Cattery of Scottish fold cats Art`s Family. Scottish fold kittens: how to choose the right one

The right choice and purchase of a pet is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This should be taken with special responsibility. Before you decide to get a kitten, you need to answer a few very important questions.

First of all, you need to make sure that the conditions of the apartment or house are really suitable for keeping a kitten. A cat does not require much free space, but it can still feel uncomfortable in a small apartment. She should definitely be given enough space for outdoor games and training.

If you plan to let your cat outside in the future, it will have enough free space to move, but if it will constantly be in the apartment, it’s worth considering.

If a large family lives in a cramped, uncomfortable apartment, most likely, the arrival of a new inhabitant will cause unnecessary problems for all family members - in this case, you should especially carefully weigh all the pros and cons of this decision.

Choosing a kitten is an important and serious task for every future owner.

It is also not recommended to have a kitten if there is a small child in the family: sometimes this can harm both children. A child, while playing, can torture a phlegmatic Scot, who is unlikely to give him a worthy rebuff.

At the same time, we should not forget that children should not be given complete power over the animal. Adults should control their communication and teach children to treat animals with care by their own example.

In general, it is best to get a Scottish Fold cat when the children are already grown up and will respect the new family member without bothering him over trifles.

Before buying a kitten, you should definitely check whether any family members are allergic to animal fur. Subsequent abandonment of an already acquired kitten can cause psychological trauma to both the cat and family members.

Any signs of this disease are a serious argument against purchasing a furry animal.

Of course, now there are many medications that can relieve a person from allergies. But even with this in mind, you should decide in advance whether the family member who has developed an allergy is ready to take medication on a regular basis.

The lifestyle, habits and behavior style of family members play a huge role. A person who, due to his profession or some other circumstances, is not able to spend as much time with a kitten as he needs, is better off giving up the idea of ​​getting this animal.

There are many serious issues to consider before purchasing a kitten.

Scottish Fold cats love to be stroked and caressed by their owner, so his long absence and lack of attention will certainly affect their condition. In some cases, it can even cause psychological trauma in the cat.

You should always remember that each cat has its own character, and if there is a lack of warmth from the owner, the animal can grow wild, withdrawn and even aggressive.

You should definitely evaluate your financial capabilities; now keeping a purebred cat is not cheap. You will need funds for food, bowls for food and water, a harness, leash, grooming products, litter, toys, etc. All this costs a lot of money.

After this, it is very important to determine what each family member expects from the kitten in the future. For example, if one of them wants to acquire a reliable assistant in the fight against rodents, when choosing a pet, you need to pay special attention to some specific character traits.

Scottish Fold cats have a calm character.

If someone from the family dreams of finding a faithful and devoted friend, some other behavioral features are of greater importance (although the general rules when choosing kittens are usually always the same).

Once the decision has been made to acquire another “family member” - a Scottish fold kitten, it is necessary to clearly understand (especially for children) that this is not just another toy, but a living creature that needs attention, affection and proper upbringing.

After this, you need to decide who all other family members expect to see - a calm animal or an active playful prankster. Although each cat has its own individual character, temperament largely depends on the breed.

You shouldn’t expect a Scottish Fold cat to play with toys all day long, run around the apartment, etc.

Scottish fold kitten

If at first glance the kitten’s character is not so noticeable, any breeder will be able to correctly characterize it and help the future owner with the choice. Perhaps, by purchasing a kitten just for fun, its owner will become interested in this breed and decide to start breeding it, and will also want to take part in various exhibitions.

For many potential owners, an important point when choosing a kitten is whether it belongs to a particular breed. Therefore, when choosing a Scottish fold cat, you need to ask other family members if they agree to purchase this animal.

In this case, one should take into account not only material possibilities (although this is important, because pedigree kittens are often simply not affordable for people with average incomes), but also personal tastes and preferences. The fact is that representatives of various breeds, as a rule, are characterized by certain characteristics of character and behavior.

If the owner subsequently wants to breed purebred Scottish Fold cats, he can purchase both a fold and a straight. Both can successfully participate in the breeding process.

It is worth noting that if the cat was not purchased from a special nursery, and its owner does not join any clubs, her kittens will not be able to be sold at a high price.

If a cat is purchased under such conditions, there is no point in talking about any huge profits at all. It is unlikely that a situation will arise in which the owners of purebred cats will want to introduce them to a cat without a pedigree, much less pay for it.

In addition, in order to profitably sell purebred kittens, it is necessary to prove that they really have an excellent pedigree. To do this you need:

– comply with all formalities to obtain healthy offspring with all the necessary documents;

– regularly take part in special exhibitions;

– fight for titles;

– regularly and thoroughly care for the coat and undergo special training for participation in exhibitions;

– undergo regular veterinary examinations;

– think carefully and then carefully follow the diet;

– be able to properly care for very young kittens.

And if the owner decides to participate in specialized exhibitions, he should only purchase folds. Straits, unfortunately, are not allowed to participate in exhibitions. Such animals are used only for breed formation. Participation in exhibitions is only for folds.

You can learn a lot of useful things for yourself by watching how kittens of the same litter interact with each other.

From a whole litter of kittens, you don’t need to choose either the most aggressive one (who pushes the most, defeats other kittens in the game) or the one who is afraid of everything.

Before choosing a kitten, you need to examine its mother. If the cat is unkempt, then the kittens most likely did not receive proper care. The kitten must be clean, strong, active, curious and well groomed.

If the selected kitten behaves aggressively towards the other kittens during play, it means that he has strong leadership potential and will always defend his primacy in the family. It is quite difficult to tame an animal with such a character.

By purchasing such an animal, a person runs the risk of subsequently encountering cat aggression directed at him.

In this case, the animal will always try to defend the right to be first and foremost in the family.

But one should not go to the other extreme. No matter how sorry you may be for the smallest and most defenseless kitten, you shouldn’t take it either. There is a high chance that he may experience emotional or physical distress in the future.

Such kittens will be afraid of any unexpected light or noise stimulus. It will be very difficult to toilet train them. In general, these kittens are quite difficult to teach something new. They should also be punished very carefully, as this can cause various psychological traumas.

It is very difficult for weak, indecisive kittens to make contact with humans, who can subsequently grow up withdrawn and shy.

Kittens from the same litter at 5 weeks of age

Usually timid kittens have very weak immunity to disease, as they often get less food than their more active brothers and sisters.

Various diseases will be constant companions of these kittens.

Taking into account all of the above, the final choice should be a kitten that behaves friendly and calm. Such a pet will never cause any special problems when living together and will become a full-fledged member of the family.

Before purchasing, it is necessary to check the mental state of the kitten. To do this, you should observe how he behaves.

A healthy kitten, under any circumstances, unless it experiences severe fear or any discomfort, will be active, sociable and playful.

