What perfumes excite men? It has been proven that women are aroused by smell.

Fragrances in esotericism are conductors of subtle energies: some of them can attract prosperity and wealth into your life, others can bring good luck, and others can bring love and family happiness.

Rose and nutmeg. Both fragrances reveal natural sexuality and are aimed at developing relationships and strengthening the love bond between two people. When composing a composition, it is better to use a “three to one” ratio: one drop of nutmeg will fully reveal its aroma, but the scent of rose needs a little more time to create an energy wave.

You can experiment with all the scents for love and passion, creating your own compositions based on the properties of each component. It should be remembered that it is not at all necessary to use “love” components as perfumes: a massage with aromatic oils or an aroma lamp that creates the right atmosphere is also an excellent way to evoke the necessary energies.

Fragrances for financial success

The growth of well-being and wealth largely depends on the energy of the financial channel: working with the energy of money can become much more effective if you use aromas that attract wealth.

Bergamot and patchouli. The tart and refreshing scent of bergamot and the enveloping aroma of patchouli can become a real “money magnet” and enhance your energy.

Basil and frankincense. Both scents can be used in monetary rites and rituals: to attract favorable conditions, you can drop one drop of essential oil onto a scarf and carry it with you.

Fragrances that attract good luck and happiness

In the midst of a streak of bad luck, it is very important to see a way out in time and turn the situation in your favor. You can be guided by signs of happiness or perform rituals to attract good luck, or you can attract luck and joy with the help of the energy of aromas.

Mandarin and green spruce. The true “New Year’s” smell carries powerful energy that attracts miracles. This composition can cleanse the energy at home and attract lightness and optimism into your life.

Chamomile and Vanilla. The scent of chamomile attracts pleasant impressions, and the bittersweet vanilla creates an atmosphere of happiness and serenity.

Lavender and Marjoram. The smell of lavender calms and helps you look at problems from a different perspective, while marjoram attracts a happy coincidence of circumstances.

Smells and aromas can correct almost any situation: for example, with their help you can restore health or cleanse the energy at home. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors and only good mood. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.03.2017 04:04

Aromatherapy is rarely used in modern medicine. But it’s worth knowing that smells have a significant impact on our emotional state...

As one wise man said, “The best scent of a woman is her natural scent!”

Primitive tribes that still exist on our planet, when choosing a partner, they are guided only by smell and, as a result, unerringly choose a partner with whom they live happily (or not so happily, who knows) until death. True, their idea of ​​smells is still unique. Aboriginal women living in remote places of the Guinean Highlands in New Guinea, gathering in special women's huts, where the mummy of a woman who gave birth to the most children hangs above her head, “anoint” their body... with old urine stored in a special vessel in the corner of the hut... And precisely so that, in their opinion, they “smell like a woman” as strongly as possible! And apparently this smell has a magical effect on the men of their tribe...

But we are not aborigines, in our country, as statistics show, the number of married couples wanting to get divorced is growing from year to year, and scientists and even perfumers believe that, oddly enough, this is all to blame... numerous perfumes, deodorants and other perfume products. Nowadays, with the help of chemical processes, using natural and artificial substances, you can create absolutely any aroma. And for every man there is his own scent, one that will attract him, awaken desire in a Woman... And women... Oh these women!

For thousands of years, women have been trying to find various techniques to seduce men, and one of them is to seduce a man with the help of various scents. But not a single man, even in the most frank conversation, admits what smell emanating from a woman attracts him most.

However men are attracted to smells, carrying a light erotic, sexual connotation - playful citrus scents with almond reflections, perfumes with the scents of orchids and exotic lilies, fruit aromas with notes of pepper, vanilla and black currant, herbal scents with delicate, subtle shades of aged hay. These scents will give men a feeling of lightness, calmness and... self-confidence. But the mixture of lavender and pumpkin pie smells increases blood flow to the male genital organ by 40%!

