Accurate horoscope for today Cancer woman. Financial horoscope for the year of the Rooster

In 2017, Cancers will have to make a breakthrough and catch up with everyone else - this is the only option! Everyone around you is in a hurry and pulling you along with them, promising that in the interweaving of many different possibilities, you are about to get a chance to stop and go beyond this closed cycle of events. Dear Cancers, until now you have not been in a hurry, and despite the fact that you have moved forward in all directions, you lived in your own world, in a parallel reality. However, now the moment comes for the long-forgotten timer to go off, the bell of which wakes up Cancer and with one sharp movement pulls him out of his shell! In fact, everything is not so dramatic, but still, people born under the constellation Cancer in 2017 seem to be moving from silent black and white cinema to three-dimensional reality in HD format.

The boundaries of their perception expand, and this state carries with it enormous potential - it is this fact that can completely demoralize a soul that has been in a completely relaxed state for so long. In any case, the coming year 2017 - the year of the Rooster - can become a unique and hectic year for representatives of this zodiac sign. It is unlikely that this year Cancers can count on the systematic and consistent development of events to which they are accustomed. Oh, how quickly everything happens! You believe that “everything new is evil, and any changes and innovations do not lead to anything good!” Well yes, and you may also think that if you had willpower, time would never stop. But even you, dear Cancer, must realize that the changes awaiting you in 2017 are partly designed to break your inertia and put an end to the endless stop of the train, which was long ago driven to sidings. And you need to anchor this understanding at the very center of your true essence. Real life cannot be static. Despite the fact that Cancers are aware of the inevitability of change, they still meet them with noticeable resistance. In 2017, you may face a lack of time or ability to solve the most important issues and long-standing problems that are trailing behind you, or to finally find answers to questions that have arisen in front of you in past years. Dear Cancers, if you don’t hurry, you will never change your beliefs, you really should hurry, but at the same time hurry slowly... Only this way, and no other way! You will fit harmoniously into the new era only if you remain sincere with yourself.

It is worth noting that at the beginning of 2017, there will be something in the life of Cancer that interferes with further development - just as it was in the past - and representatives of this zodiac sign must concentrate on this factor from the very beginning. In the end, the patron of 2017 - the Red Rooster - is by no means conducive to stopping or retreating. This year is a bit like a fast train that leaves without waiting for the late passengers remaining on the platform. However, no specific recipes for solving this problem simply exist, no matter how regrettable it may be. That is, Cancers will have to hurry to adapt, adapt to the current situation and choose a certain path for themselves. All these vital issues in the coming year will add even more confusion to Cancer’s already not too clear plans. You need to have a clear and precise idea of ​​the final solution to the problem before someone else makes the decision for you.

So, let's find out why Cancers, who traditionally belong to the element of Water, will have a rather difficult time adapting to the inevitable changes in 2017 - the year of the Rooster. Naturally, the key astrological trend is quite obvious: the signs under the protection of the element Water, by definition, will not be in the most favorable positions during this period of time, because the coming year 2017 belongs to the element Fire. And yet there is always a chance of success, so you should not fall into despair and think that 2017 - the year of the Rooster - will become an obstacle to successful development. This year there will be many different nuances in all areas of life, but the most important thing is that there are always obvious and implicit positive aspects, and by taking into account all these nuances, you can truly emerge as an absolute winner from any situation - even the most difficult . Moreover, this struggle - which in itself is almost always progress - will undoubtedly make you stronger, even if you have a hard time this year.

Of course, if we take into account the character traits of the representatives of this sign, then we will have no doubt that during 2017 something will push Cancer to show greater activity and dynamism. So, despite the fact that the Red Fire Rooster, the patron of 2017, will definitely not be on your side, the Moon, which is the ruler of the constellation Cancer, will move to a much stronger position compared to previous periods. And such a balance of power will entail certain consequences. Firstly, throughout 2017, the sphere of personal relationships will be in the foreground, and it is worth placing special emphasis on it (there is nothing to worry about - the interaction of this sphere with other aspects of life will be close and harmonious). Secondly, Cancers will have to be flexible. You must learn to adapt to changing circumstances without bowing to them. Here we are talking about the ability to adapt, adaptability and the ability to use changes in circumstances for one's own benefit. You don't need any special preparations for this. Your inner instinct will tell you what to do, you will easily understand what is required of you and what choice you need to make. Don't be afraid of change - just be yourself, making adjustments to suit new circumstances.

