First aid kit what to take with you on vacation. First aid kit for a trip to Europe and prohibited drugs

Summer, vacation, relaxation is always a holiday. Don't you want it to be overshadowed by annoying little things? There is a solution - plan your trip and prepare a travel first aid kit in advance!

Some, of course, will blithely wave their hand, while others will stock up on pills - a medicine for every trouble. Both are extremes. Away from home, on the road, a reasonable approach is more relevant than ever.

A minimum of medications is vital!

  • In remote paradises there are often no pharmacy kiosks.
  • In many countries, even banal aspirin cannot be purchased without a doctor's prescription.
  • The situation may turn out to be such that you cannot find a medicine that is well known to you: it may not be on sale or have a completely different name.


  • A first aid kit is assembled according to the climate and season (most often based on a home first aid kit).
  • People with chronic diseases should stock up on medications that they take regularly, preferably for future use in case of loss.
  • When on a family vacation, your first aid kit should include children's medications (including anti-motion sickness drugs - DRAMINE, SIEL).
  • As a rule, traveling is without illness, but just in case you need to be prepared for possible problems. To make your travel first aid kit as light as possible, carefully select medications based on the nature of their action.


To reduce pain and the risk of colds, quickly adapt to a new place, improve digestion, prevent “venous problems” when sitting for many hours on a bus or plane, for accelerated healing of wounds, for bruises and sprains - WOBENZYM (a complex drug of 5 actions).

In case of headache, toothache and as antipyretics - PENTALGIN, NUROFEN ULTRACAP, NIMULID LD (lingual tablets that do not need to be washed down with water). For children: PANADOL syrup, NUROFEN suspension, PARACETAMOL, CEFECON D (as an antipyretic and a remedy for headaches, toothaches, pain from injuries, burns and muscle pain).


For sore throat for adults and children - BIOPAROX, HEXORAL, SEPTOLETE NEO (lemon, cherry, apple lozenges).
For a runny nose - drops TIZIN, XYMELIN.
To relieve cold symptoms - powders THERAFLUE EXTRATAB, FERVEX.
For otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear) for children and adults - OTIPAX.
For children - GERBION (for cough), AGRI / ANTIGRIPPIN (to eliminate symptoms of acute respiratory infections and colds), CEFEKON D (antipyretic).


In case of poisoning - adsorbents SMEKTA, FILTRUM-STI.
Gastrointestinal tract disorders from changes in water and unusual food - LOPERAMIDE (a couple of capsules), IMODIUM.
Other remedies for traveler's diarrhea - HILAC, BAKTISUPTIL; in emergency cases - ENTEROL (infectious diarrhea).
For dysbacteriosis - LINEX, BIFIFORM.
For spasms in the intestines, in the liver, kidneys, and for painful menstruation - NO-SPA (drotaverine).
For heartburn - GAVISCON (heartburn, sour belching), RENNY.
After abuse of coffee, alcohol, nicotine - MAALOX.
To normalize digestion - MEZIM FORTE (eliminates heaviness in the stomach when overeating), CREON, ESPUMIZAN (eliminates colic and bloating).
For children - ENTEROL (for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis and diarrhea).


An allergic reaction can occur even in those people who do not suffer from allergies - during their stay in a new area. Just in case, prepare one of the antihistamines - FENISTIL (drops, gel), CLARITIN syrup, TELFAST tablets, ZIRTEK (drops, tablets), KESTIN.
The same remedies will prevent troubles after insect bites (wasps, bees).
For children - ERIUS syrup.


After insect bites - PSILO-BALM (including for burns from plants), FENISTIL gel.
For the treatment of sunburn, abrasions, scratches for children and adults - PANTHENOL D ointment or cream; as an option for the treatment of burns of any origin - BEPANTEN cream, FENISTIL gel, PANTHENOL aerosol, SPASATEL balm, OLAZOL aerosol.
For bruises and bruises - LIOTON, FASTUM gel.
For traveler's syndrome (heaviness and pain in the legs) - LIOTON 1000.
For quick disinfection of hands (without water, soap and napkins!) - SANITEL is an alcohol-based antiseptic gel with vitamin supplements.
For disinfection of skin for wounds, cuts, abrasions, diaper rash, pustular diseases, acne, stomatitis - BETADINE ointment and external solution (antiseptic for external use with a wide spectrum of action).

* In addition to medications, be sure to put glasses and other means of protection against sunburn, a blood pressure monitor, a thermometer, brilliant green, iodine, plasters, and dressings (bandages) in your first aid kit.

