Why is a rotten tooth root dangerous? Rotten teeth: all the consequences for the body

Everyone knows that rotten teeth cause bad breath. However, this is not the only trouble that accompanies destruction inside the oral cavity. Some consequences are not only unsightly, but also dangerous to health. To prevent tooth decay, it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly, because the decay process does not begin suddenly. At the initial stage, it can be stopped, maintaining health and a beautiful smile.

And before going to the dentist, let's find out more about this problem so that you understand what to do next.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of why teeth rot, because there are many factors influencing this process. Pathology is not always associated with poor hygiene or lack of vitamins.

Here are some reasons that can lead to this problem:

  • smoking, alcohol and drug abuse;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • pathological processes in the body;
  • poor nutrition, deficiency of minerals and vitamins;
  • constant consumption of too hot or cold drinks, foods that contribute to the destruction of enamel;
  • low immunity;
  • hereditary factor.

Rotten teeth appear due to many reasons

Smoking, alcohol, ecology

When smoking, nicotine disrupts the blood circulation process and the gums are less well supplied with blood, and therefore oxygen. Deprived of adequate nutrition, the gums become more vulnerable to pathological processes, which ultimately lead to negative processes beginning to develop in the bone. Tooth roots also suffer from a lack of nutrients and begin to weaken.

Poor gum nutrition leads to the development of periodontitis and other similar diseases. If the cause is not eliminated and treatment is not carried out, the gums will weaken so much that even healthy teeth will begin to loosen and fall out. And this, in turn, will negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Periodontitis can cause tooth decay

Anna Losyakova


In smokers, the enamel, absorbing nicotine, becomes yellow or even brown. Its protective functions are significantly reduced, and this leads to caries. Over time, the decay process can spread to all teeth.

Alcohol prevents the body from fully absorbing microelements and vitamins. When you abuse alcohol, calcium is washed out of the bones, and it is this that creates the “building blocks” that make up the dental tissue. Wine destroys enamel due to the aggressive acids it contains. Low-alcohol drinks are no less harmful: there is less alcohol, but more sugar, which has an extremely negative effect on the enamel.

Poor environmental conditions lead to the development of pathological processes in bone tissue. For example, when drinking poorly purified water, heavy metals and other harmful compounds enter the body. Preservatives, flavorings, flavoring agents, food additives and other harmful ingredients play a major role in the occurrence of pathological processes in the oral cavity. All this destroys the enamel and leads to gums weakening and teeth rotting.

Nutrition, immunity, heredity

Everyone knows that it is recommended to rinse your mouth with clean water after eating, but few people actually do it. But in vain. The fact is that any food contains one or another amount of sugar, and it is an excellent soil for the development and proliferation of bacteria. Microorganisms feed on sugar, process it and release aggressive acid onto the enamel surface. This is how plaque appears, which destroys not only the teeth, but also their root system.

The oral mucosa protects the body from the harmful effects of the environment, so the health of teeth and other organs directly depends on its condition. If the mucous membrane loses its protective abilities, then various pathological processes occur in the oral cavity, and then they are observed in other human systems. The immune system is responsible for the protective functions of the mucous membrane; if it weakens, then the “gate” opens for bacteria and microorganisms.

Anna Losyakova


Heredity plays an important role. So far, scientists and doctors have not been able to eliminate the negative influence of genetic material. A hereditary predisposition to bad teeth is expressed in metabolic disorders, malocclusion, which provokes the development of caries, a tendency to various periodontal pathologies, and poor immune defense.

In the video, Elena Malysheva explains what exactly destroys teeth:

Causes of rotten teeth in children

Childhood caries can begin with the appearance of the child's first teeth. The reasons for it are heredity, poor hygiene, bad habits of parents, the composition of saliva and diet.

If a mother feeds the child at night for a long time, and after feeding does not carry out the necessary hygienic procedures for the child’s oral cavity, this leads to the development of pathogenic microflora in the baby’s mouth. Baby teeth are extremely susceptible to caries; when the enamel is weakened and demineralized, they are destroyed on all sides and the process can become irreversible.

In older children, rotten teeth appear as a result of rapid growth, hormonal changes or a lack of vitamins. However, most often this occurs due to excessive consumption of sweets and poor oral hygiene. It is important for both parents and children to understand that carious processes in childhood affect the health of future permanent teeth.

