Is it possible to give Paracetamol to children? Instructions for use. Dosage of Paracetamol for children

Paracetamol is given to a child for high fever, headache and toothache. It is considered a safe medicine, since even with a three-fold overdose it does not cause complications. However, like any medicine, Paracetamol has its own specifics, and must be treated with caution. Before treatment, you should carefully study the instructions for use of Paracetamol, paying special attention to the calculation of the dosage of tablets for children 1 year and older.

Composition and release forms of the drug

Paracetamol for children is an antipyretic and analgesic with a slight anti-inflammatory effect. Its effectiveness is especially high for viral infectious diseases; for bacterial diseases it helps little.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is based on inhibition of the production of chemical compounds that are responsible for the development of inflammatory processes, stimulate an increase in temperature and the appearance of pain. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to the effect of the drug on the cells of the central nervous system.

The advantage of the drug over other anti-inflammatory drugs is that it does not have a particular irritating effect on the gastric mucosa. Paracetamol quickly enters the blood, where its highest concentration is achieved in the period from 30 minutes to one and a half hours - depending on the form of the drug. The drug is excreted from the body along with urine after processing in the liver within 4 hours.

The active substance of the drug bears the same name, it is also known as para-acetaminophenol. For children, Paracetamol is available in different forms:

  • Candles - they contain components that are safest for children. The drug administered rectally is absorbed into the blood more slowly than when swallowed (an hour and a half), which is why the effect occurs later, but it is longer lasting. Doctors can prescribe suppositories for the treatment of a one-year-old child and even an infant from 3 months.
  • Suspension – excipients include glycerol, sorbitol, flavorings and sucrose. Can be used from 1 month (only as directed by your pediatrician).

  • Syrup – contains ethanol (96%), excipients, flavorings, dyes. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed half an hour after ingestion. The product is recommended for ages from six months to 12 years.
  • Tablets or capsules – available in dosages of 200 and 500 mg. Children can be given from 3 years of age (subject to the dosage).
  • Effervescent tablets for preparing a solution.

Recently, Paracetamol, produced in the form of sweet syrups and suspensions, has gained particular popularity. By taking these drugs, along with active medicinal ingredients, the baby receives a huge amount of flavorings, sweeteners, and flavoring additives. They can provoke allergic reactions, while allergies to Paracetamol itself are very rare. This means that the ideal option for small children is candles.

Indications for taking Paracetamol tablets (200 and 500 mg)

Paracetamol is effective for:

  • temperature caused by colds, flu, scarlet fever, measles, vaccinations, etc.;
  • headaches, including those caused by overexertion;
  • toothache (caries, teething, etc. (we recommend reading: etc.);
  • pain manifestations not associated with inflammation;
  • relief of symptoms of colds or flu such as fever, aches;
  • inflammation of the middle ear (otitis) as a complex therapy.

Paracetamol is used as an antipyretic and pain reliever

When is the drug contraindicated?

Like any medicine, Paracetamol has contraindications. These include:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • serious problems with the kidneys and liver, which are involved in processing and removing drugs from the body in urine;
  • congenital hyperbilirubinemia, or Gilbert's syndrome - increased levels of bilirubin in the blood (a breakdown product of red blood cells);
  • some types of severe infections (for example, sepsis);
  • leukopenia (low white blood cell count);
  • blood diseases;
  • deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • severe anemia;
  • taking certain medications (anticonvulsants, barbiturates, rifampicin, etc.);
  • inflammation of the rectal mucosa (for the use of suppositories).

Instructions for use of tablets

Although Paracetamol is effective in relieving fever and headaches, if you have a serious illness, it will not reduce the temperature.

Dr. Komarovsky calls this medicine a kind of marker: if the fever has decreased after taking it, there is a high probability that the disease is not dangerous - it is a common ARVI. If there is no effect from the drug, the problem is serious, you should urgently call a specialist.

Dosage for children of different ages

Paracetamol tablets are allowed for children over three years of age. For adults, the maximum daily dose is 60 mg/kg. In what dosage is Paracetamol given to children:

  • norm from 3 to 6 years – 100-200 mg at a time;
  • from 6 to 12 years – 1-2 tables. (200-400 mg);
  • adolescents and adults – 500 mg.

