Ryazan perinatal center emergency room. Perinatal clinical regional center (Ryazan)

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Ryazan, Pervomaisky Ave., 41


Ryazan branch of VTB MS LLC

Ryazan, st. Lenina, 45


Branch of Capital MS LLC in the Ryazan region Ryazan, st. Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 10 A


"TFOMS" (hotline)

Ryazan, st. 6th line, no. 6


The procedure for receiving and considering applications to the Ministry of Health of the Ryazan Region

There are several ways to contact the Ministry of Health of the Ryazan Region:

By email:

Send a letter via the Internet reception . In the form for sending a letter, carefully and accurately indicate your information, including your email address. A response to your request will be sent to the specified email address.


The Minister of Health of the Ryazan Region is receiving citizens in accordance with with schedule by appointment.

In writing:

A citizen, when sending a written appeal to the Minister of Health of the Ryazan Region, must indicate his last name, first name, patronymic, postal address to which the response should be sent, outline the essence of the proposal, statement or complaint, put a personal signature and date.

A written request can be submitted.

State budgetary institution of the Ryazan region
"Regional Clinical Perinatal Center"

Main building of the center

Location 54°40′58″ n. w.  39°39′01″ E. d. HGIO
Subordination Ministry of Health of the Ryazan Region
Type budget medical institution
Form State budgetary organization
Profile obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology
Date of foundation 2011
Chief physician Petrova Elena Igorevna
Branches 16
Bed space 130+5
Address 390039, Russia, Ryazan, st. International, 1I
Official website

Ryazan Regional Perinatal Center (GBU RO "Regional Clinical Perinatal Center", GBU RO OKPTS) is a medical and preventive institution in the Ryazan region, providing all types of specialized medical inpatient care in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology, as well as providing outpatient, consultative and diagnostic and medical and rehabilitation care for women and newborn children. The perinatal center is located in the city of Ryazan at the address: Internatsionalnaya street, 1I.


The regional clinical perinatal center was built according to the project for the construction of high-tech medical centers within the framework of the Russian priority national project “Health” and put into operation in 2011. At the opening of the medical institution on March 1, 2011, the Chairman of the Russian Government, Vladimir Putin, was present, and shortly after the opening, the Chairman of the Council visited the center Federation of Valentin Matvienko.

Design and construction

The initial estimate assumed spending 1.5 billion rubles on construction on an equal basis (750 million rubles from the federal budget, 750 million rubles from the regional budget). True, it should be noted that the Ryazan region is subsidized. The choice of contractor did not occur without scandals that resulted in litigation with the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Ryazan Region. Subsequently, it turned out that the costs of building a perinatal center significantly exceeded the funds provided for in the plan. , This attracted the attention of the regional prosecutor's office.


Providing a new medical institution with qualified doctors has become a serious problem. To staff the hospital, it was necessary to lure doctors from other obstetrics institutions in the region with the help of high salaries. Despite the closure of 9 maternity wards throughout the region, it was not possible to completely solve the problem of staff shortages. To date (September 2013), not a single doctor of the perinatal center has been accredited as an expert in the quality of medical care (territorial register of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund for the Ryazan region.


  • Gynecological department
  • Obstetric Physiological Department
  • Department of Pregnancy Pathology
  • Remote obstetric consultation center
  • Remote neonatal consultation center
  • Day hospital for obstetric pathology of pregnancy
  • Consultative and diagnostic clinic
  • Medical genetic consultation
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation
  • Newborn department
  • Department of Pathology of Newborns and Premature Children
  • Neonatal intensive care unit
  • Department of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics
  • Department of extracorporeal methods of hemocorrection
  • Maternity ward
  • Physiotherapeutic department

Institution Profile

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Ryazan Region N 581 dated June 1, 2011, “all high-risk pregnant women observed in antenatal clinics (obstetrics and gynecology offices) in the city of Ryazan and the regions of the region are subject to hospitalization in the State Budgetary Institution RO “Regional Clinical Perinatal Center "

