .

From the federal level, a search can also be made for a subject of the Russian Federation, or its territorial entity (district, city, other locality), which is already represented on the accessibility map. The search is carried out by entering information into the “Subject of the Russian Federation, region, locality” window. Clicking on the adjacent arrow allows you to access the directory in the form of a list (list of subjects of the Russian Federation). When you select the desired subject of the Russian Federation and click the “Search” button, you go to the next level - to the Accessibility Map of the selected subject of the Russian Federation.

Management tools, including the information resource control panel, the commands used, graphics and symbols are the same for all levels. They will be described below.

II. Level of the subject of the Russian Federation

Page 2. “Main page of the Accessibility Map of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation” - contains information about accessibility maps of objects and services in the territorial entities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (Figure 2 shows an example of such a page for one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

The form of the map of a subject of the Russian Federation is represented by two main information blocks, as well as additional search and information functions.

Figure 2. Main page “Accessibility maps of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation”

A. One of the main blocks is a map of the subject with the corresponding territorial entities. On the map, information icons “Information” indicate areas and settlements for which maps of the availability of facilities and services have been generated. Duplication of this information (by analogy with the federal level) occurs through the appearance of the names of districts and settlements with the “Information” icon in the “Accessibility maps created” window.

Map management tools allow you to zoom in and out on the map itself and the selected map feature. The meaning of each of the map controls is described in Appendix B. In addition, pointing the search arrow at each of the controls displays a hint about the meaning of this element.

To display social infrastructure objects on the map, there are keys in the second row of the toolbar on the right (above the upper right field of the map), colored in accordance with the color that reflects the degree of accessibility of the social infrastructure object (fully accessible, partially accessible, conditionally accessible, or temporarily unavailable, or there is no availability information available). When you activate the corresponding key, objects of the selected degree of accessibility appear on the map. Clarification of information about the state of accessibility of selected objects for specific categories of disabled people and their corresponding selection - reflected on the map - is done by activating the keys with the symbol (graphic image) of the selected category of disabled people, which are located on the left in the second row of the toolbar. The system of filters and keys allows for a selection of social infrastructure objects, both by area of ​​life and by the degree of their accessibility, including for various categories of disabled people.

B. The second of the main information blocks is a set of search types for relevant social infrastructure facilities and settlements. The “Route” window, specially highlighted in the filter field, allows you to plot a route from one object to another within a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, both by public and personal transport, as well as when moving on foot. A description of the construction of the route and its adaptation for various categories of disabled people is given below (in the description of pages 6 and 7).

The name of the desired territorial entity or settlement on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation can be entered into the search window “District, settlement” to locate it on the map. The arrow located to the right of this window allows you to display a list of districts and settlements of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to speed up the search.

In the search window “Social infrastructure objects” you can enter the desired object: both its name and address. To simplify the search, the arrow located to the right of the window can be activated, and a list of social infrastructure objects will be displayed in the form of a register generated according to the classifier of priority spheres of life. (The “Directory of Organizations” offered by the Yandex.Maps service can also be used).

In the lower left field of the information resource there is an active button “Electronic Document Forms”, activation of which allows you to open and download electronic forms of documents used in the procedure for certification of objects and filling the information resource (in particular, the OSI Availability Certificate, Questionnaire (information about the OSI) from the head object, OSI inspection report, Register of OSI and services, Questionnaire of a disabled person and others). Samples of these forms are presented in Appendix B.

In the lower right field there are active keys for interacting with sites (portals) of higher structures (IOGV), as well as public organizations of people with disabilities and others interconnected with the Internet resource accessibility map.

The top field of the information resource contains toolbar keys. Thus, in the upper left field there are functions of “return to the main page”, “calling help”, “printing” of the displayed page, “feedback” to the administrator of the information resource. The upper right field contains keys that determine the type and form of information received by the user, taking into account accessibility requirements for various options and perception disorders. In particular, there are keys for “changing font size”, “changing background and font” - for the visually impaired, “voice reproduction of content” (duplicating visual information with audio) - for the blind, as well as “language selection”. The functions of these keys are also described in Appendix B.

Management tools, including the toolbar, commands used, graphics and symbols are the same for all levels.

2.2. The procedure for searching and displaying on the map information about the accessibility of social and transport infrastructure facilities; route planning

The search for social infrastructure facilities and the display of information about their availability on the map is presented in Figures 3 and 4.

The search for specific objects can be carried out both in a populated area as a whole, and in the territory of a part of it (in a district, microdistrict, municipality). To select the desired territory, you must enter its name in the “District” search box, or select it from the list of territories that opens (after pressing the arrow key to the right of the “District” field).

Page 3. “Search for social infrastructure and services in the city” (shown in Figure 3 using the example of St. Petersburg).

The search for objects can be carried out in two ways (similar to the search for a territory described above): either by entering the name or type of the desired object in the “Social infrastructure objects” search window, or by selecting from the drop-down list of objects. The search attribute can also be the address of the searched object.

After completing the selection of search parameters and pressing the “Search” button, a list of all selected objects in the specified territory will open in the “Social infrastructure objects” search window. At the same time, graphic images (symbols) will appear on the map at all selected objects, colored in accordance with the degree of accessibility of these objects for all categories of people with disabilities and people with disabilities. And at the bottom of the filter field, a list will be displayed, illustrated with the same symbols as on the map, with quantitative data on the degree of accessibility of the selected objects in a given area.

The next step and level of search allows you to select a specific social infrastructure object.

Figure 3. Search for social infrastructure and services in the city

Page 4. “Searching for information about the state of accessibility of a specific social infrastructure object” (shown in Figure 4).

You can select an object from an open list or by activating the symbol of this object on the map (by pointing the cursor over it and “clicking” with the left mouse button). After this, a “pop-up” window will appear above the activated symbol (object) containing the following information:

Photo of the object (recognizable),

Object name,

A set of active buttons - symbols that reflect in color the state of accessibility of the object for various categories of disabled people, including for all categories. A classification of objects by degree of accessibility is given in Appendix D.

Page 5. “Obtaining detailed information about a social infrastructure facility” (shown in Figure 5).

The path to the object,

Services provided (type and form of provision),

Operating mode,

Contact information: telephone, fax, e-mail, website (with the possibility of access to the organization’s email address or website).