In general, for people born under the constellation Cancer, 2017 can be divided into two stages, and the first of them begins with the onset of the Year of the Rooster - January 28. Literally from the first day you will need incredible effort of all your strength, as well as courage. You will have to learn rational and intelligent ways to gain control over your emotions. Yes, this is very difficult for many Cancers to do, but now you will have to deal with these problems, otherwise you risk ending up in a very negative situation, against which all other negative circumstances that you have ever encountered in the past will fade. Don't doubt your abilities - this is very important. The moon will tell you what you need to do. Of course, the eccentricity of the Fire Rooster is your complete opposite, but still its powers are not limitless - you can be sure of that. In addition, he is not in the mood to create obstacles in front of you that you objectively cannot overcome. This little trick, which escapes the attention of many people, is actually one of the fundamental laws of the Universe, or rather one of the provisions of this law. During this period, the most global and large-scale changes will occur in the life of Cancers. Don't be afraid to end an old relationship that you know has outlived its usefulness and would be better left in the past. You need to eliminate from your life or at least change everything that is associated with at least one negative moment - so to speak, contains a spoonful of negativity in a barrel of joy. This will arm you with useful new keys that you will need along the way. At the same time, you should not be afraid of new relationships that may frighten you with their breadth and scale. Cancers often stop just one step away from victory, and you need to fight this tendency. In all other aspects, the stars recommend that you simply remain yourself. Overall, this period can be incredibly productive - of course, if you overcome all these obstacles and do not rush too much in the decision-making process. This is a key aspect of the entire 2017 year.

The next stage will begin towards the end of the summer season - approximately in the second third of August 2017. The time of sudden and drastic changes is over, and this period will become much softer and smoother. You will notice how the most significant situations are gradually moving into the sphere of your personal life and work. Naturally, this general interpretation is relative - everything here is very individual depending on your zodiac sign and your personality characteristics, which determine many different nuances. In general, the dynamics of the previous stage are preserved, but the patron of 2017 - the Fire Rooster - does not plan to make concessions and concessions to you until the end of the year, so Cancers should under no circumstances slow down. If you are confidently heading towards victory, continue to do so. If the situation becomes more and more difficult, try to become stronger yourself and become even more involved in what is happening. It is important not to lose yourself in this game, but dynamics are not everything. There is another side to this coin, and that is precision and accuracy. That is, you should not complete actions that you are not sure about. Now the risk that you may fail is especially high. Of course, dear Cancers, it will be quite difficult for you to abandon the good old Russian tradition of relying on “maybe”, but now is not the best time to use this strategy - just believe in it! But on the other hand, you have nothing to fear: you are unlikely to fall into the trap of any clear belief system or find yourself in the stranglehold of unfavorable circumstances. You will have room for maneuver. Given the active development of events, this fact may escape your attention, because during this period it is much less pronounced than usual. At some moments, you really should turn to cunning, or, on the contrary, tell the truth straight to your face at the moment when it is least expected of you. As stated earlier, the most powerful weapon at this stage is adaptability and flexibility in all matters and aspects of your life.

In general, 2017 - the year of the Red Fire Rooster - will be very successful for Cancers, but for this you will have to work hard. On the other hand, remembering the old man Nietzsche, it is worth noting that if Cancer does not bend under the pressure of circumstances, it will become stronger. In the coming year 2017, many representatives of this sign will find true friends, and maybe even that person whom they can sincerely call their “other half.” On the other hand, many relationships will come to a completely natural ending, and in this case, “natural” is the key word (even though this definition does not eliminate the grief and sadness associated with such events). It is important to remember that we always have some opportunities. And you can always give up on your goals by admitting defeat. But... in our opinion, this is not the plan you need. Rest assured that the gentle display of strength characteristic of Cancers will definitely lead your troops to victory in 2017!