Tourists who find themselves in a foreign country are usually overcome by the desire to taste exotic cuisine. This is one of the main causes of indigestion.

If the food is not fresh, then you will have to add one TETRACYCLINE tablet to the LOPERAMIDE. Children under 8 years old should not take tetracycline - NIFUROXAZIDE is suitable for them.

Unusual spicy or fatty foods can cause a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the stomach. Therefore, in the first days of your stay, adhere to this rule: unusual dishes should not make up more than a quarter of the diet. Use enzyme supplements to improve digestion.

When vacationing in Africa, Asia, the Near and Middle East, use water in plastic bottles, including for brushing your teeth and washing your face. This will help avoid intestinal problems.

If you are planning excursions and hiking, prepare comfortable shoes (preferably not new ones to avoid calluses and chafing). Shoes should be closed so that the foot is fixed (flip-flops are not suitable for this purpose).
Do not take unnecessary risks - to avoid inflammation and muscle pain, dislocations, bruises and sprains. Try not to lift weights, abuse active recreation, and especially try yourself in extreme sports for the first time. During sports activities, it would be a good idea to bandage your joints, if this is your “weak spot”.

Everyone knows perfectly well about all their ailments. So make sure they don't bother you while you're on vacation.

Before taking any medicine, be sure to read the package insert and take note of the information about dosage, contraindications and side effects.

Relax wisely and in a great mood! Have a nice holiday!

A cool breeze gently refreshes your face, suitcases are unpacked, and swimsuits are already waiting for a swim in the warm seas. A wonderful picture, isn't it?

But very rarely does it correspond to reality: usually, by the time you go to the beach, your face has already turned red from the scorching sun, your whole body itches from allergies and insect bites, and the temperature makes the onset of nausea seem like an out-of-the-ordinary event.

Unfortunately, this is what a typical vacation for many vacationers looks like: according to statistics, every second traveler experiences a number of typical vacation illnesses. How to deal with holiday troubles? We'll tell you!

Preparing for a trip to the sea

No vacation is complete without careful preparation: you need to look for accommodation, buy plane tickets, warn your neighbors and don’t forget your swimsuit. Unfortunately, most travelers forget about an equally important matter - taking care of their own health.

This problem becomes especially relevant when traveling to other countries: a sophisticated healthcare system, many expensive paid services and the lack of necessary medications in pharmacies can not only ruin a vacation, but also have adverse consequences for vacationers.

Avoid huge financial costs If you have health problems while on vacation, you can get comprehensive medical care in a timely manner by taking out health insurance.

When traveling abroad, insurance is mandatory, but the vacationer can choose the insurance company and the most suitable insurance conditions at his own discretion.

The policy is valid throughout the entire duration of the traveler’s stay on vacation, which means that if an insured event occurs, the vacationer is treated practically free of charge, and then all the funds spent on medical services are returned to him.

Be sure to create your own first aid kit when traveling abroad: pack medications for daily use, preventative medications for various occasions in life and a first aid package, and don’t forget about baby first aid kit for travel.

When traveling abroad, it is important to understand conditions of medical care in a new country, study and carefully consider the algorithm of actions so that unexpected health problems do not take tourists by surprise.

For consultations on vacation You may need the telephone number of the attending physician, the address and telephone number of the Russian Embassy in the holiday country. But even if you have the entire phone book with you, local telecom operators can surprise the tourist: there are often cases when roaming with a Russian SIM card simply refuses to work.

Be sure to check your mobile connection upon arrival, and just in case, you can also purchase a card from a local mobile operator - it is inexpensive, but in an emergency it can be very necessary and useful.

Think about the actions that you will need to take if your mobile connection fails - go to the hotel, ask passers-by for the phone, and so on.

How to pack a vacation first aid kit

First of all, for prescription drugs, you need to take a prescription translated into English so that customs does not have questions that disrupt the harmony of your holiday and contribute to being late for the plane.

Be careful when assembling your own first aid kit: the packaging of medications should be airtight, and the expiration date should not expire a week after arriving home from vacation.

It is advisable to store medications in a tight, airtight container that will not be damaged during transportation and will protect valuable medications from damage.

Essential medicines should be placed at the very lid of the container; the same medications that can be easily taken out in the event of health troubles should be placed at the very bottom.

In addition to drugs, you definitely need to take some other things:

  • syringe;
  • bandages and cotton wool;
  • tourniquet (for bleeding limbs);
  • adhesive plaster;
  • elastic bandages.

These “urgent” things and medicines applications" should always be at hand, at the very edge of the container - in the event of an emergency, you won’t have to look for them for a long time.