If your kitten is showing aggression or is too scared, you should think twice before taking him into your home. In most cases, a cat's character is formed in the first 3 months of life, after which it can be very difficult to correct it.

In general, a kitten should be retrained only in the most extreme cases.

There is a simple test to check your kitten's mental state. The kitten should be left alone in a room where there are no other cats that could disturb it (distract, confuse, etc.).

Mental State Test

After the kitten starts playing with toys (string, paper ball), you need to clap your hands loudly, attracting his attention. You can also drop a bunch of keys on the floor.

A flexible and peaceful disposition, in addition to meeting standards, is also important if the animal will participate in exhibitions, since unfriendly and aggressive behavior may lead to disqualification.

A kitten with a normal psyche should not run away or hide, but if this happens, it will immediately come out after hearing the kind words spoken by a person. In general, the best reaction to this test will be the kitten's interest in the source of the unexpected sound.

If this does not happen, it will be difficult for such a kitten to live in a house with a lot of people. Constant noise will constantly frighten the animal, which will immediately affect its mental state.

To summarize, we can highlight actions that a kitten with a normal mental state should not do.

The kitten should not:

– scratch;

– bite;

- hiss;

– hide;

- run away;

- afraid;

- show aggression.

Selection criteria

An experienced felinologist, based on the requirements put forward by the future owner, will help you choose a kitten with certain qualities. To choose the right animal, you need to think in advance about all the important points related to choosing a kitten.

First of all, you need to decide for yourself what is paramount when choosing a cat, and what is of little or no importance. You shouldn’t overestimate your requirements for a kitten just because of your own pride. All requirements for a future pet must be justified.

Depending on the preferences of the future owner and the purpose of the Scottish Fold cat, there are several selection criteria.


One of the main requirements of future owners is a good pedigree of the Scottish Fold cat.

If a pet's exhibition career is expected in the future, special attention, of course, should be paid to its pedigree. The pedigree must include information about the kitten’s closest relatives (parents, grandparents, etc.), their full names and titles.

It would not be amiss to note that purebred kittens should be chosen only in special nurseries, clubs and at exhibitions. This way you can protect yourself from purchasing kittens with a dubious pedigree.

Kittens of any breed can be divided into 3 classes:

– pet. Scottish Fold cats of this class are not allowed to participate in exhibitions and cannot participate in breeding. They are only suitable for the role of pets;

– breeding. Scottish Fold cats of this class are intended for breeding;

– show. Scottish Fold cats of this category can participate in exhibitions.

Very high demands are placed on them.

The price depends on the kitten's belonging to a certain class. Show-class kittens are much more expensive, this is due to the fact that only they are allowed to participate in exhibitions. These are the best representatives of the breed. The most numerous kittens are of the breeding class.

Information about the kitten's parents must include:

– Sfs (Scottish fold);

– Bri (British).

If the pedigree is excellent, but there are noticeable flaws in the exterior, it is best to refuse to purchase such a kitten. If a kitten is sold at a cattery at a low price, it is worth learning more about the reputation of such a cattery. Perhaps it only cares about its own benefit, and not about the quality of the animals.

The price of purebred kittens depends on their appearance. Elite kittens with a good pedigree are expensive, while kittens with good pedigree are a little less expensive and, accordingly, cheaper.

When choosing a purebred kitten, the main rule is not to go cheap. Even if the cat spends all its time at home, without participating in exhibitions and targeted breeding, you should not buy a kitten without a pedigree.

The character and health of the future handsome teddy bear largely depend on who he grew up with and in what conditions.

In addition, it would be useful to know about the parents and other relatives of the kitten. In the future, this will help the owner with choosing a partner for mating. This is necessary because when breeding Scottish Fold cats, you should take into account what close relatives the baby had - British Shorthair cats, Folds or Straights.

Taking this into account, it is possible to prevent the birth of unhealthy offspring who are subsequently incapable of living a full life.

Gender of the animal

And, of course, one of the most important questions when choosing a kitten is the gender of the animal. At the time of purchase, this would seem to make no difference: both cats and cats are equally cute and cute.

But sooner or later the animal will grow up, and its gender will make itself felt very noticeably. Both cats and cats have their pros and cons, so the decision depends only on the future owner.

Some lovers are sure that keeping a cat is much more convenient and enjoyable than keeping a cat. Males are much larger and often more beautiful than females.

If the decision is made to get a cat, the owner will subsequently not have to think about how to get rid of unwanted offspring. But don’t think that cats are more easy to keep than female cats. In addition to all the obvious advantages, the biological characteristics and character of cats also have certain negative aspects.

After castration, the instinct to mark their territory in cats practically disappears.

First of all, a cat is an unusually independent creature. He will always claim dominance in the house, and the owner’s feelings in this sense mean nothing to him.

Cats are more capricious

Very often, a cat perceives its owner only as a necessary and useful object that exists to satisfy its needs. A person feeds his pet, plays with him, and for this the cat thanks him in his own way. But you should always remember that the love of this animal is very peculiar: it is more like condescension.

Cats are extremely active and curious, they explore every new object that catches their eye, and this does not always bring pleasure to the owner. And often, especially during the mating season, they are capable of showing real aggression.

And finally, the most compelling reason not to choose a male kitten is that upon reaching puberty, he begins to mark his territory, as a result of which an unpleasant odor will certainly appear in the house. Dealing with this is quite difficult; Raising a pet is unlikely to help.

You can let your cat outside, but in this case you should be prepared for the fact that the animal may eventually leave its loving owner (although, of course, this does not always happen). The most radical and effective measure is castration, but not every owner is able to decide on this.

In modern conditions, the problem of cat odor has been completely solved. A whole range of sedative drugs have been specially developed for cats and cats, which help both animals and their owners overcome the consequences of a certain period in the animal’s life.

If the choice is a cat, it is also necessary to take into account some features of its future character and behavior. Females are calmer and more affectionate than males, they are more emotional and always openly express their trust and affection to their owner. The cat will constantly strive to win love and sympathy, but because of this, it requires a lot of attention from the owner.

The Scottish Fold cat usually has a calm character.

Cats are much cleaner than cats; they can lick their fur all day long.

This character trait of the pet will undoubtedly turn out to be very convenient: the cat owner will not have to worry at all about the problem of unpleasant odor in the apartment.

However, if you choose a female kitten, you will soon have to face great difficulties.

They will occur when the animal reaches sexual maturity.

It is almost impossible to suppress a cat’s instinct to procreate using psychological influence, so there are only 2 ways to solve this problem:

– allow her to realize this need (in this case you will have to think about breeding kittens);

- sterilize the animal.


In principle, the color of the kitten is not particularly important, especially if the owner does not plan to allow him to participate in exhibitions. Based on this, the choice of color depends entirely on the taste of the future owner.