We wish all Cancers happiness and good luck in 2017 - the year of the Red Rooster! May joy never leave you throughout the year, and may your home always be full of fun!

Horoscope for Cancer for 2017 Red Fire Rooster

The coming year of the Red Fire Rooster will be quite pleasant for those born under the sign of Cancer: despite the fact that there may be professional difficulties in the first half of the year, everything will end well, and you will be able to emerge from the series of these events. Be especially attentive to your work - tension, attentiveness and responsibility are now required of you. Don’t give up halfway, because overcoming obstacles will help you reach a new level and improve your skills.

Relationships with your other half will take a lot of attention this year. There may be some difficulties in love, but only because you are more passionate about your development and your goals, and your partner may feel your coldness. Show love and tenderness towards your loved ones, and they will definitely support you in the most difficult times.

Horoscope for Cancers for 2017 by month

In January, be attentive to your health. At this time, it is very important not to overwork yourself, otherwise your strength will leave you very quickly, and it will be difficult to recover. Calculate your load.

Already in February, changes will occur in the professional sphere, which will entail difficulties in relationships with partners and husbands. You're probably very busy right now and on edge because of the changes happening at work, but don't get too caught up in it and spend time with your family. In March, try not to get involved in dubious adventures or side projects outside of your main job. At this time, you may be deceived or embellished the potential outcome just to get you to agree.

April and May are a good time to set new goals for yourself and find out what you really want and what efforts you need to make to achieve what you want. Be careful: the result of your thoughts may pleasantly surprise you, and you can achieve your goals much earlier than planned.

You can plan your vacation for June or July; these two months are favorable for your rest and peace. But in August, be prepared to work intensively, especially if you work with people or deals depend on your presence. In August you will be able to do much more, you will be able to attract people to your side.

September may require you to travel on business or frequently travel. Be prepared to respond quickly to changing circumstances. October and November promise to be just great, especially for those born from June 22 to June 28. At this time, you will succeed in everything, and any of your projects are doomed to success. Try to make the most of this period - do not be afraid of anything, but boldly implement your plans. December promises to bring harmony in relationships with children.

Cancer Man: forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Men born under the sign of Cancer are considered the most sensitive of the entire zodiac. The first half of their life they can depend on the opinion of their mother, and the second - on the opinion of their wife. But it would be wrong to say that these men are bad family men - on the contrary, deep down they want to have a family in which they will always be supported, cared for and cherished.

In the year of the Red Fire Rooster, it is best for men born under the sign of Cancer to pay a lot of attention to building their careers. If earlier it seemed to you that nothing was working out or working out, then this year the situation will move from a dead point, promising both profit and a feeling of success. But for this you will have to work hard in the first half of the year, and of course, don’t forget about your family - they also want your attention.

Cancer Woman: Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Cancer women are those gentle and affectionate creatures whom you want to protect from any external problems. They know how to be sensitive, and very often envelop their surroundings with invisible care. It is these women who know how to create a special atmosphere at home - an atmosphere of kindness, love and understanding.

In the year of the Red Fire Rooster, it may not always be easy for women born under the sign of Cancer to find a common language with their partner. Your goals and desires will not always coincide, especially in the first half of the year, so both you and your partner need to be patient and come to a compromise more often. At the end of the year, your children will delight you with their successes, although your successes this year will also be significant. Try to devote more time to yourself and your development, this is very important this year.

Love horoscope for Cancers for 2017

The year does not promise to bring significant love changes. If you are married, then everything will be stable in the marriage, although at times (from January to May) there may be quarrels and misunderstandings with your spouse. These difficulties can be overcome if you try to understand his point of view, and not focus only on your desires.

The most romantic month of the year is August. At this time, you can update your wardrobe, strive for new meetings, get to know each other more actively - it is during this period that you will be more charming and attractive to the opposite sex than ever. Pay special attention to this month if you want to find your other half. This year is not very favorable for romances that can start in the workplace. They can bring difficulties into your life, especially in the work team.

