“Why do you dream of a meeting in a dream? If you see a Meeting in a dream, what does it mean?

Seeing a business meeting in a dream means lethargy in business, worries and anxiety.

For young people, seeing their date in a dream foretells their mutual cooling.

Seeing a meeting interrupted by someone means a hasty and thoughtless step in some matter that will lead to trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Meeting mean?

An unexpected meeting in a dream promises a sincere conversation. Meeting a friend in a dream is a sign of a pleasant surprise; meet the enemy - bad sign which promises sadness, failure and disappointment. Making an appointment with a friend in a dream foretells that your secret will be revealed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream about Meeting

If you dream of a meeting at an official level, it means that in reality you are so tired that you do not notice the changes taking place in your home. For lovers, meeting on a date in a dream means experiencing mutual cooling.

Meeting an enemy in a dream predicts that soon you will have to fiercely defend your interests, otherwise losses and illness await you. Meet in a dream New Year- to prosperity in the future; for young people this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.

If you dream that you have met acquaintances and are having a pleasant conversation with them, then this portends a successful course of business for you, except for minor family disagreements. Meeting guests in a dream means that in reality you will encounter people who will treat you with distrust or even hostility.

Meeting a large animal in the forest that you scared away means a hasty and thoughtless step that will have negative consequences.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does Meeting mean in a dream?

A business meeting in a dream foreshadows lethargy in business, worries and anxiety. A meeting in a dream of a loving couple predicts mutual cooling. If the meeting goes poorly or is interrupted by someone, this means a hasty and thoughtless step that will lead to trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does Meeting mean in a dream?

A business meeting dreams of a decline in business, worries and anxieties.

A love date leads to mutual cooling.

If someone interrupted your meeting in a dream, you will have to take a hasty and thoughtless step in some matter.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Meaning of sleep Meeting

An unexpected meeting in a dream with someone you know: as a rule, this is an indirect clue.

To understand the meaning of sleep, remember which are the most vivid impressions you are connected to this person.

If, for example, in reality you had successful business affairs with him: such a meeting again foretells you success or advises you to use the same strategy.

More exact value dreams can be suggested by other images of a given dream.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Interpretation of sleep Meeting

A business meeting where you are also present - there has been a lull and stagnation in your affairs.

If you make a date with your beloved, you can get her to reciprocate.

Your date is a symbol of the stability of your relationship with your loved one.

Accepting an invitation to a date is a symbol of the stability of your relationship with your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does a Meeting predict in a dream?

A fleeting meeting with someone means minor everyday troubles.

Meeting with friends (even if these people are no longer alive) - to mutual understanding, help, manifestation of friendship from people close to you and your benefactors.

Meeting enemies means trouble from your ill-wishers.

Business meeting - to worries and anxieties in business.

A date in a dream for young people means mutual cooling in reality.

An interrupted meeting means wrong steps, an incorrect solution to some issue.

Interpretation of dreams from

Beloved - A dream in which you kiss your beloved in the dark warns you that you are under the gun of numerous gossipers and envious people.

If the kiss took place in the light, then you will be able to avoid scandals and intrigues.

If you dreamed that your fiancé married someone else, prepare your heart for an attack of jealousy. And in reality, everything is perfect.

If in a dream you are upset that your chosen one is indifferent to you, then you simply cannot decide whether to get married or continue to live on your own.

A dream in which you feel love from your chosen one promises you joy family life and true love.

If in a dream you allowed yourself to cheat on your loved one, it means that you will just as easily deceive him.

However, if you dreamed that your loved one was cheating on you, then in reality he may do the same.

A dream in which you receive a photograph from your loved one warns of the selfish feelings of your chosen one. He doesn't love you at all, he's just using you.

So think about whether you should date him.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Meeting

Seeing a business meeting in a dream means lethargy in business, worries and anxiety.

For young people, seeing their date in a dream foretells their mutual cooling.

Seeing a meeting interrupted by someone means a hasty and thoughtless step in some matter that will lead to trouble.

Interpretation of dreams from

Some dreams are considered prophetic, so they require competent and accurate decoding. Why do you dream of meeting with ex-boyfriend, should we perceive what we saw as a harbinger of a resumption of love relationships or this option interpretation is not appropriate?

