My period falls on vacation. Solving the problem: vacation and “critical days”

Have you planned a long-awaited vacation, but your period falls during the trip? When your period begins while on vacation or travel, it is often frustrating and uncomfortable. Stock up on hygiene products, extra underwear and painkillers, and don't forget to drink more, and you're sure to have a good time!


Part 1

Preparing for the trip

    Take the necessary personal hygiene products. Regardless of what period hygiene products you use (pads, tampons or menstrual cup), take them with you in the required quantity. Remember that it is better to take more products than you usually use than to face the need to buy more hygiene products on vacation. For example, if you usually use four tampons a day, then pack two more, for a total of six tampons a day. If menstruation occurs unexpectedly, then go to the store or pharmacy and buy everything you need. You can also ask a friend for a tampon or pad if your period comes unexpectedly.

    • If you are traveling to another country, remember that you may not be able to buy the products you are used to. For example, in Central Europe it is difficult to find tampons with applicators, and in Asian countries it is difficult to purchase tampons in general.
  1. Take painkillers with you. If you are expecting your period before or during your trip, take pain relievers. For example, aspirin works well for menstrual pain. Naproxen and ibuprofen are also quite effective. The latter, in particular, reduces bloating and relieves pain. Please note that in some countries (eg Germany) you will not be able to buy painkillers without a doctor's prescription, but, nevertheless, you can always bring your medicines with you (it is better to put them in your checked baggage if you are traveling by plane ). If you are traveling to countries where it is difficult to obtain painkillers, be sure to take them with you.

    • Follow the directions on the drug package. Do not exceed recommended dosages. Also check with your doctor to see if you can take a particular pain reliever if you are already taking other medications.
    • And although heating pads are not medicines, it can be very useful to have a heating pad with you. If possible, you can purchase disposable heating pads - they often have a sticky layer, making them easy to attach to the abdominal area.
  2. Take appropriate clothing. If you know that your period falls during the travel period, then take care of appropriate clothing. For example, bring an extra pair of underwear. Also think carefully about what clothes you will be comfortable in during your period. You'll probably find a loose, long skirt more comfortable than tight, skinny jeans. To feel more “safe,” you can wear shorts under your skirt.

    • Comfortable clothing does not mean ugly and sloppy clothing. Be aware of where you are going and dress accordingly.
    • Waterproof underwear can provide reliable protection against any leaks during a long day.
  3. Think carefully about your entire day. If possible, try to make yourself as comfortable as possible during your period. However, it depends on how you feel during your period. For example, if the first day is always very difficult, do not plan any active fun or activities for that day. Avoid strenuous hikes and long walks. Going to a sauna or bathhouse, where you need to take off everything, even your swimsuit, is also not the best option. Instead, during the first days of your period, take only short walks, go to the cinema and reduce your activity level.

    • Unfortunately, not in all cases it is possible to freely plan your vacation, but you can take care of other things, for example, the amount of sleep. If you feel more tired during your period, then try to get a good night's sleep: go to bed as early as possible and wake up as late as possible.
  4. Preparing for sex. If you're going on a honeymoon or other romantic getaway and your period falls during that time, don't worry, you can still have sex with your partner. Take old dark towels with you - having sex on them will be more comfortable than on clean white hotel linen. You will find more tips in the article How to have sex during your period.

    Part 2

    Traveling during menstruation
    1. Prepare a daily kit. When going on vacation, it is very important to prepare a handbag with the necessary supplies and put it in your bag or backpack. Place tampons, pads or other hygiene products needed for the day there. Also include painkillers (if needed) and a spare pair of underwear. It will also be helpful to include a pack of wet wipes to help you stay fresh and clean.

      • If you're traveling by plane, pack all of these items in your carry-on luggage. If you are traveling by car, place your handbag with all hygiene products in the passenger compartment, not in the trunk.
      • If you're going camping or staying at a campsite that doesn't have trash cans, bring a zip-lock plastic bag with you. You can put all your used products in this bag so you can throw them away later when you have the opportunity.
    2. Drink more. Drink more clear liquids (clean water is best), especially if you are in the heat. Women are recommended to drink 2.2 liters of fluid daily. If you are in the heat for a long time, drink even more fluid.

