Integration workshops for disabled people. Production and integration workshops for disabled people (Pskov region)


For the purpose of professional and social rehabilitation of people with mental and (or) physical disabilities, with the active charitable assistance of the public organization “Pskov Initiative in the Rhine Evangelical Church” (Germany), Production and Integration Workshops were created in the city of Pskov.

1. Rehabilitation.

In recent years, the turn from a “culture of usefulness” to a “culture of dignity” has become increasingly noticeable in Russia. In the context of this concept, a person with disabilities, regardless of his capacity and usefulness to society, is considered as an object of social assistance and care, aimed at creating conditions for him to achieve the maximum possible self-realization, the realization of all available opportunities for his integration into society. In other words, a disabled person is now seen not only as an object of social work, but also as an active subject of public life and the creator of his own destiny.

For the purpose of professional and social rehabilitation of people with limited mental and (or) physical capabilities, Production and Integration Workshops were created in the city of Pskov.

2. Tasks of the workshops.
Formation of public opinion regarding people with disabilities as people who have equal rights with other people, but need special individual assistance.

Development of the ability and formation of the need of young people with disabilities to participate in work activities for a long period of time, to perform the work received with high quality and on time.

Developing the ability and developing the need of young people with disabilities to take care of themselves and contribute to their livelihood.

Developing the ability of young people with disabilities to care for themselves and contribute to their livelihoods.

Developing the ability of young people with disabilities to navigate social relationships, the ability to engage in them, assert themselves and participate in social activities.

The main direction of work of the Pskov Production and Integration Workshops is the professional rehabilitation of people with mental and (or) physical disabilities.

The possibility of self-realization plays an important role in the process of professional rehabilitation. One of the problems faced by young people with disabilities is the inability to find a job, and often the inability to acquire certain labor skills and abilities necessary in later life in society.

Social rehabilitation of people with disabilities is aimed at the social and everyday life of disabled people, as well as their integration into society.

Workshops help people with mental and (or) physical disabilities master various types of professional activities and provide disabled people with employment.

3. Admission to workshops.

The workshops accept individuals, young people with mental and physical developmental disabilities, disability groups I, II, III, who have reached the age of 18 years and have mental, motor and multiple disorders that are caused by organic damage to the central nervous system as a result of birth or postpartum trauma, infection , injuries due to an accident, chromosomal or genetic disorders with the following medical diagnoses: cerebral palsy of various forms and degrees, Down syndrome, hydrocephalus, phenylketonuria, epilepsy, autism and others.

People with the following developmental disabilities are not accepted into the workshops:

1) with chronic infectious diseases that pose a danger to others;
2) with severe behavioral disorders that pose a danger to themselves or others (aggression);
3) those who can work at city enterprises.

Employment of disabled people is carried out on a voluntary basis (upon admission to workshops, an agreement is concluded with a guardian or the disabled person himself). The word used in the workshops is "Busy".

Admission to the workshops is carried out:

At the request of a guardian (parents or legal representatives) or the disabled person’s own statement;
at the suggestion of educational or social protection authorities;

Documents required for admission to the workshops:

1. statement;
2. passport;
3. document certifying disability;
4. medical certificate of health;
5. rehabilitation card for a disabled person from MSEC;
6. certificate from IUUMR about family composition;
7. certificate of education.
8. characteristics from the place of study;
9. photographs – 2 pcs.;

4. Working hours of those employed in PIM.

Most disabled employees working in production departments travel to the workshops independently, using city public transport. Disabled people from the development department, as well as from other departments who cannot navigate the city independently or have musculoskeletal disorders and need assistance, are brought (and taken) by PIM vehicles.

Work in the workshops takes place according to the following schedule:

9.00 – start of work
10.00 – breakfast
10.30 – work according to the department plan
11.00 – industrial gymnastics
11.15 – work according to the department plan
12.30 – lunch
13.30 – work according to the department plan
14.30 – break
15.00 – work according to the department plan / departure of the development and training department
16.00 – end of work.

5. Ways to stimulate those employed in workshops.

- Free food
- Organization of leisure time
- Social benefits

Once a month, everyone is paid a benefit for work - social benefits (no more than 500 rubles). Social benefits are paid based on the results of observation of craftsmen for at least two months, reflected in the employee’s evaluation sheet, which reflects the quality of work, labor productivity, degree of complexity of work, independence, motivation, conscientiousness, punctuality, ability to work in a group, willingness to help in work, evaluation dangers, workplace conditions, if the employee:

Conscientiously fulfills his job duties and the instructions of the master;
obeys the internal labor regulations adopted in the workshops;
treats workshop property with care, including inventory and equipment in its use;
ensures the safety of the property entrusted to him;
uses the equipment, instruments, and materials assigned to him for work correctly and for its intended purpose;
strictly observes labor safety rules on the territory and in the workshop premises;
follows the instructions of the masters.