In the video, a pediatric dentist talks about the effect of sweets on children’s teeth:

Causes of pathology during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, the female body devotes all its strength to the growth and development of the child, so most women quickly get tired during this period. The teeth of pregnant women also experience depletion; they lack microelements, in particular calcium and phosphorus, which the body gives to the child.

Anna Losyakova


In addition, hormonal changes negatively affect teeth. In this case, rotting begins from the inside, it happens very quickly and unexpectedly.

Stopping this process is not easy, because treatment of the expectant mother is accompanied by a large number of contraindications. However, we must not forget that if teeth are not treated, they will become a breeding ground for infection, which will spread throughout the body not only of the mother, but also of the child. Rotten tooth roots or completely destroyed crowns are usually removed.

Stages of tooth decay during decay

There are several stages of destruction. First, bad breath appears, then the process of decay progresses and the enamel darkens, and pain appears. If destruction occurs in the root area, the gums may become swollen and painful.

The process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • black spots appear on the surface of the enamel, and later holes;
  • a purulent process forms in the root area;
  • in some cases, a cystic formation develops;
  • the nerve rots and collapses (after this the pain stops bothering you);
  • the outer part of the tooth falls apart down to the gum;
  • the root is destroyed.

Caries Inflammation and destruction of the gums Cyst in the gum Complete destruction of the outer part

When a tooth has rotted, it becomes impossible to install a crown on the root - it is too weak, so oral diseases must be treated in a timely manner.

Principles of treatment

To understand whether it is possible to save the tooth or whether the person went to the doctor too late, the dentist examines the patient and sends him for an x-ray. After this, the reason why the destruction of the bone element occurred is determined, and, starting from it, treatment is prescribed.

Today, dental clinics offer a variety of dental restoration services. Curing a tooth that has begun to rot from the inside is not easy, but it is possible. But if the patient takes too long to go to the doctor, it will have to be removed.

It is possible to save teeth if the patient does not delay treatment

The procedures begin with cleaning and treating the enamel surface. Plaque from the tooth is cleaned with special devices, the stains are treated with citric acid, after which electrophoresis is prescribed. In particularly complex and advanced cases, when teeth rot from the inside, antibacterial therapy may be required. If a patient is diagnosed with enamel demineralization, the doctor will prescribe medications that contain calcium and fluoride.

Consequences and complications

The state of a person’s health directly depends on what processes occur in his oral cavity. Rotten teeth cause headaches, poor appetite, and heart problems. Almost all doctors are sure that destroyed bone elements become the culprits of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

If a tooth rots at the base of the root and the gums are involved in the inflammatory process, then a dangerous disease can occur - endocarditis. This complication can only be eliminated surgically.

Prevention of rotten teeth

Dentists divide prevention into 2 categories - general and local. The first is aimed at strengthening the immune system, proper nutrition, and the use of good toothpastes and other preparations containing calcium and fluoride.

Local prevention includes proper oral care. It is important to strictly monitor oral hygiene, undergo timely treatment, limit your intake of carbohydrates and other harmful substances, and follow the principles of a healthy diet.

If necessary, for prevention, you should contact a dental clinic for fluoridation and remineralization of teeth.

The video explains what dental remineralization is and how it works:

If at one point you begin to realize that your teeth are rotting, contact your dentist for treatment. Don't expect consequences.

Teeth are an integral element of the human body and various pathologies of the oral cavity of a dental nature inevitably cause disruptions in the functioning of all internal organs and systems, even if you carefully monitor their condition.

Many people are interested in the question: what will happen if, if you have problems with your teeth, you don’t go to the dentist, but simply try to numb the pain with the help of medications and folk methods?

You may be able to relieve the pain for a while, however, this will not get rid of the inflammatory process that has already begun. Thus, if you miss the moment, in the future you risk face many problems, and not only dental ones. This is explained by the fact that the human body is a single system in which everything is interconnected, and neglected diseased teeth can cause a number of diseases. For example, a tooth affected by caries accumulates a huge number of harmful microorganisms, which contributes to problems with internal organs, undermining the immune system, general intoxication of the body, and can even cause fetal pathologies during pregnancy.

Why teeth rot, treatment

If a developing infection leads to damage to the tooth root, then in this case it is carried out nerve removal surgery followed by filling. Such a tooth weakens over time and loses vitality. However, even at this stage, not everyone goes to the dentist.

