Vascularization of the thyroid gland. Ultrasound assessment of vascularization of thyroid nodules Increased vascularization

Occurs against the background of abnormalities in the endocrine system. One of the rarest deviations is considered vascularization- the formation of numerous blood vessels responsible for the transport of nutrients and hormones.

During normal functioning of the thyroid gland, the organ receives all the necessary elements through 4 large arteries: two of them send blood to the upper lobes, the rest to the lower lobes.

In some cases, diagnostic tests show that a person has increased vascularity in the thyroid gland. This leads to the fact that this organ begins to increase in size, and numerous additional blood vessels are formed.

If this problem is ignored for a long time, serious pathologies of the thyroid gland arise, which lead to disruption of the functioning of this organ.

Modern experts identify three main factors that cause the formation of excess blood vessels on the thyroid gland.

Among them are antiogenin, endothelial factor and stimulator of fibroplast synthesis. Vascularization usually occurs in tissues that are poorly supplied with blood.

In them, metabolic processes are significantly hampered, which is why the secretory organ becomes enlarged.

Increased vascularization of the thyroid gland leads to an excessive release of hormones into the blood, which significantly accelerates the physiological norm.

A person is faced with the first, the level of hormones and T4 exceeds the norm several times. Because of this, the thyroid gland has to work harder.

The cause of increased vascularization may be the following factors:

  • Presence of somatic diseases.
  • Early puberty or rapid development of a growing organism.
  • Hypertrophy of the thyroid gland.
  • The development of viral infections, aggravated by complications.
  • The presence of malignant tumors in the body.
  • Development .
  • Postoperative recovery.
  • Constant stress and emotional overload.
  • Long-term drug therapy.

With reduced vascularity, the thyroid gland begins to work less. Because of this, a person is faced with - it is present in his blood.

This leads to the development of serious hormonal complications and metabolic disorders.

Symptoms of vascularization

Recognizing the symptoms of vascularization of the thyroid gland is quite simple. Already in the initial stages, a person may notice that the size of this organ has decreased or increased.

Has the greatest diagnostic value. It is very important to assess the amount of hormones TSH, T3, T4 in the blood.

If there are not enough of them or there is an imbalance, there is a high probability of vascularization. If the appearance of nodes of a malignant nature is suspected, the patient is sent for a radionuclide scan.


Therapy for increased vascularization of the thyroid gland should be prescribed by a qualified person. Only he can choose the most effective treatment method for you.

Typically, drug therapy is prescribed based on and. If, however, no serious abnormalities are found, potassium iodide is prescribed.

If serious problems with the functioning of this organ are detected, thyroid hormone preparations of synthetic origin, as well as Levothyroxine and Thyroid, are prescribed.

During treatment, the patient must undergo regular blood tests to monitor the growth of hormones. If it does not bring any results, surgical intervention is prescribed.

) providing blood vessels and, therefore, blood to organs, areas and parts of the body.

Large medical dictionary. 2000 .

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In “translation” from medical terminology, vascularization means blood supply to an organ. Normally, the blood supply to the thyroid gland is provided by several pairs of arteries. The lateral lobes of the organ are fed by the inferior thyroid arteries, while their upper part and the upper poles of the isthmus receive blood from the superior thyroid arteries. There are rare exceptions to the normal morphology of the thyroid gland, when the central azygos thyroid artery also takes part in its blood supply.

If a patient is told that the vascularization of his thyroid gland is increased, this means that the vessels of the organ have grown and formed a new blood network, which changes the process of blood supply to the organ. This can be either a sign of a lack of functioning of the organ, which arose due to a compensatory sign, or an independent phenomenon, followed by various somatic diseases provoked by changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Increased vascularization of the thyroid gland can be caused by various reasons:

  • early puberty (acceleration);
  • hypertrophy of the organ (increase in the parenchymal mass of the thyroid gland);
  • development of nodular goiter of the thyroid gland;
  • long-term exposure to stress factors;
  • complications of viral infection;
  • systemic diseases;
  • long-term therapy with hormonal drugs;
  • malignant tumor.

Increased vascularization is a cause for concern for doctors because it may not only be a consequence of the body’s natural compensatory mechanisms, but also indicate serious pathologies, including:

To diagnose increased vascularization of the thyroid gland, there are various methods, the main of which are visualization; however, they do not allow one to determine the unambiguous nature of the pathology, but only help to establish its presence and some features.

Diagnosis of increased vascularization of the thyroid gland

When a patient approaches, a specialist takes the first steps towards diagnosing the condition of the organ. First of all, the doctor collects complaints and anamnesis from the patient, then performs a visual examination and palpation of the organ. The thyroid gland is palpated in different projections, which allows the doctor to approximately determine its size, structure, as well as the presence of formations - nodular or tumor.

Then the patient undergoes an ultrasound with Doppler ultrasound. This is an ultrasound examination that includes an additional diagnostic method - examination of the vascular network using the injection of a contrast agent. The patient is injected with contrast - a harmless composition, which, circulating in the blood for some time, allows one to clearly see the location and structure of the organ’s vascular network.

In addition to ultrasound, other imaging methods are used:

Treatment of increased vascularization of the thyroid gland

Often the process of germination of additional vessels in the thyroid gland is not accompanied by any special sensations for the patient, but in the case of pathologically increased vascularization the following signs may appear:

Timely treatment of vascularization is necessary not only to eliminate these symptoms, but also to avoid serious hormonal and other physiological disturbances. In addition, timely measures to eliminate increased vascularization help avoid structural changes in the organ.