Before giving your baby a tablet, you should read the instructions and find out how much paracetamol it contains. If the doctor has prescribed a dose of 100 mg, the 200 mg capsule should be divided into 2 parts, the tablet containing 500 mg should be divided into 5 parts. A slight overdose is not dangerous.

How many times a day can you take the drug?

According to the instructions, children should drink Paracetamol every 4 hours. More frequent use is not recommended, since there will be no better effect from increasing the dose frequency. Paracetamol is absorbed into the blood 30 minutes after entering the stomach and begins to act actively (we recommend reading:). The maximum concentration and positive effect are achieved after 2 hours - the temperature begins to decrease.

It is recommended to take the drug every 4 hours; less often – it’s possible, more often – no

As soon as Paracetamol enters the child's blood, the kidneys and liver begin to process it and remove it from the body. After 4 hours, 50% of the substance leaves the body, which leads to a decrease in the effect of the drug. The medicine is completely eliminated after 8 hours. As you recover, the need for frequent medication administration disappears, so the interval can be increased to 5-6 hours.

Duration of treatment

The doctor should tell you how long the course of treatment with Paracetamol will last. At high temperatures, the product can be taken for no more than 3-5 days. Whether it is worth continuing to use the drug and what dose is prescribed per day is determined by the doctor. Irrational use of the drug can cause necrosis of liver cells, kidneys and other problems.

Long-term use of Paracetamol for headaches and toothaches is not advisable, since it can relieve symptoms, but not cure the underlying disease. Diseased teeth need to be treated as soon as possible, as they not only cause pain to the baby, but can also negatively affect the growth of permanent teeth. An unreasonable headache should alert you, as it can indicate serious illnesses and be a reason for further diagnosis.

Side effects

The use of Paracetamol rarely causes side effects. However, their absence cannot be completely ruled out after taking the medicine.

In some cases, the drug may cause gastrointestinal upset

They may appear:

  • nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, dizziness;
  • a decrease in the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets in the blood (extremely rare);
  • liver pathologies;
  • allergies;
  • bronchospasm.


The child should not take more than 60 mg of active substance per kg of body weight per day. A dosage of 150 mg/kg is toxic for a baby. This means that if a baby weighs 20 kg, he can die if he takes 3 g of paracetamol during the day.

An overdose causes side effects and signs of intoxication: pale skin, vomiting, sweating, loss of consciousness. If the liver fails, jaundice, hepatic coma, and death are possible. Acute renal failure may occur, which will make itself felt by lower back pain, pancreatitis, arrhythmia, and the appearance of protein and blood in the urine.

Analogues of the drug

Paracetamol is included in many medications - Coldrex, TeraFlu, Antigrippin, Panadol, Antiflu, Caffetin, etc. Their main differences are excipients, manufacturer, price.

If the medicine does not help, it is replaced with an analogue with another active ingredient. Medicines based on ibuprofen have a similar effect - Nurofen, Ibufen, etc. In any case, you must remember: even the most harmless medications cannot be prescribed to yourself in order to avoid unpredictable consequences.

Among the most popular and frequently used drugs to stabilize the condition in children is paracetamol. It is on the WHO list as a safe, effective and at the same time inexpensive medicine. How to take paracetamol tablets for children, taking into account the dosage.

Features of the drug

The medicine was first used in medical practice in 1886 under the name Acetanilide. Paracetamol is a non-narcotic analgesic with weak anti-inflammatory properties. It has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. The product should be in every home medicine cabinet, in families with children.

Important: The effectiveness of the drug has been clinically tested, the mechanism of action and the degree of its safety have been studied.

The pharmacy chain sells the product for children in several dosage forms. These are suppositories, sweet syrup, in the form of a suspension, as well as paracetamol in tablets. The medicine is quickly absorbed, the effect is expected from 30 minutes to one hour after administration, the effect on the body lasts up to 4 hours. The produced drug contains 200, 325 and 500 mg of paracetamol. For children, 200 mg tablets are more acceptable.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for symptomatic treatment. To eliminate pain of various origins. For diseases accompanied by fever.

Paracetamol tablets are used in the following cases:

  • for headaches and toothaches;
  • decrease in temperature during influenza or ARVI;
  • risk of developing convulsive syndrome;
  • infectious diseases - chickenpox, rubella, measles and others;
  • teething;
  • injuries, burns.

