Leukocytosis. Causes of increased leukocytes in the blood

The number of white blood cells in a person’s blood (indicated as “WBC”) varies depending on age and influencing factors, is detected during a general blood test and may differ from the norm (reference values).

Norm of leukocytes in the blood

The number of leukocytes in the blood allows us to talk about the processes occurring in the body and any deviation from the norm should deserve close attention. Using the table below, you can determine the norm of leukocytes in the blood for your age.

The norm of leukocytes in the blood of adults ranges from 4.5 to 11.0 x10^9/l.

At the same time, in children, the number of leukocytes constantly changes as they grow older, for example, if the norm of leukocytes in newborn children is 6-17.5 x10^9/l (it is noteworthy that the number changes even hourly), then in children aged 4 years the level of leukocytes in the blood decreases to 5.5 - 15.5 x10^9/l, and upon reaching 8 years, the number of leukocytes in the child’s blood reaches 4.5-13.5 x10^9/l.
The number of leukocytes in the blood from 1 to 15 years of age gradually decreases, until the age of 20 when it stabilizes, and then there is a gradual decrease in the number of leukocytes, with slightly more leukocytes being detected in men than in women. Notably, white blood cell counts are slightly higher in white people than in black people due to the higher number of neutrophils in the blood.
The number of leukocytes in pregnant women constantly increases in proportion to the duration of pregnancy and the load on the body of the expectant mother, and in the last weeks an increased level of leukocytes in the blood is considered a normal condition.
The following table shows the norms of leukocytes in the fetus.
Blood for analysis is taken percutaneously from the umbilical cord.

Symptoms of leukocytosis

A condition in which elevated leukocytes in the blood are detected above 9 x10^9/l is called leukocytosis.

Typically, leukocytosis is detected when donating blood for a general analysis, but symptoms may not appear.
Symptoms of increased leukocytes in the blood are mild, these include a slight increase in body temperature, lack of appetite, insomnia, and excessive body sweating. But the presence of these symptoms does not mean the presence of leukocytosis; in order to determine the increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood, a laboratory blood test is required.

Causes of leukocytosis

Let's figure out what an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood means, how dangerous it is, determine why the level of leukocytes in the blood is elevated and describe further steps in treating this condition (and whether it needs to be treated at all).
To begin with, it must be said that the content of leukocytes in the blood constantly changes during the day, it is influenced by various factors, ranging from load or time of day to pathological diseases of the body. Therefore, leukocytosis is usually divided into 2 types: physiological and pathological.

Physiological leukocytosis

So, physiological or natural leukocytosis includes cases of an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood for reasons not related to the presence of pathologies (diseases) in the body.

    Causes of physiological leukocytosis:

  • Stress - strong experiences, emotional disorders and nervous overload are difficult conditions for our body and it can respond to stress by increasing leukocytes in the blood, since leukocytes play a protective role in the body
  • Fever, pain
  • Smoking - this habit can also be attributed to the stress experienced by the body
  • Heavy physical activity and sports - in people, especially men, who regularly engage in heavy physical work or play sports, the number of leukocytes in the blood can also increase, while the level of leukocytes returns to normal after the person has rested and the body has recovered
  • Anesthesia
  • Pregnancy - elevated leukocytes in the blood of women during pregnancy can be observed in the second half of pregnancy, especially in the later stages. Don't worry about this, this is the norm. In pregnant women, the body experiences stress and responds with a similar reaction. A similar reaction also occurs during the premenstrual period.
  • Electroshock
  • Overheating of the body - among bathhouse and sauna lovers, the number of leukocytes in the blood also increases, this also happens to people whose working conditions involve high ambient temperatures
  • Exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet) rays
  • Nutrition - in some people, the number of white blood cells in the blood may be related to the amount of food consumed. But it is important to know that in this case, leukocytes do not exceed 12x10^9/l

Summarizing the above, it is necessary to remember that an increase in leukocytes in the blood of an adult can be observed against the background of the reasons described above, therefore, if you receive test results with an exceeded value of the leukocyte indicator in the blood, you should not rush to panic, but first of all you need to analyze your life for the presence of provoking factors. factors, and it is best to refrain from heavy physical activity, overeating, smoking and hot procedures one day before donating blood for analysis, and donate blood on an empty stomach.
It is important to remember that in children the norm of leukocytes in the blood is higher than in an adult. High leukocytes in a newborn are normal; their number can reach 30 x10^9/l/
If a child has elevated white blood cells (above the child norm) in the absence of physiological reasons (physical and emotional overload of the baby), then this may indicate the presence of an infection in the body or the development of leukemia (see pathological leukocytosis).

