Can children wear contact lenses? At what age can children wear contact lenses?

The life of modern children is closely connected with various gadgets. They use mobile phones, tablets, computers, and often watch TV every day. Due to this, the number of children requiring vision correction has recently increased significantly. Parents and ophthalmologists have come to the conclusion that the best option for a child is not glasses, but Acuvue contact lenses.

Benefits of contact lenses

Glasses, unlike lenses, make it impossible to continue to lead an active lifestyle and play sports. Many children are embarrassed to wear them. This often becomes a serious problem.

Contact lenses do not limit the child's freedom of action. They are absolutely invisible, which is especially important for the social and physical development of the child. They cannot be damaged, broken or lost. They are much more efficient than glasses, provide better contrast and make the image brighter without limiting the angle of view.

When can you start wearing contact lenses?

The greatest difficulties a child may encounter when caring for contact lenses. The age at which children are allowed to wear them depends on the character and responsibility of the child. As a rule, ophthalmologists prescribe lenses from 12-14 years of age. Some children can be trusted to wear them much earlier, but with the help of their parents. If your child responsibly carries out your instructions and observes personal hygiene measures, you can safely exchange glasses for contact lenses.

What are the age restrictions?

There are some reasons for the limitation in early use of lenses. The development of the eyeball and cornea is completed at 14 years of age. Incorrect selection of vision correction products, failure to maintain hygiene and care tips can negatively affect eye health. Children often forget to take off their lenses at night, do it carelessly and store them incorrectly. This can lead to eye infections and disruptions in the normal development of the visual organs.

To get started, you should choose Acuvue Trueye daily contact lenses. It is enough to learn how to carefully put them on and take them off. When your child gets used to it, you can choose a reusable option for him.

Every person wants to see well. And this is not surprising! Thanks to the organs of vision, from the very first days we understand the world: we learn to distinguish between objects and images; over time, vision helps us learn the basics of literacy, learn science, learn and become an individual.

The problem of poor vision is an epidemic for our planet, which has always haunted us and continues to ruin the life of everyone who, for one reason or another, has lost visual acuity.

In ancient times and even a century ago, the problem of poor vision could ruin the lives of many people. After all, the inability to see well prevented the opportunity to get a good, well-paid job, become a famous and successful athlete, and simply enjoy life to the fullest.

Fortunately, those times are long behind us. Modern society has all the means to cross off poor eyesight from the list of incorrigible problems.

And although the number of people with poor vision is increasing every day, everyone can correct these shortcomings, even from an early age.

Comfort of wearing soft contact lenses

Thanks to contact vision correction, we get many benefits that were previously unavailable:

  • easy to wear - you put them on in the morning and take them off in the evening;
  • soft contact lenses (µl) most accurately correct different degrees and age-related changes in vision;
  • lenses are convenient to use in any conditions, regardless of the situation you are in;
  • they will help not only correct poor vision, but also change eye color, giving your image a unique accent;
  • even children can wear microliters;
  • wearing lenses you can engage in active sports, swim, travel, etc.;
  • When wearing MCL, you can use regular sun protection optics without ordering special optical corrective lenses.

How long can you wear contact lenses?

To wear contact lenses for as long as possible and enjoy perfect vision, you need to strictly follow the instructions:

  1. check your vision at least once every 6 months;
  2. wear lenses only as prescribed by a doctor, do not engage in self-selection;
  3. wear lenses strictly on schedule, adhering to the replacement regimen specified by the manufacturer and recommended by the doctor;
  4. Carry out all necessary cleaning manipulations with the microliters daily (if these are not one-day operations);
  5. use microliters and their care products only with an unexpired expiration date;
  6. Do not wear lenses from time to time when they are contraindicated (for example, for colds, allergies, diseases of the mucous membranes of the eyes, etc.)

When making your choice in favor of contact vision correction, you should pay attention to how the manufacturer of this product recommends wearing the lens, when to remove it from the eyes, how to store it and what related products to use. And the better you know these rules, the more carefully you adhere to them, the longer you can wear lenses without worrying that your actions can harm your eyes.

There is a myth that you cannot use contact correction all the time, that you need to take breaks and use glasses during this time, “giving your eyes a rest.” However, this statement is incorrect.

If your eyes perceive contact optics well, you follow all the recommendations of the manufacturer of the correction products, do not miss preventive visits to the doctor and follow all the doctor’s recommendations, there is no need to take special breaks from wearing lenses. Of course, this does not apply to those cases where wearing contact vision correction is contraindicated.

Neglecting the rules of contact lens care

As we have already indicated, you can wear contact lenses for a very long time and without harm to your health.

However, neglecting the rules for caring for contact lenses, violating the terms of use of μL, and the wearing schedule can lead to irreversible consequences.

