Capsules Strength of Maral for men are the best remedy for potency. Operating principle and development stages

The power of Maral for potency is a natural remedy that affects not the symptoms of the problem, but its cause. A certain breed of deer is called deer, and antlers are their young antlers. Scientists have discovered that they contain biologically active substances that can participate in the body’s metabolic processes and stimulate the production of testosterone.

The product is available in the form of capsules packed in plastic jars. They are intended for long-term use in a course, until erectile function is completely restored. Most potency pills that can be purchased in pharmacies have a short-term effect. They stimulate blood flow to the genitals and cause an erection. Strength of Maral is a drug for increasing testosterone levels in the body. It is this hormone that regulates the functioning of the reproductive organs and restores potency in men.

The main active ingredient of the capsules is deer antlers powder. Deer are farmed in Europe and Asia and then their antlers are cut off for medicinal purposes. The procedure is painless and safe for animals. Reindeer antlers contain an active substance - pantohematogen. It reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and stimulates testosterone production.

The drug also contains other components that have equally useful medicinal properties:

  • red root extract - the substance has a positive effect on potency in men, including those caused by inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary tract;
  • ascorbic acid - has a general strengthening effect, protects cells from the harmful effects of environmental factors;
  • phospholipids - participate in cellular metabolic processes, promote tissue regeneration;
  • amino acids - affect the functioning of the nervous system and improve the transmission of nerve impulses, which is the mechanism for the occurrence of erection;
  • arginine, magnesium and iodine - impotence in men can be caused by a lack of these microelements;
  • golden root extract - useful for the functioning of the nervous system, has a mild sedative effect;
  • shiksha - when used, the condition of the kidneys and urinary system is normalized, the risk of the formation of kidney stones and the development of inflammatory diseases is reduced;
  • Extracts of wormwood, rose hips and cinquefoil are a source of essential vitamins and microelements.

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Each package of the drug contains instructions for use. The manufacturer claims that to restore potency, it is enough to take capsules for a month, one per day. During this period, blood circulation in the genital organs is normalized, the condition of blood vessels is restored, and testosterone production increases.

In addition, the drug calms the nervous system, since stress and overexertion often cause a decrease in potency.

At the end of the course of using the tablets, you should take a break. It is necessary to allow the body to adapt to new conditions and restore the production of endogenous testosterone. If you take capsules for a long time, a decrease in the level of its synthesis may be recorded.

Contraindications and side effects

Deer antlers for potency are a natural, safe substance. According to the instructions, it can be taken at any age without restrictions and without fear of side effects. Unlike analogues, Strength of Maral is not addictive, is compatible with alcohol and does not require a change in diet.

Biologically active supplements are confident competitors of pharmaceutical drugs in the market of drugs intended for the treatment of impotence. Strength of Maral - natural capsules based on a unique component extracted from deer antlers. The intake has a broad effect on the male body, not only restoring sexual function, but also improving health.


When developing the formula, the ancient knowledge of Altai shamans was used. The product was created specifically to overcome negative factors that reduce male strength. The natural complex helps overcome the effects of poor ecology, constant stress, diseases and a sedentary lifestyle. The dietary supplement also combats the effects of mental and physical fatigue.

Manufacturers promise complete relief from signs of erectile dysfunction and support for the body, which wears out much faster in a metropolis. An important fact is recommendations from actors starring in films intended for viewing by non-children. According to them, the capsules help them stay in shape throughout the filming process.

Composition of the drug Strength Maral

The components that are included in the herbal medicine Strength of Maral for potency are of organic origin and have a mild effect on the male body.

Main active ingredients:

  • Pantohematogen is a mixture of ground horns of a young deer and an extract from drops of blood obtained during a cut. An important aspect is that a method has now been created that allows one to obtain a valuable substance without killing the animal. The component provides a high level of libido and physical arousal by activating neural centers and enhancing the synthesis of sex hormones;
  • Red root extract is a component that has a positive effect on... When the substance enters the blood, the walls of arteries, veins and capillaries are strengthened. Also, the red root prevents inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • , including ascorbic acid. The substances strengthen the immune system and prevent colds, also on an emotional level.

Recently I was faced with a very delicate male problem, which I was able to cope with only thanks to the drug Strength of Marala. Yes, it was this natural remedy that helped me, despite the fact that some men in a similar situation prefer strong and unsafe chemical potency stimulants.

Why the drug Strength of Maral?

For some reason, it is believed that potency can only be increased by instantly providing the necessary erection. It is not a problem to acquire such means these days, but few men think about the effect that forced stimulation has on the body.