Pathological leukocytosis

The body reacts to the presence of pathology by increasing leukocytes in the blood. For example, most often the cause of elevated white blood cells lies in the inflammatory (infectious or aseptic) process in the human body.

    Pathological leukocytosis:

  • Moderate leukocytosis - leukocytes more than 10 x10^9/l
  • Severe leukocytosis - leukocytes 40-80 x10^9/l
  • Particularly pronounced leukocytosis - leukocytes 100 x10^9/l

    Causes of pathological increase in leukocytes in the blood:

  • infectious inflammatory process
  • acute blood loss
  • radiation sickness
  • taking certain medications
  • malignant cancer of the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, blood, liver
  • poisoning with aniline or nitrobenzene
  • leukemia

Diseases such as pneumonia, pyelonephritis, mumps, chickenpox, meningitis, viral hepatitis, lymphoma, infectious mononucleosis or lymphocytosis always cause an increase in leukocytes in the blood (moderate leukocytosis over 10 x10^9/l). In addition, the level of leukocytes is increased by inflammatory diseases that occur against the background of the activity of microorganisms, for example phlegmon, peritonitis).
The most common cause of leukocytosis is caused by exposure to coccal infections (pneumococcus, staphylococcus, gonococcus, streptococcus), diphtheria bacillus or E. coli. In this case, the number of leukocytes increases to 15-20 x10^9/l, that is, moderate leukocytosis appears. In addition, moderate leukocytosis is detected in acute catarrhal, gangrenous or phlegmonous appendicitis (no more than 20 x 10^9/l).
Severe leukocytosis (40-80 x10^9/l) occurs with scarlet fever, sepsis, severe burns of a large percentage of the skin, with acute bleeding, acute attack of gout, and rupture of the spleen. Severe leukocytosis also occurs after abortion (up to 25 x10^9/l).
For infectious diseases, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used for treatment according to the treatment regimen.
Particularly pronounced leukocytosis (100 x 10^9/l) is found in acute or chronic leukemia. To treat leukemia, radiation therapy and healthy blood transfusions are used to the patient.

The absence of leukocytosis (increased leukocytes in the blood) during the acute phase of an infectious disease indicates the body’s weak resistance to infection; this is an unfavorable sign of the course of the disease; special attention should be paid to this. Also, the absence of an increase in leukocytes in the blood occurs in people with weakened immunity, in people suffering from alcohol or drug addiction.

But not all infections lead to an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood; there are infectious diseases, the course of which causes a decrease in leukocytes in the blood, for example, measles, influenza, typhoid fever, brucellosis, rubella, viral hepatitis or malaria.
Inflammatory diseases of non-microbial origin, such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus, as well as severe burns, large volumes of blood loss through bleeding, uremia due to renal failure can also lead to leukocytosis.
A separate point worth considering is oncological diseases (malignant tumors). The fact is that with cancerous tumors, the number of leukocytes actually increases, but in the presence of metastases in the bone marrow, the hematopoietic process may be disrupted, which leads to a decrease in the level of leukocytes below normal.
Leukocytosis up to a level of 15 - 20 x10^9/l is observed during surgical removal of the spleen (splenectomy), and an increase in the number of neutrophils to 85-90% is detected.

Leukemia in leukemic and subleukemic forms causes pronounced leukocytosis, over 50-80 ×10^9/l leukocytes.

Is it possible to lower leukocytes in the blood?

There are no special medications or procedures aimed at reducing the number of white blood cells in the blood. The fact is that the level of leukocytes in the blood only speaks about the patient’s health status, being its indicator, and decreases after eliminating the causes that led to the increase in leukocytes. After detecting an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood above the norm, a diagnostic examination of the body is necessary; if a disease is detected, a diagnosis is made by the attending physician and strict adherence to the recommended treatment. If physiological leukocytosis is diagnosed (an increase in white blood cells for natural reasons), then it is recommended to put your diet in order, get rid of accumulated stress and give the body a rest.