Figure 4. Search for information about the accessibility status of a specific social infrastructure facility

Figure 5. Obtaining detailed information about a social infrastructure facility

To obtain more detailed information about the state of accessibility of a social infrastructure facility for a specific category of disabled person, you must activate the button in the “pop-up” window - the symbol of this category of disabled person. In this case, an additional window with detailed information (shown in Figure 4 to the left of the map) will open in the filter field, containing:

An option for organizing accessibility at the site (providing access to all structural and functional areas, or specially designated areas and service areas for the disabled);

The state of accessibility of the main structural and functional areas and elements of the facility (according to certification data): in this case, only problems are described, i.e. brief information is provided on the non-compliance of individual elements of these zones with the requirements of regulatory documents on accessibility; The classifier of structural and functional zones and elements is presented in Appendix D.

Availability of an alternative form of service (remotely, at home, with the help of facility employees, etc.).

Page 6. “Building a route on the map reflecting information about its availability” (Figure 6).

There are two ways to get a route from one object to another:

1 - using a special tool “Yandex.Maps” - “Build a route” (described in Appendix B). To do this, you need to move the cursor over the icon (button) of this tool and “click” once, then move the cursor over the first object and also “click”, then on the second, repeating the same action.

2 - using the “Route” filter located on the filter field. In this case, you must enter the address of the first object in field 1 of the search window, and the address of the second in field 2. With this method of constructing a route, it is possible to choose the type of transport (public transport, personal).

Figure 6. Plotting a route on a map displaying information about its availability

In both cases, a line of the route will appear on the map, and a window with information about the route will appear in the filter field, namely:

Total length

Average travel time

Detailed description of the route.

If necessary, the return path (route) can be described in the same window. The information can be printed.

Page 7. “Obtaining additional information about the route availability status” (Figure 7).

When you activate the “Information” icon (symbol) on the route line, a “pop-up” window opens containing a set of symbols corresponding to various categories of people with disabilities, reflecting in color the degree of accessibility of the route for them.

When you select a specific category of a disabled person and activate the corresponding symbol, a window opens in the filter field with detailed additional information about the route and accessibility elements on it from the point of view of the needs of a specific category of disabled people, in particular:

Types of public transport,


Parking lots, parking lots,

Pedestrian paths and crossings,

Traffic lights,

The presence of adaptation elements on each of the specified types of transport and elements of road transport infrastructure, including the presence of special information (visual, acoustic, tactile).

Figure 7. Obtaining additional information about the route's availability status

The described step-by-step information search represents the general principle and technology of working in the generated accessibility map.

Taking into account the user's needs, the sequence, forms and types of selection can be changed, various combinations of search parameters, applied filters and ways to obtain the necessary information can be used.

Search results at any stage can be sent by email or printed. In general, the version of accessibility maps can be used both on a personal computer and in a mobile version.

Section 3
Methodology for creating and updating maps of accessibility of objects and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation

In order to implement the main provisions of the State program and the programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the regional government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation decide on the formation of a territorial information resource - “Accessibility map of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation”.

The Supreme State Executive Board of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, by a normative legal act of a subject of the Russian Federation, determines the procedure for work and coordination of the Executive Administration of State Administration of subjects for the creation and support of the activities of an information resource.

Taking into account the specifics and capabilities of the region (subject of the Russian Federation), a decision may be made to create an independent information resource, or to develop it as part of a more powerful information resource operating on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation - a portal on the problems of people with disabilities, or in the structure of a single information portal of an authority executive power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

3.1 Organization of the process of generating and updating accessibility maps: the procedure for collecting and processing information, managing the content of the information resource “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation”

The organization of the process of generating and updating accessibility maps of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out by the highest executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The government of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation independently determines the participants in the formation of an accessible environment for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups in priority areas of life. The form and system of interaction between the IOGV in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is also carried out on the basis of regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Based on the results of the approval of the IOGV of the subject of the Russian Federation, participating in the process of certification of objects and services in priority spheres of life in the subject of the Russian Federation, the IOGV of the subject of the Russian Federation determines responsible specialists to work on the information resource.

To organize the work of entering data on objects of priority spheres of life on the all-Russian information resource, the IOGV of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation provides a list of responsible specialists by name, indicating the coordinator and his contacts, to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. In turn, the Ministry of Labor of Russia, within three days, interacts with the administrators of the information resource to provide responsible specialists of the IOGV of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with administrative rights to post information about the availability of objects on the Internet information and telecommunications network.

The formation and updating of information on the information resource “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation” is based on materials received (received) by the IOGV of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - participants in the formation of an accessible environment for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups of the population in priority areas of life, in the process of certification of objects and services, carried out on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the “Methodology for certification and classification of objects and services for the purpose of their objective assessment for the development of measures to ensure their accessibility.”

The main accounting document accepted as a source of information for entering the relevant data on the information resource “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation” is the “Passport of Accessibility of a Social Infrastructure Object” (Appendix B.2), generated on the basis of the “Questionnaire (information about a social infrastructure object) ", received from the head (owner) of the social infrastructure object (Appendix B.3), as well as (if necessary) "Inspection report of the social infrastructure object" (Appendix B.4). Summary information about social infrastructure facilities on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the services they provide to the population (including disabled people and other citizens with limited mobility), the nature of their activities, as well as the state of accessibility, obtained as a result of certification, is collected in the “Register of Social Infrastructure Objects” and services" (Appendix B.1). The organization, methodology and technology for filling out, processing these documents and making decisions based on their results are presented in the “Methodology for certification and classification of objects and services for the purpose of their objective assessment for the development of measures to ensure their accessibility.” In general, the document flow in the system of work on certification (and subsequent adaptation taking into account the needs of people with disabilities) of social infrastructure and services is presented in the diagram (Figure 8).

As shown in the figure, all the documents described (generated in the process of certification of objects and services) can be generated not only on paper, but also (if there is an automated information and reference system in the region on issues of accessible living environment) also in electronic form. In this case, information on the results of certification can be transmitted electronically on the information resource “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation,” which operates as part of the structure of a unified AIS.

If there is no automation of the monitoring process in the region based on certification of the state of accessibility of objects and services, data from accessibility passports (copies of OSI accessibility passports) are transferred to the administrator of the information resource on paper and in an electronic version (on disk or sent by e-mail in an attached file).