But since ancient times, wise women have used special scents to seduce men. The musk obtained from the male musk deer, the civet produced by the glands of the civet cat, the castoreum from the beaver (“beaver stream”, as well as the ambergris of the male sperm whale - all these unusual smells attract men and cause them a strong sexual desire on a subconscious level.

But that’s not the main thing... These are all foreign odors... And the main thing, as it turns out, is natural smell the body itself, the smell of those natural secretions that are produced by the glands of our body - sweat, pheromones...

It turned out that men, regardless of what perfume a woman uses, react much more actively to the smell of women who are in the period of ovulation. That is, it is not perfumes and deodorants, not shampoos and shower gels, but the characteristics of the smell of the female body that have a direct impact on men, causing them to have a biological reaction in choosing a partner!

Our sweat, an aqueous solution of salts and organic substances secreted by the sweat glands, plays an important role in the socio-biological processes of information transmission, has no odor until bacteria begin to multiply on the surface of the skin (about 8 hours), and only then its pungent “aroma” can be very unpleasant for others. It is recommended to take a shower 2-3 hours before sex, so that during this time the body has time to release pheromones to attract and excite your loved one.

And with sweat, pheromones are released - products of human external secretion. There is an assumption that the pheromone receptor in humans is the Jacobson organ, located near the nose (that’s why kissing and nose-to-nose rubbing of lovers is so exciting!).

Constant physical activity contributes to the production of epagons - pheromones that attract the opposite sex. Maybe this is why women are attracted by the smell of muscular macho men who constantly work out in the gym, and not by the shape of their muscles? And even before, people did a lot of physical work, which is why they attracted women precisely by developing epagons???? And today, sitting in the office and then watching the TV with a bottle of beer does not contribute to this at all!

The production of pheromones also depends on a woman’s monthly cycle - in the middle of the female cycle, the maximum amount of attracting substances is released, because it is during this period that the probability of conception is high. Great wisdom of nature! And in the spring, the body, weakened by vitamin deficiency, releases much less pheromones, but in the fall - much more than in other seasons (that’s why weddings always took place in the fall!).

There is an interesting opinion that even hair color affects body odor. Blondes smell of amber, brown-haired women smell of violet, and brunettes exude the aroma of musk!

Smell... Many scientists tried to penetrate the world and mystery of smells - Plato, Aristotle, Lucretius, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Freud. The human nose and nostrils are immersed in smells, and we live in their world, in the world of smells. For ancient people, smell served to find food and a sexual partner, mark the territory of a group, and communicate within the group.

In Ancient Rome, the smell of sweat was the smell of the lower classes; only the upper classes had the right to anoint their bodies with oils and incense. But the women of Rome secretly collected the sweat of famous gladiators, fabrics soaked with their sweat... For what??? More on this below...

It turns out that not only the human nose uses the sense of smell; spermatozoa react to the smell, detecting the egg!

And the natural odor of the body (especially the odor of the genitals!) is a powerful stimulant, but now we, surrounded by a huge number of third-party odors, partially lose our sense of smell and have a weak or poor perception of odors.

Newborns distinguish smells most well; a newborn child distinguishes his mother by smell within a few hours, and very clearly after a few weeks. And lovers are very, very sensitive to the smell...

The aroma of fresh female sweat emanating from smooth and washed armpits is a pleasant, attractive smell that has the same erotically tantalizing effect on a partner as all other natural odors that appear at the moment of sexual arousal. And such a smell plays a big role in love!

And it turns out that the smell of male sweat is much more pleasant than female sweat! The human brain is excellent at perceiving chemical signals and interpreting their social and emotional meaning. For example, the smell of male sweat is truly “sexy” at the level of female instincts. The smell of sweat from men's armpits can improve a woman's mood and even stimulate the production of lutropin, a hormone that can stimulate ovulation! That's why the women of Ancient Rome harvested the sweat of muscular, strong gladiators!

And thus, a woman can determine by smell whether a man is suitable for her, and her choice is not influenced by aftershave lotion or eau de toilette - the main selection criterion is ... the smell of a man’s armpits, a complex of odorless pheromones that have a huge subconscious influence on women level.