Video on the topic

Leukocytes are small-sized hematopoietic elements that can quickly respond to any pathogenic changes in the body. White blood, the second name for leukocyte components, shows not only the presence of infections and bacteria in any part of the body, but also the intensity of their manifestation. The higher the danger and the inflammatory process, the higher the leukocyte count.

It is important to undergo laboratory tests in a timely manner to exclude any pathologies. To do this, it is recommended to undergo a general analysis once every six months and, if necessary, carry out symptomatic treatment. The main reasons for the increase in white blood cells can be found in the information provided.

In men and women, the indicators should show approximately the same result, which is equal to 3.3-10.3 units per liter of blood. Men usually have a slightly lower white blood cell count than the weaker half of humanity. This is due to the fact that women have menstruation every month, and their emotional background changes much more often. For children, the norm of white cells varies depending on their age.

From birth to first 12 hours9-38
First day9-21
First two weeks5-20
First month4,5-19,5
2-24 month of life6-17,5
3-6 years5-14,5
7-10 years4,5-13,5
11-16 years old4,5-13

Attention! Regardless of what indicator is considered normal, the attending physician must approach the treatment of each patient individually, taking into account his current and past medical history.

Reasons for the increase in leukocytes, taking into account their type

It is important not only to obtain general data that leukocytes have begun to increase rapidly, but also to identify the exact type of increased element. This will significantly narrow the number of possible diseases and quickly diagnose the patient’s condition.

As the quantity increases neutrophils The patient should be carefully examined for any bacterial infections. The inflammatory process can occur latently, affecting other tissues of the body. If left untreated, severe cases may develop sepsis.

Quite serious lesions can be detected in a patient if he has growth lymphocytes. These substances are responsible for specific human immunity, due to the weakening of which various viral lesions and bone marrow cancer can develop. Also, a jump in lymphocytes may indicate the accumulation of a large number of bacteria in the blood.

With growth monocytes we can also talk about serious disorders in the functioning of the bone marrow. Often this condition signals the development of cancer in any part of the body, tuberculosis of the lungs, bones, as well as extensive sepsis.

Increase in quantity basophils indicates that they can no longer produce histamine. This hormone protects the patient from allergic effects, the development of bronchial asthma and respiratory problems. As soon as basophils begin to grow, the cause should be sought in the development of inflammation, infections and an allergy attack.

Attention! The exact type of leukocytes grown can be determined only after a detailed blood test. It is not done in every clinic, so if you have possible disorders or symptoms of increased white blood cells, you should not ignore the possibility of a paid examination.

Physiological reasons for deviations from the norm in the leukocyte count

An increase in white blood cell counts in the absence of serious disorders in the patient’s body may be due to the following reasons:

  • the introduction of new products into the diet, usually observed in young children during the period of introducing complementary foods;
  • frequent stressful situations, including at the time of taking a blood test;
  • the period 2-5 days before the onset of menstruation, the period of pregnancy, especially in the first few weeks;
  • frequent heavy physical activity or lack of adequate sleep;
  • moving to other climatic zones;
  • overeating, especially if the patient is overweight;
  • frequent exposure to the sun, excessive use of tanning;
  • change of season, a similar condition is observed in a small number of people.

Attention! Physiological causes of leukocytosis go away on their own without medical intervention. This condition is not a pathology and does not require additional diagnostics if the patient has no problems with health.

Pathological causes of leukocyte growth

Such conditions can arise for many reasons, most of which are associated with the development of bacterial damage. In this case, the number of white cells increases up to several times. With oncological lesions, the number of leukocytes can increase 5-10 times, taking into account the severity of the condition.

The main factors provoking pathological disorders are:

  • development of a focus of inflammation, which can be localized in any part of the body, most often in the genitourinary and reproductive;
  • bleeding, including massive and chronic type; additionally, in this condition, anemia and tachycardia are most often observed;
  • poisoning with toxins and heavy metals, symptoms also include severe weakness, headaches, vomiting, intestinal upset;
  • kidney pathologies, including chronic ones;
  • kidney problems caused by taking medications often occur with the use of hormones and antibiotics, treatment is carried out strictly under medical supervision;
  • anemia, which most often affects pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  • the development of a response to exposure to allergens, which is especially acute during an exacerbation, is treated with conventional anti-allergenic drugs;
  • purulent lesions of human organs and tissues;
  • burns, including minor burns, the leukocyte count increases especially strongly with deep and extensive skin damage.