Financial and career horoscope for 2017

In the year of the Red Fire Rooster, great achievements in the field of work are possible for those born under the sign of Cancer. All you need to remember is that at the most difficult moment in time you don’t need to give up. You need to look for a solution, communicate with those who understand the issue better and not give up. This behavior will definitely lead to success and help you achieve good results this year.

If you are going to open your own business, then this issue may be resolved favorably at the end of the year. Take your time and don’t run ahead of the locomotive, do your research before investing your money and time there.

The financial situation will be stable. Many Cancers will be able to make a profit from real estate (especially if you sell your apartment or house), while others will receive a large cash gift from family. In any case, the summer period will bring the opportunity to make good money.

Horoscope for Cancers for 2017 according to the Chinese horoscope

Cancer-Tiger: This year will bring career opportunities for you, although you may be dissatisfied with your boss's leadership style. You don't always have to say what's on your mind - remember this.

Cancer-Rabbit: A good year for changes if you have been planning them for a long time - you can change your life, move or change jobs. Some things will progress with effort, but every time the result will be favorable.

Cancer-Dragon: If you were born in the year of the Dragon, you can achieve significant success. Most importantly, don't forget to collaborate and take every opportunity to work with someone in pairs.

Cancer-Snake: A good year, especially for the financial sector. Try not to make harsh decisions in the area of ​​money, but making a deposit in the bank is favorable.

Cancer-Horse: The year will bring you opportunities for personal growth and new financial goals. Try to optimize your expenses, and then you will understand where large sums are flowing.

Cancer-Goat: In the first half of the year, you may take the wrong actions, so the best recommendation for you would be to think several times before making a final decision.

Cancer-Monkey: This year is suitable for cooperation and partnership. When conceiving a business or enterprise, do not be afraid to contact those people who have already proven themselves as specialists. Their advice will only be for the good.

Cancer-Rooster: This year you need to be careful with conclusions and with partnerships. Some of the partners may let you down by not fulfilling the terms of the agreement or fulfilling them at the wrong time. Rely only on those people you trust.

Cancer-Dog: A good year that will bring a lot of interesting knowledge and discoveries. Pay attention to advanced training courses or read more books - this will be very useful in your profession.

Cancer-Pig: A good year to take care of your health and body. Have fasting days more often, stick to a healthy diet. This approach will allow you to cleanse not only your body, but also your thoughts.

Cancer-Rat: The year is suitable for updating your knowledge. Many of the life principles that guide you will have to change under the influence of circumstances. Be flexible.

Cancer-Ox: A favorable year that will bring prospects for professional growth. Seek support from an expert in your field whom you trust.

See the most accurate horoscope for 2017 according to zodiac signs.

In the new year, Cancers will face many difficulties, troubles and problems. Especially a lot of them are expected at work. But this unpleasant phenomenon also has a good side. By overcoming difficulties, Cancer will be able to get more than it costs.

The coming year is the right time to implement global plans, which until now for some reason have been postponed until later. Circumstances will be favorable for those Cancers whom obstacles will not force them to deviate from the path to their goal.

In order to have enough strength for all this, you need to think about your health. It's time to get rid of bad habits or excess weight. You will definitely need at least a short but complete rest.

Close people will tend to “sit on the neck” of Cancer, taking advantage of his kindness and compliance. This shouldn't happen. Helping loved ones and loving them does not at all mean the need to pander to those who are in trouble.

Cancer Man: Horoscope for 2017

It will be very difficult for Cancer men to establish their leadership. If this creates really serious problems, it is better to make a tactical retreat and postpone the implementation of ambitious plans until a later time (at least until the end of spring). There is no need to push your own career too persistently - you will have time, but now this is fraught with scandals and conflicts.

Cancer men should listen carefully to the advice of friends and family. Perhaps one of these tips will help you get out of a stupid situation.

On a personal level, the Cancer man will have to make the final decision. He will need to go into conflict if he does not want to deepen the existing relationship. But in the case when the love is true, it is better to arrange a wedding quickly - happiness until the golden anniversary is guaranteed.

Cancer Woman: Horoscope for 2017

There will be few very bright, memorable impressions, but overall the year will be rather successful. Cancer women will acquire a special charm that will help them in their work, career, and personal life.