People with chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels or digestive system are especially at risk. But which older man can boast of excellent health? There are only a few such unique people, and the rest of the stronger sex, having reached the age of 40-45, learn in practice where the liver can hurt and where the heart can hurt. Yes, what can I say, my erection has decreased. As a result, the relationship with the spouse has deteriorated, disagreements and conflicts are increasingly arising, the root cause of which is the unsatisfactory quality of intimate intimacy or the absence of sexual contact at all.

Uncontrolled use of powerful erection stimulants can lead to disastrous results. But what to do in this case? We need to somehow solve the problem, because even retirement age is still very far away, and the beloved woman, whom you so want to please, is in the prime of life and beauty.

The ideal option is to use natural stimulants. Unlike medicines containing “chemicals”, herbal preparations do not cause unwanted dangerous disorders in the body, therefore they can be used even in the presence of chronic diseases.

Such herbal preparations also have an advantage over “grandmother’s” herbs, because the dosage in such medicines is selected especially carefully. In addition, they contain rare plants that do not grow in our climate zone, and there is simply no alternative to them.

One of the tools in this category is drug Strength of Maral, designed specifically for men with any problems regarding potency. Its components not only heal the male body, but this is important in today’s busy lifestyle.

Composition of the drug Strength Maral

In the herbal remedy Strength of Marala, the composition is selected taking into account the needs of the male body for the substances necessary to ensure reliable potency. These are the following components:

  1. Pantohematogen, which is a unique mixture of antlers (antlers of young deer) and the blood of these animals. Deer antlers have long been used in the treatment of many diseases, so experts studied their effects on the body and created a natural medicine to restore impaired potency. The use of pantohematogen helps to increase the synthesis of testosterone, which is extremely necessary for the body of a man of any age.
  2. Red root- a plant belonging to a large group of the legume family. This is a perennial herb whose stems can reach 0.5 meters in length. But the most valuable is the root part of the Red Root: the rhizome can be up to 12 meters long, and the thickness often reaches 12 cm. The root has a red tint: hence the slightly unusual name of this plant. Another name for this herb - Bear Root - is due to the fact that taiga bears feed on this grass to restore strength after hibernation.

Along with the content of these two highly effective components, the Strength of Marala product additionally includes such ingredients as vitamin C and other substances essential for the body. Such a useful “cocktail” gives the drug amazing properties and makes it indispensable in the fight against reduced potency.

But the most effective is, of course, the key component of the drug - pantagematogen. To make the drug, natural raw materials are harvested in the spring - it is at this time that deer antlers are richest in valuable substances. The antlers are trimmed using animal-friendly technology, after which a special extract is prepared from the collected material by evaporation. At the same time, all the beneficial properties of reindeer antlers are preserved.

The effect of the drug Strength of Maral on the male body

Already in the first days of using the drug Strength of Maral for potency, a man begins to feel a noticeable surge of strength, including in the intimate sphere. The product has a multifaceted effect on the body:

  1. Restores impaired sexual function.
  2. Increases physical performance, eliminates even severe and chronic fatigue.
  3. Increases intellectual abilities.
  4. Strengthens immunity.
  5. Reduces cholesterol levels to normal values.
  6. Improves sleep.
  7. Increases testosterone levels in the body and stimulates its production.
  8. Provides a stable and long-lasting erection.
  9. Increases sperm volume, significantly improves sperm quality.
  10. Prevents the occurrence of prostate diseases.
  11. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  12. Has rejuvenating properties.

Men who previously decided to buy Sil Marala and tried this drug in action note that their sexual intercourse became longer, their erections became stable, and their orgasms became bright and memorable.

Indications for the use of Maral horns

The drug Strength of Maral is useful not only for sexual weakness. The range of its applications is impressive, because this product is recommended in the following cases:

  1. When noticeable.
  2. To prolong sexual intercourse in case of too rapid ejaculation.
  3. For impotence or decreased libido.
  4. In case of physical fatigue.
  5. With a noticeable weakening of sensations during orgasm.
  6. For improving sperm quality or volume.
  7. In order to restore mental state after severe stress or excessive nervous tension.


Fortunately, the list of possible contraindications drug Strength Maral negligible. This product does not contain any dangerous chemical components, hormones, GMOs or other unsafe substances.

The drug Strength of Maral has the following contraindications:

  1. The man's age is under 18 years.
  2. Tendency to allergic reactions to the components of a natural drug, which is very rare.
  3. Heart disease and other severe pathologies of this organ.
  4. Stomach or intestinal ulcers.
  5. Severe form of renal failure.
  6. Acute liver diseases.

