Anesthesia for dental implantation. Modern methods of pain relief during dental implantation

Anastasia Vorontsova

Over the past 40 years, general anesthesia has been used in dental practice.

Initially, general anesthesia was performed only for very long surgical interventions that involved severe pain. For other, less complex manipulations, local anesthesia was used, which was quite sufficient.

Many patients who have indications for implantation have difficulty agreeing to it. Most often, the cause of fear is the presence of pain when installing implants.

Nowadays, thanks to the availability of potent painkillers, dental implantation becomes completely painless.

During implantation surgery, local anesthesia is usually used. Modern means for local anesthesia: scandonest, articaine (ultracaine).

Dental implantation under general anesthesiacarried out in exceptional cases.

Since the use of general anesthesia can have negative consequences, dentists try to use it only if there are serious indications for use. Such indications include the simultaneous installation of a large number of teeth.

Classic anesthesia is a complex and expensive procedure. In addition, it has a whole list of contraindications. Most clinics cannot use general anesthesia during surgery because they do not have a license to use it.

Pharmacological drugs are used for anesthesia, including sleeping pills, muscle relaxants, and opiates. The patient is unconscious and completely excluded from the treatment process. This last point is what makes general anesthesia so attractive.

Clinics often accommodate those patients who are very afraid of pain and install implants under general anesthesia.

For anesthesia they use: gaseous drugs - xenon, foran, sevoran, as well as intravenous ones.

When is general anesthesia necessary?

Dental prosthetics using general anesthesia will be important when preparing jaws for surgery and during dental implantation.

The use of general anesthesia during operations is appropriate in the following cases:

  • For children under 3 years old.
  • For patients who cannot tolerate local anesthesia (due to allergies).
  • In case of excessive exacerbation of the gag reflex in the presence of dental instruments in the oral cavity.

General anesthesia, although associated with some risks, is quite safe when administered by a qualified specialist.

During the operation, the patient’s condition is monitored not only by the doctor, but also by specially designed equipment.

Benefits of general anesthesia

  • Complete absence of pain and nervous tension.
  • Drugs used for anesthesia reduce the amount of saliva produced, which improves the quality of the procedure.
  • Absence of paresthesia and pain after surgery.
  • The likelihood of developing an inflammatory process is reduced.
  • Less harmful than local anesthesia and quite safe.
  • Saving time and money. The condition of the patient under general anesthesia allows for the installation of implants in large quantities.

Video: “Dental treatment under anesthesia”

What is sedation

Some clinics use so-called “sedation” or “sedative anesthesia.”

Sedation is a new generation of anesthesia. With the help of special drugs, the patient is put into a state of sleep, without losing consciousness.

The patient, being in this state, does not feel pain, he has no fear and anxiety. At the same time, the patient retained all reflexes.

An interesting feature of sedative anesthesia is that most patients do not remember either the operation or its details.

Side effects when using this anesthesia are much less common than when using classical general anesthesia.

A good effect is observed when combining local anesthetics with sedatives.

Benefits of Sedation

Photo: Dental implantation in a dream
  • No rehabilitation period. After the procedure, the patient can immediately go home and lead a normal life.
  • The effect on the patient's consciousness is gentle.
  • Has no contraindications.
  • There are no side effects.
  • Easily eliminated from the body.
  • Long-lasting action (from 3 to 12 hours).
  • The price is much lower than the cost of general anesthesia.
  • Indispensable for treatment and dental implantation in children.

Sedation, as a modern type of anesthesia, is preferable if the patient has a choice.


Very often, general anesthesia and anesthesia are included in the price list of a dental clinic as a separate service.

In any case, when installing implants, you cannot do without pain relief.

Video: “Sedation - monitoring the patient’s condition during treatment”

Painful sensations, which are an invariable companion to most dental procedures, lead the patient into a state of severe fear and sometimes panic. The implantation procedure is no exception, especially since it is a fairly labor-intensive and complex process. However, modern dentistry allows it to be carried out with maximum comfort for all patients. The most common method is dental implantation under general anesthesia.

Who needs implantation?