Most patients visit the dental clinic already in the last stages of the development of the pathology, when the only way out of the situation is tooth extraction, since the inflammatory process has already penetrated quite deeply into the bone structure.

With an infectious lesion that covers large areas of the dental apparatus and tissues, the risk of blood poisoning, the development of a cyst or purulent inflammation increases. In addition, if you do not go to the dental clinic in a timely manner, increased sensitivity of the teeth occurs, carious cavities appear and the process of enamel destruction develops.

It is quite difficult to find out the exact cause of rotting, but it is even more difficult to stop the pathological process that has begun.

Tooth decay leads to tooth loss and bad breath. These factors contribute to the emergence of psychological problems, since a person with bad teeth tries in every possible way to reduce communication to a minimum, dooming himself to loneliness. Depression, sleep disturbances, and psychosis appear.

Rotting of teeth from gums: what to do?

Tooth decay (caries) is one of the most common dental ailments. What to do if your teeth rot?

The majority of oral diseases are associated with damage to the teeth and gums. In almost all cases, the source of the development of the inflammatory process is pathogens, inhabiting the oral cavity with insufficient hygiene rules.

Often the infection affects several teeth at the same time. Rotting can begin from the lower part - from the root or from the upper part - from the crown. There are cases when the patient notices the development of caries too late and it is much more difficult to deal with its consequences.

Symptoms and stages of the disease

The development of the disease occurs in several stages, each of which has its own clinical manifestations.

Initially, bad breath appears, which occurs periodically; with further development of the disease, it is constantly present. The appearance of a bad odor caused by the huge number of microorganisms present in dental plaque.

Over time, tooth enamel begins to darken, first partially and then completely; black areas may appear on the tooth root. Such lesions cannot be detected during a routine examination; an x-ray will be required.

The next stage of development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of voids in place of the black areas. Unpleasant sensations arise in the oral cavity and a feeling of discomfort appears. Ignoring these symptoms leads to acute, unremitting pain. This indicates that tooth decay has already reached its inner part (pulp). Pulpitis (this is what this stage of decay is called) affects soft tissues containing blood and lymph vessels, as well as a nerve bundle.

If the tooth begins to rot from the root, this may lead to its loss or the need for complete removal along with the root.

If the disease develops in the coronal part, the nerve dies and the toothache subsides, however, the process of destruction of the root system begins. Therefore, you should not ignore the beginning discomfort in the oral cavity, but it is better to immediately contact the clinic for treatment procedures.

Why do teeth rot? Reasons

There are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of rotten teeth in the human oral cavity. Conventionally, they can be divided into external and internal.

The first group includes circumstances beyond a person’s control. Among them the following main factors can be identified:

The second group includes the following factors:

  • Unbalanced diet and abuse of harmful products that have a negative effect on tooth enamel. This list includes various sweets, as well as berries and fruits containing large amounts of acid.
  • Bad habits. One of the causes of tooth decay is smoking, which results in deterioration of metabolic processes in the oral cavity. Teeth lose the ability to fully resist the negative effects of microorganisms. Substances contained in cigarette smoke cause the destruction of enamel. In addition, smoking, along with drug and alcohol use, contributes to decreased immunity.
  • Leading an unhealthy lifestyle has a detrimental effect on the state of the body's defenses as a whole. This also includes irregular and/or poor quality oral hygiene.

A separate group includes the presence of dental and general diseases. This includes the development of cysts with foci of inflammation near the periodontal root, as well as complex dental pathologies that have a direct negative impact on the condition of the oral cavity. All these factors also contribute to rotting.

Problems with the appearance of rotten teeth in children, consequences of untreated

Many parents pay absolutely no attention to their children’s baby teeth, believing that sooner or later they will fall out anyway. But such behavior can have serious consequences. After all, caries affects not only the hard bone tissue of the tooth, but nearby soft tissues, where the purulent process develops.

This, in turn, contributes to the occurrence of the following diseases:

  • meningitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • abscess;
  • sepsis;
  • thrombosis of venous vessels (for example, cervical).

When stressful situations occur or hypothermia occurs, a shift occurs in the child’s immune system; it becomes very weak. It is during this period that a carious infection can lead to serious consequences.

Complications may be as follows:

  • On the throat (usually a sore throat);
  • on the nose (manifests itself in the form of a runny nose and sinusitis);
  • on the ears (in the form of otitis and ear pain);
  • on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal disorders often occur).

