Why do your hands sweat a lot and how to solve this problem? Sweaty palms - causes for men, women and children

Background on why palms sweat

A fairly common and unpleasant phenomenon, especially for the fair half of humanity. Sometimes you get nervous, upset, and your hands immediately become wet and sticky. Disgusting. Okay, if this is a one-time phenomenon that can be explained (although it’s also not a sin to ask the question: ?), what should we do when it happens all the time? What should you do if napkins don’t help, you feel uncomfortable, but there’s no way you can cope with it on your own?

First, let’s define what is normal in this state. Why do the palms of your hands sweat under normal conditions? As a rule, they do not participate in the process of regulating body temperature; the whole body sweats, but not the legs or palms. Stress, fear, excitement, and other emotions can also make your palms sweat for a short time. In ordinary life, this can be somehow avoided, but what to do if your work is directly related to your hands (stenographers, for example, or drivers), and this greatly interferes? According to statistics, about 1-2% of people worldwide suffer from hyperhidrosis, and it is understandable that women suffer more from this. In a normal state, sweating increases with exertion, in hot and stuffy weather (especially for guys), when ingesting spicy foods, hot foods, alcohol, strong emotions affect, with fever, elevated temperature, and other similar diseases, uncomfortable or tight, airtight clothing and shoes (change to natural fabrics), poor nutrition and drinking.

And although the reasons for the occurrence are completely unknown, there are some guesses. But we know exactly how it is formed.

By the way, eh? Have you thought about this? The most accurate answer is in our latest publication.

Reasons why palms sweat?

Some body functions may be impaired:

  • the pituitary gland, which is the main engine of all processes in the endocrine system, and affects the functioning of the glands, including sweat glands,
  • endocrine system as a whole,
  • the thyroid gland, which is responsible for metabolism, iodine storage, and almost all functions in the body,
  • adrenal glands, which regulates the functioning of the body in stressful situations (if a malfunction occurs, the body will not be able to defend itself and react adequately, too much or little adrenaline is produced, and all functions work to the limit, so a lot of sweat is released, and the palms become very sweaty),
  • the autonomic nervous system (which is responsible for meaningful actions and movements, growth, internal organs).

Therefore, you urgently need to see an endocrinologist. As you know, all systems are connected in such a way that if one fails, then the others echo it, each echoing some functions of the other.

If not only your palms, but also your feet sweat, the reason may also be reduced or impaired blood circulation, and generally impaired blood circulation in the body, or vegetative-vascular dystonia. If your feet sweat and emit a specific odor, then there is either a fungal disease of the feet, or a lack of hygiene, or advanced hyperhidrosis. By the way, it could also be an infectious disease.

To determine how advanced your disease is (if it is hyperhidrosis), you can do a small test. Spread a small area of ​​skin with iodine, and put a little starch on top; when sweat is released, these substances become colored, and judging by the stain, you can determine: if the stain is up to 10 cm in diameter, then your hyperhidrosis is weak, if it is more than 20 cm, it is severe.

In men, excessive sweating (especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms) can be a signal of tuberculosis, malaria, pneumonia, endocrine and nervous diseases. The kidneys may be diseased as they are responsible for filtering and producing urine, and due to dysfunction, the body has to get rid of excess water in the body through sweat. If you are not 150 kg in weight, and you are not obese, then there may be increased nervousness, which helps to produce adrenaline, which triggers all the alarming processes. It is possible that sweating is a side effect of medications taken, or their overdose (for example, anti-inflammatory tablets, painkillers, analgesics, antipyretics). It is recommended to use body scrubs, tar and antibacterial soaps, and shower twice a day.

How and with what to treat?

The fact is that half the body needs to be treated at once, this is almost the only catch. If you want, by the forces of official medicine, or by grandma’s conspiracies. Medicine is not without its shortcomings, but it treats the root cause of what is happening, while non-traditional medicine prefers to relieve symptoms and eliminate the consequences. But to be treated comprehensively and thoroughly will take time, and will borrow your money, because without health we are nothing. Doctors will prescribe you a bunch of tests and pills, which will most likely cause your liver to fail, but your palms will not sweat ;). Grandmothers will treat you with herbs and spring water, and look, without knowing it, they will treat you with something else at the same time. Doctors most often use (in general cases) a solution of formalin, tannin, potassium permanganate, glutaraldehyde, but this is temporary, you need to know and weigh how much to drink, and after a while everything returns to normal. This only temporarily removes the consequences of the painful condition; if your hands are constantly sweating, this will not help. They came up with injecting Botox into the skin (the same one that stars inject into their lips and chest), which paralyzes nerve endings and blocks sweat production, but this only lasts for a couple of months. A completely radical method is surgical, however, it is not clear what to cut, because the problem is in the glands and the fine settings of the body, there is nothing to cut there.

The drug Drydry and the iontophoresis device IonStreamer are also often recommended (check with your doctor before use, it may not help in your case, or it may be harmful!). In fact, the reasons can be very different for different people, it all depends on the rest of the body and internal organs.

Traditional medicine advises using two in one - sun and sea salt; in other words, it hints at going on vacation to the sea. But! Do not use artificial tans, this is not a case where you need to get a dose of radiation at any cost. What to do if the sun is contraindicated?

You can make solutions at home and lubricate problem areas of the skin: lemon juice, ammonia, oak bark, table vinegar, infusion of black tea and sage are mixed per liter of water. After treatment, wipe your hands dry and sleep with talcum powder. You can additionally make baths with birch infusion and leave your hands to dry on their own. You can try making a homemade cream from herbs that are brewed, mixed with oils or other ingredients, and used for their intended purpose. The only negative is that such creams do not last long, and they need to be made one portion at a time, and not in reserve. Better yet, leave the matter to the professionals.

Make a mask of blue Cambrian clay, just like for the face, only for problem areas.

Steam your hands and feet in a decoction of nettle and calendula.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to: wash your hands with mild soap, use special wipes, powder that athletes use when working.

An interesting method is called drion-maishna, that is, a procedure where a person is placed in a bath with water and a current running through it at a very low intensity, but sufficient to stimulate important organs and systems of the body.

Note: we will solve the “ ” question in our next article!

Video: How to deal with excessive sweating

Encyclopedia of WING CHUN KUNG FU. Book 2 Special equipment Fedorenko A.

CHI SAU technique (“sticky hands”)

Literally, CHI SAU means “sticky hands” or “glued hands.”

This term implies control of the opponent's hands, which is very important in a real fight. The CHI SAU technique is a set of paired exercises that are primarily aimed at developing hand sensitivity. In this case, we do not mean the sense of touch, with the help of which a person perceives surrounding objects. What we're really talking about is that our hands need to recognize the pressure and direction of the opponent's attack. The power of an attack cannot be fully assessed through vision alone. It is impossible to visually determine whether the blow is real or just a feint, how strong the blow is and what its final trajectory is. Determining these parameters is much more reliable using hand sensitivity. If our hands are in tangential contact with the opponent's hands, then we can determine whether his blow is strong or not, whether it goes up or down, whether the opponent throws his hand forward or pulls it back. There is no error here. Constant practice of CHI SAU exercises trains a person’s nervous system in such a way that he automatically, reflexively performs the desired movement in response to the enemy’s action.

