How to fry porcini mushrooms for the winter. Fried mushrooms for the winter

Fry mushrooms for the winter!

What a joy it is to go to the cellar in winter and bring back a jar of rolled up fried mushrooms! Pour this wealth into a frying pan and make the whole house close its eyes with pleasure - the indescribable magical smell will seem to take you back to summer, when you just came out of the forest with full baskets...

And in order to give your loved ones such unforgettable moments, you need not to miss that - not particularly long and quickly passing - period when you can still go to the nearest forest for a mushroom harvest.

When preparing fried mushrooms for the winter, fat is used as a preservative - butter or ghee, lard (rendered lard) and vegetable oil. Most often, housewives prefer a mixture of fats, not without reason considering such preparations to be the most delicious.

Should you boil mushrooms before frying or not?

A novice housewife will definitely face this question. And many decide that it is better to play it safe than to worry about the safety of their products. To feel confident, of course, it is better to know for sure which mushrooms need additional heat treatment and which do not. Let's take a closer look at the rules.

Does not require pre-boiling

Edible and conditionally edible mushrooms are prepared differently.Edible mushroomsYou can fry it right away. These include:

  • Porcini mushrooms
  • Butter
  • Mokhoviki
  • boletus
  • Boletus
  • Chanterelles
  • Saffron milk caps
  • Umbrellas
  • Champignons
  • Hedgehogs
  • Rows
  • Oyster mushrooms
  • Russula
  • Honey mushrooms

Naturally, additional heat treatment of edible mushrooms will not harm the human body. But their nutritional value decreases, the specific mushroom aroma weakens and the taste deteriorates. And some mushrooms become slimy even after boiling for a short time.

Must be boiled

But conditionally edibleMushrooms must be boiled before frying. This helps reduce toxicity to a safe level and eliminate the acrid taste: the toxic substances of such a mushroom dissolve in water when heated, we pour it out, and the mushrooms themselves become edible.

Be sure to boil:

  • ordinary stitches
  • pink waves
  • brittle and stinging russula
  • milk mushrooms are black and yellow.

Because of their bitter taste, all those mushrooms that arehave a burning milky juice:

  • camphor, alder and sweetish laticifers
  • bitters
  • violinists
  • earrings
  • white loading pads
  • some types of russula, pigs and talkers
  • moths
  • and some other mushrooms.

When cooked, the bitterness transfers to the water, and the taste of the mushrooms improves significantly. Many summer residents explain the need for preliminary boiling by the fact that this will additionally clean the mushrooms from environmental pollution.

Be that as it may, you need to rely both on theoretical data about the group affiliation of mushrooms, and on local conditions and traditions. It is good if this knowledge is passed on from generation to generation. In such families, “mushroom” troubles almost never happen.

Fried mushrooms with pre-boiling

Since many housewives still boil all mushrooms without exception before frying, we will pay special attention to this method. Let's look at the process step by step.

  • Step 1 - Cleaning

Mushrooms brought from the forest should be soaked in cold salt water for 1.5-2 hours, then rinsed and peeled.

Advice:When fried, the stems of boletus and honey mushrooms turn out to be somewhat harsh, so it is better to cut them off and dry them - in winter, when ground, they are perfect for preparing mushroom sauces and soups.

  • Step 2 - first boiling

Pour cold water over the mushrooms, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam that formed during boiling. After 15 minutes, drain the mushrooms in a colander and rinse with water.

Advice: When you cook porcini mushrooms, you can add a small amount of citric acid to the water (about 3 grams per 1 liter of water) to prevent them from darkening.

  • Step 3 - second boiling

Pour clean water over the mushrooms again, bring to a boil and simmer again over low heat for 10-15 minutes. After cooking, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms again.

  • Step 4 - frying mushrooms

When the water drains from the mushrooms after washing, they need to be cut into pieces of the intended size, then put in a dry frying pan (without adding oil!) and kept over low heat, stirring until the liquid evaporates. Then it’s time to add vegetable oil, animal fat or butter (preferably ghee). Fry the mushrooms in oil for 25-30 minutes, remembering to stir. A few minutes before the end of frying, add salt to taste.

  • Step 5 - placing fried mushrooms in jars

Transfer the mushrooms directly from the frying pan into dry, hot, sterilized jars. In each of them there should be 1-1.5 cm above the mushrooms for oil (fat). It is best to pour in the oil in which the mushrooms were fried, but if this oil is not enough, you need to add new oil to the pan, heat it and add it to the jars while boiling.