Therefore, if you notice signs of tooth decay in your child, you should not hesitate and urgently contact a pediatric dentist to remove the diseased tooth.

In other words, why does retrograde caries occur? Many studies have been conducted on this matter, as a result of which it was found that the source of infection affecting the child’s teeth are pathogenic microorganisms transmitted from the mother.

Streptococcal bacteria can penetrate the child’s oral cavity in the following cases:

  • When kissing;
  • when using shared cutlery;
  • when parents lick nipples and baby spoons.

Tooth decay in a child can be caused by germs transmitted from other people. This is especially important for young children who are just starting to teethe, since during this period babies are most susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms.

Of course, the presence of harmful bacteria is not the only cause of decay of baby teeth. An important role is played by the presence of the following factors:

  • Violation of the diet (how often and at what intervals does the child eat);
  • oral hygiene;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • features of children's saliva (protective immunoglobulins, mineralizing qualities, ability to neutralize acids and alkalis, buffer capacity).

Practice shows that caries of baby teeth is closely associated with regular sucking on a bottle of juice, formula or other liquid with a high carbohydrate content, which creates a nutrient medium for the development and proliferation of bacteria.

The tooth has rotted to the root: what to do?

If you have brought your teeth to a state where any other treatment is no longer effective, the only way out is complete removal. A tooth root that has lost its crown may provoke the development of various pathologies, so it should be removed.

This occurs under the following circumstances:

Rotten roots that are not removed cause purulent processes and the development of inflammation.

So, to maintain the health of the oral cavity, and therefore the entire body as a whole, very little is required: balanced diet and daily routine, regular visits to the dentist for preventive examinations and timely sanitation, as well as basic compliance with the rules of oral hygiene. All these components will help maintain healthy teeth for many years.

Consequences of not treating teeth

Removing the roots of teeth is a case when it is absolutely impossible to delay. In most cases, it is due to the fact that the roots simply begin to rot. There may be a lot of reasons for this, but first we’ll deal with possible complications.

What happens if the tooth root is not removed:

  1. Formation of pus at the root. The more a person walks with a decayed tooth, the more this pus accumulates. This leads to constant pain, as well as other consequences.
  2. Decreased immunity. Oddly enough, one bad tooth can cause serious health problems for a person. The fact is that festering roots attract all infections and bacteria. In turn, the immune system begins to fight this infection, which consumes a huge amount of resources necessary for life. As a result, a person becomes vulnerable to various viral diseases due to weakened immunity.
  3. Damage to gums. In 100% of cases, advanced problems with rotting tooth roots lead to thinning of the bone tissue, resulting in the formation. The reason for this is the inflammatory process, which is caused by rotting, as well as the formation of a strong coating around the damaged area.
  4. Flux. This is one of the most difficult and painful complications, which is caused by untimely removal of roots. The constant ingress of bacteria, infections, as well as rotting pieces of food causes the formation of pus. When enough of it accumulates, it begins to “look” for a way out. Thus, it eats away the bone tissue and stops under the periosteum of the upper or lower jaw. This process is accompanied by severe pain and swelling of the cheek on the side of the diseased tooth.

Flux in the gum. If you endure its pain and still put off going to the dentist, the person will begin to experience unbearable throbbing pain that radiates to the ear, as well as a serious increase in temperature.

Reasons for deletion

There can be many reasons for root removal. But it’s worth saying right away that it’s not always necessary to remove the roots, as many do. In many cases, everything can be treated without removal.

This process, however, is expensive and often painful.

Now let's look at the main reasons for root removal:

  1. Purulent processes that destroy the root. If the tooth can no longer be treated, then it is necessary to remove either the entire root or its upper part (depending on the damage).
  2. Mechanical damage. Often, situations occur when a person’s tooth breaks off. This can happen for many reasons. Often, this is not accompanied by pain, and people walk without part of the tooth. Complications may not appear for several years, depending on the complexity of the injury, immunity and other individual characteristics. But sooner or later this place will give way. Without the necessary protective coating (enamel), the damaged part gradually begins to deteriorate under the influence of various bacteria. If you do not attach importance to this, then over time the root will begin to deteriorate. Subsequently, it will need to be deleted.
  3. Tooth decay. Often, this happens due to non-compliance with daily oral hygiene, education, damage to enamel and many other reasons. As a result, the tooth simply begins to crumble and crumble into small pieces. The problem with this often lies in the root or nerve of the tooth, which simply begins to die, as a result of which nutrients do not reach the tooth.