      Eat healthy. Try to eat healthy foods during your period. While it may not be easy when traveling, try to choose salads, fresh fruit and whole grains rather than fried or salty foods. Make sure you have sources of protein and iron, as women with heavy periods often have iron deficiency. To avoid iron deficiency, try to eat more foods such as:

    3. Schedule trips to the toilet. If possible, try to go to the toilet more often to check if the hygiene product needs to be changed. For example, schedule bathroom visits after breakfast, after lunch, and after your afternoon snack. Cafes and restaurants usually have toilets that you can use. If the toilets are paid, then take enough change with you.

      • On long flights, also try to visit the toilet every few hours. Among other things, this will help you stretch your muscles and improve blood circulation!
      • If you have a long trip, be sure to change your tampons or pads regularly to avoid bad odor or toxic shock syndrome.

Menstruation during vacation is an annoying nuisance that every woman strives to avoid. Representatives of the “weaker” sex have been trying for quite some time to find techniques and methods by which they could manage menstruation. Folk remedies offer many opportunities to delay the onset of regular discharge, but the use of parsley, tansy, black pepper and other “natural helpers,” of course, does not provide a 100% guarantee. Yes, and such drugs are absolutely safe only when taken in moderation, and “grandmother’s” remedies, for the sake of “fighting” the menstrual cycle, recommend taking solid doses of one or another herbal “drug”. For example, eat a whole lemon a day or drink liters of herbal infusions. Obviously, such “shock therapy” will not bring any benefit to the body.

Cycle-regulating medications can help skip or delay the onset of your cycle. If you are taking birth control pills, withdrawal bleeds are easy to miss. Gynecologists do not prohibit this option (in exceptional cases), but is it worth subjecting your health to such tests?

If you do not regularly use oral contraceptives, then it is better to plan your vacation in advance for the safe middle of the cycle. Of course, there is still no guarantee that there will be no failures. Please note that flight, climate change and other factors can trigger the onset of menstruation at the wrong time, outside the usual schedule.

How to prepare for your period on vacation

Your travel first aid kit should certainly contain both the usual hygiene products that you always use during your period, and a “reserve supply” for the resort. Tampons or a menstrual cup are the ideal solution. You should definitely take them with you, even if you don’t use them regularly. They are convenient, practical, safe. If the discharge is not too heavy, then you can even swim with such protection, although gynecologists do not recommend doing this until the end of your period.

White starts and... lose

Think in advance about a swimsuit that will help you out if regular days of female “illness” overtake you at sea. Resort life is associated with the color white. I really want to walk along the surf line in a dress the color of cream or champagne. And how impressive a snow-white bikini looks on a tanned body! Yes, this is true, but in your suitcase there should certainly be a place for a swimsuit, pareo, casual and dressy clothes in dark colors that will allow you to relax comfortably by the water or go on a long excursion if your period begins.

Reasonable Care

A sharp change in the environment, time zone, and usual diet can accelerate the appearance of menstruation. This may ruin your plans. Prevention of such an undesirable event consists of reasonable protection of the body from overheating and too intense physical and psychological stress. You shouldn’t sit on the beach forever or immediately go flying over the sea with a parachute. Remember that very strong positive emotions are also stress! Try to avoid them, lead a healthy lifestyle, rest and get good sleep. Don't turn your vacation days into an endless marathon of events! If it was not possible to avoid a “breakdown” of the cycle, then the following tips will help you.

Positive attitude

A big plus will be your psychological readiness for the fact that the usual course of a vacation by the sea may be interrupted. Think about what you would like to devote two or three free days to? Use them to your advantage, turn the forced pause in the joys of the beach into an additional opportunity. Yes, you won’t be able to swim or sunbathe during this time, but perhaps it’s worth using the free time you have in some other way? What could be better than sea and sun? Here are some options:

  1. Take with you a book that you have been wanting to read for a long time, but never found the free time for it.
  2. Master some type of needlework (embroidery, felting, decoupage). You can purchase a small ready-made kit that comes with all the necessary materials.
  3. If you are relaxing in a hotel or boarding house, then various master classes are often held there, which you often don’t have enough time to attend. Dancing or aerobics will not be suitable, but a foreign language, drawing or gastronomy will be simply ideal.
  4. You can go on a short excursion, with a group or on your own. Try to better explore the area you are visiting. Perhaps there is beautiful nature or interesting sights nearby. Take time for history and culture.
  5. Spend a day or two with a camera or camera. On vacation, there is often not enough time to find an interesting angle or a particularly good shooting point. Take yourself a photo tour!