In terms of the implementation of official and financial plans, the first half of the year will be successful. It's time to make deep changes in your life, if you so desire. The end of the year will be more conducive to creative activity. New business acquaintances will turn out to be promising and profitable.

In terms of personal life, the year promises to be rich. Cancer women will find many love adventures and romantic encounters. Free girls looking for their prince have a chance to meet him towards the end of the year. Those who already have a romantic relationship will finally decide in the spring whether it is their destiny.

Born in the year of the Rat (1960, 1972, 1984, 1996)

Financial success awaits them, but only if they have the ability to not only earn money, but also spend it. Moderate, calculated spending will only attract new income, which cannot be said about extravagance.

The house will become a true fortress for Cancer-Rats, where they can always sit in safety. Relatives and loved ones will be complacent and will even indulge petty whims.

Born in the year of the Ox (1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

The creative field of activity will be most favorable for such Cancers; they can easily advance in the acting field or on television. But in general, their talents will find their fans in the new year.

At the same time, Cancers will also have the opportunity to choose. If they have a desire to realize their potential, there will be an application area for it.

Born in the Year of the Tiger (1962, 1974, 1986, 1998)

You should moderate your stubbornness - it can negatively affect relationships with business partners. Friends will always warn you against wrong behavior; you should listen to their recommendations.

On the love front, it is better to be careful, unless you want to end the matter by obtaining a marriage certificate. If you have such a desire, go ahead!

Born in the Year of the Rabbit (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999)

The year promises a lot of pleasant things - public recognition and financial success. But you should be careful with new acquaintances - among them there may be dubious personalities who are ready to stab you in the back at the most inopportune moment.

You need to trust people, but with verification and caution. It is better for Cancer-Cats to remember this principle throughout the year.

Born in the Year of the Dragon (1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

Dragons are always among the winners, and Cancer-Dragons especially so in the coming year. You should not brag about your successes to others - this can offend them and ruin old, proven friendships.

On a personal level, Cancer-Dragons will have many pleasant meetings and romantic interests. The stars are favorable, so the results will depend only on your own desires.

Born in the year of the Snake (1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)

These Cancers will be able to charm anyone in the new year, and that’s what they should do. There is no need to talk about personal affairs, but even in the business sphere, personal charm can solve many issues. Business partners will firmly believe that Cancer is the best companion in the world and should be preferred over all others.

Among other things, the result of the correct application of charm will be resounding financial success.

Born in the year of the Horse (1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

Cancer-Horses have every chance of meeting their true love. But we shouldn’t forget about business - a novel, after all, also costs money. Moreover, business success is guaranteed for Cancer-Horses. They will be able to reach the heights of their career and fame; any work they do will be done better than others.

Even competitors will forget about their harmfulness for a while, and friends will provide all possible support to the crayfish.

Born in the Year of the Goat (1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

To achieve success in any area, they will not need to make much effort - Cancer-Goats are the favorites of the patron of the new year. They especially show the creative sphere. But in any other they will be able to distinguish themselves.

Cancers can fully count on the support of friends and relatives - they will not let them down. They will also be able to enlist the assistance of several influential people.

Born in the Year of the Monkey (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

It is useful for Cancer-Monkeys to make as many new ones as possible and restore as many old acquaintances as possible. In the new year, personal connections may be more important than anything else. They will bring benefit even where it was not expected.

Therefore, it is better to go on vacation not to a resort, but to the city of your childhood. Perhaps some very important problem will be resolved at a meeting of classmates.

Born in the year of the Rooster (1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

In the year of the Rooster, Cancer-Roosters will definitely be lucky. They will be under the personal care of a patron who will give success to all their endeavors and bring a lot of money to their home. You shouldn’t just spend it in short bursts, it’s better to invest in good business projects, then financial prosperity is guaranteed for a long time.

Cancers will also prove themselves to be very skillful and subtle diplomats. This is always useful - both in business negotiations and in resolving family misunderstandings.

Born in the Year of the Dog (1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

They need to prepare for a fateful meeting. It is not known what sphere it will relate to, whether it will be a meeting with love or with a useful business partner. But there will be a meeting, that’s a fact.

