Robert Pattinson: biography, hobbies, personal life. Elle Russia: Robert Pattinson's Rules of Life

Some people like him, others call him mediocrity - but there is not a single person who would be completely indifferent to this British actor. Having played the vampire Edward in 2008, Robert Pattinson won the hearts of all girls from 13 to 70 years old, and also made many enemies among film critics and the entire male gender combined. But in real life, the actor bears little resemblance to a mysterious and romantic vampire—the real Pattinson can more likely be classified as a tragicomedy character.

And here are some proofs of this.

Fact 1

Robert has two older sisters, who, according to the actor, did everything as a child, but did not allow him to live in peace. For example, they liked to dress up their younger brother as a girl and introduce him to everyone as “Claudia.” One can only imagine how little Rob reacted to this - although who knows, maybe it was just such a masquerade that gave him the idea of ​​an acting career.

Fact 2

Going through a difficult period of unemployment, Pattinson seriously thought about quitting acting altogether - and he probably would have done so if it had not been for the timely audition for the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight.

Fact 3

It's hard to believe now, but when Robert was cast to play Cullen, at least 75,000 people signed a petition against Pattinson's casting as the iconic vampire. The reason for such a violent protest was the opinion that Robert “outwardly does not live up to the handsome Edward.”

Fact 4

When the actor was asked how he got used to the role of a vampire, he replied that “75% of the success lay in my hairstyle.”

Fact 5

Unlike Taylor Lautner, who wowed everyone on the set of New Moon with his amazing torso, Robert decided not to devote time to physical training for filming the film. So for the scene where Pattinson takes off his shirt, makeup artists had to literally add abs to the actor using cosmetics.

Fact 6

Having decided to quit smoking, Robert began carrying toothpicks with him everywhere - and this, of course, did not go unnoticed by the actor’s fans. So after every party or premiere, caring fans began to shower him with “gift” packs of toothpicks.

Fact 7

One day, Pattinson decided to do something extraordinary and invited one of his fans, who spent days standing outside his house, to dinner. According to the actor himself, in this way he wanted to overcome a bad mood. However, being not a very talkative and open person, Robert, according to his own statements, did not make a particularly strong impression on the girl.

*I am right, as an axiom, without any but...*

Robert Pattinson turned 27 today, and we think there's no better way to celebrate than by taking a look at 27 interesting, funny, and little-known facts about his life. From Rob's first kiss in his relationship with Kristen Stewart to his troubles at school, the actor has already lived an interesting life. Click to read our facts about Robert!

1. Rob learned to scuba dive for a role in the film “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,” which he told Scholastic magazine.

2. Rob was expelled from school.
Robert Pattinson admitted in a 2008 interview with Extra that he was expelled from Tower House School, a private school in England, when he was 12, but refused to explain why he was expelled.

3. He's to blame for one rumor about Kristen Stewart.
Robert Pattinson admitted to GQ in April 2009 that he was to blame for an early rumor that he proposed to Kristen Stewart. He said: "I said that in some interviews, like in an anecdote - 'Oh, I proposed to her several times.'" And then they printed this: “It has been established, he proposed several times.”

4. Rob wasn't always a fan favorite.
According to TV Guide, 75,000 fans petitioned against Robert Pattinson when it was first announced that he had been cast as Edward Cullen.

5. Rob is friends with Katy Perry.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are good friends with Katy Perry and her assistant Tamra Natisin.

6. Rob shot the gun.
Robert Pattinson revealed in a 2012 interview with MTV that he had recently been practicing shooting, saying that he loves going to the LAPD shooting range to shoot.

7. Rob is not a fan of spending a lot of money.
Robert Pattinson told Harper's Bazaar in 2009 that despite earning millions from Twilight, he doesn't like shelling out on lavish purchases. He said: "I won't spend any money. The only thing I really bought was my $1,500 car, which I keep breaking into."

8. Rob is not a very good driver.
Despite growing up with a father who was a car dealer, Robert Pattinson admitted to Harper's Bazaar in 2009 that he wasn't really used to driving. He said: "My dad is a car dealer, but I grew up in London, so I always say, “I don’t drive, I’m driven.”

9. He likes to Google himself.
Kristen Stewart told Harper's Bazaar in November 2008 that Robert Pattinson Googles himself more than she does. He countered, however, that he actually Googles his "competitors" and that she is the only one who searches for herself more online.

10. Rob's first kiss was at age 12.
Robert Pattinson told Seventeen magazine that his first kiss was at the tender age of 12.

11. Rob hates the nickname "RPattz"
Robert Pattinson fans may like to call him RPattz, but it's best not to say it to his face. He told The Guardian in June 2012 that he didn't like the nickname, saying: "I don't understand who came up with this -RPattz thing. I want to strangle him."