These pheromones contain the hormone estrogen, which controls menstruation in women. In the process of evolution, women developed a certain sensitivity to male odors, and it was more desirable for a woman to have sexual intercourse with the man whose genes are most different from her genes, as this makes it possible to produce healthier offspring!

So, inhaling male sweat is useful not only for the sake of increasing libido, this specific aroma can even slow down the onset of menopause in women! Is it worth chasing your husband for sweaty T-shirts and socks scattered around the apartment? After all, this is an inhalation that is useful for her in every sense!

The smell emanating from the genitals of both men and women is very specific, and this smell is personal in its nuances and intensity. Natural sexual odor, if it is not too strong - and this is usually the case - has a stimulating effect on persons of the opposite sex with normal sensitivity.

Sexual odor is more pronounced in women than in men, and it is especially intensified under the influence of desire, which manifests itself in a more abundant secretion of the glands of the external genital organs. And for some women, the glands of the whole body participate in this process, and then the smell becomes especially attractive and exciting.

Even the smell of sperm, which is also a sexual smell, has a whole range of shades - and is reminiscent of the smell of chestnut flowers, which depends on the properties of the tree and the weather and can be either fresh and fragrant, or strong, pungent and even repulsive. As observations show, the smell of the semen of the same man under certain conditions may differ.

The odors emitted by the female genital organs are also rich and varied. Vaginal discharge consists of peeled cells of the vaginal skin and mucus that permeates its walls, and the natural discharge of a healthy vagina has the consistency of milk and the smell of curdled milk. Lactic acid sticks found in a healthy vagina “ferment” its secretions and thus prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. The presence of lactic acid sticks and the acidic environment they create is a condition for the natural cleansing and disinfection of the vagina. In addition to milky discharge with the smell of curdled milk, a healthy vagina from time to time appears in significant quantities of clear mucus. It is abundantly secreted from the cervix during the period of ovulation, as well as during moments of intense sexual arousal.

In the area of ​​the foreskin of the clitoris, as well as in the immediate vicinity of it, at the base of the labia minora, there are small sebaceous glands that produce fatty substances that are released abundantly during sexual arousal. The intense odor of these secretions is usually associated with the sexual activity of the partner and has a stimulating effect on the man.

The smell of genitals even surpasses the smell of sweat in its stimulating effect, which, however, is not surprising. After all, if the aroma emanating from private parts was repulsive, would people have sex? As you know, Napoleon Bonoparte, returning from another campaign, wrote to his Josephine: “I’m on my way. Don’t wash yourself!” Yes, and medieval courtesans used vaginal secretions, applying them like perfume to their ears and wrists so that the smell of female nature envelops their body.

Even now, many women try to bewitch men with the help of such a “perfume”, and I must say, very successfully. After all, female secretions contain the most powerful pheromones, to which all male noses, without exception, are especially sensitive.

A woman becomes more odorous in the middle of the menstrual cycle - during ovulation, when the chances of conceiving a child are especially high. Apparently, nature itself pushes us to have sex not only for pleasure, but also for the sake of procreation.

Vaginal odors also intensify immediately before and during sexual intercourse. Therefore, sexologists strongly advise ladies not to go too far with excessive cleanliness. It is enough to wash your face two to three hours before having sex and let your genitals soak in pheromones. But you don’t need to scrub yourself with a washcloth, soap or scrub immediately before sexual intercourse, otherwise you will wash away most of the exciting notes of your scent. By the way, an experienced man can determine how excited she is by just the smell of his partner.

And, by the way, a man who forces his partner to run to the shower immediately before sex either has some kind of complex himself, or does not really love this woman! After all, as psychologists, and at the same time sexologists, say: if a person annoys us, his smells are especially annoying!

But for the call of the epagons to be truly powerful, you need to relax and forget about problems - at the moment of stress, a person intensely secretes thoribons and the hormone adrenaline, and it will not be so easy, if not impossible, for sexual aromas to penetrate through the powerful smell of anxiety and stress !