Advice: if you prefer animal fat for preparations, its layer on top of the jar will need to be salted directly while it is hot.

  • Step 6 - sterilization

Roll up the filled jars and sterilize (completely submerged in salt water) for 60 minutes. Then turn over onto the lids, wrap thoroughly and leave to cool for 2 days.

Advice:If the mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator, they do not need to be sterilized and stored under nylon covers.

Experienced mushroom pickers, knowing well the properties of the mushrooms that “caught” in their baskets, believe that boiling definitely edible mushrooms - porcini, chanterelles, champignons, moss mushrooms or boletus - only spoils their taste, and immediately “throws them into the frying pan.”

Let us now look at this, in essence, rather short-term procurement process.

  • Mushrooms brought from the forest clean,rinse and place in a colander to drain
  • Slice all mushrooms sliced
  • Pour vegetable oil (or a mixture of fats) into a deep frying pan, heat well and place the mushrooms in the hot oil. With the lid closed fry them over low heat for about an hour, keeping an eye on them and stirring. During this time they will stew in their own juice. Then remove the lid and keep the pan on the fire until all the mushroom juice has evaporated and the oil becomes clear.
  • Mushrooms straight from the pan post in dry hot banks, leaving 10-12 mm on top for oil. Top up with boiling oil from the frying pan.

Then, if it is expectedstore the preparations in the refrigerator, cover with plastic or nylon thermal lids, leave until cool and place in the refrigerator. Ifno space in the refrigerator, sterilize the jars in salt water for 1 hour, roll up with metal lids, turn over, wrap well and keep under a blanket for 2 days.

Of course, who can resist sitting down to the table right away, and, without waiting for winter or a holiday, they will happily eat some of the fried mushrooms with fresh herbs and aromatic black bread!

  • Fresh chanterelles – 1 kg
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste

Chanterelles rinse And slice, if so intended. For frying, you can use either vegetable or butter or lard, or a mixture of fats - as you like. Over low heatfrychanterelles 40 minutes, covered.

Remove the lid, salt the mushrooms, add bay leaf (for taste you can add onion, black pepper or cloves) and fry over low heat until the juice has completely evaporated and the chanterelles have acquired a beautiful golden color. Transfer them to prepared heated jars and add oil from the frying pan to the top (so that the layer of oil above the mushrooms is 1-1.5 cm).

Sterilize in salt water for 35-50 minutes, roll up, turn over onto lids and wrap well until cool. After two days, transfer the jars to a cool, dark place.

  • Mushrooms – 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5-0.8 cups
  • Table vinegar 9% - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - to taste

This is how definitely edible mushrooms are prepared. All of them need to be cleaned, washed thoroughly, chopped and quickly fried in oil over medium-high heat (do not simmer with a lid!).

Transfer the mushrooms into dry, heated jars, adding slices of peeled garlic and finely chopped herbs.

Add salt and vinegar to the oil remaining after frying and bring to a boil. Pour this oil over the mushrooms so that the layer above the mushrooms is at least 3 cm. Sterilize in salt water for 45-50 minutes. These mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator.

And the next video is about how to fry champignons.

If you brought champignons from the forest prepared according to this recipe, they will be perfectly stored in a plastic bag in the freezer. And after going to the store to buy mushrooms, where they grow every day even in the most severe frosts, you can fry them at any time of the year, using all the knowledge you have acquired and our advice.

Storing fried mushrooms

Fried mushrooms are stored in refrigerators, basements or cellars. Under plastic lids they remain suitable for 4-6 months, and rolled up with metal lids they can be stored longer.

Since long-term storage of mushrooms under lids may pose a threat of botulism infection, it is vitally important to take all measures to eliminate this possibility.
You can read in detail how to do this in the article. Pickling mushrooms for the winter.

Fried mushrooms can also be stored in the freezer. To do this, fried, cooled mushrooms are packaged in plastic containers or plastic bags, excess air is squeezed out of the bags and placed in the freezer.

When frozen, such mushrooms will be stored longer, and there will be no risk of contracting botulism.