Today I decided that it was time to mark the 10 cherished August days with a blue marker (sea-sky-freedom-relaxation!) in my work calendar and begin active pre-vacation preparations. But here... Oh horror! I counted the days one more time, checked my “women’s” calendar one more time... What kind of mysticism is this?!! The whole seven days of the long-awaited vacation included critical days! How could this happen? After all, I was counting on everything...

After two hours of mental effort, calculations, and estimates, I realized that the antibiotics I used to treat the flu interfered with my plans. What a sneaky surprise! And what to do now?!!

I spent the next two weeks looking for information about a remedy that could help me - speed up the onset of my periods (in order to have time to get rid of it before the vacation) or, conversely, delay them for a couple of weeks. Internet, friends, mom... Hundreds of recommendations like “there are some pills, but I don’t remember their names”! Thousands of memories of “how terrible it is to vacation with them!” A million oohs and sighs!

My mother, after the obligatory “go crazy!” and “I would give birth better!”, I remembered how before my own wedding I solved the problem with my menstrual periods with the help of a decoction of ordinary parsley. But she promised to tell me the details after I go to the gynecologist. The argument was presented as bulletproof: “You still have to give birth, there’s no point in fooling around!”

I visited my gynecologist. Nina Andreevna, a stern lady with kind eyes, brought my brain into complete order in 25 minutes of detailed conversation:

Yes, it is possible to change the date of your next period. But this should be done under the supervision of a gynecologist and in case of emergency (here Nina Andreevna noted that she would not include vacation in the list of “extreme necessities”).


Yes, there are hormonal drugs, with the help of which, in fact, the “undesirable” date is corrected. The principle of the procedure itself is based on the artificial creation of hormonal fluctuations that occur throughout the menstrual cycle. The fact is that in the first half of this very cycle, estrogens predominate in the female body. And in the second half - progesterone, whose task is to maintain the intended pregnancy (that's why it is called the “pregnancy hormone”). After the level of progesterone in the body drops, critical days begin. Intervention in a woman’s hormonal balance with the help of Norkolut, Duphaston, Utrozhestan and other similar hormonal agents should only take place as prescribed by a gynecologist. Amateur activity is unacceptable!

Yes, with the help of oral contraceptives (OCs) you can “skip” unwanted critical days. To do this, after finishing taking one package of OK without a prescribed break, immediately start taking the second package of OK. However, you should “cancel” your periods in this way only in cases of “extreme necessity” (here followed another “attack” on vacation) and no more than 1-2 times a year. And you certainly shouldn’t resort to this method for women who have not practiced taking OCs before - not only may they not achieve the desired effect, but in addition it’s quite possible to get a whole bunch of “associated” inconveniences.

Yes, with the help of folk remedies you can delay or speed up the onset of menstruation. As a rule, eating lemons (1-2 lemons a day 3-4 days before the start of menstruation) delays the onset of menstruation by 3-5 days, and drinking parsley decoction (1/2 cup twice a day for 3-4 days ) – brings closer.

No, POSTINOR cannot be taken to correct the date of menstruation, since it is an abortifacient used in cases of emergency contraception (for example, after rape). This drug causes enormous harm to the female body! And there is a high probability that for the “unclouded” vacation provided by Postinor, the woman will have to pay for years of treatment.
That's all, actually. As for me, this is comprehensive information on a burning topic. Personally, for myself, I chose parsley - it’s not hormones, and my mother tested the remedy. The recipe is simple: cut a bunch of parsley, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours; take ½ glass in the morning, ½ glass in the evening; then a new portion is brewed. Closer to the desired date I will conduct personal tests.