There are not many ways to remove roots. The patient is not given such a choice either. The choice of removal method is made by a specialist, depending on the complexity, location, as well as a number of other parameters.

Tooth root removal process

Let's consider all the options:

  1. Using forceps. The simplest procedure is when the doctor simply pulls out the root using forceps. It sounds scary, but in fact all this happens under anesthesia and very carefully.
  2. Removal of the roots of the upper and lower jaw. There are special forceps for each jaw. It is worth saying that operations on the lower jaw are an order of magnitude easier.
  3. Removal using straight and angular elevators. The instrument, although it sounds menacing, is not anything scary. There are different types of elevators for different teeth. For example, angular elevators are used for molars, since it is almost impossible to reach them with a straight elevator.


The complexity of the procedure directly depends on the specific case.

The simplest option looks like this:

  • preparing the damaged area;
  • anesthesia;
  • deletion.

If the patient comes in with severe pain and flux, everything can be much more complicated. It is difficult to perform an operation at a time of severe pain, because the procedure, even under anesthesia, will bring pain to the patient. In such cases, they often act differently.

Initially, the pus is cleaned by cutting the gums, and after a few days, when the inflammation subsides, the root is removed.

Stages and cost

Let's take a closer look at all the stages of the procedure.

It is worth saying right away that we will now consider the case when a person does not come with unbearable pain and completely rotten roots:

  1. Preparation and anesthesia. Preparation for surgery can vary from a simple x-ray to filling other teeth or treating other oral diseases. This is followed by anesthesia.
  2. Separation of the gum from the socket. This is done so as not to damage the gum during removal. This will help with faster healing later.
  3. Removal process. On average it takes 15 – 45 minutes (sometimes more).
  4. After the operation, stitches are most often applied, which will need to be removed in about a week.

It is worth saying that removal in different clinics may cost differently. The average price for the entire procedure ranges from 1300 rubles to 1600 rubles. If the operation is serious, then the price can reach up to 3,000 rubles.

A snow-white smile always attracts attention and favors the interlocutor, but rotten teeth only cause disgust.

The most common oral ailment is, which inherently becomes the impetus for the development of the problem.

Failure to maintain oral hygiene causes the spread of pathogenic bacteria that affect several teeth at once. If you do not contact the dentist in a timely manner, they appear and the process of destruction of the enamel begins.

Almost all people have dental problems, but only a small part of the population visits the doctor on time for a preventive examination. Understanding the reason why teeth rot is quite difficult, but it is even more difficult to stop the process.

Decayed teeth become an obstacle to a normal, fulfilling life, because communication with other people is reduced to a minimum.

If pus forms under a tooth and only the root is affected, you should know that the pathology is a sign of a serious disorder in the functioning of the entire organism.

What causes the rotting process... or who?

There are several reasons why a tooth can begin to fester, and often the culprit is the person himself:

Other diseases and problems can provoke the development of tooth decay:

  1. Damage to periodontal tissues contribute to the occurrence of dental problems. These are also more severe diseases that negatively affect tooth enamel.
  2. Often the cause is infections, liver disease, digestive system and poor thyroid function.
  3. Formation near the roots in the gum in the form affects not only adjacent tissues, but also teeth. The swelling has dense walls; without treatment, pus accumulates in the tooth.
  4. Lack of minerals provokes the occurrence of dental diseases.

Who is particularly at risk?

Regardless of the condition of the oral cavity, most patients do not even suspect that they are at risk of getting rotten, rotten teeth:

  • unfavorable environmental conditions, lack of fluoride and dirty air negatively affects the health of teeth and the whole body;
  • hereditary predisposition often becomes a provoking factor in the appearance of pathology;
  • during puberty, pregnancy and breastfeeding the hormonal system fails, this is reflected in the general condition of the teeth.

Associated symptoms

Signs of the disease depend on the severity of the disease:

Sometimes teeth rot from the inside, from the root; in this case, the tooth may fall out on its own or need to be removed from the root. With the development of pathology from the coronal area, there is no pain due to the death of the nerve, but the decay spreads further.

In advanced cases, the dentition becomes crooked, the white color changes to brownish-yellow, and the enamel becomes covered with black spots. As a result of all the above symptoms, a person develops a complex and, on top of everything else, psychological problems are added.