The indicators of white cells will always increase due to the impact of HIV on the body, which can subsequently develop into AIDS. If the leukocyte formula is violated, it is necessary to ensure the absence of any oncological neoplasms, including benign ones. They are most often localized in the bone marrow.

Attention! If a patient has borderline white cell counts, the patient’s condition should be monitored over time. For this purpose, the doctor prescribes laboratory tests 1-2 times a week.

Video - Leukocytes

Causes of elevated white blood cells in pregnant women

The problem of an increased number of white cells in pregnant women is most often natural and does not require serious treatment. During the period of bearing a child, the load on all organs of a woman, especially the kidneys and liver, increases significantly.

Often the reason for the growth of leukocytes is due to the fact that the body may perceive the developing fetus as a foreign body. This happens in most cases in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when there is also a risk of miscarriage.

Despite the fact that this condition is normal, it is still necessary to carefully check the kidneys of a pregnant woman. To do this, simply donate blood and urine. If a change in the leukocyte formula is detected in the blood and the appearance of protein is noted in the urine, we may be talking about a significant disruption in the functioning of the kidneys. In this condition, a woman should receive urgent assistance to prevent the development of gestosis and renal failure.

Attention! In pregnant women, the norm of 3.3-10 units of white blood cells per liter of blood can be doubled. In this case, you should definitely pay attention to the general condition. If the patient has swelling, bags under the eyes, or doesn’t go to the toilet much, an urgent diagnosis is required..

Elevated white blood cells in children

Children most often experience a physiological increase in white cells in the blood, as they are very active and can get tired quickly. Also, young children suffer from the spread of acute respiratory diseases, especially in situations where they constantly visit children's groups. Most often, an increase in white blood elements is observed in children from 2 to 7 years old.

Attention! If the levels of leukocytes in a child’s blood are excessively high, a specialist will definitely check him for the presence of leukemia and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. These diseases in almost 100% of cases affect only young children.

If the patient’s general health begins to deteriorate significantly, or pain of unknown nature appears, you should immediately seek help from your doctor. Among other tests, a laboratory blood test will be ordered, which will measure the exact level of white cells. If it turns out to be elevated, the patient will be asked to take a repeat test and undergo a more complete examination.

Video - What does an increase in leukocytes in a blood test mean?

When a patient receives small test sheets in his hands, he does not even think about the indicators that are displayed there, what their norm is and what they mean. Red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets may be normal or abnormal. What do the indications mean when leukocytes in the blood are elevated? We will consider the reasons in women in more detail.

Leukocytes are microscopic white blood cells. There are several types of them in the human body:

The main task of leukocytes is to protect the human body from external influences of negative agents. They easily pass through the thin walls of capillaries, enter the source of inflammation and there begin an active fight against foreign bodies.

The organs that produce leukocytes are: spleen, bone marrow, lymphatic system, tonsils. The average lifespan of one cell is about 12 days. If the inflammation is severe, then the number of dead white cells increases, and pus forms. In fact, it is an accumulation of destroyed protective blood cells.

Normal indicators

The norm of cells is their content in 1 liter of blood. This value is not constant, it changes throughout the day and depends on the state of the body. During physical exercise and intense activity, as well as after a person eats, the number of leukocytes increases, while at rest their number decreases.

This indicator depends on several factors. For example, in childhood there are more immune cells and they are able to independently resist infection. In old age, protective cells are significantly reduced. The norm is also influenced by the time of day and diet.

When a doctor examines blood tests, the results are compared with age. The table of the normal number of leukocytes, depending on the years lived, is as follows:

Women's white blood cell counts:

  • in girls and young women under the age of 16 years, leukocytes should be normal: 4.5-12.6;
  • girls from 17 to 20 years old – 4.2-10.5;
  • women over 25, 30, under 60 years old 3.98-10.4;
  • pregnant women – 15.
NormsAge indicators
24 hours1 month6 months12 months1-6 years6-13 years14 years and older
Neutrophils,%45-80 15-45 15-45 15-45 25-60 35-65 40-65
Eosinophils,%0,5-6 0,5-7 0,5-7 0,5-7 0,5-7 0,5-7 0,5-6
Basophils,%0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1
Lymphocytes,%12-36 40-76 42-74 38-72 26-60 25-54 22-50
Monocytes,%2-12 2-12 2-12 2-12 2-10 2-10 2-10

The female body undergoes changes in the leukocyte formula not only depending on age, but also on physiological characteristics (ovulation period, premenstrual period, after childbirth or during pregnancy).