Table 1 presents the main participants in the process of functioning of the information resource “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation”, their tasks, rights, and main functions.

The functions of the customer in the development of an information resource, and then of its owner, are determined by the highest executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation. The selected IOGV of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation acts as the organizer of collecting information, processing it, developing a draft decision on the state of accessibility of an object or the need for its adaptation, as well as a decision on posting relevant information on a publicly accessible information resource - on the information resource “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation.” In special cases, such a decision is made with the participation of the territorial Commission for the coordination of work in the field of accessible living environment (with the highest IOGV of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

To resolve practical issues of managing an information resource (including technical support and management of its content, the OSZN can entrust the administration with technical support, with solving problems of creating and updating the information resource, to one of its subordinate institutions.

Suppliers of information for filling the content of the information resource are institutions of various departmental affiliations that were included in the certification process; subsequently, they can send to the IOGV of the subject of the Russian Federation, responsible as the person responsible for the information resource, additional information or information about the changes that have occurred at the facility, including the results of repair or organizational adaptation work. Disability service providers that are non-governmental organizations typically provide relevant information themselves. Government institutions and organizations can provide relevant information through a higher organization (territorial or departmental governing body). Territorial and departmental IOGV can also act as independent suppliers of information, especially in relation to objects not included in the certification process (in particular, for transport facilities, road transport infrastructure, recreational areas, etc.).

Users of the information posted on the information resource can be, first of all, private individuals: both citizens with disabilities (disabled people, MGN), and specialists working with disabled people - to obtain information for the purpose of organizing assistance to the disabled person (informational, advisory, organizational). Users can also be institutions and organizations: both service providers (state and non-state), and public associations of people with disabilities (VOS, VOG, VOI) and others.

Users can obtain information about objects, services, their availability; about a convenient route to the object (both in time and distance), as well as about the availability of adapted transport, stops (parking lots, parking lots), pedestrian paths, traffic lights; as well as additional information about the object, about the adaptation of its main structural and functional zones; about forms of public service, work schedule; with photo illustration if necessary.

If necessary, receive support or additional clarification or consultation, users can send a letter to the administrator of the information resource as feedback.

Table 1. Participants in the process of functioning of the information resource
“Accessibility map of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation”
(formation, renewal, use)

Type of participation Legal entities and individuals Tasks, functions, rights
Owner of information resource IOGV of the subject in the field of social protection of the population - OSZN (or the highest IOGV of the subject) Organization of collection and processing of information; making a decision about posting it on an information resource or updating it
Information resource administrator IOGV of a subject of the Russian Federation, determined by the highest IOGV of a subject of the Russian Federation Content management, technical support; input of primary and updated information (if necessary, in agreement with the owner of the information resource)
Information providers IOGV departmental and territorial Institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership Filling out and submitting information documents for consideration by the Information Resource Administrators; as well as the necessary illustrative material
Users of information Individuals: - citizens with disabilities: MGN, people with disabilities - specialists working with people with disabilities Legal entities: - OOI (VOI, VOS, VOG), - service providers for people with disabilities Search for information: - about objects, services provided; - about their accessibility for various categories of disabled people, - about the route to the object (time, distance, accessibility status) Sending information in the form of feedback (questions, suggestions, additional information; needs)

3.2 Technical parameters and software of the information resource “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation”

The list of tasks solved in this study did not include determining the technical characteristics of the websites and software products being created that can be used in the formation of accessibility maps. However, in the process of analyzing the experience of creating and updating similar sites in various regions of Russia and abroad, the authors decided to make their recommendations on the procedure for selecting software products for creating the information resource “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation.” This decision was caused by the need to ensure uniformity of operating technology, the ability to search and update information on maps, and the convenience of obtaining it by different categories of consumers (disabled people and other citizens) living in different regions, based on the principles of “universal design”, including comparability and exchange of information based on the interaction of sites created on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In the process of work, the functionality of interactive accessibility maps generated on various services (GoogleMaps, Yandex.Maps, 2GIS, was compared, as well as their appearance, design, graphics, set of tools, symbols used. Each of the software products used by Russian and foreign developers, taken as a basis for the formation of interactive accessibility maps, meets the basic requirements for geographic information systems (GIS), and each of them can serve as a platform for the formation of additional layers reflecting information about the accessibility of social infrastructure facilities and services.

However, in order to comply with the principles of universality and comparability of information, the possibility of exchanging it on the territory of the Russian Federation, Yandex.Maps seems to be the most optimal choice for the development of information resources in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The following provisions can serve as an explanation for this choice.

Yandex consistently ranks first in the ranking of global search engines, being the leader in the Russian online cartography market on the Runet (the Russian-language part of the Internet). Thus, according to data from companies involved in the optimization and promotion of sites on the Internet (,,,,, on average 50% of consumers make their choice among search engines in favor of Yandex ( despite the fact that other well-known systems, such as Rambler, Google, are preferred by 15-20% of Internet users).

As the analysis shows, Yandex maps are better detailed; they contain detailed information with detailed maps and diagrams of cities in the post-Soviet space, down to the house: in Russia (more than 200 cities), in Ukraine (about 60), in Belarus, Kazakhstan.

Yandex.Maps are multifunctional. One of the effectively implemented functions is the presence of a router, which allows you to plot routes on the map, determine the distances between objects in meters, in minutes, both on public and personal transport. Yandex.Maps have a simple and user-friendly interface (appearance and tools), as well as a convenient way to navigate through a large amount of data.

“Yandex.Maps”, like other maps (Google), allow you to work with three types of maps: the traditional “Scheme”, “Satellite” (satellite images of the area) and “Hybrid” (a map in which the names of geographical objects are applied to satellite images ).

In addition, Yandex.Maps, as a leader among search engines, is compatible with well-known Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera). They have an open, freely available to the user, and easy-to-manage software interface - API, which allows you to install a map (both static and interactive), as well as all the tools for working with the map, including a router. At the same time, the API provides access to all the contents of Yandex.Maps: hundreds of detailed maps of cities, highways, world maps, satellite images of the planet, etc. The API serves as a good basis for the formation of an additional layer superimposed on the existing Yandex.Map database ", to post information about the accessibility of social infrastructure facilities, and also allows you to organize the interaction of the map with other programs.