There are two forms of CHI SAU - one and two hands.

The first form is studied at the initial stage of training in the Wing Chun style. It prepares the basis for mastering a more complex form of CHI SAU, in which both hands are used.

CHI SAU using one hand is called "DAN CHI SAU".

The main idea of ​​the exercises included in the “DAN CHI SAU” section is to stick your hand to your partner’s hand, try to seize control of his center line, or regain control of your own center line. By practicing the exercises, it is necessary to develop sensitivity in such a way that you can easily determine when the enemy begins his attack. Developing the ability to sense any changes in the enemy's defensive position is the main goal of all CHI SAU exercises.

In DAN CHI SAU, six main hand movements according to the WING CHUN style are practiced: BON SAU, TAN SAU, FOK SAU, GUM SAU, as well as the NOW MUNG CHUI strike and the UN JEUN palm strike. You should not use excessive force during exercises. The main thing is to follow each other's technical actions without losing contact between your hands.

Let's move on to the description of the exercises included in the “DAN CHI SAU” section

Exercise No. 1

Starting position: partners are located opposite each other at arm's length in a frontal stance. You hold your right hand in the TAN SAU position, and your partner holds his left hand in the FOK SAU position (Fig. 1). Strike with your vertical palm facing forward. Your partner blocks this movement by performing a downward GUM SAU (Fig. 2).

Without stopping, he attacks with a NOW MUNG CHUI blow, which you neutralize with a Bon Sau block (Fig. 3). Then you need to return to the starting position (Fig. 4).

Exercise No. 2

The starting position (Fig. 5) corresponds to the previous exercise.

You strike with your palm facing forward. The partner blocks the self-propelled gun with the movement of the GUM (Fig. 6).

You move your hand out from under your partner’s hand in an arcuate path and execute a NOU MUNG CHUI strike, to which your partner reacts with a TAN SAU block (Fig. 7).

Then you need to return to the starting position (Fig. 8). But now your partner holds his left hand in the TAN SAU position, and you hold your right hand in the FOK SAU position. This was a role reversal. Repeat the exercise, but now your partner begins it with a strike with the palm forward.

Exercise No. 3.

The starting position corresponds to the previous exercise (Fig. 9)

You strike with your palm facing forward. Your partner blocks the GUM self-propelled gun with movement (Fig. 10).

You remove your hand from under your partner’s hand and strike with NOW MUNG CHUI, which your partner neutralizes with a TAN SAU block (Fig. 11). Return to the starting position, but changing roles (Fig. 12). Continue the exercise, but now your partner starts first.

Exercise No. 4

Starting position: Your partner holds his hand in the TAN SAU position, and you hold his hand in the FOK SAU position (Fig. 13).

Your partner clenches his hand into a fist and strikes NOU MUNG CHUI. You move his hand away by moving the PAK SAU to the side (Fig. 14).

Then, without stopping, perform a KNOW MUNG CHUI strike, to which your partner responds with a PAK SAU block (Fig. 16), then a FOK SAU and, finally, a KNOW MUNG CHUI strike. This cycle can continue as long as desired without returning to its original position. Moreover, a change of roles occurs, as can be seen, during the exercise.

Exercise No. 5

Starting position. Partners stand in a front stance at arm's length. The hands of the same name touch at the wrist in the TAN SAU position (Fig. 17).

You strike NOW MUNG CHUI. Your partner neutralizes the blow with a TAN SAU block (Fig. 18).

After which, without hesitation, he performs a punch, which you block with the TAN SAU movement (Fig. 19).

A more complex form of glued hands is the SHUAN CHI SAU exercise. The exercises included in this group teach simultaneous actions with both hands. They develop a sense of contact, teach the correct application of force and correct structure.

At first, double glued hands are practiced without attacks. This technique is called PUN SAU. At this stage, the correct position and structure of each movement is worked out. Traditionally, in Hong Kong it takes about three years to do this. When performing the exercises, partners should stick to each other with their hands, as if by alternating forward pressure. It is necessary to ensure that contact is constant and not interrupted for a second. This condition should be the result of flexible, variable hand pressure. Do not press down in the FOC position, instead maintain constant forward pressure. To correctly perform PUN SAU, adhere to the following recommendations:

In the BON SAU position, the elbow should be firmly connected to the shoulder, and the wrist should be lowered down. Don't press your shoulder up. The wrist should be positioned on the center line. Palm facing outward.

In the TAN SAU position, it is necessary to place the elbow on the center line. Do not press your elbow to your body, move it 15 cm forward. The palm is directed upward and crosses the center line.

In the FOC SAU position, the elbow moves like a spring, back and forth in the plane of the center line. The wrist is bent and as if glued to the partner’s hand.

Each movement must end before the next one begins. This means that the TAN SAU's movement must end before the BON SAU's movement begins and vice versa. Completion of the movement ensures the timely and correct structure of each technical action.

Exercise PUN SPG

Starting position: partners touch their hands at the wrist. Your right hand is in the TAN SAU position, and your left hand is in the FOK SAU position. The partner’s right hand is in the BON SAU position, and the left hand is in the FOC SAU position (Fig. 20).

Change the position of your hands so that your right hand takes the BON SAU position, and your left - the FOK SAU POSITION. Your partner’s right hand should take the TAN SAU position, and the left hand should take the FOK SAU position (Fig. 21).

Now return to the original position (Fig. 20) and then again to the position shown in Fig. 21. And so several dozen times.

After this, change hands. In the exercise, one of the partners plays the role of the leader, the other - the follower. After some time, periodically change the roles of slave and leader.

Exercise PUN SPG with two attacks

Starting position: Your right hand is in the BON SAU position, and your left hand is in the FOK SAU position. Your partner has his right hand in the TAN SAU position, and his left hand in the FOK SAU position (Fig. 22). First, partners perform the PUN SAU exercise, as described above. Next, your partner unexpectedly strikes with his palm forward, to which you respond with a GUM self-propelled gun block (Fig. 23)

and immediately perform a KNOW MUNG CHUI strike with your left hand. Your partner neutralizes the blow with a TAN SAU block (Fig. 24). Next, you need to continue performing the PUN SAU exercise, i.e. change the position of your hands (Fig. 25, 26).

Having chosen the moment, you perform an attack with your palm, but with your other hand. After completing the exercise a certain number of times, switch roles.

The second stage of mastering SHUAN CHI SAU is the practice of PUN SAU, but with the addition of certain attacking and defensive technical actions. These exercises have their own name - KOU SAU. They teach you to find vulnerabilities in the enemy’s defensive and attacking movements, and train the ability to attack and block in a timely manner. KOU SPG develops a sense of the right moment to strike depending on the position of the enemy’s hands. Timely action is an essential element in the art of combat. A fighter who times his actions will defeat even a stronger opponent.

