The history of the hookah. "Hookah" in different languages ​​of the world

It is impossible to choose any one country as the ancestor. There are many versions and one of them says (the most plausible) that hookah was born in India - at the beginning of the 15th century. However, as it turned out later, there were similar hookahs (the principle was the same, different materials were used) in other countries. The very first hookahs, of course, were not made of metal. On the islands, the aborigines used a coconut-shaped flask, a hollow reed served as a hose, and the shaft was made from a piece of wood. In some cases, instead of coconut, where there was none, pumpkin was used (note to you, in our time, people in emergency situations can also use 5-liter cylinders). One conclusion can be drawn - there are many versions, but we won’t find the truth, who first came up with the idea of ​​a hookah.

Of course, later, hookah gained its popularity in Asia. Some of the reasons are the abundance of tobacco and the lifestyle of the aborigines. This is where the hookah that we all imagine appeared and many of us are now looking at it in our room. At first, hookahs were made from stone and wooden blanks, but with the advent of metal processing technology, hookahs came with metal ones. Then different types of hookahs appeared, they made very small ones (which is naturally not so effective when smoking hookah tobacco), they made huge ones. For rich people they decorated it with stones, someone ordered it from gold or silver, the hookah as such no longer became an object for smoking tobacco, but as a symbol of the wealth of a certain person or family and served more as a decorative element in the house.

Hookahs were filled with different types of tobacco; rich families added a mixture of tobacco, fruit molasses and hashish. But the main people smoked black tobacco - Tambak. Tobacco was set on fire using charcoal. It was not, as now, placed on foil or other devices, but placed directly on tobacco. However, as now, juices, fruits and flavored oils were added to the flask for variety.

In the East, previously, it was customary for a guest to offer to smoke a hookah with the owner of the house, if he refused this ritual - then this was considered disrespect. There was once an incident that almost sparked a conflict between France and Turkey in 1842. The French ambassador to Turkey was not offered to smoke a hookah at the reception, and he considered this an offensive gesture on the Turkish side. Now, of course, this is not the case. Hookah has already become more mainstream than some kind of property of any country.

In Russia, however, a wave of hookahs appeared in the same way as sushi, i.e. just delivered. We went to Egypt/Turkey, started bringing hookahs, tobaccos, little by little got into the subject, started blowing, liked it, and these days hookah in Russia is already a whole industry, somewhere they produce their own tobacco and some friends even manage to produce it themselves hookahs.
Alas, unfortunately, the hookah as it was originally has lost its characteristics. Firstly, the shape of the models has become completely different, the materials, as we already understood from the article, have been replaced with metal and glass, the tobacco is no longer black and strong, but ordinary tobacco leaf, into which a variety of ingredients are mixed for taste. However, the ritual remained the same. And despite the fact that our authorities equate hookah to cigarettes, the industry is gaining momentum and going up along with!

Origin of the name

Hookah, widespread throughout the world, is called differently in every corner of the Earth. In the West, the term " hook"(hookah) is usually called a hookah, i.e. tube, flask and bowl, and " shisha"(shisha) is called flavored tobacco. At the same time, in the Middle East, Eurasia and South Asia (where, in fact, the hookah in its modern form appeared), the pipe and everything else is called “shisha,” and the tobacco itself is “ mussalom», « Mossala" or " tombak" In short, the name of this leisure activity, pleasant in all respects, depends on the place and culture.

For example, in Turkey they smoke " nargil", and already across the border, in Syria, anyone entering a tea shop will order " Narguile" Even further east, in a teahouse in Iran they will already bring you “ galin"(galyan). In India (and the term “huka” comes from the Indian “huka”, i.e. “coconut” - the first hookahs were made from it) hookah smoking is becoming more democratic - young people are again participating in smoking, but previously only representatives of the highest society. In Bosnia, Albania - called "lula" or "lulava", from Romanian it means pipe.

In recent years, hookah has been gaining popularity in the USA, Canada and throughout Europe, including Russia, especially among students. Smoking a hookah goes back centuries to the Ottoman Empire, but for Western civilization it is a relatively new phenomenon. Ten years ago, hookah tobacco could only be found in Arab shops or individual tobacco stores, and there was almost no choice - several well-known brands and familiar tastes.