Of course, this drug is intended exclusively for men, so it is contraindicated for women, especially during pregnancy. It cannot be used as a “female Viagra”.

Features of application

To get the maximum possible result from the beneficial substances contained in the Strength of Marala product, it must be used correctly, without exceeding the recommended optimal dosage.

The general course of treatment should be 28-30 days. This time is quite enough to restore the impaired functions of the man’s body.

The dosage rate is one capsule per day, preferably after meals. The capsule should be taken with water. The product will begin to act immediately after it dissolves in the stomach. One package contains 10 capsules, so for a one-month course you will need three packages of this product.

Deviations in the reproductive function of men have already become almost an ordinary problem: a lot of external factors negatively affect men’s health, gradually undermining it.

Fortunately, there are drugs that can restore erectile function, strengthen the body's resistance, and even prevent the development of certain sexual diseases. One of these products is the dietary supplement “Strength of Marala”. How does this drug increase potency, where can it be purchased and how to take it correctly.

Strength of Maral is a natural dietary supplement created on the basis of an extract from the blood and antlers of the maral - Altai deer to stimulate erectile function and improve the quality of sexual intercourse.

The drug has a gentle effect on the body, gradually increasing a man’s natural sexual desire, has virtually no contraindications and is suitable for use by elderly patients. It is not addictive, and the treatment effect can last more than 6 months after the end of the course.

Despite the fact that the drug is not considered a drug, it has passed all clinical trials and showed a high percentage of effectiveness. It can be used even for certain diseases that are a contraindication to the use of most other dietary supplements.


The result of the action of the Maral Power is felt after the first days of use:

  • Strong, long-lasting erection that lasts for several hours;
  • Increased sensitivity of erogenous zones;
  • Increased physical endurance, increased energy
  • Increased production of seminal fluid;
  • Increased stress resistance;
  • Normalization of sleep.

The dietary supplement has a stimulating effect on the entire body, quickly toning it up. It not only improves reproductive function, but also improves immunity, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood and hormonal balance, the disturbance of which can cause problems with potency.

The drug also promotes the production of testosterone and relaxation of the muscles of the genital organs, ensuring normal blood supply to the cavernous bodies of the penis, which are responsible for erectile function. Improving blood flow helps alleviate the patient's condition with prostatitis, partially relieving swelling of the prostate gland.


The drug contains the following components:

  1. Pantohematogen is an extract from the blood and antlers (horns) of deer in the form of a dry powder. It is a natural stimulant and contains peptides that have a beneficial effect on the hormonal balance of the human body. The antlers of young deer are actively used in traditional medicine to treat infertility and impotence;
  2. Red root extract. It has strong anti-inflammatory and strengthening properties, helping to relieve bacterial infections and restore the normal microflora of the body's mucous membranes. Used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system;
  3. Complex of vitamins and microelements. It has a general strengthening effect, mainly contains substances that are necessary for the production of hormones responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system and elements that facilitate their absorption.

Substances present in the chemical composition of the Force of Maral are used to treat infertility: they improve the quality of seminal fluid and can return a man to the opportunity not only to enjoy sexual activity, but also to conceive a child.


  • Weak or absent erection;

  • Premature ejaculation;
  • Weak ejaculation;
  • Lack of orgasm;
  • Rare sexual activity.

The drug is also suitable for prophylaxis or one-time use to enhance the sensations of sexual intercourse. It successfully eliminates erectile dysfunction and disturbances in testosterone production caused by the following reasons:

  • Jet lag;
  • Overwork;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Low physical activity;
  • Bad habits;
  • Psychological problems;
  • Unbalanced diet.

Before starting treatment, it is advisable to consult a doctor to find the source of the problem and make sure that this remedy is suitable for eliminating it.

Contraindications and side effects

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • Nervous system disorders: neuroses, prolonged insomnia;
  • Severe pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • Acute peptic ulcer disease.

Most of these contraindications other than allergies are not absolute.

The drug is intended only for men over 18 years of age. It should also be used with caution in the presence of penile trauma.

Ignoring contraindications or exceeding the dose indicated in the instructions for use may lead to the following side effects:

  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Loss of coordination;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Nausea, in rare cases - vomiting;
  • Numbness or painful sensitivity of the penis.

In most cases, these symptoms are mild and quickly go away on their own. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

How to use

The course of treatment with the Strength of Maral lasts a month, during which you need to take one tablet every day during breakfast, with plenty of water or juice. For one-time use, you can take one capsule an hour before planned sexual intercourse.