Today, dental implantation is a very popular service among patients of the Clinic. It allows you to restore the dentition, being a type of dental prosthetics. Now you don’t need to endure the inconvenience associated with teeth grinding, and you also don’t have to worry about negative consequences. In addition, implantation allows you to solve a number of dental problems, allowing you to forget about your problem forever. Affordable prices for dental implantation under general anesthesia make it possible for anyone to take advantage of modern advances in dentistry.

Just a few years ago, the implantation procedure was performed using local anesthesia. This made it possible to relieve pain and relieve the patient of unpleasant sensations, but did not solve the problems associated with the psycho-emotional state of a person who was afraid of such procedures. Today this problem is solved with the help of general anesthesia.

How is the implantation procedure performed?

Before the implantation procedure begins, the patient is put into medicated sleep using special medications. The anesthesiologist carefully calculates the required dose of the drug, depending on the age, physical parameters and health status of the patient. At the preparatory stage, the person falls into a superficial sleep and only at the time of the operation - into deep anesthesia. Thus, the risk of exposure to the patient’s body is reduced and the likelihood of side effects is eliminated.

In modern medicine, dental implantation under anesthesia is practiced only if 4 or more implants need to be installed at a time. However, for some patients there are special medical purposes for which general anesthesia is used even in cases where we are talking about single prosthetics.

Advantages of implantation using general anesthesia

By giving preference to dental implantation under general anesthesia in Moscow, the client chooses the most comfortable conditions for himself. During the period while he is under anesthesia, the doctor can perform the necessary procedures without causing discomfort to the patient.

The following advantages of general anesthesia during implantation should be noted:

  • reduction of time costs and the ability to simultaneously perform several dental procedures;
  • absence of pain and nervous shock associated with fear of implantation;
  • eliminating the negative consequences of parasthesia that occurs when local anesthesia is used;
  • the use of general anesthesia makes it possible to reduce the level of salivation in the patient due to the absence of odors and other irritating factors and thereby significantly improve the quality of the procedures performed.

The company recommends giving preference to implantation using general anesthesia for those patients who need global prosthetics, those with complex dental lesions, as well as those who are facing multiple tooth extractions. For our part, we offer reasonable prices for dental implantation under general anesthesia and the best conditions for the procedure. Our clinic has a specially equipped office, which is equipped with all the necessary equipment to carry out implantation of any complexity.

Dental procedures under general anesthesia are gaining increasing popularity among Russian residents. Thanks to general anesthesia, even such an unpleasant procedure as implantation became absolutely painless and operative. Professional dentists at our clinic use exclusively modern technologies in their practice to achieve maximum comfort when performing prosthetics.

Dental implantation has many advantages. This procedure is fast, painless and reliable. Installation of the implant requires a minimum of time. If a small amount of work is expected, local anesthesia is used. General anesthesia is necessary when work is planned on a large scale. justifies itself only in certain cases. Let's try to figure out which ones.

Types of anesthesia

Dental implantation causes emotional excitement in every patient. Most of the questions are related to the painlessness of the operation. Another question that concerns many: how safe is anesthesia?

What anesthesia is used for dental implantation? The type of anesthesia chosen by the doctor directly affects the success of the surgical intervention. That's why he must choose it correctly. The following types of pain relief are used in dental practice:

  1. Local anesthesia;
  2. Sedation;
  3. General anesthesia.

There are contraindications for each type of anesthesia. The dentist must take them into account. He also pays attention to the general condition of the patient’s body.

Local anesthesia

When implanting teeth, the method is widespread. It is aimed at reducing sensitivity in a particular area. This refers to the area undergoing surgery. The person remains conscious.

Local anesthesia is divided into:

  • Application. Its action is superficial.
  • Conductor. Affects sensitivity in a particular area of ​​the jaw.
  • Infiltration. Provides shallow pain relief, the effect of which ends quickly, a kind of freezing effect.
  • Stem. A potent type of pain relief. It affects the nerve endings located in the jaw, blocking them.

When is local anesthesia justified?