Currently, hookah smoking is gaining more and more popularity, and all this is thanks to the growing number of people from the Middle East in European countries - they, paying tribute to this ancient tradition, are opening hookah bars and cafes everywhere. Today, a smoker’s eyes are simply wide open - dozens of brands of tobacco, hundreds of flavors and a large selection of hookah coal. Modern technologies, including online hookah and tobacco stores, forums, websites, blogs, YouTube videos, and in particular hookahRussia team– dedicated to this topic, further fuel interest in hookah smoking.

So what is so attractive about a hookah for people of any age, nationality and gender? It would seem that there is nothing unusual - friends have gathered together around a flask with a pipe and are releasing clouds of smoke. However, any participant will tell you that no two smokes are the same: the art of placing tobacco in a bowl; exchange of experiences and techniques; working with coals; underlying physical processes; finally, the company is what makes hookah smoking not only fashionable, but already a traditional leisure activity that unites people of different cultures. Some hookah lovers are like connoisseurs of good wine - they also respect and enjoy it.

For most, hookah is synonymous with style and a holiday spent in the company of friends or family. What does the future hold for hookah? Time will tell and team site

Of course, there is no concrete evidence confirming that hookah appeared in a particular country. Just like there are no historical facts about what it originally looked like. But, as you know, the main difference between a hookah and other smoking devices is that a hookah means a certain vessel into which liquid is poured and through which filtered and cooled smoke passes.
Although there are Ethiopian, Persian, African and even American theories of the origin of hookah, most scientists are inclined to consider India as the birthplace of the first hookah ( originates in the 15th century).

Initially, the hookah was used directly as a device to relieve pain. The hookah was filled with a mixture of various medicinal plants, hashish and special spices. The Indians used coconut, namely its shell, as a flask. Two holes were made in it: a tube (bamboo, straw, reed) was inserted into one, and a mixture of medicinal plants was placed into the flask through the other hole.

The Persians gave the hookah its modern look. An interesting fact is that during all this time the design of the hookah itself has not changed. It was also the Persians who were the first to figure out how to wet tobacco. And then soak it in honey and molasses, seasoning this syrup with various spices.
But Arabian smokers were the first to add various flavorings to a flask of water, such as additives, spices, juices, rum and other types of alcohol.
With the development of handicrafts, the material for making hookahs also changed. For example, a characteristic feature of the Egyptian hookah is a clay or metal flask, and the shaft is metal, but blown. But the Syrian mines, on the contrary, are massive, brass. Turkish hookahs are distinguished by their height. During the Ottoman Empire, it was there that the hookah gained popularity and was an important part of the interior of the house, therefore it was made of expensive metals and decorated with precious stones.

History of hookah in Russia.

In Russia it is not so mysterious and beautiful. Like tobacco, hookah was simply imported from Turkey/Egypt. We tried it and liked it. And much later they began to produce their own hookahs. Despite the fact that the current hookah has lost some of its characteristics, the ritual of hookah smoking remains the same. Otivana hookah, despite modern design and constant improvement of technology, has retained the original spirit of hookahs and exquisite taste!

Hookah smoking has been rapidly gaining popularity in recent years. More and more cozy hookah bars are opening, where you can pleasantly while away time with friends and indulge in a relaxing oriental holiday. Hookah does not require haste or fuss. This type of smoking sometimes lasts for long hours, which fly unnoticed in a leisurely conversation among the comfort imbued with the spirit of the ancient East.

Hookah is not just a tribute to capricious fashion. This is a real science, a whole branch of traditional life. The history of hookah is rooted in the deepest past. It is imbued with legends and interesting facts. And several countries at once claim the title of “homeland of the hookah vessel.” Let's take a tour of distant times.

Hookah is famous for its ancient history; several countries lay claim to its creation.

An antique smoking device is a special device whose design allows the smoke to be filtered and cooled, which is subsequently inhaled by the smoker. The filter at the vessel is a tube (shaft), on its walls condensation occurs of numerous impurities included in the smoking mass.

What does a modern hookah consist of and what does it look like?