But if the owner wants his pet to have a good show career in the future, its color is worth paying attention to.

For example, the CFA does not allow Scottish Fold cats of lilac, chocolate or brown color.

It is better to choose a kitten of the desired color in a nursery

To get a kitten of the desired color, you need to contact special felinological clubs. Qualified specialists will help you choose a kitten that meets all the requirements. If you decide to purchase a kitten of a rare color, you may have to stand in line.

Also, specialists in the felinological club can give the addresses of breeders who keep Scottish Folds of a certain color.


It is best to purchase a kitten at the age of 2.5–3 months, when it has already received the first necessary vaccinations. At this age, most kittens can do without their mother, who has already taught them all the “cat wisdom” that the kitten will need later.

Two-month-old kittens are already completely independent, they no longer require mother's milk, and the owner will not have any problems with feeding. On the other hand, animals older than 2–3 months get used to their first owner, and sometimes it is not easy to tame and train them.

When a kitten stops drinking its mother's milk, it is required to receive vaccinations. This process usually takes several months. Therefore, before purchasing an animal, you must definitely ask the seller or breeder what vaccinations the kittens have already received.

Small kittens need extra care

Ideally, a kitten should be able to feed itself, correctly use a device for sharpening claws (a post or a board), and know the basic techniques of hunting and self-defense. The kitten must also be toilet trained.

It will be difficult to leave a kitten that is too small alone in the apartment. He will be afraid and miss his mother very much. But even later, it is undesirable to leave the kitten alone for a long time, at least for the first time.


It is very important that the future pet is absolutely healthy. The physical condition of a kitten can be judged by its appearance, since the health of a kitten is characterized by its appearance. To avoid any physical abnormalities and diseases, the kitten must be carefully examined.

Some potential owners take the kitten they like into their home, even if it has signs of any disease. But if other animals already live in the house or there are small children, this is still not recommended.

The nose should be clean, without crusts, cracks or discharge. Discharge from a kitten's nose indicates that it has some kind of respiratory disease.

There should be no discharge in the eye area, they should not water or fester. It is best if the eyes are clear, without the visible third of his eyelids. White kittens with blue eyes should be checked for deafness.

An unpleasant odor from the mouth indicates the presence of a disease. Breathing should be calm and even, without whistling or wheezing. There should also be no foreign formations in the oral cavity.

All physical parameters of the kitten (body weight, overall size and size of individual parts, etc.) must correspond to the age of the animal. If there are serious deviations from the norm, this may also indicate the presence of diseases.

It is necessary to carefully examine the oral cavity of the future pet: there should be no foreign formations in it. Healthy kittens have soft pink gums; Even white milk teeth are also an undoubted sign of the animal’s health.

A healthy kitten should be reasonably well-fed, but an overly swollen belly can be a sign of gastritis. You should feel the belly and sides of the animal with your fingers, check the proportionality of the size of the belly to other parts of the body.

There should be no formations on the kitten’s body, the presence of which in most cases indicates deviations from the norm. If an animal has lumps or tumors on its body, it may suffer from cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Perhaps he has worms.

It is important to pay attention to the condition of the anus. It should be clean, without any traces of inflammation or feces.

It is important that the kittens are not thin, but they should not be too plump. Protruding vertebrae and ribs are a clear sign of exhaustion.

It is recommended to observe how the kitten moves: it should not have any gait defects. A healthy kitten is very mobile, active and curious: he is interested in absolutely all objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Usually healthy kittens can easily jump from the height of a chair seat.

If the kitten is inactive and indifferent to its surroundings, this usually indicates some serious violations.

Passivity, lethargy, and indifference to everything that happens are characteristic of a kitten only at the moment when it wakes up; in all other cases, this indicates problems with the animal’s health.

Normally, all physical parameters of a kitten (weight, body size, etc.) correspond to its age. Deviations from breed standards in some cases may also indicate diseases.


When choosing a kitten, special attention should be paid to its exterior. A kitten at the age of 1.5–2 months should already fully comply with the breed standard. In the future, this will increase the cat's chances of winning the show.

The appearance of the kitten is very important

It is quite difficult to determine the future quality of an adult animal's fur from the appearance of a kitten's fur.

This is due to the fact that kittens have very soft fur, which makes it noticeably different from the fur of an adult cat. This non-compliance with the standard is quite acceptable.

With age, everything will change.

But nevertheless, no matter how small the kitten is, it should show the main characteristics of the breed. You should choose a compact “bear cub” with small paws, a rounded head, a short neck, drooping ears (if it is a fold) and beautifully set eyes.

The ratio of ear to head size may change with age. And if kittens’ ears are in most cases located close to each other, during the process of growth they may “spread” a little to the sides. The body proportions will also change somewhat. The zygomatic arches may still be underdeveloped (this is especially observed in cats).

Despite all this, the kitten should more or less meet the standard. Breeders purchasing a Scottish Fold cat for the first time should carefully familiarize themselves with the accepted breed standard.

It may be easier to purchase a kitten at an older age. Thus, 5-month-old kittens are already sufficiently developed and formed in order to fully appreciate their exterior. By the appearance of a kitten at this age, one can say with confidence whether it meets the standard of the Scottish Fold breed.

You shouldn’t hope that your kitten’s fur will improve later if you care for it properly. The necessary care will only help maintain the health of the coat, but not correct its defects. Therefore, you should pay attention to this already at the time of purchase.

Choosing a kitten is not an easy task

But if the kitten has good, healthy fur, and is lethargic and inactive, it is better not to purchase it. It’s good if the kitten came up on its own, began to play, reacting adequately to affection (doesn’t get scared, doesn’t hiss, etc.). This means that he liked the person. It is very important that the choice of owner and kitten is mutual. The kitten should feel comfortable in your arms and not experience any anxiety.

Where can I buy a kitten

Having decided on all these issues, you need to decide where to buy a kitten.

There are cases when previous owners abandon their animals, even purebred ones. Most often, such cats live right in the courtyards or basements of houses. Of course, you can take this stray animal, but it may suffer from some diseases dangerous to humans. In this case, there is always a risk that they could infect all members of their new family. No one can guarantee the health of homeless animals.

In some cities there are special shelters for homeless animals.

You can buy a Scottish Fold there too. But here there is a risk that the animal will have an already formed character, which will be very difficult or even impossible to remake. Also, in such establishments it is unlikely that you will be able to find out in detail information about the cat’s pedigree, its parents and other close relatives.

If you decide to buy an animal rather than adopt a stray one, you need to choose it more carefully.

To begin with, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the various notices and advertisements for nurseries published in newspapers and magazines. Local newspapers and veterinary bulletin boards often publish listings of various breeds of cats and kittens available for sale.

You shouldn’t rush and buy the first kitten you come across from sellers on the street or at the market.

Then you need to look at the kittens that are most suitable. It is best to choose several such addresses.