Typical traveler illnesses

What pills and medications should I take to the sea?

The first and main risk for a traveler at sea is the hot sun. Get burned in warm regions it is very easy, so without With for burns, we do not recommend going there. You shouldn’t count on the familiar sour cream - in most foreign countries they don’t even know what it is!

"Traveller Poisoning"- the disease is not in the full sense of the word: many vacationers in a new place begin to have a digestive tract disorder .

The reason does not lie at all in poor hygiene and dangerous bacteria - the body does not accept water with an unusual composition. To avoid upset, stock up on activated charcoal, bottled water, and anti-diarrhea medications.

New food, too hot or spicy, can negatively affect the entire gastrointestinal tract - in such cases you cannot do without products that help digestion. Be sure to take medications for alcohol intoxication - local alcoholic drinks may be stronger than you would like.

Hot climates and high humidity can cause headache and even prolonged migraines. A good drug that dilates blood vessels and relieves spasms will help you cope with headaches.

But the heat causes more than just a headache - colds and runny nose her frequent companions, and it will be difficult to manage without cold remedies.

Small scratches and bruises in an unfamiliar environment can easily cause infection of soft tissues: take sterile dressings with you and means to clean the wound.

Serious cases of illness

Before going on vacation, be sure to familiarize yourself with the state of medical care and its conditions in the new country.

If a doctor’s help is urgently needed, the hotel will help you find him: at the reception they will not only take the patient to the hospital, but will also call a doctor to your room.

Do not forget to find out the telephone numbers of the rescue and ambulance services: if necessary, such information will serve a good purpose.

Tell your doctor if you have health insurance and show your policy. In order to be able to reimburse all costs after the provision of medical services, keep checks and receipts: in case of unforeseen situations, they will help you receive payments in full.

List of necessary medications for adults and children

List of medications for the trip to the sea

Before traveling, it is advisable to coordinate and review the list with your personal physician.

  1. From motion sickness in transport: Bonine / Dramamine / Air Sea.
    Various mints and lollipops help relieve the condition.
  2. Antiherpes: acyclovir / zovirax / fenistil pencivir.
  3. Gastrointestinal:
    Heaviness, bloating, gas formation, heartburn: Mezim / Gaviscon / Motilium / Gastal.
    In case of poisoning: rehydron / smecta / ersefuril.
    For diarrhea: imodium / loperamide.
    For adsorption: activated carbon.
    Against colic and pain: no-spa.
  4. Antiallergic: fenistil / zyrtec / suprastin / claritin / telfast.
    Remember that some antiallergy medications slow down your reaction and are incompatible with alcohol.
  5. Anti-colds:
    Antipyretics: paracetamol / panadol / nurofen.
    For nasal congestion: Otrivin / Pinosol / Nazivin.
    For sore throat: Hexoral / Tantum Verde / Ingalipt sprays.
  6. Painkillers: nurofen / pentalgin / tempalgin.
  7. Against bruises and sprains: finalgon / fastum-gel.
  8. Dressings and external antiseptics: bandage / cotton balls / bactericidal patch / hydrogen peroxide / brilliant green in the form of pencils.
  9. For sunburn: high factor sun protection creams / panthenol.
  10. Insect bites: Soventol, fenistil.

First aid kit for traveling with a child

Before traveling, it is advisable to agree and discuss the list with your pediatrician.

  1. When body temperature rises: Nurofen syrup/Efferalgan suppositories/Nurofen suppositories.
  2. When vomiting: motilium / rehydron or humana electrolyte / smecta or enterosgel.
  3. For diarrhea: nifuroxazide or enterol 250 / smecta or enterosgel / rehydron or humana electrolyte.
  4. For an allergic reaction: fenistil/erius syrup.
  5. When bitten by a mosquito: fenistil gel or psilobalm
  6. For sunburn: panthenol.
  7. For ear pain: otizol or otipax / Nazivin or Otrivin (in combination with stuffy nose)
  8. For conjunctevitis: tobrex.
  9. Cotton wool, bandage, adhesive plaster, betadine and brilliant green.

First aid kit for the road - video

We invite you to watch the video and listen to the doctor’s opinion on the topic “Traveller’s First Aid Kit.”

Well, we told everything we knew ourselves. Share your own experience with other travelers in the comments, tell us what you can’t imagine your own vacation without. Have a nice trip!

Don't get sick and take care of your own health!

Summer is approaching and the long-awaited time for vacations. Many are already packing their bags in dreams of an imminent vacation. A swimsuit, glasses, guidebooks - this, of course, you need to take with you, but doctors remind you: during the trip, your health may be at risk. This means, among other things, you need to properly assemble your first aid kit.