Taking the drug does not allow the parallel use of other medications containing paracetamol. When taking the pill does not reduce the child's temperature, you should use other medications or non-drug remedies. Do not give the drug again immediately. In any case, self-medication is unacceptable; you need to seek medical help.

Parents should understand that the drug is not used for treatment. Paracetamol for children only relieves symptoms. It is necessary to find out the cause of the disease and treat the child in accordance with the doctor’s prescriptions.

Rules for administration and dosage

The drug is a white powder with a slight tint. It dissolves in alcohol, but not in water. How to take paracetamol tablets correctly for the treatment of children? The medicine is used when the temperature on the thermometer is more than 38° C. Each age group has its own conditions for administration and dosage calculation.

For a small child, 10–15 mg of active substance per kilogram of weight is enough. Babies up to one year old are given syrup or suspension. Suppositories can be used for infants after three months; the dosage is determined by the doctor in each specific case.

The tablet form is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age, and not recommended for children under 6 years of age. For the age group from 3 to 6 years, you can take one tablet (200 mg) at a time. Children with low weight can be given half a tablet. Children over six years old can take 1.5–2 pills. From 6 to 12 years old, one tablet is prescribed, the dosage of paracetamol is 350 mg. Children over 12 years of age are given 500 mg of paracetamol. The frequency of administration is no more than four times a day, with an interval of 4 hours.

How to take the drug if the child cannot swallow the pill? For babies, it can be crushed by adding a small amount of water. Take the drug 2 hours after meals. The drug is prescribed for no more than 3 days, for children under 6 years of age, for older children, treatment can be extended up to 5 days.


When giving paracetamol to children, the dosage of the drug in tablets must be correctly calculated. Proportions must be observed so as not to harm the baby’s body weakened by the disease. Despite the fact that the product is quite safe, it is still a chemical substance, it has a number of contraindications:

  • You should not give paracetamol to a child with individual intolerance;
  • children under two years old;
  • for erosive gastrointestinal diseases;
  • with increased potassium levels in the blood;
  • allergy to acetylsalicylic acid;
  • the medicine is contraindicated for a child with liver or kidney pathology.

Important: Do not overdose the medicine. If the temperature does not decrease, the pill can be given again only after 4–5 hours.

You can alternately give two drugs, for example, Nurofen with paracetamol, strictly observing the intervals. Both medications are given at the same time, using half the dose of each.

Side effects

If the dose of paracetamol is too high, drug poisoning may occur. A dose of 1.5 g of active substance for every 10 kg of body weight can lead to poisoning, that is, 7.5 tablets should be taken. Long-term use leads to liver destruction and kidney dysfunction. The following symptoms may occur:

  • bloating, pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • decreased hemoglobin levels;
  • renal colic;
  • child lethargy or increased excitability;
  • allergic reactions and development of bronchial asthma.

When purchasing a drug, you should check the expiration date. At home, the medicine should be stored in a place where the child cannot get it, while maintaining the recommended temperature. To prevent undesirable consequences, and at the same time alleviate the child’s condition, you should strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations.


A children's first aid kit is a must-have in every home where there is a baby. The most accessible and common analgesic and antipyretic drug, approved from a very early age, is paracetamol. This is a salvation both in case of high fever and pain of various origins.

It is commercially available in the form of suppositories, sweet syrup, and tablets. It is quickly absorbed, begins to act within 30-40 minutes after consumption, has a minimum of contraindications, and is prescribed to children whose hyperthermia is accompanied by convulsions.

The listed arguments are often decisive when purchasing, however Parents should consider the following nuances:

  • up to 5 years of age in the treatment of children it is better to use suppositories, syrups, suspensions;
  • strict adherence to dosage proportions is required in order not to expose the body weakened by the disease to the risk of unnecessary intoxication.

In this material we will analyze in detail what dosage at temperature is possible for children of different ages, and how to give it correctly. This form of the drug raises the most questions. Basic:

  • at what age is it allowed, dosage;
  • how to divide a pill into parts;
  • admission rules;
  • what to do in case of overdose.

We will look at them:

Is it possible to give paracetamol tablets to children?

Memo to parents: The numbers embossed on the tablets indicate the content of the active substance - paracetamol - in milligrams, sometimes in grams. They are written on the blister.