Currently in Russia there are many special nurseries for breeding cats, and if you have sufficient funds for this, it is better to buy a Scottish breed kitten there.

When choosing a nursery, you must find out which organization or club it is registered with. It would be useful to ask who is carrying out the breeding work, and also to check whether the owner and nursery workers have documents confirming completion of felinological courses.

You can buy a kitten at an exhibition, but you need to consult with an expert, who should tell you about all the positive and negative qualities of the kitten, and also tell you which breeding class it belongs to.

Before purchasing a kitten, you should definitely examine it. At the same time, it is also necessary to examine his parents, since genetic traits will certainly affect the appearance, character and health of the future pet.

The owner of the cattery must allow the kitten chosen by the future owner to be examined by an independent expert felinologist. Such an inspection is especially important when choosing a show-class kitten. Failure to do so may indicate the owner's lack of confidence in the quality of the animal.

When examining a kitten, it is important to be able to pick it up correctly. You can take a very small kitten by the scruff of the neck, while supporting it by placing your hand under its belly.

An adult cat should not be handled this way. It is recommended to take a slightly older kitten or a small animal from below with one hand and press it to the chest with the other.

A large cat should be handled as follows: with one hand you need to hold the cat from behind and between the front paws, with the other hand you need to hold it so that it does not escape.

Under no circumstances should you lift a cat by its tail or paws. It is also worth warning children about this, as the cat may severely scratch them in this case.

Pet stores should not be treated with disdain. In a good store you can buy a healthy kitten, which will become an excellent friend, and not very expensively.

A show-class kitten exactly meets all breed standards and may well become a champion at any international exhibitions. True, not everyone can afford to buy a show-class cat, since its cost is very high.

Cats are a little cheaper, since after the first birth, according to existing rules, they cannot take part in competitions and win at exhibitions.

The cost of breeding class kittens is much lower. The breeding class includes females intended for breeding offspring and having minor deviations from the standards. Cats that have these signs do not have breeding potential. Straights also belong to the breed class.

Finally, if the selected kitten is of the pet class, this means that it has any disqualifying faults. Such an animal is not allowed to participate in exhibitions (if it has not been castrated), however, this circumstance in no way detracts from the other advantages of the kitten and, moreover, significantly reduces its cost.

The pedigree of purebred cats contains 4 generations. Felinologists must provide information about parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc.

And if possible, show them.

If compliance with standards and the presence of a pedigree is not of great importance, you can purchase a kitten from an individual breeder (by advertisement), from friends, and even at the poultry market (of course, the same applies to outbred kittens).

However, you should always remember that there is a risk of buying a sick, lethargic animal or subsequently encountering other serious shortcomings (for example, the pet may well turn out to have a bad character). Therefore, if, when purchasing a kitten, you decide not to seek advice from specialists, you need to have an idea of ​​some general characteristics on the basis of which you should choose an animal.

A two-month-old kitten quickly gets used to new living conditions and new people. Within a few days, he will happily run around the house, exploring his new territory.

When purchasing a Scottish Fold cat from an amateur breeder, you should be guided by your first impression. First of all, you need to pay attention to the condition of the room where the kitten is kept. If the house is clean and there are no unpleasant odors, it means that the breeder carefully cares for the kittens and their mother, and this is the first sign of animal health.

The right choice is very important. After all, a kitten is not a toy that can be thrown into the far corner. How he will live in his new home depends on whether the family loves the baby.

Another alarming point is this situation - the cats in the house are very timid. Most cats are afraid of strangers, but a well-tamed cat will definitely come out to see who's coming. This will happen because cats are very curious animals. Unless a cat has been harmed by any person, it will not hide from strangers.

You should definitely pay attention to the condition of your cat's litter box. If it is dirty, there is a high probability that the kitten will be unclean in the future.

If possible, you should carefully examine not only the kittens themselves, but also the cat; the animal must be healthy and well-groomed, have clean, smooth, shiny fur. The behavior of the cat is also of great importance: very often the main character traits are passed on to the kittens from the mother.

In a nursery or pet store, you should definitely pay special attention to the behavior of kittens and how they communicate with each other.

You need to pick up your favorite kitten. If the baby behaves calmly and friendly, you can safely make your final choice: most likely, this kitten will become a devoted and loving friend and will not cause any problems in the future.

You can take the kitten that comes up on its own and is interested in the actions of the person. This is a sure sign that the pet will grow up cheerful, good-natured and sociable.

It is necessary to choose a future pet, taking into account its compliance with all important requirements: it should be remembered that when purchasing a kitten, a person assumes huge obligations to it, and if the kitten does not suit you in any way, it is better to immediately abandon it.

Once the choice is made, all that remains is to complete the purchase correctly. If a kitten is purchased from a breeder, he must immediately give the new owner a registration card of the animal, which contains all the names, titles and pedigrees of the kitten's parents, an expert assessment of the kitten itself, as well as the address and telephone number of the nursery or club to which the breeder belongs.

You should check whether all information entered on the card is confirmed by the club’s seal and the signatures of the breeder and expert.

You can visit the exhibition and compare your cat with the breeding animals presented there to make sure that it does not have hereditary defects that make the animal unsuitable for breeding.

If an owner purchases a cat for breeding, he must ensure that the animal is suitable for breeding. In such cases, when purchasing, the animal’s registration documents are especially carefully checked and serious consultations are held with the breeder.

If you purchase an animal with a good pedigree, it is better to make the purchase at the club. In this case, a special agreement must be drawn up, which lists in detail the terms of the transaction.

A prerequisite is that the former owner is responsible for the health of the sold kitten within 14 days from the date of sale. True, the buyer should not violate the terms of the agreement on keeping the animal.

Then the new owner of the purebred pet registers with a cat lovers club, which he can choose at his own discretion. This must happen within 2 weeks after purchasing the kitten.

As a result, the owner of the animal, as a member of the club, will be provided with all the necessary services and assistance in arranging the future fate of the pet.

Large clubs also issue a veterinary passport. This is a document according to which you can receive discounts for medical services at the relevant veterinary hospital. In addition, at the club you can get information on how to insure the life and health of an expensive animal.

A Scottish cat and a 1-year-old cat should be fed as adults, that is, 2 times a day - morning and evening. These are no longer kittens that need constant feeding. Read more about how to feed a Scottish cat.

In terms of other care, everything is very simple: once a week you need to comb short-haired Scots, 2 times a week - long-haired ones; in spring and autumn, give a course of vitamins and microelements; periodically (especially during the molting period) offer malt pastes or pads for removing hair; Clean your ears and examine them once a week; Brush your teeth once a week.

Where to buy and is it worth buying at this age?