Using the Yandex.Maps API, the created information resource can be provided with a full-fledged search system for various objects and infrastructure elements located on the map, including road and transport infrastructure. If necessary, any information found can be printed (both a map and a route, etc.).

Yandex provides free hosting (placing a website on a Yandex resource), email, as well as a mobile version of maps and a router that can be used as a navigator. Yandex.Maps supports all modern mobile devices.

In general, as the analysis showed, “Yandex.Map” is a convenient tool that will help solve many problems: from creating a simple driving map to developing complex geographic information services, including creating additional layers containing detailed information about the availability of objects and services for disabled people and other categories of citizens with limited mobility. At the same time, the entire set of ready-made functions “Yandex.Map” can be used in a new product being created - the information resource “Accessibility Map of a Subject of the Russian Federation”.

We believe that the listed characteristics of the specified search system and the Yandex.Maps service allow us to recommend them as an acceptable and universal basis for generating accessibility maps in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation - with the possibility of presenting unified requirements to them, uniform standards, comparability, comparability, and the possibility of exchange information at the interregional, federal and international level.


Based on an analysis of foreign and Russian experience in creating and updating maps of the accessibility of facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities, the manual for the first time defines and justifies an approximate (unified) form of an electronic map of the accessibility of social infrastructure facilities and services for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as a methodology its formation and renewal at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The authors have developed both the form and structure of the map, as well as general requirements for the information posted, its compositional and graphic design, the types of sampling (search) of the required information, the symbols used, taking into account the special needs and characteristics of the perception of information by various categories of people with disabilities. Features of reflecting on the map various types of objects and services (according to priority areas of life), both with the presentation of general information (gradually deepened in the process of step-by-step search by the consumer), and special information about the state of accessibility of objects and services for various categories of people with disabilities, including additional information on the availability of individual structural and functional elements of objects; with the ability to plot a route to the required facility, calculating the distance, travel time, determining the available mode of transport and adapting it for various categories of people with limited mobility.

Researchers have developed a methodology for generating and updating accessibility maps: identifying the main participants in the process, the order of their work, rights and responsibilities, organizing the collection and processing of information, placing it on electronic media on the public Internet (in the form of a website, portal), managing the content of the website (portal) ) “Map of accessibility of facilities and services on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation”; the possibility of compiling and summarizing information at the all-Russian level, as well as exchanging it at the international level - taking into account technical capabilities and unified software.

The manual uses a classification of information on the accessibility of objects and services - according to the degree (level) of accessibility, both for all categories of people with limited mobility, and for certain categories of people with disabilities (depending on the main functional impairments), collected and updated in the process of certification of objects and services.

In general, the developed methodology for generating and updating accessibility maps is designed to provide authorities and specialists in the social protection system of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a unified organizational and methodological (technological) tool for generating and updating information electronic accessibility maps with an interactive router. This activity will make it possible to effectively and at the modern level solve the problems of timely and high-quality informing consumers about the accessibility of the living environment for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and creating equal opportunities for them to meet basic life needs - taking into account the main provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the state program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2015.”


* Priority spheres of life are understood as objects of healthcare, culture, transport, information and communications, education, social protection, sports and physical culture, housing, according to the State program.

Appendix B

Meanings of symbols used on accessibility maps

Appendix B

Electronic document forms (samples)

Appendix B.1

in priority areas of life of people with disabilities and other people with disabilities

Note: The internal structure of the ASI Register (sections by line) is formed in the form of a grouped list according to the main (priority) areas of life of people with disabilities and other MGN:

Section 1 - healthcare facilities

Section 2 - educational objects

Section 3 - objects of social protection of the population

Section 4 - physical culture and sports facilities

Section 5 - cultural objects

Section 6 - communication and information objects

Section 7 - transport and road infrastructure facilities

Section 8 - residential buildings and premises

Section 9 - objects of the consumer market and service sector

Section 10 - places of employment (specialized enterprises and organizations, special workplaces for disabled people)

Register of social infrastructure and services
in priority areas of life of people with disabilities and other people with disabilities


*(1) one of the options is indicated: “A”, “B”

*(2) indicates: DP-V - fully accessible to everyone; DP-I (K, O, S, G, U) - available completely selectively (specify which categories of disabled people); DC-V - partially available to everyone; DC-I (K, O, S, G, U) - partially accessible selectively (specify categories of disabled people); DU - conditionally available, VND - not available;

*(3) one of the options (types of work) is indicated: not required; repairs (current, major); individual solution with TSR; technical solutions are not possible - organization of an alternative form of service

*(4) indicates: DP-V - fully accessible to everyone; DP-I (K, O, S, G, U) - available completely selectively (specify which categories of disabled people); DC-V - partially available to everyone; DC-I (K, O, S, G, U) - partially accessible selectively (specify categories of disabled people); Remote control - conditionally available

*(5) an assessment is given of the result of the implementation of planned activities in comparison with the expected results (based on availability) - similar to gr. 17

Appendix B.2

Head of OSZN
"____" ____________ 20___

Availability passport
social infrastructure facility (SIF)
№ ________________

1. General information about the object

Part of a building of __________ floors (or on the __________ floor), ________ sq.m.


1.9. Form of ownership (state, non-state) ___________


(for public services)

housing stock, consumer market and service sector, other)

2.7 Participation in the implementation of IRP of a disabled person, a disabled child (yes, no) _______

Availability of adapted passenger transport to the site _____________

alarm, timer; No

visual; No

Their arrangement for wheelchair users: yes, no (____________________)

3.3 Organizing the accessibility of the facility for disabled people - form of service*



* Indicated: DP-V - fully accessible to everyone; DP-I (K, O, S, G, U) - fully accessible selectively (specify categories of disabled people); DC-V - partially available to everyone; DC-I (K, O, S, G, U) - partially accessible selectively (specify categories of disabled people); DU - conditionally available, VND - temporarily unavailable

3.5. FINAL CONCLUSION about the state of AXIS availability: ________________________

4. Management decision


Approval ____________________________________________________________



4.5. Information is posted (updated) on the Subject Accessibility Map

Russian Federation date



(name of site, portal)

5. Special marks

The passport is formed on the basis of:

1. Questionnaires (information about the object) dated “__” _____________ 20__,

2. Facility inspection report: Act number ____________ dated “__” _______ 20__.

3. Decisions of the Commission __________________________ dated “__” __________ 20__

Appendix B.3

Head of the organization
"____" ____________ 20___

(information about the social infrastructure facility)
to the axle availability certificate
№ ________________

1. General information about the object

1.1. Name (type) of object ________________________________________

1.2. Facility address ______________________________________________________________

1.3. Information about object placement:

A separate building of _______ floors, ____________ sq.m.