The last, highest step in mastering CHI SAU is performing all exercises with your eyes closed. The purpose of these exercises is to develop a sense of contact and timing of actions without the help of vision. The exercise develops well the sensitivity of the hands and the feeling of the moment when the enemy opens for your strike, or when you yourself are open. CHI SAU with your eyes closed will improve your technique and allow you to achieve hypersensitivity.

Complex self-propelled guns

Starting position: partners stand opposite each other in a frontal stance at arm's length. You hold your right hand in the BON SAU position and your left hand in the FOK SAU position. Your partner’s right hand is in the TAN SAU position, and his left hand is in the FOK SAU position. (Fig. 27).

The exercise begins by performing the PUN SAU cycle, which was described earlier. When performing this cycle, you move your left hand from the FOC SAU position to the GUM SAU, pressing your partner’s right hand down (Fig. 28).

Next, you try to cover and shackle your partner’s left hand (Fig. 29). In order to strike with your right hand NOW MUNG CHUI, which your partner blocks with the movement of BON SAU, turn your body to the right (Fig. 30).

After this, he performs the PAWS SAU movement with his right hand and prepares to strike with his left hand, NOW MUNG CHUI (Fig. 31). You respond to your partner’s blow with a BON SAU block, turning your body to the left (Fig. 32).

Your partner is trying to move your right hand down and away from the center line to punch (Figure 33).

You parry your partner’s blow with a PAK SPG block (Fig. 34).

Then apply NOU MUNG CHUI with your right hand. Your partner responds to this with the KWAN SAU movement, which is a double block consisting of TAN SAU and BON SAU. These movements are performed with the body turning to the left (Fig. 36).

Continuing the attack, you strike the chest with your fist with your left hand, while with your right hand press your partner’s left hand down with a GUM SAU movement.

The partner responds to your actions with a double block of KVAN SAU, turning his body to the right (Fig. 37). Having repelled the attack, your partner counterattacks simultaneously with both hands to the stomach and head (Fig. 38).

You turn to the right, neutralize the attack with a double block of KVAN SAU (Fig. 39). After this, you grab your partner’s right hand at the wrist with your right hand (Fig. 40)

and strike with your left hand NOU MUNG CHUI (Fig. 41). The partner intercepts your left hand with the movement of the PAW SAU and exercises control (Fig. 42).

You try to free yourself from the grip by raising your left elbow up into the BON SAU position and prepare to strike your partner’s chest with your right palm (Fig. 43).

Seeing this, your partner tries to lower your hands down with a double GUM self-propelled gun (Fig. 44).

You release your right hand and lower it down (Fig. 45) in order to bring it to the striking position (Fig. 46).

You deliver a blow with your right hand, which your partner blocks with the movement of the PAK SAU, while continuing to control your left hand (Fig. 47).

You block this blow with the BON SAU movement (Fig. 49).

The complex can be continued by moving on to the movement shown in Fig. 32.

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This problem is quite common - every tenth person on the planet has sweaty hands. Therefore, for people suffering from excessive sweating, whose professional activities involve daily communication, the urgent question is to find out the causes of sweating (hyperhidrosis) of the palms and methods of getting rid of it.

What causes sweaty palms?

The palms contain a large number of sweat glands, which are necessary for normal thermoregulation. Therefore, if your palms constantly sweat at very hot ambient temperatures or during intense physical activity, this is a normal physiological reaction of the body in order to cool the internal organs.

However, if sweating is present for no apparent reason, it is necessary to consult a doctor (general practitioner, dermatologist and endocrinologist) for examination and to find out the reasons why your palms are sweating.

To determine the intensity of sweating, a Minor test is performed in a medical institution, which consists of applying iodine to the skin and then starch powder. The diameter of the resulting dark purple spot on the skin is used to judge the degree of hyperhidrosis (up to 10 cm is a mild form, more than 20 cm is a severe form).

Possible causes of excessive sweating of the palms may include:

  1. Excess of hot spices in food.
  2. Constant stressful situations.
  3. Hereditary characteristics of sweating (excessive number of sweat glands on the palms or their genetically predisposed excessive function).
  4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia (often found in adolescents). With dystonia, the hands and feet become wet, since the activity of the sweat glands is controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

Why do my feet sweat?

All of the above reasons are also legitimate for the appearance of increased sweating of the feet, since systemic diseases of the body lead to both palms and feet sweating heavily.

In addition, dampness of the feet of both women and men is often observed when wearing incorrectly selected shoes made of synthetic materials, poor hygiene in foot care, and also when the skin of the feet is affected by fungal diseases.

How to treat excessive sweating?

Treatment for hyperhidrosis is aimed at getting rid of the underlying cause that causes it.

If sweating is associated with eating hot and spicy foods, you need to reconsider your diet.

People prone to excessive sweating of the palms should avoid stressful situations (or take sedatives if it is impossible to correct the emotional situation).

If your palms sweat due to a hereditary predisposition or autonomic dysfunction, then the following methods will help get rid of hyperhidrosis:

  1. The use of antiperspirants for problem areas of the skin based on talc and formaldehyde.
  2. Injection of Botox into the skin (a drug based on botulinum toxin that can “freeze” the sweat glands). Despite the high efficiency of this method (it helps in almost 100% of cases), it is not widely used due to the high cost of the drug.
  3. Carrying out iontophoresis - hands are lowered into baths with a medicinal solution and electrodes. Under the influence of current, the ions of the active substance have a depressing effect on the sweat glands. The method gives good results, but requires repeating the procedure every six months.
  4. Carrying out hand baths at home with sea salt, a solution of apple cider vinegar, a decoction of oak bark, and birch leaves.
  5. If your feet are sweating, you should choose shoes of a suitable size made from natural materials, maintain foot hygiene, and use antifungal agents if necessary.
  6. If the above methods are ineffective, they resort to surgical removal of the autonomic nervous system node (thoracic sympathectomy).

The problem of excessive sweating can be quickly solved only by radical methods (injection of Botox or surgery). The remaining methods require long-term use, but their constant use allows you to forget about the problem of wet palms and discomfort when communicating.

What does sticky sweat mean?

When experiencing strong emotions or doing heavy physical labor, people become covered in perspiration. Many do not pay attention to this, but in vain. Sticky sweat not only has a negative aesthetic effect, but is also a possible symptom of a serious illness.

Should I worry?

The human body is a complex thing. Abundant sticky sweat or its absence are equally alarming. Both of these indicate disturbances in the functioning of various organs.

Of course, sweating is inherent in all of us. Even under normal conditions, a person secretes up to three liters of sweat daily. This is fine.

But if you experience profuse sweating too often during the day, then you need to take your health seriously and consult a specialist.

The reasons may be different, so you should beware of complications:

  • viral disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • headaches
  • heart diseases.

Causes of sticky sweat

The connection between sticky cold sweat and the disease can only be established by a specialist.

First, visit a dermatologist to make sure there are no skin diseases: hidradenitis or local essential hyperhidrosis - palms, face, feet.

If you have a strong heartbeat, rapid pulse, or internal trembling, contact a neurologist. He will determine the degree of the disease:

  • nervous panic attack, in which the help of a psychologist is sufficient;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, requiring the intervention of another specialist.