Existing options: 200 (0.2), 325 (0.325), 500 (0.5). This makes it easier to determine the norm in the number of pieces.

The first thing to remember is that this form not used in treatment at all. The instructions indicate - with, pediatricians recommend with 5.

It is better to crush the pill or part of it into powder, dilute it with a lukewarm liquid (sweetened water, compote, tea). It is advisable to tie it to a meal: give the medicine after an hour or two.

Experiments to create mixtures of the drug in question with No-shpa, analgin and other medications are strictly prohibited.


  • individual intolerance to the main substance;
  • liver or kidney dysfunction;
  • blood diseases.

Paracetamol for children: dosage in tablets at fever

Paracetamol 200 mg

This dosage is the most convenient, since the calculation is carried out in a multiple of 100.

Regulated normal from 3 to 6– 150-200 mg. Pediatricians, without further ado, prescribe one tablet at a time. For skinny kids, half is enough. The permissible maximum is 800 mg/day (no more than 4 pieces).

For older kids ( from 6 years of age) the norm is increased to 1.5-2.

If the fever does not subside, the medicine is given again. The minimum interval between doses is 4 hours.

It is strictly forbidden to use this product in parallel with other drugs containing paracetamol. If you give a pill and the fever does not subside, use other non-drug methods:

  • ventilate the room;
  • give your baby some water;
  • apply lotions (on the forehead, armpits, groin area).

Paracetamol 325 mg

This option designed for children 6-12 years old. One full pill is given at a time. There is no need to divide or add anything. Can be crushed into powder.

The frequency of administration is the same as indicated above.

Mothers who strictly follow the rules are interested in How to accurately calculate the dose of paracetamol for children?

Doctors' response: take 10-15 mg per kilogram of body weight. For example, for 2 years old the weight norm is 11.5 kg. This means that ≤ 172.5 mg is required. It is simply impossible to separate the required amount from the tablet. But there are suitable suppositories containing 170 mg of antipyretic substance.

Dosage 500 mg tablets

This packaging is considered “adult”. For teenagers from 12 years old It is given one tablet at a time.

You should not expect positive results immediately after using the drug. The temperature drops after about 30 minutes to an hour, usually to 37-37.5°.

The use of this medicine for more than 3 days without a doctor's permission is not allowed.

Attention, paracetamol overdose in children, what to do in such a situation?

Symptoms of anxiety: arrhythmia, pallor, vomiting or severe nausea, abdominal pain. An acute attack of pancreatitis cannot be ruled out. These signs are usually noticeable almost immediately, but may appear up to 24 hours after ingestion. In severe poisoning, liver failure progresses to hemorrhage and loss of consciousness. Kidney dysfunction is indicated by unbearable pain in the lower back and blood in the urine.

Urgent hospitalization is required.

If no more than an hour has passed since taking the drug, you can give activated charcoal yourself, but still take the baby to the hospital.

Remember the main thing:

  • You cannot reduce fever with the “strongest” means; you must use only approved drugs and in a suitable form;
  • the temperature is not brought down to 38.5°, the body must fight on its own;
  • Do not risk the health of your children; even a one-time increase in dose is fraught with irreversible consequences.

Among the popular means of combating fever and pain in children are tablets, where the active substance is paracetamol. It is considered the most effective and safe for the child’s body.

Paracetamol-based drugs have three main properties: they relieve fever, inflammation and pain.

Advantages of the drug:

It should be taken into account that paracetamol eliminates only the symptoms of the disease, but is not intended for its treatment. The main cause of pain or fever should be identified and children treated with other drugs.

Dosage of the drug

Paracetamol comes in three main forms: suppositories, tablets and syrups. You can buy a product at the pharmacy where this active ingredient is in its pure form - Panadol, for example. Panadol tablets, in addition to the active substance, contain sodium bicarbonate, which creates an alkaline environment in the body. Thanks to this, Panadol works faster.

They are inserted rectally into the child's anus. Before the procedure, you must first wash your hands. Place the child, turn him on his side, bend his legs and press them to his tummy. Slowly and carefully introduce the suppository. The active substance is absorbed by the intestinal walls and has a rapid effect at high temperatures. For children under three months, the dosage is selected only by a doctor..