Oh, I’d rather have a vacation, the sea, the cries of seagulls, the sound of the surf! I hope everything goes well for me! I wish the same for you!

Have a nice holiday!

During their activities, female athletes must “dance to the tune” of the competition schedule. Their natural needs, such as menstruation, are never taken into account, it’s a matter of luck. At the same time, female athletes never menstruate during competitions, which means that these days can somehow be postponed. Indeed, you can move dates not only because of sporting events, but, for example, for a long-awaited vacation.

Unpleasant moment

Critical days are a phenomenon that causes great inconvenience and discomfort to a woman. If you have to combine them with a vacation period, which, by the way, is planned in advance, it is doubly unpleasant. In order not to spoil your vacation or weekend, “critical” ones can be postponed for a certain period, of course, within reasonable limits.

According to experts, regular “intrusions” into the female system are very harmful to the body. This can be done no more than two or three times during your life, otherwise you greatly risk your health. True, this statement does not apply to women who use hormonal drugs.

Your period will wait

Many women postpone the date of “red days” with the help of hormonal contraceptives. Indeed, today you can buy special tablets of similar action at the pharmacy. It is important to note that between courses of taking such tablets you need to wait at least a week. This is a doctor’s recommendation, but in critical situations, if a vacation is just around the corner, you can take a new batch of pills almost immediately. The main thing is not to abuse it regularly.

Guided by the same principle, you can forget about menstruation for the period of an important event. We'll tell you how to do this in more detail.

The average duration of menstruation is 5 days. Let's say this indicator characterizes your female cycle. On Wednesday you took the last pill from the package, and on Friday you should begin your five-day menstruation, which will “put an end to” a normal weekend. If the last pill was taken on Friday, there would be no problems. You would have two more days to spare. That is, in order for you to have a successful weekend, you need to adjust your pill intake at a convenient time: the first pill on Saturday, the last on Friday, the day before the weekend.

Deception of the body: is it worth it?

We can safely say that by taking contraceptives, a woman is deceiving her body. It randomly increases the level of hormones, as a result of which the body thinks that there is a fact of pregnancy, so it postpones its desire to conceive until a later date.

But I would like to know: is this good? Contrary to popular belief about the dangers of hormonal pills, many experts, on the contrary, note their benefits. The eggs in a woman’s reproductive organs have their own resource, that is, their number is not unlimited. Therefore, the more frequent and longer your periods are, the more eggs are used up.

And one more thing, these cells not only promote pregnancy, but are also responsible for a woman’s youth. They produce hormones that determine sexuality, body shape, skin quality, and the timing of menopause. So the monthly processes when the egg leaves the body are not beneficial at all. And those hormonal-based contraceptives that suppress ovulation lead to the formation of a kind of barrier and prevent the egg from leaving the follicle. Thanks to the drugs, it is possible to postpone menopause, and at the same time physiological old age, to a later period.

Oral contraceptives

Side effects have not been canceled

Women taking hormonal pills have more than once experienced the “false” symptoms that usually accompany pregnancy. These include mood swings, swelling of the mammary glands, nausea, migraines, increased appetite, etc. As a rule, after two to three months of use, symptoms disappear. If this does not happen, these tablets are probably not suitable for you. Go to the doctor, let him recommend a more acceptable option.

There are many women who feel the urge to take hormonal pills, but at the same time, they believe that as a result they will gain excess weight. This statement is nothing more than a myth; these drugs do not contain components that can provoke the formation of fat. If you eat right, no weight gain will occur.

Hormonal pills - benefits and harms

Do hormonal contraceptives reduce libido?

This depends on individual characteristics: for some, libido may actually decrease, while for other women, on the contrary, it may increase.

Contraindications for use

Women with poor blood clotting, varicose veins, who are predisposed to the formation of blood clots, should better refrain from taking hormonal contraceptives. The risk group also includes women who smoke, suffer from diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. If the patient has one of the contraindications, the doctor can still write a prescription, but if there are more risk factors, hormones are strictly contraindicated.

Special drugs

There are special contraceptives from the “mini-pill” group. These are “microlut”, “excluton”, “charosette”. They are prescribed by doctors in cases where the hormone estrogen is contraindicated for the patient, for example, for nursing mothers. Traditional combined contraceptives usually contain this hormone.