How to restore health and beauty to your teeth?

If the tooth is already rotting and is visible on the gum, then the first thing you need to do is get rid of the source of infection. The source of inflammation is removed by the dentist by cleaning dental plaque and filling the root canals.

Application of conservative techniques

The essence of the procedure is to expand the canals and drill out caries. After treatment with dental instruments, pus is drained from the affected area.

After this, the doctor carries out therapy using antibacterial agents and antiseptics. If it is not possible to completely clear the lesion of pus, then a small incision is made on the gum. After removal of purulent residues and caries, the canals are filled with medicinal material. At the last stage of dental treatment, a filling is placed.

What to do if your teeth are rotting and no medications or procedures help? Then the surgeon will come to the rescue.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment is required after canal filling, but only if the procedure was unsatisfactory, especially near the top of the root. In this case, tooth decay often resumes, but this can be cured by resection of the root tip.

The procedure involves scraping pus from the gums after cutting off the affected area of ​​the root with a drill.

The operation can be done only after the inflammation has been eliminated, that is, after the internal pus has been eliminated and antibacterial therapy has been administered. It takes from 40 minutes to an hour.

To avoid the need for surgical methods, you should contact your dentist if you suspect the development of caries.

People who are predisposed to the formation of plaque and other diseases need to carefully carry out oral hygiene procedures and monitor the functioning of the digestive tract and immune system.

How to prevent tooth decay?

Proper oral care will help prevent pus from forming in your teeth.

After all, it is much easier to devote time to preventive measures than to later become a regular patient of the dentist:

Bacterial attack throughout the body

Tooth decay is negative, because in addition to the destruction of enamel and root canals, bacteria enter the body and cause many diseases. Only a dentist can prevent this process.

Rotten teeth in the oral cavity have an extremely negative impact on human health - the consequences for the body can be very serious:

It has been proven that if a woman has caries during pregnancy, then there is a risk of it appearing in the unborn child.

Beautiful and snow-white teeth are evidence of proper oral care. The process of decay repels others, because it makes an unpleasant impression. This problem is not only physical, but also psychological.

If you do not contact your dentist in a timely manner, the consequences can be serious for the entire body. Prevention and proper oral hygiene will help protect a person from pathology.

The roots of the tooth are very vulnerable. Inside them there is a sensitive bundle of nerve endings and blood vessels: any disease affecting the roots? leads to unpleasant sensations, increased sensitivity, spread of infection, exacerbation of chronic diseases, and deterioration of general well-being. All this is a good reason why the removal of a rotten tooth root should be carried out shortly after the problem is discovered.

Why do the roots rot?

Dentists will identify several diagnoses that are characterized by the formation of pus. Do not forget that diseases also do not arise just like that, so they can rather be considered a consequence than a root cause. The causes of any oral diseases are poor hygiene, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and microelements, and bad habits. It is very important to always take care of your health, then no dental diseases will bother you.


This is the name for severe inflammation of the pulp - the nerve and blood endings of the tooth, which we talked about earlier. In most cases, this disease occurs after a violation of the integrity of the crown, for example, during the treatment of caries or the same pulp. If you do not carefully treat the entire surface of the soft tissue, it may become infected, which will develop even after the installation of a filling or ceramic inlay. The nerve of the tooth will become inflamed, and the root will literally rot from the inside. Purulent pulpitis is the most acute stage of the disease, in which removal of the rotten tooth root is inevitable.

Toxic effects

An incorrectly selected filling, or more precisely, its material, can also cause tooth decay. The most dangerous material for a filling is plastic. It has a toxic effect, which is generally safe for humans, but given that the filling is located in close proximity to blood vessels, the harm from such material increases significantly. Of course, plastic looks very good and ranks third among all materials in terms of strength, but all these qualities are not worth the possible consequences.


Often, if not treated in a timely manner, pulpitis can develop into a more serious form - periodontitis. This disease affects not only the tooth itself, but also the gums.
The disease is characterized by disruption of the ligaments between the tooth and its socket. The root begins to loosen, cavities form around it, which become a medium for the development of infections. Inflammatory and purulent processes occur.
With this disease, especially in its acute form, there is extremely little chance of preserving the crown and root. If the source of the problem is not removed in time, the infection can spread throughout the body and lead to irreparable consequences.


