NLP technique for working with allergies. Quick allergy treatment


Allergies are similar to immune system phobias. Like a phobia, allergies often develop from childhood due to an unsuccessful encounter with an allergen, after which such a reaction haunts a person throughout his life. NLP has developed a whole system for working with allergies. It works more effectively when the reaction appears to a specific, easily identifiable substance.

This NLP method was developed by Robert Dilts, Tim Hallbom and Susie Smith. It aims to destroy the anchors acting on the immune system, breaking the connection between stimulus (allergen) and reaction (allergic reaction). Anchoring in NLP is the process of associating an internal response with some external trigger (similar to conditioned reflexes), so that the response can be quickly, and sometimes even indirectly, recalled.

Concepts used

This exercise also uses the following NLP terms, knowledge of which is necessary for the effectiveness of the method.

  • Joining the future- the process of mentally rehearsing with oneself any future situation so that the desired behavior is natural and spontaneous.
  • Calibration- the ability to read the unconscious non-verbal reactions of another person in the process of current interaction by establishing a one-to-one correspondence between observed behavioral signs and a characteristic internal state.

This exercise- an excellent example of the NLP approach to working with health. However, be careful: the method should not replace medical treatment, but act together with it.

Exercise "Get rid of allergies using NLP"

The exercise must be performed with a partner.

Step 1. Secure the lifebuoy anchor. This is a kind of pleasant feeling that a person can return to if anxiety arises while doing the exercise. The anchor must be secured by a certain touch on the partner's hand. Now stop this state.

Step 2. Establish a calibration for allergy symptoms. The person must briefly imagine the presence of the allergen. Now check for signs of allergies (watery eyes, red skin, choking) so they can be recognized again. Stop these feelings.

Step 3. Explain to your partner the error of the immune system. Reveal the meaning of this process and its medical rationale.

Step 4. Consider the various consequences and changes: how the patient’s life without allergies will change, what beneficial accompanying effects the allergy brings with it, etc. Figure out a way to maintain the benefits you find even after your allergies are cured.

Step 5. Find a resource that will be similar to the allergen, but will not cause an allergic reaction. Let the person associate the contact with this substance. He should not show any signs of an allergic reaction. Place a resource anchor on this state by touching your hand, and hold this anchor until the whole process is over.

Step 6. Help your partner dissociate. Let him see himself on the other side of the transparent screen.

Step 7 Now have your partner imagine introducing the allergen behind the screen. He gradually introduces the allergen into the space behind the screen and sees himself reacting quite normally to the allergen.

Step 8 Let your partner bring the image back into the body. The patient must dispel the screen and unite with his body.

Step 9 Verification through joining the future. Have your partner imagine future situations in which they will come into contact with the allergen. Note any signs of an allergic reaction. If possible, do a real allergy test with the allergen itself, but be careful.

Based on materials from the books by Ian McDermott and Joseph O'Connor. "NLP and Health." Using NLP to Improve Health and Well-Being" and Robert Dilts. "Changing Beliefs with NLP."

Exclusive material from the site "www.. Borrowing text and/or related materials is possible only if there is a direct and clearly visible link to the original. All rights reserved.

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Lastly, I meet more and more people who are deprived of the small but such pleasant joys of life. For example, one girl I know loves animals very much, but cannot afford to have a kitten. Or for example, New Year, family holiday,

when I remember the taste of childhood, and the taste of childhood is sweets, tangerines, oranges, but my other friend is prevented from plunging into childhood memories, at first glance it would seem one small problem - allergies. Allergies today have become a constant companion for humans. Few comedy or sitcoms avoid the opportunity to laugh at the problems of allergy sufferers.

Doctors around the world are sounding the alarm: the widespread prevalence of allergic diseases has turned the allergy problem into a global medical and social problem. Over the past 30 years, the prevalence of allergic diseases has doubled every 10 years. According to WHO, currently about 5% of the global population and 15% of children suffer from allergic diseases. Modern medicine offers many medications to help alleviate the plight of an allergy sufferer, but all of them only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but do not get rid of it forever.

In 1987, Robert Dilts, Tim Hallbom and Susie Smith invented a quick and natural way to relieve allergies. Thanks to which thousands of people around the world have already forgotten about autumn exacerbations, are happy to eat tangerines for the New Year, and fully indulge in the joys of bestiality with their pets. They discovered a connection between emotional experiences and allergic reactions. As Robert Dilts writes in The Rapid Allergy Cure: “Metaphorically, allergies can be compared to fear of the immune system.” If once the human body made a mistake, mistaking a substance for a dangerous one and reacting to it as a virus, then the next time in its program this same protective reaction will constantly turn on. Consequently, our body is trainable, and it can be taught to react in new ways. After all, the body of a polar explorer knows how to adapt to constant frosts, an astronaut to weightlessness, and a smoker’s body to constant doses of nicotine))).

