Alarm clock that will be in the correct sleep phase. App Store Smart alarm clock: sleep phases and noise recording

To feel rested, It is important not only to sleep the required number of hours, but alsowake upat the right time. Sleep Cycle app - a smart alarm clock that will wake you upthe best moment to wake up.

A small educational program about sleep phases

During sleep, a person goes through five phases.

The first phase is light, and a person sometimes does not even realize that he was sleeping if he is woken up during this period of sleep.

During the second phase, restoration of strength begins. Upon waking up, a person feels more alert.

The third and fourth phases are characteristic of deep sleep. At this time, the immune system and the brain's ability to process and remember information are restored. If you wake up during this period, you will not think well for some time and feel “broken.” This condition can last for the whole day.

After the third and fourth phases, the brain returns to the second and then moves into the fifth. The fifth phase is called the rapid eye movement phase. At this time, the brain processes the information received during the day and strengthens memory. High-quality and complete REM sleep improves learning and the growth of neural connections.

The sequence of all five phases is called a cycle and lasts 90–100 minutes. To get a good night's sleep, you need at least four cycles, preferably five to six. And in order for the rise to be painless and to feel cheerful, you need to wake up in the REM sleep phase. The Sleep Cycle smart alarm clock will help us with the second task.

How to use Sleep Cycle

There is nothing complicated about using Sleep Cycle. First, set your alarm for the time you need to get up and check off the following sleep notes:

Launching the Sleep Cycle smart alarm clock

Once launched, the screen will show the current time and time range for the alarm. In this range, the alarm clock is ready to wake you up and will do so as soon as you enter the REM sleep phase.

Start and stop alarms in Sleep Cycle

After the alarm stops, the application will ask about your mood and measure your pulse if you have specified this in the settings:

By recording mood and heart rate, you can analyze their dependence on sleep quality and vice versa

Now you can see last night's statistics or general trends. The trends show the average score of the user and his country of residence, and also provides statistics on which country in the world has the highest and which has the lowest:

One night statistics and general trends

The general trends include the following indicators:

  • sleep quality;
  • onset of sleep;
  • time in bed;
  • rise;
  • snore;
  • improved sleep;
  • poor sleep;
  • sleep quality influenced by atmospheric pressure;
  • sleep quality influenced by the phases of the moon;
  • quality of sleep and activity in steps;
  • pulse;
  • sleep quality and day of the week;
  • time in bed by day of the week;
  • general statistics.

General Statistics for the Trends Screen

Sleep Cycle Settings

I'll tell you about the settings that help you fall asleep, improve your sleep quality and wake up feeling good.

Basic and advanced Sleep Cycle settings

"Sound" and "Vibration". This is the way to awaken. When there are other people in the bedroom who wake up later than you, vibration instead of melody is perfect. The set of sounds is large, but you can set your own melody. In the past, I played the soundtrack from the movie “Mission: Impossible”: it helped me wake up in a good and fighting mood.

"Repeat". You can disable the alarm repeat and get up on the first ring, or you can set the alarm to repeat at certain intervals from one to 20 minutes. If you set Smart Snooze, the app will automatically adjust each alarm so that you can easily wake up.

"Period of Awakening"- the length of time before the set alarm that Sleep Cycle is ready to wake you up if you enter REM sleep. You can set it for a period of time from 10 to 90 minutes. If you turn off the wake-up period, Sleep Cycle turns into an ordinary alarm clock that only analyzes your sleep.

"Motion Detection". This setting point and method of reading sleep phases sets Sleep Cycle apart from other smart alarm clocks and leaves the competition far behind. There is a common method where you place your phone near your pillow and the app detects your sleep stages based on how the phone's position changes due to your movements. This method has two disadvantages. Firstly, there is a danger of throwing your phone on the floor in your sleep. Secondly, unless you are alone in bed, motion detection will be inaccurate. But if you set motion detection using the microphone, you can put the phone on the bedside table or even on the floor. This way there is no risk of breaking the device, and the application only records your movements. This method is patented, so it will not appear in other applications any time soon.