  • When frying mushrooms for the winter, there should be enough fat in the pan for the mushrooms to float in it.
  • Regardless of what mushrooms are fried, they need to be salted at the very end of cooking.
  • If the mushrooms have been in water - boiled, soaked, or simply washed - they must be dried before frying. You can use napkins, cloth or paper towels for this.
  • If you have collected a lot of mushrooms of several types, it is better to sort them by variety and fry each type separately. This way the taste will be more specific and the appearance will be more attractive.
  • It is better to clean the oil beans before washing, while the cap is dry and not slippery.
  • Mushrooms drenched in melted butter may begin to taste bitter over time, but this does not happen with lard.

  • Fried mushrooms are a real delicacy that, without exaggeration, is loved in every Russian family. Therefore, we hope that our tips will help you diversify your winter table even more with mushroom preparations such as mushrooms canned in oil and fat. We will be very glad if you share your recipes and successful “mushroom” finds.

    And one more thing - there is a good folk sign: the mushrooms have run out if the anthill is already closed for the winter. But the ants are still “working”, so we still have time for winter preparations!

    Many dishes are simply unthinkable without mushrooms. For example, homemade. But in winter it is difficult to find them in their natural form. Therefore, thrifty housewives make supplies. They are more concerned not with the preparation of fried mushrooms for the winter, but with the question of how to store fried mushrooms for the winter? After all, the possibility of their use depends on this. If basic rules of cleanliness are not followed, a tasty product will turn into a deadly one.

    Basic rules for storing fried mushrooms

    The best preserved mushrooms when fried are boletus, boletus, and boletus. Essentially, they are simply preserved in fat. It can be vegetable, butter, ghee, or lard - melted lard.

    To keep the mushrooms in a form suitable for consumption, the jars must be sterilized with boiling water. They are also given plastic caps. There is an easier way to prepare. In this case, fried mushrooms are stored in the freezer for the winter. Before putting them in the refrigerator, you should boil the mushrooms and only then fry them. This is done with certain species. For example, with russula and milk mushrooms.

    If the mushrooms were rolled into jars, the shelf life depends on the lids used. The preparation is edible for 5-6 months under plastic covers. To keep it suitable for a longer time, the jars are closed with metal lids. Some housewives leave fried mushrooms without a refrigerator. How long can they be stored at room temperature is the main question that arises in such a situation. As a rule, the period is short.

    There are many nuances in how to properly prepare fried mushrooms for the winter. It is better to fill glass jars with them, add fat and close with nylon lids. To better preserve the product, choose cool places like a cellar. The freezer increases the shelf life up to 12 months, subject to the temperature range from -24 to -18 ºС.

    The correct solution to the question of how to store fried mushrooms for the winter will allow you to enjoy their taste for a long time.

    An incredibly simple way to prepare mushrooms and quickly and easily prepare any dish with them at the right time is to can them and store them in the pantry. In this case, the mushrooms need to be subjected to long-term sterilization, but you can take a simpler route by transferring the mushrooms to a jar, filling them with oil and putting them in the refrigerator. The choice is yours!

    To prepare fried mushrooms for the winter, take all the necessary ingredients according to the list.

    Fresh champignons need to be washed thoroughly, then cut into medium pieces - each mushroom into 4-6 parts.

    Place a piece of butter on a hot frying pan and then add the mushrooms. Fry over medium heat, stirring. Don't forget to add salt and spices.

    It is imperative to prepare fried mushrooms for the winter in sterilized jars. Keep them over steam for a few minutes, then carefully transfer the fried champignons into the jar.

    Fill the mushrooms with sunflower oil to the very top. In this form, they can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator, tightly closed with a lid. If you plan to store mushrooms for several months, then cover the jar loosely with a lid and sterilize in a saucepan for 40-45 minutes.

    Store canned fried mushrooms in a cool place. At the right time, simply open the jar and add mushrooms to the dish you are preparing - a side dish, soup, or meat.

    You can also use mushrooms as a filling for pies or pies. But do not forget that mushrooms are very oily; before using, you can rinse them or let the oil drain by placing the mushrooms in a colander.

    Honey mushrooms for the winter can be prepared in a variety of ways, the main thing is that they are tasty. Of course, each recipe has its own taste and aroma. However, for many, the most desired thing on the holiday table is pickled honey mushrooms. But here, too, there are many cooking options, for example, pickled honey mushrooms in oil - the height of perfection.