Treatment of increased vascularization of the thyroid gland follows a different scenario, depending on the established cause of additional vascular growth:

  1. If no dysfunction of the organ is established, the patient is prescribed iodine preparations to eliminate iodine deficiency in the body and the condition of the organ continues to be monitored.
  2. If a functional disorder of the thyroid gland is established, the patient may be prescribed hormone replacement therapy using synthetic hormones.
  3. When tumors are identified in the thyroid gland, all the doctor’s efforts are focused on eliminating them. Sometimes only drug therapy is sufficient to treat them, however, in some cases surgical intervention is required (this is especially true for malignant tumors). If surgical intervention is used, the patient is transferred to hormone replacement therapy and the status of thyroid hormones is constantly monitored.

To prevent thyroid diseases, it is necessary to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Moderate physical activity, avoidance of emotional and other types of stress, and a sufficient amount of iodine-containing foods in the daily diet are necessary. Residents of regions with iodine deficiency in the environment, i.e., should especially pay attention to their diet. in areas remote from the sea.

Annual monitoring of the thyroid gland is also necessary. Usually during medical examinations it is limited to external examination and palpation of the organ, however, if there are characteristic complaints or aggravated heredity, the patient should undergo an ultrasound of the thyroid gland every year and be tested for TSH levels.

The danger of thyroid diseases lies in late diagnosis.

Many symptoms of its pathologies can be confused with ordinary overwork or even with character traits (for example, irritability or depression is often attributed by the environment to bad manners). The patient himself is not always able to separate the symptoms of the disease from physiological conditions, so performing an ultrasound as an annual preventative measure is a necessary measure to maintain the health of the body.

Vascularization of the thyroid gland is what they usually say about the growth of new blood vessels, which can be the beginning of new pathologies.

Vascularization is the term used to describe the process of blood supply to the thyroid gland.

The thyroid organ of a healthy person is provided with an excellent blood supply. The superior artery supplies the isthmus of the gland, as well as the upper part of both lobes. The inferior artery supplies blood to the lower part of both the lobes and the isthmus. Only in 6-8% of people the azygos central is involved in the blood supply.

The endocrine gland is a very important organ. The volume of blood flow in a healthy person is about 5 ml/min per just one gram of thyroid tissue. Therefore, any deviations from the norm may be a sign of the development of the disease.

The hormones produced by the endocrine organ are very important for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. These hormones are transported by the blood throughout the body.

Since all processes in the organ occur very intensively, it requires a large amount of oxygen, as well as an increased consumption of nutrients supplied by the bloodstream. Therefore, the thyroid gland is surrounded by many blood vessels.

The appearance of new vessels on the organ means that the thyroid gland has enlarged. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what reasons caused its increase. This may be the beginning of the development of the disease. If there is abundant vascularization of the organ, then inflammation develops such as chronic thyroiditis, which an endocrinologist cannot always detect with a simple examination.

And if nodes appear on the organ, then an increase in blood supply can contribute to the formation of a malignant tumor. In order to confirm the diagnosis, in this case a radionuclide study is required.

Three links in the chain of causes that stimulate the growth of thyroid vessels have been well studied: antiogenin. It also stimulates the production of fibroblasts. And they grow quickly from cells that have a poor supply of blood vessels. Metabolic processes in areas where the branch of blood vessels grows increase, and the volume increases accordingly.

Increased vascularization of the thyroid gland ultimately provokes accelerated production of hormones. Therefore, the patient exhibits all the indicators characteristic of hyperfunction. The production of free T4 and TSH hormones increases several times above normal.

This growth process can be caused by:

  • the rapid growth of adolescents and the same development of the reproductive system;
  • consequences of viral diseases with subsequent complications;
  • a variety of somatic diseases;
  • thyroid hypertrophy;
  • consequence of surgical intervention;
  • long-term drug treatment;
  • stressful conditions;
  • growth of a tumor or nodular goiter of the gland;
  • development of malignant formation.

Reduced vascularization or hypofunction ultimately weakens the activity of the thyroid gland, that is, the synthesis of thyroids decreases, metabolism is further disrupted, and the next stage of disease development begins.

The cause of decreased blood supply may be:

  • mechanical injuries;
  • abnormal vascular development;
  • problems after operations with complications;
  • tumor formations of the neck;
  • abscesses;
  • plaques.

Any of the vascularization options requires its elimination, since both options are undesirable and dangerous.

With hypervascularization, the volume of the organ increases, its heterogeneity and density change. And the contours of the thyroid gland may or may not be quite clear. In this case, no special changes occur. The process of growth of vessel branches does not always bring painful sensations to the patient.

Sometimes increased blood supply to the endocrine gland can manifest itself:

  • in frequent colds;
  • with chills and fever;
  • in muscle pain;
  • in swelling;
  • the appearance of dry and dull hair;
  • in the lamination of nails;
  • changes in body weight;
  • constant weakness;
  • nervous disorder;
  • problems with memory, concentration;
  • problems of a sexual nature;
  • pressure.

During hypervascularization, the vascular network protrudes on the surface, making it possible to observe the rhythm of pulsation and listen to their noise with a stethoscope. An excessive increase in thyroid blood flow indicates diseases such as diffuse goiter and multi-proliferating nodular or multinodular goiter.

These pathologies, if left untreated, can lead to malignant problems. Only a qualified endocrinologist can establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.