Finding a Scottish cat aged 1 year for sale is not so easy. Most likely, these will be pets that the owners want to give up for one reason or another. They, of course, will not say for what reason, usually citing a move, an allergy or a change in family circumstances, but you must understand that, most likely, the problem is something else. Circumstances, of course, vary, but most often they can be overcome. At the very least, moving to another country or having a child can only in exceptional cases become an objective reason for giving up your beloved pet. But his bad behavior, bad manners, aggression and similar factors - yes. Try to find out what the problem really is.

It’s rare, but you can still find a 1-year-old Scottish cat in a cattery, if suddenly one is not sold. However, this is also a reason to ask the breeder a question, because kittens are usually scattered in the first months of life. It happens that luck smiles on you - a cat is sold for the reason that it was initially considered as a sire of offspring, but something went wrong and they decided to get rid of it. In this case, if you do not plan to breed kittens, you can safely take him.

Is it worth buying a kitten at this age? Our advice: if they don’t give it to you for free or you don’t want to do a good deed and save a cat that they want to give up, it’s better to look for a younger kitten. Yes, and a one-year-old cat will sooner or later become attached to you and fall in love with you. But, on the other hand, this is an already formed personality with its own shortcomings in behavior, which, as we have already said, you will no longer be able to correct.

The Scottish Fold cat is an intelligent and friendly animal. But in order for the pet to fully meet your hopes, you should decide for what purpose the animal is purchased, and then choose the right baby. From the article you will learn how to choose a Scottish fold kitten.

First, decide for what purpose you want to get an animal: as a pet, for participation in exhibitions or for breeding. Depending on whether your interests relate to all three points or only some, you can determine the class of the future cat:

  1. Pet. The cheapest category. As a rule, a pet-class kitten has a deviation from the standard that is safe for health. Usually this concerns unacceptable color, bite, irregular ear shape, etc. Sometimes this class includes babies without defects, who simply do not reach the exhibition level. As a rule, such kittens are sold subject to sterilization. If you only need a pet, you can safely choose this group: the animal’s friendly character will not be affected by external characteristics, and besides, a color that is unacceptable according to the standard does not mean “ugly.”
  2. Breeding. Only cats belong to this category. As a rule, they have minor defects - not disqualifying, but only reducing the rating at exhibitions (irregular coat texture, too wide-set eyes, etc.). With the right choice of partner, such animals are capable of producing show-class offspring, and they themselves can sometimes take a prize at an exhibition (as a rule, the possible title is limited to “Breed Champion”). Many people get such pets just for home.
  3. Show. Promising kittens, most often with an impressive pedigree. They can take part in exhibitions and be used for breeding. This is a very expensive option, so such animals are rarely kept as ordinary pets.

Kittens are usually taken at an age when formation has not yet been completed and changes for the worse are possible. The breeder determines the potential of the baby, focusing on the current data and data of the parents, but it is impossible to predict 100% what an adult animal will look like.

If the seller assures you that the kitten will definitely become a champion, this indicates dishonesty: there have been cases when kittens received numerous awards at the age of 3-6 months, but in the junior period they had problems with their ears or tail.

In order for a kitten to receive a show class certificate, it must have excellent scores from a licensed professional. To obtain the top show class level, he must be over 3 months old, and in addition to the specified document, receive the title “Best Kitten” at a European format exhibition or become a participant in the final rings at an American format exhibition.

Video “Scottish Fold cat: features and care”

From this video you will learn why the Scottish Fold breed is interesting and how to care for a cat.

We take into account external factors

If you have decided on the class, the second important step is to choose the gender of the pet:

  1. Male. Breeding cats are more difficult to maintain than cats: they mark things in the apartment, meow often, etc. Therefore, if you do not plan to use the cat for breeding, it is worth castrating it.
  2. Female. Breeding cats are calmer and more balanced. However, keep in mind that breeding kittens for sale requires experience, knowledge and investment, so purchasing a cat for “easy money” is not a good idea. As in the first case, an animal not intended for breeding is sterilized to avoid diseases. The operation costs 2 times more than for a cat.

If you decide to get a pair of animals for breeding, do not forget that one of them must be straight-eared. Crossing Scottish Folds is prohibited, because the offspring in this case suffer from bone abnormalities.

The next important question is the length of the coat. The long-haired variety seems more attractive to some, but also requires additional care.

You can choose the color based on your own preferences, but it must meet the requirements if you are taking a breed or show class animal.

What should a healthy kitten look like?

Let's look at what healthy fold-eared kittens look like.

The little Scotsman should look friendly and inquisitive, playful, move and jump easily. Health indicators are as follows:

  • coat: well-groomed and thick, without bald spots;
  • eyes: shiny, without pus;
  • gums: pink, without signs of inflammation;
  • ears: no pus, dark discharge or foul odor;
  • tail: smooth, without bends or thickenings;
  • stomach: soft, even after eating (hard may indicate the presence of worms);
  • anus: small, without lumps or inflammation.

A discrepancy between the weight and age of the animal may indicate that the pregnant cat was not eating well, was ill, or the newborn kitten itself was ill.

What affects the cost

Let's now find out how much a Scottish kitten costs.

  • The cost of pet-class babies starts from 6 thousand rubles. It depends on the type of defect and the beauty of the color.
  • A breed-class cat can be purchased for 18 thousand rubles. and higher depending on her own merits and promising breeding qualities.
  • The price for a show-class animal can reach up to 180 thousand rubles. It depends on the breed data and how many awards the parents (and the kitten itself, if it has already been taken to exhibitions) received.

Think carefully about your own capabilities and desires, and if necessary, consult with a specialist. Finally, carefully examine your future pet so that later this purchase will bring maximum joy.

Those whose family is definitely going to get a cat need to weigh everything carefully before going to pick up the animal.

First of all, you need to decide for yourself the question:

  • For what purposes does your family need a Scottish Fold?
  • Do you plan to show it at exhibitions, or do you just need a pet?
  • What gender will he be?
  • With long or short fur?
  • What color?
  • Noble or simple?

Such aspects and more will be weighed here.

A cat for exhibition or for the soul?

Those who have never been to cat shows are unlikely to seriously consider putting their pet on display. However, for those who have found their Scottish Fold at the exhibition, the breeder will most likely try to persuade them to show their handsome dog at the exhibition “at least once”. And then, especially if the Scottish Fold wins, the owner is drawn into a series of shows.

Of course, the most ordinary apartment cats can be exhibited, but only in a rootless category called the pet class. Or you can be the happy owner of a purebred aristocrat and never present her at exhibitions.

So before you buy a Scot, you need to clearly decide on the fate that will be laid out for him. By the way, those who do not want the animal to have offspring can sterilize it and continue to present it at exhibitions, but only in the category of sterile pets.

Female or male?

For those who intend to breed Scottish Fold babies, the answer seems clear - to purchase a purebred beauty. To give birth to Scottish cats for sale, a well-born female is required, crossed upon reaching maturity with a Scottish cat who also has a pedigree.