13. Rob has two dogs.
Robert Pattinson has two dogs with Kristen Stewart: Bear and Bernie. Both are mongrels that they rescued from a dog shelter.

14. He was suspended from school for saving a snail.
Robert Pattinson revealed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show back in April 2011 that he was suspended from school when he was 6 or 7 years old because he kept snails in a box to keep them safe. He said he saved them from his classmates so that they would stop killing the snails when they went outside.

15. Rob is embarrassed about his body.
Robert Pattinson said in an interview with Moviefone in January 2009 that he thinks he has "wide hips" and is embarrassed to take off his clothes in public. In fact, he said that when he goes to the pool, he keeps all his clothes on to avoid feeling embarrassed.

16. Rob loves stupid TV shows.
Robert Pattinson told MTV in 2011 that his favorite TV shows are "A Minute to Win It" and "Dumb Crimes of America."

17. Rob is friends with Eddie Redmayne.
Eddie Redmayne told us back in December that he was friends with Robert Pattinson. He said: "I've known Robert for a long time. There are a lot of us [British actors] who were trying to make ends meet in London and it's wonderful to see that everyone has moments to
do interesting work."

18. Rob's favorite football team is Arsenal.
Robert Pattinson told the UK's Metro newspaper that Arsenal is one of his favorite football teams.

19. Rob was a model.
Before becoming an actor, Robert Pattinson was a model. See photos of him showing off his underwear as a teenager.

20. Rob has flexibility in his fingers.
Robert Pattinson told Yahoo!Movies UK & Ireland that he has Bendy's flexible fingers. He also noted that he broke his nose three times while playing soccer as a goalkeeper because his fingers bent backwards and the ball hit him in the face.

21. Rob is not very athletic.
Kristen Stewart told Harper's Bazaar in 2009 that she is much more athletic than Robert Pattinson. She said: “Rob can barely jump rope. I call him Flippy because when he does his trick in rehearsal, he flips everything around. And, God, when he tries to run."

22. Rob can speak French quite well.
Robert Pattinson told Vanity Fair in 2008 that he could speak French, but only to "standards from 3 years ago."

23. Rob studied at a private boys' school.
Robert Pattinson grew up attending various private schools in England. He attended Tower House School until he was 12 years old, when he was transferred to The Harrodian School.

24. Rob has never been with Nikki Reed.
Sorry guys, Robert Pattinson wasn't with Nikki Reed before he got together with Kristen Stewart. Nikki told Seventeen magazine in 2009 that rumors of her "sadness" over her split from Rob left her furious. She said: "Rob and I were never together."

25. Rob's first role was played for a TV movie.
Although he never appeared on screen in Vanity Fair, Robert Pattinson did manage to get some real screen time in his first real role in the British TV movie The Ring of the Nibelungs.

26. Rob lied to Matt Lauer.
While promoting the film “Water for Elephants!” on the Today show, Robert Pattinson told Matt Lauer that he saw a circus clown die when he was a little child. However, he later admitted at the German premiere of "Water for Elephants!" that he made up the whole story because he couldn't think of anything interesting to interview. He said, "I did all this... I don't know why I said it!"

27. Rob played Reese Witherspoon's son.
Robert Pattinson's first film job was as Reese Witherspoon's son in Vanity Fair, but his scenes with her were ultimately cut from the film. It was an odd casting choice to begin with, considering that Reese is only 10 years older than Rob. He later played her lover in Water for Elephants, but fans saved Rob's deleted scenes from Vanity Fair on YouTube.

I am quite a sensitive person and appreciate the proof of love I receive. But all this is because my ego speaks in me.

If you know who you are, it is easier for you to defend your point of view. Simply because you are honest with yourself.

An interesting thing is the attitude of our generation towards porn! Everyone watches it, but no one wants to admit it, do they?

I'm a real neurotic. On the one hand, it’s difficult to live with this, but on the other, I need it. My insecurities are the only interesting aspect of my personality.

A sense of humor is the best defense against the madness that is going on around you.

I always steal pens from hotels.

I love making gifts, I think I'm good at it. Although in fact I give them to myself: I find something that another person might like.

There is little in a relationship that can offend me; I have never felt the need to forgive.

I judge another person by his actions. I don’t want to know whether they are good or bad - let my “half” doubt and figure it out for herself. And if I can’t or don’t want to cope with something, I simply remove the person from my life.

For me, it's best when a woman knows who she is and what she wants. This is probably because for me personally it’s the other way around.

If a girl dresses well, it means she is confident and in control of her own body.