Important! If the levels of leukocytes in the blood exceed the limit level, this condition is usually called leukocytosis.

In some cases, an increased white blood cell count indicates inflammation. Sometimes this may only be due to a change in diet or the patient being in a state of nervous shock.

Deviation of leukocyte levels from the norm in women is associated primarily with physiological changes in the body.

  • premenstrual period, bleeding during menstruation;
  • stressful situations;
  • poor nutrition;
  • infectious diseases;
  • external and internal burns;
  • oncology;
  • arthritis;
  • strong physical activity.

This is a group of physiological factors that return to normal on their own. Another group of external stimuli consists of:

  • bone marrow dysfunction;
  • allergy;
  • damage to tissues and skin after surgery;
  • inflammatory processes in the lungs after inhaling polluted air;
  • bad habits (alcohol and smoking);
  • tuberculosis of any form;
  • some types of urticaria;
  • sinusitis, neurodermatitis;
  • uremia;
  • with cystitis, leukocyte counts are also greatly elevated.

During pregnancy, as a rule, the number of leukocytes increases sharply. In the early stages, the body tries to adapt to the new position. The second and third trimester are associated with significant changes in the organs and systems of the mother’s body; in the later stages, fears of childbirth appear. Hormonal levels are constantly changing. Infectious diseases (for example, colds) suffered by a woman at various stages of pregnancy lead to leukocytosis. Another reason for sudden changes is acute toxicosis.

Important! A woman's leukocytes may be elevated after a cesarean section or after childbirth that occurred naturally, but with significant ruptures of soft tissue.

At different ages, the symptoms of leukocytosis in women are different. When a woman's body bears a fetus, its immunity is aimed at protecting itself and the baby. In old age, the number of immune cells decreases, and therefore the risk of disease increases. People need extra protection, so white blood cell counts are high.

In a pregnant woman, leukocytosis is observed with elevated body temperature, pain in the lumbar and sacral spine, as well as with frequent urination. In addition, the following symptoms are added: weight loss, loss of appetite, sweating, sleep disturbance, bleeding. Sometimes there is aching in the muscles and joints. If any symptom is detected, you must consult a doctor to identify the pathology.

Which doctor should I contact? To get tested, you need to visit a therapist's office. Further, based on the results of tests and a complete examination, a diagnosis will be made or a referral to a specialist will be issued.

If the level of leukocytes in a blood test is elevated, then there is a need to reduce them. What is needed for this, how to treat leukocytosis? The doctor prescribes a repeat test and additional examination to determine other indicators.

Important! Blood should be donated on an empty stomach and at rest.

If leukocytosis is detected, the following drugs may be prescribed:

  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibiotics;
  • immunostimulating.

In addition to drug therapy, a balanced healthy diet, and in some cases a diet, is prescribed. During the treatment process, the patient must harmonize her nervous system and avoid stressful situations. Otherwise, the therapy will not be effective.

  • full eight-hour sleep and rest during the day;
  • reduction of physical and mental stress;
  • consuming more fluid;
  • reducing the amount of meat and meat products consumed;
  • refusal of fatty, spicy and smoked foods;
  • eat more often, but in small portions.

In combination with preventive measures and drug therapy, you can turn to folk remedies that will slightly reduce the content of white cells. However, such treatment must be approved by the attending physician. You can take infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs: horsetail, knotweed, motherwort, wormwood, St. John's wort. Melissa grass and beekeeping products are considered very effective.

To detect the disease in a timely manner, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations in the hospital. If there was a viral infection, it is necessary to treat it further. It is believed that even an untreated runny nose can cause an increased level of white cells. To avoid serious consequences, you need to monitor your health.

