Cancer man born in the year of the rabbit. Rabbit-Cancer man: character, personality traits and compatibility

But things are not going so smoothly with the Cancer-Rabbits actors: Yul Brynner (“The Magnificent Seven”), Nikolai Kryukov (“Sannikov’s Land”, “Bronze Bird”), Vladimir Volodin (“Volga-Volga”, “Circus”, "Kuban Cossacks")

A special case of Cancer-Cats is their singing inclinations towards the pop or pop genre. Among them are well-known people: rock and roll pioneer Bill Haley, the sweet-voiced nightingale and millionaire of the Czech stage Karel Gott, the equally sweet Greek of English origin George Michael, and also Vadim Kazachenko. Special mention should be made to guitar virtuoso Yngwie Malmsteen, composer, musician and businessman Stas Namin and composer Ottorino Respighi (“Fountains of Rome”).

Among the representatives of this astrological group there are many scientists: John Northrop - biochemist; Sherwood Roland - chemist; Martin Pearl - physicist; Camillo Jolgi - physiologist and so on. It should be noted that Cancer-Cats show great interest in medicine.

And finally, the writers. Here, Cancer-Cats are not spoiled with regalia. Chief among them is Irving Stone (romanticized biographies of famous people: “Lust for Life”, “Torment and Joy”), as well as Boris Lavrenev (“The Forty-First”), Gottfried Keller (“The Green Henry”), and the science fiction writer John Stafford.

Finally, let's list a few more famous Cancer-Cats (Rabbits): the organizer of the Davis Cup, Dwight Davis; priest, Orthodox Saint Seraphim of Sarov; artists Orest Vereisky and Joshua Reynolds; famous skier Mark Girardelli; World chess champion Vladimir Kramnik.

Horoscope of Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) woman

Cancer-Rabbit women are practical, psychological and often ambitious. They boldly make their way in art and even in male professions.

For example, Amy Johnson is a pilot who flew from England to Australia and to Africa (Cape Town) in record time. During the war she served in transport aviation, her plane disappeared over the English Channel.

These ladies marry successfully and know how to take advantage of their faithful ones. Family is an important thing for them, but career is also a big deal.

Actress and sex symbol of her time, Gina Lollobrigida became famous for playing romantic roles (“Notre Dame Cathedral,” “Fanfan Tulip”). She was born in Italy and studied sculpture and painting at the Academy of Arts in Rome. But in the end - with her external data - she became a singer and model. In 1949, the first film starring the beautiful Gina was released, and in the same year the ambitious actress went to work in America.

However, three months later, he found himself out of work and with a draconian contract in his pocket. Gina returned home and began filming with the Italians and French. The peak of its popularity occurred in the 60s of the last 20th century. Gina is also known as an original photographer. She published several photo albums and made a documentary film about Fidel Castro.

Among the Cancer-Cats there are wonderful actresses: Janet Leigh, wife of Tony Curtis (the role of Marion in Psycho); Anjelica Huston, known to us from the film “The Addams Family”, she was Jack Nicholson’s friend for 20 years and starred with him in the film “Prizzi’s Honor”; model and actress Bridget Nelson (ex-wife of Sylvester Stallone); model, actress, and at the same time the wife of fashion designer Kevin Klein, Phoebe Cates (“Gremlins”).

Our “illusion” is complemented by opera singer Elena Obraztsova, romance singer Valentina Ponomareva, President of Ireland Mary McAlesie, astronomer Lydia Tsetsarskaya, ballerinas Agrippina Vaganova and Carlotta Grisi, poetess Carolina Pavlova.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

A woman with such an astrological portrait is smart, but she is fixated on her own experiences more than on the problems of loved ones. In some situations, she needs to learn empathy.

The combination of Cancer and Rabbit gives a woman a positive characteristic in love and friendship. She is sociable, witty, and can be the life of the party if she is not scared off; Despite the appearance of a confident lady, she is prone to self-deprecation and suspiciousness.

The main features of a Cancer woman born in the year of the Cat:

  • excellent sense of style;
  • looks like a cat that loves affection and courtship;
  • has a rich inner world and knowledge in various fields of science;
  • sometimes he leaves the work he started unfinished.

