Where is the cat bridge on the Kerch bridge? Crimean cat Mostik: stellar habits and thousands of fans

KRASNODAR, December 16 – RIA Novosti, Svetlana Berilo. The chief supervisor of the construction across the Kerch Strait, the cat Mostik, is preparing to walk across the bridge to Crimea and visit the sights of the peninsula, RIA Novosti was told at the Crimean Bridge information center.

The builders plan to completely connect the spans of the road part of the bridge with the fairway sections by the end of the year. The process of sliding the spans is quite lengthy and has been going on for more than a year. By the end of December, experts plan to close the fairway from the Taman coast. The same work is being carried out from Kerch. When they are over, you can walk from the Taman coast to the Kerch coast. At the same time, the information center clarifies that only builders will be able to walk along such a technological transition.

The cat will go to Crimea

As soon as the spans are connected, the bridge builders plan to send the cat to Crimea. “I’m building a Bridge so that I can be the first to take a selfie on it and visit all the sights of Crimea,” says the cat on his social media pages.

“Of course, Mostik celebrated his birthday with friends, and he has many of them: the seagull Valera helps Most from the air, the dog Gypsy can already bring building materials to the workers, the cormorant Bartholomew is just a good friend of the cat, and his friends are also the fox Lizaveta and her children,” the information center said.

The cat lives at the checkpoint and meets workers and specialists who come on shift every day. Among the seven thousand people who are building the longest bridge in Russia around the clock, there is not a single one who is not familiar with the Bridge.

“Today Mostik is the most important one at a construction site! He “manages” all processes, although it may seem that he is simply walking around the sites,” reports Crimean Bridge.

According to the builders, Mostik looks after the site during the day and catches mice at night. On social networks, the cat is often asked why he walks without a helmet. “My natural dexterity allows me to move around a construction site without wearing a hat!” — the cat answers his subscribers.

Bride from Crimea

The bridge builders plan to find a bride for the cat from the Crimean coast. But the owners of Kuban cats do not give up hope of marrying their pets to the hero of a large-scale construction project. The cat regularly receives photographs of potential brides on social networks.

The information center also said that the cat is often asked what he will do after construction is completed.

“I haven’t decided this yet, but literally every day I receive interesting offers. I’ll decide when I’m on vacation after the construction of the century,” the information center reports the cat’s statement.

The Kerch Bridge will become the longest in Russia. Its length is 19 kilometers. These are parallel roads and railways. Work is carried out simultaneously throughout the entire facility around the clock. At the beginning of December, 446 out of 595 supports were ready, more than 6,350 piles out of almost seven thousand were loaded. Almost 125 thousand out of 2602 thousand tons of metal structures of span structures were installed. The roadway slab is 98% ready, the asphalt surface is 35%. Car traffic on the bridge will be launched in December 2018.

For about a year now, Internet users have been watching the life of a cat who received the nickname Bridge Cat. The animal lives at the construction site of a bridge across the Kerch Strait, and new photographs are regularly published on its behalf.

Builders call the cat, who accidentally wandered into a checkpoint as a kitten and decided to stay, Bridge

The cat has a blog on Instagram, as well as pages on the social networks VKontakte and Facebook. The total number of subscribers is more than four thousand people. Journalists publish the most interesting photographs that the cat shares with its readers on the Internet.

I report: the cargo ship left, I was not injured

In the first pictures, published about a year ago, Mostik looks like a small kitten - no more than a few months old. However, enhanced nutrition over several months turned the cat into a very well-fed animal. “I keep an eye on the preparations for #constructionofthecentury, sometimes I joke, but I eat more,” Mostik admits.

The cat is also known as an active observer of the construction of the bridge. He is the first to comment on any news and events on the construction of the bridge to Crimea.

At the one under construction Kerch Bridge It turns out there is a completely official mascot. Bridge Cat lives and works on the construction site of a bridge across the Kerch Strait.

For more than six months, he has been following the development of the project every day, and in September he opened accounts on social networks and shares news with his subscribers. The cat is often interviewed by journalists who want to find out details from someone who is in the thick of construction events.

Cat Bridge, as the builders call it, - almost the same age as the construction site - appeared on the Tuzla Spit with the start of preparatory work at the site of the future construction of the bridge. He was sheltered by guards at the checkpoint.

“I don’t complain about life, they feed me well,” says Kot.

There are other cats and even one fox living at the construction site. Their stories are below.

Brought by the wind

After a strong storm, construction workers found a black cat hiding from the weather in a warehouse. He was very scared, growled at everyone and did not let anyone near him. But, as life shows, the cat who can resist a couple of pieces of sausage has not yet been born.

The local "Doctor's" cured the cat's fears and aggression, and the cat remained to live with us. Now Vaska is excellent at catching mice and plying around the construction site in all directions, refuting the sign about a black cat crossing the road.