Contact your doctor on time: at a late stage of the disease you cannot do without a cardiologist. It seems that the cardiologist is not concerned with the problem of sweating. But profuse sticky sweat combined with nausea and heart pain is his specialty. This indicates the development of angina, heart attack, pericarditis, and infective endocarditis.

Women are familiar with profuse sweat as a constant companion to menopause. A consultation with a gynecologist will be helpful.

Violation of the endocrine glands will lead to an endocrinologist. It helps with disorders of the thyroid gland, thyrotoxicosis, and at the same time with increased sweating. Discomfort - increased thirst, insomnia, night hunger, tearfulness, lethargy, sudden weight loss - are doubly annoying against the background of profuse sweat.

Lumbar pain, weakness, headaches combined with sticky sweat signal problems with the kidneys. Contact a urologist. Pyelonephritis affects the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system.

Joint swelling and sweating will lead to a rheumatologist. A developing fever increases the amount of sweat as the temperature rises. Scleroderma - hair loss, split nails, lethargy, skin lesions, pain in the heart - is accompanied by heavy sweating. Women suffer from the disease three times more often than men.

Sticky sweat “obliges” you to visit a gastroenterologist. Acute pancreatitis with nausea and abdominal pain is a serious disease of our time.

An orthopedist will confirm that common flat feet also cannot occur without increased sweating.

Enlarged lymph nodes in combination with the active work of the sweat glands will lead to the oncologist’s office. Malignant neoplasms of lymphatic tissue are treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy sessions.

How to solve the problem?

The causes of clammy sweat are numerous. Get treatment on time to avoid annoying complications.

Having received a negative answer from doctors, all that remains is to solve the aesthetic problem of sticky sweat. If your budget allows, try expensive procedures:

  • Botox;
  • curettage of the hyperhidrosis area;
  • endoscopic sympathectomy.

But it is much more pleasant, effective and natural for the body, and cheaper, to carry out treatment with folk remedies at home.

  • baths made of oak bark or oat infusion;
  • rinsing with a decoction of dried marsh grass;
  • dusting the feet with potato starch, talcum powder;
  • baby powder is anti-allergenic and odorless;
  • sage tincture for oral administration;
  • young birch leaves or oak bark powder in socks.

Extreme enthusiasts can try out a miraculous method: keep your hands in cold water for half an hour. This will narrow the channels so that sweat will not be able to come to the surface for three hours.

To combat the smell of sweat, use these tips

  1. Don't wear synthetic clothing.
  2. Use roll-on deodorants, not aerosols. Don't give up on simple powders.
  3. Watch your diet, avoid pepper, garlic, onions, and hot seasonings.
  4. Eat more lactic acid bacteria.
  5. Drink enough liquid, at least 1 glass per 30 cm of height.

Follow simple rules, and sweating problems will not affect you.

Sticky, cold sweat and its causes in men

Why do I produce sticky sweat? This problem signals the development of a serious disease in the body, so urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary. Sticky, viscous sweat does not fulfill its functions - it does not remove toxins and waste, does not participate in the process of thermoregulation, which can lead to serious consequences in the form of heat stroke and overheating. The thick liquid clogs the pores and makes it difficult for the glands to function. As a result, the apocrine and eccrine glands are disabled.

Dangerous symptom

Normally, human sweat is quite liquid, transparent and does not have a strong odor, provided personal hygiene and proper nutrition are maintained. Sticky sweat more often signals the development of severe pathology, such as diabetes, pancreatitis, heart attack, food or drug poisoning.

The danger of many diseases lies in asymptomatic symptoms in the initial stages. For example, diabetes mellitus develops latently and manifests itself only by increased sweating and fatigue, which can easily be attributed to the consequences of stress. Until the pathology is diagnosed, great damage will be caused to the body. The consequences of untimely treatment are:

Sticky sweat can be produced due to poisoning from medications, bad foods, problems with the heart or sweat glands. Therefore, before going to the doctor, it is important to evaluate all the signs that accompany the appearance of sticky sweat, such as:

  • constant nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia and restless sleep;
  • dry skin in certain places.

You should not delay visiting a doctor, as serious consequences may develop due to the fact that sweat and sweat glands have ceased to perform basic functions:

  • thermoregulation;
  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins.
  1. Heat cramps of individual parts of the body: arms, legs, abdomen, back. They are distinguished from ordinary seizures by excessive pain and duration of the attack.
  2. Overheat. Manifested by increased heart rate and pulse, severe weakness, and nausea. Overheating is caused by blockage of the sweat glands with a viscous substance and the cessation of the production of a special “cooling” fluid. The human condition can reach a critical point of no return.
  3. Heatstroke is the most dangerous consequence of clammy sweat. In this state, a person’s body temperature can rise to 41°C, hallucinations appear, and consciousness is lost. The person may fall into a coma and die.
  4. Consequences of pathologies that cause the release of smelly, sticky sweat.

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The following conditions can cause increased secretion of sweat with a viscous and sticky consistency:

  • myocardial infarction and other heart and vascular diseases;
  • negative changes that occur in the body due to reaching a certain age;
  • many infectious diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • severe metabolic disorders in the body;
  • food, medicinal, chemical, radiation poisoning;
  • severe allergies;
  • mental illness, depression, severe stress;
  • migraines;
  • intoxication with alcohol or drugs;
  • genetic hyperhidrosis and stinky odor.

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Myocardial infarction

If sticky, viscous sweat begins to stand out, this is a sign of myocardial infarction. The condition is dangerous because it often leads to death, since the patient does not always have time to get to the hospital to receive qualified care. The peculiarity of this form of ischemic heart disease is damage to a section of the heart muscle with the formation of a focus of necrosis. The pathology is provoked by insufficient blood supply to the site of the suspected lesion. Typically, a heart attack develops abruptly. Provoking factors for the development of myocardial infarction are:

  • atherosclerosis with blockage of blood vessels by plaques;
  • arterial hypertension with oxygen starvation of the myocardium;
  • smoking;
  • obesity, when a large amount of fatty tissue around the heart muscle makes it difficult for it to work;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of myocardial infarction:

  • burning, sharp pain in the chest, left arm, radiating to the lower jaw, under the shoulder blade;
  • discomfort sensations in the sternum of varying intensity, similar to squeezing, squeezing, overflow;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • dizziness;
  • severe weakness;
  • pale face;
  • cold clammy sweat.

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Acute pancreatitis

Risk of acute manifestation:

  • rapid development of inflammation;
  • threat to the health and life of the patient;
  • the possibility of confusing the symptoms of the disease with severe food intoxication.

When the pancreas becomes inflamed, it is irreversibly destroyed by its own enzymes. Common causes of acute pancreatitis:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • unhealthy diet with constant overeating;
  • stress;
  • severe infections;
  • injuries;
  • inflammation of internal organs and abdominal cavity;
  • negative effects of drugs.
  • sharp, severe pain in the upper abdomen, worsening as the disease progresses, up to painful shock;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • increase in temperature;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • dyspnea;
  • profuse sweating with a sticky consistency.