One of the main vices of such a woman is laziness, which often interferes with getting things done. Because of this, it is not recommended to rely on it in your work. Pamperedness and capriciousness are combined in Cancer-Rabbit with sensuality and romance.

Cancer-Rabbit Love Relationships

In relationships with men, Cancer-Cats actively show their character; they always take the reins of power into their own hands. It is difficult for partners to find consensus with such a woman; she wants to command and at the same time dreams of remaining weak and protected. The material wealth of a man is of paramount importance for a Cancer-Rabbit woman.

In a Cancer-Cat woman, men are attracted to sensuality and caring.

Impressionability does not prevent her from pursuing her goals; she achieves a lot, despite her changeable character. If you have your eye on some man, have no doubt - she will achieve him at any cost.

Marriage and family for a Cancer-Cat woman

In the family life of Cancer-Cats, they are primarily concerned with their own problems, they are selfish and slightly cold towards loved ones. Someone else is always blamed for various troubles. Authoritarianism leads to the fact that these women do not notice their shortcomings, but they constantly give advice and make comments to others.

They maintain a distance from relatives, allowing few people to get close.

Having good intuition, they often help their children and husband decide on the future and make important decisions. Like any Cat, the Cancer woman lives on her own in the soul, although it cannot be said that she does not surround her loved ones with maternal care. Relatives get used to seeing her as the secret head of the family.

The Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) sign includes people born from June 22 to July 22 in 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

A person born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) has a unique character. On the one hand, he is very vulnerable, and on the other, his character is very authoritarian. Behind the apparent gentleness, equanimity and impenetrability, an impulsive character may be hidden.

And it depends on what kind of existence the Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) dominates at the moment and will behave either quietly and gently or in a combative and restless manner. Well-developed intuition helps a person born with this combination to penetrate deeply into the souls of people and quickly change their behavior.

The paradox is that this person will always think about a quiet backwater, desire and strive for a measured family life, but by his actions he will constantly prove how dear personal freedom is to him.

In love relationships, Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) also strongly shows its difficult character. On the one hand, he is a loving person with a huge sense of gratitude to those who lift his spirit. On the other hand, he will constantly command and show his authoritarianism and at the same time demand protection, reliability and financial well-being from his partner. And it is precisely because of such conflicting demands that conflicts arise in relations with him.

Cancer - Cat (Rabbit) characteristics

A person born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is wise, harmonious and graceful, distinguished by refined manners and behavior. He is charming and bright in appearance, which attracts many people to him. This combination includes sensitivity, sophistication, sophistication, philosophical wisdom and calm.

In this case, Cancer and this person become doubly careful. Both men and women born with the Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) combination have fantastic taste, which manifests itself in all areas of life: clothing, home interior, vehicle. They like to be surrounded by beautiful things. They value money, but at the same time they understand that emotions are more important than materialistic issues.

Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) is a realist and a logician, a smart guy and a practitioner, at first glance subtle and fragile, sincere and intuitive, but at the same time, he knows what he wants from life and certainly achieves what he plans. This person understands everything with his mind, but any thought becomes a reason for his emotions, and any emotional disturbance gives him a reason to reason, and these reasonings are logical and practical.

A person born with the Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) combination does not like unforeseen situations, so he tries to control his entire life. Stability, predictability and confidence in the future are important to him, and any unplanned changes can greatly shake his peace of mind.

Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) loves the whole world to revolve around him and pays little attention to other people's needs. He does not accept criticism and tends to feel sorry for himself, and to blame the people around him for his troubles.

Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), . These people have a rich spiritual world. They express their thoughts clearly and beautifully, and have a wonderful understanding of art. Special talents are shown in the theater field, literature and cinematography. They are ambitious, do not like to obey orders from above and work within limited limits.

This is a Cat who walks on his own and does not need mentors or leaders. Most often he prefers to work as a “free artist”. Money plays a secondary role for him; much more important is the moral pleasure that it gives.

Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) has a pretty and attractive appearance, so he is always spoiled by attention from the opposite sex. In addition, he is sensitive, romantic, loves flirting and courtship, and has a penchant for unexpected and non-standard actions.

But, in love relationships, he also actively shows his temper. He will not obey, and will always try to command his partner. It is not easy to get along with a representative of this combination and find a compromise. He completely wants to subjugate his other half.

