Other dimensions are multidimensional worlds. Multidimensional world • • •

Esotericists say that the human soul exists simultaneously in many dimensions, and listeners cannot understand them and are surprised how it is - in many at the same time. Both of them have little idea of ​​what measurements are. Usually people think that these are some kind of spaces separate from each other, which are really difficult to be in at the same time. But measurements are a completely different matter. Roughly speaking, this is length-width-height.

Let's start with one. One-dimensional space is a line.

There is one coordinate, and objects in that space only have length. Very cramped space. Residents can only stand next to each other, move slightly from one to another, or move in one direction synchronously, all together. Let's imagine a subway tunnel whose inhabitants are trains of different lengths. Classic one-dimensional space is a single tunnel of infinite length, and you can’t walk around in it. The movement of each train is limited by the position of two neighboring trains. There can be no talk of any complex structure or organization in such a space. It's just a series of objects of different lengths that can't even change places.

In such a miserable space one can admit a plurality of worlds. Let's imagine that another tunnel branches off from our tunnel and runs parallel. The branch will be perceived by residents as a portal to another world, to a parallel space. It will be possible to enter it, live there and exit back. But this parallel space itself is as cramped as the first. Even if you build a complex network of tunnels, that is, a system of multiple worlds connected to each other by many portals (which is what science fiction writers dream about), it will not be possible to create a complex meaningful structure. Residents will be able to squeeze into different tunnels with great difficulty, but it is impossible to even see what kind of fork is in front of you. It is also impossible to signal a resident who is not your immediate neighbor.

Now let's go back to one single pipe and add another dimension. This means that we opened the pipe along its entire length and revealed to its inhabitants the entire plane that extends around. Moreover, the residents themselves can transform thin ropes into wide carpets of various sizes and shapes.

Two-dimensional space is a plane in which every object has two dimensions - length and width. Objects can have arbitrarily different sizes, complex shapes, holes of any size and shape in the middle, smaller shapes inside those holes, and holes in those shapes inside holes inside shapes. Living in such a space is much more fun. You can crawl in different directions, move your tentacles and hug your neighbors. You can limit a zone of space that others will not have access to, you can bypass your neighbors and travel quite far in different directions.

At the same time, one-dimensional space remains a narrow strip drawn in the middle of the desert. As soon as you crawl onto this strip, you find yourself in this one-dimensional space and are simultaneously in it and in a large two-dimensional space. True, in one-dimensional space its inhabitants see you as just a thread that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. If you move along a plane across a thread, then different parts of you appear on the strip all the time, and one-dimensional residents see a kaleidoscope of different threads, cannot understand anything and go crazy. Therefore, if you want to be present in a one-dimensional space as a human being, so that you are not afraid there, you become attached to it, lie in approximately one place, so that you can cross the strip with only one of your lines, which can only change slightly from time to time, while remaining similar on herself. Then the one-dimensional inhabitants see you as their compatriot, and do not know about your wider existence, and you can only move along this strip, glued to it with one line of your body. A rather limited life, considering the expanse of the plane around you. But you can participate more or less meaningfully in one-dimensional life. If you suddenly decide to move a little across the strip, then the one-dimensional inhabitants will see that you have turned into someone else and will call you a werewolf. If you suddenly want to touch this strip with another part of your two-dimensional body, then the inhabitants will perceive this as the birth of another one-dimensional being. They won't understand how it can be connected to you. This creature can be born next to you, or maybe a few neighbors away, if you just stretch a little further along the line before touching it. And this creature may be completely different from the first one, from the line with which you first entered the one-dimensional strip. These two beings will be connected to each other, but in one-dimensional space this connection will not be very obvious.

So, in the second dimension we can crawl and pulsate as we want, but only on a plane. Like multi-colored carpets of the most unimaginable shapes crawling across the desert. We can walk around our neighbor from the side, but we can’t see what’s inside him - what’s inside the limited space. Actually, we - people who cannot fly - on our flat Earth are inhabitants of two-dimensional space. Or imagine ants that can only crawl on a plane.

But still, this is not a good analogy for the structure of two-dimensional space, because ants are identical points that move, interact, but themselves have no structure in this model. An analogy to the two-dimensional world are, for example, plans of cities, roads, fields and forests, which have sizes, shapes and internal structure. This entire structure is flat. Its gradual change can be called life, and indeed, cities, villages and the surrounding fields, forests and roads grow and develop very much like living beings. There are certain laws in their development, but specific growth is determined by many random causes, previous conditions and interactions with neighboring creatures.

Houses are built on each other like cells in tissues, roads make their way like roots or blood vessels, fields and forests spread or shrink like living tissues. If we take 100 years of landscape history and scan it at high speed, we see this movement.

Now let's imagine a two-dimensional living creature - a one-story village with all its houses, walls, rooms, gardens and paths. And a whole world of such creatures - villages and cities that grow, shrink, intertwine. And let's give this world a third dimension - we'll start building floors up and digging them down. Now all objects in our space are defined by three dimensions - length, width, height. Of course, we will not limit ourselves to solid ceilings - in all three dimensions, our multi-storey building grows as it wants. Openings, passages, rooms, arches and galleries - in all directions, forward, sideways and upward. A huge volumetric landscape consisting of many objects and groups growing and moving in all three directions.

Actually, we don’t need to imagine anything special, we live in a three-dimensional world, and all our objects are three-dimensional. For example, our body is a huge three-dimensional landscape consisting of many growing and moving organs connected to each other.

Let us now imagine that for a flat world we are the highest dimension. What kind of creature can be that lives simultaneously in a three-dimensional and two-dimensional world? The two-dimensional world is a slice of our world. This is one floor in a multi-story building. This is the surface of the sea compared to all the depth down and the height up.

For example, you go swimming in the sea and stand waist-deep in water. A cut of your body along the plane of water is your two-dimensional part that will “live” in the two-dimensional world. You exist simultaneously in a three-dimensional and two-dimensional world. A tomograph image is two-dimensional life. There are their own objects - circles, ovals, lines - they are somehow located relative to each other, and two-dimensional beings consider them independent and independent of each other. And in the third dimension these are quite voluminous and much more meaningful objects.

Let's imagine a tree - it is a three-dimensional creature. The flood inundated it with water at canopy level. On the surface of the water there is a two-dimensional space. What does the tree look like in this space? This is a lot of circles of different sizes and slightly different shapes (cuts of branches) and between them there are a lot of lines of different, but not very long lengths (cuts of leaves). They have some internal structure, growth rings, bark line, leaf color. They are all separated from each other, moving differently, although sometimes strong gusts of wind move everyone in one direction at the same time. And in a higher, third dimension, these are not circles at all, but long cylindrical and wide plate-like objects, and even connected to each other, and even growing all in turn from the same root.

I think this is a good analogy with a family tree, with the connection of people into families, nations, interest groups and work teams.

Imagine that you, as a three-dimensional being, want to participate in the life of some two-dimensional world, for example, the plane of a beach. In order not to frighten the local two-dimensional residents by constantly disappearing and appearing, you will lie down in one place, and the plane of your back will exist in the plane of the beach, sometimes slightly changing the position of your arms and legs. When you finally tan enough and stand up, you will die in the two-dimensional world, cease to exist in it.

Well, now let’s imagine that our three-dimensional world is a slice of four-dimensional space. Then the questions “where is the soul”, “where is God” lose their meaning. Because in a four-dimensional volume there is so much space for both the soul and God that the question rather arises - how does such a large soul fit in such a compact three-dimensional body? What exactly is it from the soul that is manifesting here in our world, and what is our entire fourth-dimensional being?

Let's imagine some simple object, for example, a cube, and see how it looks in different spaces. A slice of a cube on a plane is a square. The cut of a two-dimensional square by one-dimensional space is a segment. We can consider that a three-dimensional cube is a slice of a four-dimensional cube by our three-dimensional space. What does a four-dimensional cube itself look like?

Let's try to guess by analogy. A one-dimensional cube is a segment, a short line. A two-dimensional cube (square) is four one-dimensional cubes (lines) connected by zero-dimensional cubes (dots). A three-dimensional cube (simply a cube) is six two-dimensional cubes (squares) connected by their one-dimensional sides. A four-dimensional cube is apparently eight three-dimensional cubes connected by their two-dimensional faces. Cubes of a smaller order are parts of cubes of a larger order; they are nested within each other.

This is the story with many dimensions. If they exist, then they are here, right now we are directly part of the four-dimensional, five-dimensional or any dimensional world. And our three-dimensional world is a very small and very definite part of the multidimensional world. But we cannot feel this in any way, and in principle we will not be able to until we leave the three-dimensional “plane”.

My opinion is that the entire material universe, including the human body, is located entirely in three-dimensional space, but our creation (or what is called the soul) is a being of a much more multidimensional space, which only touches the three-dimensional world with its edge. Our ability to feel “more voluminous” is artificially closed by ourselves in order to focus on three-dimensional life. Birth is the process of touching and gluing oneself to the three-dimensional “plane of Being,” and death is liberation from this plane.

Where are we going and why? Here's the answer:

08.08.15. The future

1. You still doubt and do not want to understand that the Future Events in any case (with or without your participation) will still take place, and this MEGA transformation contains the Main Thought and the Main Meaning of what is happening, for this IS a manifestation of the Higher Order of the Universe!

2. There is no need to try to pretend to be something that is not in people and cannot yet be, because in order to become equal with God, or more precisely, with the Supreme Cosmic Mind, people need to deal with themselves so much that the crowning of this the transition of people to Gods without My Help is almost IMPOSSIBLE!

3. Now I am only showing you the path, and, I repeat, I am suggesting the path to the Gods not through religions, for over the millennia they have lost all connection with God, but through my own providence, through my own Consciousness, for no matter how much you call yourself a bird , you still won’t fly, because the first thing you need to do is grow wings, and without internal restructuring this is simply IMPOSSIBLE!

4. Therefore, the one whoever talks about God the most can never become God, because he only speaks! The creation of oneself by God is possible only in the UNITY of people perfect in the Spirit, and not so much people as people-Gods!

5. Your country, your people have already heard a lot of fables about how you can build communism or PARADISE in a single country! I want to tell you that humanity is not just individual peoples and states living on one Planet, but it IS a single organism with its own connections, subject to the Canons of the Universe, therefore wars and conflicts are a manifestation of the diseases of this organism, which must be treated by everyone together!

6. You, the Indigenous civilization, are just beginning to form the FIRST CELL (First Great OCTAHEDR) of the New Humanity, and this PROVISION, believe me, is not your providence at all, but the PROVISION of God, who, in accordance with the Great EVOLUTION of the Universe, determined that the human body must be restored on a completely new basis! There is a chance to be saved thanks to those who, despite the general lack of spirituality of humanity and internal Spiritual fornication, still understood that humanity IS a part of the Universe, and this means that, as a part of the Universe, it must correspond to the Higher order that IS in the Great COSMOS!

7. I understand that this part of humanity (I’m talking about people with awakened Consciousness) is too small to become the Exodus of humanity into the Gods, but the START for this MEGA transformation has nevertheless been given and I, the Main RHYTHMAKER, will not deviate from My decision I want to, but I don’t have the RIGHT to do so!

8. You must understand that My Appeal to people in the form of “Revelations to the people of the New Age” is in the nature of INSTRUCTION, and this Appeal is HUMAN to such an extent that even the “smallest” person suddenly understands that he IS a particle of God, or a particle of the One The Supreme Cosmic Mind, and that My PLANS include not only the EVOLUTION OF SPACE, but also the EVOLUTION of humanity as a part of SPACE!

9. People must finally understand that independence is a priority only for those whom I created, and, believe me, not only on this Planet! But this Planet, this humanity, even if collected from different civilizations, is interesting to Me as an object of the EVOLUTION of SELF-KNOWLEDGE, without the influence of other, more developed civilizations located outside the Solar System!

10. I have already briefly told you that the Solar system was created in such a way as to exclude any influence of highly developed civilizations and to enable humanity to form itself with a Single Consciousness, a Single Mind, or rather, to create itself as a Single Spiritual organism, realizing that this the organism is part of the Single Governing ORGANISM OF ETERNITY!

11. I observe people’s independent search for themselves and am confident that, despite the potential inherent in people (and this potential is the Great Likeness to God), and the changes taking place in those who agreed to go through the stage of evolution from people to Gods, yet without My HELP people will not be able to create themselves!

12. That is why, preparing people for the next stage (26,000 years) of the EVOLUTION of Co-Knowledge, I decided to create a certain CORE of the Higher Order, or, as scientists say, a substrate for growing a CLUSTER (OCTAHEDRON) of the Higher Order, and to help people CREATE an ORGANISM united in the Spirit, excluding any IMPERFECTION of the structure!

13. Today you (people) are observing this CREATION, or the alignment of people into the First (in the History of Mankind) OCTAHEDRON, and by the First OCTAHEDRON I mean not only the first three levels of Octahedrons, which I want to collect very soon, but the ENTIRE Indigenous civilization, because for creation of a healthy organism of the New Humanity, Indigenous civilization with its deep PASSIONARITY and GODLYNESS is best suited!

14. Check, I am well versed in the problems that have befallen (and not at all today) this People and this territory, but such Golgothas can only be overcome by those people, only by those People who have carried within themselves and continue to carry the CROSS OF NATURAL PERFECTION , CROSS of Spiritual purity and FAITH!

15. I know to whom I give the RIGHT to lead humanity to inner PERFECTION, because behind the general well-being of modern humanity hides the rotten ideology of worshiping Mammon, and this “cancer” has already done its job, therefore modern humanity does not have any “medicines” and opportunities that would save the world of people!

16. The world of people is becoming a thing of the past, and any fuss about building the Concept of establishing order around Mammon is a tough noose that is tightening around the throat of humanity, predicting its imminent death! Nothing can stop the process of SELF-destruction, because the Co-Knowledge of humanity, modern humanity, does not correspond to the Canons of the Universe!

17. Today the World stands on the threshold of the formation of a New humanity based on the New PARADIGM (Paradigm of the New dimension), and I am confident that the Indigenous civilization, despite its own problems, will be able to become, as I said, the GERM of the New humanity for the New dimension, which is already independent from the Co-Knowledge of people, even of the Indigenous civilization, becomes a reality, pushing people towards SELF-IMPROVEMENT, because the Time for CHANGE has come!

1. Ideas about the Universe and the basic concepts of Eniology

The world around us exists exactly as long as our idea of ​​this world exists and its structure is exactly as we imagine it. “Knowing how things should be characterizes an intelligent person; knowing how things actually are characterizes an experienced person; knowing how to change them for the better characterizes a person of genius.” D. Diderot.

In the East, they have long been confident that our world is much more complex than the generally accepted picture perceived by human senses. These views are rooted in the Hermetic knowledge of Ancient Egypt. Already in those days, people talked about the structure of the micro- and macrocosm, trying to understand the origin and purpose of man. The last decade of the bygone era of Pisces revealed numerous misconceptions of the orthodox science of past centuries in the theory of the structure of the Universe.
To understand the multidimensional processes of energy-information exchange, we present the basic scientific concepts. Physics is currently the fundamental science for developing a paradigm - a general scientific complex of world understanding. Astrophysics, which studies the structure of the macrocosm, combines all the achievements of modern physics.
By the end of our century, a certain general model of the structure and evolution of the Universe had emerged. It was based on the special and general theory of relativity (GTR) of Albert Einstein. In 1928, Russian physicist A.A. Friedman, using general relativity, built a mathematical model according to which the Universe, where we have the honor of living, was born from one point that was incomprehensibly located.