Cat artist

Marusya- foundling. She ended up working at a construction site as a kitten. Finding herself in a female team of employees of the concrete quality laboratory, Marusya quickly found a common language with our women - of course, with such food!

They call her an artist because she can give a paw (usually for a reason, but in exchange for something tasty) and can wag her tail like a dog. I think that sooner or later she will melt the hearts of our welders, and they will give Marus an Oscar.

You can also predict the weather by Marusya’s behavior: if she sleeps on her back, it will be warm, if she curls up in a ball, it will get colder, and if she scratches the wall, there will be a storm.


Assol is a sad resident of the island of Tuzla. Two months ago, bridge workers brought her from the mainland, where they fought her off from a dog that had attacked her. With the first rays of the sun, the cat runs to the shore, sits there all day and looks at the horizon.

Perhaps someday a cat prince will sail to her on a ship with scarlet sails and take her to a magical cat land... It’s a pity that cats are colorblind.

Not according to Bulgakov

A cat who came with the builders from Sochi. There Hippopotamus participated in preparations for the Olympics (apparently, also as a cat). The cat is litter trained at the construction site. He is not afraid of loud sounds, does not violate safety regulations, has a gentle character, is not married =).

He is friends with the bridge workers, who consider him their talisman - when Hippopotamus is on the site, it’s somehow easier to work. In a word, we are waiting for Behemoth to be included in the staffing table. Behemoth received his name not from Bulgakov, but because of his Olympic calmness - he can easily sleep next to a working excavator or hydraulic hammer.

Red, striped

Like all redheads, she has a complex character. He doesn’t know how to use a shovel, but one night he was able to recapture food from the foxes in a fierce battle.

It was with this food that he was subsequently rewarded, which speaks of Red as an excellent strategist. Now Ryzhiy, maintaining his status as a security guard, continues to serve at a construction site. Regularly patrols the territory - especially the places where food is stored, and also regularly receives its rations.


A cat jumped on board a construction workers' floating crane while the vessel was undergoing technical inspection at a Crimean dock. The boatswain said that a woman on a ship was a bad omen, and wanted to drive Belka out... But he didn’t catch him.

A few days later, the cat proved its speed and reaction by catching and killing a snake that crawled on board. And the boatswain said that of the two women on the ship, one must choose the fluffiest one, and left Belka.

Now she walks along the deck and sends waves of positivity towards the builders who are plunging piles into the waters of the Kerch Strait from a floating crane.


The builders also tamed the fox. She is the only canid that Bridge tolerates. They feed Elizabeth royally: fish, shrimp, porridge with milk (yes, anyone can be tamed this way).

The redhead is used to bridge workers, takes bread from her hand and is not shy about posing in front of the cameras. Like a true hunter, he can follow the tracks of any truck.

On March 1st, the world celebrates International Cat Day. “AiF-Crimea” decided to talk to perhaps the most famous cat in the country, who, as you know, works on the construction of the Crimean Bridge and even became its mascot, “face” - or rather, muzzle.

Mostik the cat was born in 2015. He made a rapid career from an unknown kitten to a work controller at the construction of the Crimean Bridge. He proved himself to be a responsible and qualified specialist. Sociable, friendly, tactful. Single. He spends his free time contemplating the sea. Has a weakness for seafood.

The charming saffron milkman inspects the construction site, monitors the quality of the workers’ food, gives valuable recommendations, and also manages pages on social networks - of course, not without outside help. Judging by the number of subscribers, a look at the construction of the century through the eyes of the cat Mostik is interesting to thousands of Russians.

Department "Kotmostnadzor"

Irina Volodchenko, AiF-Crimea: How did you get to the “construction site of the century”, what responsibilities did you take on?

Bridge: They say they dropped me off at a construction site as a kitten. But for as long as I can remember, I have always been a builder. Now I am one of the most authoritative cats in construction (and in the country too!): I supervise all the work, give interviews, like you now, I meet important guests. And at first he was a general worker: he solved problems with rodents, and took over the night shift. Men began to be respected for their hard work.

Now I’m working tirelessly: I head the Kotmostnadzor department, I supervise the construction site along all 19 kilometers. I also have assistants: the seagull Valera, the dolphin Maxim, the dog Gypsy, the fox Lizaveta, the cormorant Bartholomew and the lizard Oksana. I keep a tight rein on them all. They complain that my character is difficult. How is it different at the construction site of the century? Deadlines, quality - you understand! In my free time, I write about the bridge on social networks and post photos. Blogging, of course, is in second place for me. It's more for the soul.

— What is a typical working day like for the most famous cat in Russia?

— It starts with a delicious breakfast, of course! Then I begin my walk around the construction site. I used to walk more, but it has become so popular among construction workers that they don’t allow entry without a selfie. That’s why now our employee Mikhalych often drops me off at the polling stations. While I’m going around the construction site, I’ll refresh myself a couple more times. Every day the seagull Valera brings me news from above and treats me to fresh fish. There are beautiful photographs above the object - how Valera soars in the sky and close-ups of his beak.