It may even seem to Cancer-Dogs that everything is going suspiciously well - there are few problems, and there is even too much money. There's no need to be scared, it's just a lucky streak.

Born in the year of the Pig (1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

They need to think about ways to present themselves - only miscalculations in this area are now preventing them from getting a very profitable job and a large increase in salary. In fact, it is not so difficult; you can turn to friends and relatives for help (and they will prove themselves to be specialists in the field of image creation) or to your own sense of style.

Cancers will have useful acquaintances, and new acquaintances will help them with money and contribute to further advancement in society.

Wait. Everything you need will come in due time. Your mistress, the sensitive Moon, will at times bring turmoil into business, but persistent Saturn will help you pull yourself together at the right moment and not miss favorable opportunities. In the fall, prudence will not hurt, especially in family matters. This is where the real surprises await you!

Forecast for Cancers by time of year


Inaction is an important part of movement. The period of calm and contemplation will last until the end of winter. And the last days of February will be a turning point for many.


Sensuality will awaken with the first rays. The stars are pushing you towards internal changes and introspection. Energy and strength are growing every day. It's time to show everything you are capable of.


The Sun and Venus will keep you romantic all summer long. But we must not forget about business. Business activity begins in August. Make the most of this period.


You've worked hard enough. It remains to sum up the results and make a small foundation for the future. Do this now so that you can spend the end of the year in pleasant pre-holiday chores.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

The clouds have cleared, and the sun has shone on the horizon of your life, bask in its rays and smile, happiness will find you.

✓ Love: an ocean of feelings

Romantic Neptune is in your symbolic house of love. You tend to invent a lot for yourself; you see reality the way you want. If an acquaintance occurs, you will begin to idealize your partner. But this can lead to disappointment.

In the spring you will be drawn to adventures. You will want to forget about everything and literally fall into the pool of passion. Don't let yourself relax! Ask a friend you trust to look at your actions from the outside. Let someone else evaluate what is happening. Then, after comparing your feelings and the information received, you decide how to behave and what to do. At the end of summer, there is a risk of committing a rash act and falling under the influence of a not very honest person.

But in the fall, a calmer time will come, and you will be able to take a break and at the same time think about the situation. Most likely, you will decide that it is better to stay with your own and not change anything. In any case, while you have time to weigh everything again and make an important decision.

✓ Family: don’t make commitments

Winter hibernation ends, and with it the peace that reigned at home. Loved ones can't sit still, so this year it will be difficult to get everyone together. You shouldn’t insist on your own; the method of force doesn’t work now. The family will demand more freedom, and you will have to come to terms with this. If you are planning a move, then do these things in the summer. During this period, your finances will be better, and you will have more free time.

In the fall, distant relatives will remind you of themselves. You may have to go to them to resolve a number of important issues. Don't make any commitments; they will be difficult to fulfill.

✓ Friendship: new acquaintances

A friendship that was barely glimmering will get a second wind. The person with whom you were connected through formal communication will become closer. You may have common affairs and projects. This year, your support will not be those people you have known for a long time, but those you will meet now.

During the summer, socialize as much as possible. You will accidentally find yourself in a company where you will meet a very interesting person. Relationships will not be easy, but don’t give up, look for a common language.

And in late autumn, most likely, the circle of acquaintances will narrow. You will have well-founded complaints against your friends, but this is not a reason for separation. It's just that some people will fade into the background.

✓ Health: at your own pace

The energy potential is slightly reduced. And although in general you will feel quite good, you may feel some pain. Look for available measures to restore internal balance. For some it is yoga classes, for others it is regular walks in the fresh air.

The end of winter and mid-summer are perhaps the most alarming months. During this time, try to reduce any stress. And on the eve of spring, it would be good to go to a sanatorium to support yourself. Pay special attention to nutrition.

Create good habits and try to follow them. It’s not worth starting active sports yet. You can quickly burn out, and there is also a possibility of injury. Live at your own pace, that's the most important thing. But don't let yourself be lazy!