After the Big Bang, from this indefinite point - the singularity - energy first appeared, then matter in the form of elementary particles. Next came the formation of chemical elements, from which the formation of star systems, galaxies and metagalaxies began. According to this model, the Universe can take two evolutionary paths. The first is the endless expansion of the Universe. Second - after the expansion phase, a compression phase begins, the collapse of the Universe again to a point.
The choice of one option or another depends on the critical density of matter in the Universe, estimated at approximately 10-29 g/cm3. If the density is higher than this value, collapse occurs. Otherwise, our distant descendants will observe a gradual expansion and mutual removal of galaxies from each other (the open Friedmann model, described by Lobachevsky geometry).
This model was supported by the discovery in 1929<красного смещения>in the spectra of galaxies, discovered by astronomer E. Hubble. If light from a space object, amplified by a telescope, is passed through a prism, a spectrogram of that object can be obtained. In 1918 and 1924 the famous catalog of G. Driver - HD was published. This catalog contained approximately 400,000 stars. Each star was assigned a spectral type. Stars were divided into classes based on the type of line spectrum. Each class is designated by a letter: O, B, A, F, G, K, M and is divided into subclasses indicating a digital index.
For example, our Sun is designated G6. The Harvard sequence determines the temperatures of stars. The hottest ones are class O. According to this, the Sun is a rather ordinary star on the Main Sequence of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (Fig. 5) and is located on the very outskirts of our Galaxy, one of the arms of which we observe in the form of the Milky Way. The center of the Galaxy is in the direction of the constellation Virgo (Fig. 6).

When studying spectrograms of distant galaxies, a shift of emission and absorption lines to the red side of the spectrum was discovered. According to the Doppler effect, this meant that these objects were moving away from the observer. (Every person has encountered this effect - the tone of sound from a car rushing past changes from high to lower. When the car approaches, its speed is summed up with the speed of sound in the air. When it moves away, the speed of the car is subtracted from the speed of sound.) The further from galaxies are located near us, the faster they move away. As a result, the limit of optical visibility of the Universe arose, beyond which we cannot observe anything.
At the limit of optical visibility - 15 billion light years (a light year is the distance that a quantum of light travels in 1 year of Earth time), galaxies and quasars (quasi-stellar objects the size of a galaxy) are moving away from us at the speed of light, and their spectrograms are completely red-shifted spectrum region. However, if you shift the observation point, the visible boundary of the Universe will also shift. Hitherto hidden objects will be revealed to observation.
Few people think when looking into the starry sky that we are seeing the history of the Universe. We see stars and galaxies as they were at the moment they emitted energy quanta that reached the Earth at the moment of observation. For example, we see our Sun as it was almost 8 minutes ago. The objects themselves at this moment may no longer exist, although the radiation from them continues to travel to the Earth.

This effect was superbly experimentally proven by Academician N.A. Kozyrev, for which he fell out of favor with the orthodoxies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In a special experiment, he recorded the radiation of the star Procyon not only in its visible position in the sky, but also the radiation of this star in its past and future positions!
Already in the 30s, Friedman's model became widespread and influenced the worldview of many leading scientists in the world, who rushed from rabid materialism to... religion. Indeed, according to this model, the idea of ​​a creator arose with absolute clarity. The singularity had to be somewhere before the Big Bang and someone had to perform this act. And the timeline of the evolution of the Universe is very much reminiscent of the ancient Eastern concepts of the Days and Nights of Brahma - the concepts of the birth and death of the Universe and all things.
A sinusoidal graph is characteristic of all processes occurring in this world: the change of seasons, day and night as a result of the rotation of the Earth, birth and death... People have long been accustomed to this periodicity. However, the idea that not only stars and civilizations are dying, but that this entire world is doomed to inevitable death, prompted many scientists to search for evidence of the possibility of the existence of other, less fatal options for the evolution of the Universe.
In the 70s, a group of Soviet and American scientists led by Academician Zeldovich attempted to build a three-dimensional model of the distribution of matter in the Universe. For this purpose, data on distances to many thousands of galaxies was entered into the computer. The result was stunning - the galaxies, united into metagalaxies, were located in space as if on the edges of a certain cellular structure with a step of about 100 million light years.
There was relative emptiness inside these cells. In other words, the space-time continuum turned out to be structured. This greatly weakened the authority of the Big Bang theory and supporters of the Friedmann model of the Universe. It is interesting to note that around the same years, the effect of structuring space was discovered by Soviet biologists.
It still remains a mystery how, in fact, the formation of galaxies and, as a consequence, stars and planetary systems occurred in the exploding Universe. According to the hot Universe model, popular for 40 years, the World had in the past a high density and temperature of matter and radiation; as a result of expansion (the Big Bang), accompanied by cooling, atoms of ionized gas first appeared, and then, under the influence of gravity, protogalaxies, galaxies, stars, etc.
Later, the theory of an inflationary (inflating) Universe appeared, which suggests that the expansion was very uneven: very fast at first - 10-30 s, and then increasingly slowing down. There is a very important point in this theory - the existence of a large “hidden mass”.

Scientists' fascination with Albert Einstein's mathematical apparatus of general relativity led to a separation from physical reality. In this case, it was necessary to neglect the laws of conservation: energy-momentum, moment of matter and gravitational field. And without conservation laws, a theory cannot be satisfactory. Therefore, in continuation of the ideas of General Relativity, the relativistic theory of gravity (RTG) arose, in which the conservation laws in Minkowski space are strictly observed.
According to RTG, Friedmann's homogeneous and isotropic Universe is infinite, and it can only be flat: its three-dimensional geometry is Euclidean. In this case, the density of matter in the Universe is exactly equal to the critical density. Thus, RTG predicted the existence of a “hidden mass” in the Universe, 40 times greater than the observed one. Another important consequence of RTG is the statement that the total density of energy, matter and gravitational field is equal to zero, which, however, has not yet been detected and the very principle of its operation has not been fully understood. However, the relativistic theory introduced fundamental changes to the Friedmann model based on general relativity.

Further, from general relativity it follows that objects with a mass exceeding triple the mass of the Sun, over a finite period of proper time, must be compressed indefinitely by gravitational forces - collapse, forming black holes, the boundaries of which are impenetrable even to light. RTG fundamentally changes the idea of ​​gravitational collapse - compression of a massive body in the accompanying reference frame occurs in a finite proper time at a finite density of no more than 1016 g/cm3. In this case, the gravitational “self-closure” of the star does not occur and matter does not disappear from our space-time.
Science does not stand still, and the latest discovery by radio astronomers of cosmic microwave background radiation with a temperature of 3°K (degrees Kelvin) again brought confusion to the already established scenario for the evolution of the Universe. Calculations have shown that this radiation is a remnant of the hot phase of the Universe, when the entire World was filled with plasma with a temperature of 3000°K, making it opaque. Subsequently, upon cooling, it turned into a neutral gas, transparent to radiation, and as a result of the recombination of hydrogen, primary disturbances appeared in the gas, which became nuclei for the formation of protogalaxies.
However, experiments on the RATAN-600 radio telescope carried out in 1968 by J. Silk showed that the observed spatial inhomogeneities in the background radiation are at least an order of magnitude smaller than those predicted in this scenario. Scientists actually had to admit that a kind of cosmic miracle had happened in nature: until a certain point in time, the Universe was homogeneous and isotropic everywhere, and “suddenly” the World became consisting of a cluster of metagalaxies, galaxies, stars, planets...
To some extent, hope appeared in 1979, when it became clear that neutrinos, well-known particles of the microworld, may have a non-zero rest mass. However, further clarification of the scenarios of the first moments of the evolution of the Universe convinced scientists that extrapolation of the laws of “modern” physics to those conditions is simply impossible: in those conditions, a completely different physics must work, completely unknown to man and requiring a radical revision of all the properties of the microcosm and the geometry of space.
Discoveries in the microcosm also brought considerable shocks to the foundations of orthodox science. In the 60s, the front pages of newspapers were filled with large headlines of articles about the discovery of another elementary particle. But when the number of these discoveries exceeded six hundred, these messages began to appear only on the pages of the special scientific press. It's time to think.
The race of leading countries to build ever new particle accelerators has led scientists to understand the inconsistency of the concept of gigantomania. Physicists began to realize that more and more new particles were not discovered, but created in these experiments. In addition, the discovery of violations of conservation laws in a number of experiments forced scientists to remember that we live not only in space, but also in time, and elementary particles can simultaneously exhibit wave properties.
The concept of time, naturally, cannot be reduced to the simple counting of seconds by a clock or the number of years measured by the period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun. Time as a physical quantity is necessarily included in the mathematical apparatus of modern orthodox science. And we don’t think about the fact that with the periodic addition of another second to the year due to a change in the period of revolution of our planet, the entire world in which we live changes.
The manifestation of paranormal abilities in a number of representatives of our civilization, and especially in recent decades, has forced the most progressive representatives of science to seriously think about the reality of the generally accepted paradigm, in which time is considered as a unidirectional coordinate of the space-time continuum. A person’s ability to perceive information from the past and, especially, from the future without any instruments has allowed us to take a fresh look at micro- and macro-processes in our world.
In 1971, astrophysicist Academician N.S. Kardyshev, in connection with the problem of “violet and red shift,” hypothesized the possibility of moving in time in both directions from the current time coordinate. Academician N.A. Kozyrev argued that through the physical properties of time the future influences the present.
At the same time, “connections across time should be instantaneous.” This is the only reason why the Universe is something integral. “Instant communication makes the world not a collection of individual units, but organized. Kozyrev’s conclusion was amazing for the orthodox: “The future is already fixed. To some extent, we have received evidence of the existence of fate. Because everything already exists... There is some blurring of the future. Within its limits, correction can be made."
Ideas expressed by N.A. Kozyrev, helped not only at the first stage to somehow understand the ability of biological organisms to perceive timeless information, but also to remove the uncertainty associated with the spatial dimensions of galaxies, metagalaxies and the temporal factor of the finiteness of the speed of light in General Relativity. This uncertainty is caused by the fact that if information in the Universe spreads strictly at the speed of light, then even the existence of such a structure as a galaxy becomes problematic, not to mention more complex spatial formations in the Universe. Imagine that in a dinosaur (or brontosaurus) with a body length of 18 m, irritation signals are transmitted by the nervous system at a speed of 5 cm/s.
In calculations of nuclear and thermonuclear reactions, physicists were forced to resort to the concept of multidimensional spaces. They were prompted to do this by many scientific discoveries of recent decades. In order to understand what is happening in the world around us, the scientific idea that the entire observable world exists only in four-dimensional space, where three coordinates correspond to the usual length, width and height, and the fourth coordinate determines the time of events, has become insufficient.
One of the first to point out the multidimensionality of the Universe was Academician Yuri Aleksandrovich Fomin, a physicist and researcher of paranormal phenomena in nature and society. In his reasoning, Yuri Aleksandrovich gave the following illustrative example. If we reduce the dimensions of the crystal lattice of a metal to the proportions we are accustomed to, say, imagine atoms the size of a tennis ball, then the distances between the nearest such “atoms” will be at least 1 kilometer.
And in this “emptiness”, incomprehensible, unmeasurable electrons rush between “atoms” without interfering with each other, strangely ensuring the stability of the crystal lattice. At the same time, it is completely unknown how charge transfer actually occurs when an electrical potential difference is applied. We are used to not thinking about the fact that all electrical appliances operate under the influence of electric current. However, no physicist can thoroughly explain the very nature of electric current and how the movement of electrons still occurs.
In the spring of 1997, the American Brain Research Center came to the conclusion that thought processes are carried out not by the brain, but by certain external “field” structures. The brain and central nervous system perform the function of a switchboard. But this was known to mankind thousands of years ago. In Eastern philosophical views, it was argued that a person, in particular, is a multidimensional structure - the physical body visible and felt by ordinary senses and the etheric, astral, mental, buthial, atmanic perceived at the sensory level... And at the same time, instantaneous interaction on any distance.
A rather sad situation is developing - over the past two hundred years, orthodox science, which largely denied the previous experience of the most ancient civilizations of the Earth, has, in principle, been engaged in proving the veracity of this knowledge. But at the same time, all of humanity was led into a technocratic dead end of evolution, fatal for any civilization. And this did not happen by chance! It was a deliberate act! And in the future we will try to figure out how this could happen.

Subjectivity and objectivity of the path of knowledge.

Good and evil, creation and destruction. The concepts of “Good” and “Evil” are subjective, as are “Good” and “Bad”. For a person, a sheep is good. A sheep is kebab, wool, a sheepskin coat, and a wolf is bad. The wolf sometimes eats our sheep. For a wolf, for obvious reasons, a sheep is also good. But the man is really bad: he won’t let you eat the sheep, and he even hunts wolves. The funniest position in this triangle is that of a sheep. It somehow doesn’t matter to her who exactly is her, strictly speaking...
Black and white are also problematic. What is white today suddenly becomes black tomorrow. And this applies not only to negative and positive aspects of photo printing. Great commanders and leaders suddenly turn into executioners and enemies of the people. First, monuments are erected and then demolished. Books and works of art of great masters are burning on bonfires... A common everyday situation on this planet.
And it is completely unclear who is the creator here and who is the destructor. In Volgograd, Salsk and many other cities, for reasons that are clear from subsequent chapters, maternity hospitals were built on former... cemeteries. Naturally, infant mortality in these maternity hospitals reached 90%! Imagine the situation: the father of a deceased child takes out explosives and blows up the maternity hospital. Who is bad in this situation and who is good, who is the creator and who is the destructor? The designers and builders who erected this “burial ground”, or a desperate father?
People, out of their own stupidity, began to represent everything around them precisely in these conventional binary codes: yes - no, bad - good... Dividing is purely subjective and for one’s own benefit. “For me personally, this is beautiful, good and useful, and those who do not agree...” Two-dimensional thinking and reluctance to delve into the laws of energy-information exchange The Universe struck back at humanity itself like a karmic boomerang.
And no one is to blame for the fact that we did not understand the cause-and-effect relationships and got our “dirty hands” into the fragile equilibrium processes of nature. The laws of conservation have worked again! Everything is returning to normal, and during our crazy experiments on nature, we didn’t notice how we ourselves became guinea pigs. If humanity can be so merciless towards “lesser brothers”, then there will always be one or those who will do the same to us! Let's look at some examples.
A person has been fighting moths for a long time without success. The larvae of these insects destroy wool and fur products. But if there were no moths, the earth would long ago have been covered with a layer of feathers, wool and hair. Almost only these insects process and decompose such biological tissues.
Other eternal “enemies-destructors” of humans, so to speak, are rodents. But they also fulfill a grandiose purpose in the equilibrium processes of nature. By collecting seeds in burrows for winter reserves, they preserve the gene pool of plants in cases of droughts and severe frosts, when the upper fertile layer dies. During the winter, not all seeds are consumed by rodents and, having received “activation energy,” are thrown out by animals in the spring along with waste products.
If there were no destructors in the world, everything around would have died long ago. Destructors close the process of energy-information exchange in nature. However, the evolution of life on Earth has undergone serious alien interference and the process of destruction has become aggressive. And this was done purposefully in order to lay the initial destructive nature of the development of human civilization.

The theory of torsion fields is an attempt at a breakthrough.