Now let's talk about hormones.


Hormones are signaling chemicals secreted by endocrine glands directly into the blood and having a complex and multifaceted effect on the body as a whole or on specific organs. There are two main hormones that have the greatest impact on the condition and functioning of the female reproductive system - estrogen and progesterone.

Estrogen are constantly produced by the ovaries from the onset of puberty until menopause, but their quantity also depends on what phase of the menstrual cycle the woman is in. Estrogen for the course of the menstrual cycle, protects blood vessels from the accumulation of cholesterol plaques, regulates water-salt metabolism, increases skin density and promotes its hydration, and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Thanks to estrogen, a woman’s figure acquires charming feminine curves, and her character acquires compliance, softness, and emotionality. And thanks to estrogen, an adult woman maintains good skin condition, youth, beauty and optimism, and a positive attitude towards life. A woman with a normal level of estrogen in her body looks younger than her peers with hormonal imbalances and feels great.

But the lack of estrogen also leads to increased hair growth where one would not like - on the arms, legs, on the face, to rapid fading, plunges into irritability, nervousness and depression, leads to vaginal dryness and decreased libido, and causes “local » inconveniences – headache, hypertension, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, leg cramps. Light hair color indicates high levels of estrogen, and blondes have a higher ability to conceive and carry a child - maybe this is why blondes are so popular among men? By the way, quite often the hair color of a woman who has given birth 2-3 times becomes darker.

An important function of estrogen is to suppress the action of the male hormone testosterone, which is also produced by the female body. When the level of estrogen in the blood is below normal, testosterone becomes a kind of “master of the situation”, and then the woman becomes more prone to competition, aggression and more “masculine” behavior.

Progesterone is considered a male hormone, since it dominates in men (remember that any person contains a certain amount of both hormones). But unlike estrogens, it is produced exclusively after the egg has left its follicle and the corpus luteum has formed. If this does not happen, progesterone is not produced. An important function of progesterone is to prepare the mammary glands to produce milk when a baby is born.

Progesterone is synthesized by the adrenal glands, corpus luteum and placenta. It is also responsible for the stability of mood in the second half of the cycle - if the content of this female hormone in the blood is below normal, irritability appears and depression may occur.

Interestingly, when a woman sees small children, the level of progesterone in her blood increases. Scientists have identified a certain “baby shape”, that is, a small, plump body with a large head and relatively large eyes - it turns out that a woman reacts even to... a soft toy by increasing the level of the female hormone progesterone! An attentive and caring man, at least once in his life, gave his beloved a teddy bear or a large “cartoon” hare: such gifts give many women real pleasure!

Testosterone in women is produced in small quantities in the adrenal glands and is considered the “most” male hormone, but it turns a woman into a lively and passionate lover of men and makes a woman experience sexual desire.

The more testosterone a woman has, the faster she pumps up her muscles and the more interested in active games in the fresh air, but with an excess of testosterone, her character becomes hot-tempered and aggressive, acne appears on the skin, and if there is a deficiency, ... you don’t want sex at all.

Oxytocin. This is a hormone of tender, long-term affection and care. It is produced by the adrenal glands and enters the bloodstream in large quantities after childbirth during uterine contractions, stimulating labor, making one love the tiny creature brought into the world. And to any stress, the female body reacts with the release of oxytocin, stimulating in women... the need for communication. This explains the irresistible female passion for hour-long phone conversations with a friend or mother in the kitchen after an incident or in difficult situations.

Oxytocin also causes a woman’s sexual arousal, but in this case it is produced very slowly, which is why preparing a woman for sex takes longer; orgasm comes later, but it lasts longer. And that is why a woman needs additional and often longer caresses!

Thyroxine. Synthesized in the thyroid gland, it is a hormone of figure and mind, regulates the speed of metabolism and thinking, the ability to think. It makes the body slim, the skin smooth, movements dexterous and graceful, the reaction to an interested male gaze is immediate!