At the pharmacy you can find the following dosage of the drug:

  • from 3 months to a year, 0.08 gram suppositories are prescribed;
  • from 1 year to 3 years – 0.17 grams;
  • from 3 years to 6 – 0.33 grams;
  • starting from 6 years and older, two suppositories of 0.33 grams are prescribed.

You should not use more than 4 suppositories per day.


They are allowed for children starting from two years old. The child is given medicine, previously crushed and diluted in water. Children's paracetamol tablets are available in a dosage of 200 mg:

  • from 2 to 6 years, 1/2 tablet is prescribed at a time;
  • from 7 to 12 years, one full tablet is allowed;
  • Children over 12 years of age are allowed to take two tablets at a time.

In some cases, this form can also be taken by children under one year of age. Especially when it comes to a very high temperature with the appearance of seizures. In such cases, the use of the medicine is allowed in the following dosage:

  • from birth to 3 months, the dosage is 10 mg per kilogram;
  • from 3 months to a year, the maximum daily dose is 120 mg;
  • from one year to 2 years, the maximum daily dose is 150 mg.


This dosage form has a liquid consistency and a pleasant taste, so children swallow it easily. Syrup can be given as early as two months. Sometimes doctors, taking into account the child’s condition at the time of illness, can prescribe syrup in the first weeks of life.

The kit includes a convenient dispenser syringe or measuring spoon, with which the exact amount of suspension is measured. The drug should not be diluted with water; it is better to give the child something to drink after taking it.

The exact dosage is drawn according to the divisions on the syringe:

  • from birth to 6 months, the dosage is calculated by the attending physician;
  • from 6 months to one year, the maximum dosage is 5 mg, the minimum is 2.5 mg;
  • up to 3 years, the dosage is 5 – 7.5 mg;
  • from 3 to 6 years – the maximum dosage is 10 mg;
  • from 7 to 12 years – about 15 mg.

The medicine begins to act within 30 minutes after administration. At high temperatures, the syrup is given for no more than three days. As a painkiller, the drug can be taken for up to five days.

An analogue of the drug Paracetamol is Panadol. It is approved for children aged 3 months and older. Panadol Baby can be used to relieve fever, inflammation and pain. Can also be used after vaccinations.

Features of application

Before giving medicine to a child, you should consult your pediatrician. He will prescribe the correct dosage and tell you about the rules of administration.

  • The dosage of the drug depends on the age and weight of the child.
  • Paracetamol tablets should be given to relieve fever at intervals of 6 hours. No more than four times a day.
  • In children under the age of one year, the temperature should be reduced if it rises above 38 degrees.
  • Paracetamol should not be given to infants for more than three days. Their internal organs are not yet fully formed, which creates an extra load on the liver.
  • This antipyretic should not be given for prophylaxis.
  • For a small child, the tablet must first be dissolved in water.
  • You should not use a tablet intended for adults - it is impossible to accurately determine the dosage.
  • Nurofen is more irritating to the stomach than Panadol. Therefore, it is better to stop at the last drug.

Tips for taking medications that contain paracetamol

  • There are various forms of release of this active ingredient. It can be in candles, syrups or in the form of a suspension. They are best suited for children under one year old.
  • To reduce the harmful effects on the liver, the medicine should be given after meals.
  • A dosage of 150 mg per kilogram of weight is dangerous for a child’s body.
  • An overdose can be recognized by the following symptoms: the skin becomes pale, nausea and vomiting appear. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Sometimes, when the temperature is high and falls heavily, children are prescribed two drugs at the same time: Nurofen and Paracetamol. These drugs are given at intervals. Nurofen acts quickly and the effect is longer lasting.

You can combine Nurofen with paracetamol at the same time. In this case, half the dose is taken from each drug.


  • Overdose of the drug and frequent use, which negatively affects the functioning of the liver, are not allowed. Nausea and vomiting appear.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Allergic reactions may occur.
  • For children under two years of age, paracetamol should be given with caution - the drug can cause asthma.
  • Do not give two paracetamol-based medications at the same time. This will lead to poisoning of the body. Can be given with other antipyretics, for example, Nurofen.
  • An overdose can occur if the interval between doses of the medication is not observed. It is better to combine drug treatment with folk remedies.
  • The drug is contraindicated for diseases such as anemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and disorders of the kidneys and liver.