We study leukocytes in the blood, the norm is given by age and gender. Leukocytes is a collective term that unites different in size and functional activitycellsin the body of humans and animals. Common characteristic features are the presence of a nucleus and the white color of the cells (white bodies). In inflammatory diseases, the number of blood leukocytes increases sharply, since they are the first line of defense of the human body against pathogens. This fact explains the need to measure their level at the first stage of diagnosing any disease.

The main contribution to the study of the functions and diversity of white blood cells was made by the Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov (phagocytic theory of immunity) and the German practicing physician and bacteriologist P. Ehrlich (types of white blood cells). Their joint work was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1908.

The average size of leukocytes ranges from 7 to 20 microns. Despite the common name "white cells", the natural color of the cells is a light shade of purple-pink.


In view of the wide diversity of representatives of the group under consideration, several classifications have been developed. The first classification is based on the ability of cells to perceive the dye and the presence of granules:

  • granulocytes - contain a large nucleus, consisting of several segments, and are also characterized by a specific granularity of the cytoplasm;
  • agranulocycytes - small nucleus and lack of granularity.

Types of leukocytes and their functions according to modern classification:

The main task is protection against the penetration of foreign infectious agents of a bacterial, viral or protozoal nature. The benefits of leukocytes in the body are invaluable, since when their number decreases, a person’s susceptibility to infectious diseases increases significantly. The combination of various functions (phagocytosis, allergic response and humoral immunity) allows the body to effectively fight infection.

After capturing and digesting the pathogen by phagocytosis, the leukocyte cells are destroyed. This process is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory local reaction with an increase in body temperature, swelling, change in color of the lesion and, sometimes, the appearance of pus. The lifespan of leukocytes does not exceed 4 days.

Differences between leukocytes and lymphocytes

Leukocytes are a collective name for a group of different cells, in turn, lymphocytes are part of this group. Lymphocytes implement humoral (due to the biosynthesis of protein antibodies) and cellular (directly interacting with pathogens) immunity. They also control the normal functioning of other forms of leukocytes in humans.

Leukocytes in the blood – normal by gender and age

The decoding of the leukocyte blood count should be carried out by the attending physician, taking into account the gender and age of the patient.

Important: it is unacceptable to independently establish a diagnosis and select treatment, as this can lead to a deterioration in the patient’s condition and complicate the severity of the disease.

It has been established that the concentration of the value in question is slightly lower in women than in men. In addition, among people over 55 years of age, the condition of leukocytosis (exceeding the norm) is extremely rare. This fact is explained by a decrease in immunity, and, as a consequence, a decrease in the number of leukocytes.

Norm of leukocytes in the blood of men and women

The normal number of leukocytes in human blood for each type of cell is presented in the table, taking into account gender. The standard unit of measurement is *10 9 /l, however, for ease of interpretation, it is converted into a percentage of the total number of leukocytes.

Floor Age, years Normal limits
Leukocytes, 10 9 /l
Men Up to 15 4,5-14
From 15 to 55 4-9,3
Over 55 4-8,5
Women Up to 15 4,5-13,5
From 15 to 55 3,95-10,5
Over 55 3,9-9
Neutrophils, %
Men Up to 15 15-55
From 15 to 55 45-70
Over 55 40-65
Women Up to 15 15-50
From 15 to 55 45-67
Over 55 40-60
Lymphocytes, %
Men Up to 15 35-60
From 15 to 55 20-35
Over 55 20-30
Women Up to 15 35-55
From 15 to 55 15-30
Over 55 20-25
Monocytes, %
Men Up to 15 5-10
From 15 to 55 4-12
Over 55 3-10
Women Up to 15 5-8,7
From 15 to 55 3-10
Over 55 3-8
Eosinophils, %
Men Up to 15 1-6
From 15 to 55 1-5,3
Over 55 1-4,5
Women Up to 15 1-5,5
From 15 to 55 1-5
Over 55 1-4

Norm of leukocytes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's immune system is significantly activated, as it provides protection for mother and child. Therefore, pregnant women have high leukocytes in the blood, which is normal.

It should be noted that when selecting reference values, it is important to take into account the gestational age.

In the first trimester, the normal values ​​of the criterion under consideration are similar for non-pregnant women and should not exceed 10.5 * 10 9 / l. From 2 to 6 months, an increase to 12-13 * 10 9 / l is permissible.