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Alcohol poisoning

A hangover the day after alcohol abuse is not just a violation of the general condition, but also a symptom of poisoning. Sometimes intoxication can be so severe that it poses a threat to life. The consequences depend on the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Reasons:

  • drinking too many alcoholic drinks;
  • bad alcohol.
  • mood swings;
  • vomiting with nausea;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • drowsiness;
  • drop in body temperature and blood pressure;
  • slowing heart rate and breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • profuse viscous sweat on the neck, forehead, palms.

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Drug intoxication

Poisoning often occurs with antidepressants and antipsychotics. A person feels:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • increasing nausea to the point of vomiting;
  • apathy and lethargy;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • incoordination of movement.

The described state is replaced by excitement and aggression, excessive sweating with the secretion of a sticky substance by the sweat glands, and pale skin. After this, deep sleep sets in until falling into a coma with convulsions, respiratory and cardiac arrest.

Other reasons

  1. Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by constant sticky sweating in the upper part of the body (especially at night), dry extremities, increased fatigue, sexual dysfunction, decreased visual acuity, constant hunger, weight problems (loss or gain).
  2. Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is a genetic pathology characterized by increased production of sticky, cold sweat of the whole body or individual parts in a local form of the problem.
  3. Features of the physiological state, for example, with congenital slow metabolism, pregnancy in the first and second trimester with toxicosis, hormonal imbalances during menopause.

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In children

The appearance of a sticky substance on the body, constantly sweaty palms in a child - this may be associated with physiological and pathological conditions. For example, in infants, increased sticky sweating means that the body does not have enough vitamin D, and therefore calcium-phosphorus metabolism is impaired. Less commonly, this problem is associated with the baby’s efforts during feeding through the nipple or breast.

Children with this symptom may also develop due to physiological characteristics:

  • reaction to painkillers, antipyretics, such as Ibuprofen, Paracetamol;
  • excessive emotionality.

Pathological causes:

  • cardiovascular dysfunction;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • neurological disorders;
  • rickets, especially with the release of sticky sweat at night;
  • increased ICP;
  • consequences of complicated acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections.

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Nonspecific provocateurs

The human skin contains over 5 million apocrine glands, which secrete 600-800 ml of fluid daily.

Deviations in one direction or another indicate hyperhidrosis or anhidrosis. The composition, smell, viscosity, color of sweat are the physical parameters of a substance that determine the possibility of developing a pathological process in the body. Sometimes the appearance of sticky sweat is associated with nonspecific provocateurs, for example:

  1. Gender differences between the sexes. Men are more prone to sweating than women. If personal hygiene is not observed, there is a risk of thick and sticky sweat, which is associated with blockage of the sweat glands and the development of sweat bacteria.
  2. Excessive exercise with insufficient fluid intake. In this case, the skin on the palms, feet, forehead, neck, groin and armpits sweats.
  3. Irregular, unhealthy diet with a lack of liquid soups in the diet.
  4. Bad habits. A person may become covered in smelly, sticky sweat if they abuse alcohol and cigarettes.
  5. Regular stress and depressive states, when a person is constantly worried, worried, lives in extreme psycho-emotional stress, this leads to malfunctions of the autonomic nervous system, a sharp hormonal imbalance, which is manifested by sweating with profuse sticky sweat.
  6. Professional sports. In athletes, especially men, increased sweating is not a pathology, but if there is thickening and increased stickiness of the secreted substance, this may indicate problems with the joints or doping poisoning.

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Only a specialist can find out the reason why a sticky substance is released in large quantities on a person’s skin. The patient is only required to identify disturbing symptoms and present a list of them to the therapist, who will refer him for further consultation to a specialist. You may need treatment from the following doctors:

  1. Cardiologist. Alarming symptoms: viscous sweat; attacks of nausea and heart pain. Possible problems:
    1. angina pectoris;
    2. pericarditis;
    3. infectious endocarditis.
  2. Endocrinologist. Dysfunction of the endocrine system should be suspected if the following symptoms begin to appear:
    1. rapid fatigue;
    2. frequent urination;
    3. formation of abscesses, their non-healing;
    4. tingling, numbness in the arms and legs;
    5. hunger, thirst;
    6. sudden weight loss;
    7. drop in visual acuity.
  3. Dermatologist. Problems with the skin and the functioning of the sweat glands are manifested by sweating of the palms, feet, and forehead. If these symptoms begin to appear, this means that hidradenitis or local essential hyperhidrosis is developing.
  4. Neurologist, psychologist. Suspicious symptoms are:
    1. sticky, viscous sweat;
    2. increased heart rate and pulse;
    3. shiver. These could be panic attacks or serious vegetative-vascular disorders.
  5. Gastroenterologist. Warning signs include sticky sweat, heartburn, belching, nausea, and vomiting.
  6. Orthopedist, rheumatologist. The doctor will determine whether there are problems with the joints. Sometimes the incorrect structure of individual parts of the skeleton puts a lot of stress on the body, causing sweating and inflammation of the joints. Scleroderma may be accompanied by the appearance of sticky sweat without fever, but at the same time hair will begin to fall out, nails will peel, lethargy, skin problems and heart pain will appear.
  7. Oncologist. A consultation will be required when the lymph nodes become enlarged along with sweating.
  8. Urologist. Warning signs of problems with the kidneys and urinary system:
    1. lower back pain;
    2. weakness;
    3. migraines.

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Treatment and prevention

The therapeutic regimen for treating sticky sweat is based on the reasons for its occurrence. If its appearance is associated with diseases of certain organs or systems, then the underlying pathology is treated immediately, and hyperhidrosis is eliminated on its own.

If the cause of viscous sweating is physiological, then an aesthetic problem needs to be solved using expensive procedures, such as:

  • Botox injections;
  • curettage of the area of ​​hyperhidrosis;
  • sympathectomy by endoscopic method.

To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you can use traditional methods. This method of treatment will be long-lasting, but less expensive. Popular recipes:

  1. Baths made from oak bark or oat infusion.
  2. Rinsing with a decoction of dried cucumber.
  3. Special or baby powder powders based on potato starch or talc.
  4. Ingestion of sage tincture.
  5. If your feet are constantly sweaty, put young birch leaves or crushed oak bark in your socks.

The following recommendations should be followed as preventive measures:

  • do not wear tight, tight clothes made of synthetic fabrics;
  • use roll-on deodorants and powders instead of sprays;
  • monitor your diet: give up spicy foods, garlic, onions and increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits you consume;
  • increase the content of fermented milk products in the diet;
  • organize a drinking regimen at the rate of 250 ml per 30 cm of height.

Sweaty palms - causes for men, women and children. What to do if your palms sweat a lot - treatments

A person who has wet palms and fingers experiences psychological discomfort. He is afraid to touch a child or a woman, so as not to receive an unpleasant reaction in return, and it is difficult to greet colleagues with a handshake. Why such a problem may occur, what needs to be done to eliminate the symptoms and causes - it is useful to understand.

Why do my palms sweat?

Sweating is an important function that helps the body maintain temperature, ensure water-salt balance, and remove waste substances. When malfunctions occur for various reasons, a local problem may appear - sweaty palms - local hyperhidrosis. The reasons for this are:

  • stressful situations;
  • genetic inheritance;
  • physical overload;
  • psychological tension.