    Before preparing mushrooms marinated in fat, they must first be boiled in salted water, and only then carried out the frying process. For recipes for marinated honey mushrooms in oil, prepared for the winter, you need to add butter or ghee, as well as vegetable oil. You can add herbs, garlic, parsley roots, horseradish, celery, as well as dried herbs, onions, all kinds of herbs and spices to jars with fried mushrooms. If we talk about homemade marinade, vinegar, salt and sugar are added to it.

    We suggest using several interesting and tasty recipes for preparing honey mushrooms in oil for the winter.

    This simple and affordable option for preserving honey mushrooms in oil will allow your preparation to preserve the aroma and taste of wild mushrooms. Preserved jars can be stored in any cool place.

    • Honey mushrooms – 2 kg;
    • Water – 600 ml;
    • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • Salt – 2 s. l.;
    • Garlic – 8 cloves;
    • Vinegar 9% – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Cloves – 1 bud;
    • Black and white peppercorns – 2 pcs.

    Honey mushrooms marinated in sunflower oil with the addition of garlic will appeal to those who like spiciness in the dish.

    Honey mushrooms are prepared for boiling: they are cleaned, the lower part of the stem is cut off and poured into boiling salted water.

    Boil for 20 minutes, skimming the foam from the surface, place in a sieve or colander, and allow time to drain.

    Honey mushrooms are placed in dry jars, sprinkled with sliced ​​garlic cloves.

    The marinade is prepared from water, salt, sugar, allowed to boil and all other spices are added.

    Boil the marinade for 5-7 minutes, add vinegar and oil, boil for another 3 minutes.

    The marinade is poured over honey mushrooms in jars so that there is no air between the mushrooms.

    Cover the jars with sterilized lids and place them in hot water on a kitchen towel folded in half.

    Sterilize for about 40 minutes over low heat.

    Roll it up, turn it over, insulate it in a blanket and let it cool.

    Preparation for the winter from honey mushrooms fried in oil

    Honey mushrooms fried in oil for the winter turn out very tasty and satisfying. They can be used to prepare main courses, salads, and added as a filling to pies, pizzas and porridges.

    • Honey mushrooms – 1.5 kg;
    • Vegetable oil – 400 ml;
    • Salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • Ground black pepper – ½ tsp.
    1. Boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes, constantly skim off the foam, and place in a colander for a few minutes.
    2. Pour 1 tbsp into a deep frying pan. oil, add mushrooms and fry until mushroom juice evaporates.
    3. Add the rest of the oil to the mushrooms, add some salt, pepper and continue frying over low heat for 15 minutes.
    4. Transfer the hot mushrooms into sterilized jars and add the remaining oil from the frying pan.
    5. Cover with lids and set to sterilize in hot water for 30 minutes.
    6. We roll up the honey mushrooms fried in oil, prepared for the winter, with metal lids.
    7. We wrap it in a blanket, leave it to cool, then take it to the basement.

    Recipe for honey mushrooms fried in butter for the winter

    Honey mushrooms fried in butter for the winter turn out to be quite nutritious, tasty and aromatic. Although it will take about 1 hour to prepare, the appetizer will be an excellent addition to the family menu during the cold season.

    • Honey mushrooms – 2 kg;
    • Butter – 400 g;
    • Salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Allspice – 3 peas.

    To deliciously prepare honey mushrooms in butter, follow the step-by-step instructions.

    1. Boil the peeled honey mushrooms in water with the addition of salt and citric acid for 20 minutes.
    2. If foam forms on the surface, remove with a slotted spoon.
    3. Drain in a colander, rinse with cold water and let drain completely.
    4. Place 1 tbsp on a preheated non-stick frying pan. l. butter.
    5. Add honey mushrooms, fry until the mushroom juice evaporates, about 15 minutes.
    6. Add the remaining oil, salt, add allspice peas, stir.
    7. Fry over low heat for 25-30 minutes, stirring continuously with a wooden spatula.
    8. Distribute into clean and dry jars, add oil from the frying pan.
    9. Cover with lids and sterilize in hot water. Carry out the sterilization process over low heat for 40-45 minutes.
    10. Roll up, wrap in a blanket and leave to cool.

    Such blanks can be stored in a dark pantry.

    Honey mushrooms cooked with onions in oil

    Honey mushrooms cooked with onions in oil are perfect as a cold appetizer or a side dish for fried potatoes.