People have long guessed about the relationship between cosmic processes and what is happening on Earth. As already mentioned, all the great scientists of antiquity who left their mark on the development of science were not only scientists. They also possessed so-called paranormal abilities: sensory, clairvoyance, telepathy... Millennia ago, treatises were written on the structure of the atom and the structure of the Universe, on the multidimensionality of the Universe and the cosmic origin of man. Centuries pass and we have to remember what our ancestors knew well.
The need for the existence of a speed of information transmission in the Universe, if not instantaneous, then at least many times higher than the speed of light, led to the emergence of hypotheses about the existence of microlepton, tachyon, and torsion fields. These hypotheses attempted to find new long-range fields, since the information received about the Universe, which exists only in the electromagnetic spectrum, turned out to be insufficient and did not allow us to explain many, if not most, of the observed facts.
In 1913, the French mathematician Elie Cartan pointed out the possibility of the existence of torsion fields that arise around any rotating body. And in 1993 G.I. Shipov in his book “The Theory of Physical Vacuum” substantiated this theoretically. The theory of torsion fields contains a number of amazing properties that are fundamentally different from generally accepted scientific dogmas. The energy and momentum of the torsion field are zero, as is the potential energy of the spin-torsion interaction. The torsion field carries information without transferring energy. This was experimentally proven by Ukrainian scientists V.P. Mayboroda and I.I. Tarasyuk.
Also, thanks to research, it turned out that the possibility of studying objects in the historical past opens up. Spin-torsion interactions, due to their long-range action, can be used in studying the structure of the Universe and its history. Under the leadership of academicians M.M. Lavrentyev and A.F. Pugachev’s experiments were successfully repeated and at a high technical level. Kozyrev on recording radiation from the present, past and future positions of stars. In these experiments, as in the experiments of N.A. Kozyrev, after pointing the telescope at the object, its entrance was shielded with metal foil to avoid the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
The results of the experiments encouraged scientists in the possibility of developing torsion astronomy. When the speed of light is exceeded many times, torsion fields can make it possible to see the Universe much further than the boundary visible in the electromagnetic spectrum. In this case, it becomes possible to obtain information about that part of the Universe that is closer to us in time than about its part perceived by traditional astrophysical methods.
The prospects for torsion technologies have provoked a new round of technogenic development. Including in the field of psychotronic technologies influencing the subconscious of the population - the so-called zombification. And this happened not only in Russia, which overtook foreign countries in this field of science. However, insufficiently thought-out interference in nature has always led to unpredictable consequences, and the price to pay for this can be quite significant.
The famous astrologer Abesalom Podvodny in the early 90s suggested that when elementary particles collide in our earthly accelerators, we can have a detrimental effect on the macrocosms and the course of evolution of other extraterrestrial civilizations. From the point of view of torsion theory, this becomes quite understandable. For the first time in the world, the transmission of signals via a torsion communication channel was carried out in the USSR in April 1986 on a 22-kilometer intracity communication route in Moscow.
This year, according to the “stupidity algorithm,” is a “six year” and is famous not only for Chernobyl and the death of the passenger ship “Admiral Nakhimov,” but also for many other disasters, both known and hidden from the public. However, it is possible to look at this situation from a different angle: in order to initiate the Chernobyl and other disasters less known to the public and, therefore, through this justify their controlling intervention in the course of evolution, earthlings are “thrown” the idea of ​​​​creating torsion generators, while limiting their scope of application!
After all, scientists planned to subsequently place a torsion transmitter on the Mars spacecraft, which “successfully” did not enter orbit, to check the passage of torsion radiation from Mars to Earth. Was it a random chain of events, or did humanity, misunderstanding the seriousness of what was done, try to invade the communication channels of other civilizations that were forbidden for our level of development? Indeed, from the point of view of supporters of the theory of torsion fields, this is the most likely way of communication of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Multidimensionality of the Universe.

Main storage media. Simultaneously with the appearance of publications on torsion fields, the Scientific Research Center "ENIO" developed a concept that allows, to a certain extent, to explain the mechanism of recording, storing and transmitting information in the energy-information exchange of the multidimensional Universe. The aspect of multidimensionality was not taken into account in either the microlepron or torsion theories.
At the beginning of the century, geneticists came to the conclusion that in addition to intracellular carriers of hereditary information (the concept of DNA was introduced in the 40s), there is a certain external Information Field. At the beginning of the century, it was not clear to scientists where this Information Field itself was located (parents, the area where fetal development occurs, etc.). This vague information structure was called the Morphogenic Field.
Thus, they tried to remove another uncertainty in the mechanism of heredity - how, in fact, the formation of a biological organism occurs. For orthodox biology, it still remains a mystery: how does DNA, capable of carrying up to 1015 bits of information, determine the development of the spatial structure of a biological organism, which requires at least 1025 bits to describe?
Specialists in the field of computer technology also encountered the interaction of Information Fields of various programs in the 60s and 70s when creating super-computers of those years. It was noticed that one program can inexplicably influence the results of calculations of another program being simultaneously processed. Actually, that’s when the term “Information Fields” (IP) arose.
In eniology, the question of what is the carrier of information, where information about the past, present and future is stored, how it is transmitted and received in the process of energy information exchange in the Universe, is still relevant. The proposed formal model of the “Pyramid of Multidimensionality” was the result of many years of analysis of the cause-and-effect relationships of the emergence of individual and general social paralogical conditions.
Information carriers are, as it were, a step higher than the metrics of the described space.
1. One-dimensional spaces. An example of such spaces could be a regular ruler. The ant crawls either in one direction or the other. In other words, this is the space of binary codes “yes-no”, “0-1”, “plus-minus”, etc. We will conventionally consider spin-spin interactions to be the main carriers of information in one-dimensional spaces.
2. Two-dimensional spaces. An example of a two-dimensional space is the XY plane. Natural and artificial bipolar polymers are considered an important carrier of information in two-dimensional spaces. These molecules also include the natural polymer H2O - water, of which 70% of us are made. The chemical formula of water corresponds to the vapor state. This is a colorless gas that escapes from the spout of a boiling kettle at a distance of up to 5 millimeters. What many mistakenly call steam - a visible fog formation - is tiny droplets of water in which monomolecules are combined into polymer chains.
A monomolecule of water is called bipolar because hydrogen electrons, providing a chemical bond with oxygen, seem to be located more near the oxygen atom. As a result, an “excess” negative charge is formed on the oxygen side, and a positive charge on the hydrogen side. This is explained by the asymmetrical arrangement of hydrogen atoms relative to the oxygen atom. The H2O monomolecule thus resembles a magnetic compass needle, oriented by external electromagnetic fields.
Therefore, the strong influence of artificial electromagnetic fields on the health of biological organisms, including humans, is quite understandable. In the polymer state, water molecules are combined through hydrogen bonds into long polymer chains. Hydrogen bonds in these chains are much weaker than H-O bonds. This allows, at some energy cost, to rotate water molecules in the polymer chain relative to each other.
The information capacity of water has long amazed researchers, but has not been explained in any way by orthodox theories. For example, water in a container in a shielded environment stores information about the direction of stirring - clockwise or counterclockwise - for many months. Moreover, the orthodox were unable to explain how and why the physico-chemical properties of water change after its so-called “charging” by healers and psychics.
When moving to three-dimensionality, the spatial possibility of recording information through the polarization of polymer molecules is added (Fig. 21). Just as in the previous case, each angle of rotation of a molecule included in the chain is assigned its own letter or digital index. One revolution is 360°. There are 60 minutes in one degree, 60 seconds in one minute. Taking into account the above: the spin interactions of nucleons, the spatial structure of the polymer water molecule, it becomes clear that with the appropriate method of recording and reading information, an entire library can be written on a chain of 4-5 H2O molecules.
3. Three-dimensional spaces. This is the familiar volume described by XYZ coordinates. Important carriers of information for us in three-dimensional spaces are volumetric resonating structures, which include the DNA molecule.
The effect of volumetric resonance was patented in 1968 by the Czech engineer and sensitive Pavlita and consists in the fact that any volumetric form somehow structures the space around itself, thereby influencing other forms, including biological objects. It was in the 60s that art historians noted the incomprehensible influence of abstract sculptures on some museum visitors who fell into a “state of trance.” In his experiments, Pavlita made resonators of various shapes and studied their effect on biological objects. For example, a strange wooden figurine forced thousands of bees within a radius of up to 60 km to abandon their hives and fly to this volumetric resonator.
Each of us has encountered this phenomenon in everyday life. The influence of architectural forms on well-being is known: in one building a person feels comfortable, in another he constantly feels the “grave cold”. It is absolutely no coincidence that different drinks must be consumed from shot glasses, glasses, wine glasses of various shapes... The taste properties of the same drink will differ in glasses of different shapes. Unconsciously, people have long used the effect of surround resonance, making dishes, furniture, musical instruments, and chemicals.
Chemists still do not fully understand the effect of catalysts on the course of chemical reactions. Gold and platinum significantly increase the rate of chemical reactions, while the chemical composition of the catalysts does not change. Similar effects occur in the manufacture of homeopathic medicines and a number of toxic substances, when the concentration of the initial component is one or two molecules per cubic meter of water or other solvent.
Any complex chemical molecule is a volumetric resonator that structures the surrounding space. In this case, the information recorded on the volumetric form of the molecule can be rewritten, for example, on a bipolar polymer water molecule. And then the information component influences the biological component through water.
The DNA molecule is a double helix. Accordingly, diameter, helix pitch and circular polarization can be added to all previous information carriers. Thus, the information capacity of volume-resonating molecules, including DNA, is significantly expanded.
4. Four-dimensional spaces. In four-dimensional space, the time coordinate is added to the three coordinates of the familiar volume. A clear example of such a space can be a night shot of a city: fixed images of three-dimensional houses and images of moving people and cars smeared across the image. If the “observer” had a camera with a shutter speed of several centuries, with which he photographed the solar system from the side, the photograph would show a complex spiral-shaped structure.
In four-dimensional space, our Earth looks like a volumetric spiral, reminiscent of a spring in a car suspension. The three-dimensional cross-section of this “spring” forms a ball. Two-dimensional is a circle, and one-dimensional is a line. One example of information carriers in four-dimensional spaces is our “habitual” physical body, as, indeed, the physical bodies of all biological objects.
The physical body of a biological object is a self-learning three-dimensional volumetric resonator that exists in time. In his life, a person, for example, grows not only physically, but also informationally. In this case, information is “recorded” in every cell of the body, on every volume-resonating molecule and on every elementary particle of these molecules. The most important purpose of all destructors is to rewrite the information accumulated over the entire life of a biological object into the IP of the Universe in order to prepare the next incarnational exit into materialization...
The shape of our body is not random, just like the shape of any creature. The physical body is a volumetric resonator that structures the surrounding space with accumulated information. In the same way, the shape and location of the internal organs are not random. It would be naive to believe that internal organs bear only a physiological load. Ancient Eastern methods of self-regulation use “dialogues” with one’s internal organs. And any surgeon knows that, for example, the stomach, located in the solar plexus - the center of the energy assembly - tries to shrink and hide behind other organs when a scalpel is pointed at it.
By changing the shape of the physical body, as, for example, a musician playing the trombone does, one can change the “spectrum” of energy-information exchange. Instinctively, this is used in the mating dances of birds, fish, and animals. The dances of shamans and sorcerers during rituals also have a purpose. It is no coincidence that a term has emerged at the verbal level: the language of dance and gestures.
A ballerina on stage or a hotly gesticulating Italian powerfully structures the energy-informational space around them. It is no coincidence that in recent years ballet groups have been added to the singing and dancing performers in show business - the magic of dance. Remember: in the 60s and earlier, singers stood at attention at the microphones. Any successful actor is, first of all, a very powerful “bioenergetic”, introducing the audience into an energy-informational resonance.
So, in four-dimensional spaces we will conventionally consider the physical bodies of biological objects to be the main carrier of information. Including humans.
5. Five-dimensional spaces. Starting with five-dimensional spaces, we are already going beyond the generally accepted ideas of classical physics. It is very difficult for a person to imagine the model and objects of such a space. In ancient Eastern views, it was argued that everything around, and man in particular, consists of the physical, dense world visible with ordinary vision and the subtle world perceived at the level of superpowers. Different schools divided the subtle world into 5, 7... 49... levels. We will limit ourselves to three and conditionally call them the astral, mental and spiritual levels.
Let the five-dimensional spaces correspond to a level called in the east the astral plane. “Astra” is a star, that is, the astral plane of five-dimensional spaces - these are our “stellar bodies” with which people perceive the world on a sensory level. It was previously said that religious views were based on the esoteric knowledge of Ancient Egypt. Parables and commandments, adapted for laymen, that is, those who have not been initiated into esoteric clans, in a simplified form reflect the laws of multidimensional energy-information exchange in the Universe. The commandment corresponds to the astral plane: “Do not judge and you will not be judged.” The original esoteric meaning of the law in modern interpretation, which forms the basis of this commandment, means the following.
Starting from five-dimensional spaces, the generally accepted concepts of time, distance and mass lose their physical meaning. All phenomena occur in the Field of Events instantly, at any distance and with any physical, astral and mental masses of matter. This law is one of the fundamental ones in esotericism and, accordingly, eniology. In five-dimensional space, time becomes an ordinary metric coordinate, the same as length, width and height. The direction of the time coordinate “yesterday-today-tomorrow” in five-dimensionality no longer has a four-dimensional meaning.
Folk wisdom has long conveyed various interpretations of the law of the astral plane: “Hiccups attack - someone remembered you”, “Do not scold anyone behind their backs”, “Do not remember the dead with a bad word”, etc. The fact is that this law is in everyday life level can be rephrased as follows: the one we are talking about or whom we remember is obliged to appear on the astral plane next to us, and we - next to him.
From this we can deduce a corollary of the law of the astral plane: any biological object, including a person, is capable of creating an arbitrarily large number of its own astral phantoms (doubles) at any spatio-temporal distance from its physical body. On the basis of this law and its consequences, all kinds of fortune telling, spiritualism, general and individual sessions of hypnosis and healing, remote energy-information influences (healing by photograph, by telephone or phantom) are based.
All magical, including religious, rituals are subject to this law. Thanks to these properties of the astral plane, it became possible to develop torsion and psychotronic technologies for mass zombification through the media and man-made factors. We constantly encounter the manifestation of the law of the astral plane in our daily lives, and it is impossible to find a branch of knowledge in which this law is not used.
In medicine at the beginning of the twentieth century, anesthesia began to be used during operations. This allows for pain relief during the surgical procedure. From the point of view of eniology, the use of anesthesia is unacceptable in the form in which modern medicine uses it. Many patients, after recovering from anesthesia, remember flying through black tunnels, long corridors, give a full description of the progress of the operation above them, observing everything from the side, etc., that is, during anesthesia, a person makes a complete astral exit, as in clinical death.
Up to 70% of women in labor undergo complete astral exit during childbirth, and children born with the use of anesthesia during labor sharply increase the likelihood of becoming drug addicts. For everyone else who has gone through anesthesia, drug addiction is provoked in subsequent incarnation cycles.
During clinical death, anesthesia and drug use, a complete or partial separation of the astral plane from the physical body occurs and, usually when leaving these states, the relationship between the physical and astral body does not fully restore. This leads to a sharp decrease in sensory sensitivity (a similar change occurs in severe poisoning). That is why the term “psychic”, which was in use at one time...had no meaning. There are people with more or less normal sensory perception, and there are people with reduced sensory levels due to the above reasons.
Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to avoid surgery. I hope that doctors, after reading this book, will be able to fully rehabilitate their patients after using anesthesia. But the time is not so far away when the scalpel and other medical supplies can be... forgotten like a nightmare!..
6. Six-dimensional spaces. Six-dimensional spaces correspond to the mental plane of the individual, and collectively to the noosphere, the sphere of mind of the entire civilization. Stanislaw Lem once called “Solaris” one of his favorite works. The main idea of ​​this work is that Earthlings, explorers of one of the planets, are faced with the manifestation of the alien intelligence of the Thinking Ocean, which covered the planet.
This mind extracted the most intimate emotions from the subconscious of earthlings and materialized them in the form of images and specific objects. Aliens with six-dimensional vision can observe something similar here on Earth. They would see our civilization in the form of a kind of six-dimensional ball, shimmering with multi-colored spots - egregors.
In esoteric knowledge, the concept of “egregor” has been used for a long time. This is a non-spatial and timeless association of people according to one or another characteristics: family, national, state, religious, etc. The egregor unites not only people living at the moment, but also those who... once lived or will live . This is one of the most difficult issues of energy information exchange to understand - the lack of time in higher metrics.
The main carriers of information in six-dimensional spaces are thought images and thought forms. The materiality of thought has been known for a long time and many experiments have been carried out to confirm this position. What distinguishes an earthling from the humanoids of many other civilizations is the ability to think in forms and images of six dimensions. To a large extent, this attracts representatives of other minds - the opportunity to use our civilization as a “donor plantation” to generate the thought forms and mental images necessary for them. It is no one’s fault that people themselves often do not want to think correctly and constantly generate chaos of thought forms.
The law of six-dimensional spaces can be formulated approximately like this: “Thought forms and mental images inevitably gravitate towards materialization, into the lower metrics of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality - up to the “0-transition”. This law underlies one of the most important esoteric principles:
* To launch a thought form or thought image into materialization, you must thoroughly imagine this image or form, and then forget it. In other words, “let go of the situation.”
* A mental image is our mental representation of a specific object or phenomenon. Mental images are the basis of telepathic exchange. In this case, the full amount of known information about a specific object or phenomenon is transmitted instantly and over any distance. For example, the mental image of an apple includes shape, taste, color, content of chemical elements, etc. The one to whom this mental image is transmitted perceives the entire complex of sensations.
* A thought form can be compared to a certain computer program that determines the spatial and temporal action of thought images. Thought forms include prayers, mantras, spells, magic programs, etc.
* In order for exactly what we want to materialize, we need to have an extensive stock of knowledge in many areas of human activity, but at the same time be able to not get lost in the unnecessary details of an object or phenomenon.
7. Seven-dimensional spaces. Seven-dimensionality can conventionally include what is called spirituality. Much has been written and said about spirituality. There is constant talk about the decline in the spirituality of society and the need to raise the level of this very spirituality. Some people, in the opinion of others, are low-spiritual, others are highly spiritual. It is not clear what “ruler” should be used to measure spirituality. Therefore, the following definition is proposed:
Anyone understands that you can kill, steal, and commit vile acts, but not everyone does it. Spirituality doesn't allow it. You cannot be high or low spiritual. This is a purely internal category that does not tolerate external subjective measurement. What is a sign of high spirituality for some today, tomorrow and others will be assessed as the greatest meanness.
Subjectivism in esotericism and, accordingly, eniology is unacceptable. It is clear that it is very difficult to exclude one’s own assessments of people, events, and phenomena while in society. To do this you need to rise above society. Not to ascend, but to rise with your knowledge to the level of your own spirituality. For obvious reasons, modern religious sects and denominations resist precisely this. As Rogozhkin writes, they need “sheep slain” and “servants of God.”
8. n-dimensional spaces. Modern physics knows, in addition to the usual 1-... 4-dimensional spaces,... 12,.. 20 and higher metric spaces. How many of them are there actually in the multidimensional Universe? Some contactees, referring to information from Extraterrestrial Intelligence, call 80, 120, etc. metric coordinates. For understanding what is happening on Earth at the moment, this does not make sense. After seven-dimensionality, let's leave the symbol "n" for now.
Above the entire n-dimensionality of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality is the Absolute - the mind of the Universe, of which our earthly civilization and the World in which we live are a part.
Now let's talk about what the Pyramid of Multidimensionality looks like in reverse order. The Absolute is projected through n-dimensional spaces into seven-dimensionality by our spirituality, the projection of which in six-dimensionality forms our mental plane. Spirituality determines the level of education of the individual and the entire society. For example, a spiritual person will never study the methods of most effectively killing “lesser brothers” and others like him. The terms “education” and “education” should not be confused.
The mental plane in projection into five-dimensional spaces forms our astral body, the integrity of which determines the shape and health of the physical body in four-dimensional spaces. If a person does not make mistakes in his incarnation, then he is not able to get sick and the shape of his body will be impeccable. That is, not “a healthy mind in a healthy body,” but just the opposite: spirituality and intelligence provide a person with physical health.
The physical body is projected into three-dimensional spaces by the DNA molecule. Unrealized and unprocessed karmic errors of previous physical incarnations are projected by disturbances in the hereditary DNA mechanism in subsequent incarnation cycles. For example, Down's disease is a karmic consequence of working as guards in prisons, concentration camps, etc.
Water is a two-dimensional projection of the mechanism of heredity and stores a colossal amount of information for a given life cycle. This information is also recorded at the level of spin interactions of elementary particles in one-dimensional spaces, quanta of various fields and virtual properties of the vacuum. For the formation of a person, a DNA molecule is needed - an assembly drawing and the astral-mental matrix of a person, located in the astral and mental planes of the PM.
The colossal semantic difference between the terms becomes clear: the Universe is a single living organism of which we are a part, the Universe is the astral-mental part of the PM of the Universe, the mind of this grandiose living organism, and Cosmos is a three-dimensional “slice” of the Universe, which we observe using the methods of astronomy.
Man, being an elementary cell of the mind in the Universe, simultaneously carries within himself “genetic” information about this entire grandiose living intelligent organism. What we are accustomed to calling a person is just a shadow, a projection of this organism onto four-dimensional spaces. Moreover, there are many of these spaces, corresponding to the multidimensionality of the Universe.
It is worth recalling another concept of multidimensional physics - the so-called combinatorics of spaces. What does this mean? If n=3, then we have one three-dimensional space (in the case of a rectangular coordinate system, with equivalence of metrics, the model of such a space is a cube), 6 two-dimensional (cube faces) and 12 one-dimensional spaces X, Y, Z (edges of this cube).
With the n-dimensionality of the Universe, we get the number of j four-dimensional spaces. Science fiction writers intuitively imagined parallel spaces, and many at least once in their lives encountered the “overlaps” of these parallel spaces. In an unknown city where you came on a business trip, you suddenly “remember” that around this corner there is a bakery and a boulevard with a monument... You “remembered” with this j-th reflection of yours, in this specific four-dimensional space, something that never have not seen before and could not see. But your parallel four-dimensional mappings have already been here.
Our astral plane simultaneously gives projections of the entire set of j four-dimensional spaces. 4% of the brain cells of our physical body, the so-called ego, perceive only this particular four-dimensional space. The "other" 96% of brain cells provide the connection between the ego and the mental plane. For most people, for various reasons, this relationship is blocked or greatly distorted. Sometimes, under certain conditions, a “breakdown” of the blocking occurs, and contact situations occur.
The bulk of contactees, in fact, are in contact not with the Higher, or Extraterrestrial Intelligence, but with reflections of their own ideas, obtained by the projection of four-dimensional parallel space onto the astral plane. These displays can be not only of terrestrial origin, but also created by representatives of other planetary civilizations.
The universe is not only the number of n-dimensional spaces, but also the combination of their interactions. In this case, the spaces are, as it were, nested one within the other. By combining coordinates of different metrics, it is possible to obtain spaces with the same number of metrics, but with completely different properties.
The concept of "Information Fields". The term "Information Fields" (IP) has already become quite familiar to many. It is constantly found in publications and scientific reports on energy-information exchange in the Universe. However, there is still no more or less digestible definition of IP, although many are accustomed to the prophecies of Vanga, Nostradamus, Nemchin and other clairvoyants and soothsayers.
Astrologers draw up horoscopes, and fortune tellers, spreading cards or looking at coffee grounds, talk about the past and future. At the same time, almost no one thinks about where this information is actually stored, and how all the known methods of clairvoyance and prophecy work.
As already mentioned, everything around us is capable of recording and storing information at all conditional levels of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality. Everything we come into contact with and interact with changes its original energy-informational state. A sheet of paper measured with a ruler is no longer the same as it was before the measurement. A handkerchief that has been in your hands already carries your information, etc.
At the same time, the sensitive person, taking this scarf in his hands, will be able to tell all the information about you. Vanga used sugar for these purposes, which had to be put under the pillow at night before visiting the clairvoyant. Holding this piece of sugar in her hand, Vanga told visitors everything that was interesting.
From the point of view of the concept of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality, it is clear that information can be recorded on a water molecule, which is present even in diamond crystals, and on the molecular structure of carbon contained in sugar, on cotton fibers in clothing fabric... The clairvoyant enters his PM into resonance with all media. Information of interest can be recorded in a person himself, in his dishes and the walls of his house, in the water of the World Ocean... and in a distant star in a neighboring galaxy several billion light years away... Information is “read” instantly, on any time and spatial "distance" from the sensitive.
Levels of Information Fields according to their information significance. The higher the field gradient, the higher its information level. The lowest is the level of information about our daily life, the level of planet Earth: woke up, had breakfast, went to work... The second is the level of our astrological natality, or the information level of the Solar system: born, got married, went to serve in the army... The third level - galactic, for example, stores information about the history of an entire country, ethnic group. And so on... Through “n+1” levels of IP we reach the Absolute.
In some ways, IP can be compared to the structure of libraries (in relation to our country, at least in the past): a small library on almost every street, then a district, city... and the State Library. V. Lenin (Absolute), which contains almost all publications ever printed in our country, right down to the factory limited edition.
If you didn’t find the required literature in the library near your home, contact the district library, etc. But sometimes there is a need to simultaneously use your home reference book, the Internet, and primary sources from the State Library. Clairvoyants and prophets use information in approximately the same way. Using the example of libraries and prophets, it is clear how information about the present and the past is “read”. All events are recorded on all kinds of information media of the Fields of the Universe. But how do they learn about the future, about those events that are about to happen?
Already in the astral plane - at the level of fifth dimensions - the concepts of time, distance and mass are absent. In higher metrics, all events have already happened. All history, all past and present are in one Event Field. Having raised your ego to at least five dimensions, you can see the entire Field of Events. By making an astral-mental exit, you can see and perceive events from both the past and the future. All of them are displayed in the Information Fields of the Universe.