What if you dream about meeting your ex-boyfriend?

Meeting an ex-boyfriend in a dream indicates that the sleeping woman thinks a lot about it young man. Some girls, after such a vision, expect reconciliation with their ex-lover and reunion with him. But you shouldn’t take what you see literally. It only indicates the presence of feelings on the part of the dreamer.

Very often similar dreams come if the relationship has not been fully completed, if there are some unresolved issues between the lovers. To get rid of obsessive visions, you should make every effort to set the record straight once and for all. If the dreamer feels guilty, she needs to ask for forgiveness from this person and talk to him. Even if the girl does not feel guilty, it is better to initiate a meeting with her ex-lover and explain herself. After such a date, your soul will feel much lighter. Dreams in which a girl has to watch her ex beg him to forgive him during a conversation indicate that this person has feelings.

You should not take the vision seriously if the day before the girl actually saw her ex-lover or learned something new about him. IN in this case the dream only reflects real thoughts and experiences, her desire to return the relationship or forget about it forever.

If a girl dreams of calling her ex-boyfriend and inviting her to meet, she should think about own behavior, about the manner of communication with men. Perhaps the sleeping woman is accustomed to solving too many issues on her own. Sometimes it makes sense to entrust important decisions to your man. When married woman dreams that she meets her old acquaintance with whom she was once associated love relationship, this means that not everything is going smoothly in family life. Some of her husband’s character traits categorically do not suit her and she finds it difficult to come to terms with it.

Dating an ex-boyfriend and declaring your love is a real sign of weakness, giving your enemies the opportunity to win. If a girl dreams of meeting her ex-lover at a noisy party, surrounded huge amount people, this portends the appearance of rumors and gossip. Those closest to her will be very interested in the details of her personal life.

What does it portend?

Meeting your ex-boyfriend secretly in a dream - in real life to commit some act for which the dreamer will subsequently become very ashamed. This interpretation option is especially relevant if in a night vision the girl had to justify herself to someone. Kissing an ex-lover on the lips when meeting is a very real experience strong desire bring back the relationship. The sleeping woman let go of the situation for a while and even stopped thinking about her ex-boyfriend, but soon events will happen in her life that will force her to once again plunge into a whirlpool of passions.

If a girl dreams that she meets her ex-lover, and he informs her about the upcoming wedding, this symbolizes the final break. The girl learns that her ex-boyfriend has a different life, different interests and a new hobby. All she has to do is forget about him and try to establish her own personal life. Telling a guy about your wedding with another man in a dream means forgetting about your ex and starting over from scratch.

Seeing a meeting with your ex-boyfriend in a dream is a good sign. Most likely, the dreamer continues to think about this young man. The vision should be considered as a practical guide. It’s high time to set the record straight and finally decide on your personal life.

A dream is not just a harbinger of things to come. These are the experiences of the past day, thoughts and feelings released into the wild. A dream is the result of the subconscious being set free. And here women become very interested in what this subconscious wanted to say with its pictures drawn on the canvas of dreams? For example, the question arises: why does your beloved man dream?

A dream is the result of the subconscious being released

If he (the one and only) calls you by name, it means that his thoughts are entirely devoted to you, and his warm feelings are sincere - nothing threatens to shake them in the near future.

  • If a young man confesses his love to the dreamer, then it makes sense to take a step forward - to “give acceleration” so that this declaration becomes reality. There are times when, without an additional impulse, men do not dare to open their feelings.
  • Sex with your loved one in a dream suggests that the relationship between you will be strong and long-lasting if you do not spoil it yourself. Gifts from a man, given on the other side of reality, must definitely appear in real life.
  • If the dreamer runs away from his boyfriend, apparently you are overwhelmed by some difficult thoughts and worries about your relationship. Some doubts make you move away from your loved one. Which ones exactly are difficult to say. In such a situation, it may be worth taking a break, taking a time out in the relationship to give yourself time to finally decide for yourself whether to move forward with this person in life or not.

A photo sent from a loved one indicates complete indifference to you on his part.