The procedure for getting rid of allergies will not take much time. Getting rid of a reaction to one allergen occurs in just an hour, and can be carried out against any allergens. Repeated tests have shown that after using this method, the human body has the ability to quickly cleanse itself of harmful substances accumulated in it, and also quickly learn not to accumulate them anymore. This helps reduce the risk of developing allergies to new allergens. . This technique is standardized and is successfully used by consulting psychologists both in Russia and around the world.

What do you need to know before using this method?

— The “Quick Allergy Treatment” technique is carried out during periods when the allergic reaction is absent or mild!

— In one hour you will be relieved of a reaction to one allergen. If you want to get rid of a reaction to another allergen, then another procedure is needed

- the method may not work if, after the procedure for getting rid of allergies, you decide to test its success by excessively absorbing allergens (kissing all the yard cats and dogs, eating citrus fruits in incredible quantities, or sticking your hand into the beehive with bees, in case of an allergy to bee venom)

— This technique is not used for children under 14 years of age.


In NLP there is a procedure for working with allergies. It works best if the reaction occurs to a specific, easily identifiable substance. This method was developed by Robert Dilts, Tim Hallbom and Susie Smith.

First of all, a warning. Allergies can be very dangerous, even health threatening. These methods should not replace medical treatment, but work together with it. If you have doubts, it is better not to use them.

The allergy treatment method developed by NLP breaks the anchors that act on the immune system, breaking the connection between the stimulus (allergen) and the reaction (allergic reaction). We will describe this procedure as if you were helping another person.

The first step is to establish rapport. You can acknowledge the other person's experience. After all, together you will have to change the allergic reaction.

Now begin to create an anchor for a state of comfort and security. Ask your partner to remember a pleasant situation in which he felt completely relaxed. Help him find a condition that is not associated with an allergic reaction. When you see from his face and breathing that he has relaxed, lightly touch his hand with your hand at a certain point. This will be a tactile anchor for this state. Tell him that each time he feels this touch, it will remind him of a relaxed state and that he can immerse himself in it at any time throughout the procedure.

Distract his attention and interrupt this state. Then touch the same place on your hand again and make sure. that he had returned to the same pleasant, relaxed state again. Check by also asking a question. Repeat this process until your touch reliably moves him into this relaxed state. Now you have secured the relaxed state with an anchor - a touch on the hand - and you can be sure that if during the procedure your partner feels discomfort, you can return him to a pleasant neutral state. This is a “lifeline” in case of unforeseen circumstances.

The next step is to ask your partner to just remember the allergic reaction so you can see what it looks like. Ask him what it feels like when he comes into contact with the allergen. Pay attention to changes in his breathing, skin color, and especially the moisture in his eyes. These are the first signs of an allergic reaction. In NLP this operation is called "calibrating" the response: you test the allergic condition by carefully observing what it looks like so that you can easily recognize it later.

If you have already seen a reaction, interrupt this state. Tell a joke, distract his attention and get him moving.

The next step is to explain the immune system's error. Tell your partner that the allergen itself is not dangerous and that his immune system is doing his best to protect him but is reacting to an inappropriate stimulus. She can continue to protect him in the same way, but not react so violently to this particular substance. She learned this reaction, and now she can learn another, more appropriate one. Talk about an allergen as “that substance” rather than “the allergen”. Having named it in a new way, he will begin to think about it differently. Tell him about medical research on the immune system, how wonderful it works and how it can learn new responses. If you can, give an example of someone who has given up their allergy.

The next step may take some time. What is the secondary benefit of this allergy? Allergies also have their benefits. It can determine what a person eats, who to be friends with, and where to go on weekends. She can help him avoid certain situations. Perhaps they use it to control other people or attract attention to themselves. Sometimes an allergy to cigarette smoke can be a reliable way to get someone to quit smoking without being too persistent. A person suffering from allergies organizes his life based on the schedule of medical treatment he receives. When the allergy is cured, he will have to bring new order into his life, make decisions, change his diet and pay attention to things that previously went unnoticed. Until these issues are resolved, the allergy will likely continue to act.

You could end with, for example, the following question: “If all these issues (diet, situations, etc.) were resolved satisfactorily and your life became more fulfilling, would you want to give up your allergies?” Listen carefully to any doubt expressed in his intonation, and continue only if your partner clearly answers: “Yes.”

Next, find some substance with which you will retrain the immune system. Ask your partner to think of a substance that is very similar to the allergen but does not cause an allergic reaction. For example, a person may be allergic to bee stings but not ant stings, or to grass pollen but not tree pollen. Make your partner fully associate with the memory of when he was in contact with a harmless substance. Watch his breathing, eyes, and skin color closely to spot any signs of an allergic reaction. If such signs appear, choose another substance.