Cancer – Cat (Rabbit) woman

A woman born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is aristocratic and has refined taste. She is very feminine and beautiful. He always takes care of himself and strives to look well-groomed and impeccable in everything: face and hair, beautiful clothes and demeanor.

Often, such a woman is the dream of many men. She is kind and sensitive to other people's feelings. Common sense, excellent intuition and sufficient independence help her achieve her goals.

She has many talents, and by choosing the path of goodness and development, she can achieve stunning results. This includes financial and family well-being, stability and achieving your goals with little effort.

However, the Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) woman is an ambiguous nature. She is characterized, on the one hand, by cold reason and prudence, and on the other, by emotional instability and sensitivity.

Excessive timidity, impressionability and variability of internal state can prevent her from fully opening up and somewhat delay the fulfillment of her dream.

Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), . Therefore, in her personal life, she needs an attentive and caring gentleman who can give her a hand and open the door when leaving.

She is capricious and demanding, and if something in a relationship doesn’t satisfy her, she can cause a scene, a scandal, and then become offended for a long time and withdraw into herself. This is a strong personality who always takes the role of leader in relationships and tries to completely control all loved ones.

To be happy in family life, she needs to be patient, learn to hear others, accept other people’s opinions and take into account the wishes of her spouse. This will help bring romance and freshness into relationships and make them more harmonious and happy.

Cancer – Cat (Rabbit) man

A man born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is purposeful and freedom-loving, decisive and with enormous willpower. He is very lucky in business and can start any business, even one in which he has no knowledge or experience. However, he is not characterized by risk and excitement.

Thanks to his developed intuition and increased caution, he skillfully builds his business and tries to avoid various difficulties and problems. However, not everything can go smoothly and come easily and effortlessly.

To achieve really good results in your career and in life in general, you need to forget about laziness, which may be characteristic of a representative of this combination of signs.

In personal relationships, the Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) man is romantic and hypersensitive. He knows how to look after beautifully, give unexpected gifts and fill relationships with positive emotions.

The peculiarity of a man with this combination of signs is the depth of feelings, great affection for the family and adherence to the traditions of his family.

Negative characteristics include the desire to take control not only of one’s life, but also the lives of people close to him, which can lead to conflicts in the family. But, despite the fact that he is a clear leader and an ardent owner, global decisions and their implementation are not easy for him.

Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), support for your ideas from other people. He needs a partner who can instill in him confidence in his own abilities and provide psychological support.

The Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) man is a caring and truly responsible family man, and having a reliable rear in the person of a wise wife, he is capable of great things.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Cancer Rabbit - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

There is a lot in common between these signs, so Cancer enhances some of the character qualities of the Rabbit. Cancer-Rabbits are doubly careful. In general they are sweet, kind, hospitable and can be good friends. The rabbit, as Chinese astrologers believe, is a sign of wisdom, calmness and sophistication. Cancer-Rabbit men and women are one of the best combinations that include sensitivity and sophistication. These people are expressive.

These men and women have fantastic taste and color, so their artistic talent is at a fairly high level. This taste is evident in every area of ​​their life: clothing, home decor, vehicle, etc. If you want to buy a gift for this person, then it is better to ask their opinion before going to the store. The weakness in the personality of such a person is that they are depressed at times. They strive for a peaceful and calm life and do not like confrontation and competition, so they try to make their daily life easy, which can result in them becoming lazy. Laziness can prevent you from moving forward using your creative skills to the fullest.

The Cancer rabbit is the most typical of the representatives of its sign. Spoiled, wayward, capable of misunderstandings, late-night romance, flirtations, courtship and March serenades. Regardless of the weather and time of year. Cancer-Rabbit is more concerned about his own problems than others. Without being callous, he simply does not mean about the latter. His thoughts about the meaning of life are so self-centered that they reach the point of self-pity. He opens his soul not to everyone, but only to those who are on his side in advance.

The Cancer rabbit man hates uncontrollable situations. Preferring to be at a safe distance, he likes to keep events under control. The distance is required not because of danger, but to avoid being subjected to criticism that he cannot bear. Like all Rabbits, he has developed intuition, so much so that it is time to talk about extrasensory understanding of the situation. The Cancer rabbit woman expresses her thoughts well, has a rich inner world and is not far from any manifestations in art, especially in its descriptive part - literature, theater, cinema.