When a person’s hands sweat a lot, this is a signal of serious problems, including:

  • disorders in the endocrine system - thyrotoxicosis, pathologies of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands;
  • effects of medications;
  • improper diet - spicy, salty foods;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • disruption of the autonomic system responsible for thermoregulation, breathing, and heartbeat;
  • diabetes mellitus – with a lack of insulin, sweating of the palms increases;
  • oncology;
  • diseases - ARVI, sore throat, influenza;
  • intense work.

Remedies for excessive sweating:

Excessive sweating can be dangerous to your health!

The appearance of local sweating is an unpleasant situation for men, who usually greet by shaking hands. Why do my palms sweat? There are many reasons why this problem occurs. The palms of men's hands sweat in the following cases:

  • psychological overload;
  • treatment with antibiotics that kill intestinal microflora and reduce immunity;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • infectious diseases, AIDS, tuberculosis;
  • excess alcohol intake;
  • obesity;
  • coffee abuse;
  • intense sports;
  • mental activity.

Woman's palms sweat

A girl’s wet hands are a reason to avoid communicating with men, which becomes additional stress. Constantly wet palms interfere with your work. It is difficult to do household chores and engage in hobbies. A woman's palms sweat as a result of:

  • high temperature indoors, outdoors;
  • consuming hot spices that cause sweating;
  • imbalance of hormones and vitamins during pregnancy;
  • unnecessary worries;
  • menopause with constant hot flashes, frequent sweating;
  • taking medications with side effects.

Why does a child's hands sweat?

A child’s wet palms may appear when the body’s heat exchange process fails. This often happens in a dream. When a child's hands sweat, this may indicate the following problems:

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • presence of hyperhidrosis in relatives;
  • kidney disease;
  • excess weight;
  • overheating of the body due to warm clothing;
  • high room temperature, low humidity;
  • the appearance of an acute infection;
  • pneumonia;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • use of synthetic fabrics in clothing.

Why do teenagers' palms sweat?

Wet palms in adolescence become a cause of stress due to the ridicule of friends, the inability to communicate normally with girls, or to do what you love. The situation provokes an increase in symptoms. Why do teenagers' hands sweat? The reason may be taking antibiotics for infection or heavy physical activity. If a teenager’s palms are sweaty, there are problems caused by hormonal changes:

  • nervous excitability;
  • increased work of the endocrine system, producing a huge amount of fluid;
  • obesity;
  • mental problems.

What to do if your palms sweat

When unpleasant symptoms of sweating appear, treatment should be aimed not only at eliminating them, but also at solving the problem with the cause of the disease. How to get rid of sweaty palms? There are ways to reduce external manifestations:

  • use of deodorants;
  • personal hygiene, including showering with alternating hot and cold water;
  • baths with oak bark for hands;
  • clothing made from natural fabric;
  • refusal of hot, spicy foods;
  • hand washing with antibacterial agents;
  • the need to always remain calm.

What to do to eliminate the cause of excessive sweating? To dry wet skin, you need to use an anti-sweating palm product. You can start with solutions of alum, zinc sulfate, camphor alcohol. The use of Teymurov's paste is effective. Help in solving the problem:

  • injections of Dysport, Botox in the palm - toxins block the functioning of nerve endings;
  • ionization of the body by the Drion apparatus.

The following can effectively reduce sweating:

  • surgical operation sympathectomy - removal of nerves that regulate sweat secretion;
  • iontophoresis on the hands;
  • floating - a capsule that simulates weightlessness, eliminates psychological problems;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • psychological trainings;
  • using recipes from traditional healers.

Palms sweat a lot

What should I do to fix this annoying problem? When your hands sweat a lot, lubricate them with coconut oil and Vaseline. This can increase the oiliness of the skin. An effective ointment is made from two parts of glycerin and one part of alcohol and lemon juice. They wipe their palms with a homemade infusion, dry the skin, and sprinkle with talcum powder. To prepare it, mix:

Palms constantly sweat

If you are concerned about this problem, geranium oil added to hand cream will help. For those whose palms constantly sweat, alternately dipping them in a bath of cold and hot water will help. The procedure is performed twice a day. After the session, hands are wiped dry. To enhance the effect, natural ingredients are added to a container of hot water:

  • oak bark;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • nettle;
  • black tea.

Sticky sweat on the palms

A milk bath gives a good result in treating the problem. Pour a spoonful of oak bark into a glass of hot milk. After half an hour, dilute with water and perform the procedure. Homemade cream effectively eliminates sticky sweat on the palms:

  • mix equal parts of dandelion, nettle, calendula;
  • take a spoonful of the mixture;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • stand for half an hour;
  • take 50 grams of chicken fat;
  • pour in 2 tablespoons of castor oil;
  • one honey;
  • 2 spoons of infusion;
  • mix.

Video: why the palms of your hands sweat

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

How to determine why your hands are sweating

There are many reasons why your hands sweat!

And if the reader of this note hopes that, having read the article to the end, he will be able to find an unambiguous answer to the question that worries him, he is deeply mistaken. The point is that

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is a medical disease that can occur as a result of certain changes (pathological disorders) in the human body.

This means that only a specialist can identify disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems and recognize the causes of these changes.

However, everyone should know the “problem in person”, because then a person will be able to react in time and take the right measures to eliminate the unpleasant consequences of the disease. Let us immediately stipulate that we will not consider spontaneous and short-term hyperhidrosis, since in this case it is very easy to explain why hands sweat - the reason is stress, fear, anxiety, emotional outburst, fatigue or depression.

This is not a medical disease, but a physiological and completely normal reaction of the body to temporary psychological stimuli. Arms, palms, legs, armpits will stop sweating as soon as the person calms down. Let's consider the medical causes, symptoms and clinical picture of the main hyperhidrosis, that is, a disease of the body.

Classification of reasons why hands and feet sweat

First, let's look at this question: what kind of sweating is considered excessive - abnormal?

Sweating is a physiologically necessary process for the body that allows it to regulate body temperature. The separation of an aqueous solution of organic substances and salts from the sweat glands, in other words, human sweat, occurs as a result of a nerve stimulus from a certain part of the autonomic nervous (in medicine it is called the sympathetic) system.

In people living in southern countries, who have a high temperament and are prone to irritability and emotional instability, the sympathetic system operates at a higher level. They sweat more profusely, that is, they lose up to 1.3 liters of sweat per day. Other individuals sweat less intensely, their body secretes from 550 to 870 grams of fluid per day.

Sweating should be considered excessive if a person has constantly wet, not just wet, but wet hands, feet, and armpits. Sweating is considered excessive if the feet and hands sweat a lot even when a person is at rest and in a room with an optimally comfortable microclimate (not hot, not humid). The patient always has a feeling of dirty, sticky hands, feet - body.