Part of the building __________ floors (or on the ________ floor), _________ sq.m.

1.4. Year of construction of the building _________, last major renovation ____

1.5. Date of upcoming planned repairs: current __, major

information about the organization located at the site

1.6. Name of the organization (institution), (full legal name

According to the Charter, short name) ________________________________

1.7. Legal address of the organization (institution) _________________________

1.8. Basis for using the facility (operational management, rent,


1.9. Form of ownership (state, non-state)

1.10. Territorial affiliation (federal, regional,


1.11. Superior organization (name) ____________________________

1.12. Address of the parent organization, other coordinates __________________

2. Characteristics of the organization’s activities at the site

2.1 Field of activity (health care, education, social protection,

physical culture and sports, culture, communications and information, transport,

housing stock, consumer market and service sector, other


2.2 Types of services provided _____________________________________________

2.3 Form of provision of services: (on site, with a long stay, incl.

accommodation, at home, remotely)

working age, elderly; all age categories)

wheelchair, disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders;

visual impairment, hearing impairment, mental development impairment

2.6 Planned capacity: attendance (number of people served per day),

capacity, throughput _____________________________________

2.7 Participation in the implementation of IRP of a disabled person, a disabled child (yes, no)

3. State of accessibility of the facility for people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups (MGN)

3.1 Route to the site by passenger transport

(describe the route using passenger transport)


3.2 The path to the object from the nearest passenger transport stop:

3.2.1 distance to the object from the transport stop ________________ m

3.2.2 travel time (on foot) ___________________ min

3.2.3 the presence of a pedestrian path separated from the roadway (yes, no),

3.2.4 Intersections: unregulated; adjustable, with sound

alarm, timer; No

3.2.5 Information along the route to the object: acoustic, tactile,

visual; No

3.2.6 Height changes along the way: yes, no (describe_______________________)

3.3 Option for organizing the availability of OSI (forms of service)* taking into account SP


* - one of the options is indicated: “A”, “B”, “DU”, “VND”

4. Management decision (proposals for adapting the main structural elements of the facility)


*- one of the options (types of work) is indicated: not required; repairs (current, major); individual solution with TSR; technical solutions are not possible - organization of an alternative form of service

Placing information on the Accessibility Map of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

agreed ______________


(signature, full name, position; contact details of the authorized person

object representative)

Appendix B.4

Head of OSZN
"____" ____________ 20___

Inspection report
social infrastructure facility
to the axle availability certificate
№ ________________

_________________________________________ “____” ________ 20___

Name of territorial

formation of a subject of the Russian Federation

1. General information about the object

1.1. Name (type) of object ________________________________________

1.2. Facility address ______________________________________________________________

1.3. Information about object placement:

Detached building _______ floors, ____________ sq.m

Part of a building of __________ floors (or on the _________ floor), _________ sq.m.

Availability of adjacent land (yes, no); _______________ sq.m

1.4. Year of construction of the building _________, last major renovation ____

1.5. Date of upcoming planned repairs: current __, major

1.6. Name of the organization (institution), (full legal name

According to the Charter, short name) ________________________________

1.7. Legal address of the organization (institution) _________________________

2. Characteristics of the organization’s activities at the site

Additional information ________________________________________________

3. Object availability status

3.1 Route to the site by passenger transport

(describe the route using passenger transport)


Availability of adapted passenger transport to the site ______________

3.2 The path to the object from the nearest passenger transport stop:

3.2.1 distance to the object from the transport stop ________________ m

3.2.2 travel time (on foot) ___________________ min

3.2.3 the presence of a pedestrian path separated from the roadway (yes, no),

3.2.4 Intersections: unregulated; adjustable, with sound

alarm, timer; No

3.2.5 Information along the route to the object: acoustic, tactile,

visual; No

3.2.6 Height changes along the way: yes, no (describe ______________________)

Their arrangement for wheelchair users: yes, no (_____________________)

3.3 Organization of accessibility of the facility for disabled people - form of service


* - one of the options is indicated: “A”, “B”, “DU”, “VND”

3.4 Availability status of main structural and functional areas

№№ Main structural and functional areas State of accessibility, including for main categories of disabled people* Application
No. on the plan Photo no.
2 Entrance(s) to the building
3 Path(s) of movement within the building (including escape routes)
6 Information and communication system (in all zones)
7 Routes to the object (from the transport stop)


* Indicated: DP-V - fully accessible to everyone; DP-I (K, O, S, G, U) - fully accessible selectively (specify categories of disabled people); DC-V - partially available to everyone; DC-I (K, O, S, G, U) - partially accessible selectively (specify categories of disabled people); DU - conditionally available, VND - not available

3.5. FINAL CONCLUSION on the state of AXIS availability: ___________________

4. Management decision (project)


*- one of the options (types of work) is indicated: not required; repairs (current, major); individual solution with TSR; technical solutions are not possible - organization of an alternative form of service

4.2. Work period _____________________________________________________

within the framework of execution _____________________________________________________

(indicate the name of the document: program, plan)

4.3 Expected result (according to availability) after completion of work

on adaptation ____________________________________________________________

Evaluation of the result of the execution of the program, plan (according to availability)

4.4. To make a decision, it is required or not required (underline as necessary):

4.4.1. approval by the Commission ________________________________________

(name of the Commission for Coordination of Activities in the Sphere of Providing

accessible living environment for people with disabilities and other people with disabilities)

4.4.2. coordination of work with supervisory authorities (in the field of design and

construction, architecture, monument protection, other - specify)


4.4.3. technical expertise; development of design and estimate documentation;

4.4.4. coordination with a higher organization (owner of the object);

4.4.5. coordination with public organizations of disabled people ____________;

4.4.6. other _________________________________________________________________

There is a conclusion from an authorized organization on the state of accessibility

object (name of the document and the organization that issued it, date),



4.7. Information can be posted (updated) on the Accessibility Map

subject of the Russian Federation


(name of site, portal)

5. Special marks


Survey results:

1. The territory adjacent to the object on __________ l.

2. Entrance (entrances) to the building on __________ l.

3. The routes of movement in the building are __________ l.

4. Target zones of the object on __________ l.

5. Sanitary and hygienic premises for __________ liters.

6. Information (and communication) systems at the facility on __________ l.

Results of photographic recording at the site _____________________ on __________ years.