In other areas, Cancer-Rabbits may find it more difficult to express themselves. They are not inclined to understand other people's leadership, and therefore do not always carry out the data from their superiors to the end. The same difficulties plague rabbit cancers in relationships with sexual partners. They are capable of much, but the result is not always conducive to the maximum, which leads to suffering. However, not too big.

Rabbit Combination

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Cancer, born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit

Both the Zodiac sign and the eastern sign of a person’s year of birth have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in a person’s character and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people exhibit certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth shapes for a person the conditions and laws of the external environment, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth assigns a person one of twelve levels for self-realization. The eastern sign is called strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign, by nature of their birth, are consistent and scrupulously attentive to the point of some slowness.

The specialty of the Zodiac sign Cancer is “ accountant" A person of this zodiac sign is able to effectively calculate financial flows, expenses and income, and is able to practically implement assigned tasks. Cancer lives by the principle: “ You are everything" He has the greatest opinion of himself and is infinitely proud to the point of hidden malice. Cancer indirectly affects people in relationships and in work; it defeats competitors by starvation. Cancer tends to deceive people and easily resorts to violence when necessary and possible. At the same time, it significantly forms the image of an honest and trustworthy person.

Eastern sign year of the Cat-Rabbit – 1903, 1915, 1927,1939, 1951, 1963, 1975,1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, 2047, 2059.

The Year of the Cat-Rabbit forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the fifth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit are surrounded by relationships with people who impulsively absorb a lot of statistical attention, thinking about future processes and events. Regardless of the zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit has to participate in work processes in which interacting people occupy positions of specialists in the field “ statistics, jurisprudence and refereeing" Interacting people show variability in words and deeds during a relationship with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit. People around, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relationships with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit, show increased intuition in the direction of future events. People around you tend to impulsively show emotional mood. Interacting people in a relationship with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit conduct relationships according to the principle of the Pisces zodiac sign: “ There are no barriers in life ».

Horoscope of Cancer born in the year Cat-Rabbit.

This combination of signs manifests itself in a person through inquisitive behavior, in relationships with people who are slippery in words and changeable in agreements. This person is emotional due to weak internal self-control. Cancer is precise in the words and goals of his plans, he tries to influence the mood of the people around him. Zodiac sign Cancer is prone to secretive leadership in all relationships, regardless of the type of activity. The Year of the Cat-Rabbit creates conditions in circumstances for analytical calculations and anticipation of future processes. The Zodiac sign Cancer, born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit, is in circumstances in which he has to compete with people who often change their goals and are unpredictable in their behavior. This person overcomes the variability of the people around him, while trying to use the foresight of those interacting. Cancer involves others in solving their own and common problems. Interacting people tend to obey a given person when it is beneficial for them.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by zodiac sign and year of birth in the programs “ Individual scanner" And " Crown of Education" In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, zodiac or eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the human information structure, which is called “ Psychonomy ».

Cancer – Rabbit (cat): Characteristics

Cancer Man – Rabbit

Rabbit Cancer A man at first glance may seem too reserved and uncommunicative, and also not a passionate enough person, but if he takes on something in life, he will see it through to the end and build his business in such a way that it will be difficult to harm him. He strives to hide in his own shell from life’s difficulties, but in his personal life he is a clear leader. Moreover, he strives to control everything and everyone, which leads to conflicts and complications.

Cancer Woman – Rabbit

Rabbit Cancer The woman is distinguished by aristocracy and refined taste. She is very feminine and beautiful, always takes care of herself and strives to look well-groomed, but at the same time she is terribly jealous. She is capricious and withdrawn, she can become offended for a long time and withdraw into herself.

Horoscope Cancer-Rabbit (Cat)

According to the horoscope, Cancer-Rabbit (Cat) are very cautious but friendly individuals. They are attentive and hospitable hosts who are known as true friends.

Wise, harmonious and graceful Cancer-Rabbits (Cats) are distinguished by their refined manners and behavior. They are bright and charming in appearance, which attracts many people to them.