Two ways to detect motion

"Sleep Aid". Soothing sounds to help you fall asleep. Select sound and duration:

Timing and soothing melody

These are the main features and settings that directly relate to the task of the application - to help you wake up at the right time and the REM phase of sleep, so that waking up is easy and you don’t feel overwhelmed. But you shouldn’t hope that with the help of the application you will be able to get rid of the problems of lack of sleep, heavy dinner, drinking coffee or alcohol. Sleep Cycle has a good effect on the quality of awakening. He can only analyze and record the quality of sleep; he is unable to influence it. This is already your responsibility.

The main function of a fitness bracelet with sleep monitoring is to determine its phase and provide an audio or vibration signal to wake you up at the optimal time. The principle of operation of the device is based on the ability of sensitive sensors to respond to the movements and sounds of the user during sleep, which goes through several stages: deep and active. During the deep phase, the brain “rests,” but during the active phase it continues to work—at this time, the user can wake up and toss and turn. It has been scientifically proven that awakening into the active stage is easier, and a person feels more alert.

The body of a fitness bracelet with sleep tracking can be made of metal, more often aluminum, or plastic. The gadget is worn on the wrist and secured with an adjustable length strap made of silicone, rubber or leather. Many device models have an AMOLED, OLED, E-ink display, on which measurement results are displayed. The bracelets are compatible with mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) running on the Android, IOS, and Windows Phone platforms.

Fitness bracelets, in addition to sleep tracking, also perform other functions. When paired with a phone, they can send the user notifications about incoming and missed calls, as well as email and social media messages. Accessories may have sensors for mood, physical activity, atmospheric pressure, and a gyroscope. Almost all models are equipped with a pedometer, heart rate monitor, and thermometer. The devices operate on their own battery, the charge of which is enough for an average of 168 hours of continuous activity.

Where to buy a sleep monitoring bracelet?

Fitness bracelets with sleep phase tracking can be purchased at an affordable price in the Eldorado online store. Purchases are available online through the personal account of a registered user. Delivery is carried out in Moscow and other cities of Russia - to the door or to a pick-up point.

Sleep trackers, sleep tracker - a device (or a special application for Android) that determines the phases of slow (or deep) and fast (or paradoxical) sleep, measures the heartbeat and motor activity of a sleeping person, and, based on these data, gives a command to wake up - at the moment when a person is most rested.

These devices can rightfully be called “sleep guardians” and, by and large, the guardians of our mental health. For what is a sleep-deprived person, and even more so when this condition has become chronic? A twitchy, irritable individual with a dull look, who is disliked by those around him and the whole wide world to boot. And the pace of modern life is often such that maintaining oneself in the hierarchical “cage”, the ability to keep the pace is often accompanied by a lack of time for proper rest, an important component of which is sound, healthy sleep.

The benefits of a device for measuring sleep phases

To better understand the benefits of the gadget, you need to understand the physiological mechanism of the processes occurring in our brain during sleep. And in general, in a state when processes occur in the body that contribute to the restoration of strength.

Sleep should be considered as an alternation of phases of rapid and slow sleep. Physical rest depends on the duration of slow, deep sleep; only during this phase of sleep do the volumes of lactic acid accumulated during the day burn in the muscles. But a person feels physical fatigue precisely when this acid has accumulated in the muscles.

In the fast phase, the psychological oppression from the events preceding the time when the person went to rest is removed. It is this phase that is characterized by dreams, in which the psychological stress accumulated the day before spills out.

How does a sleep tracker work?

Alternating the phases of fast and slow sleep allows you to relieve both physical and psychological fatigue. Trackers, these smart bracelets for sleep, worn on the wrist with its active points, allow you to use a heart rate monitor to track changes in the rhythm of the heartbeat and electrical conductivity of the skin, capture microdoses of sweating, and the accelerometer will record in memory all unnecessary, fussy movements characteristic of REM sleep phases . And a special voice recording program will record all the sounds made in a dream and analyze their frequency, volume, and quality.

The natural awakening of a person is always associated with REM sleep: it is this state that allows you to “emerge” from dreams without damage to the psyche. If a person is forcibly awakened when he is in the phase of slow, deep sleep, the entire night's rest goes down the drain.