Indications for hospitalization of pregnant women at the State Budgetary Institution RO "Regional Clinical Perinatal Center": premature birth, including prenatal rupture of amniotic fluid, with a gestational age of less than 35 weeks, in the absence of contraindications for transportation; placenta previa, confirmed by ultrasound examination at 34 - 36 weeks; transverse and oblique position of the fetus; preeclampsia, eclampsia; cholestasis, hepatosis of pregnant women; a history of cesarean section in the presence of signs of uterine scar failure; a scar on the uterus after conservative myomectomy or perforation of the uterus if there are signs of scar failure; pregnancy after treatment for infertility of any origin, pregnancy after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer; pregnancy after reconstructive plastic surgery on the genital organs, III-IV degree perineal ruptures during previous births; intrauterine growth retardation of the II-III degree; isoimmunization during pregnancy; the presence of congenital developmental anomalies in the fetus requiring surgical correction; metabolic diseases of the fetus (requiring treatment immediately after birth); hydrops fetalis; severe polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios; diseases of the cardiovascular system (rheumatic and congenital heart defects, regardless of the degree of circulatory failure, mitral valve prolapse with hemodynamic disturbances, operated heart defects, arrhythmias, myocarditis, cardiomyopathies, chronic arterial hypertension); thrombosis, thromboembolism and thrombophlebitis in history and during current pregnancy; respiratory diseases accompanied by the development of pulmonary or cardiopulmonary failure; diffuse connective tissue diseases, antiphospholipid syndrome; kidney diseases accompanied by renal failure or arterial hypertension, anomalies in the development of the urinary tract, pregnancy after nephrectomy; liver diseases (toxic hepatitis, acute and chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis); endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus of any degree of compensation, thyroid disease with clinical signs of hypo- or hyperfunction, chronic adrenal insufficiency); diseases of the visual organs (high myopia with changes in the fundus, history of retinal detachment, glaucoma); blood diseases (hemolytic and aplastic anemia, severe iron deficiency anemia, hemoblastosis, thrombocytopenia, von Willebrand disease, congenital defects of the blood coagulation system); diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, cerebrovascular accidents, conditions after ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes); myasthenia gravis; malignant neoplasms in history or detected during current pregnancy, regardless of location; vascular malformations, vascular aneurysms; history of traumatic brain injury, spinal injury, pelvic injury; other conditions that threaten the life of a pregnant woman, in the absence of contraindications for transportation.

Chief doctors

Even before the opening of the perinatal center in 2011, Elena Petrova was appointed to the position of chief physician, who, although she did not have much experience in practical medical work, was the daughter of the deputy head of Rospotrebnadzor for the Ryazan region, S.P. Petrova.


According to tariff agreements, doctors at the perinatal center receive higher remuneration for the same medical services than doctors at other medical institutions in the region. This allowed the chief physician of the perinatal center, E.I. Petrova, to become the highest paid medical employee of a state medical institution in the Ryazan region in 2012. Her officially declared annual income was about 5.5 million rubles. For comparison: Ryazan governor Oleg Kovalev declared an income of about 3.76 million rubles for the same period.


According to statistics published on the official websites of the center and the Ministry of Health of the Ryazan region, currently approximately 20-25% of all newborns in the region are born in this institution.


Logistics support

To provide the full range of medical services necessary in neonatology, the perinatal center lacks the necessary equipment. In particular, there is no department of neurosurgery, no magnetic resonance imaging apparatus. A Ford patient transport vehicle is not recommended for emergency transportation of newborns.

Quality of medical services

Criticism towards the staff of the perinatal center is mainly expressed regarding the unsatisfactory organization and quality of the services provided. The media reported on inspections and penalties against the State Budgetary Institution RO "OKPTs". The expensive construction of a perinatal center has not led to an improvement in the situation with infant mortality in the Ryazan region. According to this indicator, the region is lagging behind. If in general for the Central Federal District in 2012 it was 7.8 deaths per 1000 births, then in the Ryazan region it was 9.8. Of the 18 regions of the Central Federal District, the data was worse only in the Oryol and Kaluga regions (Federal State Statistics Service).

The Ryazan Regional Clinical Perinatal Center (ROCPC) was built under the project for the construction of high-tech medical centers within the framework of the priority national project “Health” and put into operation in 2011.

A perinatal center is an institution of the third level of medical care, including the provision of assistance of any degree of complexity to pregnant women and newborns. It is planned to provide all types of specialized, high-tech inpatient and hospital-replacement care in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology, as well as outpatient, consultative, diagnostic, medical and rehabilitation care, mainly for the most difficult contingent of pregnant women, young children (including newborns) ), women with reproductive disorders, based on the use of modern preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic technologies.

The center is equipped with modern medical equipment that allows monitoring the condition of the mother and child, anesthesia and respiratory, resuscitation, ultrasound, and laparoscopic equipment. The use of high technologies makes it possible to care for premature babies, including those with extremely low body weight, which is important in connection with the transition from 2012 in Russia to the criteria for live birth of children with a body weight of 500 grams.

On the basis of the Perinatal Center there are two departments of the Ryazan State Medical University named after A.K. I.P. Pavlova: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a course in Obstetrics and Gynecology FPDO, Department of Childhood Diseases with a course in Pediatric Surgery.

The activities of the State Healthcare Institution "ROKPC" are based on the principles: accessibility, free of charge, confidentiality, qualifications, scientific validity and effectiveness of the diagnostic and treatment process, friendly attitude towards mother and child.