For example, if the lenses are not sufficiently cleaned, over time a large amount of protein deposits, particles of cosmetics, dirt can accumulate on their surface, and a microbial environment can actively develop. When such lenses come into contact with the surface of the cornea, they have a detrimental effect on it, irritating and infecting. After some time, redness on the eyeball and swelling of the eyelids may occur. A late response to these problems can cause conjunctivitis, inflammation of the cornea, etc.

If a patient often neglects the rules of lens care and does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, then sooner or later he may encounter chronic irreversible processes. And most likely he will either not be able to wear lenses for a long time, or perhaps never again.

The main advantages of soft day lenses:

  • increase visual acuity without distorting the natural shapes, sizes and colors of objects;
  • with constant use, they prevent further development of myopia, improve and restore vision to normal;
  • do not cause discomfort in the eyes, aesthetic inconvenience, and also do not limit the motor activity of the eyeballs during physical activity;
  • ensure correct perception of the surrounding world by the child’s brain and do not interfere with the normal physiological development of the eyes.

Night hard lenses

Children aged 10-12 years are allowed to use night contact lenses. Indications for use:

  • allergic, inflammatory and psychological intolerance to soft daily lenses;
  • engaging in water or high-speed sports, during which the lens may accidentally wash off with water or dry out;
  • significant progression of myopia;
  • deformation of the lens or cornea -;
  • the cone-shaped shape of the thinned cornea of ​​the eye is keratoconus.

The advantages of using night ophthalmic lenses include stopping the development of myopia, a high chance of improving vision, and a long period of operation - from 6 months to 1 year.

Indications for the use of contact lenses

Indications for which contact ophthalmic lenses are prescribed for children:

  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • keratoconus;
  • congenital aphakia;
  • congenital;
  • psychological and physical intolerance to glasses.


Wearing contact ophthalmic lenses is prohibited if the following factors exist:

  • inflammatory diseases of the eyelid, cornea, inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva;
  • subluxation of the lens;
  • increased or decreased tear production;
  • some cases of strabismus;
  • decreased sensitivity of the cornea;
  • uncompensated glaucoma;
  • drooping upper eyelid;
  • xerophthalmia;
  • asthma;
  • hay fever;
  • vasomotor rhinitis.

Even lenses prescribed according to all parameters may not be suitable for the child; in this case, a trip to the doctor is necessary to adjust the size and other nuances.

When a child has vision problems, doctors often recommend wearing contact lenses, but it is not always clear to parents at what age this can be done. The concern is that the eyes are a sensitive organ that can be easily injured. Lenses require regular removal and putting on, and adults are not always sure that children will do this carefully and without reminders.

Meanwhile, devices can significantly make a child’s life easier during daily activities and sports, while correcting vision and preventing complications from developing. In order for their use to bring only benefits, it is important to know what types of contact lenses are available and at what age they can be worn.

What is it

Corrective lenses are special devices that are placed directly on the cornea of ​​the eye. Their shape completely follows the contours of the organ, which guarantees comfortable wearing and eliminates displacement. They are made of soft materials, usually silicone hydrogel, which is gas permeable, which makes wearing the structures more comfortable.

Contact lenses for children have the following advantages:

  1. They gently correct eye diseases, preventing them from developing into a more severe form.
  2. Allow the baby to play and exercise. When wearing glasses, there is always a risk that they will fall and become deformed.
  3. They do not change the child’s appearance and protect him from attacks from peers at school.
  4. The lenses do not distort the surrounding space, the child sees better and more clearly in them than with glasses.
  5. They are comfortable to wear and do not fog up in the cold season.

Along with the advantages, the disadvantages of such designs should also be mentioned:

  1. Beginners may have trouble putting it on and taking it off.
  2. In some cases, they cause irritation and discomfort when worn.
  3. Failure to comply with the rules of use and neglect of hygiene provokes the occurrence of conjunctivitis.

The decision on the advisability of wearing these devices can only be made by an ophthalmologist after examining the child. You cannot select lenses yourself, since wearing them incorrectly will only worsen the vision of a small patient.

Types of contact lenses

All such designs for vision correction are divided into 2 large categories:

  1. Soft. They are comfortable to wear, adapt to the shape of the eyeball and are used to correct myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism. Available with high and low moisture content, they are gas permeable. All this creates comfort while wearing and reduces the risk of corneal damage to a minimum.
  2. Tough. Used to correct complex cases of astigmatism. They are noticeable on the eye when worn and when blinking, and can cause discomfort. Currently, all lenses of this type are gas permeable. For the treatment of children they are used only as a last resort.