In the last trimester, the upper permissible norm of leukocytes in the blood of adult women is 14-15 * 10 9 / l. However, if a woman’s value of the criterion under consideration is constantly at the upper limit of normal, then it is recommended to conduct additional laboratory and instrumental studies in order to exclude the development of a pathological process.

What influences the result?

The cellular composition of the blood changes throughout the day and depends on a number of different factors. Factors influencing the level of leukocytes in the blood:

  • time of taking biomaterial - in the morning the number of white cells is lower;
  • improper preparation of the patient for the test: eating fatty or smoked foods, as well as insufficient time between food and the blood drawing procedure (less than 6 hours);
  • stress or physical fatigue, which results in disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine, nervous and hematopoietic systems;
  • climatic conditions - the human body reacts to heat with excessive sweat and water, which is stress. As a result, the active work of protective systems and the synthesis of leukocytes are noted;
  • phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • taking medications. Thus, hormonal drugs lead to leukocytosis, and some antibiotics lead to leukopenia (decreased number of white blood cells).

In order to obtain the most reliable analysis results, it is recommended to exclude the influence of external factors on the patient before donating blood.

If leukocytes in the blood are elevated

A one-time minor (within 1-5 units) deviation from the norm without clinical symptoms of inflammation is not a cause for concern. An increased number of leukocytes in the blood, recorded three times with an interval of 5-7 days, has diagnostic significance. In this case, the patient is prescribed additional tests aimed at identifying the underlying disease.

Patients often wonder what does an elevated white blood cell count and high erythrocyte sedimentation rate indicate?

The causes of leukocytosis in a patient's blood are varied and can range from normal daily fluctuations to cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a detailed decoding of the leukocyte formula, taking into account the number of each type of white blood cell.

Reasons for the increase in various types of white blood cells

Neutrophils respond to bacterial and fungal infections in humans. With extensive infection, their active synthesis is observed. As a result, immature cells enter the bloodstream, and the indicators can increase several times.

In addition, high neutrophil values ​​are recorded in the acute stage of pancreatitis, myocardial infarction and bone marrow cancer.

A high level of lymphocytes is observed in the patient’s blood mainly during viral infection. Stable lymphocytosis is also characteristic of malignant bone marrow lesions.

Monocytes increase in diseases of viral etiology, as well as in syphilis, oncology of the bone marrow and lymph nodes.

The number of eosinophils increases sharply when exposed to an allergen and an immediate allergic response occurs, as well as during helminthic infestation.

Basophils rarely exceed normal levels. Possible causes are a severe stage of cancer pathology or an allergic reaction.

If leukocytes in an adult are low, then what does this mean?

An increase in the number of white cells indicates the active work of the immune system aimed at fighting the infectious agent. In turn, the state of leukopenia, which is characterized by a decrease in leukocytes in the blood, indicates the development of a serious pathological process. Possible reasons include:

  • lack of necessary substances for normal growth and development of new cells. This condition can be corrected by preparing the right diet;
  • destruction of white blood cells is observed during the natural death of leukocytes after the process of phagocytosis;
  • insufficient production of leukocytes - as a result of bone marrow dysfunction. This condition is observed in leukemia, chemotherapy, severe poisoning, bone metastasis and autoimmune diseases.

Important: a simultaneous decrease in leukocytes and erythrocytes, as well as the presence of blast cells (precursors of blood cells) in the bloodstream, recorded during three repeated tests, is a sufficient reason for a large-scale screening examination for oncology.


When conducting a general blood test, the total number of white cells is calculated, cells are counted under a microscope, or the leukocyte formula is compiled using flow cytometry. In this case, the exact quantitative content of each type of white body is determined. This is the first step in establishing the cause of the inflammatory process.

The analysis period does not exceed 1 day.

Additional tests for deviations from the norm include:

  1. advanced laboratory diagnostics (biochemistry, tests for tumor markers, hormones)
  2. and laboratory research methods (MRI, ultrasound).

Preparing for a blood test

The preanalytical stage is of maximum importance for the reliability and accuracy of the results obtained. Thus, about 70% of errors are made at this stage. It is extremely important not only to correctly carry out the blood collection procedure, but also for the patient himself to prepare for the test. Recommendations for preparation:

Certified specialist, in 2014 she graduated with honors from the Orenburg State University with a degree in microbiologist. Graduate of the graduate school of the Orenburg State Agrarian University.