    • Honey mushrooms – 2 kg;
    • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
    • Onion – 3 pcs.;
    • Sugar – 2 tsp;
    • Sunflower oil;
    • Salt;
    • Vinegar 9% – 100 ml;
    • Parsley and dill – 1 bunch;
    • Water – 600 ml.
    1. Honey mushrooms are cleaned, washed and boiled in salted water for 20 minutes.
    2. Place in a colander to drain all the liquid.
    3. Distributed into sterilized jars and topped with onions, cut into rings and chopped herbs.
    4. A marinade is prepared from water, salt, sugar and vinegar, a bay leaf is added, and the marinade is allowed to boil for 5 minutes.
    5. Cools and pours into jars with honey mushrooms.
    6. Close with plastic lids and take out into the basement for 7 days.
    7. The marinade is drained, brought to a boil and poured back into the honey mushrooms.
    8. Sterilize in hot water for 40 minutes, roll up the lids and wrap in a blanket.
    9. After cooling, the jars are taken to a cool room.

    Honey mushrooms in melted butter: preparation recipe

    The recipe for honey mushrooms marinated in this type of oil turns out to be rich and piquant in taste. It will add variety to your holiday table and will be an amazing appetizer for unexpected guests.

    Honey mushrooms cooked in ghee will be a good addition to boiled new potatoes or rice porridge. This option for preserving forest fruiting bodies will appeal to everyone who tries it.

    • Honey mushrooms – 1 kg;
    • Ghee – 300 g;
    • Salt - to taste;
    • Paprika – 1 tsp.
    1. We clean the mushrooms, rinse them and add them to boiling salted water.
    2. Cook for 20 minutes, while constantly skimming off the foam that appears on the surface.
    3. Place in a colander or sieve and let the excess liquid drain completely.
    4. Melt the butter in a deep saucepan and add honey mushrooms.
    5. Simmer in oil for 30 minutes over low heat, add salt at the end and sprinkle with paprika.
    6. Stir with a wooden spoon and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.
    7. Place honey mushrooms in melted butter into prepared sterilized jars.
    8. Top with a layer of oil remaining in the pan.
    9. If there is not enough oil left, you need to melt and heat a new portion in a frying pan, and then pour in hot.

    Under a plastic lid, such a product can be stored for up to 5 months. If you use metal lids, this increases the shelf life to 8-10 months.

    Honey mushrooms in vegetable oil without vinegar: a recipe for preparing for the winter

    Honey mushrooms in vegetable oil, prepared for the winter without vinegar, will turn out to be an excellent snack for all occasions. We invite you to listen to our recipe and start preparing it.

    • Honey mushrooms – 1 kg;
    • Vegetable oil – 50 ml;
    • Garlic – 2 cloves;
    • Salt and sugar - 2 tsp each;
    • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Water – 400 ml;
    • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
    • Allspice and black peas - 3 pcs.

    Honey mushrooms in oil without vinegar, prepared for the winter, are made quite simply. The main thing is to accurately follow the step-by-step steps of preparing the snack and the recipe list.

    1. Boil the peeled honey mushrooms in salted water for 20 minutes, drain in a colander to drain all the liquid.
    2. Place honey mushrooms in a separate container, add water, all the spices and herbs, except lemon juice.
    3. Stir and let simmer for 15 minutes, add lemon juice and simmer for 5 minutes.
    4. Remove from heat, let stand until completely cooled and put into prepared jars along with the marinade.
    5. Cover with lids and place in cold water. Let it boil over low heat and continue sterilization for 40 minutes.
    6. Roll up, insulate with a blanket and leave until completely cool.
    7. Take it to the basement or leave it in a dark, cool closet.

    How to marinate honey mushrooms in sunflower oil with mustard seeds

    The recipe for preparing honey mushrooms in oil for the winter will not cause you any trouble and will not take much time.

    • Honey mushrooms – 2 kg;
    • Water – 700 ml;
    • Salt and sugar - 3 tsp each;
    • Vinegar – 100 ml;
    • Vegetable oil – 50 ml;
    • Onion – 2 pcs.;
    • Mustard seeds – 2 tsp;
    • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
    • Dill seeds – 1 tsp.

    Step-by-step instructions will show you how to marinate honey mushrooms in sunflower oil with mustard seeds.