Designs for vision correction vary in the duration of wear. They are:

  1. Disposable. The patient wears them for a day and then takes them off and throws them away. The most convenient option, such lenses do not require cleaning. Available in soft version.
  2. Reusable. They come in both soft and hard. The wearing period ranges from 1 week to six months. Requires careful handling. They are stored in special containers and regularly cleaned of dust and protein deposits. Depending on the type, they can be worn from several hours a day to several months without taking them off.

Lenses can be clear or lightly tinted. The latter are especially convenient for children, as they are easier to put on. There are designs that absorb and do not absorb ultraviolet rays.

When does a doctor prescribe lenses?

Lenses are prescribed for children in the following cases:

  1. Myopia. The structures help slow down the deterioration of vision, and with early treatment, the pathological process completely stops.
  2. Farsightedness. Lenses allow you to see the world around you more clearly and without distortion. This helps reduce the number of injuries and the child feels more confident.
  3. Lack of lens. Thanks to corrective structures, the visual function of the eye is restored.
  4. Rigid contact lenses help correct astigmatism and prevent the pathology from progressing.
  5. If the eyes have different diopters, then the lenses will allow both organs to work equally, which will avoid the occurrence of amblyopia.
  6. Children often develop a pathology called “lazy eye.” To make the organ work, one of the lenses of the glasses is sealed with a special sticker. This can cause psychological discomfort in the baby and make him a victim of ridicule from other children. In this case, it is advisable to use lenses, since one of them is made less transparent. Vision improves, and the child does not feel uncomfortable when communicating with others.

Wearing contact corrective structures is prescribed for active children who play sports - they are much more comfortable compared to glasses.

At what age can you wear contact lenses?

One of the most controversial issues related to the wearing of contact lenses by children is at what age can they be used? Ophthalmologists allow their use from 7 to 8 years of age. It all depends on the medical indications and the responsible attitude of the smallest patient.

First of all, you need to find out whether the child is afraid to put on and remove lenses on his own. If there are no problems with this, then soft versions of the product are selected for the baby and they are told exactly how to care for them. In this case, parental control is very important so that the structures do not remain on the cornea longer than the prescribed time.

The best choice for primary schoolchildren and teenagers are soft disposable lenses that can be worn during the daytime and thrown away after use. They do not require treatment with a special solution or cleaning from dust and protein deposits. They cannot injure the cornea, they do not cause discomfort, as they have high gas permeability. Models in which the water content exceeds 50% are considered optimal.

It is important to teach your child how to put on and take off structures correctly, to perform all manipulations in front of a mirror, in good lighting, and only with clean hands. This will protect the eyes from injury and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

There is no clear opinion among doctors regarding the use of lenses in infants. Very young patients are prescribed glasses because they are easier to use and care for.

The advisability of using contact lenses and their type should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist after examining the child. You should not choose them yourself and force your baby to use them, as this can lead not only to worsening vision, but also to inflammation in the eye.

Contact lenses for children are used from 1 year of age for medical reasons. At older ages, optical discs are also recommended for wearing in case of myopia as a replacement for glasses, over which they have a number of significant advantages. Devices are used after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

It is important to choose the correct size and optical power of the correction product. Contraindications exist; the doctor will also point them out.

Child's age and optical discs

Children wearing lenses

Many parents believe that this method of correction, such as optical lenses, is only acceptable for adults. Ophthalmologists, as a result of many years of observation and practice, have come to the conclusion that this is a misconception. Devices are indicated for certain eye diseases, especially myopia, which is becoming increasingly widespread due to the global computerization of society. The question of the appropriateness of use during research is resolved in favor of a new modern device.

Pros and cons

Some children develop an inferiority complex when wearing glasses.

Contact lenses are sometimes preferred over glasses for many reasons. They give the child freedom of movement, he can play sports and participate in children's entertainment without interference. An inferiority complex does not develop, because many teenagers are sensitive to being judged by their peers on their appearance. The devices provide a wide overview, do not limit peripheral visibility, and are difficult to lose. Rigid orthokeratology lenses are worn at night to flatten the cornea, and the patient sees normally the next day. Soft ones retain water well and provide a flow of oxygen to the eyes, making it possible to correct vision in the following diseases:

  • farsightedness;
  • myopia;
  • astigmatism;
  • anisometropia;
  • amblyopia.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of caring for optical discs from a child’s perspective. Children begin to take an interest in their health from the age of 8. Until this age, parents will have to take care of the device. Daily lenses solve the problem, but you should think twice before settling on this option. In addition, discomfort creates a relatively long period of adaptation to a new type of vision correction.

Start wearing

For medical reasons, vision can be corrected using this method from one year of age.

The question of at what age a child can wear contact lenses is decided by an ophthalmologist. Optical devices are useful for children's visual apparatus; they can be worn for the first time not only at the age of 13, but much earlier. Sometimes, for medical reasons, this method of correction is prescribed even to infants under 1 year old with such diagnoses.