When going on vacation, be sure to take all medications that you take on a regular basis. If you are going on vacation with your children, visit a pediatrician who will recommend you a list of necessary medications taking into account the health characteristics of your children, explains Ruman Shuldeshov, a therapist at the Medscan center. - When going on vacation abroad, be sure to purchase medical insurance with good and proven assistance (support) in the host country.

So, here is the minimum set of medications that you should take with you on vacation:

Painkillers. For example, pentalgin, ketanov, spasmalgon.

Antiseptic solutions. For example, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, miramistin or chlorhexidine - to treat the wound.

And, of course, be sure to take with you a kit for caring for possible wounds and abrasions - sterile gauze wipes, sterile and non-sterile bandages, alcohol wipes, plasters.

Antipyretics. For example, paracetamol or aspirin.

Antihistamines. Simply put, allergy medications. According to Maryam Saifulina, a pediatrician at the Meditsina clinic, even if you or your child have never had allergic reactions, these medications are necessary when traveling. New water, new food, unusual insects - all this can trigger allergies.

Electronic thermometer. Mercury can break in transit, and this is very dangerous. There shouldn't be any problems with the electronics, just check that the batteries are in order.

Sunburn Remedies. Panthenol or dexpanthenol will do. By the way, do not forget also sunscreen - creams or lotions.

Remedies for motion sickness. Vacation often means a long journey by plane, train or car. The pharmacy offers a wide range of such drugs - consult a pharmacist or doctor about what is best for you.

Remedies for diarrhea. Again, unusual food and water can present a very unpleasant surprise. To avoid spending your entire vacation on the toilet, take a few tablets of this product with you.

Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ear drops. This is in case, for example, sea water gets into the ear and this causes inflammation.

Nasal drops. Vasoconstrictor drops, for example oxymetazoline, are suitable (this is an international non-proprietary name, it has many trade names - choose according to your taste). The drops themselves do not cure a runny nose, but they relieve congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane.

If you are going on vacation with children, then check out the details on the children's first aid kit:

Carminatives(prevent the formation of "gases"). Especially relevant for newborn babies up to six months.

Are there only a few days left until your vacation? The outfits, swimsuit and sunglasses have already been purchased, but will you take a first aid kit with you? Certainly! Everyone wants to have an unforgettable vacation, but it is advisable to remember the trip with tenderness and warmth, and such memories are possible only if you feel well.

So, go to your favorite pharmacy and take with you a list of medications:

1) Pain relievers and antipyretics. Children from three months can have Nurofen or Panadol syrup; It is better to leave candles at home - they are stored at a temperature no higher than 20, some 25 degrees, so they can melt on the road. For adults - Pentalgin, Nurofen Express or your proven pain reliever. It is also necessary to take antispasmodics, for example, no-shpu.

2) Remedies for poisoning:

Adsorbents – ready-made paste is convenient for children and adults, white coal tablets or. These drugs remove any toxins, so they can also be used for alcohol poisoning.

Means to prevent dehydration - rehydron or hydrovit (children's or forte). Should be taken for vomiting and loose stools.

Antimicrobial agents that act exclusively in the intestinal lumen - ersefuril, enterofuril (there is a children's suspension and adult capsules), bactisubtil.

And also probiotics – normobact or bifiform (available for all age groups).

3) Gastric. When overeating and tasting unusual dishes, you will need enzymes: festal, panzinorm and heartburn remedies: gastal, maalox, phosphalugel.

4) For motion sickness: Dramamine from 1 year, Ciel. In addition to the fact that Dramamine eliminates nausea, it also has a calming and mild hypnotic effect. If you drive for a long time and you can sleep through half the trip instead of suffering from boredom, then this is a big plus.

5) For colds. Antiviral. You can easily catch a cold under air conditioning or in transport, so don’t forget sachets of Theraflu, Fervex, nasal drops Tizin, Nazivin, absorbable throat lozenges and antiviral drugs such as Kagocel, Cycloferon.

6) Antibiotics. Of course, they are prescribed by a doctor and this is an ironclad rule abroad. You cannot buy antibiotics abroad without a prescription. Therefore, take with you proven products that are easy to use and to which you have not had any allergies.

Especially if the journey is long, antimicrobial medicine may be needed already on the way. For example, azithromycin (sumamed) in tablets for adults, in suspension for children, is taken once a day for three days.