But you should know that breeding kittens does not allow you to earn large sums - it is rather an altruistic impulse. For those who do not want offspring, the pet’s ovaries can be surgically removed when she reaches 6-8 months.

You should definitely not have an adult male in your apartment who has not been castrated. First of all, he will never put up with the lack of the required number of females for procreation. And the owners, for a number of reasons, mainly for reasons of hygiene, are unlikely to allow the cat to roam the street. After all, he will begin to fight with other males and come in ragged, or he may even disappear altogether.

In addition, it is problematic to keep a sexually mature male in an apartment due to the strong stench of urine, with which he marks the environment in order to lure females. Sometimes you learn about unsterilized individuals living at home, but these are exceptional cases.

Common people believe that a castrated cat experiences and suffers from the awareness of deprivation, just as a human might suffer. However, everything is different, the intercourse of cats is guided only by instincts, and when the craving for this suddenly disappears, the animal simply begins to lead a new life without the constant obsessive thirst to run away from the house, even in the rain, even in the cold. Now he always feels good at home.

In addition, neutered cats become more affectionate. This turn is definitely more favorable for everyone. The pet no longer disappears at night, does not get involved in fights and does not risk being hit by a car. In addition, it no longer contributes to the increase in the number of stray kittens. Apartment Scots need to be castrated.

Sterile individuals of both sexes, as a rule, are more affectionate, but surgery for a cat is a more labor-intensive procedure and, naturally, costs more than for a male.

With long hair or short hair?

The answer to this question should not only come from the aesthetic preferences of potential owners. It is important whether household members can devote the proper time to care. Long hair is certainly more attractive, but taking care of this splendor requires daily combing and detangling of matted fur. So only those who are convinced of their readiness for this responsibility and work should buy pets with long fur.

No one would want that, a month after purchasing, the delight of the fluffy was replaced by annoyance and a dreary routine. Felines can live up to 20 years, which means more than 7,000 hours of caring for their fur! Those who feel sick from such a thought should choose individuals with short fur, because among them there are also many charming representatives.

If one of the household members is asthmatic, long cat hair can provoke an attack of the disease, so its owner is unacceptable in the house. Some individuals are allergic to all felines in general. For some unfortunate people, any furry or even feathered creatures are allergens.

So, if you dream of having a cat, you should go with the whole family to friends who already have cats to find out if any of the household members are causing a painful reaction. You should not buy a poor animal that you will soon have to part with.

What color?

The Scottish breed comes in all sorts of colors. You can see cats that are black, smoky and snow-white, beige, peach and red, there is even a blue coat color. In addition, there are a huge variety of unusual patterns on the fur, for example, there are striped ones, with a marbled pattern, with spots or with special points on the face, limbs and tail, which differ from the background.

There are also individuals with combinations of colors and patterns. Just don’t choose a kitten to match the wallpaper, so as not to change the pet after any repairs. Scottish Folds, of any color, are the most charming creatures. It is not for nothing that many owners remain faithful to the breed or appearance of their first pet, when instead of a dead animal they acquire another one similar to it.

Purchasing a pedigree animal

When the choice of the desired appearance and breed of cat has already been determined, you should think about the cost. The first exhibition specimens of the Scottish Fold breed are usually valued very highly, but there is no point in overpaying for a pedigree for those who do not intend to enter their pet into competitions.

It is often possible to buy well-born animals with not the most ideal external characteristics, which will not become prize-winners at exhibitions, at a fraction of the cost of the winners. Such cats will turn out to be no less wonderful pets for any home than exhibition winners with an impeccable pedigree. Professional nurseries will help you select a Scottish Fold.

If you purchase a well-born Scottish Fold and sterilize it, depriving you of the opportunity to participate in selection and exhibitions, this will be a useless waste for the acquirer and a great loss for the breed. And if you are breeding kittens, you should take only the highest grade individuals, so as not to end up with defective cubs.

Sometimes well-born Scottish Fold babies are found in pet stores, but usually there are only advertisements that kittens are for sale, and the babies themselves are in a nursery that pays a commission to the owner of the pet store for assistance.

Advertisements about titled kittens are also placed in special sections of newspapers related to the purchase and sale of pets. Those wishing to use them should go to the breeder’s home to independently check the environment where the future pet was raised.

It is preferable that the kittens live in the breeder’s country house with people, so that during the daytime they walk in the yard in the fresh air, even if in a cage. Scottish Fold babies raised in such conditions adapt to all sorts of household noises, such as household appliances and bells.

If a cat is chosen at an exhibition, it is worth leaving it with the breeder for two days in familiar conditions, and adopting it when it stops worrying after the shocks experienced at the exhibition.

Having come to pick up the baby, it is worth watching all the cubs for a while, if the owner allows it. This is the only way to choose a young representative of the Scottish Fold that matches the disposition of the future owner. Some kids are shy, others are shy or bully, others are affectionate. Also, looking at the brood, you can assess the health of individual representatives.

You should look with caution at a baby who is sitting on the sidelines while other kittens are playing happily. Maybe he is frail or has an illness, or maybe he gets tired quickly. You should not take the most unfortunate, tiny and weak one. Such a kitten, of course, is very touching, but it will be a frequent visitor to veterinary clinics, leading the owner to great waste. It is worth choosing one of the large and energetic kids, which is much more promising.

Healthy Scottish Fold babies have glowing eyes, shiny fur and overflowing energy. But they, like all cubs, require regular breaks. Kittens can easily fall asleep anywhere when they have been running around a lot, and this is quite normal. But if there is any suspicion that one is unwell, you should not touch the entire brood. You can visit this breeder again in a few days or go to another.

The first symptom of the disease in children is the third eyelid. If something is wrong, it becomes visible, it pulls the eye away from the bridge of the nose. The Scottish Fold mother of kittens should look strong and well-fed, the breeder's home should be neat, clean and odorless. It must be remembered that a cheap well-bred animal is a poor investment of capital. We must take the best available.

Motherless kitten

For those who cannot afford to purchase a well-born animal, you can choose a stray kitten using one of the options listed below:

  • For example, a fluffy dog ​​may unexpectedly appear at their door. It often happens that when people open the door, they find a cute meowing baby who is hungry, cold and dreams of being taken into the house.
  • A more reliable method of finding what you want is a pet store. There is often an assortment of rootless Scottish Folds available there. These cuties are crowded into enclosures on display and are waiting for someone kind, walking by, to take them home. The price of kittens without a pedigree, as a rule, is low, because the seller hopes to get a regular buyer in this way, who will buy food and other things necessary for the cats there.
  • In addition, most newspapers have advertisement sections, where you can often see those in which it is proposed to give away cats for free, if only in good hands. Some of them were born as pets of those who advertised, others ended up with them unexpectedly. It is undesirable to own a Scottish Fold that has changed too many places of residence and because of this has been transported from place to place many times. Such circumstances invariably unnerve the animal, and it can become quite unbalanced.
  • And finally, the most regular suppliers of furry pets without a pedigree are various charitable associations. Although they have to kill huge numbers of unclaimed animals every year, they strive to place as many cats as possible into homes. For those who undertake to provide shelter, care and their tenderness to one or more unfortunate people, these associations of homeless animals will be very grateful for their kindness.