DNA. In search of patterns, many scientists have studied the basic molecule of heredity - DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). As it turned out, DNA, like a punch card for computing technology of past decades, is a universal genetic code. It is almost the same for all life forms on Earth. And not only. The study of interstellar gas and dust clouds and the discovery of fragments of amino acids, proteins and DNA molecules in them greatly shook the foundations of the Darwinian theory of evolution. And the “Martian meteorite” completely “finished off” this theory.
After all, all this biological material constantly falls onto our planet along with meteorites. DNA molecules with both left- and right-hand polarization have been discovered in the cosmic diversity. On Earth, left-handed polarization leads. Only 4 species of bacteria living in thermal acidic springs of volcanoes were found to have right-handed polarization of the DNA molecule. In addition, all amino acids on Earth have left-handed polarization, and sugars have right-handed polarization.
A mathematical study of the Bible showed that the structure of the 4 Gospels (the number of main blood groups) corresponds to DNA coding. And at the Institute of Quantum Genetics (president of the ICG P.P. Garyaev) the discovery of encoded texts in the DNA molecule was made. Moreover, only 1-5% of chromosomes carry information about our structure, and the rest carry unknown information. This information is most similar to textual information in languages ​​that are not yet understood. A mathematical study of speech, book text and the structure of the DNA sequence showed their practical unambiguity.
It turned out that the genetic apparatus has an infinite number of languages. Peter Garyaev concluded: a person is a self-readable text structure, and the genetic apparatus realizes its potential through holographic memory using one of the types of biofields - laser fields capable of emitting light and sound. Chromosomes emit a wide spectrum from ultraviolet to infrared and can read multiple holograms from each other with this or that information. As a result, a light and acoustic image of the future organism and all subsequent generations appears.
The spectra can be used to judge the “well-being” of DNA. In good condition, they emit light and sound at low frequencies, and when they deteriorate, the frequency begins to increase until they emit ultrasound at the moment of death. At the same time, over the course of 40 days, the effect of the phantom presence of DNA that died during melting in a cuvette was discovered, and other molecules placed in the same cuvette under normal conditions began to “squeal”, as if they themselves were starting to melt at a high temperature.
To record the discovered huge amount of information on DNA would require time exceeding the age of the Universe, which once again indicates the impossibility of Darwinian evolution. Understanding this phenomenon led, again, as has always been the case in our history, to the idea of ​​​​creating psychotronic generators - carriers of genetic information from one biological object to another, located at any distance. According to ICG scientists, this is exactly how the “Ebola virus” works (as, indeed, many other viruses that have become the basis of biological weapons of mass destruction).
By the way, this virus was discovered on the border of Uganda and Kenya, in the Kitum cave, which is famous for the discovery of the skeleton of a “Kenyan boy” who, according to scientists, lived 4.5 million years ago. And, although only very distant ancestors of monkeys could live on Earth during this period, the skeleton of the “Kenyan boy” is completely identical to the structure of modern humans. For reasons unknown to scientists, a certain “generator” of a terrible virus arose in the cave, turning on every 10 years.
In this regard, it would not hurt to recall the “Address of the Supreme Mind of the Universe to all inhabitants of the Earth,” published in many countries. This “Address” says that earthlings violated the laws of the Universe and therefore, with the beginning of a new era, the Supreme Mind began their transformation into the sixth race. Here are some excerpts from this text:
"...We know that soon the ozone layer around the Earth will disappear. The direct impact of cosmic rays will increase, so you need to build your body from plant protein... By the will of the Creator of the Universe, it is planned to change the human race of your planet by changing the code in the cells of the body. .. The code with the new program of the human species of the Sixth Civilization will be laid only by those who have passed the barrier of spirituality and biomass, and you will find the physical formula you need for the transition to the 4th dimension, where the human race will continue to exist...
Try to comprehend the truth: your body is undergoing changes, and you must tune in and adapt to the changes in order to painlessly undergo the mutation carried out by the Cosmos in accelerated mode. You need to know that it is carried out all over the planet. All people of the Earth are included in this process, regardless of your desire... Accelerated mutation consists of several stages. The main ones:
Transmutation - transformation of chemical elements at the molecular level
Transplantation is the renewal of body organs, with partial replacement and elimination of some component organs and systems... Don’t worry, only those organs and systems that cause abnormal phenomena and interfere with the smooth functioning of the entire body will be changed. During these operations, you will only occasionally feel pricks or cold inside the body and on the surface of the body. Particularly sensitive people have been experiencing these sensations since September 1991... You will all go through mutations, you will all change, but not all of you will survive...”