    1. Clean the mushrooms from contamination and cut the stems in half.
    2. Boil in salted water for 20 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon.
    3. Drain the honey mushrooms in a colander and allow excess liquid to drain.
    4. Prepare the marinade: put water in a saucepan on fire. After boiling, add salt, sugar and all spices, except oil and vinegar.
    5. Let it boil for 7-10 minutes, add oil and vinegar, boil for 3-5 minutes and turn off the stove.
    6. Place mushrooms into prepared sterilized jars with a slotted spoon.
    7. Pour in the marinade so that there are no air pockets left in the jar.
    8. Close with plastic lids, cover with a blanket and let cool.
    9. After cooling, take it to the basement or leave it in the refrigerator.

    Preparing honey mushrooms fried in oil for the winter with cloves

    Preparing honey mushrooms, fried in oil for the winter with the addition of cloves, will become a “calling card” for any holiday table for your family. This savory appetizer will look great on the table as a stand-alone cold dish.

    • Honey mushrooms – 1 kg;
    • Vinegar 9% – 50 ml;
    • Vegetable oil – 50 ml;
    • Cloves – 4 sprigs;
    • Salt – ½ tbsp. l.;
    • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
    • Allspice – 2 pcs.;
    • Onions – 1 pc.

    A proposed option showing how to marinate honey mushrooms in oil. You can change the names of the spices you want to use.

    1. Honey mushrooms are cleaned of mycelium residues and contamination, washed in plenty of water.
    2. Place in a saucepan and fill with water so that the honey mushrooms are covered.
    3. Boil for 15 minutes, drain and add new water in the same amount (so that the mushrooms are covered).
    4. Boil for 15 minutes and remove the honey mushrooms with a slotted spoon into a bowl.
    5. Salt, sugar, and all spices, except oil and vinegar, are added to the mushroom broth remaining after the second cooking.
    6. Let it boil for 3-5 minutes, add vinegar and oil, and add mushrooms.
    7. Boil for 15 minutes, put in jars, where onions cut into thin half rings are already placed at the bottom.
    8. Add marinade to the top, cover with lids and sterilize for 40 minutes over low heat.
    9. Cover with lids, wrap in a blanket and allow to cool completely.
    10. After cooling, take it to a cool room or leave it in the refrigerator.

    How to marinate honey mushrooms in oil and tomato juice

    The recipe for honey mushrooms fried in oil for the winter can be slightly modified and marinated in tomato juice with onions and various spices. This preparation has an unusual taste and has an original pleasant aroma.

    • Honey mushrooms – 1 kg;
    • Tomato juice – 500 ml;
    • Vegetable oil – 100 ml;
    • Salt – ½ tbsp. l.;
    • Sugar – 150 g;
    • Vinegar 9% – 2 tsp;
    • Onion – 1 pc.;
    • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.

    How should you marinate honey mushrooms in oil and tomato juice so that the preparation is stored for a long time and is safe for your family members?

    1. Mushrooms are filled with water and boiled for 20 minutes.
    2. Place in a colander to allow the liquid to drain completely.
    3. Honey mushrooms are placed in a frying pan and fried until the juice evaporates.
    4. Oil is poured in and the honey mushrooms continue to fry for 15 minutes.
    5. Add salt, sugar, seasonings and vinegar to the tomato juice and mix everything.
    6. Pour into mushrooms and simmer under closed lid for 20 minutes.
    7. The onion is cut into half rings, placed on the bottom of the jars, and filled with honey mushrooms along with the juice.
    8. Cover with lids and place in hot water for sterilization.
    9. Sterilization time for 1 liter jars is 60 minutes, for 0.5 liter jars – 40 minutes.

    Roll up the lids and take them to a cool place.

    Cooking mushrooms for the winter has its peak - late summer and autumn. At this time, you need to have time to collect and prepare mushrooms for future use. Prepared salted mushrooms for the winter, dried and pickled, will be very useful to you later. But first you need to know how to pickle mushrooms for the winter, how to pickle mushrooms for the winter, how to freeze mushrooms for the winter, how to prepare dried mushrooms for the winter, how to cook mushrooms for the winter. Almost all edible mushrooms are suitable for harvesting for the winter: milk mushrooms, chanterelles, russula, honey mushrooms, boletuses, boletuses, butter mushrooms, champignons, volushki, saffron milk caps, and of course porcini mushrooms. Recipes for preparing porcini mushrooms for the winter are very varied, since this mushroom is very tasty and easy to prepare. This is why many people love to collect and cook porcini mushrooms. Recipes for harvesting porcini mushrooms for the winter include all known methods, while many lamellar mushrooms can only be salted.