Not required if the doctor installs from 1 to 4 implants. In this case, there should be enough bone tissue volume. There should be no areas of inflammation in the area of ​​the extracted teeth. If the patient wants more comfort, the dentist uses sedation, putting him into a state of half-asleep.

Thanks to sedation, the patient feels calm. In some cases, he does not even remember anything about what happened during surgery. Thanks to this, his psychological state remains satisfactory, which is especially important for people suffering from dental phobia.

If general anesthesia turns off a person’s consciousness completely, then the situation allows him to maintain contact with the doctor during the procedure. This type of anesthesia has recently become widespread in Russia. In our country, they began to pay close attention to the psychological state of the patient only in recent years. In European countries, people who are afraid of the dentist's chair have for many years taken the opportunity to fall into a half-asleep state to minimize discomfort.

Situations when dental implantation under general anesthesia is necessary

They were mentioned above. But dental implantation under anesthesia It is also justified in cases of nervous and mental disorders, disruptions in the functioning of the immune system, and with indications for bone block transplantation. Allergy to local anesthetics, the occurrence of a gag reflex in response to manipulations in the oral cavity require the use of general anesthesia.


Thanks to advances in dentistry, it is performed for almost any chronic disease. But the clinic must have appropriate equipment. There are also high demands on the doctor, or more precisely, on his level of knowledge. He must have relevant experience and be confident in his actions. This ensures a successful outcome of the surgical intervention. On the other hand, there are severe conditions in which dental implantation is undesirable. This is myocardial infarction, severe kidney disease. The dentist will provide you with a list of medications that you will have to temporarily stop taking. This means that taking such medications is not yet advisable.

Who performs implantation under anesthesia?

Pay attention! General anesthesia is provided by clinics with the appropriate license. To obtain it, the institution must comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health. This means that inside the building there is an operating unit and a special room for the temporary stay of patients. The clinic has an anesthesia machine and resuscitation equipment. There is an anesthesiologist on staff. For each area of ​​treatment there is a specialist. Imagine that the implantologist is forced to be distracted by thoughts about how the anesthesia is going. He faces the already difficult task of performing surgical intervention. Therefore, it is wrong to put the concern for proper pain relief on his shoulders. That is why, in order for the operation to be carried out safely, an anesthesiologist is present in dentistry.

Dental implantation is a complex process that involves installing a new artificial tooth.

To make this procedure as comfortable and painless as possible for the patient, dentists use various types of anesthesia.

General anesthesia is also used, but there must be certain indications for this.

General overview of the operation

To fully understand the term “implantation,” you need to look into the past. For the first time, research into the engraftment of titanium into bone tissue began to be carried out in the 60s of the 20th century.

It was at this time that the popularity of the method began to peak. The first doctor who decided to carry out such a procedure was the Swede Ingvar Branemark. But the active implementation of this technology was noticed only in the 80s.

The implant itself is a titanium root that has a thread. It is this design that allows it to be screwed into the bone.

Titanium is a material that fits perfectly inside the jaw bone. It not only performs all its functions, but also does not cause allergic reactions in the patient.

An artificial tooth consists of an abutment, a crown and the implant itself. The abutment is a kind of “adapter” that connects the other two parts. If there is a need, the abutment and crown can be replaced at any time, but the screwed-in part remains forever inside the bone tissue.

The procedure for installing an artificial tooth cannot be carried out without anesthesia, since there are nerve endings in the gums. As for bone tissue, it does not have nerve receptors, but it is necessary to reach it through an incision in the gum.

Therefore, this procedure begins with the introduction of anesthesia. It can be local, combined or in the form of general anesthesia.

The process of installing an artificial tooth consists of the following steps:

  1. After applying anesthesia, the doctor cuts the gum.
  2. A hole is drilled in the bone tissue into which the titanium root will be screwed. A special drill is used for this; the size of this tool depends on the shape of the implant.
  3. A plug is screwed into the fixed root.
  4. The cut gum is sutured.
  5. After 14-20 days, the patient visits the dentist again to remove the sutures from the gums.
  6. The final engraftment of the titanium root will take 2-3 months.
  7. After this, the patient visits the doctor again to remove the plug. In its place is installed the uppermost element of the structure, which finally resembles the shape of a tooth.
  8. Over the next 2 weeks, the gums finally heal, so after this period of time an impression is made for the future crown.