The amount of social benefits paid is determined annually in the first quarter by the commission for the distribution of social benefits to employees.
6. Result.

The main result of the work of the workshops is the achievement of such a state of the disabled person when he is capable of performing social functions characteristic of the so-called “healthy people”. At the same time, social functions (they are also called social skills) are understood as work activity, learning, communication ability, the ability to organize one’s leisure time, and others.

Rehabilitation, in addition to its main humanitarian function, which is to return a person to a decent life, also has an important socio-economic aspect. Recently, state policy towards people with disabilities has been aimed at changing the generally accepted dependent lifestyle, at understanding for the disabled that he is not a flawed person deprived of life, but a full-fledged, independent citizen capable of making his contribution to public life.

Production and integration workshops for disabled people -

This project has not yet been promoted, but the preparatory stage has already passed. The Novosibirsk organization “Dzerzhinsky District Organization of Disabled Children and Children with Disabilities” (DROODI) set as its goal the employment of its wards, adult young people with disabilities, and opened the so-called integration workshops (or Rehabilitation Center). The workshops will soon become a separate legal entity, a small business entity. Carpentry and small printing work will be carried out there: souvenir products made of wood will be produced, as well as notebooks, coloring books, business cards, and postcards. The employees, young people with disabilities, already have some experience - they have made souvenirs before, but did not put their production on stream. There are now 13 jobs open for people with disabilities in the workshops. The workshop also has equipment for making printed T-shirts and other promotional products. There are several computer places where children are taught computer design, for example, applying a logo to souvenirs.

"Your faith determines your actions, and your actions determine

your results, but first you must believe.”

(Mark Victor Nansen)

PIM is a structural subdivision of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky integrated center for social services for the population.

Production and integration workshops “Empire of Crafts”. The department is designed for people with disabilities over 18 years of age. Branch opening hours: Monday – Friday from 8.30 to 16.00, Saturday, Sunday – day off.

The department provides the following range of social services:

* social - household

* social - medical

* social - psychological

* social and labor

* social - legal

* services in order to increase the communicative potential of recipients of social services with disabilities, including disabled children.

The following departments are open in the workshops:

Department of Plant Science

Woodworking department

Sewing department

Candle production

Economic department

Theater department

Department “Photo studio”

Department of Education

People with disabilities who attend departments full-time are provided with three complex meals a day - breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea.

Our department operates according to a well-established scheme: All newly hired young people enter the workshop training department, where they acquire various work skills depending on the chosen profession, and become familiar with industrial safety precautions. Upon completion of training, disabled people undergo mandatory testing, followed by receiving a standard certificate of the assigned qualification. The center provides an opportunity for those disabled people who have successfully passed the test to get a job in one or another department of the workshop. If young people have low results, they receive a certificate of attendance at a course of lectures with the opportunity to continue working in workshops without registration. The work of the workshops involves a coordinated process: training, labor rehabilitation, social rehabilitation. During the day they not only work, but also work with them: psychologist, music worker, choreographer; excursions are provided. There is also a recreation area, cultural, sports, recreational and gaming activities organized. The labor workshops project has a great future. Because we provide young disabled people with jobs.

To enter the department you must:

1. Apply to the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

2. Attach the following documents to the application:

Copy of passport (pages 2, 3, 5, 14);
- extract from the house register;
- extract from personal account;
- medical certificate.

If the passport has a marriage registration stamp on page 14, then data on the spouse or a copy of the death or divorce certificate is provided.

3. After consideration of the application by the commission of the Department of Social Protection of the Population (USPP) to recognize a citizen as needing services, the citizen (or his legal representative) receives an Individual Program for the Provision of Social Services (IPPS) and the provided documents (originals).