MDG-Structures. In early 1977, the journal Science published a report on the discovery of mobile dispersed genes. Or abbreviated as mdg-structures. The authors of this work, Yu. V. Ilyin, E. V. Ananyev and N. A. Churikov, working with Drosophila flies, discovered that under certain conditions, MDG structures are capable of restoring genetic deviations from the norm.
Experiments were conducted to study the “necessary and sufficient” conditions for the extinction of the Drosophila population. To do this, the strongest, healthiest individuals were selected from the population and genetically inferior ones were left. In the fifth or sixth generation of this population, mdg structures were included. They shunted the affected areas and DNA correction occurred. Absolutely normal flies were born. Let's try to understand this mechanism.
By artificially selecting healthy individuals from the population, scientists began to gradually “erase” information in the IP. When this process for the fly population has reached a certain critical value and there is a threat of extinction, a “command” comes from the Absolute to restore it through the activation of MDG structures that “shunt” the affected areas of DNA.
Not without interest, one can consider historical events in Russia over at least the last century:
2000 - 1985 - 1964 - 1958 - 1946 - 1941 - 1937 - 1932 - 1917 - 1914
1914 - World War I. The best representatives of the state are dying. The revolution of 1917 continued this process. In 1932, special forces of the NKVD began repressions against healers, sorcerers, and magicians. It was this year that the first pentagram was installed on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. The five-pointed star is the working symbol of the 5th magical lasso (therefore, the pentagram is necessarily present in the army symbols of all countries).
In 1937, these repressions were “camouflaged” by large-scale actions against the entire progressive-minded population. The Second World War was the most powerful destruction of the Russian gene pool; those who survived came under repression in 1946. With Nikita Khrushchev coming to power, a struggle against the underground began, which was continued by the regime of Leonid Brezhnev. The best minds left the country. The outflow of “brains” took on a catastrophic character during Mikhail Gorbachev’s “perestroika”. The Americanized “democratic transformations” of Boris Yeltsin completed the dullness of the nation.
At first glance, a terrible genocide against the gene pool of an entire country against the backdrop of the general Americanization of thinking and way of life. However, at the same time, certain processes hidden from observation were activated. For example, if a few years ago psychic abilities were noted in one out of 100 thousand of the population, now it is already in one out of 50 thousand. Like mushrooms after rain, despite the resistance of government agencies, in conditions of self-financing, institutions and centers began to appear for the study of energy-information exchange in the Universe, paranormal and anomalous phenomena in nature.
And most importantly, children born in recent years are radically different from previous generations. They are increasingly demonstrating sensory, clairvoyant and telepathic abilities, as well as the ability to levitate, telekinesis, teleportation, etc. Based on this, one can draw, at first glance, a stunning conclusion: repressive actions were “necessary” for the Absolute to launch MDG- structures for the purpose of correcting the gene pool not only of Russia, but through this of the entire earthly civilization. People say: if it doesn’t come through your head, it will come through your legs.
Over the past 2000 years, our civilization has lived only a little more than two hundred years without wars, and everyone has had no time to think about the purpose of reason in this World. With its entire existence, our civilization has prioritized the comprehensive development of methods of technogenic self-destruction and ceased its mandatory functions in the process of energy-information exchange in the Universe. Therefore, against the general background of the Program for the Introduction of Alien Intelligence into the course of earthly evolution, emergency mechanisms for overcoming the crisis were activated.

Multidimensional immune system of the Universe. System of Removal of the Potential of Earthly Civilization and the Implementation Program.

If we want to understand how this world works, and especially change it for the better, we need to try to get away from subjectivity. In nature there are no subjects that are only harmful or only useful. Everyone plays their specific role. Moths, mice, cockroaches, crows, in other words, all kinds of destructors are necessary in the energy-information exchange of our planet in the same way as creative biological forms. Without destructors, the planet would long ago have been mired in the corpses of animals, plants and insects. However, destruction processes do not have the right to be aggressive.
There shouldn't have been any predators on Earth. The process of destruction, and through this the rewriting of accumulated information in the IP, should occur only after the completion of the process of creation. On our planet, a purposeful change in the forms of destruction was carried out - biological predators were artificially created. And through this - the possibility of introducing into a person such properties as aggressiveness, selfishness, and the desire for power.
Nature is an equilibrium system. Each biological form occupies a certain niche in this system. An imbalance leads to the inclusion of normalization processes and restoration of balance in energy-information exchange. Mice play a vital role in the ecosystem - they regulate the number of cereals and other seed-bearing plants, and also store the seeds of these same plants in their burrows in the event of fires, drought or freezing. In the established equilibrium system of the virgin steppe, the average distance between mouse holes is approximately 10 meters, i.e. The mouse family controls about 100 m2 of territory. One mouse litter under these conditions is up to 4 pups.
The general population of mice, in turn, is controlled by foxes and birds of prey. A sharp increase in any type of plant in a given area of ​​territory, as happens as a result of human activity, leads to disruption of the general process of energy-information exchange. This inevitably includes the processes of restoring the overall balance: one mouse family already produces up to 12 mice. This property of all destructors is the possibility of a sharp increase in offspring in favorable conditions. After the restoration of the amount of cereals, the volume of the mouse population is restored. Foxes, owls, eagles “help” them with this...
As a result of human activity, local and global disturbances constantly arise in the energy-information exchange of the planet. And this, in turn, activates destructors, whose “task” is to normalize these disturbances and return the ecosystem to an equilibrium state. There are trash cans in almost every city yard. They stand in the four-dimensional space of the courtyard. But they exist both on the astral plane - fifth-dimensionality, and on the mental plane - six-dimensionality - every resident of the house knows that the garbage disposal is located there.
Animals, birds, insects, unlike most people, in addition to ordinary vision in the electromagnetic range, also have astral-mental vision. In the old days, people noticed that crows flock to the site of a future battle two or three days before the battle itself - they “see” the place of future “feeding”. The dog picks up a trail not only by smell - it “sees” the astral plane of the wanted object. Birds, as you know, fly not only in clear weather - they navigate by the energy-informational picture of the area.
Naturally, if roosters “determined” the time at which they should sing only by the stars, as ornithologists believe, it is unlikely that villagers would wake up on time in cloudy weather. Before driving the victim, wolves usually stand in a circle “head to head” for several minutes and telepathically exchange the astral-mental plan of the upcoming hunt. With all this, at least, it is naive to believe that all living things, except humans, are irrational and exist using only conditioned and unconditioned reflexes!

A garbage can is a local imbalance in energy-information exchange. The task of the destructors is to neutralize this violation. The 1st wave of destructors rushes towards the garbage disposal: ants, mice, crows... However, their attempts remain in vain. The 2nd wave starts. She begins to disperse from the garbage bin in search of the source of this energy-information imbalance - cockroaches, ants, mice rush into the apartments of the residents...
After this, the 3rd wave of destruction begins to work. In a way, this is the immune system of the Universe. Unfortunately, the main victim of this system was the person himself as the source of the main disruption of energy-information exchange. So - the third wave of the immune system. Destructors in human housing carry various pathogens: plague, cholera, etc. Naturally, people try to protect themselves from moths, cockroaches, and epidemics in all possible ways. Including poisonous chemicals and vaccines.
Thus, the person himself turns on the 4th immune wave of self-destruction. Moths, for example, already “refuse” to eat fur products without naphthalene “seasoning”. And cockroaches have existed unchanged for millions of years. The fact is that all destructors, in addition to the highest speed of reproduction, also have the highest adaptability to negative environmental influences. Individuals that survive cataclysms produce a population that is almost completely resistant to these impacts. Let us again recall the effect of mobile-dispersed genes.
Representatives of the older generation remember the forced chemicalization of agriculture in our country in the early 60s, which affected both collective farms and private farms. Agronomists walked through gardens and vegetable gardens and determined by smell whether they had sprayed or not. If it didn’t stink, measures were taken. Experienced gardeners then noticed: after the first spraying with pesticides, the plant lost its own immunity and there was a need for constant use of poisons with a continuous increase in dosage - otherwise the plant would die, and all kinds of aphids and moths continued to cause damage to the crop.
In addition, gardeners for many years forgot about birdsong in their gardens. Later, the realization of what was happening came: all living things have their own immune system and any artificial intervention leads to the destruction of the immune system. Everything dies except the destructors.
Over time, scientists began to understand that individuals of the animal or plant world cannot be considered separately. For example, the reaction of a flock of birds or fish is 3-4 times higher than the reaction of individual individuals. When united in a flock, not just a summation of individuals occurs - a collective consciousness is formed. This allowed us to have a new attitude towards the “smaller brothers”. For example, to the same ants and bees. After all, their cohabitation and collective work with differentiation of responsibilities fully fall within the human understanding of civilization.
Moreover, each individual is, as it were, a separate cell of some living multidimensional organism. In the same way, the individual cells of the human body form what we are accustomed to call the physical body, or the physical plane. But many have already become accustomed to the understanding that in addition to the physical plane, a person has an astral and mental one... But for everyone else, orthodox scientists for some reason consider it sufficient to have only the physical plane.
Doctors noticed: during mass epidemics in Europe in the Middle Ages, not all people fell ill, but selectively. In addition, moving from the affected settlement (changing the metacode of the area) practically guaranteed survival, and forced infection of those sentenced to death with cholera and plague carriers - four out of five survive. This has led some to think about the karmic cause-and-effect relationships of epidemics and their rationality.
A multidimensional approach to the study of the Universe allows us to understand that an entity can be projected into four-dimensional space by separate physical planes. But in the astral-mental plane, it is a single intelligent entity. Any epidemic is not just a set of viruses or bacteria. This is an entity that performs a certain karmic function of destroying the most terrible destructor - man. And what’s most “funny” about this situation is that through vaccination and the use of pesticides, we ourselves significantly speed up this process.
Doctors give a newborn child a BCG vaccine containing aluminum salts! What kind of immunity can we talk about after this? Almost every day, children who have suffered from vaccinations to one degree or another are brought to the ENIO Research Center for correction. Moreover, every year there are more and more deaths.
Ornithologists at one time became interested in why the number of birds of prey in the fields suddenly sharply decreased. The result of the research was shocking - owls, hawks, and eagles died from liver destruction as a result of pesticides and herbicides entering their bodies through mice. But people directly eat agricultural products treated with “harmless” chemicals!
Let us recall the main storage media in individual entrepreneurs. Water, being a bipolar structure, rewrites the information component from volume-resonating molecules onto itself. In the future, it is the information component that influences, including biological structures. Drinking water from the tap may not contain toxic substances on the physical plane. Just the information component is enough.
In parallel with the 4th immune wave, again thanks to human stupidity, the 5th began - all kinds of magical rituals. On the pages of the press one could find unique statements from scientific orthodoxies: you see, in times of troubles, magicians, sorcerers, fortune-tellers, sorcerers appear en masse... Why didn’t the opposite thought come to these “smart” heads: in order to ensure “troubled times” ", it is necessary to organize a mass passion for magic and witchcraft. A massive release of a whole stream of pseudo-esoteric literature onto book shelves was purposefully provoked.
Magical chaos reached its apogee in the late 90s: fortune telling, spiritualism, divination, astral killing, envoltation to death in religious rituals, the mandatory use of esoteric and psychotronic methods of influencing the subconscious of citizens during election campaigns...
The magical stupidity of the civilization of earthlings automatically stimulated the 6th immune wave of the Universe - the Program for the Introduction of “brothers in mind” was activated. According to various sources, more than 90 civilizations are experimenting on us! Several million people are irrevocably abducted from the planet, tens of millions undergo rotational abductions and biomedical experiments by aliens.
An analysis of this situation, carried out at the Research Center "ENIO", allows us to assert: almost all those in power on Earth undergo mandatory zombie processing by an alien mind and act on a program for the destruction of the civilization of earthlings through constant wars and the technocratic path of evolution
The influence of the alien mind was carried out throughout the entire Field of Events. “Saucers” have always been observed, and in all historical chronicles you can read about contacts with extraterrestrials. Representatives of modern ufology almost unanimously state: all contacts with “brothers in mind” are destructive. In this case, it is not necessary to be a direct participant in medical and biological experiments. A contact of the 1st kind is enough - observation of a UFO in any form of manifestation. The Scientific Research Center "ENIO" has collected irrefutable factual material on this topic.

The Implementation Program, operating throughout the entire Field of Events, is multifaceted and multidimensional. Naturally, not all “brothers in mind” are aggressive towards us. There are also those who are trying to help us and point out our mistakes. Therefore, in this matter it is all the more necessary to abandon the subjectivity of the division “into friends and enemies.” In August 1988, at the height of the holiday season, a UFO hovered near the Sochi beach in broad daylight and began filtering water through itself. Many even looked away from their preference and sandwiches and began to observe the process. The fact is that, according to the SES, in the coastal zone of the beach, the concentration of urine in the water reached almost 70%!
According to joint Soviet-American calculations, our civilization was supposed to suffocate in the poisoned atmosphere already at the end of the 60s, and there are eyewitnesses of soot dumping from UFOs into the swamps of Karelia. What is happening in the interaction of terrestrial and extraterrestrial intelligence can be compared to the system of correctional labor colonies and prisons. “Brothers in mind” play the role of supervisors and teachers-educators. This explains the mass contacts with biorobots. In earthly prisons, video systems and security alarms play this role.
Some civilizations by mistake, others purposefully began to violate the laws of energy-information exchange. Thus, our planet was turned into a kind of donor plantation: since earthlings do not use their mental potential, it can be withdrawn. This can be done most effectively in a stressful situation. This requires continuous wars and the cultivation of human stupidity, greed, selfishness through their proteges...
All this allows you to mask the addresses of the Program for the Introduction and Extraction of the Potential of Earthly Civilization in the IP. The earthlings, they say, are to blame for everything that is happening.
However, sooner or later, any lawlessness comes to an end and the prison walls collapse. Including in the consciousness of civilizations. The global violation of the laws of energy-information exchange led to a supercritical situation and the possibility of turning on the 7th immune wave of the Universe - general collapse, or the so-called End of the World. This 7th wave, like the 9th wave in the sea during a storm, will indiscriminately sweep away both the degrading civilization of earthlings and all “brothers”.
The universe will be forced to do this with the out-of-control and demented mind of four-dimensionality. If awareness and normalization of energy-information exchange do not occur. More and more people on Earth are beginning to think about the meaning of what is happening. More and more scientists are beginning to operate in their works with the concepts of a multidimensional Universe, Information Fields, and laws of energy-information exchange. It is impossible to solve the problem of normalization only within an earthly framework; it is necessary to unite the efforts of the whole mind. It is useless to appeal to the help of the Absolute. HE HIMSELF needs our help.