However, a person who discovers similar symptoms should not automatically consider himself a patient with hyperhidrosis. The fact is that excessive sweating itself can be a symptom of many diseases. For example, heavy discharge from the sweat glands is observed in patients with endocrine diseases. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at why hands and feet sweat from a medical point of view:

The most common form of the disease, affecting more than 1% of people on the planet. It begins in infancy, intensifies significantly during puberty, and continues throughout life. In addition to the fact that the hands, feet, armpits - the whole body are very sweaty, patients experience obvious nervousness, increased anxiety, irritability - secondary signs of hyperhidrosis.

Such people are often diagnosed with attacks of spontaneous sweating at the slightest irritants of the central nervous system: fear, anxiety, self-doubt. However, significant sweating does not mean that a person has psychiatric pathologies. His twitchy, active, irritable – excessive emotional state is often associated with discomfort caused by wet hands and wet armpits. Such people are mostly shy, very embarrassed, and find it difficult to adapt to a team.

If the problem is identified at an early age, then you can completely get rid of hyperhidrosis and learn to control the disease and yourself. Timely treatment will allow you to avoid in the future (in adulthood) aggravation of unstable emotionality, serious psychological and even psychiatric disorders.

The entire body, including the palms, feet, groin areas, and armpits, may sweat if a person suffers from any dysfunction of the endocrine system. In particular, increased sweating is characteristic of people with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Hyperhidrosis can also occur with hormonal imbalances or surges.

Approximately 86% of women during menopause are diagnosed with sudden changes in body temperature, to which the body reacts with profuse sweating. Obesity, psychiatric illnesses and hormone therapy are also causes of the unpleasant disease.

It is worth remembering that hyperhidrosis can be cured or controlled. Therefore, timely contact with a specialist will allow you to avoid the disastrous emotional and psychological consequences of the disease, especially if we are talking about a teenager and a small child.

Who is at risk, how to cope with the reasons?

Studying this type of disease and the causes of its occurrence, experts have identified several groups of people who are more susceptible to hyperhidrosis than others:

  1. women over 45 years of age;
  2. teenagers during puberty;
  3. people whose professional activities are associated with a tense psychological environment: teachers, doctors, salespeople, others;
  4. persons in whose family there were patients with idiopathic hyperhidrosis;
  5. diabetics;
  6. people undergoing hormone treatment.

Increased sweating is not a physiological condition of the body, it is a disease.

This is worth remembering. Moreover, the disease is not only psychological in nature. Prolonged and excessive sweating by the body can lead to a slow loss of sodium in cells and tissues, leading to more serious illnesses. Therefore, it is not worth masking wet palms, feet and armpits with only cosmetic preparations and products. Remember, it is possible to slow down, stop and even cure hyperhidrosis.

After reading this article, you now know why your hands sweat and what diseases can cause this ailment. By turning to a specialist for help, you will not only take care of the health of your body, but will also be able to get rid of the unpleasant symptom as effectively as possible. And the main thing is to get rid of it forever!

Sweaty palms are an unpleasant symptom that causes significant discomfort and reduces a person’s quality of life. It is noteworthy that it is characteristic not only of adults, but can also appear in infants.

A limited range of reasons can become a provoking factor, which is not always associated with the occurrence of a particular pathological process in the human body. Among the most common sources are stressful situations.

The clinical picture will differ depending on what situation served as the trigger for the appearance of such a symptom. Often the symptoms are complemented by redness of the skin and the inability to perform even the simplest everyday tasks.

Only a clinician can make a correct diagnosis and, accordingly, find out the reasons why hands sweat, using specific tests, for example, the Minor test.

Treatment in the vast majority of cases is limited to the use of conservative techniques, however, if they are ineffective or for individual indications, surgical intervention may be prescribed.


The reasons that cause increased sweating in the palms of adults are:

  • hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn is formed against the background of psychosomatic disorders;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system, including the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland and ovaries in women;
  • the formation of malignant neoplasms regardless of location;
  • kidney pathologies that lead to disruption of the functioning of the urethra. Because of this, the secretion of sweat increases, including from the palms;
  • a wide range of infectious diseases - in such situations, sweating is a consequence of a weakened immune system of the human body and its natural response to the activity of pathogenic agents;
  • the period of bearing a child - at this time the female body experiences enormous stress, which is accompanied by hormonal, physical and chemical changes;
  • excessive physical activity - in such situations, the muscles produce a large amount of heat, which is released through sweat from the surface of the skin of the palms;
  • genetic diseases - most of these pathologies are detected at an early age, but some of them manifest in adults. This also includes Riley-Day syndrome;
  • general - this is a disease that is characterized by profuse sweat not only from the palms, but also from the whole body;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • menopause;
  • heavy body;
  • hormonal changes in the body during puberty;
  • indiscriminate use of medications;
  • emotional excitement.

Palms can sweat not only in teenagers and adults, but also in infants. In such situations, predisposing factors may include:

  • genetic predisposition - the presence of such a deviation in parents significantly increases the likelihood of a similar symptom appearing in the baby;
  • increased levels of catecholamines in the blood;
  • disruption of the autonomic nervous system;
  • A deficiency of vitamin D in a child’s body leads to the fact that such a useful substance as calcium is not fully absorbed. It is because of this that increased sweating of the baby’s palms occurs;
  • problems with the thyroid gland, which secretes too much or too little iodine-containing hormones;
  • prolonged cooling or overheating of the body - since children are much more sensitive to external factors compared to adults, which is why it is very important to ensure that the baby does not freeze or overheat from a large amount of clothing;
  • the influence of stressful situations - in infancy this can be poor nutrition, namely hunger or overeating.


If a person's palms sweat a lot, it is quite easy to detect, since this condition has a very typical clinical picture. Thus, the most common additional signs are:

  • redness of the skin of the palms, often with a purple tint;
  • difficulty using cutlery, a pen, or other small objects;
  • problems in professional activity;
  • the appearance of wet marks on fabric or paper;
  • difficulty holding slippery objects;
  • dating and communication problems among teenagers;
  • slight bluish tint to the skin;
  • difficulties in sexual relationships;
  • decrease in local temperature - very often close people or sexual partners of a sick person complain that their palms are much colder in comparison with the main body temperature;
  • decreased performance;
  • psychological discomfort;
  • change in the patient's social status;
  • unpleasant odor coming from the palms.

The above symptoms occur in absolutely every patient, regardless of which pathological process became the etiological factor. This means that local signs will be complemented by the most characteristic symptoms for a particular disease.


If your palms are sweating, then, first of all, you should seek help from, he will prescribe diagnostic measures, get acquainted with their results and, if necessary, send the patient for additional examination to more specialized specialists.

First of all, the doctor needs to:

  • study the medical history of not only the patient, but also his close relatives - this is necessary not only to search for a possible pathological cause of excessive sweating, but also to confirm or refute the genetic predisposition to constantly and heavily sweating palms;
  • collect and familiarize yourself with a person’s life history - since completely harmless sources can act as provocateurs;
  • carefully examine and assess the condition of the affected segment;
  • interview the patient in detail to find out what symptoms accompany sweaty palms in men, women and children.

General laboratory and instrumental examinations are aimed at:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • coagulograms are an assessment of blood clotting ability;
  • general urine analysis;
  • coprograms;
  • CT and MRI are needed to search for tumors and determine the condition of internal organs.