4. After receiving the IPPSU, the citizen applies directly to the institution to conclude an agreement.

On the territory of Pskov, Production and Integration Workshops for the Disabled named after. Schmitz. Their goal is the professional and social rehabilitation of people with mental or physical disabilities. The main focus of the workshops is professional rehabilitation of disabled people. 155 people work here. Most disabled employees working in production departments travel to the workshops independently, using city public transport. The working day ends at 16:00. Afterwards, they are picked up by relatives or transported by special transport. Once a month, each employee is paid a labor allowance - no more than 500 rubles. Social benefits are paid based on the results of supervision of craftsmen for at least two months. The employee's evaluation sheet reflects the quality of work, productivity and degree of difficulty of work, independence, motivation, conscientiousness, punctuality, ability to work in a group, and willingness to help. The workshops have a sewing department. Ten people work there. They work on sewing machines, on a heat press, and pack finished products. Manufactured products: bags, bags for wooden products, work gloves, aprons, textile souvenirs. There is also a woodworking department. Primary processing is carried out - sawing boards into blanks, planing, drying. In the department of finished products, the workpieces are sawed into components, polished on a machine, manually sanded, and processed. Dried products are packaged in plastic bags and handed over for storage. Workers participate in the production of natural wood furniture for garden houses, make various educational toys (based on the puzzle principle), and produce souvenirs. The plant growing department maintains two greenhouses, a vegetable garden (20 acres), and two container sites with ornamental plants, which are located on the territory of the workshops. In greenhouses, bulbous plants are forced in winter. In spring, tulips and seedlings of vegetable and flower crops are grown. In the garden, the department is engaged in the cultivation of perennial flower crops and fruit bushes. In addition, the workshops provide landscaping and landscaping services in the city. Flowers from the workshops can be purchased in Pskov flower shops. The laundry department serves city orders. In the workshop store “Pskov Angel”, located on the street. Truda, 47, you can purchase the entire range of workshop products (birdhouses, sleighs, tables, chairs, etc.). Acting director of integration workshops Vyacheslav Sukmanov told FederalPress that in recent years in Russia the turn from a “culture of usefulness” to a “culture of dignity” has become increasingly noticeable. “In the context of this concept, a person with disabilities, regardless of his capacity and usefulness to society, is considered as an object of social assistance and care. All this is aimed at creating conditions for him to achieve the maximum possible self-realization and integrate him into society. In other words, a disabled person is now seen not only as an object of social work, but also as an active subject of public life and the creator of his own destiny. The main objectives of rehabilitation are to make a disabled person capable of living in society, to create appropriate prerequisites for his involvement in the social and labor life of society. Disabled people work miracles here. We want to create the same workshop in Velikiye Luki,” said Vyacheslav Sukmanov. Governor of the Pskov region Andrei Turchak spoke about the workshops this way: “Integration workshops occupy a special place among the social projects of our region. They provide comprehensive support to our most vulnerable fellow citizens - people with disabilities. There are no such institutions in any corner of Russia. The experience of the Pskov region is unique and has a chance to become a basis for other regions of the country.”