When the crown is ready, it is installed along with the abutment. This completes the implantation procedure. The patient receives a new, super-strong, aesthetic tooth.

Pain relief – patient’s need or desire

For many dental clients, it is important that they do not feel the slightest pain during any procedure. Everyone has a different pain threshold, so the type of anesthesia must be considered with the patient.

There are cases when local anesthesia is ineffective, so doctors have to resort to general anesthesia. But general anesthesia can only be used by those clinics that are licensed for this procedure.

There are several types of anesthesia:

  • local;
  • minimal sedation;
  • moderate sedation;
  • deep;
  • general anesthesia.

Each type of anesthesia has its own indications. For many people, the term “sedation” is unfamiliar, since this type of anesthesia is often used in Western countries.

This is a procedure that involves the intravenous administration of a sedative. The composition of such drugs helps a person to be conscious, but at the same time not feel pain and relax as much as possible.

Sometimes, after sedation, clients of dental offices may partially forget what surgical procedures were performed during this time.

It is appropriate to administer local anesthesia in three cases:

  1. If the bone tissue at the installation site has sufficient volume.
  2. There is no inflammation at the site where the artificial root is installed.
  3. If one to four implants are installed.

The use of sedation has become more common, as this type of anesthesia allows you to communicate with the client throughout the procedure.

General anesthesia or general anesthesia is appropriate to use in the following situations:

  • if you are allergic to local anesthetic drugs;
  • if the patient has a strongly developed gag reflex (often this reflex does not make it possible to treat distant teeth);
  • the presence of various psychological diseases;
  • pathologies of the patient’s immune system;
  • when a bone block is transplanted from the ilium or parietal bone;
  • if more than 5 dental implants will be installed during one procedure.

Anesthesia should only be administered by an anesthesiologist. The installation of artificial structures itself should be carried out by an implant surgeon.

Necessary examination

To compile a list of necessary examinations before the procedure, the dentist must conduct an initial examination of the patient. Often, a doctor can draw conclusions about a patient’s health using the collected medical history:

  1. If a person has diabetes, then he must donate blood for glucose. If a patient has cardiovascular diseases, then he must visit a cardiologist, who, if necessary, can prescribe an ECG or EchoCG.
  2. The doctor is also obliged to clarify the presence or absence of any allergic reactions to the drugs in the patient. If there have been cases of allergies, then you need to undergo an allergy test.

General list of tests for all patients without exception:

  • general blood test;
  • clotting and glucose;
  • syphilis, HIV, hepatitis;
  • bilirubin;
  • cholesterol;
  • alkaline phosphatase;
  • AsAT;
  • urine test.

It is also appropriate for women to get tested for thyroid hormones. After passing the test package, the doctor will require you to undergo an x-ray examination.

A computer tomogram will allow you to see all the nuances of the structure of the jaw, the condition of the patient’s nerve canals and maxillary sinuses.



This type of pain relief is considered the least traumatic for the body. The patient does not lose consciousness, since the analgesic effect only acts at the injection site.

There are four types of local anesthesia:

  • superficial(the implant installation site is sprayed with lidocaine, without using a syringe),
  • infiltration(the introduction of an anesthetic, which lasts no more than 1 hour, feels like “freezing”),
  • conductive(the anesthetic effect is aimed at the nerve endings that cover the treated area),
  • stem(the drug is injected into the base of the skull, so the effect extends to the trigeminal nerves of the jaw).

The most effective drugs for this type of pain relief are Ultracain and Scandonest (Melavakain).

Ultracaine has a strong anesthetic effect, so the effect of this drug is 2 times better than lidocaine. Scandonest has a long-lasting effect, as pain relief can last up to 3 hours.


This type of anesthesia represents a complex effect on the body. The patient is given both an anesthetic and sedative. It is appropriate to use this type of pain relief in the following cases:

  1. allergies to local anesthetics;
  2. low pain threshold;
  3. The patient's medical history includes hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and an increased sense of fear.