✓ Finance/career: teamwork

Financial difficulties are likely at the beginning of the year. Changes are coming at work, and, alas, they will not be joyful for everyone. See challenges as a push to action. In the summer you will be forced to solve serious problems. Most likely, you will have to remember something you did a long time ago. But previous experience will help you adapt faster to new conditions, and you will achieve good success.

At the end of summer, life will begin to boil with the same force. Interesting business offers will appear. Financial affairs will also go uphill. And although you can’t expect big profits just yet, you will be pleased with the result.

In mid-autumn, turn to your colleagues for help, do not decide anything on your own. There is a person in your immediate environment who can and wants to help you. Act together and do not dictate your own rules of the game. Now, being in the shadows will only benefit you. And you will perform feats later, next year.

Prognosis for women

The Cancer woman will find new points of support and take on the role of leader in a very unusual and interesting matter.

Look around, there are plenty of reasons to be happy! True, at the beginning of the year you will be too preoccupied with personal problems, so you are unlikely to notice anything.

Don't get caught up in what's happening. Events that happen in winter will not affect your future life in any way. In the spring, something will change, and you will realize that all your fears were in vain. In May, new dreams and hopes will appear, you will become more aware of your desires. This is a very comfortable and calm period.

The financial situation is stabilizing. Closer to autumn, friends will receive an original and, at first glance, fantastic offer. Feel free to get down to business, your inspiration and activity will help you accomplish the almost impossible. And you will finally fully experience the joy of life and see how many wonderful people there are around.

Born from June 22 to June 30

You are a source of fresh ideas. Be inspired to implement them. True, in practice everything will not turn out quite as in dreams. Don’t give up on what you have planned, look for other means, try other methods. Be prepared for the fact that the result will not be immediately obvious. Be patient and work. Know that you are on the right path.

Born from July 1 to July 11

Throughout the year, you will be torn by conflicting desires. Follow your inner feelings, take a closer look at the circumstances. July and August are the most successful times for you. Try to give your best and have time to do everything planned. It is better to relax in the fall, when there will be significantly fewer successful opportunities.

Born from July 12 to July 22

Time for inspiration. You will want to create, learn, learn something new. And even though there are a lot of household chores, find time for yourself. Right now you can discover new talents and make your hobby your life’s work. In the second half of the year you will become a participant in an unusual project. Be brave, don’t refuse the gifts of fate!

Forecast for men

The Cancer man will stop chasing fleeting mirages and will find his happiness in a quiet family circle.

The time has come for a conscious, serious choice. From the previous bustle and race, only fatigue and devastation will remain. Unexpectedly for yourself, you realize that you were striving for absolutely the wrong thing. The only thing you want is understanding and warmth.

In spring you will be surrounded by a whirlpool of things to do. Despite the fact that everything is going well, you will not leave the feeling that your efforts are in vain.

But at the end of summer, you will finally understand what you really need, what your soul strives for. A loved one will help you understand this. You will still hesitate and rush around for some time. But at the end of the year, make your final decision, although this is not easy to do. The reward will be peace of mind and complete inner harmony.

Born from June 22 to June 30

At the beginning of the year, memories will come flooding back, and in your mind you will always return to the past. Don’t look for answers to today’s questions in past events, move forward more confidently. What has always been easy can now be difficult. It's probably time to change the way you act and think.

Born from July 1 to July 11

The first half of the year will pass in pursuit of impressions. New friends and hobbies will appear. But as autumn approaches, suddenly everything gets boring and you want to retire. Not only habits will change, but also taste. You will understand what you need to be happy. Don't be afraid to change, it's all for the better.

Born from July 12 to July 22

Events will begin to unfold regardless of your desires and efforts. Something will happen that will greatly affect you. Disappointment is not a reason for despondency. There is no need to worry about the future; you have done everything to prepare for the leap forward. The last step remains to be taken, but for some reason you hesitate. The sooner you start transforming, the sooner you will achieve success. Midsummer is the best time to start a new life.

Forecast for Cancers born in the year...

A sincere smile attracts good luck. Meet
every day with joy and gratitude,
then your life will be transformed...