Those who realize that they do not have the stamina to raise a baby can purchase an adult animal. Finding a home for such Scottish Folds is a little more difficult than for young representatives. But such cats, as a rule, turn out to be very grateful for the comfort of home and the opportunity to curl up in a ball on your lap.

Owners of an adult pet should not take another one of these, because this can provoke jealousy. We must not forget that older cats already have developed habits, and communicating with them requires showing more restraint than raising a baby whose habits the owner adapts to his requirements. By the way, raising a cat is easier than raising a dog.

The main disadvantage of buying a kitten without a pedigree is the complete lack of information about its ancestors and genes. As a rule, nothing is known even about his father and mother, or it is not known how he was raised. If a well-born representative of the Scottish Fold is purchased from a reliable nursery, the buyer receives information about his gene pool and the environment in which he was raised.

Since the specialists involved in the selection of kittens are especially concerned about the balanced nutrition of their charges and provide them with everything they need even before their birth, this significantly increases the chances of purchasing a strong, full-fledged individual, which means that the number of possible future costs for veterinary hospitals is reduced when the kitten is purchased from a felinologist, and not an unknown half-breed is selected.

What age should I get a kitten?

Whatever cat is chosen, it should be allowed to mature first so that it can live independently, without its mother. The approximate age of the Scottish Fold can be assessed visually. To be picked up, the kitten must at least have all its teeth formed, and this happens from the age of two months. Young Scots with a pedigree must be three months old, only then will the nursery allow them to be adopted.

It is important here not only that the kittens can chew on their own, but also that they complete their training with their mother. By this age, the mother will show them how to eat, wash themselves, use a special litter box, and sharpen their claws on a scratching post.

She will teach them to play, romp, and those actions that would be useful to cubs in their natural environment in a skirmish with enemies. He will teach you the main hunting tricks: first to hide, waiting, then to rush quickly and then to growl over the defeated game. By his example, he will show the kittens how to scare away other applicants from their food.

Even domestic female Scottish Folds who are not allowed to go outside intuitively teach their children all the necessary skills, using bugs and cat toys as objects to chase, so the kids are excellently prepared for independent living in any environment, wherever they go. found ourselves.

If the cubs are taken away from their mother very early, they will not be able to acquire from her the skills on which their survival will one day depend.

Selection of a young Scot with pedigree

First of all, the baby should look strong. A healthy cub's fur is dense throughout, and in no case should there be bald spots. The presence of tearing or contamination of the ears is unacceptable.

Fluffy, like any child, must tinker, and even when he is just resting, his eyes must sparkle, showing interest in the objects and phenomena around him. Such advice is true not only for Scottish Folds, but for any kittens in general.

It is especially important to consider the procedure for selecting cats for breeding. Such animals will not only become apartment pets, but will also take on the responsible burden of competing at exhibitions and giving birth to kittens.

The Scottish Fold purchased for these purposes must be fully grown. Usually, unless there are exceptional circumstances, the baby is not taken away from the mother for up to a month. Premature separation, even for a strong individual, is a great shock that can undermine health.

At four months old, you can meticulously examine the Scottish Fold and understand who this cute young furry will turn out to be. By this age, the kitten’s first molt occurs, the eyes acquire real colors, but sometimes not quite yet. Usually this process ends by 12 months, however, even now it is already possible to distinguish the shade of the final eye color.

In the period from 1 to 2.5 months, babies look like adorable and touching creatures; almost everyone wants to cuddle him. But this obsession can turn out to be deceptive and cause the wrong selection of an individual. It is best to get acquainted with a young Scottish Fold between the ages of 3 and 9 months. This time for cats is the adolescence period, the babies grow up, become elongated and angular.

It should be noted that males grow less evenly than females. This is noticeable in various external aspects: the tail may very rapidly lengthen, or the ears will become huge, or the nose may become disproportionately large.

Usually, such distortions are corrected as the representative of the Scottish Fold grows. But it is important to know that it is at this time that it is most likely to identify the shortcomings that adult individuals of the Scottish Fold breed will have.

The exterior of a perfect animal 3-9 months old is as follows:

  • muzzle with protruding cheeks;
  • massive paws;
  • small ears;
  • medium length tail;
  • thick fur and undercoat.

During such a period, you can no longer delude yourself that large ears will become smaller, that the undercoat will grow and thicken, and that the thin tail will suddenly become fluffy and short.

Because of this, the cost of Scottish cats varies significantly according to the shape of the ears. You should not listen to those who claim that erect ears will soon bend towards your head. Sometimes it happens that in hot weather the Scottish Fold's ears straighten slightly and then droop again. But straight ears will never turn into flat ears.

So you need to buy a well-born fold-eared Scotsman after the summer, when it will be noticeable how the high temperatures affected his appearance. Sometimes babies' ears lift significantly.

You should be vigilant so that such a kitten is not sold as a representative of the British Shorthair. In any case, he is a Scottish Fold, and it will certainly be possible to confirm this only by mating with a straight one. Such an individual will have lop-eared kittens.

It doesn’t hurt to look at the bite when choosing a young Scottish Fold. Normally, it should resemble the closing of scissors. In contrast to dogs, there is no clear dental kit standard for cats. However, the fangs must certainly be full-sized, fully formed and erect.

It often happens that when a kitten grows up, its color differs from what was promised upon purchase. So, in order to successfully acquire an individual of a specific color that meets the standard, or for the future selection of Scottish Folds of specific colors, you need to go to breeders you can trust.

A flaw can be something as distressing as a bent tail. In the initial months, this defect is sometimes difficult to detect, but according to the standard it is a defect.
In addition, at exhibitions the commission will reduce points for a poorly developed lower jaw and for an incorrect bite. The chin, however, can become stronger as the baby grows and even reach almost the standard level.

The Scottish Fold is not supposed to have a hump on its nose. It is very easy to identify such a flaw by stroking the baby’s nose from the bridge of the nose to the tip. When the nose is standard, straight, then a straight line will be felt under the finger. Outwardly, a humped nose looks shorter, but in reality the bones are formed so simply. Kittens of such an individual may have the same defect, or their noses will be straight.