The municipal special socially protected institution of the Pskov region "Production and integration workshops for the disabled" was founded with active charitable assistance from the public organization "Pskov Initiative in the Rhine Evangelical Church" (Germany). The workshops carry out their activities on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation” and “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons” in the Russian Federation, on the basis of the Charter of the workshops, as well as on the basis of an agreement between the Administration of the city of Pskov and the Pskov Regional Public Fund for the Support of Disabled Persons, agreements with founders and other organizations, citizens, other laws and regulations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulations and decisions of local government bodies of the city of Pskov. Based on the order of the Administration of the Pskov Region, the institution was renamed into the “State government social service institution “Production and integration workshops for the disabled named after Werner Peter Schmitz.” The workshops are a non-profit organization.
In order to make the most efficient use of property and develop the material base, workshops have the right to carry out income-generating business activities, while the profits received are used to fulfill the main purpose of the workshops. The main goal of the Production and Integration Workshops is the professional and social rehabilitation of people with mental and (or) physical disabilities. Rehabilitation is a method through which a person with disabilities gets the opportunity to mobilize his own resources and achieve his goals through his own efforts. When helping with anything, you need to make sure that this help becomes unnecessary. The point of this is to overcome dependence on others.
An important area in the work of specialists is the formation of public opinion regarding people with disabilities as people who have equal rights with other people, but who need special individual assistance. In the process of rehabilitation, employees develop the abilities and form the needs of young people with disabilities to participate in work activities for a long period of time, to perform the work received with high quality and on time. The possibility of self-realization plays an important role in the process of professional rehabilitation. One of the problems faced by young people with disabilities is the inability to find a job, and often the inability to obtain certain work skills and abilities necessary in later life in society. Social rehabilitation of people with disabilities is aimed at the social and everyday life of disabled people, as well as integration into society. Workshops help people with mental and (or) physical disabilities master various types of professional activities and provide disabled people with employment.
The workshops accept young people with mental and physical developmental disabilities, I, II, III disability groups, who have reached the age of 18 years. The following people are not accepted into the workshops:
- with chronic infectious diseases that pose a danger to others;
- severe behavioral disorders that pose a danger to themselves or others (aggression);
- who can work at city enterprises.
Employment of disabled people is carried out on a voluntary basis
basis (upon admission to the workshops, an agreement is concluded with the guardian or the disabled person himself). The word used in workshops is "busy".
Admission to the workshops is carried out:
- at the request of a guardian (parents or legal representatives) or the disabled person’s own statement;
- proposal from educational or social protection authorities.
Documents required for admission to the workshops:
- statement;
- passport;
- document certifying disability;
- medical certificate of health;
- rehabilitation card of a disabled person from MSEC;
- a certificate from the Municipal Institution for Neighborhood Management on family composition;
- certificate of education;
- characteristics from the educational institution;
- photographs - 2 pcs.
Most disabled employees working in production departments travel to the workshops independently, using city public transport. Disabled people from the development department, as well as from other departments who cannot navigate the city independently or have musculoskeletal disorders and need assistance, are delivered to the workshops and home by the vehicles of the Production and Innovation Workshops.
Work in the workshops takes place according to the following schedule:
9.0 - start of work;
10.0 - breakfast;
10.30 - work according to the department plan;
11.0 - industrial gymnastics;
11.15 - work according to the department plan;
12.30 - lunch;
13.30 - work according to the department plan;
14.30 - break;
15.0 - work according to the department plan / departure of the development department and training department;
16.0 - end of work.
Ways to stimulate those employed in workshops: free food, leisure activities, social benefits. Once a month, everyone is paid a labor allowance (social benefit). Social benefits are paid based on the results of observation of craftsmen for at least two months, reflected in the employee’s evaluation sheet, which indicates the quality of work, labor productivity, degree of complexity, employee independence, motivation, conscientiousness, punctuality, ability to work in a group, willingness to help with work , assessment of labor hazards, workplace conditions, if the employee:
- conscientiously fulfills his job duties and the instructions of the foreman;
- obeys the internal labor regulations adopted in the workshops;
- treats workshop property with care, including inventory and equipment in its use;
- ensures the safety of the property entrusted to him;
- uses the equipment, devices, and materials assigned to him for work correctly and for its intended purpose;
- strictly observes labor safety rules on the territory and in the workshop premises;
- Follows the instructions of the masters.
The amount of social benefits paid is determined annually in the first quarter by the commission for the distribution of social benefits to employees. The main result of the work of the workshops is the achievement of such a state of the disabled person when he is capable of performing social functions characteristic of the so-called healthy people. At the same time, social functions (they are also called social skills) are understood as work activity, training, communication skills, the ability to organize one’s leisure time, etc. Rehabilitation, in addition to its main humanitarian function, which is to return a person to a decent life, also has an important socio-economic aspect. Recently, state policy towards people with disabilities has been aimed at changing the generally accepted dependent lifestyle, at understanding for the disabled person that he is not a flawed person deprived of life, but a full-fledged independent citizen capable of making his contribution to public life.