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Keep your distance! You don't need to get too close to anyone (especially at work). Focus on what interests you personally. Save money, and by the end of the year you will make a decent capital.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

The roads of life are winding and unpredictable; going ahead means acting to your own detriment. You will have to adapt to people, circumstances, plans... Learn flexibility, and great success awaits you.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Despite the discontent of others, you will achieve your goal. Just don’t lose all your friends along the way. Be attentive to your surroundings and do not make new acquaintances unless absolutely necessary.


1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Be more modest and simpler in your desires. And although this is a year of favorable opportunities for you, you should not overestimate your own strengths. Better take care of your health, it can let you down, especially in the second half of the year.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

A fun and slightly reckless year. Plans change dramatically, but this only invigorates you. Let this not be the time for big victories. But it is a period of incredibly exciting travels and adventures.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

The power of desire plus hard work and a little luck - this is the recipe for your happiness this year. Rely only on yourself and believe in your dream, even if others doubt it. Fortune will smile on you.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

You are almost there, you just need to try a little more and wait. There may not be enough patience, endurance, perseverance. Get yourself ready for work. And then fate will meet you halfway and turn the green light on your projects.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Much will seem incomprehensible and surprising to you. From the very beginning of the year, you will enthusiastically begin to solve riddles and comprehend secrets. As a result, you will make a lot of interesting and useful discoveries, and at the same time make real friends.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Be proactive. As soon as you feel that the situation is starting to change, adjust your course of movement. While others are rocking, you will become a leader and lead others. Of course, the course you need.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Listen to others, but trust only yourself. Try not to separate or stand out, go with everyone else. Be very careful, fate is giving you signs. Be able to decipher them.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

More optimism and less anxiety. The main thing is not to make sudden movements and follow a proven route. There is no need to change anything. Your main task this year is to have a good rest!


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

You are undoubtedly talented. Tell others about it, show yourself, don’t be afraid to reveal your abilities. This year you have every chance to become a popular and respected person, and not only in your own circle. Go for it, and you will succeed.

Children's horoscope

I love and appreciate you. At the beginning of the year, the baby will become quiet, but by the end of February he will begin to refuse every request. And so the whole year: now silence, now storm. He is going through a difficult period now, help him cope with his bad mood. Tell your baby more often that you love and appreciate him.

All you need and what you should expect in 2017 is family harmony and devoted love. However, according to the stars, in addition to this, the born Cancer will be able to receive something more during this period. You can learn more about this from our Cancer horoscope for 2017.

General horoscope for the Cancer sign for 2017

So, according to the Cancer horoscope for 2017, the best thing you can count on in 2017 is harmony in the family and devotion in love. However, positive changes await you in other areas of your life, and, first of all, this concerns finances and career growth, but for this you will need to overcome certain difficulties. According to our Cancer horoscope 2017, the most important periods will be February, March and August 2017.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

Thanks to the displacement of Jupiter, changes await your personal life. Firstly, while your patron passes through the constellation Libra, a lot of positive events await your family. Let us remind you that this period will last until October 10, 2017 and will be characterized by harmony in family relationships and order in the house. However, we emphasize that all this will happen only if you reckon with your past and respect it. This applies both to old events that affected your relationships and to people with whom you spent a lot of time in the past.

Secondly, after October 10, 2017, Jupiter will move into the constellation Scorpio, which will literally awaken your passion for love affairs. The stars believe that this will be the best period for you, but you should not bother your nearest and dearest with your attention. Sometimes you will want to come up with something new in your relationship in order to better manage and control your partner. This behavior will also affect your relationship with your children.

Business horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

Three eclipses at once in the constellations Leo and Aquarius, as well as the entry of Venus into a regressive phase in the constellation Aries, will create very important help for your career growth and financial income.

At the same time, February, March and August 2017 will be a period of difficult trials for you, and you will be forced to change your own attitude towards management. Simply put, your long-term success will largely depend on your attitude towards people who can significantly influence your professional activities.

Try to increase your self-confidence so that any disobedience or lack of attention from others cannot affect you. From the point of view of the stars, you need to pay more attention to personal values ​​and correctly form them. In this sense, the shift of the North Node in the constellation Leo will help you, which will happen in May next year.

Other horoscopes for Cancer for 2017