If Cancer-Rabbits (Cats) become depressed, then friends should help them get out of this state of mind. They choose their love partners carefully. What is important to them in their chosen one is that he can support them at the right time.

Sometimes Cancer-Rabbits (Cats) are in a depressed mood. Such people do not like competition, so they try not to enter into conflicts. They want to live a quiet life in which they feel comfortable.

Spoiled and self-willed Cancer-Cats are capable of committing a lot of rash acts. They love romantic meetings, flirting and love serenades under their beloved's window.

They don't like it when someone goes against their opinion and decision. Cancer-Cats love to keep everything under control. They do not tolerate criticism addressed to them. They have developed intuition, which helps them subtly sense the pitfalls in business and in communicating with people.

Horoscope for combining Cancer with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Cancer-Rabbit (Cat) woman – characteristics (Zodiac + eastern horoscope)

A woman with such an astrological portrait is smart, but she is fixated on her own experiences more than on the problems of loved ones. In some situations, she needs to learn empathy.

Important Character Traits

The combination of Cancer and Rabbit gives a woman a positive characteristic in love and friendship. She is sociable, witty, and can be the life of the party if she is not scared off; Despite the appearance of a confident lady, she is prone to self-deprecation and suspiciousness.

The main features of a Cancer woman born in the year of the Cat:

  • excellent sense of style;
  • looks like a cat that loves affection and courtship;
  • has a rich inner world and knowledge in various fields of science;
  • sometimes he leaves the work he started unfinished.

One of the main vices of such a woman is laziness, which often interferes with getting things done. Because of this, it is not recommended to rely on it in your work. Pamperedness and capriciousness are combined in Cancer-Rabbit with sensuality and romance.

Cancer-Rabbit Love Relationships

In relationships with men, Cancer-Cats actively show their character; they always take the reins of power into their own hands. It is difficult for partners to find consensus with such a woman; she wants to command and at the same time dreams of remaining weak and protected. The material wealth of a man is of paramount importance for a Cancer-Rabbit woman.

In a Cancer-Cat woman, men are attracted to sensuality and caring.

Impressionability does not prevent her from pursuing her goals; she achieves a lot, despite her changeable character. If you have your eye on some man, have no doubt - she will achieve him at any cost.

Marriage and family for a Cancer-Cat woman

In the family life of Cancer-Cats, they are primarily concerned with their own problems, they are selfish and slightly cold towards loved ones. Someone else is always blamed for various troubles. Authoritarianism leads to the fact that these women do not notice their shortcomings, but they constantly give advice and make comments to others.

They maintain a distance from relatives, allowing few people to get close.

Having good intuition, they often help their children and husband decide on the future and make important decisions. Like any Cat, the Cancer woman lives on her own in the soul, although it cannot be said that she does not surround her loved ones with maternal care. Relatives get used to seeing her as the secret head of the family.

Best compatibility with men

For such a wayward woman, men born under the signs of Leo-Dragon or Scorpio-Pig are most suitable in love and marriage. Their equanimity and willpower help curb the selfishness and commanding nature of the Cancer-Rabbit woman. The Virgo-Dog man also looks good with such a couple, but it is more difficult for him to survive the ups and downs of the relationship.

Cancer woman born in the year of the Dog

zodiac sign cancer rabbit

Charming, but too pampered Cat.

Zodiac horoscope: sign Cancer

There is a lot in common between these signs, so Cancer enhances some of the character qualities of the Rabbit. Cancer-Rabbits are doubly careful. In general they are sweet, kind, hospitable and can be good friends.

The cat, as Chinese astrologers believe, is a sign of wisdom, calmness and sophistication. Cancer-Cat men and women are one of the best combinations that include sensitivity and sophistication. These people are expressive.

They have a keen mind and desire constant stimulation, especially if they are bored. These people worry about having nothing to do and hate wasting time. They are confident, but can be prone to depression, especially if things don't go their way. They like to be surrounded by pleasant things and beautiful places. They value money, but understand that emotions are more important than materialistic issues.