If at least one symptom appears, then this medicine should be replaced with another. Nurofen causes allergies less often and causes less harm to internal organs. Just like paracetamol, Nurofen is available in the form of suppositories, tablets and syrup.

There are many medications in pharmacies that contain paracetamol. Panadol is available in tablets, suppositories and syrups. Panadol Baby is specially produced for the little ones

Do not forget that all medications must be kept away from children. It is better to store medications for adults separately from children's ones, so that during the period of illness the child does not mix up medications due to increased anxiety.

Before giving paracetamol to a child, you should consult your doctor. It is he who will tell you which dosage form is best to choose and whether it is worth combining it with other antipyretics. Calculate the exact permitted dosage. Only by following the rules and recommendations can you reduce side effects and overdose.

Included Paracetamol tablets includes 500 or 200 mg of active substance.

The composition of the drug in the form rectal suppositories includes 50, 100, 150, 250 or 500 mg of active substance.

The composition of Paracetamol, produced in the form syrup, the active substance is included in a concentration of 24 mg/ml.

Release form

  • pills(6 or 10 pcs. in blisters or cellless packaging);
  • syrup 2.4%(50 ml bottles);
  • suspension 2.4%(100 ml bottles);
  • rectal suppositories 0.08, 0.17 and 0.33 g (5 pieces in a strip pack, 2 packs in a pack).

OKPD code for Paracetamol is

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological group to which the drug belongs: non-narcotic analgesics , including non-steroidal And other anti-inflammatory drugs .

The drug has antipyretic And analgesic action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Paracetamol is non-narcotic pain reliever , the properties and mechanism of action of which are determined by the ability to block (mainly in the central nervous system) COX-1 and COX-2, while affecting the centers of thermoregulation and pain.

The drug does not have an anti-inflammatory effect (the anti-inflammatory effect is so insignificant that it can be neglected) due to the fact that the effect of the substance on COX is neutralized in inflamed tissues by the enzyme peroxidase.

The absence of a blocking effect on Pg synthesis in peripheral tissues determines that the drug does not have a negative effect on the exchange of water and electrolytes in the body, as well as on the mucous membrane of the digestive canal.

Absorption of the drug is high, Cmax ranges from 5 to 20 mcg/ml. Concentration in the blood reaches a maximum within 0.5-2 hours. The substance can pass through the BBB.

Paracetamol during breastfeeding penetrates into the milk of a nursing mother in an amount not exceeding 1%.

The substance is biotransformed in the liver. If metabolization is carried out under the influence of microsomal liver enzymes, toxic products of intermediate metabolism are formed (in particular, N-acetyl-b-benzoquinoneimine), which at low levels in the body can cause damage and necrosis of liver cells.

Glutathione reserves are depleted when taking 10 grams or more of paracetamol.

Two other pathways of paracetamol metabolism are conjugation with sulfates (predominant in newborns, especially those born prematurely) and conjugation with glucuronides (predominant in adults).

Conjugated metabolic products exhibit low pharmacological activity (including toxic).

T1/2 - from 1 to 4 hours (in older people this figure can be longer). It is excreted mainly in the form of conjugates by the kidneys. Only 3% of paracetamol taken is excreted in its pure form.

Indications for use

Indications for use of Paracetamol:

  • pain syndrome (the drug is taken for toothache, for algodismenorrhea , for headaches, , myalgia , arthralgia , );
  • developing against the background of infectious diseases febrile conditions .

A tablet crushed into powder is an emergency aid for acne (apply the medicine to the affected area for no more than 10 minutes).

When it is necessary to quickly relieve pain and inflammation (for example, after surgery), as well as in situations where taking tablets/suspension orally is not possible, IV Paracetamol may be prescribed.

The medicine is intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing the intensity of inflammation and pain at the time of use. It has no effect on the progression of the disease.

Why is Paracetamol needed for colds?

What is Paracetamol? This non-narcotic drug with pronounced antipyretic effectiveness, which allows you to relieve pain with minimal possible negative consequences for the body.

The feasibility of using the drug for colds due to the fact that the characteristic symptoms of an episode of a cold are: high (often spasmodic) temperature, increasing as body temperature rises, weakness, general malaise, pain (usually expressed as a migraine).