Floor plans, BTI passport ___________________________ on __________ pages.

Other (including additional information about routes to the object)




working group _____________________________________________ ____________

(Position, full name) (Signature)

Working group members:

(Position, full name) (Signature)

___________________________________________________ ____________

(Position, full name) (Signature)


representatives of public

organizations of disabled people

___________________________________________________ ____________

(Position, full name) (Signature)

___________________________________________________ ____________

(Position, full name) (Signature)

representatives of the organization,

located on site

___________________________________________________ ____________

(Position, full name) (Signature)

___________________________________________________ ____________

(Position, full name) (Signature)

The management decision was approved by “__” ____ 20__ (minutes No.___)

Commission (name).__________________________________________________________


Appendix D

Classifier of the main structural and functional zones and elements of buildings and structures that are subject to adaptation for people with disabilities and other people with disabilities

No. The main structural and functional zones of the axis (their types) Functional and planning elements of the zone (and their features)
1 The area adjacent to the building (site) 1.1 Entrance(s) to the territory
1.2 Route(s) of traffic within the territory
1.3 Staircase (external)
1.4 Ramp (external)
1.5 Parking and parking
2 Entrance(s) to the building 2.1 Staircase (external)
2.2 Ramp (external)
2.3 Entrance area (in front of the door)
2.4 Door (entrance)
2.5 Tambour
3 Path(s) of movement within the building (including escape routes) 3.1 Corridor (lobby, waiting area, gallery, balcony)
3.2 Stairs (inside the building)
3.3 Ramp (inside the building)
3.4 Passenger elevator (or lift)
3.5 Door
3.6 Escape routes (including safety zones)
4 Area of ​​purpose of the building (target visit to the site) Option I - service area for disabled people 4.1 office form of service
4.2 lounge form of service
4.3 counter service
4.4 form of service with movement along the route
4.5 personal service cabin
Option II - places of labor application
Option III - living quarters
5 Sanitary facilities 5.1 Toilet room
5.2 Shower/bathroom
5.3 Living room (dressing room)
6 6.1 Visual aids
6.2 Acoustic aids
6.3 Tactile aids

Appendix D

Classifier of social infrastructure objects by state (level) of accessibility

№№ Availability status assessment Cipher Justification for the decision on the accessibility status of the object
1 Fully accessible to everyone DP-V Compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents in design and construction for all 6 functional areas for all categories of people with disabilities - both in terms of accessibility and safety, as well as information content and comfort (the area adjacent to the building; entrances to the building; routes of movement within the building; destination places ; sanitary and hygienic premises and information systems) - according to option “A” (clause 1.6 SP 35-101-2001)
2 Fully selectively available DP-I (k, o, s, g, y) Compliance with regulatory requirements (both accessibility and safety, as well as information content and comfort) according to option “A” (according to clause 1.6 of SP 35-101-2001) of all 6 functional zones - but for certain categories of disabled people: with pathology of the musculoskeletal system ( o), for a person moving in a wheelchair (k), for a disabled person with severe vision pathology, including the blind (c), for a disabled person with hearing pathology, including the deaf (d), or for a disabled person with mental retardation (y)
3 Partially available to everyone DC-V 1) Compliance with the regulatory requirements of the main functional zones (2-4) - access to the intended destination is provided for all categories of citizens. 2) Specially designated paths and service points, special areas for servicing people with limited mobility, option “B” have been established (clause 1.6 of SP 35-101-2001): “special rooms, zones or blocks have been allocated at the entrance level, adapted and equipped for people with disabilities , and also special entrances, traffic routes and service points have been arranged"
4 Partially selectively available DCH-I (k, o, s, g, y) 1) Compliance with the standards of only the main functional areas (reach of destination places) for certain categories of disabled people 2) Specially designated paths and places of service for certain categories of disabled people, as well as special areas for their service - according to option “B” (SP 35-101) -2001)
5 Available conditionally DU The requirements of regulatory documents in planning and construction have not been met and are technically impossible: The decision on conditional accessibility is made upon fulfillment of the following conditions: - agreement with consumer representatives (ROI) that existing violations of some parameters of structural and functional elements are acceptable; - when organizing assistance to a disabled person (another MGN) from employees of the institution to receive services at this facility, including when using additional individual technical means (for example, a walking lift, a “climbmobile”); - when organizing another alternative form of service (at home, in another place of stay of a disabled person, remotely, in another institution)
6 Temporarily unavailable GNI Architectural, planning and organizational solutions are missing or the data have not been previously implemented and require additional approvals: - parameters of structural and planning elements do not meet regulatory requirements; - no alternative forms of service
7 Not suitable for disabled people "X" 1) Access to the facility and its sections is not provided for disabled people 2) The facility is subject to demolition as dilapidated and in disrepair