Despite their outward confidence, they are not so full of it inside. Some individuals suffer from an inferiority complex and sometimes radiate doubt. Friends and partners should closely monitor these bouts of insecurity and do everything possible to return them to their previous form as soon as possible. In personal relationships, they are loving people with a sense of gratitude, especially to those who help lift their spirits. They have an excellent memory, so they always remember and are ready to repay the kindness of other people.

These men and women have fantastic taste and color, so their artistic talent is at a fairly high level. This taste is evident in every area of ​​their life: clothing, home decor, vehicle, etc. If you want to buy a gift for this person, it is better to ask their opinion before going to the store.

The weakness in the personality of such a person is that they are depressed at times. They strive for a peaceful and calm life and do not like confrontation and competition, so they try to make their daily life easy, which can result in them becoming lazy. Laziness can prevent you from moving forward using your creative skills to the fullest.

The cancer rabbit is the most typical of cats. Spoiled, wayward, capable of misunderstandings, late-night romance, flirtations, courtship and March serenades. Regardless of the weather and time of year.

Cancer cats are more concerned about their own problems than other people's. Without being callous, he simply does not mean about the latter. His thoughts about the meaning of life are so self-centered that they reach the point of self-pity. He opens his soul not to everyone, but only to those who are on his side in advance.

The Cancer rabbit man hates uncontrollable situations. Preferring to be at a safe distance, he likes to keep events under control. The distance is required not because of danger, but to avoid being subjected to criticism that he cannot bear. Like all cats, he has developed intuition, so much so that it’s time to talk about extrasensory understanding of the situation.

The Cancer rabbit woman expresses her thoughts well, has a rich inner world and is not far from any manifestations in art, especially in its descriptive part - literature, theater, cinema.

In other areas, cancer cats may find it more difficult to express themselves. They are not inclined to understand other people's leadership, and therefore do not always carry out the data from their superiors to the end. The same difficulties plague rabbit cancers in relationships with sexual partners. They are capable of much, but the result is not always conducive to the maximum, which leads to suffering. However, not too big.

Rabbit - Cat - Cancer

Soviet and Russian singer Oleg Gazmanov. British singer George Michael. Soviet and Russian actor Dmitry Pevtsov. American actor Robin Williams. American singer Curtis Jackson September 50 (Curtis Jackson III 50 Cent).

Cancer, born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat, is distinguished by its special egocentrism. Sometimes it may seem that apart from his own affairs and his loved one, there is no one else around and nothing is happening, this person is so immersed in himself.


The Rabbit-Cat-Cancer man is freedom-loving, purposeful, tries to avoid any kind of difficulties, avoids problems, closes himself off from them in his “shell”. Thanks to their developed “sense” and increased caution, such men skillfully build their business; they are not characterized by risk and excitement. In personal relationships, the Rabbit-Cat-Cancer man is a clear leader and owner. This man does not accept control over his life, while he strives to take control of the lives of all family members, which can lead to conflicts and quarrels.


The Rabbit-Cat-Cancer woman is secretive, jealous, and has good aesthetic taste. This lady carefully monitors her appearance, which must be impeccable in everything and always: well-groomed face and hair, beautiful clothes, demeanor. A Cancer woman born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat is by nature an aristocrat, therefore in her personal life she needs an attentive and caring gentleman who can give a hand and open the door when leaving. She is capricious, demanding, and if something goes wrong in a relationship, she can cause a scene, a scandal, and then withdraw into herself for a long time.

Rabbit-Cat-Cancer is an ambiguous nature. On the one hand, cold reason and prudence, and on the other, emotional instability and sensitivity. But in general, these people are kind and are not capable of harming anyone.

Cancer Rabbit characteristics

In the interpretation of ancient Chinese astrology, the sign of the Cat (Rabbit) is full of sophistication, philosophical wisdom, and tranquility. The zodiac combination Cancer Rabbit is one of the most favorable. Men and women who were lucky enough to be born under these signs are bright, sensitive, expressive, and sophisticated personalities.

People of this sign have a sharp, inquisitive mind, good memory, and are endowed with many talents. They do not like idleness and boredom. They have exquisite taste, which manifests itself in all areas of life.

By nature, cats are 100% willful and self-centered, spoiled by everyone’s attention and freedom-loving. Romantic, prone to unconventional actions. They love flirting, courtship, and flirting with the opposite sex.