Norepinephrine. The hormone of courage and rage is produced in the adrenal glands during stress. His partner, the fear hormone adrenaline, is responsible for escaping from danger. Norepinephrine encourages us to do the opposite, it dilates blood vessels, blood rushes to the head, brilliant ideas come there with it, the face is filled with a bright blush, wrinkles are smoothed out, eyes sparkle, and a woman, looking like a formidable and beautiful goddess, says: “I’m stressed.” I’m blooming!” She rushes headlong into trouble, successfully solves all problems and at the same time looks great and sleeps soundly at night.

Somatotropin. Hormone of strength and slimness. It is responsible for building muscle mass and burning fat, for the elasticity and strength of ligaments, including those that support the breasts.

Endorphins- similar in structure to opiates (morphine-like compounds), produced in neurons of the brain and have the ability to reduce pain, similar to opiates, and influence the emotional state.

Endorphins and another hormone - serotonin are called the main “hormones of happiness” - if a person has a lot of endorphins, he is always full of strength, energy, optimism and feels absolutely happy. If it is not enough, he becomes apathetic, and it seems to him that he is the most unhappy person in the world.

Endorphin is almost identical in formula to morphine and in large quantities is addictive, similar to... a narcotic! This is why after 3 - 4 years of marriage people often get divorced - endorphin is no longer effective and causes a cooling towards the partner.

Endorphins often occur in conjunction with the release of adrenaline. The level of adrenaline increases sharply during stressful conditions, borderline situations, a sense of danger, anxiety, fear, injuries, burns and shock. During training and sports, it increases muscle pain and promotes the production of endorphin, which reduces pain and increases the body's reaction and speed of adaptation to stress.

But in the absence of physical and emotional stress, “adrenaline starvation” sets in, and a person can no longer imagine himself without constant physical and emotional stress, becoming, as it were, an “andrenoline-endorphin addict.” Therefore, many can no longer imagine their life without extreme sports or constant physical exercise - the lack of these hormones forces them to experience a “high” again and again when endorphins and adrenaline are released into the blood!

Those. You can enhance the synthesis of endorphins with intense physical activity - it increases the concentration of “happiness hormones” by five to seven times. In this case, you will experience the “high” for 1.5 - 2 hours!

And during sexual intercourse, a huge amount of “hormones of happiness” is released into the blood, and it is no coincidence that in ancient times (and now) doctors “prescribed” sex for all mental illnesses.

Prolactin- a female hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Prolactin is responsible for the growth and development of the mammary glands and milk production during breastfeeding. The content of prolactin in the blood increases with increased physical activity, psychological trauma and overwork, which is why prolactin is called the “stress hormone.”

So, a man meets a woman. First love, first kisses... The hormone phenylethylamine is released into the blood, and the pheromone epagon, released in sweat, increases sexual desire, lovers are excited, sweating is increased, the woman begins to have an increased release of endorphin, and the man’s testosterone level just goes off scale! The woman gets excited, oxytocin is released, and she slowly, slowly gets aroused. But an experienced man is in no hurry... Together with endorphin, testosterone is released from the woman, and the woman wants to take “the situation into her own hands”, she becomes more relaxed, even aggressive! She is excited, insanely excited by the smell of a man’s body, the smell of his sweat! And the man... Oh!!! He's already losing his head! The woman smells of vanilla and lavender, and a little grapefruit... And then... And then the smell of the woman’s genitals excites the man even more, and... Here comes an orgasm! A huge amount of endorphin and serotonin is released into the blood! And they are happy! And more, more...

Alexey Kazdym
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Academician of the International Academy of Sciences

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It has long been proven that a man is more attracted to the natural odor of a woman’s body. This natural aphrodisiac allows you to find your soulmate among millions of other girls.

Many women wear perfume. After all, having managed to choose a scent that will correspond to age, temperament, eye and hair color, it is possible to create a unique image. There are components of a successful aroma that help to achieve success in attracting and arousing the opposite sex.


It can force a man to be original and unusual in expressing his feelings. It’s all because of the smell, which gives a feeling of self-confidence and awakens creativity.