Having a vessel filled with liquid also helps with filtering. Passing through it, tobacco smoke leaves about 40-45% of harmful substances there. Compared to cigarettes, using a hookah is much safer. Since it does not have carcinogenic tars, and the absence of nicotine in the smoking mixture makes smoking easy and enjoyable.

Experts say that you can smoke a hookah device no more than 4 times a week without harm to your health.

The main versions of the birth of the hookah

In modern times, there are a large number of all kinds of assumptions, which are shrouded in a heated debate about where the birthplace of hookah is. Traditionally, India is considered the ancestor of the Eastern smoking tale. But historians also provide some other versions that contradict this belief.

Indian origin version

According to the firm belief of Indian historians and archaeologists, those who invented the hookah lived in this mystical country. From the Indian regions, the smoking vessel began its triumphal march across the planet - first conquering the Far East, and then African and European states.

In India, hookah was originally used as a therapeutic procedure. With its help, healers relieved those suffering from unbearable pain due to wounds and illnesses.

In those distant times, hookahs were filled with hashish mixed with various medicinal herbs and aromatic spices. Tree resin was used for ignition. Ancient Hindus used the fruit of the Narcil palm to make a smoking vessel.. This plant species grows only in India. That is why the hookah received one of its common names - Narghile.

What does a traditional Indian hookah look like?

The manufacturing process went through the following stages:

  1. The entire inside of the coconut was removed.
  2. A couple of holes were made in the shell.
  3. A hollow reed was placed in one hole.
  4. The smoking mass was placed inside the coconut.

This original version of the narghile design has been modernized and improved over time. When the hookah reached its fame and became popular among the ancient Egyptians, its appearance was supplemented with new modifications. Instead of coconut, the Egyptians perfectly adapted pumpkin, which was first carefully cleaned of the insides.

But the main and significant ancient hookah designers were the peoples of Persia. They successfully mastered the manufacture of a smoking vessel from baked clay (porcelain), and instead of reeds they used a long hose made from the skin of a snake, which gave it elasticity and the necessary flexibility.

The hookah hose got its name in Persia. They began to call it marpic (which translated means “tangle of snakes”).

By the way, it was at that very time that people became acquainted with tobacco. And the Persians began to actively experiment with it. To get the best effect from their favorite activity, they tirelessly continued to modernize the vessel. Soon the hookah acquired a separate bronze tray where the smoking mixture was placed. It was attached above the flask.

African theory

The founders of this version were the researchers of the African continent Alfred Dunhill and Philip Altbach. During archaeological excavations, they found that the smoking vessel had been used since ancient times by the tribes of South Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe). True, the water pipe used by the tribes was only a distant prototype of a modern smoking vessel.

African water pipe

Researchers also found that many tribes used another type of nargile - earthen. That is, a large pit was used as a flask, which the Africans coated with clay from the inside. Such hookahs were usually smoked by all members of the tribe at once.

American version

At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous American linguist Les Wiener found that the American aborigines, the Indians, used some devices for smoking that were very similar to the nargile. The scientist proved that many years before the appearance of the Indian nargile, the Indians used pumpkin as a smoking vessel. We used it as follows:

  1. The pumpkin was well cleaned from the inside.
  2. Then we made a couple of holes.
  3. Smoking tobacco was placed in the cavity.
  4. Through one hole, people inhaled fragrant vapor, and through the second, oxygen penetrated into the body.

Antique American Indian tribal hookah

The incoming air contributed to the process of slow smoldering of the smoking mass. In purely external terms, this device was similar to the calabaza known to many tea lovers (it is used to make Mate tea). This gave the right to believe that the place where the hookah was invented was located in America.

History of Turkey

When narghile appeared in this sunny country, it marked the beginning of new unique traditions. The Turks began to actively open hookah bars, which at first were available to everyone who wanted to relax with a pleasant procedure. But the 17th century made its own adjustments. The then ruling vizier, Halal Pasha, was concerned that his people were spending too much time on empty entertainment and ordered the closure of hookah bars.

But the Turks did not support the ban for long and soon the hookah bars hospitably opened their doors again. Hookah art was rapidly improving, and soon shops producing amazing smoking vessels appeared.