When you find a good example and your partner is fully associated with the memory of when he was in contact with this substance, anchor this state by touching a specific place on his hand, other than the lifebuoy. This will be a "resource anchor".

Now you are ready to begin training his immune system to respond to the former allergen in the same way it reacts to a harmless substance. The allergen is the anchor for the allergic reaction, and you replace it with a new anchor for the neutral reaction. During this operation, you must protect your partner from an allergic reaction, so ask him to dissociate while watching himself through a glass or plastic see-through screen. Ask him to make this screen airtight and thick enough to keep the allergen out. Use a resource anchor by touching your partner's hand and ask him to see himself on the other side of the screen in a situation where he may encounter an allergen. Let him very gradually introduce the allergen into the space on the other side of the screen. It is necessary that he look at himself, located on the other side of the screen and feeling completely calm in contact with the former allergen.

Continue to hold the resource anchor. Monitor your partner very closely and stop immediately at the first sign of an allergic reaction.

When he can see himself showing no allergic reactions in the presence of the allergen, you will be close to completion. Ask your partner to let the screen fade and disappear. After this, have him transfer the image of himself, calmly relating to the presence of the allergen, from behind the screen back into his own body and unite with it.

And the last thing is verification. Remove the resource anchor and ask your partner to imagine the presence of the allergen right now; Notice if any signs of an old allergic reaction reappear. Usually it disappears completely or decreases significantly.

After this, have him imagine his future contact with the allergen. This is the final check, and in NLP it is called "joining the future." In this case, the person mentally plays out a new reaction in an imaginary future situation. Monitor closely for any signs of an old allergic reaction.

It is best if you test for an allergic reaction on the spot, if possible, appropriate and your partner has consented. Be especially careful if your previous allergic reaction was severe. Let safety be your main criterion.

We both used this technology with success. One of our colleagues used it on himself and cured himself of a whole bunch of allergies that had previously put him out of action for several days.

Below we provide a brief description of this technology.

1. Install a lifebuoy anchor. This is such a pleasant memory that a person can return to during the procedure if any anxiety arises. Secure it by touching your hand. Stop this state.

2. Calibrate for allergy symptoms. Ask the person to very briefly imagine the presence of the allergen. Check for signs of allergies (wet eyes, changes in skin color, changes in breathing) so you can both recognize them again. Stop this state.

3. Explain the immune system error. Explain the meaning of this process and its medical rationale.

4. Test a wide variety of consequences. How will his life change without allergies? What are the beneficial side effects of allergies? Find a way to maintain these benefits even after your allergies are cured. You may need new ways to cope with stressful situations.

5. Find a resource. It should be as similar as possible to the allergen, but not cause an allergic reaction. Ask the person to imagine contact with this harmless substance. In this case, no manifestations of an allergic reaction should occur. Place a resource anchor on this state by touching your hand, and hold this anchor until the entire process is completed.

6. Help the patient to dissociate. One of the best ways to do this is to invite him to see himself on the other side of the transparent screen.

7. Have him imagine injecting the allergen behind the screen. He gradually introduces the allergen into the space behind the screen and observes himself reacting normally to the allergen.

5. Return the image back to the body. Let the patient diffuse the screen and unite with his image.

9. Check and join the future. Ask the patient to imagine future situations in which he or she will be in contact with the allergen, and note any manifestations of an allergic reaction. If possible and appropriate, do a real allergy test with the substance that previously caused the reaction. Be careful!

This is a good example of the NLP approach to working with health. NLP is very practical. It is very important to establish rapport with the person you are treating.

First you determine its current state, then create the desired one. After this, you carefully check the consequences of the planned change.

The next stage is to find a resource that will help you make the transition from your current state to your desired state.

At the end you check and join the future. The procedure is successful if the patient gets the desired result.

In fact, you provide the opportunity for a person to influence his immune system through his thoughts, and you influence his thoughts with your words. Words hold great power and shape the way we think about our health.

How this happens is the subject of the next chapter.

Ian McDermott and Joseph O'Connor. NLP and health. Using NLP to improve health and well-being.

Published by Andrey Pligin, Alexander Gerasimov “Guide to the course “NLP Practitioner”.

1. Identify the allergen. Calibrate the client's physiology at the "symptoms" point.

2. Select an antiallergen, that is, an irritant (object, substance, etc.) that has some similarity to the allergen and causes a normal or resource reaction in a person.


cat hair - dog hair;

oranges - lemons or tangerines;

citrus fruits - tomatoes, yellow and red apples;

book dust - street dust or chalk dust;

sunlight - moonlight;

aspirin - "ascorbic acid".