I usually have lunch at the third station, at Gavrilych’s. He always has cutlets and fish in stock for me. In general, I am good friends with builders, especially with Mikhalych. On weekends, he even invites me to visit him. Have you seen the famous red sofa in my photos? So, he has it! And what kind of shrimp does he cook...

After a working day I always return to my place. I have dinner, but don’t go to bed straight away, writing news for the blog.

Photo: information center "Crimean Bridge"

Have you already walked along the Crimean Bridge, how far have you gone?

“I, as the head of a construction site, walked it all the way up and down. Although the spans in the fairway had not yet been pulled up, it was a little scary over the water. In general, I don’t linger much in sea areas. For this purpose, I have Maxim, Valera and Bartholomew working there. I haven't liked water since childhood! But I can say for sure: there is no place on the bridge where my red tail has not flashed!

The price of success

— Tell us about your meetings with the top officials of the country, with celebrities - perhaps there were some interesting cases, curiosities during these meetings?

— Nikolai Valuev recently came, I took him for a ride around the construction site (Nikolai was driving, but I drove), and took several selfies with him. Nikolai liked the construction site, he even prepared lunch for the workers in the kitchen. And in December I saw off the real Santa Claus to Crimea! I whispered my wish to him, let’s see whether Grandfather will fulfill it or not. Journalists often come, ask me to be in their picture, and interview me. I’m friends with Ekaterina Andreeva, she recently even sent her film crew for a story about me. Did you see it on Channel One?

What works on the Crimean Bridge made the strongest impression on you?

- This is the construction site of the century, there are new impressions every day. But the most large-scale operation is the installation of arches in the fairway. Exciting! It's like a million bowls of king prawns. Although our department controlled the naval operation from the outside. I had to move further away because of the journalists. They arrived and installed cameras everywhere. And when they see me, they grab me, squeeze me, and forget about work. I decided to stay in the shadows for a while, not to distract them from the arches. Now I like to sit on one of the arches and look at the ships passing below.

— Question from motorists: how can you evaluate the quality of asphalt pavement? Is it somehow different from what is intended for ordinary roads, how long will it last?

“I walked on it, lay on it, smelled it, and even tasted it.” The asphalt is excellent and will last a long time! You'll see everything for yourself soon.

What myths and rumors about the Crimean Bridge would you call the funniest and most ridiculous?

— Rumors about the Bridge are very funny. Its “supports” were already sagging, and mutant jellyfish were eating them, and the arches were melting, and the spans did not converge. The Bridge itself even collects them on the Internet under the hashtag #Crimeanbridge_myths. But the funniest myth I heard was about “my” kittens! Red kittens appeared on the island, so they were immediately attributed to me. Slander! I don’t have a fiancee yet; I will deal with my marital status only after construction is completed.

How does the presence of a cat affect everyone who takes part in the construction of the Crimean Bridge?

— Disciplines and improves mood. And with a good mood, everyone works better - this is the most important thing. The main thing is not to forget to feed - this is also discipline.

What do you plan to do after the completion of the bridge, will you stay in Crimea?

“Working here is just the beginning. With my abilities they will take me anywhere. By the way, proposals are already being received. Many even promise that I won’t work, they invite me to just live with them. But I still can’t imagine life without work. I will think about further employment after the opening of the Crimean Bridge.

Today the news came out that Nikolai Valuev came to inspect the Crimean Bridge. He did this, of course, in a car, but there is one detail - all this time a white and red cat, the cat Mostik, sat calmly on the dashboard!)

I decided to google information about the cat and it turned out that he has his own Instagram on which photographs of bridge builders are regularly published on his behalf. The cat has over 13,000 followers on Instagram!

I started googling further and it turned out that the cat is generally world-class - it is considered the mascot of the bridge, has its own stickers on Telegram, regularly monitors the progress of construction and, as you probably guessed, will be the first to go to Crimea when this bridge is completed!

The cat is almost the same age as the big construction site. He appeared on the Tuzla Spit as soon as preparatory work began. The fate of the parents is unknown. Bridge was wandering around the neighborhood in search of a warm corner and a bowl of milk, and accidentally wandered into a checkpoint. Security officers noticed the red-haired man and decided that such protection from rodents would not hurt them. The cat was provided with his own bed and three meals a day. Mostik liked it at the checkpoint. It’s warm, satisfying, and the builders pamper us: they bring milk and fish. And there’s plenty of space for walking: there’s a large clearing nearby where you can play with butterflies and grasshoppers.

Since the cat is not just a mascot, but a full-fledged construction worker, he, as expected, has a helmet and a special vest in case of a sudden check of the construction progress))

Of course, everyone loves the cat madly and takes care of him)

And ordinary people even dedicate songs to him)

In general, he’s a cool cat and the story with him is kind and interesting, in my opinion.

Have you heard about him before?