Structure of the State Healthcare Institution "ROKPC"

  • Administration
  • Clinical diagnostic clinic
    • Day hospital
  • Hospital
    • Gynecological
      • Gynecological department
    • Neonatological
      • Department of Pathology of Newborns and Premature Children
      • Neonatal intensive care unit
    • Obstetric
      • Department of Pathology of Pregnant Women
      • Maternity ward
      • Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation
  • Department of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics
  • Physiotherapy Department
  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory
  • Medical genetic consultation

Today, the unified information space of healthcare facilities operates on the basis of KIIS and combines more than 120 workstations and 5 servers. As a base platform, it was decided to use the production of RAMEK, which includes our comprehensive medical information system.

In total, KIIS employs more than 240 users, all workplaces of doctors, nurses, managers, hospital administration, and statistics are connected.

The Institution is working with electronic outpatient, gynecological, genetic, urological cards, medical histories, birth histories, histories of the development of newborns. All medical documentation is located in a single database of health care facilities and is maintained electronically, including all examination documents, diary entries, consultations, research results, various highly specialized obstetric, gynecological and neonatological documents, surgical reports, various epicrises, etc. All doctors at the clinic and medical genetic consultation use personal calendars with the ability to make appointments with them using the implemented Electronic Registration system.

Thanks to the strong position of management aimed at the full implementation of a closed cycle of document flow, it was possible to achieve maximum and correct completion of medical documents, which in turn made it possible to download correct statistics directly from KIIS, without involving additional human resources for its processing and verification.

At the moment, work is underway to implement the financial and economic subsystem of KIIS for automatically checking and uploading registers of treated patients.

Using the "Information Board" in the Ryazan Perinatal Center

Registration of the Ryazan Perinatal Center

State budgetary institution of the Ryazan region "REGIONAL CLINICAL PERINATAL CENTER"

GBU RO "Regional Clinical Perinatal Center" (GBU RO "OKPTS") was built according to the project for the construction of high-tech medical centers within the framework of the priority national project "Health" and put into operation in 2011.

A perinatal center is an institution of the third level of medical care, including the provision of assistance of any degree of complexity to pregnant women and newborns. It is planned to provide all types of specialized, high-tech inpatient and hospital-replacement care in the field of obstetrics, gynecology, neonatology, as well as outpatient, consultative, diagnostic, medical and rehabilitation care, mainly for the most difficult contingent of pregnant women, young children (including newborns) ), women with reproductive disorders, based on the use of modern preventive, therapeutic and diagnostic technologies.

The center is equipped with modern medical equipment that allows for monitoring the condition of the mother and child, anesthesia-respiratory, resuscitation, ultrasound, and laparoscopic equipment. The use of high technologies makes it possible to care for premature babies, including those with extremely low body weight, which is important in connection with the transition from 2012 in Russia to the criteria for live births of children with a body weight of 500 grams.

Hospital departments:

information desk- 46-44-09
maternity ward - 46-44-17
postpartum (obstetric department) - 46-44-39
neonatal department - 46-44-24
gynecological department- 46-44-23
pregnancy pathology department- 46-44-26
Department of Pathology of Newborns and Premature Children- 46-44-16
neonatal intensive care unit - 46-44-29
anesthesiology and intensive care department - 46-44-38.

medical genetic consultation (MGC) - 46-44-27

Consultative and diagnostic clinic:

The reception is conducted by:

- urologist-andrologist,
- ophthalmologist,
- therapist,
- dentist,
- endocrinologist,
- cardiologist,
- neurologist,
- psychotherapist,
- sexologist.

The clinic has:

Department of functional and ultrasound diagnostics, equipped with modern expert-class ultrasound equipment, cardiac monitors, etc.
- physiotherapy department
- day hospital

Hospitalization at the State Healthcare Institution "ROKPC" is routinely carried out in the pregnancy pathology department and the gynecological department upon the referral of a female consultation doctor at the place of residence.
In an emergency - by ambulance or independently (based on the operation of the birth certificate system).
Medical care at the State Healthcare Institution "ROKPC" is provided free of charge within the framework of the "Territorial program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to the population of the Ryazan region for 2011." It is possible to provide medical care under a voluntary health insurance policy (VHI).

Medical genetic consultation (MGC):

Provides prevention, diagnosis and treatment of hereditary and congenital diseases.


Consultative consultation with married couples on issues of prognosis of offspring, infertility and miscarriage;
- consultation of children to exclude hereditary pathology;
- prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformations and hereditary diseases of the fetus (including examination of pregnant women for serum markers of congenital malformation of the fetus and Down syndrome; 2nd stage of ultrasound screening of pregnant women (clarifying diagnostics))
- mass screening of newborns for hereditary diseases.