2. Time as a subjective reality. Time and multidimensionality.

People have always been interested in what, strictly speaking, time is: is it simply an abstract unit of measurement, a coordinate, or an energy component. Each of you has probably encountered a subjective assessment of the passage of time. Some look like old men when they are young, while others remain young into old age. Or, one day flies by unnoticed, the next drags on like rubber.
Some cases and situations concerning the practice of energy information corrections at the Center.
A woman asked for help. Her son had severe headaches. We began the correction, which in those years usually lasted about an hour with each patient. However, the unexpected happened: the employees saw that a space-time channel had opened, a matrix of an absolutely healthy brain appeared, and the affected matrix of the boy’s brain was replaced. The entire correction took place in a maximum of 3-4 minutes!
Such unexpected results not only bring confidence in your abilities, but also make you think about a lot. Which, naturally, is what happened. Two years later, the same woman again turned to the Center for help with some everyday problems. While working, she casually remembered that after that correction, her son’s headaches stopped and he was now doing well in medical school and working part-time as an ambulance attendant. And the work began. The employees saw that a completely normal brain matrix was being formed, a space-time channel was opening and... this matrix was going into this channel.
Then there were several similar situations that made it possible to establish an understanding of what was happening. Energy-informational correction always passes through higher metrics, where time, distance and mass lose their original four-dimensional meaning. The mental image of the correction formed by the eniooperator (mental plane) comes out as a thought form into the astral plane. Over time, the thought form produces changes in the Field of Events and, accordingly, the physical plane.
But in order not to violate the law of conservation in energy-information exchange, it was necessary during these two years to thoroughly study the reasons for the emergence of the program for disrupting the brain matrix.
A married couple asked for help due to problems with childbearing functions. Wherever they were treated, but there were no children. These patients were among the first to arrive in the morning, but they only got an appointment after 4 p.m.: they had to let the seriously ill patients through all the time. During the correction process, eniocorrectors, looking at the Event Field in the Information Fields of these patients, discovered severe stress.
The cause of the stress was a strange car accident eight years ago: in a Zhiguli car at a speed of 120 km/h they flew into an oncoming KamAZ truck. The “Zhiguli” was blown to pieces, and the husband and wife who came to us “tumbled” themselves along the highway for about 300 meters. At the same time, they escaped with “a slight fright”: several abrasions and bruises! There were several similar patients with similar situations within one week, which means that you need to sit down and think carefully.
Based on these situations, natal charts were compiled and then everything became clear: almost the same astrological aspects at the time of the accident and at the time of the correction. It is no coincidence that this married couple had to wait until 16:00: it was after this hour that the astral corridor “turned on,” which made it possible today to correct the accident and save this married couple. But in order to stay alive then, eight years ago, they had to come for correction on that very day and hour.
Nothing in this life happens by chance. It was no coincidence that this married couple had an accident. Further viewing of the cause-and-effect relationships of the Event Field during correction revealed the following: through these people, an extraordinary entity could materialize into our world, which could understand and change a lot in this world. This was completely unprofitable for the “brothers in mind.” Therefore, they tried to prevent the birth of this child, creating severe stress for the future parents.
But no one gets into an accident just like that. This requires a serious reason. This reason was a conflict situation modeled according to PS: the husband was covered in mud by a passing car and he sent curses after that driver. Modeling of the entire Event Field was carried out at the moment of direct observation of the UFO by this married couple. Soon after the wedding, they admired the orange ball over the Sea of ​​​​Azov for half an hour. After the correction, the Event Field was normalized and a boy was born.
Another example. A woman came for correction. She complained that family life did not work out - constant conflicts with her husband throughout the twenty years of marriage and constant illness. As a result of the correction, a magical ritual, a love spell, was discovered in her Information Fields. Carrying out this ritual was the cause of this woman’s troubles. She remembered that just a week ago, when she felt sick in the store, a strange old woman approached her and said: “Do you want to get rid of your troubles? Take an apple, imagine it’s you and your husband. Then cut the apple into two halves and put these halves on both sides on the windowsill will dry and all your troubles will go away!
So this woman did the damage to herself and her husband with her own hands. That's why they were sick and constantly quarreled. Please note: she performed this ritual just a week before coming for correction, and she has been paying for it for twenty years! You can make a mistake on the last day of your life and spend your whole life paying for this mistake! For example, a dying father curses his children because they treated him badly. The children, in turn, treated their father badly all their lives because he would curse them before his death!
When carrying out energy-informational corrections to normalize the Field of Events, it is necessary to work through not only this incarnation of the patient, but also all his past and future incarnation cycles, while annihilating negative energy-informational relationships. The mistakes of previous incarnations are necessarily reflected in the next incarnation. The same negative consequences arise as a result of injuries, mutilations, and surgical interventions. For example, a person in a previous reincarnation was executed - his head was cut off, he was hanged, or hot metal or oil was poured down his throat.
In principle, a fairly typical situation for our civilization. In the next incarnation, this person will be tormented by throat problems - colds, tonsils, laryngitis... In order to help such a patient, it is necessary to correct the moment of his death in the previous reincarnation - to re-record it in the next birth in the Information Fields a few seconds before the moment when the executioner's ax touched the neck. For those present at the execution, it doesn’t matter when this person died or, more precisely, was re-registered for the next incarnation.
However, sometimes during correction it is necessary to cancel the execution - this particular person should not have died then! Like, for example, the married couple from the previous example. If they had died in that accident, the boy would not have been born. In any case, the correction is aimed at the most appropriate form of normalization of the Event Field. If there is a need for this particular person not to die from execution and then be able to do something significant for the entire society, this execution is canceled at the energy-informational level.
And in historical chronicles the following appears: “...And there was a sign in the sky, a bright fireball flashed (in modern language - a plasmoid or holographic UFO). And a voice was heard from the sky, lightning struck, thunder struck,” and so on. The main result of this correction: the crowd fled in horror and the man sentenced to death was released. And, according to eniology, there is nothing supernatural in this.
UFO. Analysis of many paleocontacts with UFOs indicates their appearance in the past from our time or even from the future. In other words, many manifestations of UFOs are associated with the activities of magical orders and clans to change or program Event Fields. However, “brothers in mind” still have something to do with this to one degree or another. For example, at the international Congress "Inter-ENIO-95", held in Crimea, German ufologists presented a film about the secrets of the Third Reich:
Back at the end of the 19th century, members of the Vril secret society, in a contact situation, telepathically received information about the structure of an alien aircraft. It was believed that this was a means of spatial and temporal movement of the civilization of the planetary system of the star Aldebaran. According to the reconstructed drawings of the device, the first “UFO” was built already in the twenties.
And in 1938, according to the documents presented in the film, the Nazis made the first flight to this star using a device. Strange events also occurred in 1945, at the end of the war. According to information obtained from secret American documents, about 50 German submarines and ships left forever for the shores of Antarctica. A US Navy squadron was sent there to intercept. Only one American ship returned. The commander said: what they saw there was terrible and beyond understanding.
The film showed footage of the testing of Nazi flying machines by the Vril society. Most UFO eyewitnesses give descriptions of the appearance of these objects, and it almost completely coincides with the appearance of the devices that we saw in the film.
Analysis of the trajectories of UFO movements, their appearance in the visibility zone and sudden disappearance has allowed many researchers to come to the conclusion: representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence use a completely different principle of movement, still unknown to earthlings. A UFO is not an aircraft in the traditional sense. Most of all, the name “time machine” would suit it. UFO movements are made through the highest metrics of the Universe through teleportation.
Considering that the concept of “time” is characteristic only of four-dimensional spaces, teleportation through higher metrics can be carried out both in the forward and in the reverse direction of the Time Flow. The speed of propagation of electromagnetic or torsion fields is not at all a limitation for such movement. A UFO almost instantly “disappears” on one planet and “appears” on another.
Analysis of the causes of paleodisasters with the destruction of some cities, the nature of these destructions, the position and condition of human remains allowed a number of scientists to come to stunning conclusions: the destruction occurred as a result of nuclear explosions. And this is not surprising. The same Nazis could have tested their bombs there, in the distant past...

3. Esotericism and magic. Multidimensional gradation

There is no white or black magic. We have already talked about the subjective relativity of black and white, good and bad... There is a complex of esoteric knowledge used by a given specific person or magical clan for the benefit or harm of others. Esoterics, as a science, implies knowledge about everything. Magic is the applied part of esotericism.
You can know by heart a huge number of conspiracies and rituals, but not understand how it all works. Ignorance of the multidimensional laws of energy-information exchange in the Universe inevitably leads to mistakes in the actions of the magician and subsequent karmic retribution for these mistakes. The challenge is to thoroughly understand all these processes.
Seven-dimensionality is the level of spiritual magic. Only a few esotericists worked at this level. Including Christ. For the uninitiated, their actions are like magic: they put their hand to their head and the patient immediately recovered; waved his hand and stopped the storm; got up and walked across the sea, like on dry land... In fairy tales, this is a magic wand. Everything seems to be easy and simple: just find out the magic word or “get” the magic wand - and all problems are solved.
The level of spiritual magic is, first of all, a colossal preliminary experience of the essence that has come into materialization by this particular person. In the east, such entities are called advanced. With their powerful potential, they define the worldview approach for entire eras.
Six-dimensionality is mental and mental-verbal magic. Mental magic involves the free generation of mental images and their subsequent launch into materialization through a thought form. In order for a thought form to be operational, it is necessary to have extensive knowledge in all areas of science. Otherwise, an ugly thought form can lead to the appearance of an ugly thought form in the astral plane. Accordingly, something ugly will appear in materialization.
It is impossible to know everything until the blockages between the human EGO and the mental plane are completely removed. And there is no need to fill your head with often useless information. A whole council of medical professors throw up their hands in helplessness over the dying man, and a village grandmother with two years of education in a parochial school simply raises him to his feet. In this incarnation, this entity, which has enormous experience in the Field of Events, decided to enter the incarnation of a village healer.
On the one hand, you need to know a lot in order for a mental image to concretely come out into materialization. On the other hand, excessive attention to detail can lead to a loss of the meaning of the occurring phenomenon. It has already been said earlier that a person is a self-developing, self-learning multidimensional system. 4% of brain cells are not able to contain all the information. This is not necessary.
After all, there is a mental plane that has a colossal information capacity about everything in the past, present and future. In everyday activities, the collection, processing, accumulation and systematization of necessary information by human EGOs occurs. This information is formed into blocks and recorded in the Information Fields through the mental plane. Even if a person has forgotten something, he can always restore the memory of his EGO through the mental plane.
As mentioned earlier, mentally our civilization forms a single noosphere. Therefore, through the mental plane you can read any information of the past, present and future. Both from their own IPs and from the generalized IPs of the universal mind.
Information and energy are two sides of the same coin. The thought image, like the thought form, is material. Only this is the matter of more arrogant spaces. Let's remember the chain: energy-entropy-negentropy (information). Six-dimensionality: the mental plane corresponds to the concept of negentropy (information, mental images). Information is a material manifestation of the mental plane.
The four-dimensional spaces in which our physical bodies exist correspond to the concept of energy. (In the physical laws associated with the concept of energy, a time coordinate is necessarily present.) Entropy, in turn, is a material manifestation of the astral plane (thought forms). It follows from this that the basic law of energy-information exchange in the Universe is the establishment of balance between energy and negentropy through the astral plane - entropy (thought forms).
From all of the above it follows that the level of mental magic corresponds to the competent generation of a thought image with the subsequent formation of a thought form from this thought image - the elementary matrix of the Field of Events. Only in this case is guaranteed the full materialization of the mental image into all underlying metric spaces of the Pyramid of Multidimensionality. A thought form launched in the Event Field begins to rebuild and change it.
If, from an esoteric point of view, everything is done correctly, recovery occurs and possible negative events in the PS are annulled. In other words, in order for what you want to be realized, you need to clearly imagine the ultimate goal - to generate a mental image, bring this mental image to the astral plane and release it into materialization - that is, forget it. In eniology (esotericism) this is called “letting go of the situation.”
With the empty, worthless generation of mental images, an energy-informational imbalance occurs between negentropy and energy. Such mental images increase negentropy and reduce energy. “Clogging the brain” with unnecessary information leads to a decrease in a person’s energy potential. Therefore, yogis intuitively lower negentropy to increase the energy of the physical plane. However, according to the eniologist, this is a dead-end path.
It makes no sense to increase energy alone or, conversely, to gain knowledge without applying it in practice. In any case, a violation of energy-information exchange occurs. Unlike mental magic, where work is carried out only by the power of thought, in mental-verbal magic the mental image is necessarily reinforced and fixed by word. In this case, the word is the “key” for entering the information fields and launching the materialization of a pre-compiled mental program.
Christ treated everyone who directly turned to him for help. For the rest, he gave an identification key - the prayer “Our Father...”. Let's now take a closer look at what happens when a person reads prayers, conspiracies, and mantras.
It has already been said that if all of a person’s energy centers (or chakras in the east) are working and the multidimensional immune shell is intact, then such a person is unable to get sick. If this person is sick, then, firstly, he committed a number of violations of the laws of energy-information exchange, which resulted in a disruption in the functioning of energy centers and a “breakdown” in the immune membrane. Secondly, since this happened, it means there is someone who was interested in this. In order to help a person return to normal, it is necessary to “turn off” the energy collection system, restore the immune membrane and normalize the functioning of energy centers. Naturally, in this case, a person must realize his mistakes and repent of committing them.
Now let’s look at how prayer works from an eniological point of view. First, for example, Christ created a mental image to search for and neutralize all those interested in the mistake that a given person had made that led to illness. This thought image, displayed in a matrix-thought form, is recorded in the Information Field and is assigned an identification index: “Our Father...”. The next step: the matrix-thought form of normalization of the immune shell is assigned the index: “Existing [like you] in heaven.” And so on.
When a person reads a prayer, he gradually passes through the levels of Information Fields, reaches the Absolute and receives help. However, Christ warned that this was like an emergency option only for exceptional cases. How many cases have there been when someone in a group of people having fun at a picnic began to joke, simulating that they were drowning? Everyone rushed to help him, and then he started laughing. And so once, twice. And then, in fact, my legs cramped. The former joker calls for help, but no one believes him anymore, and the situation ends in death.
Christ left people one such emergency assistance program - the prayer “Our Father...”. The rest, as eniologists say, were invented by people.
Fifth dimensionality - astral magic. More than ten years ago in our country, under the strictest secrecy, a book printed on a typewriter by “Kremlin psychics” about the so-called astral karate was distributed among people interested in esotericism. Now in almost any bookstore you can find the official publication of this instruction on the destruction of your own kind.
Our life is replete with “test” situations. These situations are modeled according to the Field of Events by a generalized or individual mental plan for the training and development of our ego. It does not matter whether your own mentality created this test situation for your ego or an entire witchcraft clan. For example, in astrology, the evil planet Saturn is the best teacher, who doesn’t care whether you solve the task or not. But for you this may be of fundamental importance: if you fail to cope with the test situation - death; decided - well done, move on with your life.
The familiar organs of information perception - vision, hearing, etc. - are secondary. First of all, we perceive information about the environment on a spiritual level, then on the mental, astral level and, last of all, we see, hear, smell...
“There was an upbeat atmosphere in the theater.” That's right, those who come to the performance already feel the Spirit of the upcoming performance.
“I don’t even want to meet this idiot,” or “How could this idiot be entrusted with such a thing” - your mental plane has already “felt” the intellectual level of a potential new acquaintance. You haven't talked to him yet! You don’t yet know his range of interests, but you already know them.
“I feel sick next to him,” “As soon as he appears, my insides turn out…” - your astral plane perceives the deformations of the partner’s astral plane, his astral subdivisions (what is popularly called damage).
And only last of all do we see a person’s appearance, hear his voice, perceive his smells...
Astral magic inevitably occurs during any magical actions and in everyday life. The grandmother-witch identifies the astral-mental plane of the victim with a wax figure and then pierces this figure with a needle, thereby inflicting an astral blow on it. The victim's heart begins to ache, a heart attack occurs... Or let's take home-grown "astralists" in the highest echelons of power: one of the supreme rulers did not like the candidate in the elections, they called up his astral-mental plane and struck a blow, and then in the newspapers: “Suddenly at such and such a year of life...”. This is the work of professionals. But even in everyday life, astral karate “thrives.”
Our physical body is a four-dimensional cavity resonator. By changing our posture or gesticulating, we vary the spectrum of volumetric resonance. Magicians, sorcerers, and shamans understood this perfectly well, using dance and gestures in their rituals. Now let’s see what happens from an energy-informational point of view when they show the well-known “indecent” gesture.
A man’s right hand is considered energetically “giving” - the exit of the “left leg - right hand” meridian through the center of the palm. The fingers of the hand are clenched into a fist. Each finger is the output of many energy channels, which are the projection of internal organs. The presence or absence of these channels in Kirlian images allows, for example, to diagnose diseases of these organs.
When the fingers are bent into a fist, the energy channels are directed back to the meridian emerging from the center of the palm - a complete analogy of the translucent mirror at the end of the ruby ​​rod in a solid-state laser. The thumb placed to the side serves as a sight, and the left “mental” hand acts as a winding of the master oscillator.
When demonstrating this gesture, a mental image is usually formed: “Bless you!.. so with you!..”. This thought image, like a master generator in a laser, modulates the thought form in the meridian of the right hand, and after the generation is completed, an astral blow is produced!
Previously, it was difficult for people to explain the energy-informational meaning of this magical technique of astral karate, which can roughly be called a bioenergy laser. So they declared him “indecent.” After all, such an astral blow completely “destroys” the enemy’s energy centers, which can lead to death.
The bioenergy laser works similarly when you point a finger or show a “cookie”. In this case, the entire power of the astral blow is directed through the channels of the index finger or thumb. It has long been known in ufology that in no case should one point a finger in the direction of a UFO, as is usually the case to attract the attention of surrounding observers: this can lead to dire consequences. By pointing your finger, you can, willy-nilly, strike an astral blow to your “brothers in mind,” for which they have the right to respond in kind.
At school, children are taught that pointing is indecent. You need to use a pointer. However, let us recall a physics experiment that demonstrates the flow of an electrostatic charge from the tip of a cylinder connected to an electrophore machine. When a person takes a pointer, the main meridian and finger channels play the role of a modulator. Therefore, it does not matter whether you point with a finger, a pointer, or another object.
A similar situation can unwittingly occur when a person eats from a knife. Although a fork in this case is not the best tool. While eating, people usually remember something or someone. In this case, negative emotions (thought images) may appear and the person unwittingly inflicts an astral blow on himself. Therefore, taking into account the specifics of the feast, when after the third stack the table diners emotionally begin to wave their knives and forks, it is forbidden to serve knives and forks on the table at a wake for the deceased.
Indeed, with such gestures with a knife and fork, one can unwittingly inflict an astral blow not only on the diners, but also on the astral plane of the deceased, who has been nearby for up to 40 days. If a living person can recover from an astral strike, then it is almost impossible for a deceased person to do this.
At any feast, various people gather: those who sympathize with and those who do not sympathize with each other. In this case, the table performs the function of a volumetric resonator, and negative thought forms that can be generated during the feast “drain”, as in the case of static electricity, from the tip - from the corners of the table. If you sit opposite the corner of the table, then negative thought forms will fall directly into the 5th energy center - the “solar plexus”. That is why all military negotiations and negotiations between opponents are held at a round table.
Misunderstanding of the laws of astral magic does not free a person from possible negative consequences. Typical situation. A young man walks down the street late at night. Ahead - a tipsy group is discussing something. "Why are they standing there?" - fear on a spiritual level. - “If they touch me,.. then first - to this, then - to this...” - generation of a thought image that forms a thought form.
This thought form inflicts an astral blow on an unsuspecting group of guys. Naturally, they feel this astral attack and intuitively begin to look for the source of aggression and... here it is, the young man falls under the “distribution”. Then, at the police station, he will claim that the hooligans just attacked him, but he walked and didn’t touch anyone.
V. Rogozhkin writes that church magicians “work” according to a similar recipe. The Bible does not speak about the use of candles. They are used in destructive magic. The evoked astral-mental plane (phantom) of the victim is identified with the candle and then, as in the previous case, the candle burns out - the person dies. How many people envolve their relatives and friends in churches every day? And then they wonder where all these misfortunes and diseases come from.
Four-dimensional spaces - ritual and ceremonial magic. In verbal magic, the key to launching a pre-compiled egregorial program is a word, a conspiracy, a prayer... In ritual magic, an action, magical attributes, the place and time of the ritual are used for the same purposes. As in verbal magic, the program will not turn on until the conspiracy is pronounced, so in ritual magic, to turn on the program, strict adherence to the relevant restrictions is necessary: ​​a cross, a pentogram, a knife, a circle, a sacrificial altar, etc. must be strictly defined size; the time of the event is exactly at this hour and on such and such a day according to the lunar calendar.
To launch a magical program into materialization, a magician, suitably dressed, must face such and such a side of the world, cast a spell and perform a ritual action. Only in this case can a program previously created and recorded in the Information Fields be turned on. In other words, the attributes of ritual magic are protectors against accidentally launching programs into materialization. These safeguards are provided for in advance when esoteric clans and egregors draw up such programs.
Ceremonial magic differs from ritual magic only in that to launch a magical program into action, several people are needed, acting according to a pre-compiled scenario, which significantly increases the degree of protection of the program from accidental unauthorized launch.
Three-dimensionality is “biological” magic. It is not necessary to read special literature on magic. It is enough to open almost any newspaper in which you can find the following recipes: “If your beloved is running on the side, take a swallow’s liver, a rat’s tail, a dried cockroach... mix all this thoroughly, give the faithful a tablespoon three times a day before food." Moreover, the stupider the recipe, the greater the likelihood of its use.
Two-dimensional spaces. The main carrier of information in two-dimensional spaces are polymer molecules. Including bipolar polymer molecules H2O. At one time, parodists, imitating Alan Chumak, joked: “I charge water, creams, batteries...” Most healers in the process of treatment “charge”, slander water, creams, oils, etc.
One-dimensional spaces. The magic of one-dimensional spaces is a phenomenal, from the point of view of orthodox science, human abilities: levitation, teleportation, telekinesis, etc. In other words, this is the level of complete materialization of spiritual magic to the level of elementary particles and energy quanta.
As can now be seen from the gradation of magic according to the Pyramid of Multidimensionality, the highest level of magical action corresponds to seven-dimensional and one-dimensional spaces. The lowest level is ritual and ceremonial magic.