One of the tasks of sleep trackers is precisely to turn on an alarm clock during the shallow, REM sleep phase. The device can be programmed to wake up in this phase “plus or minus” a few minutes to get exactly into the REM sleep phase so that awakening is easy and pleasant, and the person gets out of bed as rested as possible.

So - a smart alarm clock

To keep yourself in the best shape, to fully restore your strength as a result of sleep, the most popular option would be a “smart alarm clock”.

This option can either be present among the gadget’s programs (and be reflected on its screen) or exist as a mobile application with a smartphone synchronized with the device.

Let’s first consider the contactless “Big Three” most preferred devices for 2018.

Runtastic Sleep Better

An application installed on a smartphone. In addition to the “smart alarm clock” function, which will wake you up gently, like your mother in childhood, and not like a sergeant in a training unit screaming “Wake up!”, the application will track the consequences of coffee or alcohol taken the day before, give recommendations on how not to do this and help create a table sleep by the hour in accordance with the lunar calendar. A pleasant bonus for those who are upset that the memory of a dream they just had melts like snow in the sun is the “Dream Diary” program.

The device is able to track the most useful information regarding the duration of deep sleep, with measurements at this time of breathing rate and possible motor activity - which is evidence of sleep problems. Indeed, in this phase, sleep should be the most restful during the entire period of this passive rest.

Sleep As Android

Have you often felt the temptation to “shut up” the alarm melody in order to sleep “just a little more”? Do you think this number will work with Sleep As Android? Nope! To turn off the bell, you will have to either solve a simple mathematical problem, or take a close-up photo of a special QR code, which (what a shame!) you, when you were alert and sane, attached it away from the bed. Or the application will require you to control a dozen sheep running across the screen. Only after this the bell will mercifully fall silent.

Among the sleep sensors: a sensitive accelerometer will record all rotations, tossing and turning into the pillow during sleep, and an equally sensitive voice recorder will record both the slightest sigh and a powerful single snore. Not to mention the routine of constant snoring - in order to then shame the person making these non-musical sounds after waking up.

Sleep Cycle

It remains among the most popular, especially among lovers and connoisseurs of saving money in everything: after all, the cost of a downloaded application is only $1. The application can differentiate night sounds well, distinguishing not only the rumbling of a garbage truck outside the window in the early morning from the demanding purring of a cat, but will also track the reaction of sleepy hearing to these two different stimuli. A dream diary (except perhaps without their interpretation, but this option can be downloaded separately), the influence of what was eaten and drunk the day before, involuntary reactions to external stimuli during sleep - that is, everything is the same as in the twin models. Except that it doesn’t take into account the phases of the moon, like theirs.

But it will help to create a table of sleep by hour and its value in each specific period of time.

However, the “Big Three” have a significant drawback: if your wife/girlfriend/lover is next to you, the devices will begin to take into account their readings too! Or, at the very least, an extraneous biofield will cause confusion in the measurements taken during sleep. What a woman! A cat crawling under your side will also contribute to the tracker’s readings. So these gadgets are for “lone wolves”. Well, or for those who locked the cat in the bathroom, and survived to sleep on the bedside rug (by the way, show me this daredevil?)

Only smart watches or fitness bracelets that are worn on the wrist and take into account only the purely physiological data of the wearer are free from these defects.

Do you know what a polysomnograph is? This is such a rather complex medical device for tracking the phases of fast and slow sleep, recording all its parameters in the form of motor activity, sounds made, breathing, heart rate, sweating and even intestinal activity during sleep. Now imagine that you put the same device, only ten times smaller, on your wrist? Then buy: a smartwatch is at your service

Fitbit Ionic

By detailing and monitoring sleep, dividing it not into two, but into three phases - deep, light and REM sleep, which gives us dreams, this smart watch will track

  • noise level,
  • illumination
  • heart rhythms and breathing that have already become traditional.

The alarm clock here is also “smart” - without which this smart watch could not claim to be a full-fledged sleep fitness bracelet.

The undoubted advantages of the device include the ability to work without recharging for four days and communication with one of the most advanced user bases. It's all about comparison, and the Fitbit Ionic gives you that ability by asking you to compare your sleep quality with the sleep quality of other people in your age group and gender.