The drug is compatible with fatty foods, alcohol and most medications, including vasodilators and nitrates. It is not recommended to combine dietary supplements with other libido-increasing drugs, especially if they have an aggressive effect on the body. In addition, after starting to take it, it is advisable to reconsider your diet, if possible limit the consumption of junk food and avoid overeating.

Despite the fact that Strength of Maral can be taken with alcohol, it is not recommended to drink it with alcohol: this slows down the absorption of the drug and weakens its effect.

How to purchase

It is most profitable to order the drug on the official website of the manufacturer. You can also buy it in pharmacies, but the price there will be much higher. Cost of the drug excluding delivery:

  1. In Russia: from 990 rubles;
  2. In Ukraine: from 369 hryvnia;
  3. In Belarus: from 3,490,000 rubles;
  4. In Kazakhstan: from 5490 tenge;
  5. In Kyrgyzstan: from 1900 soms.

Reduced prices for the drug are a clear sign of deception. At best, the buyer will receive ordinary empty pills that do not give any effect. The seller can always provide a certificate for real funds; the packaging must be intact and correspond to the photographs indicated on the official website, the same applies to its contents. Information about changes in the appearance of packaging or capsules provided by anyone other than the manufacturer is clearly false. In addition, instructions are always included with genuine drugs.


In case of individual intolerance to the components of the Strength of Maral, you can replace it with analogues with a similar effect:

  1. Pantosagan. Dietary supplement based on natural phytocomponents with aphrodisiac properties. Contains deer antler blood. Intended for long-term use, it has virtually no contraindications or side effects. Average cost: from 950 rubles.
  2. Emperor's strength. A fast-acting dietary supplement that is used for chronic prostatitis. It begins to act half an hour after administration, the effect lasts about two days. Average cost: 700-1000 rubles.
  3. Furongbao Super. The drug is made in China and contains extracts from 40 herbs used in oriental medicine. Valid for 3 days after administration, designed for a course lasting 2-3 weeks. Average cost: from 1800 rubles.

The power of the deer is an effective remedy for enhancing potency in men, from the natura siberica company. Recently, this drug has gained enormous popularity in the consumer market, it is actively recommended by actors who starred in erotic films, such as Elena Berkova, and buyers leave numerous positive reviews. Let us consider in more detail the features of application, main properties, indications and contraindications. We will also try to find the answer to the question: Is the Strength of the Red Deer the best remedy for potency or is it just another deception of gullible customers.


The strength of the deer is a medicine from Natura Siberica. The drug Strength of the Maral is intended to improve erectile function and increase potency in men. According to the instructions for use, the composition includes the following components:

  1. Antlers.
  2. Pantohematogen, responsible for the intensive production of the male sex hormone - testosterone.
  3. Red root extract is a well-known therapeutic and prophylactic remedy that has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of prostate diseases, as well as for disorders of the genitourinary system.
  4. Vitamin C.

The unique composition of the Power of the deer determines the following therapeutic properties:

  • Normalization of blood circulation processes in the pelvic area.
  • Increased libido and sex drive.
  • Improved erection.
  • Increased tone and increased performance.
  • Increased sperm production and an increase in the number of motile sperm.
  • Sleep stabilization.
  • Increasing physical endurance and intellectual abilities.
  • Normalization of hormonal balance in the male body.
  • Beneficial effect on the immune system.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  • Prevention of prostate diseases.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Reducing blood cholesterol levels.
  • Antiallergic properties.
  • Normalization of capillary permeability.
  • Anti-aging properties.
  • Improving reproductive function.

Consumer reviews and the star of the erotic genre Elena Berkova indicate that regular use of the Power of the Maral has a beneficial effect on potency, increases the duration of sexual intercourse, makes orgasm more vivid, increases performance and endurance during physical activity, perfectly tones the body, acting as an additional source of energy .

The product Strength of the Maral from the Natura siberica company is recommended for representatives of the stronger sex suffering from disorders or a complete lack of potency, regardless of the reasons that provoked this problem. Instructions for use contain information regarding the following indications for use:

  1. Weakened sexual activity.
  2. Impotence.
  3. Premature ejaculation.
  4. Potency disorders.
  5. Permanent physical fatigue.
  6. Psycho-emotional shocks and stressful situations.
  7. Insufficient sexual desire.
  8. Intense physical activity associated with professional activities or sports training.
  9. Insufficiently bright and long orgasm.
  10. Low quantitative and qualitative indicators of sperm.