4. The concepts of “fate” and “karma”. The fundamental law of the Universe is “Inviolability of Will”

As mentioned earlier, Eastern esoteric views imply that the human essence on Earth in its evolution goes through the stages of the simplest microorganism, plant, animal before becoming human.
At the same time, mistakes made during life can throw the entity back along this evolutionary pyramid, and in the next incarnation cycle a person can supposedly be born as an animal. This is the meaning of the Eastern term “karma”. However, energy-informational analysis of the cause-and-effect relationships of the occurrence of diseases in patients and viewing their reincarnations according to Information Fields allows us to assert that these eastern views are erroneous. The essence that man represents on Earth cannot be reborn into any other essence.
The question of karmic cause-and-effect relationships has especially become of interest to people over the past decades. “They added water to the fire” and books by S. Lazarev, after reading which people felt a state of hopelessness. Yes, many have begun to think about cause-and-effect relationships: a person cannot just get sick, a person will not just get on a plane that is destined to fall and crash. There is a strict pattern in everything. If a person has made a mistake in life, especially one from which others have suffered, then he is obliged to work off this karmically.
Karmic cause-and-effect relationships, according to eniology, are processed in only two ways: through awareness and repentance before people, and not before God, for what they have done, or, if there is no awareness, through illness and death. However, when identifying the cause-and-effect relationships of the occurrence of certain types of diseases in the Information Fields, a violation of the energy-informational Law of Conservation and a significant discrepancy between the mistakes made and the subsequent consequences were discovered. If something happens in this world, then there is definitely a system behind it that benefits from it!
The System of Removing the Potential of Earthlings, among other things, also dumps its karma on us - anyway, they say, they are stupid, they will never understand anything, so let them work off both for themselves and for “that guy.”
Imagine the situation: a turner damaged his machine while working. The amount of damage was withheld from his salary, after which the turner quit and went to work at another plant. I worked normally for a month and on payday I came to the cash register with everyone else. And they tell him that there will be no salary, since he was deducted for a damaged machine at his previous place of work. He proves that he paid for everything at the previous plant, and the answer is: we don’t know anything, the machine was damaged - pay up.
This situation with the turner fully illustrates the philosophy of karma. If you made mistakes in reincarnations, work them out in this incarnation. A very convenient approach for organizing karmic transfers from the guilty to the innocent. The innocent are, of course, relatively. If a person has not done anything stupid, no program will catch on to him and no sorcerer will be able to “damage” him.
In order to know his mistakes, a person himself must have a free astral-mental access to the Information Fields of the Universe, that is, have clairvoyance. This is exactly what is disadvantageous for the System - then it will not be possible to engage in the withdrawal of potential and dumping one’s own karma on earthlings with impunity.
The Potential Withdrawal System, unlike most earthlings, impeccably fulfills the Law of Conservation. The measure of the withdrawn potential strictly corresponds to the measure of one’s own karma transferred to earthlings. If you look at what is happening from this perspective, then everything becomes clear: in order to live at the expense of someone else’s potential, you need to dump the sum of your mistakes into the source of the withdrawn potential. Otherwise, it would be impossible to engage in the removal of potential and the System would be doomed to collapse. However, in everything bad you can find a positive side.
It is clear that we must be fully responsible for the mistakes we make. But only for your own! Awareness of the mistakes made allows you to first identify and localize the System, and then become “transparent” to it. Through this, our earthly civilization can change from pseudo-intelligent to truly intelligent. It's a difficult path, but not necessarily a long one. Remember, Christ said that he would restore the destroyed temple in three days. This is not about a religious building, but about a temple in your soul. The meaning of what has been said becomes clear if we move from the Eastern concept of “karma” to the Russian esoteric concept of “fate”.
Fate is the freedom to choose your own past and future. From this point of view, what is meant by the Eastern esoteric term karma becomes clearer. The sum of the mistakes made in the past does not allow us to realize certain future options. However, this situation is not fatally hopeless. If a person is fully aware of the mistakes made, correction occurs in the energy information fields. In this case, blocking reasons are canceled. Accordingly, the investigation goes away.
A person is free to choose his own destiny, but this is not always possible due to the karma of the entire civilization. The total mass of mistakes made throughout history does not yet allow us to realize many options for the future at the individual and social levels. For now - because there is a possibility of getting out of the artificially created difficult situation. It is clear that when nothing interferes with the creative process, it is easier to create. It is much more difficult when it is constantly interfered with and many components are missing.
The experience of working at the Research Center "ENIO" allows us to assert that a single fortune-telling with a daisy in childhood is enough to distort the whole life of oneself and those around him. In this case, a deterioration in health is sure to occur. The price to pay for fortune telling is mastitis, mastopathy, osteochondrosis, headaches, hypertension. For fortunetellers and evoking spirits, the likelihood of infertility, pregnancy failure increases sharply, and the opportunity opens up to fall under the scope of the Cosmic Donation program. Professional fortune tellers, in turn, usually pay with oncology and brain hemorrhage.
Energy and information must be in balance. If a person increases his negentropy by filling his head with useless information, then the possibility of energy loss increases. You have to pay for everything! Therefore, people pay for the information received through fortune-telling rituals with deteriorating health.
Energy information analysis of any types of cards used in fortune telling indicates their extraterrestrial origin. Maps, as V. Rogozhkin writes, are pre-compiled keys to Information Fields, into which destructive programs of an alien mind are “sewn”. The calculation was very simple. Since most people do not have free access to individual entrepreneurs, interesting information about the future can be given out in measured portions, and in order to comply with the Law of Conservation, the potential of fortune tellers can be successfully withdrawn.
At the same time, another unpleasant phenomenon for earthlings occurs - fixation of the vector of free choice of will and programming of the Event Field. In other words, it is not fortune tellers who predict the future, but “brothers in mind”, using the egos of fortune tellers, who program a person’s life. Then the “predicted” events will come true exactly. But this will no longer be his life.
Free choice of will can be compared to a bolt of electric lightning. Special photographs allowed scientists to see that lightning moves from cloud to ground in intermittent segments.

Having passed the next segment, the main charge stops and streamers are ejected from it in all directions - a search for a conduction channel with the least resistance is underway. Then comes another throw to the ground. At the same time, all streamers flow into the main channel. Then the next stop occurs and everything repeats all over again.
A person acts in exactly the same way with his freedom of choice. For example, I finished school and began an often painful search for future options: technical school, college, army... If you entrust your choice to other people, even close ones, catastrophic consequences can occur over time.
Example 1. A young man’s life began to be in complete disarray: scandals in the family, at work... When viewing cause-and-effect relationships in the Information Fields, the eniocorrectors discovered the following: on the astral-mental plane, this young man was on skis and dressed in an insulated military uniform form. It turned out that according to the military registration and enlistment office he was supposed to serve in Siberia in a motorized infantry unit.
However, his parents made every effort, connections, and literally took him off the departing plane: this young man served in his military service in his city. But it was a dead-end streamer in his Event Field. As a result, he did not meet his bride there, in Siberia, and did not go with her to Vladivostok, where they were supposed to have a boy and a girl. Only then should he return to his hometown. As a result of parental efforts, a severe disruption occurred in the general Field of Events, which was normalized during energy-informational correction.
Example 2. The time has come for Masha to get married. She began to think: “Petya is a good guy, his dad is a general, the family’s income is normal. But Vasya himself is “cool”, “fingers spread” and on the “six hundredth.” Kolya is a future officer, maybe he will also become a general "I'll marry Kolya." And Masha and Kolya decided that they would get married and that they would definitely have a boy. But at the very last moment before the wedding, it turns out that Kolya is assigned to serve in “Tmutarakan” in a distant garrison, and Masha is used to society and entertainment. Then Vasya “accidentally” called and invited him to have fun with barbecue. As a result, Masha married Vasya.
Years have passed. Vasya did not become a “new Russian” - he got burned in one case and went to prison. Masha constantly regretted that she married him. It would be better for Kolya. He has not yet become a general, but he is already serving as a colonel in Moscow, on the General Staff. And Nikolai Mashu often recalled: he never had a normal family life. It so happened that they met and started talking. After this meeting, Nikolai thought: “It’s so good that Vasya called her then! Apparently God was protecting me then.” And soon after this, Masha had a stroke and was paralyzed.
Two people, he and she, unite into a family not at the moment when the corresponding stamp appears in the passport, but when they decide on a quiet evening to create this family. This moment is an agreement for the entities going to Earth for materialization. They choose their parents according to a number of parameters: DNA, chromosome set, meta code of the place of conception and birth, etc. Future parents are awarded the right to let these entities into our world.
Already a five or six year old girl can see future children on the astral-mental plane. Who has one child? Some have three. At the same time, the moment of conception and, accordingly, birth, is determined by the future children themselves. They thereby determine their natal chart, which will allow them to implement certain tasks in life. If a given woman should have two births according to the Event Field, then there simply cannot be other pregnancies.
So, in this case, Masha and Nikolai decided to start a family. Thus, they gave the go-ahead to materialize an entity that suited their parameters. From that moment on, the process of preparing the entity for birth began in the Information Fields, and suddenly Masha marries Vasily. The one who was going to birth seemed to be “stuck” in the IP. His next exit into this world is now possible after the death of his failed parents! Until that moment, he will live off their potential. It seems that in this physical world the family of Masha and Nikolai did not take place.
But on the astral-mental plane it is recorded in the IP. At that moment, when Nikolai thought that it was good that he did not take Masha as his wife, the streamer that was “frozen” on his part was canceled. Until this moment, both of them periodically from the present to the past energetically “feeded” the failed family and the one who was about to be born. When Nikolai canceled his streamer, all karmic responsibility for the impossibility of materializing the one who was supposed to be born fell entirely on Masha. She paid with a stroke.
This case illustrates the inconsistency of Eastern views on the concept of karma as responsibility for an individual’s wrongdoing. After all, in addition to Vasily’s “random” phone call, there were many other accompanying factors: family upbringing, the persuasion of parents and girlfriends, general social views on this issue. All this contributed to Masha’s decision, and she is not the only one paying for the failed family. At the same time, it is very easy to “quietly” throw off inadequate responsibility for what has been done.
As an analysis of numerous similar situations shows, everyone who is against the wedding is much more susceptible to cancer and strokes. After all, they oppose not only the birth of a new family, but also thereby the birth of those who were supposed to be born into this family. This is a very serious karmic crime.
The case under consideration is indicative in one more way: Masha constantly recalled with regret that she did not marry Nikolai. Thus, there was a constant feeding of the failed situation in the past. This is an ideal case for the Potential Removal System. After all, earthlings for the most part are not able to calculate the adequacy of the mistakes made to the karmic reckoning that has occurred.