The hookah owes its modern design to the Turks

When figuring out who invented the hookah device in the form in which it is used now, the palm should be given to the Turks. Turkish residents first began to make nargile from metal using crystal. And to make the mouthpiece they began to use high-quality wood or stone. For especially noble hookah makers, vessels were made, richly decorated with ornaments and ornate inscriptions.

None of the modern scientists, historians and archaeologists can determine exactly when the hookah appeared and where exactly. But the fact that this smoking vessel changed a person’s life can be said unequivocally. Since his birth, humanity has found a new type of recreation, saturated with magical aromas and the enchanting atmosphere of the mysterious east.

History of the name

The hookah device, which has conquered the whole world, has many different names. It is interesting that the word “hookah”, which is familiar to our average citizen, is not at all common in other countries. The smoking vessel is called differently in different parts of civilization:

  • Iran: galin;
  • Egypt: shisha;
  • Africa: Dhaka;
  • Iraq: narghile;
  • Türkiye: nardil;
  • Uzbekistan: chilim;
  • Syria: narguile;
  • Spain: cacimba;
  • America and India: hookah;
  • Albania and Bosnia: lula or lulava.

Hookah vessels were filled with various types of tobacco. The richest and most noble people mixed hashish and fruit molasses into the smoking mixture and diluted the mixture with aromatic oils and various exotic fruits. Commoners used plain black tobacco called Tambak. Nargile was lit using ordinary charcoal. Foil and other devices for ignition began to be used in modern times.

The real homeland of hookah has never been established

Smoking mixture

Over the course of history, the smoking mixture has also undergone changes. The first innovations were introduced by representatives of the Arabian Peninsula. They began to add various types of juices and aromatic additives to the water they used. The Arabians also used alcohol as a flavoring agent. But the Russians have introduced the tradition of cooking narghile with fruit. The following were especially popular among hookah lovers:

  • apple;
  • pineapple;
  • citrus.

But in the Muslim world, fruit hookahs are not at all popular. Another innovation was the invention of a nicotine-free hookah mixture. This was a consequence of large-scale campaigns to combat tobacco addiction carried out everywhere. Nowadays you can find smoking mixtures made from beets, tea, various herbs, and tobacco substitutes.

Curious traditions of hookah smoking

Residents of eastern countries were simply obliged, according to the laws of hospitality, to offer every guest who came to their home to share a narghile with the owner. If a person refused the ritual, it was tantamount to disrespect.

There is a known case when a hookah almost led to an armed conflict between Turkey and France. In 1842, the French ambassador at a reception at the Turkish embassy was not invited to try narghile. France considered this gesture offensive.

Of course, now this tradition is viewed much calmer and more peacefully. Hookah has acquired a lot of interesting traditions, especially in eastern countries. In such regions, rituals are treated with great reverence and respect. Here are just a few interesting foundations:

  1. Only the man, the head of the family, had the right to light a hookah. If a hookah party was held in any establishment, only the owner lit the vessel.
  2. When receiving guests, the head of the house lit the nargile as a sign of respect and respect for the guest. Refusal to nargille in this case was taken as a sign of disrespect for all family members.
  3. According to tradition, residents of the ancient East smoked hookah after sunset. In their opinion, the silence of the night and cool air made it possible to experience all the nuances of a hookah relaxation.
  4. In some regions, when smoking nargile for a long time and leisurely, it was customary to play chess and drink fragrant tea.
  5. The consumption of alcoholic beverages during the hookah relaxation procedure was strictly prohibited and severely punished by law.
  6. If narghile was smoked using apple cider vinegar, the smoker would traditionally snack on the smoke with a juicy apple.

Modern hookah

But the ancient culture has been replaced by the present time. Modernity no longer requires impeccable and strict implementation of accepted traditions. Unfortunately, in a number of modern urban hookah bars, fire safety and personal hygiene rules are not observed at all. Some rules can help you stay healthy. Such as:

  • use of disposable mouthpieces when smoking nargile;
  • It is better not to install the hookah on a high surface; it should be on the floor, which helps to better clean the evaporation.
  • You should not experiment and use products and substances for hookah smoking that are not suitable for this.