According to Elena Berkova, a former participant in the Dom-2 project and an experienced actress who has acted in erotic films, the use of the drug Strength of Maral Nature helps to normalize erectile function in representatives of the stronger sex of any age, significantly increasing their sexual desire and making intimate acts especially vivid, and also long lasting.

In addition, taking into account the healing properties of the Power of the Red Deer, its use will help restore the body after traumatic injuries and surgical operations, strengthen the immune system, increasing resistance to viral and cold-related diseases.

What determines the effectiveness

Many men who experience problems with the functioning of the genitourinary system and sexual desire are interested in the question: is the Strength of Maral for potency from Natura Siberica really a reliable and effective drug, the unique properties of which help improve intimate health, or is it just another deception?

According to actress Elena Berkova, it is the use of the drug Strength of the Maral that allows men starring in erotic films to always be at their best, even during many hours of filming. In addition, real reviews from consumers and experts indicate that Natura siberica helps improve the fertilizing qualities of sperm and the conception of healthy offspring, and also strengthens the penis and even helps to slightly increase its size.

Such properties of the Strength of the Deer Nature are determined by its unique composition, which includes extracts from the blood and antlers of deer, in which in the spring (during the preparation of animals for mating) a huge amount of sex hormones and healing substances accumulates. Let us note that the amazing properties of pantohematogen have been known to mankind since ancient times and were especially actively used to improve sexual function in men in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

To make the medicine, it is in the spring months that the antlers are trimmed. The animal's blood, taken from the cut site, is collected in a special container and then, using special technologies, is used to create a medicine. The extract is prepared using the evaporation technique at a temperature of about 20–30 degrees Celsius, which helps to preserve as much as possible the biologically active substances contained in the blood and horns, preserving their beneficial properties.

Unlike other drugs with a similar spectrum of action, Strength of the Maral does not contain any hormonal or chemical substances and does not improve sexual function by temporarily rushing blood to the male genital organ. The special properties of the Power of the Red Deer are the activation of the body’s natural production of the hormone testosterone, which leads to long-term normalization and restoration of sexual function in men.

Use and existing restrictions

According to the instructions for use, the product should be taken once a day, one capsule. The average duration of the therapeutic course is thirty days, after which it is necessary to take a mandatory break (at least three months), then the treatment can be repeated. It is recommended to take capsules during meals, always with plenty of liquid. Studies have shown that the therapeutic effect lasts from three months to six months.

The strength of the deer has positive patient reviews, indicating that this medication is tolerated very well by the body. Due to its natural composition and mild effect, the medicine has minimal contraindications. The power of deer is not addictive and has virtually no side effects. However, in some cases, despite the undoubtedly healing qualities, the Strength of Maral capsules should be taken with extreme caution. The instructions for use highlight the following contraindications to the use of the product:

  • The patient's age is under eighteen years.
  • Acute heart failure.
  • Severe pathologies and disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Increased tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to certain components.
  • Heart defect.
  • Ischemic disease.
  • Ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Severe renal failure.
  • Liver pathologies.

The product Strength of the Maral is strictly not recommended for the fair sex, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding! In general, the drug is well absorbed, however, with excessive overdose and prolonged uncontrolled use, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  1. Headache.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Loss of sensitivity of the genital organ.
  5. Diarrhea.
  6. Increased sleepiness.
  7. Tachycardia.

Please note that the occurrence of the above side effects is extremely rare and in most cases is associated with a significant overdose. In order to eliminate possible risks, before starting a therapeutic course, it is recommended to first consult with your doctor!

Where to look

You can purchase the drug Strength of the Maral for potency in online stores or on the manufacturer’s website. Its undoubted advantages include its affordable and affordable price. Thus, the price of a package of Maral Strength, consisting of ten capsules, in Ukraine today is three hundred sixty-nine hryvnia. The average price of identical packaging in the Russian Federation is nine hundred and ninety rubles.

You can also purchase Maral Strength in some pharmacy chains, but in this case the price of the medicine will be significantly higher.

The power of maral is an effective drug for normalizing the functioning of the genitourinary system and improving potency in men. The unique properties of the medicine will help you forget about problems with intimate health and enjoy sensual love to the fullest, regardless of age and existing health problems.

Alexey Nazarov

2016-10-11 11:05:00

Frequent stress, smoking, alcohol, overwork at work - all this had a negative impact on my potency. Sexual desire has decreased, and sexual contacts themselves have become less intense and lasting. As a result, additional problems arose in the family and in relationships with my wife. I ordered the “Power of the Maral” capsules, a little expensive, of course, but it’s not a pity if they really work and returned my sexual harmony, making intimate contacts as high-quality, frequent and memorable as in my youth.