    Let's start with the question, how to pickle mushrooms for the winter. More often than others, pickling porcini mushrooms for the winter is common. The porcini mushroom is the king of all mushrooms, and pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter are very tasty. Usually we pickle white mushrooms for the winter separately from other mushrooms. When we marinate porcini mushrooms for the winter, we cut large mushrooms into pieces, and marinate small ones whole. These rules, in principle, work when we prepare others pickled mushrooms for the winter. The video recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter will show you all the stages of pickling, show you how to prepare and how to roll mushrooms for the winter. The marinade for mushrooms for the winter is standard: salt, sugar, vinegar and spices. Depending on what kind of pickled mushrooms you want to prepare for the winter, the recipe may contain different types of spices and proportions of marinade ingredients.

    Another way to preserve mushrooms for the winter is to pickle mushrooms for the winter. The recipes will show you how to pickle mushrooms for the winter. Perhaps this is the most ancient way to cook mushrooms for the winter. The recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter may differ for different mushrooms. Some lamellar mushrooms are pre-soaked to remove the bitterness from them. Salted milk mushrooms, volushki, saffron milk caps are classics of the genre, but they require a special approach. Therefore, you should figure out how to salt mushrooms for the winter and which recipe for salted mushrooms for the winter is right for you. For example, salting porcini mushrooms for the winter and salting chanterelle mushrooms will be slightly different. Harvesting for the winter, or rather, salting, is possible in two ways - cold and hot. In both cases, you can prepare salted porcini mushrooms for the winter, chanterelles, milk mushrooms, etc., but hot pickling requires preliminary boiling of the mushrooms, and cold pickling takes longer.

    And if you look at how to boil mushrooms for the winter and how to preserve boiled mushrooms for the winter, then perhaps choose this option for preparing mushrooms. Usually vinegar or boiling sunflower oil is added to boiled mushrooms. After this, the usual preservation of mushrooms for the winter occurs. Recipes for boiling mushrooms may be useful for both pickling mushrooms and hot pickling.

    Drying mushrooms is the choice of lazy people. This way you can prepare boletus, chanterelle, butterdish, porcini mushroom. Preparing dried mushrooms for the winter will pay off handsomely in the form of aromatic mushroom soup or gravy. Again, there are several recipes for drying mushrooms for the winter: in the sun and in the oven. For example, some believe that the preparation of dried porcini mushrooms for the winter should be carried out according to the classic version - drying on a string. But keep in mind that not all mushrooms can be dried. Porcini mushrooms are especially often prepared this way for the winter, since they retain their flavor perfectly. This is perhaps the simplest way to prepare mushrooms for the winter.

    Freezing is also a great way to prepare mushrooms. There are many ways to freeze mushrooms for the winter. You can freeze raw and cooked mushrooms for the winter. So if you have collected a lot of porcini mushrooms and want to save them for the winter, freezing the porcini mushrooms for the winter will help you. Even fried mushrooms can be frozen. If you love fried mushrooms, you should definitely read how to fry mushrooms for the winter. For example, at your service are recipes for fried porcini mushrooms for the winter, fried boletus mushrooms for the winter, and fried chanterelle mushrooms. Recipes for the winter will show you how to preserve mushrooms for the winter in a slow cooker.

    There is more than just storing mushrooms for the winter; the recipes will also help you prepare practically ready-made mushroom dishes for the winter and snacks. This is mushroom pate for the winter, mushroom caviar for the winter, mushroom salad for the winter, mushrooms with vegetables for the winter, cabbage with mushrooms for the winter, solyanka with mushrooms for the winter, etc. In addition to marinade and brine, you can cook mushrooms in tomato for the winter , mushrooms in oil for the winter, mushrooms in fat for the winter. This is how, in particular, fried mushrooms are prepared for the winter. So you have a lot of options on how to close mushrooms for the winter.

    Canned mushrooms for the winter should not be stored for too long. Maximum - 1 year. At the same time, canning mushrooms for the winter does not allow the use of metal lids. Mushrooms for the winter in jars it is better to seal with glass or plastic lids. Sealing mushrooms for the winter is done according to standard rules: sterilization of lids and jars, etc.