Bergamot, cinnamon, jasmine

They increase sexual desire, relax, calm, develop fantasies, and put them in an erotic mood. Cinnamon warms, which can increase sexual energy. Jasmine gives its scent to the best perfumes, including famous French fragrances. This “king of smells” is able to intensify erotic pulsations.

Rosemary, fruit

They have the ability to increase the duration of sexual contact, and also stimulate the desire to engage in intimacy again and again. The aroma of fruit awakens in a man the desire to take care of and protect a woman. This smell can attract very strong men.


Its smell reminds a man of the smell of a girl’s intimate areas, therefore it has a stunning effect when seducing the opposite sex. The main thing is not to overdo it.


It is very often used when baking any kind of goodies, so men have a special reaction to the sweet smell of vanilla. His “appetite” increases, he wants to “taste” it.

Lavender, coconut

They enhance passion and give love. Coconut gives a woman the scent of her dreams. After all, coconut is associated with the beach, sun, and serenity. A man will certainly want to plunge into heavenly pleasure.


Its delicate, refined scent helps you to tune in to a romantic mood, calms you down and relieves stress. Essential oil is produced from ancient sandalwood trees, many of which are over thirty years old. Today there are very few of these trees left, so sandalwood aromatic oils, often used in perfumery, are very expensive, but popular and in great demand among women.

To add intimacy to the evening, you can light fruits, incense sticks or candles. The main thing to remember is that men love with their noses, and it is very important not to overdo it, so as not to get the opposite effect.

Smells can have a truly magical effect. More about this from the channel specialists. Let's watch the video!

Even doctors say that women are aroused by smell. This is a consequence of millions of years of evolution, when different types of organisms selected partners for themselves based on basic external factors, including smell. The aroma of the body can tell about the health of the partner and even his wealth. So which smells attract women more than others?

Forget about the scent of fresh roses or meadow herbs. These are not the smells that most attract the fairer sex. But the smell of baking, on the contrary, can defeat almost any woman. This curious fact was discovered during a study conducted by Dr. Alan Hirsch. So you can lure the beauty with the aroma of fresh buns and croissants.
Contrary to popular belief that many women do not like the smell of tobacco, this is not true at all. A study has shown that tobacco aroma acts as an aphrodisiac on some women. Perhaps it's all about a subconscious association: tobacco is a strong, mature man. However, it is worth remembering that the aroma pleasant for women exudes exclusively expensive, high-quality cigar tobacco. Cheap analogues are unlikely to please anyone with their smell.

Another very unusual smell that many women like is the smell of wine. The subtler the wine aroma, the more attractive it is to the fairer sex.

The delicate, sweetish aroma of vanilla is liked by both men and women. This smell can stimulate sexual arousal. It’s not for nothing that vanilla is so often used in perfumery and cosmetology.

Musk can literally drive a woman crazy with its aroma. The secret is that its smell is similar to the smell of male pheromones. Notes of musk in men's perfume are a guarantee that a man will not go unnoticed (noticed) even in a crowd of competitors.

Ah, this invigorating aroma of jasmine, it awakens sensuality and passion. Jasmine notes in men's perfumes will be very useful on a date with a girl.

The invigorating and at the same time soothing scent of mint is one of the most loved by many people. Many women are literally mesmerized by the scent of mint, forcing them to give in to a rush of passion.

The smell of the sea is one of the most popular in perfumery. The sea breeze is associated with freshness and lightness, causing the most pleasant associations. It is not sweet and is more appropriate in a masculine perfume than floral notes. Most of all, the marine scent attracts sensual, romantic girls.

As mentioned at the very beginning, smell is of particular importance in the process of choosing a sexual partner. Therefore, the natural aroma of a healthy male body is the most attractive to all women without exception. The thing is that a man’s body produces signal pheromones that have an exciting effect on the female body.
Women have something similar too. For example, one study proved that there is a so-called ovulation smell. By inhaling it, men experience an increase in levels of the male sex hormone. This smell is emitted by the female body during a special period of the menstrual cycle, when the woman’s body is most predisposed to conception.