Appendix E

Definitions and terms used in the methodology

Term Definition
Adaptation adaptation to new conditions here: adaptation of the living environment, buildings and structures, taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and low-mobility groups of the population (creating conditions of accessibility, safety, comfort and information content) through technical and organizational solutions
Adaptive (adapted) environment here: an environment adapted to the needs of a disabled person, taking into account the principle of “reasonable accommodation” - from the point of view of balancing the need (needs of disabled people) and opportunity (available organizational, technical and financial resources)
Inspection report of a social infrastructure facility here: an accounting document generated during the inspection of an object by a working group for the purpose of an objective expert assessment of the state of accessibility, as well as the formation of a conclusion on the need for its adaptation
Questionnaire (information about the social infrastructure facility) (here) an accounting document containing general information about the object, characteristics of its activities and primary information about the accessibility of the object and the services provided (to be filled in by the heads of institutions and organizations)
Options for organizing facility accessibility (forms of service) here option “A” - accessibility of all zones and premises (universal); option “B” - special areas and premises are allocated to serve disabled people; option “DU” - conditional availability is ensured: assistance from an employee of the organization, or services are provided at home or remotely; “VND” - availability is not organized (temporarily unavailable)
Type (option) of the target zone here: service area for disabled people (option I), places of employment (option II), residential premises (option III)
Visual media carriers of information transmitted to people with hearing impairments in the form of visually distinguishable texts, signs, symbols, light signals
Entrance(s) to the building here: structural and functional zone, which consists of the following functional and planning elements: staircase (external); ramp (external); entrance area (in front of the door); door (entrance), vestibule
Dedicated space for a wheelchair user part of the territory or premises intended for the participation of a wheelchair user in the general functional process taking place in a given place, and providing the ability to turn it 180°
State program State program of the Russian Federation “Accessible environment” for 2011-2015”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2011 No. 175
Accessibility (barrier-free) property of a building, premises, place of service that allows you to easily reach the destination and use the service
Reach property of service places that have parameters that provide the opportunity to use, reach an object, an object of use
Zone parameters and configuration of a functionally organized space, not completely allocated by enclosing structures
Security zone part of a building, structure, fire compartment, isolated room, separated by fire barriers to protect people from dangerous factors of fire and other extreme phenomena (during the time until the completion of rescue operations), provided with a set of measures for evacuation and rescue
Target zone (targeted site visit) (here) the main area of ​​targeted visit to any social infrastructure facility (place of service provision, place of employment, place of residence)
Visitor service area (forms) here: from the point of view of architectural, planning and organizational accessibility solutions, the following (main) forms of service can be: office, hall, counter, with movement along the route, individual service cabin
Information content one of the main criteria for adaptation (adaptation) of the environment for users with limited mobility
Accessibility map here: information posted on the official public resource of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (website, portal) with a graphic display of significant priority objects on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation according to the degree of their accessibility for people with disabilities and other people with disabilities
Low-mobility groups of the population (MPG) people who have difficulty moving independently, receiving services, necessary information, or navigating in space. Low mobility groups of the population include: disabled people, people with temporary impairments of health and mobility, pregnant women, elderly people, people with baby strollers
Ramp March continuous (solid) inclined plane between two horizontal surfaces
Beacon light or sound pulsating landmark
Social infrastructure object here: an organization or part of it (a separate structural unit or branch), which is a provider of certain social services (one or more), occupying a certain piece of real estate (a building in whole or part of it) with an adjacent plot (if it exists and is assigned to the organization)
Ramp a structure that has a continuous surface inclined in the direction of movement, designed to move from one level of the horizontal track surface to another. Note: A driving path with a slope of less than 1:20 is not considered a ramp.
Passport of accessibility of a social infrastructure facility here: a unified accounting document containing information about the state of accessibility of a social infrastructure facility and the availability of the services it provides (generated according to data from service providers and based on the results of an expert assessment of the state of accessibility carried out during an inspection of the facility)
Certification here: technology for recording and assessing the state of accessibility of objects and the services they provide in order to develop recommendations on adaptation for people with disabilities (involves registration of data in the accessibility passport of a social infrastructure facility)
Lifting platform stationary periodic lifting machine for lifting and lowering users located on a platform with vertical or inclined movement
Lane part of a pedestrian path intended for movement in one row in one direction
Handrail a component of a staircase or ramp that provides direction and hand-level support for movement. Note - the handrail can be the top of the fence
Traffic paths inside the building here: a structural-functional area, which consists of the following functional-planning elements: corridor (lobby, waiting area, gallery, balcony); staircase (inside the building); ramp (inside the building); passenger elevator (or lift); door (doors - if there are several on the same path of movement); escape routes (including safety zones)
Reasonable Accommodation “making, where appropriate in a particular case, necessary and appropriate modifications and adjustments, without imposing a disproportionate or undue burden, to ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy or enjoy, on an equal basis with others, all human rights and fundamental freedoms” (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)
Register of social infrastructure objects (and services) here: a structured list of social infrastructure facilities containing summary information about the facilities in the relevant territory and the services they provide (generated by social service workers based on the data from facility accessibility passports)
Sanitary facilities here: structural and functional area, which consists of the following functional and planning elements: toilet room, shower/bathroom, utility room (dressing room)
Symbolism (graphic image) sign information for visitors, reproduced graphically or tactilely for a conventional representation of an object (concept)
On-site information system here: a structural-functional zone, representing a system of information and communication media in all structural-functional zones of the object and consisting of a complex of means: visual, acoustic, tactile
Living environment the material environment surrounding a person, in which (or with the help of which) he fulfills all his vital needs; including the immediate environment (microenvironment) and public structures - objects, services and systems (macroenvironment)
Structural and functional zones of a social infrastructure facility here: parts of a social infrastructure facility, including: the territory adjacent to the building (site); entrance(s) to the building; path(s) of movement inside the building (including evacuation routes); zone of the building's intended purpose (targeted visit to the site); sanitary and hygienic premises; information system at the facility (devices and means of information and communication and their systems)
Tactile media carriers of information transmitted to visually impaired people and perceived by touch (touch)
The area adjacent to the building (site) here: a structural-functional zone, which consists of the following functional-planning elements: entrance (entrances) to the territory (adjacent to the building); route(s) of movement on the territory; staircase (external); ramp (external); car parks and parking lots
General requirements for the structural and functional zone here: requirements for the structural and functional zone, which determine the general provisions for the arrangement of the zone as a whole, and, as a rule, are universal - for all categories of disabled people
Requirements for the structural and functional zone are universal here: regulatory requirements ensuring the accessibility of each of the zone elements (functional planning elements) for all categories of people with disabilities, regardless of the type of dysfunction
Special requirements for the structural and functional zone here: regulatory requirements that determine the conditions of accessibility for certain categories of people with disabilities (those with musculoskeletal disorders, people with disabilities who use wheelchairs, people with visual, hearing, and mental impairments)
Special requirements for the structural and functional zone here: regulatory requirements for certain types and types of objects (including for residential premises, for places of employment, as well as for various types of public buildings: buildings of educational institutions, medical institutions, physical education and sports facilities, buildings and structures of stations, financial institutions and others)
Typhlotechnical means means that make it easier for visually impaired people to work and absorb information (tape recorders, voice recorders, writing instruments, Braille typewriter and others)
Universal design (project) “the design of objects, environments, programs and services to make them usable to the greatest extent possible by all people without the need for adaptation or special design. Universal design does not exclude assistive devices for specific groups of people with disabilities, where necessary" (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)
Plot territory functionally connected with the building

Document overview

A methodology for generating and updating maps of the availability of objects and services is presented.