Don't worry if:

  • All monochromatic babies of the brood have pale stripes, more noticeable on their tails. This is normal for young Scottish Folds. If the fur grows quickly, then these lines in a grown animal will no longer be visible at all.
  • Elongated guard hairs, rarely protruding above the excellent dense coat of fur. These hairs will certainly come out, being vestigial. Those who want and have time can pull them out themselves.
  • Tassels on the ears. Also a vestigial remnant, easily removed.
  • Do not forget that by buying a cat as cheaply as possible, a person leaves himself little chance of a valuable acquisition. An adequate nursery for a high-quality, full-fledged individual will not suddenly reduce the cost. It is clear to him that the well-born Scottish Fold, having matured, will become an elite individual, so in any case it will be profitable to sell.

Looking back at what was stated earlier, we can conclude the following: you need to buy Scottish Fold babies for the role of pets from three months, and take individuals for breeding kittens when they are already six months old.

Hello. If you want to have a lop-eared friend, weigh the pros and cons. I hope that my review will be useful to you. I bought my cat at the age of 1.5 months, not from a nursery, but simply from people. And it was such a flea))

What I immediately encountered.

The cat couldn't go to the toilet. His previous owners fed him dry food; the cat was constipated. The first time I went to the toilet with blood. I switched him to baby food, soft and dry. Everything has returned to normal.


Everyone was crazy about the kitten. Playful, jumping and rodent. He ran along the walls, jumped like a parkour athlete, and chewed his hands. Well, I was afraid to sleep alone. He slept at our feet, and when my husband was not there, just next to me on my husband’s pillow (and sometimes just next to me). We then lived in a rented apartment, there were a lot of cockroaches there, so the cat hunted for them. One day I ate a cockroach and got poisoned. But after being sick for a day, he threw up and recovered, probably heard that I was going to take him to the doctor)))

Time passed and the cat grew up.

Should the cat be allowed outside?

For the first 1.5 years I didn’t let the cat go outside, because we lived in an apartment, I didn’t want him to wander around the trash cans, and I was afraid that he would be stolen. After 1.5 years we moved into the house, but I didn’t let the cat out, even though he tried to escape from time to time))) One day he ran out and disappeared for 10 days. I looked for him so much and cried, and then he came at night, scared, but not particularly bad. I realized that someone was hiding it at home. The cat was afraid to go outside for a while, but then he began to ask again. At this time, an illness struck him.


I noticed that the cat began to often sit on the tray. But nothing happened, a few drops at most fell, he got angry and scattered the filler, and then fell ill. I'd rather put him in a carrier and see a doctor. It turned out that he had a urinary obstruction. The canal was clogged, they inserted a catheter, the poor cat suffered so much, they injected him with painkillers, inserted a catheter, drained urine, then the catheter was with us for another 5 days, the cat walked in a diaper, we took him to injections every day, and they gave him pills for a long time. We were also advised to change the food, give him regular food, not just for cats, but he doesn’t really eat that, I just combine dry food and wet food, and sometimes I give him meat or fish. The doctor also advised him to let him go outside to run, and in the summer to nibble grass. And so they did. The problem has not returned for more than 2 years, and the cat is eating grass from the lawn.

So the answer to the question of whether or not to let an animal outside should be the veterinarian, we let it in.

Cat and child

With the birth of the child, the cat went to live with his mother-in-law (luckily we live next door), he comes to us, we feed him, but now he spends the night with his mother-in-law. and there are several reasons for this:

1. The cat throws a lot of fur. Despite the fact that it is short, the wool is very full. There will be more cleaning. And when the child is not the calmest, there is not much time to clean everything from fur. Plus, the child may have allergies.

2. The cat is jealous. He began to take revenge on me, so to speak. Started peeing on my things. Only for mine!!!

Actually, for these reasons, he went to live next door. Now the child is a little older and they have become friends. The cat, by the way, was afraid of children. My nephew almost strangled him in a fit of tenderness, and since then the cat has been growling at children like a tiger. But my daughter has never had such a reaction. She pulls him by the tail, hugs him, falls on him, sits down, but he doesn’t growl or run away. Never scratched her. In this regard, a very smart cat.

To sterilize or not?

We did not sterilize, as we were told that the genitourinary system might suffer later. But she still turned out to be weak. I don’t know if it would be difficult for my cat at all if he were sterilized. As for the cat marking its territory, I didn’t catch mine doing this at home, there was no smell. But if he starts marking, then the sterilized one will do it, just the smell won’t be as strong (as they write).

Things to think about before getting a cat.

1. An animal is not a toy, it is for many years!!!

2. The animal must be taken to the doctor!!!

3. Sometimes the animal gets sick. Treatment can be expensive!!!

4. Food costs money!!!

5. The litter box needs to be cleaned every day!!! (well, if you don’t want the smell in the apartment)

6. If you want to leave, you need to leave the animal with someone or take it with you (we lived in 2 cities and I took the cat with me all the time).

7. An animal can damage things and furniture.

8. May forget where the tray is.

9. Shaggy cats sometimes tear up their fur (my friend has almost surprises on the floor every day).

10. If you are planning a child, then know that the animal may be jealous of you!!! And the child may have allergies.

11. The animal scatters its fur (you especially notice this when the child begins to put everything in his mouth).

12. An animal may not always be playful; it will grow up quickly and be lazy.

Well, if you want another cat, then about the pros and cons of my cat


1. Brings joy.

2. Loves. to be petted.

4. Doesn't leave the yard.

5. The little one was very playful, now he is strict, but I adore cats that can fight with you if they make you angry.

6. Gets along with the child.

7. Never begs (does not sit over the table and does not yell like crazy).

8. Proud.

9. Doesn't like strangers.


1. Jealous.

2. Can make kaku, in the form of pipi, on clothes.

3. During puberty, he attacked my hand and tried to rape it, grabbed the skin on my hand with his teeth, as if it were a cat, and made characteristic movements, growled when he was driven away, this was not pleasant, since he also secreted fluids. Did the same with my things.

4. He is picky about food. He will not eat any food. Loves soft food.

5. After I started walking, problems with my eyes began; one eye turns sour from time to time. And there are wounds behind the ears. We treat it, wash it, it goes away, but this happens to it a couple of times during the summer.

6. The cat snores, and how.


Before you get a pet, think carefully. You shouldn’t start him up in a fit of tenderness (you watched a movie, saw him with your neighbors or friends). The animal causes a lot of trouble, although it brings joy. You also need to be patient. Think of an animal as a small child. He cannot be abandoned, he cannot be punished. There is a lot of garbage from the animal. Of course, I love my cat, I really suffer that he is at home as a guest now, my mother-in-law is already used to him. He brightens up her life.

Remember that an animal requires care and patience!!! It may be faithful and devoted, or it may not. My cat loves me the most because I fuss with him the most. Can I recommend this breed? Why not? The cat is beautiful, moderately mischievous, playful, and quite smart. But remember the main thing: We are responsible for those we have tamed!!!