People have been mistaken about this for a long time, believing that the choice of a partner depends more on how he looks, and not on how he smells. However, odors are analyzed by the subconscious much better than other information that comes to us through the eyes and ears. And the women's magazine JustLady completely agrees with this, and will try to convince you.

Let’s not look far for an example and take our “little brothers.” As soon as cats or dogs smell the alluring scent of a sexual partner, they immediately take off, forgetting about loyalty to their owners, and rush to where the aroma comes from, promising procreation. By the way, dogs and cats unmistakably sense the smells that attract them from several hundred meters away, which is why for every cat in your yard in the spring there are from 10 to 20 cats running from all over the area.

It is interesting that male Saturnia butterflies even find their partners only by smell, and they are able to smell this smell from several kilometers away. What about women? How do they attract men? Smells too!

As for the human sense of smell, it is, of course, much lower than the smell of insects and animals, however, as a rule, the subconscious choice of a partner is based on smell.

This should not be neglected, because much more depends on the smell than we are used to thinking. Special chemical substances, or rather their microscopic particles - pheromones, are capable of awakening the senses, affecting a person through the sense of smell. Often, the so-called “Love at first sight” arises due to them. A lack of these same pheromones can cause sexual failure.

You can believe it or not, but neurogenetics scientists have long found out that there is a certain hormone that is responsible for the reproduction of pheromone molecules. In other words: people, like animals, “sniff out” their partner, although they claim that they fell in love with him for the kindness of his soul!

Russian scientists from the Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have established that in the human nose there is a structure called the vomeronasal organ. He perceives and reacts exclusively to sexual odors and ignores extraneous odors, even particularly strong ones like mint or. So what are these sexy scents and what do they smell like?

“The best thing about a woman is her natural scent,” as one sage from ancient Rome said. This is partly true. Take, for example, American tribes living in a primitive system. When choosing a partner, they rely only on their sense of smell and, as a result, unerringly choose a partner with whom they live happily until their death. But we are not African aborigines and, as statistics show, the number of married couples who want to marry is growing from year to year. This is due to numerous deodorants and other perfume products. With the help of natural and artificial substances, you can create absolutely any scent. Accordingly, every man has his own scent, one that will attract him, awaken his desire... But, before running around perfume salons in search of the right scent, he advises to understand: what scents attract men.

For thousands of years, women have been trying to find a scent to seduce men. Many books and dissertations have been written on this topic, but despite the achievements of modern perfumers who are inventing more and more new sexual scents, the mystery remains unsolved. Even with a frank conversation on intimate topics, not a single man admits what smell emanating from a woman he likes best. But this does not stop women and they continue to search for a fragrance that no representative of the stronger half of humanity can resist.

Since ancient times, not the most, but wise women have used scents to seduce men. These scents are still popular in perfumery today. Musk obtained from the male musk deer, civet produced by the glands of the civet cat, castoreum better known as “beaver stream”, musk obtained from the male musk deer, as well as the granary of the sperm whale – all these are unusual smells attract men, cause them to have a strong sexual desire on a subconscious level.

It is known that most men like sexy fragrances based on oriental notes with musky spicy trails and floral-woody accords. Light scents with an erotic overtone also attract men. These are scents of lily or orchid, as well as perfumes based on citrus fruits with the presence of almond notes.

By the way, about citrus fruits. Looking for smell that attracts men, American scientist Allan Hirsch, after conducting a study, found out that almost every man likes the smell of grapefruit. This smell affects men especially. Both a young guy and an experienced man, under the influence of grapefruit aroma, treat a woman more kindly. As soon as she applies a perfume composition containing grapefruit notes, she seems younger and sexier to a man. Moreover, by inhaling such an aroma, your chosen one will become more sensitive and easily excitable.

And yet, despite all the research, ideal smell that attracts men, has not yet been found. Therefore, JustLady magazine advises: experiment! And it is possible that you will find it!

Tatiana Osipova
Women's magazine JustLady