Combined anesthesia has a number of advantages:

  • the patient will not need a long time for rehabilitation (after the end of the procedure he can return to the normal rhythm of life);
  • minimal impact on consciousness;
  • complete absence of side effects;
  • quickly eliminated by the body;
  • acts on the body for 3-12 hours (it all depends on the amount of the drug administered);
  • low cost compared to general anesthesia;
  • well tolerated by children.

Only a doctor should select the type and dosage of a sedative drug.

General anesthesia

In dental implantation, general anesthesia is used extremely rarely, since the state of deep sleep still has a negative effect on the patient’s body. After such a procedure, he will need more time to recover.

It is important that the administration of anesthesia is carried out by a qualified anesthesiologist. During the procedure, this specialist must remain with the patient at all times. It is this doctor who calculates the dosage and selects the drug.

General anesthesia is provided by administering the following drugs:

  1. Sevoran. This type of drug is considered one of the safest. It has a good smell and takes effect quickly. Sevoran begins to act after the first inhalation.

    The patient falls asleep instantly, and awakening often occurs just as quickly. This type of anesthetic is used even for children, as it does not cause allergies.

    Sevoran can be used by people with psychological illnesses, cerebral palsy, and heart pathologies. The dosage of the drug is carried out taking into account the age and weight of the patient.

  2. Foran. This drug costs an order of magnitude cheaper than Sevoran, but it is often used for procedures that take at least 1.5 hours.

    However, doctors still use Sevoran to induce anesthesia, since Foran has an unpleasant odor. The patient should feel as comfortable as possible during the administration of the anesthetic.

  3. Xenon. This type of anesthetic is presented in the form of an inert gas, which is absolutely tasteless. It has neither color nor smell.

    It is used for both children and adults. This gas has no toxins, so it is completely harmless to the body. Restrictions on pain relief with this gas are minimal. The substance is quickly eliminated from the body, which significantly shortens the rehabilitation period.

Indications and contraindications

General anesthesia is appropriate in the following cases:

  • if you are allergic to local anesthetics;
  • lack of effect from local anesthesia;
  • strong gag reflex;
  • presence of hypertension;
  • severe anxiety;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

In order for the patient’s body to tolerate implantation normally, it is necessary to know a number of contraindications in relation to general anesthesia:

  • serious kidney and liver diseases;
  • if the patient suffered a myocardial infarction six months before the introduction of general anesthesia;
  • heart failure;
  • recent stroke;
  • bronchial asthma in the acute phase;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • taking a certain type of hormonal medication;
  • alcohol intoxication.

Administration of general anesthesia is possible only on an empty stomach. The patient should not eat food 6 hours before the procedure and stop drinking liquids 4 hours before the procedure.

Side effects

Doctors often have to refuse to use general anesthesia, since this procedure often causes a number of side effects, namely:

  • sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • memory loss at the time of the procedure;
  • laryngospasm, bronchospasm;
  • psycho-emotional arousal at the moment of recovery from anesthesia;
  • vomiting or nausea;
  • muscle cramps;
  • hiccups;
  • shallow breathing.


General anesthesia, although it has side effects, is sometimes simply necessary. It will not be possible to do without general anesthesia if the patient will have a large number of implants installed. Often these are more than five artificial structures.

General anesthesia also helps the surgeon in terms of minimal salivation. The drugs that are administered help reduce saliva production.

After general anesthesia is administered, the doctor can calmly carry out his work without having to worry about calming the patient. If the painkiller is chosen correctly, it does not cause an allergic reaction in the patient.


Anesthesia has a number of contraindications, so this procedure cannot help many people. In addition, in some types of anesthesia, a special tube is used, through which oxygen and the drug enter through the larynx.

Such equipment often prevents the implant surgeon from performing the necessary actions.

General anesthesia has a long recovery period, so it can cause negative consequences for the body.

Also, for some people, this procedure may simply be unaffordable, since the cost of general anesthesia is an order of magnitude higher than local anesthesia.


The cost of anesthesia depends on its type and the drugs used for it. The price for general anesthesia will be tens of times higher than local or combined anesthesia.