In 2015 At the Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, she completed advanced training in the additional professional program “Bacteriology”.

Laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work in the category "Biological Sciences" 2017.

An increase in white blood cells (leukocytes) in the blood is called leukocytosis. Leukocytes are an important component of the human immune system, as they protect the body from various “enemies” and prevent some harmful cells from multiplying.

Why does the analysis sometimes detect elevated leukocytes in the blood? What does this mean and what are the causes of this condition? Let's try to figure it out.

What are leukocytes needed for?

The main tasks of white blood cells can be represented as follows:

  1. Exits into the gastrointestinal tract, captures nutrients and transports them into the blood, which is especially important for newborns who, while breastfed, receive ready-made, unchanged maternal immunoglobulins along with milk, which can protect the little person from many infections.
  2. Leukocytes take part in the formation of cellular and humoral immunity, which constitutes their protective function.
  3. They destroy various bookmarks that are not needed at all, even in the embryonic period - a morphogenetic function.
  4. They dissolve damaged tissues and carry out the histolytic task.

A detailed blood test involves counting not only the total number of leukocytes, but also the percentage of all types of white blood cells in the smear.

Norm of leukocytes in the blood

A blood test for leukocytes is carried out to diagnose various conditions of the body. The norm of leukocytes in an adult is 4-8.8 x 109 /l.

In a child's blood, leukocytes are always significantly elevated. Normally, leukocytes in the blood of newborns are contained in the amount of 9.2-13.8 x 109 /l. Leukocytes in children, the norm from one to three years is 6-17 x 109 / l. Leukocytes in the blood of a child under ten years of age are normal – 6.1-11.4 x 109 /l.

During pregnancy, as a rule, the level of leukocytes in the blood is increased; closer to childbirth, this level is generally considered normal - the greater the load, the higher it is.

When can an increase in leukocytes be considered normal?

During the day, the number of leukocytes in the blood changes. In some cases, it may even exceed the norm, but there is no point in worrying about this.

This leukocytosis is called physiological and its causes can be:

  1. Smoking.
  2. Stress, serious emotional experiences.
  3. Diet. Some foods can affect white blood cells.
  4. In the second half of pregnancy, an increase in leukocytes in the blood is also normal.
  5. Sports and physical activity always lead to fluctuations in the level of leukocytes in the blood.
  6. Staying in hot air conditions. This may be excessive sunbathing or a work environment, for example, in certain production workshops. This also includes visiting the bathhouse and sauna.

To exclude the influence of all these factors, a blood test is taken in a calm state in the morning and on an empty stomach. And if your analysis shows a high value, then we are talking about pathological leukocytosis, that is, associated with the course of some disease.

Elevated leukocytes in the blood: causes

Why are leukocytes in the blood elevated in an adult, and what does this mean? Pathological leukocytosis indicates the presence of health problems. Thus, elevated leukocytes in the blood appear as a result of:

The degree of increase in leukocytes reflects the severity of the disease and depends on age. There is only one rule for treating leukocytosis - to establish the cause of the increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood and eliminate it.

What are the symptoms?

This condition is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • malaise, fatigue;
  • moderate and high hyperthermia;
  • decreased vision, sleep disturbance;
  • weight loss and joint and muscle pain;
  • excessive sweating, dizziness, loss of appetite.

Sometimes leukocytosis can be detected only with the next one. There are a number of little-studied human conditions in which leukocytes, temperature may occur. As a rule, time passes and all indicators return to normal. These deviations from the norm do not have any manifestations.

How to lower the level of white blood cells in the blood

The procedure for treating leukocytosis is determined by the doctor after additional examinations. Therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the factors that provoked an increase in the level of leukocytes. There is no separate treatment for reducing the level of white blood cells in the blood.

If the increased number of leukocytes in the blood is caused by physiological reasons (poor diet, pregnancy, overexertion), then in order to reduce it, you need to change your lifestyle:

  • eat right.
  • rest more.
  • Avoid hypothermia or overheating against the background of reduced immunity.

If leukocytosis is detected, you should never self-medicate. This disorder may be temporary or indicate serious illnesses that require medical intervention, and only a specialist can find out why the number of leukocytes is growing and how to deal with it.