7) Sunscreens. In order not to spoil the rest of your vacation on the first day, stock up on sunscreen. Children must have the maximum protection factor. Panthenol anti-burn spray will be useful, even if no one gets burned, for treating wounds, scratches, allergic rashes, chafed skin and any redness.

8) Healing ointments and dressings. Bactericidal bandages and plasters. It is better to buy antiseptics in a travel-friendly form - plastic bottles (hydrogen peroxide), iodine directly with a brush or in a pencil. Baneocin powder and ointment are very good, and you already have panthenol with you.

9) Antiallergic. It is better to take emergency medicine - Suprastin or Tavegil.

10) Electronic thermometer. A mercury thermometer can break and mercury vapor is toxic.

11) Eye/ear drops. Sofradex - antimicrobial drops for the eyes and ears, useful for conjunctivitis or “shooting” in the ear.

12) Pain relieving ointments. On vacation, no one is immune from bruises, dislocations, and sprains. It is recommended to take with you a non-heating anti-inflammatory rub, such as indovazine, voltaren, bystrum gel, etc.

And finally, think about what diseases of yours tend to remind you of yourself at the most crucial moment? Could it be a cold on the lips? You need to take Zovirax cream or fenistil pencivir. Thrush? Put flucostat or diflucan in your first aid kit.

With climate change, the likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases increases, so do not forget emergency aid for these ailments. Don’t let anything spoil your vacation, you won’t need a first aid kit, but you still need to arm yourself, especially if you’re going on vacation with children. Take care of your health. Have a nice trip!

What medications to take with you on vacation, what to put in the first aid kit, essential medications on the road. Very popular questions before the holiday season.
Many are going on holiday abroad: to hot tropical countries or to New Year's Europe.

A tourist’s first aid kit is an individual matter and depends on the health of the traveler, where he is going, and what he will do.
He will lie on the beach and eat, or ride through the mountains with a first aid kit in his backpack. Also, the list of medications in a tourist’s first aid kit depends on the presence of children, grandmothers and nannies in his company.
They have their own problems, and a first aid kit for a child is different from a grandmother’s list of medicines.

In most cases, the first aid kit returns home in pristine condition.
This is good - it means the vacation was a success, and the first aid kit was not as useful as .

What to put in a first aid kit: a basic set of medications

  • For colds: Coldrex, Theraflu, Tamiflu for the flu.
  • Antipyretics: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.
  • Painkillers: Pentalgin, Nosh-Pa, Ketanov.
  • Remedies for indigestion, heartburn: Smecta, Imodium, activated carbon, Creon-type enzymes.
  • Antihistamines (against allergies): Suprastin, Tavegil.
  • Dressings: all kinds of plasters, chlorhexidine or peroxide.
  • Remedies for motion sickness: Phenibut, Preductal MV.
  • Possible sleeping pill to survive jet lag: Melaxen.

What medications can you buy locally?

If in Europe or the USA not all medicines are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, then in Southeast Asia everything is simpler.
For example, if you are going on vacation to Thailand, you can forget about the first aid kit and what you need to buy on the spot.
Moreover, unlike domestic drugs, what is sold abroad is much more effective.

There are pharmacies in Thai resorts at every turn.
The pharmacist may recommend eye drops or ear drops, stomach upset medications, and pain relievers.

If you need an analogue of a medicine you understand, look on the computer for analogues that are sold in Thailand.

Are there any problems bringing medicines across the border?

You don’t have to worry about the usual medications for a “healthy person.” No one will be interested in them at customs.
However, there are exceptions: Corvalol and Valocordin contain phenobarbital. And they can be punished for them, for example, at the Lithuanian border.
Therefore, I advise you to look for information on the forum in the topic information about your specific medicine that you are going to take with you abroad.

Non-prescription medications containing psychotropic and narcotic substances are expressly prohibited for import into European countries, the USA, Canada, and Australia.
Therefore, if you are going to take them, prepare the recipe in English, declare it and go through the red corridor at customs.

Another option is to look for information on the customs websites of other countries or ask a question at the Consulate of the country where you are going to travel with specific medications.

Is it possible to buy medicines with a Russian prescription in Europe?

In most cases no. Russian prescriptions, even if the medicine is written in Latin, are not accepted in European pharmacies.
You will have to contact your local doctor to write a prescription.

How to find an analogue of your medicine abroad

Medicines for colds, runny nose, and antipyretics are sold in Europe without a prescription.
Other non-prescription medications can also be purchased. To do this, you need to know their international name or composition of active ingredients.
Pharmacists have a database of drug names and their analogues.
To find out the international non-proprietary name of a medicine, take the insert from the medicine box and look at the name next to the trade name.