When an infection gets into the gum and pulp area, an inflammatory process inevitably occurs, which most patients may not even notice. Soon such an infection leads to the formation of a cavity with pus.
Modern developments in dentistry make it possible to cure such a disease without affecting the tooth itself, for example, using a laser, however, for the treatment to be effective, it must be carried out on time. This is not always possible, because, as a rule, patients turn to a specialist at the very last moment, when they can no longer endure the pain.
Sometimes people even come to a specialist only after their tooth falls out. The cyst grows all the time and destroys the connective ligaments near the tooth, all the while causing pain to the patient. Soon the affected tissue reaches such an area that the tooth root will no longer be secured by anything.

In fact, in this case, it is not the root itself that rots, but the space around it.

Is it possible to save a crown by removing the root?

The myth that you can remove the roots without affecting the outside stems from misunderstandings about certain dental procedures. Indeed, the root and crown can be removed at different times, but only in this order - first the crown and only then the root.
There is no separate operation to remove the inner part while preserving the outer part: it will be too risky, because for the sake of the root alone, the surgeon will have to cut off the gum and drill through the bone tissue. Due to the high sensitivity of the gums, the operation can only be performed under anesthesia.
Preserving the crown of a tooth in this way does not justify itself, because it would be much easier to completely remove the tooth and use one of the many types of prosthetics, fortunately today it has developed so much that anyone can choose a crown or bridge that is affordable.
Moreover, a crown without a root will no longer be a full-fledged tooth. Without nerve endings, it will quickly dry out and darken. Any physical injury will become critical for her.
Removing the crown of a tooth without roots, on the contrary, is possible, and some dentists, especially those who specialize in prosthetics, even insist on such a measure. Preserved tooth roots will allow you to install removable overdentures, which in all respects are ahead of any other type of false teeth. This prospect may not seem very interesting to young people, but a couple of decades will pass and they will change their minds, but for now, the “emptiness” in the dentition can be closed with a bridge.

Is it painful to remove a rotten root?

Removing a single root, especially if it is rotting, is much more difficult than simply removing a tooth, because first you need to clear the path to it, then cut off a little soft tissue, separate the root from the hole and pull it out with forceps, process and sew up the hole.
During the operation, the dentist will constantly touch soft tissues and nerve endings, so patients are often even more afraid than removing an entire tooth, because everything is much simpler there.
In fact, the patient will not feel the difference between removing a root or tooth or even installing a filling, because today almost any dental intervention is performed under anesthesia. For the especially impressionable, dental treatment under anesthesia is even available. Therefore, to the question of whether it hurts, you can definitely answer “No.”

How is the removal done?

The operation can be divided into several stages:
1) The patient is given an anesthetic injection in the cheek or gum area. After this, you need to wait a few minutes for the anesthetic to take effect.
2) If the crown and the root itself are intact, the operation is similar to a standard tooth extraction.
3) If the crown of a tooth has previously been removed, most likely soft tissue has grown around the top of the root and is covering it. In this case, part of the gum is cut.
4) The apex of the root is lifted with an elevator - a special tool in the shape of a thin blade. This is done to make it easier to remove the root from the hole.

5) The root is grabbed with forceps and pulled out of the hole.
6) The wound is disinfected and sutured. In some cases, implantation can be performed immediately.
7) A few weeks after the operation, the sutures are examined and removed.

What happens if you save a rotten root?

Even though the operation itself is very simple, there are still a lot of people who will be against it. We have already explained the reasons why it is advisable to preserve the roots of teeth, but all of them are crossed out if they rot. During this irreversible process, connective tissue and pulp cells are destroyed. The root will no longer stay in the hole, even if all the damaged tissue is removed, so there is absolutely no point in preserving the rotten root.
In most cases, it can even lead to the development of a host of new diseases, most of which are extremely dangerous for general health.

How much does removal cost?

In terms of complexity, root removal surgery is not much different from tooth extraction, which is why the prices are the same - from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. There are clinics where this service will cost more and even those where the roots will be removed for a more reasonable price. It all depends on the specific region. Sometimes the price includes anesthesia, consultation with an anesthesiologist and tests. Then the price of the service can increase to 5,000, or even 10,000 rubles.
If you wish, you can independently decide which services you need and pay only for those that you used: for local anesthesia 200-300, for anesthesia - 3500-4500, for a specialist consultation - from 500, for tests - 400-500, for removal of stitches - 300-400 rubles.