Why do you dream about your loved one (video)

Dreaming of meeting a loved one

For a girl, a rendezvous with her beloved, as the dream book says, brings nothing but frustration. The guy has most likely lost interest in you. But for older people, on the contrary, seeing such a dream means that on the horizon there is a prospect of strengthening the relationships that currently exist. For women, such a dream also promises well-being as a result of success in business. For a man, a date with a lady he has liked for a long time in a dream indicates that this meeting will happen in reality. A date with an ex with whom you once broke up is interpreted as regret about that expense, and that it would be nice to get everything back.

For a girl, a rendezvous with her beloved, as the dream book says, brings nothing but frustration

If a former boyfriend asks you for forgiveness, we can say with confidence that in reality he regrets that very breakup. In general, the picture emerges like this:

  • dreams with your beloved man leading role, usually, do not bring anything critically bad, but also do not promise magical changes in the near future;
  • in the overwhelming majority, dreams in this category are visions about one or another aspect of your relationship;
  • Only you can verify the veracity of these dreams - try it, this situation is worth the risk.

Why do you dream about your beloved man who you broke up with?

The main interpretation is regret about breaking up. The result is a desire to return to the past.

Why? The image of a former lover, with whom it was once so good, pops up in the subconscious of women with enviable consistency. This is normal, because everything is good, kind, positive at the subcortical level human brain is postponed forever. And, periodically it pops up in my memory.

I want to see a loved one in a dream: what should I do for this?

It will not be news that many females very often want to see their beloved precious “knight on a white horse” in their dreams. And they expect this every time they go to bed. And they wake up in tears because they didn’t dream about the good fellow. Is it possible to do something in this situation, is there a way to help such “grief”. Nothing is impossible for humanity.

It will not be news that many females very often want to see their loved ones in their dreams

Try to stick to these simple rules, and don't lose hope:

  1. It is necessary to take a walk before going to bed - half an hour will be enough.
  2. A few hours before bedtime, eliminate coffee, tobacco, and other pathogens, and do not eat fatty foods at night.
  3. Do not pollute your brains by watching horror films, thrillers at night, or listen to heavy negative music.
  4. Try to fall asleep in complete peace, without worries, quarrels and any squabbles within the family.
  5. Tune into HIS image and close your eyes.

These simple methods, of course, do not guarantee desired result 100%, but will bring the fulfillment of your desire as close as possible.

  • talk to your loved one and ask him to think about you before going to bed. Agree to go to bed at the same time;
  • think of a place where you will meet in a dream;
  • for the success of the event it is necessary that both characters are asleep;
  • they say that scientists have proven the ability of water to store information - charge the water to fulfill your dream: speak your desire into a glass of water and place it at your head. If you wake up at night, take a sip of this water.

Seeing in a dream how your beloved man leaves

It is painful and offensive to see your loved one leaving you in reality and in a dream. This dream can be interpreted in different ways. To do this, you need to know whether the lady is married or not. If a woman is married and dreams of separation from her husband, this is a mirror reflection of her fears and complexes. It cannot be otherwise, since in real life she values ​​her feelings and relationships with her husband.

If the separation occurs without insults, reproaches and mutual accusations of all mortal sins, this means mistakes in the relationship that are the fault of the woman. She needs to conduct an objective analysis of her behavior and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments.

I dreamed that my beloved was waiting

If a dream of this kind came from Thursday to Friday, the dreamer will meet a person whom he cannot stand. When you dream that your loved one is waiting and calling, while performing some actions: waving his hands, calling with his voice - such a dream speaks of an upcoming long separation from him. A long trip awaits him, far from home and from you, of course.

If a dream of this kind came from Thursday to Friday, the dreamer will meet a person whom he cannot stand

If the loved one does not take any action - stands, sits, but does nothing - this indicates that separation for good is close somewhere, and that some steps need to be taken to preserve the relationship, otherwise everything will end in tears.

Why do you dream about the arrival of your beloved man?

An event such as the arrival of a loved one predicts emergency illness dreamer The loved one seems to be in a hurry to prevent something bad and is in a hurry to help.