The main advantage of using Paracetamol for fever is that antipyretic effect The drug is close to the body’s natural cooling mechanisms.

By acting on the central nervous system, the drug localizes the action in the hypothalamus, which helps normalize the process of thermoregulation and allows you to activate the body's defense mechanisms.

In addition, in comparison with most other NSAIDs, the drug acts selectively and provokes a minimal number of side effects.

Does Paracetamol help with headaches?

The drug is effective for any pain of moderate intensity. However, it is intended for symptomatic treatment. This means that the medicine helps eliminate symptoms without eliminating the cause that caused them. It should be used once.

Contraindications for Paracetamol

Contraindications to the use of the drug are hypersensitivity, congenital hyperbilirubinemia , G6PD enzyme deficiency , severe kidney/liver pathologies , blood diseases , leukopenia , expressed anemia .

Side effects

Side effects most often manifest themselves in the form of hypersensitivity reactions. Symptoms for the drug: , itchy skin , appearance of a rash , .

Sometimes taking the drug may be accompanied by problems hematopoiesis (agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia ) And dyspeptic symptoms .

With long-term use of high doses it is possible hepatotoxic effect .

Instructions for use of Paracetamol

Paracetamol tablets: instructions for use. Can children be given pills?

Dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age (provided their body weight exceeds 40 kg) - up to 4 g/day. (20 tablets of 200 mg or 8 tablets of 500 mg).

The dose of Paracetamol MS, Paracetamol UBF and drugs from other manufacturers, which are available in tablet form, is 500 mg (if necessary - 1 g) per 1 dose. You can take Paracetamol tablets up to 4 times a day. Treatment is continued for 5-7 days.

You can give your child Paracetamol tablets for children from the age of 2 years. The optimal dosage of Paracetamol tablets for young children is 0.5 tablets. 200 mg every 4-6 hours. From 6 years of age, the child should be given a whole 200 mg tablet with the same frequency of use.

Paracetamol tablets 325 mg are used from the age of 10. Children 10-12 years old are prescribed to take it orally, 325 mg 2 or 3 times a day. (without exceeding the maximum permissible dose, which for the specified group of patients is 1.5 g/day).

Adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1-3 tablets every 4-6 hours. The intervals between doses should not be less than 4 hours, and the dose should not be greater than 4 g/day.

During lactation and pregnancy, Paracetamol is not on the list of prohibited drugs. If you take it while breastfeeding in a therapeutic dose and at the intervals recommended by the instructions, the concentration in milk will not exceed 0.04-0.23% of the total dose of the medication taken.

Instructions for suppositories: how often can I take it and how long does it take for the drug in the form of suppositories to work?

The suppositories are intended for rectal use. Suppositories should be inserted into the rectum after cleansing the intestines.

Adults are advised to take 1 tablet. 500 mg from 1 to 4 times a day; the highest dose is 1 g per dose or 4 g/day.

Instructions for Paracetamol suppositories for children

The dose of the drug in suppositories for children is calculated depending on the child’s weight and age. Children's suppositories 0.08 g are used from the age of three months, suppositories 0.17 g are recommended for children from 12 months to 6 years, suppositories 0.33 g are used to treat children 7-12 years old.

They are administered one at a time, maintaining at least 4-hour intervals between injections, 3 or 4 pieces each. during the day (depending on the child’s condition).

If we compare the effectiveness of Paracetamol syrup with the effectiveness of suppositories (these dosage forms are most often prescribed to children), then the first acts faster, and the second lasts longer.

Since the use of suppositories is more convenient and safe compared to tablets, their use is more relevant the younger the child. That is, Paracetamol suppositories for newborns are the optimal dosage form.

The toxic dose for a child is 150 (or more) mg/kg. That is, if a child weighs 20 kg, death from the drug can occur even when taking 3 g/day.

When selecting a single dose, the formula is used: 10-15 mg/kg 2-3 times a day, every 4-6 hours. The highest dose of Paracetamol for children should not exceed 60 mg/kg/day.

Children's Paracetamol: instructions for use of syrup and suspension

Children's syrup is allowed to be used to treat babies older than 3 months. The baby suspension, since it contains no sugar, can be used from 1 month.