5. The process of death and energy information exchange

The publication of the first book, Life After Death, by Raymond Moody (there are various versions of the translation) significantly undermined the established orthodox views on the transition between life and death. This American doctor collected numerous descriptions of the “post-mortem experience” of resuscitated patients. A few years later - a new sensation. During the forced exhumation of an old English cemetery, it was discovered from the changed positions of the corpses that almost 30% of the deceased were buried alive!
The question of life and death has always worried the minds of mankind. Many more or less serious publications are devoted to this topic. In this section of the book we will try to consider the very moment of transition between life and death from the point of view of eniology.
Death is a re-recording. People's fear of the fatal line separating existence from non-existence gave rise to a magical funeral ritual. At different times and among different peoples, this ritual often had the exact opposite character. In some cases - complete disregard for the flesh. In a number of Arab and African countries, the dead are simply thrown into the desert or savannah to be devoured by vultures. The spirit is eternal, and let the mortal body finally serve the nature from which we all came.
Other rituals include mummification and preservation of the bodies of the deceased, followed by visiting crypts and spiritualistic conversation with the souls of ancestors. A number of Indonesian tribes keep mummies of their ancestors directly in their homes and usually take them with them when visiting. In contrast to eastern cremation, on European territory the rite of oriented burial of the bodies of the dead is generally accepted, which has come down to us from the Neanderthals, who, in addition, painted the skeleton with ocher after the decomposition of soft tissues. In Ancient Rus', however, cremation of corpses was carried out for warriors and nobility.
Jazz at its core retained elements of funeral African ritual music. During the funeral procession, everyone rejoiced that God had taken their comrade to himself and his earthly torment had ceased. Numerous studies in recent years have shown that the astral plane or, as they usually say, a phantom of soft tissue (including the DNA molecule itself) persists and influences surrounding biological objects for exactly 40 days. After this, the devices stop responding to the phantom.
9 and 40 days are celebrated among all nations. Depending on the meta code of the area, these terms differ by 2 - 3 days. Many years of research on this issue have made it possible to understand what happens to a person at the moment of transition between life and death.
Man is a multidimensional entity. The physical body is only a part of this multidimensionality, which represents, as it were, an elementary cell of the Universe. The multidimensional essence of a person, what is commonly called the Soul, is immortal. The physical body is a periodically replaced instrument with the help of which the entity cognizes and changes this world. Let's remember what was said earlier.
It is believed that in a person only 4% of brain cells are used for work, and the rest are, as it were, a safety margin. In 1996, American scientists published the results of many years of work. It was discovered, in particular, that a person thinks and remembers information not with the brain, but with some external field structure. But even in ancient esotericism this external field formation was called the mental plane. 96% of brain cells are used to work with their own mental plane.
4% of cells are the EGO of the physical body, like a self-preservation block. The bulk of people have lost the ability to work with their own mental plane due to the System’s introduction of a targeted blockage into the general mental plane of civilization. And this includes clairvoyance, telepathy, and other “phenomenal” human abilities.
At the beginning of the century, geneticists showed that the formation of the shape of the physical body is influenced by a certain external information field. It was called morphogenic. Much later it was shown that at least 1025 Bits of information are needed to describe a living person, and DNA can store a maximum of 1015 Bits. Gradually, scientists began to approach the old truisms. The main part of the information about life and the fate of a person is recorded and eternally stored in the Information Fields of the Universe.
IP used to be called the Book of Fates. DNA represents, as it were, an assembly blueprint according to which the physical body is built. Moreover, DNA is the same for all carbon-based life forms in the Universe, and not just on Earth.
The existence of incarnation cycles in humans is already a truism and has been proven by numerous experimental data. At the same time, many years of analysis of the causes of certain diseases have shown that the deformation of the physical body at the moment of so-called death will certainly affect the next incarnation cycle. For example, if a person’s head was cut off, hot oil was poured down his throat, or he was hanged, then in his next life he will have constant serious problems with his throat - laryngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, ties and tight collars will be very irritating.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, doctors showed in experiments on rats that any injury, in addition, has a negative effect on the offspring. This is the main purpose of wars organized by the System: introducing defects into the gene pool of civilization. The death of the physical body is the rewriting of all information accumulated during a given incarnation cycle and the transition to the next birth. At the same time, we should not forget that the Earth is a kind of purgatory, a prison for the “criminal entities” of our Galaxy, and therefore, the fewer reincarnation cycles, the less time the human essence gains experience here, the better for it itself.
The presence of incarnation cycles and so-called karma in its existing form is a violation of the laws of energy-information exchange in the Universe. This is the fault of the earthlings themselves, whose mistakes the System takes advantage of. Let us remember from the Bible why God cursed the entire human race. Original Sin is a person’s thirst to understand this world and the reasons for the emergence of incarnation cycles in the existence of an immortal essence. In the same “Genesis” you can also find that the first people lived up to 800 years or more.
After the death of a person’s physical body, the re-recording of all mental and spiritual information accumulated during a given incarnation cycle begins. This information is stored in every cell of the body, in every molecule and elementary particle that makes up our body. Up to nine days, the spiritual potential is rewritten, and up to forty days, the entire mental experience is rewritten. There is numerous instrumental evidence of this.
Considering that in the higher metrics of the Universe, time, distance and mass lose their usual four-dimensional meaning, the astral plane of a deceased person can simultaneously be located in various local points of our space. That is why those who died before forty days appear in dreams to their relatives and friends simultaneously in Moscow, Vladivostok, and Rostov. The perception of a phantom, popularly called a ghost, is associated with the rewriting of the entire experience of the deceased from everything that he had to come into contact with in life.
The type of death leaves a serious imprint on the course of biophysical processes in the corpse. This was proven with the help of post-mortem Kirlian photographs: the glow of the “aura” of the fingers of suicides was radically different from the “aura” of those who died a natural death or instantly died as a result of disasters. But there are also very serious factors: this is the psychological state of a person before death; metacode of the area where the person dies; the degree of deformation of the physical body before the moment of death and for nine days after. And perhaps the most serious factor is the memories and regrets of relatives and friends about the deceased.
The human physical body is a four-dimensional volumetric resonator through which the Earth perceives certain energy-information spectra of the Universe. The essence of man is a multidimensional elementary cell of the Universe. Our planet is a living, intelligent organism, and man is an integral part of this organism. Each physical body has its own astral point of attachment to the astral body of the planet.
Just like every hair on the head has its own root. Human hair plays the role of “receiving antennas” when synchronizing the work of the brain with Information Fields (IF) through the mental plane. A similar function is performed by humans in the living organism of the planet. Therefore, even after moving to a new place, a person seems to remain attached to his astral roots where he was born. Accordingly, the re-recording of all the experience accumulated over a lifetime will best take place in the place where the person was born.
Most people feel nostalgia for their homeland at the end of their lives. But not everyone has the opportunity to return home. Migration to a new place of residence means changing the metacode, and not everyone can withstand this. However, the positive result of changing place of residence for seriously ill patients is also known. For example, for asthmatics, moving can lead to complete recovery. And in the Middle Ages, it was discovered that moving from a city prone to some kind of epidemic to another locality practically guaranteed recovery.
Not all people are rigidly tied to local metacodes. First of all, these are the “vicars” of the System itself on Earth, those through whom the System exercises control and management of the civilization of earthlings. The second group is those who are transparent to the System: the highly spiritual and intellectual part of civilization. So far there are only a minority of them. Most of the earthlings are simply biomass.
The intervention of Extraterrestrial Intelligence in the course of evolution of earthlings has already become obvious to many. “Extraterrestrial” does not mean “positive” for our civilization. A thorough analysis of disturbances in the processes of energy-information exchange for the Earth has shown the presence of “channels” for the collection of life and creative potential from our entire civilization. In this case, the people themselves and their qualities are used. The system does not even violate the basic laws of the Universe. Including the law of the Inviolability of Will.
The easiest way is to remove the potential from an individual or from an entire civilization wholesale at the time of a stressful situation. During stress, a person, as it were, voluntarily reveals his protective astral-mental shell and the System can only “reap the harvest.” The best stress for massive energy removal is all kinds of System-programmed accidents and cataclysms. Take, for example, the earthquake in Turkey: the potential was removed not only from the dead and wounded, but also from everyone who sympathized with those caught in the cataclysm. However, in the first place on the list were always wars - a complete set of all the stressful situations of the ended era of Pisces - the era of wars.
The so-called “brothers in mind” have long been convicted not only of taking away the vital and creative potential of our civilization, but also in the specific removal of human organs during injuries and accidents for the production of biorobots and UFO operators. It has already been said about numerous strange accidents with the complete disappearance of corpses, as was the case with the Khabarovsk TU-154. However, any war is an ideal event, from the point of view of the System, for the removal of the entire energy-informational complex of a person.
Normal rewriting of a person’s information and potential into the next birth becomes almost impossible if he tragically died in a foreign land. At the same time, even if an entity manages to break through into materialization, that is, to be born again, such a person will often have an inferior physical body or it will be impossible to realize his potential normally.

Other dimensions

In 1954, a young candidate of science from Princeton University, Hugh Everett III, put forward an absolutely amazing assumption that there are parallel worlds in the galaxy, identical to our universe. According to his point of view, all these universes are connected with our universe, but at the same time, they all deviate from our universe, and our universe in turn deviates from all others. Probably, other universes also had their own wars, which may have been of a slightly different nature than those that took place on our planet.

Almost no one doubts the existence of other dimensions; what are “other dimensions”? According to a statement by scientists from Cambridge and Princeton universities, the “Big Bang”, thanks to which the Universe allegedly emerged from the void, was preceded by a “Big Splash”.

Big Splash

According to scientists, the Big Splash occurred in a multidimensional space with eleven dimensions, six of which are folded into microscopic threads. The energy of this burst gave birth to the “Big Bang”, which in turn gave birth to visible matter and time, our Universe, which is now “neighboring” with another invisible one. Some even suggest that in a parallel dimension there exist beings, in our understanding “gods”.

Other Dimensions

The dimensions known to us: Height, length and width, modern physics, however, does not contradict the possibility of the existence of other spatial or temporal dimensions, and, accordingly, multidimensional beings.


To visualize multidimensionality, let's imagine ourselves as residents of three-dimensional space, in which there is length, width and height, observing hypothetical two-dimensional creatures - “flat creatures” - squares or triangles, for whom the world around us is flat. In their world there is not even a concept of height; “flat people” do not even suspect that “up” or “down” exists. A three-dimensional creature can observe two-dimensional ones and even interact with them, while remaining almost invisible to them, and for example, he can press a “flat” with his finger, and he will not understand anything, he will simply freeze in place, or even remove him from the plane . and the figure will disappear from its two-dimensional world. Maybe many inexplicable phenomena are explained by this.

Parallel dimensions and parallel worlds

I think here it is necessary to explain that parallel dimensions and parallel worlds are not the same thing. Parallel worlds are a universe with a different “Energy Vibration” or something similar, a parallel world can intersect with ours without interacting with it, and to some extent we live in a world parallel to the “other” universe. Let's return to other dimensions.


Some scientists have put forward hypotheses about the possibility of the existence of parallel worlds, for example, academician Moses Markov believed that “there are several worlds, separated from each other by time quanta, in which the same processes occur sequentially.” This means that if you learn to “move” from world to world, you can visit both your past and your future.

Professor Nikolai Kozyrev argued that there are universes parallel to ours, and between them there are tunnels - “black” and “white” (Quasars) holes. Through “black” holes, matter leaves our Universe to parallel worlds, and through “white” holes, energy comes to us from them.

Hypotheses of multidimensional spaces enable scientists to at least somehow substantiate the theory of the “Big Bang”; in particular, one can at least make assumptions about “What happened before the Big Bang?”

Multidimensional beings

What do “Multidimensional” beings see? They are probably just observing that in some universe something is shaking in what they understand to be a flat space. By the way, our galaxy vibrates like an eardrum. Maybe he receives some signals from “Multidimensional” beings?

Mysterious disappearances

Recently, astronomers have already lost sight of thousands of comets, and cannot understand where they went. Perhaps the reason for the mysterious disappearance of comets is precisely in other dimensions, i.e. “The comet simply turned into another dimension and became invisible to us.”

Astronomers have found that most comets disappear after their first passage through our solar system. Many agree that comets, after moving away from the Sun, soon either disintegrate or cool down, their gases and ice, which melted when passing near the Sun and soon freeze and then become a piece of rock, similar to asteroids.

Some American scientists recently conducted simulations with the task of determining the fate of missing comets. Scientists have concluded that the actual observed number of comets or asteroids discovered is too low to allow any conclusions to be drawn about where they come from and where they then go?


Gods - from a scientific point of view, the closest definition is “beings with capabilities incomparable to us”; it is more possible that the actions of multidimensional beings are perceived by us as “god”.

Invisible people talk to astronauts

The fact that someone “lives” in space is proven by the stories of some astronauts. Professor Kirill Butusov claims that sometimes in orbit the “effect of someone’s presence” occurs; the cosmonaut suddenly feels that someone invisible is looking at his back. After which, the invisible creature makes itself known - a whisper is heard. The “voice” sounds in the depths of consciousness something like this: “You came here too early and wrong. Trust me, for I am your ancestor. Son, you shouldn’t be here, return to Earth, don’t break the laws of the Creator.” Sometimes, for the sake of “reliability,” the voice tells a small story, known exclusively to the astronaut’s family, connected with this ancestor.

In addition, some astronauts experience strange visions and sensations that unexpectedly “switch” their consciousness. This phenomenon was first reported at the International Institute of Space Anthropoecology in 1995 by test cosmonaut Sergei Krichevsky: “many, for example, unexpectedly left their usual human image and literally turned into some kind of animals! For example, one colleague told Krichevsky about “being” in the form of... a dinosaur. Moreover, he felt like he was walking on some planet, overcoming ravines and abysses. The astronaut described “his” paws, scales, membranes between his fingers, and huge claws. On the skin of his back he felt the horny plates on his spine rising.”

It even happened that a person turned into a different person and could even turn out to be an alien. It was as if the person was “connected” to some information source and received warnings from it, for example, about impending emergency situations.