External confidence Cancer Cat men, which is no less characteristic of ladies of this sign, is deceptive. If things don't go according to plan, they may become depressed.

They prefer an easy, quiet life. They try to avoid all conflicts. If everything is good, they can become lazy. This is one of the negative character traits of Cancer Rabbits, because due to their own laziness they can lose many prospects.

Character Cancer Rabbit men

Initially, Cat Cancer gives the impression of a pleasant guy in all respects. This is partly an illusion. Inside, men of this sign are selfish and very capricious. Without being callous people, their own emotions, problems and experiences are always taken into account first.

They do not tolerate uncontrollable situations, they try to keep their finger on the pulse in everything. Even if they are wrong about something, they cannot stand criticism.

What is especially noted in characteristics of Cancer Rabbit men, so this is a fantastic intuition. Thanks to this, they can achieve financial well-being without much effort, in passing. They are successful in business and move up the career ladder without problems, although they do not consider this an end in itself. With minimal effort, they get from life everything they need for comfort.

In love relationships they are contradictory. The partner is often presented with double demands of unconditional submission and, at the same time, material independence. Such contradictions cause difficulties in finding a suitable girl, and often lead to the collapse of relationships.

If you set the goal of creating a strong family, you become an excellent family man in all respects. He is affectionate and gentle with his wife. He builds an even relationship with children, provided that they do not bother him too much. He is not ready to spend all his time with the children, but on those certain days or evenings when he is with them, he will be very sweet and caring.

Characteristics of Cancer Rabbit women

One can envy the many talents of ladies born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Cat. With the right approach, they can achieve incredible heights in any area of ​​life. Building a business, career, financial well-being, love, family - everything is within their control if they wish and put some effort into it.

Moderately conservative, demanding of themselves. They strictly adhere to the ideals once chosen. They show enviable persistence in achieving their goals, and are ready to work hard and hard to fulfill all their desires.

But these same qualities make Cancer Rabbit women intolerant of criticism. If third-party judgments and opinions do not coincide with their own, they openly demonstrate reluctance to accept a different point of view.

If you set yourself the goal of building a career, this becomes the main goal of life. They are not particularly worried about material well-being; as a rule, they do not experience problems with finances.

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Cancer-Rabbit Woman in Love

  • You are passionate;
  • Strive for great love and bright emotions;
  • You don’t take your partner’s word for it, you check often;
  • Hiding your feelings;
  • You can throw up real scenes of jealousy.

Cancer-Rabbit woman in marriage

  • In the family you show leadership qualities;
  • You are demanding and capricious;
  • Frequently quarrel with relatives;
  • You do not forgive outright lies and deception.

Cancer-Rabbit woman in bed

  • You are a little shy;
  • Inconsistent in their choice;
  • Afraid of sincere relationships;
  • Love relationships with open, uncomplicated people;
  • You believe that marriage and permanent relationships are more important than fleeting hobbies.

Cancer-Rabbit Woman in Career

  • You strive for well-being;
  • For you, a career means a bright, prosperous life;
  • You achieve your goals through cunning and intrigue;
  • You tend to blame your partners for your failures.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Fire Rabbit (1927, 1987, 2047)

A very brave, strong and resilient woman. She does not like routine, strives for luxury, loves beautiful things and big money, and is independent in any situation. She does not like arrogance, can be scandalous and jealous, is not always faithful to her chosen one, and for the sake of passion she is capable of rash actions. She doesn't like to gossip, she doesn't have many friends.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Earth Rabbit (1939, 1999, 2059)

A very calm and homely woman who loves luxury, prosperity and appreciates the devotion of a loved one. Faithful and devoted to family life, if only a man appreciates her merits and does not cheat on her. Strives for stability, constancy, does not like changes and adventures. She brings up her children well and strives to give them the best. She rarely voluntarily conflicts with her man’s parents and with her own too.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Metal Rabbit (1951, 2011, 2071)

A very soft and confident woman. Despite her calm character, she is stubborn, persistent and always achieves everything she sets her mind to. She does not strive for a career; she considers marriage to be the main goal in a woman’s life. She can be vindictive, touchy and capricious, but for her charm, her loved ones are ready to forgive her anything.