If the person you love and cherish dreams of being at a train station, and you see that he wants to come up to you, but cannot do so, then the dream warns that a rival has appeared on the horizon, who does not allow him to come to you and makes all so that indifference settles in his heart, instead of love.

When you dream of your loved one’s unexpected return from a long trip, such a dream suggests that your chosen one does not fully trust you and is waiting for the dreamer to somehow dispel his suspicions.

To dream of the return of a beloved man who left him forever

Unforgotten experiences that live inside the dreamer and do not want to leave him alone indicate that the person who abandoned the dreamer is still loved and no less strongly than before. This is a much bigger problem than it seems. We need to get rid of it somehow, but...how? There is no point in waiting for him to return after all - many people go crazy in such anticipation.

The person who abandoned the dreamer is still loved and no less strongly than before

If a man returns with flowers, this is a sign that he would not mind returning, but not on a “permanent basis”, but just easy meetings and no one owes anyone anything.

Talking to your loved one in a dream

Talking with your loved one while sleeping does not bring any shocks or cataclysms in the relationship for the sleeping person. Neither good nor bad. If one of the two cries during a conversation, then in the foreseeable future everything will be fine and nothing threatens the idyll in the relationship.

I often dream that my loved one gets up during a conversation and leaves. By this he seems to be trying to say: I want to be and will be with you, but I will have to leave often, and you will have to wait for me. This may apply to work, business trips, business trips. And it’s up to you to decide whether you can live with your loved one at this pace or not.

Why does a man dream (video)

Appreciate your loved ones, take care of them. Let them be nearby in reality, and not only come in a dream. If you truly love, sacrifice yourself, learn to give up principles and opinions - sometimes this is necessary so that the building with such difficulty called Love does not collapse. But also listen to your dreams. They are certainly useful, if only as a reminder that a loved one can very easily be lost forever.

Attention, TODAY only!

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a business meeting in a dream means lethargy in business, worries and worries. For young people, seeing their date in a dream foretells their mutual cooling. Seeing a meeting interrupted by someone means a hasty and thoughtless step in some matter that will lead to trouble.

I dreamed about acquaintances

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you have met an acquaintance and are having a pleasant conversation with him, then this foreshadows the successful course of your affairs. However, minor domestic disagreements are possible. But if your conversation proceeds in a raised tone, a hurricane of humiliation and controversy awaits you in reality. If you feel awkward at a meeting or dream that your meeting is inappropriate, you will be expected to rashly participate in something forbidden, which you cannot hide. If a young woman sees many of her acquaintances in a dream, the dream promises her several easy hobbies and great love, which, having won, she will never regret the efforts spent on it. If in a dream she grieves about the poverty of her circle of acquaintances, then in reality a prosaic life awaits her, unless she becomes more critical of herself.

Why do you dream about friends?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

meet an old friend - what was lost will return; to be among friends is a state of affairs; new acquaintance is a warning; if they don’t recognize it - to money, fame; you don’t recognize - to gossip, slander; they will turn away from you; see Friend.

I dreamed about a reception

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are at some kind of reception, this promises you a pleasant meeting soon. If some kind of embarrassment happens to you at this reception, it means that anxiety awaits you.

I dreamed about a visit

according to Miller's dream book

If you visit someone in a dream, pleasant events may follow in reality. But if you feel awkward during the visit, this means that unkind people are interfering in your life. Visiting friends in a dream is always good news. Unfavorable sign is only the tired or sad look of your friends, as well as their black or white clothes.

The meaning of a dream about getting acquainted

according to Freud's dream book

If you dream about how you meet someone, it means that in real life you have an extremely modest character and it has always been very difficult for you to start a casual conversation with someone. stranger. For some reason you tend to underestimate yourself, although objective reasons no to that. Most likely, you stubbornly keep in your memory long-past events that are dear to you in your relationship at that time. Understand that it is impossible to return that time and that person, and besides, it is not necessary, because in history nothing repeats itself twice. You should not think that if you meet him now, you will definitely correct the mistake you made several years ago. Delusion and arrogance. You live in the past, although you can and should live in the present and future. Pay attention to that person who has patiently existed next to you all these years as true friend and think about whether he is satisfied with the role of a friend imposed by you and wouldn’t he want something more from your relationship?