In Moscow clinics, the price of general anesthesia for dental implantation varies between 12,000-15,000 rubles. Moreover, this is the cost of 1 hour of anesthesia.

If the procedure takes longer, then every next 20 minutes the patient will need to pay an additional 3,000 rubles on average.

If we talk about local anesthesia, then infiltration is carried out on average for 500-3,000 rubles. Conductive anesthesia will cost 300-4,000 rubles. Applicator anesthesia varies between 200-1,500 rubles.

The video provides additional information on the topic of the article.

The quality of any operation depends, among other things, on the quality of anesthesia. With its help, a comfortable physical, psychological, and emotional state of the patient is ensured during such a complex intervention. This is also important during dental implantation.

There are several ways to relieve pain during the implant installation process. An experienced doctor should choose the most suitable one for a given patient. High-quality anesthesia helps to overcome a certain fear of implantation; a lot depends on it, along with the quality of the implants, the skill of the doctor and the reliability of the equipment.

The general rule for modern medicine is that anesthesia must meet the objectives of the operation and be justified. Pain relief consists of reducing the level of pain to the required minimum - this is the adequacy of anesthesia. The term “validity” in relation to pain relief means the correct selection of anesthesia method in a particular case.

The main task of the doctor in this case is expressed in the phrase “do no harm.” But you can cause harm by selecting an insufficient amount of anesthesia and dooming the patient to suffer from pain, or vice versa - unreasonably increasing the amount of anesthetics. With significant volumes of surgery, this leads to severe, sometimes unpredictable, consequences and side effects.

  • The procedure for installing one implant takes about an hour. Therefore, long-term pain relief is required. Anesthetics that can provide this effect include: ultracaine, mepivacaine - 3% solution, bupivacaine - 4%. If existing administration methods are followed correctly, these drugs can block a nerve impulse for several hours. For anesthesia of the lower jaw, the methods of Uvarov, Weisbrem, and Dubov are used. With their help, with a minimum of injections, half of the jaw is immediately anesthetized. For the upper jaw, conduction blockade techniques are used: incisive, infraorbital, tuberal
  • During dental implantation, they try to avoid anesthetics that contain vasoconstrictors - vasoconstrictors. This is due to the fact that vascular spasm and ischemia of the tissues adjacent to the implantation site lead to a deterioration in the results of the operation, and even a slight disruption of blood flow in this area reduces the likelihood of implant engraftment
  • Anesthesia in dentistry is associated with tissue microtrauma due to injections. If the treatment procedures are low-traumatic, then this factor does not affect their implementation. This is unacceptable for implantation, so pain relief is carried out with a minimum of injections, and drugs are administered very slowly
  • In addition to anesthesia, premedication plays a very important role in implantology. Many patients, especially middle-aged and older, are very worried and worried before the procedure. The excited psycho-emotional state of a person during surgery can lead to unpredictable reactions of the body. The premedication regimen before implantation involves relieving stress and tension, relieving the patient of anxiety and severe fear. The drugs used in it have an effect on the central nervous system, relieve excitation of the autonomic centers


Anesthesia during implantation is:

  • General
  • Local
  • Combined

General anesthesia

Important! Preparations for general anesthesia now have a higher quality level than just a few years ago. But this method is extremely undesirable for dental treatment, and even more so for implantation. The risk from using such anesthesia in this case exceeds the risk of implantation itself.

In addition to the implantologist, a professional anesthesiologist must always be present next to the sleeping patient during the entire operation and after he wakes up.

General anesthesia is used if local anesthesia cannot be performed.

But if local anesthesia cannot be used during implantation, then general anesthesia is used. With the help of certain drugs, the patient is put into sleep, in which he remains until the end of the procedure. He feels absolutely no pain from surgery.

This is the most common method of pain relief during dental treatment and implantation. The patient is conscious, not sleeping, and only the area that will be involved in the operation is anesthetized.