3. Identify the kinesthetics accompanying the client’s interaction with the antiallergen. It is desirable that it be resourceful for the client, or at least neutral. Anchor this state. To make the client's response to an antiallergen more resourceful, you can explicitly or implicitly add additional resources to the established anchor. Make sure your anchor is working well.

Create a context in which the client is protected from all possible external influences and can effectively dissociate from the allergy-related experience. Clients typically suggest clear glass, domes, energy shields, pressurized spacesuits, etc.

5. Invite the client (dissociated!) to select 3-4 situations related to allergies from his personal history: the earliest (the appearance of allergies) and 2-3 more, where the allergic reaction manifested itself most intensely. Also ask the client to imagine three possible situations in the future where he thinks he might again interact with the substance that previously caused his allergy.

6. Invite the client to view all selected situations one by one in a dissociated manner, starting with the earliest one, so that in each of them he sees himself calmly interacting with the former allergen. The client's task is to see himself as natural as possible, as if he always had a normal reaction.

You use your anchor throughout the entire process and calibrate the client so that he remains in a resourceful state at all times.

7. When the client has successfully reviewed and reframed all situations in a dissociated way, invite him to associate and experience all the events himself, enjoying the opportunity to have a normal reaction.

You continue to hold your anchor throughout the re-experiencing process and carefully calibrate the client.

8. Conduct a behavioral test.

9. Conduct an environmental audit. This step requires special attention from the consultant! Obtain from the client sensory criteria for his norm in the use of the substance with which you worked.

21.11.2013 This article describes two interesting cases of working with allergies.

Case No. 1. During one of the classes in the NLP Practitioner course, a participant complained of severe allergies. The disease was in the acute phase. All allergy symptoms were noticeable: the face was largely swollen, asymmetrical, the eyes were red, watery, and there was strong discharge from the nose. From the medical history, it was found out that over the past five years she has been bothered by spring attacks of allergy to poplar fluff. It was decided to carry out the “Quick cure for allergies” technique. It was known from the literature that at the height of the allergic process it is not recommended to carry out this technique due to the strong anchoring of the negative state. However, group dynamics showed that a demonstration of highly effective NLP technologies was necessary. Participants expected a trainer with appropriate qualifications to be able to help quickly. In the case of effective assistance, authority would increase, and if there was no effect, trust in the technicians would decrease (opinion from a conversation among group members).

The technique was carried out at a window from which a yard with a lot of poplar fluff was visible, which served as a good visual demonstration. The standard steps of the “Quick Allergy Cure” technique were followed; as a counterexample, the client chose dandelion fluff. The peculiarity of the technique was that poplar fluff was in reality, and dandelion fluff was only in the imagination. After completing all the steps of the technique, an adjustment to the future was carried out, which showed a positive result. After this, it was decided to conduct a behavioral test with real poplar fluff. Being in deep rapport, the client went outside. In a light trance state, the following phrase was uttered: “You see this fluff, and your immune system knows how to properly react to this harmless substance - poplar fluff. Take it in your hands a little and notice that the immune system reacts to it correctly. Take more... Now walk along the alley and lift the fluff up with your feet and breathe freely... And pay attention that as you walk, the runny nose and lacrimation disappear..." After 50 minutes, the participant came to the group completely healthy: facial asymmetry, swelling and all the previous signs disappeared allergies. The group gave them well-deserved applause. Subsequently, the participant no longer developed allergies (follow-up 10 years).

In this case, it is surprising that all clinical signs of allergy disappeared so quickly.

Case No. 2. A 60-year-old woman, a participant in the NLP Practitioner course, complained during class about an allergy to strawberries. There were no strawberries at that time, just the topic of the current block was “Allergies”. The standard “Fast Allergy Cure” technique was performed with associated environmental testing. Adjustment to the future showed positive results. A few months later, the same participant again complained that she was allergic to strawberries. In such a situation (the complete absence of the effect of technology), the ecology of changes and the presence of secondary benefits were checked in detail and carefully. And then a secondary benefit of the disease was discovered: her children (already adults) very often asked her to weed strawberries, and she had hypertension, and she had to work in an inclined position for a long time. At the same time, headaches increased significantly and blood pressure rose. Then it was decided to carry out the “Quick cure for allergies” technique only on strawberries, but leave it to the plant itself, which had to be weeded. The technique was carried out effectively, with good results. The berry allergy was no longer a concern.

This case quite clearly demonstrates the amazing ability of the brain to control the health of the body, and selectively!

Borisov V.A., NLP trainer, Gestalt therapist.

Fomchenko Yu.A. Doctor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, NLP and psychosynthesis trainer.