The Minor test is used as a specific diagnostic method. The essence of the procedure is that iodine is applied to problem areas of the skin and left until completely dry. After this, the palms are sprinkled with starch and waited for some more time. When these two substances interact in a humid environment, iodine becomes dark in color. Based on the degree of intensity of color and area of ​​damage to the hands, the clinician determines the level of severity of local hyperhidrosis.

After carrying out general diagnostic measures, the dermatologist can refer the patient for examination to a specialist in the field of:

  • pediatrics;
  • neurology;
  • endocrinology;
  • pulmonology;
  • genetics.


Regardless of why your palms begin to sweat very often, you can get rid of this manifestation using conservative methods.

The following medicinal substances can combat profuse sweating on the palms:

  • "Hidronex" - indicated for both external and internal use;
  • “Formidron” - the solution is applied to clean skin of the palms and kept for half an hour;
  • "Formagel";
  • "Zinc ointment";
  • "Teymur paste" - has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties.

You can get rid of excessively sweaty palms using baths that add:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • birch leaves;
  • sea ​​salt.

In addition, it is not prohibited to use traditional medicine, which involves the use of:

  • apple cider vinegar;
  • a decoction based on chamomile, mint, aloe and burdock juice, viburnum and walnut leaves;
  • animal fat;
  • castor oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • infusion of oak bark and St. John's wort, sage and nettle;
  • mixtures of alcohol and glycerin;
  • black tea;
  • a solution of salt or rosin.

In addition, among the effective methods of treating sweaty palms it is worth highlighting.

The term "glued hands" exists not only in Wing Chun, but also in many other styles of Fujian and Guangdong provinces. The meaning of the concept of “stickiness” in modern Wing Chun and Wing Chun of the 1850s is radically different. Before this period, Wing Chun had a different approach to fighting strategy - “short punch, sticky body.” It was this idea that made Winchun unique, fundamentally different from other combat systems of that time. “Sticky body” is a close fight, at a distance of “girth fighting”. Since those times, the proverb “nose to nose, not nose to fist” has come down to us. It can be assumed that in those days, fighting an unarmed enemy was the exception rather than the norm. Therefore, wrestling skills were reduced more to various traumatic holds than to wrestling itself. Entering the clinch, for the vast majority of strikers (training in the Shaolin “long bridges” system) was an unexpected surprise. It worked.

Popular uprisings and the development of secret societies gave rise to mass interest in martial arts. A huge number of “dropouts” appeared who studied several styles and then mixed them based on their personal experience. This is how many “synthetic” wushu systems were created, including Winchun. The first followers of wing chun, the Red Junk actors, also practiced other styles. From the very beginning, Winchun was not one thing. Rather, it was a tactical decision based on the technology and personal experience of its first adherents. That is why all modern Wing Chun systems are technically different from each other beyond recognition, but in application they look almost the same.

Where did the “sticky body” go and where did the “sticky hands” come from in Winchun? The exercise that is now commonly called “sticky hands” (Chinese 黐手 “chisau”) was created by Yuen Kaisan, the younger brother of Te Kong (Yuen Chaiwan). In the system of their teacher Fung Xiuchin, there was an exercise called luksau (Chinese: 碌手 “occupying hands”). It was intended to train the quality of fatsyk ("effort output"), necessary for developing the strength of a "short blow", as well as counteracting stone methods (painful grips). In this form it was preserved in the Wing Chun system of Te Kong, which came to us through the line of Chan Van Fung. But Yuen Kaisan changed the emphasis of the exercise from luksau ("occupying hands") to chisau ("sticky hands").

The idea of ​​luxau is to create a soft buffer of crossed forearms (“bridges”) in front of you, which yields to the pressure of the opponent’s attack and returns a short impulse using the whole body effort. In the chisau concept, the arms in front of the chest act as a barrier, which serves to deflect the opponent's blows from the central axis of the body (the "mother line"). The enemy's attack rolls off this “bumper” like water. It was in this version that the exercise came to Ip Man, who received instructions directly from Yuen Kaisan when he visited him at home. In a certain sense, Wing Chun of Ip Man's students is a pale shadow of Yuenkaisan Wing Chun, which, in turn, is only an echo of Fung Xiuchin's system.

How to determine what is in front of you - Luxau or Chisau? If the fingers are directed to the center of the opponent’s chest, this is chisau; if the outer sides of the forearms are directed forward, this is luxau. This can be clearly seen if we compare the beginning of the form on a mannequin practiced by Ip Man and the beginning of the form “108 movements on a mannequin” by Te Kong.

What is the disadvantage of the Chisau concept? To understand this, just look at the Winchun competitions, which “non-Winchunists” accidentally got into. The Winchun technique, which is positioned as universal, moreover, as intended to work against the “long bridge,” in fact has no chance against hitting and wrestling martial artists. The reason for this is a system error, which is heavily loaded in the vast majority of wingchun schools. This is the so-called "Chasing hands" Practitioners of “chisau” have at the reflex level a harmful idea of ​​​​stopping the enemy’s attack (“blocks”). Therefore, if their blow does not reach the target, and the striking hand collides with the opponent’s defense, then instead of striking again (the last movement of the “small idea”, the so-called “chain blow”), it creates pressure on the opponent’s hand. Since both "Vinchunists" willingly support this counter pressure, it creates the illusion of control. When, instead of the expected “stickiness”, a second blow comes in response and a hard grab of the hands follows, the entire “Vinchunovsky” pattern of the fight goes along the beard. “Stickiness” only works with Vincunists!

What to do to avoid becoming a victim of this stupidity? We must learn to work “empty-handed.” This means that there is no need to create any pressure at the point of contact with the opponent's striking hand. Instead, you need to change your body position, stepping forward and to the side (finding yourself in the “outer gate”, i.e. standing on the side facing the opponent). In this case, the hands act as “antennae”, “listening” to the enemy, but without changing his intentions. This is not easy to learn, because in the beginning, you will miss many more blows than when pressing with your hands in front of you. But over time, “listening with your hands” will grow; then the “understanding” will become sharper; and finally a “reaction to intentions” will appear (your actions will always occur a little earlier than those of the enemy). These are not miracles, but the harsh prose of life.

The hearing goes something like this:

  • I understand which hand is attacking (right or left);
  • I understand how much the partner leaned forward (how far is his head);
  • I understand when the partner shifts his weight forward (loads the front leg);
  • I understand which leg he has support on (and how hard it is);

To sharpen the sensations, you can sometimes close your eyes. To distract yourself from fighting with your hands, you need to focus on your strikes and simultaneously leaving the line of attack back or to the side. To help your partner react correctly to blows (leave the line), you need to do repetitions.

There is no need to engage in wrestling in order to confront wrestlers. You don't need to practice boxing to beat boxers. You just need to unlock the potential of the knowledge available in Winchun (“keys” of the stone, gantezo, short delivery, etc.). It takes a little more time than learning the forms and passing the sifu exams in modern pseudo-winchun schools, but the result is something that actually works.