  • Application (superficial) – lidocaine is sprayed onto the implantation area. The injection is not done, the tissues do not receive microtrauma, this is its advantage. But such anesthesia is not deep, this is its disadvantage
  • Conventional anesthetic injection or infiltration anesthesia. It remains the most popular among dentists. The level of pain relief is sufficient and lasts for about an hour. Well tolerated by patients. But due to the short validity period it may not be suitable. For example, in case of implantation of several teeth at once
  • Conduction anesthesia. Excellent for bone tissue manipulation. A numbing drug is injected into the nerves around the teeth. This method can reliably and accurately “turn off” pain in a certain area of ​​the jaw.
  • The most effective now is trunk local anesthesia. With this method, injections are made into the base of the skull. There is a reliable blocking of the nerve endings of the jaw through the effect on the trigeminal nerve. The dentist must perform this procedure professionally and accurately.

Attention! Local anesthesia can cause an allergic reaction in the patient to a particular drug used, so the anesthetic must be selected individually and carefully

Most often, intolerance is associated with the use of novocaine. Modern drugs rarely cause allergies.

With local anesthesia, pain relief occurs only in those tissues on which the operation will be performed.

Advantages of local anesthesia: the patient does not experience pain when installing implants, but is conscious, there is no need for the presence of an anesthesiologist, there is less risk from the operation, there are practically no side effects.

Cons: possible manifestation of allergies, limited duration of action.

Combined pain relief

A combination of any type of anesthesia with the use of sedatives. The patient is conscious during implantation, does not feel pain after exposure to anesthetics and is completely calm. This combination can successfully replace general anesthesia if its use is contraindicated for the patient.

Indications and contraindications for the use of general anesthesia

Implants are installed under general anesthesia in the following cases:

  • Intolerance to drugs for local anesthesia
  • If the patient has a very low level (threshold) of pain tolerance, local anesthesia will not work as well as it should.
  • The presence of a dental instrument in the patient's mouth causes a persistent gag reflex;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension in combination with anxiety, panic or severe fear


Important! During the examination before implantation under general anesthesia, the anesthesiologist is obliged to establish all the characteristics of the patient’s health at the time of the operation and find out the list of medications he is taking.

There are many contraindications to the use of anesthesia, in particular the patient’s alcohol intoxication

General anesthesia is contraindicated if:

  • There is a history of severe liver and kidney pathology
  • Less than six months ago, the patient suffered a myocardial infarction
  • Heart disease, heart failure
  • After a stroke or acute cerebrovascular accident
  • Recently cured infectious disease
  • Bronchial asthma in the acute stage, acute respiratory diseases
  • Endocrine system diseases, diabetes mellitus
  • During hormone treatment
  • In case of alcohol intoxication
  • “On a full stomach.” Before anesthesia, you must not eat for 6 hours or drink liquids for 4 hours.

Side effect

Side effects from using general anesthesia:

  • Tachycardia
  • Blood pressure jump, fluctuations
  • Partial or complete amnesia
  • Respiratory depression, laryngospasm
  • Bronchospasm, breathing rhythm disorder
  • Vomiting after the patient is awakened
  • Convulsive muscle contractions
  • Hiccups
  • Psychomotor agitation, increased motor activity


  • It is possible to install several implants at once
  • As a result of the use of drugs to reduce salivation, hygiene requirements are more strictly observed during implantation, which increases the chances of implant engraftment
  • The dentist is not distracted by the patient’s reactions and emotions, but is focused only on the operation
  • The number of complications is minimal
  • No manifestations of allergies


  • A large number of contraindications
  • The consequences of general anesthesia and side effects cannot be foreseen


Sedation is the most modern method of pain relief. When local anesthesia is not enough for implantation, sedation is used.

During sedation, the patient is not put into deep sleep. Indicated, for example, for children

The drugs used in this type of anesthesia do not induce a state of deep sleep, but provide an effect close to sleep. Their action lasts from 2 to 10 hours. Contact with the doctor is not lost during the operation, but the patient does not experience pain or fear. After the operation, he does not remain under observation, but is sent home.

There are no contraindications to this type of anesthesia.

Attention! Sedation, like any other type or method of anesthesia, is used only when indicated, but this type of anesthesia is most preferable for patients, as it is quite gentle and safe.