Training department. All newly admitted young people (excluding those with very severe disabilities, who go straight to the development and care department) enter the training department of the workshops. The department was created with the aim of training young people with disabilities and including them in the activities of production departments of workshops. The length of stay in the training department varies from several months to a year. It depends on the degree of formation of one or another labor skill. Transfer from the training department to the production departments is carried out on the basis of observation of the work of the disabled person and based on the results of evaluation sheets. When selecting a production department for a young person, his individual preferences in choosing the type of activity are also taken into account.
In the training department, young people acquire various labor skills, learn to work on various machines (tools), handle electrical equipment (microwave oven, iron, etc.), sew on sewing machines and overlockers, and care for plants. The department also conducts classes aimed at developing business skills.
Selecting an adequate type of activity for each disabled person is the main task of the training department. The complexity of this task is due to the fact that by the time they transition into adult working life, most young people, as a rule, have no professional interests and plans; young people do not realize their capabilities, are not ready to work in a team, and lack initiative. The work of selecting an adequate type of activity for each young person with disabilities is an important aspect of his social adaptation. This work is aimed at ensuring the most complete integration of such young people into society, since the correct selection of work activities allows a disabled person to realize himself and live a full, active life on an equal basis with other members of society.
Department of Development and Care. Currently, the development and care department is visited by people with severe and multiple developmental disabilities. They are given classes on social and labor adaptation. Areas of work of the department:
- household activities (duty in the dining room, caring for indoor plants, cleaning rooms, ironing clothes);
- labor activity (grinding wooden products, sewing, sowing and growing flower crops, etc.);
- formation and development of self-service skills (hygiene skills, caring for things, etc.);
- conducting developmental classes (development of mental functions, general and fine motor skills, etc.);
- communication and interaction with other people (speech development, adherence to generally accepted communication norms, willingness to help, etc.);
- work in a printing workshop (making postcards, notepads and handmade bookmarks, fulfilling individual orders);
- working on the publication of the workshop newspaper “We Are Together” (quarterly).
The economic department includes a team of 8 people who are engaged in the following types of economic activities within the workshops:
- assistance and distribution of lunches for workshops from the canteen;
- cleaning of some workshop premises;
- minor repairs in premises (replacement of light bulbs, etc.);
- hotel house maintenance;
- cleaning the area.
Day group. The group is attended by disabled people with very severe disabilities, who receive the necessary care and receive individual lessons.
Plant growing. The department maintains two greenhouses, a vegetable garden (20 acres), two container sites with ornamental plants, which are located on the territory of the workshops. In greenhouses, bulbous plants are forced in winter. In spring, tulips and seedlings of vegetable and flower crops are grown. In the garden, the ward departments are engaged in growing perennial flower crops and fruit bushes. At the container site, department workers take care of ornamental plants (water, feed, plant and replant plants, etc.). In addition, the workshops provide landscaping and landscaping services in the city. The plant growing department produces decorative candles for Christmas and New Year's holidays. Disabled people perform this work in winter.
Types of activities in candle making:
- assembly of forms;
- wick weaving;
- weighing of components (paraffin, stearin);
- heating wax (a mixture of stearin and paraffin);
- adding dyes;
- filling molds with molten wax.
Woodworking. The woodworking department produces products from environmentally friendly wood (alder, linden). The main products of the woodworking department are puzzle-type wooden toys treated with linseed oil. The toys are intended for children aged three years and older. They help develop a child’s attention, memory, perception, observation, thinking, spatial imagination, fine motor skills and precision of movements, speech, and tactile sensations. Toys also help develop perseverance and independence in the baby.
The sewing department offers services for sewing bed linen, and services for applying a design to a T-shirt (another fabric product).
The laundry department offers washing, drying and ironing services.
Cardboard department. Products and services of the cartoning department:
- unwinding rolled paper (cardboard) into sheets of different formats;
- production of a transport box from chrome-ersatz (cardboard), dimensions: 35 x 21 * 8 cm; 40.5 x 34 x 8 cm.
The Educational Center department as a structural subdivision of the state-owned social service institution of the Pskov region "Production Integration Workshops for the Disabled named after Werner Peter Schmitz" was created on October 1, 2012 and is the successor and continuator of the educational traditions of the ANO "Educational Center for Social Adaptation" (operating in 2005 -2012).
The goal is to provide educational services to social workers.
Main tasks:
- advanced training of specialists working in social service institutions with disabled people, orphans, and people in difficult life situations;
- development of training programs, selection of lecturers for courses;
- forecasting, planning and organizing advanced training courses for employees and managers of social institutions;
- coordination of international educational projects.

Cooperation with social partners

In March 2010, a meeting was held between the administration of the workshops and employees of the Medical and Social Expertise Commission (MSE), who send disabled people to the workshops for their labor rehabilitation. At the meeting, ways of working together were outlined. Now information about workshops can be obtained from ITU; it is presented at the stand about production and integration workshops. There you can also get acquainted with the products of the workshops.
The workshops cooperate with the state social service institution "Regional Family Center". The main directions of this work are seminars by the Center’s psychologists with workshop employees, exhibitions and sales of workshop products in the Center, and holding parent club classes by employees of the department of social assistance to families and children. The workshops conduct excursions for teachers, students and parents of special (correctional) secondary school No. 1 (VIII type). During visits to the workshops, guests will learn about the goals and objectives of the workshops, see how wooden toys are made, vegetable and flower plants are grown, get acquainted with the work of the training, laundry, utility and other departments, and also learn how the wards of the workshops spend their leisure time.