A single dose of syrup for children 3-12 months - ½-1 teaspoon, for children from 12 months to 6 years - 1-2 teaspoons, for children 6-14 years - 2-4 teaspoons. The frequency of use varies from 1 to 4 times a day (the child should be given the medicine no more than once every 4 hours).

The suspension for children is dosed similarly. Only the attending physician can tell you how to give the drug to children under 3 months of age.

The dosage of children's Paracetamol should also be selected taking into account the child's body weight. The dose should not exceed 10-15 mg/kg per 1 dose and 60 mg/kg/day. That is, if the child is 3 years old, the dosage of the drug (with an average weight of 15 kg) will be 150-225 mg per dose.

If the syrup or suspension for children at the indicated dose does not have the desired effect, the drug must be replaced with an analogue with another active ingredient.

Sometimes a combination of Paracetamol and (at a temperature of 38.5°C and above, which does not mix well). The dosage of the drugs is as follows:

  • Paracetamol - according to the instructions, taking into account weight/age;
  • Analgin - 0.3-0.5 mg/kg.

This combination cannot be used often, because application Analgina promotes irreversible changes in blood composition.

To bring down a very high fever, emergency doctors use the drug in combination with antihistamines and others analgesics-antipyretics .

One of the variants of the so-called “troika” is “ Analgin + + Paracetamol.” The following formulations can be used as a supplement to Paracetamol: + , No-shpa + Analgin or Analgin + Suprastin .

Which is better: Paracetamol or Ibuprofen?

Alcohol compatibility

Paracetamol and alcohol are incompatible.

Wikipedia notes that the lethal dose of Paracetamol for an adult is 10 grams or more. Leads to death severe liver damage , the cause of which is a sharp decrease in glutathione reserves and the accumulation of toxic products of intermediate metabolism, which have a hepatotoxic effect.

In men who systematically drink more than 200 ml of wine or 700 ml of beer per day (for women this is 100 ml of wine or 350 ml of beer), even a therapeutic dose of the drug can be a lethal dose, especially if little time has passed between taking Paracetamol and alcohol.

Can Paracetamol be taken with antibiotics?

Antipyretics may be used in combination with antibiotics . It is very important that the drugs are not taken on an empty stomach, and that the interval between doses is at least 20-30 minutes.

Paracetamol during pregnancy and lactation. Can pregnant and lactating women take the drug?

The instructions indicate that the drug penetrates the placenta, but until now the negative effect of Paracetamol on the development of the fetus has not been established.

Can I take Paracetamol during pregnancy?

Studies have found that the use of the drug during pregnancy (especially in the second half of pregnancy) increases the risk of respiratory disorders in the child, , allergic manifestations, wheezing.

Moreover, in the 3rd trimester the toxic effect of infections is no less dangerous than the effect of some drugs. Maternal hyperthermia may cause hypoxia in the fetus.

Taking the drug in the 2nd trimester (namely from 3 months to approximately 18 weeks) can cause the child to develop malformations of internal organs, which often appear only after birth. In this regard, the drug is prescribed for occasional use and only in extreme cases.

However, this particular remedy is considered the safest. analgesic for expectant mothers.

There is no clear answer to the question whether it is possible to take Paracetamol during early pregnancy. In the first weeks, taking the drug can cause a miscarriage and, like any other medicine, cause defects incompatible with life.

So, can pregnant women take Paracetamol? It is possible, but only if there is evidence. Before taking the pill, you should weigh the pros and cons. Sometimes a high temperature in a mother is less dangerous for the fetus than anemia or renal colic due to taking medication.

Dosage during pregnancy

Use of high doses of the drug during pregnancy can negatively affect the condition of the liver and kidneys. Pregnant women with fever against the background flu or you should start taking the medicine with 0.5 tablet. for 1 appointment. The maximum duration of treatment is 7 days.

Paracetamol during breastfeeding. Can nursing mothers take Paracetamol?

Paracetamol passes into breast milk in minimal quantities during lactation. Therefore, if the drug is used during breastfeeding for no more than 3 days in a row, there is no need to stop lactation.

The optimal dosage for breastfeeding is no more than 3-4 tablets. 500 mg per day. The medicine should be taken after feeding. Moreover, next time it is better to feed the child no earlier than 3 hours after taking the pill.