I grew up boring and the most ordinary guy. I wanted to be a musician, a kind of sad pianist who plays jazz in a cafe. But then I went to the theater studio - it was full of beautiful girls... And, by the way, my hopes were justified!

At the beginning of my acting career, I didn’t even understand what I was doing. It took me six years for it to dawn on me!

I promised myself to do only what I love. I must say, the task is not easy!

Producers constantly advise: “You must win the male audience!” I can't imagine what this means. I can't force guys to go to the cinema and watch films with my participation!

I love fashion, but I don't want people to judge me by my clothes. That's why I always dress the same. But look at this great jacket from Dior, I wear it every day!

When fame comes, your world suddenly becomes smaller - and this, of course, gets you. But you can also turn this to your advantage: even if people hate you, they still think about you.

For some reason, it is believed that all vampires are very fit. I had to exercise five hours a day and give up my favorite breakfast muffins. It’s not difficult to undress, especially if you haven’t skipped the gym for a while before.

It seems to me that many women need a man with flaws - otherwise they are simply bored. And with a bad guy you need to constantly be irritated, offended, jealous - a hot relationship!

It would be nice to become famous at a time when there was neither the Internet nor Twitter! For a long time I tried to maintain a normal life - the one I had before Twilight. But in the end I realized that nothing would come of it. I’m a naturally calm and reserved person, I try to remain polite even with the paparazzi, but I don’t know how much longer I’ll last...

My balance point is family and loved ones. You just can't pretend with them.

I owe a lot to luck. I never thought that all this would happen to me, although I never doubted that something good was waiting for me in life.

I admire actors like Joaquin Phoenix or Daniel Day-Lewis because it's pretty easy for them to do their jobs - and do them well. These are solid actors, incredibly strict with themselves. That's all I want - to be an actor.

Since childhood, I loved and still love hip-hop, but now I started listening more to jazz, classical music... I guess I’m getting old.

I'm happy when I can test myself. And when I just sit and relax, I languish from idleness. You don’t want routine - when you come home and think that you did everything you had to do today. Why should I go to work tomorrow then?

The main thing in any art is not to become arrogant. Success can be a golden cage. I feel that now I am at a decisive stage in my life: in the next two or three years everything will be determined.

For a long time I couldn’t understand why women like Robert Pattinson so much? The 26-year-old Briton does not at all look like a fatal and charismatic scoundrel. It's just the opposite. Shy, well-mannered, reserved. He behaves very correctly. Although, of course, one cannot fail to note his extremely expressive facial features. What are these scarlet lips worth? In general, when I was offered to do an interview with him, I could not deny myself the pleasure of once again taking a close look at this face. The actor was brought to the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles in a car with a driver, but without security. He is dressed as usual: a dark shirt, from under which a light T-shirt is visible, and jeans. Having sat down on a soft sofa, the actor first carefully crossed his legs. Then he began to smile charmingly. Tactfully he asked how I was doing. When I asked him a similar question, I thought about it, then answered that he was doing well.

From an early age he did not dream of becoming an artist; he was much more attracted to music. At the age of five, he asked his parents to hire him a music teacher - he wanted to play guitar and piano. He grew up in a wealthy family. None of his relatives have ever been associated with the acting profession. Dad, Robert Pattinson Sr., sold expensive sports cars, mom, Claire, was raising children. Robert has two more older sisters - Victoria (works in advertising) and Elizabeth (professional musician).

14-year-old Robert Pattinson poses as a model in Miu Miu swimsuits for the Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post (2001).

He attended a private school in London. At the age of 12, he began working as a model so that he could have his own pocket money. Then he began to be offered small roles in theatrical productions of the Barnes Theater Club. He felt that this was serious and began going to auditions. His idol was Jack Nicholson, whose films he watched without exception. In 2005, Pattinson played Cedric Diggory in the film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. But his finest hour was the role of the vampire Edward Cullen in “Twilight” (the film adaptation of Stephenie Meyer’s gothic bestsellers), after which the whole world learned about Robert Pattinson. In 2010, TIME magazine included him in its list of the 100 most influential people in the world.

While filming in 2007, Robert met actress Kristen Stewart (daughter of television producer Chris Stewart). They began to be called the golden couple of “young Hollywood.” In all interviews, Robert admired his girlfriend like crazy, repeating how pleased he was to be with her. But when, at a meeting, I asked Kristen the question: “How does she see an ideal man?” – the actress did not tell me his name. According to Forbes, Robert and Kristen are currently ranked as the fifth highest-paid couple in Hollywood. This summer, shortly after the release of the film “Snow White and the Huntsman,” where 22-year-old Stewart starred in one of the main roles, photographs appeared showing the girl in the passionate embrace of 41-year-old Rupert Sanders, the director of this film. Kristen told Robert that she cheated on him. That same evening, Pattinson packed his things and left the mansion they were renting together in Los Angeles. Temporarily settled in the empty estate of Reese Witherspoon (the actress has been his patron since the time they collaborated in the films “Vanity Fair” and “Water for Elephants!”) in Beverly Hills. Recently there were reports in the press that the actor had forgiven Kristen and they were ready to reunite.