It is intended for the formation of unified electronic maps, including “routers”, at the level of the constituent entities of the Federation. The latter allow you to find the required object according to given parameters and create the most convenient travel route for people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility.

The shape of the map is presented. In addition, a methodology for its formation and updating on the official public resource of the region using the Internet has been determined.

The order of displaying information on the map is determined and described.

The use of a unified methodology will allow both specialists and all citizens to receive and exchange information about the state of availability of facilities and services in the region, in Russia as a whole and at the international level.

Planning and development of cities and other populated areas, formation of residential and recreational areas, development of design solutions for new construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures and their complexes, as well as the development and production of public transport vehicles, communications and information equipment without adapting these objects for access disabled people are not allowed to access them or use them.

State and municipal expenditures on the development and production of vehicles taking into account the needs of people with disabilities, adaptation of vehicles, communications and information for unhindered access to them by people with disabilities and their use by people with disabilities, creation of conditions for people with disabilities for unhindered access to engineering, transport and social infrastructure facilities are carried out within the limits of allocations annually provided for these purposes in budgets of all levels. Expenses for carrying out these activities that are not related to state and municipal expenses are made from other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. (Part three as amended by Federal Law No. 123-FZ dated 08.08.2001)

Instantly disabled people how to decipher

3.60 On the entrance doors to rooms in which the presence of MGN is dangerous or strictly prohibited (boiler rooms, ventilation chambers, transformer units, etc.), locks should be installed to prevent free entry into the room. Door handles of such premises should have a surface with identification marks or irregularities that can be felt tactilely.

3.10 Devices and equipment (mailboxes, payphone shelters, information boards, etc.) placed on the walls of buildings, structures or on individual structures, as well as protruding elements and parts of buildings and structures should not reduce the rated space for passage and passage and maneuvering the wheelchair.

Instantly disabled people how to decipher

The set of rules was developed taking into account the requirements of the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee and international experience, in the system of other documents in the field of standardization, establishing requirements for the accessibility of buildings, structures and infrastructure for people with limited mobility.

The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for the development of sets of rules are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for the development and approval of sets of rules” dated 19 November 2008 No. 858.

SP Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility

7.2.5 In the reading room of the library of an educational institution, at least 5% of the reading places should be equipped with access for disabled students and separately for students with visual impairments. The workplace for the visually impaired must have additional lighting around the perimeter.

5.1.9 Premises where people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments may be located should be located at the entrance level closest to the ground surface. If the premises are located differently along the height of the building, in addition to stairs, ramps, lifting platforms for the disabled (hereinafter referred to as lifting platforms) or elevators should be provided.

Bathroom for MGN

  1. a toilet located at a distance of at least 75 cm from the side wall, for convenient transfer from a stroller, with automatic water drainage (it is possible to use a push-button flush when installing a button on the wall from which the transfer is performed). Toilets are installed either specialized or conventional using specialized seats.
        1. handrail (folding, rotating or stationary), allowing you to stick to it when transferring to the toilet
                  1. hand dryers, soap and paper holders are also placed at a height of no higher than 100 cm from the floor level.
                  2. mirrors are selected in such a way that the bottom edge of the mirror is at a height of no more than 90 cm from the floor. It is most convenient to install mirrors on height-adjustable mounting brackets.
                  1. For ease of transfer from a stroller, wall-mounted folding seats are used. When using mobile seats, it is necessary to provide a convenient place for its placement that does not reduce the maneuver area of ​​the stroller.

Categories of disabled people in Russia

In connection with this division, when designing public, residential and industrial buildings, as well as reconstructing old ones, legislation requires taking into account the conditions under which people with disabilities and other citizens with limited mobility can lead their lives in the same way as other groups of the population.

The law also determines the degree of violations for each type: from the first degree to the third group. The presence, causes and degree of disability are determined by the medical and labor expert commission (VTEK). The first group has the greatest limitations; this group is established for those who have completely lost their ability to work and require constant care. The second group is assigned to those who have less severe health limitations, are capable of self-care, but are not able to work under normal conditions. The third group has the least restrictions; only disabled people of this category can work. Working disabled people, however, must be transferred to a special work regime with special conditions regulated by law, in particular SanPiN.

Instantly disabled people how to decipher

system- 4.48 system: A combination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more specified goals. Note 1 A system can be considered as a product or the services it provides. Note 2 In practice... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

system of media (information media) for MGN- 3.12 system of information media (information means) for MGN: A set of information carriers about objects of the tourism industry and tourism services that provide for MGN timely orientation in space, safety and... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Instantly disabled people how to decipher

When determining accessibility parameters, all possible needs of people using wheelchairs are taken as a basis. Accordingly, these premises can be used by capable citizens. In the case of common and separate sanitary facilities for men and women, each of them must have at least one unit accessible to MGN. The number of nodes available for MNG must be provided in the following proportion:

Thus, all premises accessible to MGN must have at least one module (usually a sanitary room) that can be used by all groups of citizens, including those with disabilities. The path to this module must, in turn, be accessible in accordance with P98-350 standards.

Methodological manual Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2012

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2011 No. 175 “On the state program of the Russian Federation “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2015” (clause 7) recommended that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation “develop programs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation aimed at ensuring accessibility of priority facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other people with disabilities, taking into account the provisions of the Program.”

In cases where existing facilities cannot be fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, the owners of these facilities must, in agreement with public associations of people with disabilities, take measures to ensure that the minimum needs of people with disabilities are met.

Section ODI, MGN

The development of the ODI (MGN) section allows for accessibility and comfortable movement in modern buildings and structures for groups of the population with disabilities. Work on the ODI section involves organizing a convenient location of entrance areas, corridors, main functional areas, travel routes for people with disabilities, and integrating specialized equipment and materials required for use by people with limited mobility.

  • justification of decisions taken to ensure the movement of disabled people at sites, as well as their evacuation in the event of a fire or natural disaster.
  • if necessary, a description of design solutions for arranging workplaces for groups of people with disabilities
  • a diagram of the organization of a land plot, which displays construction projects, indicating the routes for movement of disabled people, as well as floor plans of buildings for construction projects, indicating ways for people with disabilities to move around the facility, incl. indicating their evacuation routes.
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