Fitbit will help you optimize your sleep time by gently reminding you that it's time to stop staring at the TV and go to bed. It will also calculate the optimal time for going to bed in accordance with your work schedule and future tasks. To do this, monitoring your nightly sleep will help.


Vibrating at the right moment is a useful option for those who suffer from sleep apnea. And such people will reach up to 8% of the planet’s population. Apnone is a cessation of breathing in a sleepy state. With age, it can become not only critical (especially if a person lives alone and there is no one to wake him up after he stops breathing in and out in the silence of the night), but also deadly!

Xiaomi Mi Band 2

Last in the review, but first in sales. And not only because this fitness bracelet is obscenely cheap, but also because its menu contains all the full-fledged functions inherent in expensive gadgets:

  1. sleep phase recognition
  2. accelerometer
  3. heart rate monitor
  4. pedometer – with the ability to convert steps to kilometers
  5. calculates calories spent on physical activity

If we also take into account that the weight of the model (only 7 g) and its complete imperceptibility on the hand with its soft, adjustable silicone strap, we have an almost perfect machine, synchronized via Bluetooth with applications on a smartphone.

Unlike previous and very cheap Xiaomi models, this one has already acquired a simple but quite informative shockproof display.

But today we will talk about a very unusual application of this kind, which is a real harvester that can quietly send a person to the “kingdom of Morpheus” and gently pick up a person from there, that is, wake him up. Yes, yes, Smart alarm clock or Smart Alarm uses the well-known principle of waking up when a person is in the light sleep phase, that is, the application is able to track these very phases. It’s just that people usually have a very skeptical attitude towards such decisions, as was the case with the author until recently. But the hero of the review was able, if not to surprise, then at least not to disappoint. Well, let's start an overnight experiment and see what happens.

It is worth noting that the “Smart Alarm Clock” website is already on the pages, but that was almost two years ago, and the story was told on behalf of the developer, who clearly would not scold his product. In addition, since then the application has been seriously updated several times and it has acquired separate version for iPad[iTunes link]. Although there was an ambiguous moment in the form of In-App and a mass of paid offers totaling more than $20 (alarm modes, statistics, graphs and melodies), the program successfully got rid of this scourge. Now, having paid 66 rubles, a person receives all Smart Alarm capabilities without any additional payments in the future.

Also, I used the older version of Smart Alarm for a while in 2011 (inspired by the idea of ​​sleeping less but feeling good) and wasn't particularly impressed with the program for a few reasons. Firstly, it was very power hungry and without an external power source it could easily bring the phone to zero. Secondly, somehow the sleep phases were tracked very poorly, and out of half a dozen times the program successfully did this only a couple. Moreover, I tested it in different conditions, set everything up according to the instructions, etc. In general, I ended up working with it for a while as a regular alarm clock (I really liked one of the wake-up melodies), and then gave up altogether. But after almost two years, the experience of using the Smart Alarm Clock turned out to be much better.

First, a little theory. Human sleep is cyclical and consists of phases of deep sleep and light sleep. The main recovery processes occur in the first case, in the second the body tests its internal systems and also rests. It is important that it is in the light sleep phase that a person is closest to waking up; he tosses and turns, his eyeballs move, he may even mutter something, and the process of getting up at this time is the easiest and most pleasant for the body.

By the way, it is very easy for men to understand that they woke up in the light sleep phase due to, excuse me, sexual arousal. Ready for exploits in bed - that means everything is ok, you woke up at the right time. As I mentioned above, the body checks all systems in this phase, including the sexual one, which is expressed in that same arousal.

Despite the mass of functions, “Smart Alarm Clock” is very easy to use, and the brief instructions that appear upon first launch quickly dot the i’s. More details about the operation of the application can be found in the section " Help" in the menu " Settings».

So, using the usual wheels, we set the alarm time and use the arrows on the top control panel to set its mode. For the experiment I chose " Full"when sleep phases are monitored, sounds are recorded(a useful feature to find out about possible distractions or what was happening at night) and waking up does not occur at a precisely set time, but within half an hour before it at the moment of light sleep. In addition, you can strictly set a wake-up time, but leave all monitoring tools active, or, conversely, wake up at the optimal time and not engage in surveillance. It is possible to track the quality of sleep without activating the alarm, or to assign the necessary options yourself. Everything is done in a couple of clicks - it’s convenient.

Among the interesting features I would like to note large set of melodies(more than 150) for falling asleep and waking up, including so-called binaural beats (in theory, these are sounds that influence brain waves in a certain way and allow you to achieve the desired psychological effect).

I also liked the presence weather forecast, which can be called up with one click on the corresponding icon when the alarm is activated (the location is determined automatically).

Well, now the most interesting thing - direct alarm testing. For this, I even sacrificed a couple of extra hours of sleep in order to understand from basic sensations whether the theory of waking up in the REM sleep phase worked? In the past, somehow this was not very noticeable.

Before launching the full mode with all monitoring systems, it was necessary to test the device and its reaction to the movements of the sleepy body. The test must be carried out before each launch to be sure that everything will work as it should:

My wife and I sleep on a fairly hard folding sofa (the base is foam rubber, as I understand it), so there are no problems with the device triggering the movements of our beloved. I placed the phone connected to a portable battery just above shoulder level to my left, moved, heard confirmation sounds that the phone was detecting my movements, and set the alarm.

The night passed quickly, the alarm went off, I didn’t really want to get up, so I clicked the button a couple of times. Later"to put off the signal and lie around for a few more minutes. However, I noticed the fact that the program actually woke me up in the REM sleep phase (I felt obvious excitement, which I wrote about above). Well, it's time to get up:

I slept quite a bit, but I got up easily, my head didn’t buzz or feel dizzy, and now, when I write these lines, I feel good, I don’t feel sleepy. For the purity of the experiment, I did not drink coffee, although I took the usual cocktail of 100 g of oatmeal, raisins, ground in a blender and soaked in milk, plus 30 grams of protein. They say that oatmeal invigorates you in the morning just as much as coffee. There is something in this, but don’t expect a miracle - a strong black drink still works better.

The most important thing is that the “Smart Alarm Clock” really tracked my sleep phases and woke me up on time (15 minutes before the set time, but I then dozed for 10 minutes) in a light phase. Naturally, all the necessary statistics were collected:

In addition, I was surprised by the fairly economical battery consumption. I expected that half of the external battery would definitely go out (this happened with the old version), but none of the four indicator LEDs went out. The application worked for about five hours, but the result was still very good. At a minimum, the phone will not be completely discharged if you decide to use the “Smart Alarm Clock” without a connected external power source. Although it is advisable to recharge the device first.

I suggest watching the video review below to see how the application works live:

A fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor and a smart alarm clock helps the wearer choose the time when waking up during sleep will be most favorable.

How does a smart alarm clock work?

A standard alarm clock is designed to wake up a person. But the disadvantage of such alarm clocks is the abrupt interruption of sleep, no matter what phase the sleeping person is in.

A sudden interruption from the sleep phase will result in negative consequences such as fatigue, drowsiness, dissatisfaction, etc.

The gadget has special sensors that are always active. They determine a person’s vital signs, as well as what phase of sleep he is in at a certain moment. The established program in the fitness bracelet selects a time period when waking up will not have a negative impact on the health and sleep of the wearer.

The functionality of a fitness tracker with a smart alarm clock will allow you to wake up well-rested and charged with a good mood for the whole day. Finding a watch with vibration is now easy. There are many companies in the technology market that produce similar gadgets with different designs and price categories. Most of them have built-in sleep tracking.

How a sleep tracker can improve your sleep quality

Most gadgets with smart alarm clocks have a built-in heart rate monitor. This function allows you to determine online the sleep phase in which the wearer is located.

Another advantage of fitness bracelets is the built-in motion sensor, which allows you to determine what state a person is in: awake or sleeping. The device can also determine the level of oxygen in the blood to maintain the normal state of a person if he is sick with something and depends on the oxygen level indicator.

Every day, a fitness tracker with a smart alarm clock monitors the time that will be most optimal for waking up. The device may work a little earlier, but will make you feel alert and energized all day.

The gadget can be synchronized with a mobile device and find out the quality of sleep. This makes it possible to determine the optimal time to go to bed and identify the reasons why sleep is disturbed. These reasons could be drinking coffee, physical activity, etc.

One of the additional advantages is the gradually increasing vibration of the gadget, which does not make a sound, thus will not disturb the sleep of the person nearby.

What models of fitness bracelets with smart alarms are there?

Xiaomi MiBand

Fitness bracelets from this Xiaomi line can be purchased at a low price. The company has not been on the market for long compared to other brands, but has already managed to establish itself well.

The first Xiaomi watch was released back in 2014 and was liked by many customers. A distinctive feature is the inexpensive cost of bracelets, which ranges from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles. Currently, gadgets with modifications 1A and 1S are sold on the market. The advantages of models from a young brand are the high-quality material of the strap and the versatility of the device. One of the popular Xiaomi models is the Xiaomi MiBand 2, but there is a drawback, which is the lack of a smart alarm clock. Xiaomi MiBand 1S Pulse is the currently recommended model.


  • Ease. The watch weighs 5.5 grams;
  • The body is made of metal;
  • Notification notifications in the form of a light indicator and vibration;
  • Device dimensions: 37.9 by 13.76 by 9.9 millimeters;
  • Synchronization with Android operating system 4.3+, 7.0+;
  • Battery capacity 45 mAh. The device can operate for about two weeks. You can fully charge the gadget in 2 hours;
  • Waterproof;
  • The device has a built-in bracelet search, which can be used to find a lost gadget;
  • Price. You can purchase the device for 1,500 - 2,000 rubles.

Conclusion: the price of the Xiaomi MiBand 1S Pulse model is relatively inexpensive and combines many functions that always work reliably . One of the shortcomings of the watch is the malfunction of the pedometer, which can detect fast walking as running.

Jawbone U.P.

It occupies not the last place in the world market and is also in demand. The gadget was introduced in 2012 and during this time the developers tried to improve the software. The watch also has a rich list of applications with which you can synchronize the bracelet. However, the downside of Jawbone UP is its stagnant functionality. Since 2012, competitors have released more innovative gadgets with lower price tags.

After 4 years, the brand released a line of new fitness bracelets UP2. The list includes 8 models that differ in their price range from $30 to $120.

Characteristics of the younger modification:

  • Weight is 25 grams;
  • Dimensions: 11.5 by 3 by 8.5 millimeters. You can also change the length of the strap from 140 to 190 millimeters;
  • Compatible with Android 4.3+, 7.0+;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • The battery capacity is 38 mAh. The operating time is about a week, and the device can be fully charged in 1.5 hours;
  • Built-in accelerometer and heart rate monitor;
  • Presence of vibration and LED.

The advantages of this model are a good fit on the hand and compatibility with a large number of applications.

The disadvantages of the model include incorrect operation without synchronization with the phone and an inflated price.

Conclusion: suitable for those who prefer and love this brand.

Fitbit Flex

The gadget is an ideal option for those who do not want to spend a lot of money on a smart bracelet. Fitbit has released several lines of watches, but the most prominent is the Fitbit Flex.

Model characteristics:

  • Device weight 10 grams;
  • Dimensions including the strap are 150 by 12 mm;
  • The operating time of the device is about 5 days;
  • Availability of LED;
  • Compatible with Android 4.0+, 7.0+;
  • Basic moisture protection.

The disadvantages of this device are the lack of multifunctionality and synchronization with other services. There is also no alarm clock.

The advantage of the model is the price, which varies around $25.

Conclusion: suitable for those people who only need basic functions from a smartwatch.

Other models from famous brands:

Sony Smartband. The watch has a smart alarm clock and good functionality. However, the price is approximately $130.

Popular SmartBand Intelligent. The watch has a built-in microphone, heart rate monitor and accelerometer. The devices have built-in software, so there is no function to synchronize with other applications. The price is about 40 dollars.

Nike FuelBand SE. Visually, the watch is made in a sporty style. The gadget has strong vibration and has push-button controls. The strap is made from high quality material. However, the model has a minus. As buyers note, the watch can work during the slow-wave sleep phase.