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Sitting opposite me, Robert constantly runs his hand through his hair, straightening his bangs. This is his signature move. And although his hair is now cut shorter than usual (and there is nothing special to straighten there), he still does it. At the film studio they warned me that he was afraid of personal questions, but they didn’t have to be asked. I asked stupid questions on purpose - a nervous young man was sitting in front of me, it was not difficult for me to understand what was going on in his soul, and I wanted to somehow cheer him up.

“my mother finds out a lot about me from the press, and then calls me in horror with questions”

M arie Claire: If you had a choice between being a vampire or a human, which would you choose?

Pattinson: I loved my character. And I loved everything he could do - read other people's minds, be super strong, super fast. I think many would like to have the same qualities in real life. I also spent a lot of time with Kristen Stewart. So you can say that I enjoyed the process. And the scene where Kristen's character finally turns into a vampire is one of my favorites. Now I don’t even know what advantages there are in ordinary human life! Probably, happiness is that you are limited in time, you can die and you need to do everything. This stimulates you to live and do something, to make sure that there is at least some dynamics in your biography.

What do you eat besides human blood?

I love shawarma. During filming in Canada, every time there was a break, we went to some hole for shawarma. As a result, I annoyed the entire film crew with my diet. Canada definitely makes the best shawarma I've ever tried.

She's harmful! Don't you have to limit yourself to be in amazing physical shape?

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How does it feel to be one of the most popular actors in the world at 26 years old?

It's hard for me to believe that I've already done so much. Everything happened so quickly... Maybe that's why I feel like I'm growing up faster than my peers. I have a different speed of life. In recent years, I managed to simultaneously star in six films. And on a personal level, everything changed so dramatically that I didn’t have time to utter a word. Before this, I had not had a serious relationship with women for a very long time. I really feel like I'm older and more experienced. And I want to play other roles, something about grown men.

Do you like yourself?

Of course, I am pleased to be famous, but I treat my work as work, nothing more. It's just what I do best. And I’m pleased to see that things have taken a turn for the better for Kristen Stewart. We often discuss together the projects that are offered to her, but she naturally makes decisions herself. She says that I am not a careerist, I just enjoy the process and express myself this way.

Aren't you afraid of people?

I’m not afraid, but I try as much as possible to avoid big responsibility. When people recognize me, I always say: “You’re wrong, we’re just very similar.”

"Twilight. Saga. Breaking Dawn: Part 2 (2012)

“I’m not afraid of people, I just try as much as possible to avoid big responsibility”

If you decide to write a book, what will it be about?

I don’t know, maybe I should write about some of my sufferings, about how hard it is to work as an actor, especially since girls love to read about such things.

What do you regret in your life? Would you like to go back in time to correct a mistake?

I don't like living in the past. I very rarely remember what was good or bad there. I don’t suffer, I don’t feel nostalgic. I like to live here and now. If I finish some work, I will soon stop thinking about it.

Does this also apply to your personal relationships?

Everyone is interested in knowing the details, but I feel more comfortable discussing these topics with close friends. Even my mother finds out a lot about me from the press, and then calls me in horror. Naturally, I tell you how everything really is.

What is your happiness?

Waking up with your loved one in the morning together.

How do you relax?

All extreme sports help. I like speed. I have a motorcycle and I like to ride very fast along the ocean.

“I haven’t had a serious relationship with women for a very long time”

Life of the Stars


13.05.16 11:31

Starring in one of the highest-grossing franchises of all time, he is constantly trying to get as far away from the image of a lovestruck vampire as possible. His roles in The Rover and Maps to the Stars are just a few of Robert Pattinson's such endeavors. Facts say that he is quite in demand: five films with his participation are being prepared for release. We couldn't miss the big date - today the actor turns 30 - and we collected some interesting facts about Robert Pattinson.

Young model

The actor's father imported vintage cars from the United States, and his mother worked in a modeling agency.

Robert is the youngest of three children and has two sisters.

Interesting fact: Robert Pattinson served as something of a model for the sisters: they loved to dress him up in their dresses and called him Claudia.

Robert attended a private English boys' school, Tower House School, then he was transferred to a mixed school, Harrodian.