The first types of narghile, in comparison with modern sophisticated models, are not as durable and attractive. But it was the ancient flasks made of pumpkin, coconut, and baked clay that became the ancestor of the unique and ancient art and tradition of many peoples.

Most of the ancient hookah devices are precious artifacts and are kept in museums. Well, modern hookah continues to proudly walk around the planet, rapidly increasing the number of its fans.

At this time, exact data on the time of origin of the world's first hookah has not been found. But the history of hookah interests many people who are interested in smoking it.

In different regions of the world, hookah has different names:

  • Egypt - "shisha";
  • Persia - “narghil”;
  • Albania - “lulava”;
  • Spain - "cachimba";
  • Iran - “qalyan”;
  • Uzbekistan - “chillim”;
  • Africa - "dakka".

The popularity of smoking in this way is growing every day, but the question: “when did hookah appear” remains unanswered. But most modern scientists believe that the origin of hookah has clearly eastern roots.

Versions of the origin of hookah

At this time, there are many assumptions and disputes about where the tradition of smoking hookah came from. According to various versions, it is believed that it was invented in India. But there are other versions that contradict this fact. If you delve into history, you can find interesting facts about hookah.


According to Indian historians, hookah first appeared in India, where it began its rapid spread to the Far East, Africa and European countries. There are still many disputes that the birthplace of hookah is India.

Initially, it was used to relieve severe pain from injuries and fatal diseases, since in those days hashish was used instead of tobacco in combination with medicinal herbs. In order for the mixture to burn, the Indians used resin.

The smoking apparatus was made from coconut, the fruit of the Narcil palm tree, which grows in India. It was thanks to the palm tree from which the smoking apparatus was made that it got its name - “Narghile”. The inner part of the fruit was removed and two holes were created in the shell, a tube was inserted into one of them, and the herbal mixture itself was placed inside the nut. This is the earliest version of a smoking device, which over time was modernized and modified by the Indian people.

Subsequently, the culture of hookah smoking reached Egypt, where the people contributed to the modification of the unit. It was not made from the palm fruit, but from a pumpkin, which was first completely cleaned from the inside. Despite the fact that the hookah was no longer made from walnut, the same name was used.

But the main change was made by the Persians, who were delighted with the new invention - hookahs. They began to make the flask not from fruits, but from clay and other materials, and replaced the straw with a hose made of snake skin, which was more flexible and durable. The hose was given the name marpic (Greek “snake ball”).

At the same time, the discovery of tobacco was made, and the Persians began to experiment with it. To get better results from their experiments, they continued to modernize the smoking apparatus. A tray made of bronze was created, which was attached above the flask and was intended for the tobacco product.

Many years have passed since those times and smoking narghile has become a persistent tradition in these countries.


According to the results of a study conducted at the beginning of the 20th century by L. Wiener, it was found that the American Indians used not only pipes for smoking, as is commonly thought, but also devices similar to hookahs.

The scientist discovered that long before the appearance of narghile in other countries, the American people used pumpkin for smoking. The device was made simply: a pumpkin was scraped out and tobacco was placed in its cavity, after which two holes were made, through one of them people inhaled smoke, and through the other oxygen penetrated into the cavity, which supported the smoldering process of tobacco. In appearance, such a smoking unit is somewhat reminiscent of a calabash for mate tea, also invented by the Indians who lived in the territory of modern Mexico.

According to Wiener, the tradition of smoking hookah reached Africa precisely from America, several centuries before the arrival of Europeans on the lands of the Indians.


In Turkey, the appearance of hookah contributed to the development of new traditions. After its appearance, people began to open hookah bars, which were accessible to all segments of the population, but in the 17th century the Sultan decided that the people
he wastes time spent in the hookah bar pointlessly and created an order to close the establishments. But soon, hookah smoking establishments once again opened their doors to smokers. The art of creating hookahs improved and soon specialized institutions for the manufacture of smoking apparatus appeared.

Over time, the appearance of the hookah changed: now it was made not from clay, as in Persia, but from metals and crystal. A mouthpiece made of high-grade stone or wood was attached to the hose.

Skilled craftsmen made smoking devices that were decorated with elaborate carvings, but unfortunately such models were only available to noblemen. Commoners used ordinary models without any extras.


Unlike other countries, Russia does not insist that the popular smoking device was invented on its lands. This new tradition was brought by foreigners. According to Russian scientists, hookah first appeared together with the inhabitants of Egypt and Turkey.

Previous traditions and the original type of hookah have sunk into the past; modernized devices and new types of tobacco simply had to appear in their place, but still the ritual itself remained unchanged.

Smoking traditions in different countries

There are a great many traditions of hookah smoking. He played a special role in the culture of the Far East. Smoking was considered not just a traditional ritual, but rather an established way of life for every person, since the Eastern people are very principled about observing traditions. Here are a few of these traditions:

Ancient traditions have been replaced by modern ones, which allow us to observe not only the ethics of smoking, but also the rules of hygiene and fire safety. When smoking, it is not recommended to pass the hookah from hand to hand. In order for another person to take the hookah, you need to place it on the surface.When smoking a hookah, it is not recommended to light cigarettes from coals. And in general, smoking cigars or cigarettes during a hookah ceremony is considered bad form.When smoking in a group, it is recommended to use disposable mouthpieces.The hookah should not be located high, it is better to place it on the floor.Do not use tobacco products not intended for for smoking through a hookah. If a person decides to experiment, there is a possibility of burning his throat.

History of hookah

Agree, today few people can be impressed by blowing smoke rings, so I suggest surprising your interlocutor with knowledge of the history of the origin of the hookah!


Modern scientists agree that India was the birthplace of hookah, from where it spread to all Asian countries. Initially, hookah served as a medicine because They smoked hashish through it - quite a good painkiller! At what point did the Indian hookah move from the category of medicine to the category of pleasure? History is silent, because this is a simple matter. Tobacco began to be used for smoking, and the first major producer of high-quality hookah tobacco was Damascus, the capital of Syria.

In Hindi, hookah is called “narghile”. The name goes back to ancient times, when the first hookahs were made from the shells of narsil palm nuts. This nut, which looks like a coconut, was subjected to certain processing: A small hole was made in the center through which the inner pulp was removed. The shell was thoroughly dried. Then, another hole was made in it (next to the first one). A mixture of tobacco leaves or medicinal herbs was poured inside. A hollow bamboo stick, similar to a modern hose, was attached to one of the holes, and air entered through the second hole. It was in this form that the first hookah came into the world.

And for the Egyptians, even a pumpkin is a hookah

The Egyptians were the first to use pumpkin as a... Pumpkin, unlike nuts, was easier and faster to process. And as we remember, the Egyptians already had enough work).

Persian luxury

The hookah underwent the most significant modifications when it came to Persia. Here, for the first time, bowls began to be made of porcelain, and hoses from snake or tanned cattle skin, which made this smoking device much more durable. The history of the hookah says that it was the Persians who were the first to smoke pure tobacco through a hookah and for convenience they came up with a separate bowl, which was placed above the flask. Bowls were made of bronze and were real luxury items among the Persian nobility. Presumably, it was the Persians who were the first to pour water into the flask to purify the smoke.

Hookah in Turkish

In Turkey, the history of the appearance of hookah begins in the mid-17th century. Each part of the body was made in a separate workshop; the government even developed decrees on the rules for preparing hookah. Everything was provided for - lighting rules, smoking ingredients. There were certain GOST standards for bowls, flasks and tubes. Particular attention was paid to the quality of tobacco. Turkey was famous for its durable glass throughout Asia, so the Turkish hookah flask is naturally glass. The mouthpiece for a hookah hose was also first put on in Turkey.

In this country, hookah has become an integral attribute of every home. The poor made smoking utensils from wood and glass, while the sultans preferred silver and rock crystal.

According to Turkish tradition, smoking a hookah together is a sign of respect or friendship. Therefore, refusing to smoke a hookah with the owner of the house meant mortally offending his family.

The Turks used mainly strong black Iranian tobacco (tumbak). The poor simply smoked through water, and for the Sultan and the close nobility, something similar to modern tobacco was specially made - tumbak, soaked in molasses or fruit syrups.


Such a story.