“Mini-pills” have much fewer contraindications, however, they are not as effective when it comes to contraceptive action. They can also lead to the disappearance of menstruation altogether, but, as a rule, after medical intervention it turns out that the reason lies not in the pills, but in the onset of an unexpected pregnancy.

Vacation was a success

Today I decided that it was time to mark the 10 cherished August days with a blue marker (sea-sky-freedom-relaxation!) in my work calendar and begin active pre-vacation preparations. But here... Oh horror! I counted the days one more time, checked my “women’s” calendar one more time... What kind of mysticism is this?!! The whole seven days of the long-awaited vacation included critical days! How could this happen? After all, I was counting on everything...

After two hours of mental effort, calculations, and estimates, I realized that the antibiotics I used to treat the flu interfered with my plans. What a sneaky surprise! And what to do now?!!

I spent the next two weeks looking for information about a remedy that could help me - speed up the onset of my periods (in order to have time to get rid of it before the vacation) or, conversely, delay them for a couple of weeks. Internet, friends, mom... Hundreds of recommendations like “there are some pills, but I don’t remember their names”! Thousands of memories of “how terrible it is to vacation with them!” A million oohs and sighs!

My mother, after the obligatory “go crazy!” and “I would give birth better!”, I remembered how before my own wedding I solved the problem with my menstrual periods with the help of a decoction of ordinary parsley. But she promised to tell me the details after I go to the gynecologist. The argument was presented as bulletproof: “You still have to give birth, there’s no point in fooling around!”

I visited my gynecologist. Nina Andreevna, a stern lady with kind eyes, brought my brain into complete order in 25 minutes of detailed conversation:

Yes, it is possible to change the date of your next period. But this should be done under the supervision of a gynecologist and in case of emergency (here Nina Andreevna noted that she would not include vacation in the list of “extreme necessities”).


Yes, there are hormonal drugs, with the help of which, in fact, the “undesirable” date is corrected. The principle of the procedure itself is based on the artificial creation of hormonal fluctuations that occur throughout the menstrual cycle. The fact is that in the first half of this very cycle, estrogens predominate in the female body. And in the second half - progesterone, whose task is to maintain the intended pregnancy (that's why it is called the “pregnancy hormone”). After the level of progesterone in the body drops, critical days begin. Intervention in a woman’s hormonal balance with the help of Norkolut, Duphaston, Utrozhestan and other similar hormonal agents should only take place as prescribed by a gynecologist. Amateur activity is unacceptable!

Yes, with the help of oral contraceptives (OCs) you can “skip” unwanted critical days. To do this, after finishing taking one package of OK without a prescribed break, immediately start taking the second package of OK. However, you should “cancel” your periods in this way only in cases of “extreme necessity” (here followed another “attack” on vacation) and no more than 1-2 times a year. And you certainly shouldn’t resort to this method for women who have not practiced taking OCs before - not only may they not achieve the desired effect, but in addition it’s quite possible to get a whole bunch of “associated” inconveniences.

Yes, with the help of folk remedies you can delay or speed up the onset of menstruation. As a rule, eating lemons (1-2 lemons a day 3-4 days before the start of menstruation) delays the onset of menstruation by 3-5 days, and drinking parsley decoction (1/2 cup twice a day for 3-4 days ) – brings closer.

No, POSTINOR cannot be taken to correct the date of menstruation, since it is an abortifacient used in cases of emergency contraception (for example, after rape). This drug causes enormous harm to the female body! And there is a high probability that for the “unclouded” vacation provided by Postinor, the woman will have to pay for years of treatment.
That's all, actually. As for me, this is comprehensive information on a burning topic. Personally, for myself, I chose parsley - it’s not hormones, and my mother tested the remedy. The recipe is simple: cut a bunch of parsley, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours; take ½ glass in the morning, ½ glass in the evening; then a new portion is brewed. Closer to the desired date I will conduct personal tests.

Oh, I’d rather have a vacation, the sea, the cries of seagulls, the sound of the surf! I hope everything goes well for me! I wish the same for you!

Have a nice holiday!