From the age of 12 to 16, Pattinson worked as a fashion model: as a teenager he had an androgynous appearance. But as Rob became more like a man, the demand for him fell.

Brave Cedric

Robert's career began in the school theater, he played leading roles in plays based on Hardy's novel "Tess of the D'Urbervilles" and the plays "Our Town" by Wilder and "Whatever Happens" by Wodehouse.

Pattinson wanted to become an actor since childhood, and his father supported his desire.

A well-known fact: Robert Pattinson made his film debut in 2005, and immediately in a blockbuster - he played Cedric Diggory in the film “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.”

In an interview with Scholastic magazine, the actor told how difficult it was for him to dive underwater in one of the scenes of this movie.

Auditions... in the director's bedroom

However, fame came to Pattinson with the role of Edward Cullen in Twilight: posters of him hung on millions of teenage girls around the world, and the film and its sequels became box office hits.

Pattinson's audition for Twilight took place in director Catherine Hardwicke's bedroom - it was a scene with Kristen Stewart, who had already been cast in the role of Bella.

“All the other candidates came to do something empty, petty and thoughtless. But Rob realized that this was not a frivolous role,” Stewart told GQ magazine.

And some were against it!

When it was announced that the Briton had received the role of Edward, 75 thousand fans of the original books signed a petition against his candidacy.

It wasn't just fans of the novels who doubted whether Robert was good enough to play Edward Cullen. “There was a call from the head of the studio who asked, ‘Are you sure you can make this guy look good?’” says Catherine Hardwicke. Fortunately, the director defended the candidate: “He is very photogenic, but also wildly talented. I see how he can play strange, wild, fantastic characters."

During the filming of Twilight - an interesting fact - Robert Pattinson was injured, and in the very first frame. “I wasn’t even doing a stunt, I was just trying to lift Kristen Stewart and I almost tore my hamstring because I didn’t warm up beforehand,” the actor recalled in an interview with the Los Angeles Times.

Very hard working actor

He proved to be a very hard worker and showed up in Oregon a month before filming began to work with a trainer and become thoroughly familiar with the script and Mayer's other books.

For the role, Robert had to wear gold contact lenses, which he called "orange spots." Sometimes the lenses changed to blood red (Mayer believes this is what the eyes of vampires become when they are hungry).

During the break between filming the second and third films in the franchise, Pattinson managed to play the lead role in the drama Remember Me.

Twilight fans were everywhere when Remember Me was filmed. “I had a hard time concentrating. It was the funniest experience. You try to stay in character, you walk down the street, but all these people constantly remind you that you are a completely different character,” Pattinson said.

Robert and Kristen Stewart hid their relationship for almost two years - until they were “caught” by photographers on a romantic walk.

Thanks to the Twilight franchise, Pattinson has eight MTV Awards.

He also received the Golden Raspberry Award: together with the worst ensemble cast in the film Twilight. Saga, Breaking Dawn: Part Two."

Sexy Robert

In 2008 and 2009, Pattinson was named to People magazine's Sexiest Men Alive list.

In 2009, Vanity Fair named Robert the most handsome man in the world. By the way, Angelina Jolie received a similar female “title”.

Rob admits that he is a terrible driver (even though his father was a car dealer). Having moved to Los Angeles, Pattinson bought a car, started driving, but heard enough horns from indignant “comrades on the road.”

Fun fact: Robert Pattinson says he has nothing in common with Edward: "I can't remember a single romantic thing I've ever done."

Robert plays piano and guitar; one of his songs was included in the film “Twilight.” Catherine Hardwicke said Pattinson's music made her cry.

Democratic, thrifty, witty

When it comes to fashion, Robert is very democratic and does not follow any trend.

Despite the millions he has earned, Pattinson does not lead a lavish lifestyle: “The only thing I bought with my first royalties was my $1,500 car.”

Before Robert became famous, he spent all his "free" money on DVDs.

He was once asked: “What is the success of “getting” into the image of Edward?” Pattinson, who has a good sense of humor, replied: “My hair is 75% of the success!”

Hobbies and idols

One of his hobbies is shooting; he likes to visit shooting ranges.

Pattinson's favorite actors are Marlon Brando and Jack Nicholson.

Robert loves rap and Eminem songs. And also blues and compositions by John Lee Hooker and Elmore James.

He takes part in several charitable projects and invests money in a foundation fighting human trafficking.

Robert's height is 185 cm.

Pattinson is the face of the French fragrance from Dior.

He claims that his worst habit is talking too much.

The last fact in our collection about Robert Pattinson is that he loves to drink Diet Coke and eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch.