How to care for a pet fox. Fox at home Domestic foxes maintenance and care

Today, to the question of what kind of pet you would like to have, you can hear different answers. Someone dreams of a dog (find out), someone dreams of a hamster, and someone is not against having in their house, well, not a pet at all. Let's say, for example, a fox. Children and teenagers especially dream about this. But are foxes suitable for keeping at home? Is it worth having a fox cub in your house, since, as we remind you, he is still a predator?

Our publication today will tell you about all the features of keeping foxes at home. Well, you can draw your own conclusions about whether to have a red-haired “sister” in your home...

Fox as a pet

Biological classification places foxes in the family Canidae and Canidae. But keeping a fox or a dog in your house is far from the same thing. Yes, and, despite all the attempts to domesticate foxes made by zoologists and other specialists, these creatures still did not become domesticated. Although, experts today claim that, according to many of their behavioral traits, foxes are in many ways similar to domestic cats and dogs. But don’t rush to conclude that since theoretically a fox can be tamed, then in practice you will not encounter any difficulties. Although the behavioral traits were similar, only animals that were obedient, easy to relate to, and inquisitive were amenable to domestication and socialization. You are unlikely to be able to accurately evaluate a fox cub that you saw in a cardboard box at the market using these criteria. Therefore, think carefully again before deciding to adopt a wild animal as a pet.

  • If, despite our warning, you still decide to get a fox cub, you should be aware that this is a rather dangerous animal. Both for you and for your children, and even more so for other pets. Therefore, friendship is friendship, and the fox will have to live in a cage or enclosure.
  • You will also need to legally document the fact of her residence - the fact is that many countries prohibit keeping wild animals at home.
  • And, of course, you will need to think in advance about finding a good veterinarian who would agree to take care of such an unusual patient, give him vaccinations and monitor his health.

We won’t talk about such things as the specific smell of a fox that will be in your house, the high probability that you can bring a sick animal into your house, which can infect you and your household members - this is already obvious. And, by and large, the fox has nothing to do with it, it’s just that it’s not really a pet... If you think otherwise, protect yourself as much as possible, first of all, take the fox to the veterinarian, treat it with fleas and worms...

Where is the best place to keep a fox at home?

So, if you are still planning to get a fox cub (only an experienced trainer can handle an adult fox, and it is unlikely that you will be able to tame an adult animal - it is better to release it into the wild so as not to torture and risk your own health and life), you should he needs a cage or aviary. The animal should not live in a cramped environment, but it should feel free in a spacious cage or enclosure. Inside you will need to equip a den in which the fox will hide, and a box that you fill with sand will serve as a toilet. Fortunately, these smart creatures quickly become accustomed to the toilet, and this should not be a problem for you.

Considering that foxes love to dig, jump and climb, and also chew, the cage or enclosure will need to be checked for strength initially - otherwise you will be looking for the fox in the neighbors. Such periodic checks in the future will not hurt.

The cage or enclosure must be locked with a secure lock so that the animal or your children cannot open it.

In order for the cage to be clean, it will need to be cleaned. During such cleaning and tidying, it would be better to temporarily relocate the fox to a less spacious dwelling, which should also be securely locked.

Regarding the fox’s ability to move freely around the house or yard, this is only possible if the animal is absolutely tame, the area is fenced with a high and reliable fence, and you are 100% confident in your fox’s devotion. However, considering that she is still a fox, you shouldn’t really trust her, nor should you let the animal roam around the house or apartment unattended.

What to feed a fox at home

This point is a little easier. Foxes are practically omnivores. So, you can adapt your pet to any diet, however, if you want your fox to be healthy and not get sick, we would recommend that you feed him a high-quality dog ​​food (read more about). This diet can be varied with berries and fruits, as well as vegetables.

Of course, the menu of a fox, which, let us remember, is a wild animal and a predator, should contain products that could remind it of the food of wild foxes from the canine family. But feeding your pet bones and raw fish is strictly prohibited. You may experience digestive problems in the future. And, as for meat by-products, beef tripe, cartilage, trachea, spleen, chicken offal are suitable.

Little foxes can be given milk and dairy products.

How to tame a fox

In the circus, you can often see red and black-brown foxes among other trained animals. This is no accident. These animals lend themselves well to training and taming; you can even teach a fox to walk on a leash. In principle, if you have experience in taming, training, etc., you should not have problems with a fox. If there is no such experience, in order for the animal to be well-mannered, it will not prevent him from training several times with an experienced dog trainer.

And, most importantly, the more time and attention you devote to this animal, the more affectionate and tame it will be. You can even play with your fox, although you will have to give up aggressive games, as well as games that involve fighting, the use of force - there is no need to awaken wild tendencies in your pet. Having played too much, the fox can attack you in earnest. And the consequences of her bites can be very sad.

For games you can use special toys - balls, .

If you have children, no matter how tame your fox is, during their games together, do not leave them unattended, since at any moment the fox can turn from affectionate into wild and aggressive, which will not be so easy to deal with .

The Fennec fox is a very popular animal recently, which is often kept at home. You can learn about all the secrets of the content from the article.

Many people are interested - can a little Fenech, who lives in the wild, become the favorite of the whole family at home? The answer to this question is positive. But before you get a fox, you need to have an idea of ​​how to care for it, how to feed it, and what conditions it needs. You will also have to find out in advance how this animal behaves at home, what it needs for normal existence and development.

Domestic Fennec fox: description

  • fennec is a miniature animal that belongs to the genus of foxes in the canine family. The animal, if translated from Arabic, is called “fox”. But the scientific name of the animal is “dry fox”.
  • It is from this that you can understand where exactly the animal lives. Places where the fox is found: the desert of the Arabian Peninsula, as well as in many regions of Africa.
  • To this day, there is a dispute between scientists - can this animal be called a “fox”? Since the behavior of the animal, its body structure differs from other varieties of foxes.
  • fennec does not have the musk glands that other foxes have. She does not like to live alone; this animal is considered social.

Fennec fox is a small animal. It has the following distinctive body features:

  • Chanterelle even smaller than a house cat. The height at the withers is no more than 22 cm. The animal’s body is maximum 40 cm long. But the fox’s tail is long, sometimes reaching the same size as the whole body. Fenech's weight is no more than 1 kg 500 g.
  • has a pointed muzzle, but at the same time her eyes are quite large.
  • The animal's ears are large. They can be up to 15 cm in height. But nature did not give these ears to the fox for luxury. Thanks to them, the animal can hear any smallest rustle, and therefore never misses its own prey.
  • Fenech can be without water for a long time. But at the same time, the fox must always have food that contains liquid. The main feature of Fenech’s behavior is the possibility Jump in length up to 1 m 20 cm, in height - up to 70 cm.

Fenech Fox: care and maintenance at home

  • perfectly amenable to taming. It is easy to maintain; with normal care at home, a fox can even give birth to offspring.
  • If you pay attention to the little animal, raise it correctly, and tame it at home, the animal will become obedient. But there are some difficulties in keeping a fox.
  • You will have to purchase a large cage or create a separate room with sand on the floor. There the fox will dig a hole for himself.
  • Long, difficult period training Fenech to litter box. If you do not change the sand on time, there may be a bad smell in the house.
  • Sometimes it is very difficult to find a specialist who can treat this exotic animal.
  • Fox Fennec, like a pet, requires special attention. Due to its easy-going nature, the animal easily gets along with any inhabitants of the home and with other pets.

  • But we all know that fox- This is a nocturnal inhabitant, therefore, at night her instinct of a real hunter awakens. The animal digs holes in the dark, runs around rooms, and sweeps away everything in its path.
  • Make sure that the animal has enough space or even a separate room where the fox will feel comfortable.

Drafts and low room temperatures can be dangerous for your pet. Colds are difficult for foxes to tolerate and cannot always be cured. Therefore, give the animal the necessary vaccinations so that it does not develop an infectious disease.

Feeding the Fennec fox

  • In nature, in the wild fennec fox prefers to eat small animals and insects. The diet also contains roots and herbs that grow mainly in the desert.
  • In natural conditions, Fenech eats locusts, beetles, lizards, birds and their eggs, rodents and other small animals. And the fox eats plants only in small quantities. Conclusion: The animal's diet consists mainly of protein foods.
  • At home, you should follow the same dietary rules. If you feed your pet incorrectly, various health problems may arise. The fox's body is built in such a way that it does not process a lot of plant fiber. Keep this in mind, and do not forget, if you give the animal a lot of plant food, it will have problems with digestion.

  • In addition, this cute animal has weak jaws and small teeth that are adapted for chewing insects. The animal's nutrition will be closer to its natural diet, and it will feel and develop better. But, if the animal’s diet lacks small mammals and insects, it may develop liver disease.
  • Your fox should eat every day mealworms, crickets and other insects in large numbers.
  • Give your fox lean meat in its raw state all the time. If possible, give small mice.
  • Additional Fenech food – vegetables(fresh or frozen). The maximum serving is 2 tsp per day. Please note that the animal should not be given corn, carrots, or grains. The fox's body does not digest such food well.

  • Give fruits in minimal quantities. The animal should receive some treats.
  • Dried fruits(figs or dates) will definitely please the fox. She will also love cherries.
  • But don't forget that Fenech's main diet should consist only of meat products. The animal needs a diet that contains a lot of protein.
  • Keep an eye on the animal's feces. If your fox constantly eats grains and vegetables, you will notice undigested particles of these products in the feces.
  • If you have doubts about the animal’s nutrition, you think that it receives few vitamins and minerals, let’s fox Vionate. You need to give vitamins only 2 times a week.
  • Also add to your diet taurine, which is available in capsules. Open one capsule and add the powder to vegetables or worms. Give it like the previous drug.

How to litter train a Fennec fox?

  • A miniature fox, as a rule, lives in a separate room or in a large cage. If you want to train your pet to use a litter box, you will definitely succeed, but some difficulties cannot be ruled out. Sometimes “misses” can happen, especially if the pet is in an excited state.
  • There are some animal owners who taught them to walk fennec fox on the diaper. You can use this method if your pet will be constantly in one place.
  • Who is better to buy? girl or boy Fennec? What role do spaying and neutering play?

  • If you take a female, then after sterilization her character does not change at all. The same cannot be said about males. They become calm and affectionate.
  • Males are by nature more obedient than females. The latter, as a rule, are shy and very nimble. When accustoming a female to the tray, keep in mind that after sterilization, the animal’s urine becomes less pungent in smell.

How does the Fennec fox play?

  • These foxes are quite talkative. They make sounds reminiscent of a dog barking. Also fennec foxes They can “purr”, sometimes growl, even snarl. Fennec foxes sometimes make beautiful sounds, similar to birdsong. They do this at night.
  • The fox periodically howls pitifully, whines, and grumbles when she wants to play, have fun, and communicate. If you come home and call Fenech to play, the animal will begin to squeal loudly with pleasure.
  • At night the fox loves to make noise. Therefore, give her a room located away from the bedroom. There are also quiet individuals. They are able to make calm sounds when greeting their owner in the morning.

  • Many owners let Fenech out of the cage at night so that the animal can walk around the apartment. But it's better not to do this. An unattended fox grabs everything in its mouth, so it can choke.
  • Also, the fox often tries to play with its owners and scratch itself with sharp claws.
  • But there are Fennec cats that can adapt to the owner’s daily routine. At night they sleep.

If you buy a Fennec fox, you can easily train it to play only during the day. Take care of your pet during the day, in the evening, and play with him. You will notice that by night the animal will run out of energy and the pet will want to sleep. This way, over time, you will teach him to play and lead an active lifestyle only during the day.

  • If a fox is constantly alone, it barks. There are also individuals who never do this. They can make sounds that resemble yelps.
  • Fenech can yap when excited (while walking outside, when playing with the owner, and so on).

Fennec Fox: walking outside

  • If you periodically walk your fox on the street, she will be happy to accompany you. You just have to understand that if an animal gets too cold, it can get sick. Therefore, during cold weather (autumn, winter), leave fennec fox Houses.
  • If you are with a pet walk in the summer Be sure to take him out on a harness; you should not wear a collar. Fenech will break out of it, and therefore the animal can run far. In addition, you may encounter a situation where a small tug can damage your pet's neck.

  • While walking, carefully keep an eye on the animal. Dogs that walk on the street can cause aggression in Fenech. Therefore, walk the fox early in the morning or late in the evening.

Fennec fox and other pets

  • Fox Fennec- This is an animal that can get along with other pets. The fox will not make friends with those individuals that it can eat.
  • Fenech loves to play with dogs and cats. But sometimes foxes may not share the interests of these animals. Yes, she will get along with them, but it is better not to leave the fox alone with these animals.
  • Hamsters, rats, domestic and outdoor birds will not be friends with Fenech - they will be excellent for the fox booty. Therefore, if there are birds and rodents in the apartment, it is better for Fenech not to meet them.

Fennec fox at home: advantages, disadvantages

From descriptions and characteristics fennec foxes, which were described above, only one conclusion suggests itself - keeping an animal at home has its pros and cons.


  • The fox is considered a decorative, exotic animal.
  • The animal is active and loves to play.
  • It is easy to care for.
  • Fenech is not picky when it comes to nutrition.
  • Gets along with many pets.
  • If you care for a fox properly, it can live up to 15 years.


  • Fenech is relatively expensive. You will have to spend a considerable amount at the first stage of the animal’s development.
  • In order to tame a fox, you need a lot of time, patience, and effort.
  • Fennec fox sometimes marks its own territory.
  • The animal is often active at night.
  • Often throws things around the house.
  • It is difficult to find a doctor for an exotic animal if it is sick.
  • There are aggressive individuals.
  • If there is a small one in the house child, fennec fox can't start.

Fenech Fox at home: reviews

As a rule, many owners claim that It’s possible to have a Fennec fox at home. It only takes time for the animal to get used to home conditions.

  • Marina: “Many people are worried about whether this wild animal can be kept at home? Yes, you can. The fox does not pose a danger to other household members. But it will take time to accustom your pet to order. To begin with, we accustomed the fox to us, then to our dog. Then we decided to teach Fenech to go to the toilet in a litter tray and behave calmly at home. We spent several months on this. One huge plus, thanks to which you don’t regret spending time - keeping Fenech is a great pleasure.”
  • Sergey: “If you decide to get this animal, evaluate your own capabilities. The animal needs its own doctor at least to get a rabies vaccination. Also keep in mind that raising a Fenech is a challenging task. It is necessary to accustom your pet to the tray, to walk during the day, but not at night. You will face many difficulties, but it will be worth it.”
  • Svetlana: “Fenech is a beautiful, sweet fox. The animal is affectionate and kind. But for Fenech to get used to you, it will take a lot of time. You should also know that foxes often dig minks. If you do not make a room with sand for it, the animal may build a house under the bed or in the closet. The fox has wild habits, so try to create appropriate conditions for it.”

Video: Eared animal

On a lonely and sad evening, you sat down and thought about how great it would be if there was some kind of animal nearby. Preferably unusual and funny, but at the same time loyal and loving. You remembered that foxes belong to the canine family, and dogs are the most loyal friends. Then you thought that it would be great to have a fox next to you - it’s beautiful, and unusual, and it warms your soul. But questions, questions languished in your head and did not let you sleep: where to buy? What is the price? Can I keep it at home? Should I go for a walk with her? TVR has heard your thoughts and is answering your questions.

Is it even possible to keep a fox at home?

It is possible, but not all of them. We interviewed a dozen fox owners and those who keep them on their property.

Everyone agrees on one thing - you can keep a domestic fox in the house, but not a domesticated one.

To make the difference clearer, let’s explain: a domestic fox is one that was bred specifically to be kept in an apartment. She is tame, non-aggressive and easy to train. A domesticated fox is one that was brought from the forest and kept in conditions familiar to us.

Many not the most honest breeders sell puppies of domesticated foxes under the guise of domestic ones. Alas, such a purchase will cost you, although cheaper, but more painful. Sooner or later, the animal will begin to show its instincts, attack others, scream at night and literally go crazy from the fact that it is cramped.

By the way, real domestic foxes appeared quite recently - in 2011. The breed was bred at the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics.

Price issue

You can rummage through the advertisements and find an Arctic fox, unusual even for foxes. A puppy of this breed is worth it too 15 thousand rubles .

In Vladivostok, advertisements for the sale of foxes appear very rarely. At the time of publication, we managed to find only one - about the sale of two one-year-old foxes, which were once purchased for breeding. Judging by the photographs, the animal is domesticated, as evidenced by the words of the seller:

The male does not allow anyone to stroke him, only my son. They take treats from their hands. We feed him premium dry food, and additionally give him chicken, apples, berries, cabbage... At home they go to the litter box. It is advisable to keep it in an aviary.

How to live with her?

Foxes have a very specific character - they are loyal, like dogs, and independent, like cats. Therefore, the process of “getting along” with the animal will take a long period.

In general, they are playful and trusting, so you will make friends quickly.

But the moment when you stop “quarreling” on everyday grounds cannot be precisely determined. It is known that a fox will take root in your house faster if there is already an animal there. For example, a cat or a dog. Experienced owners say that they develop very good friendships.

It is worth buying a leash for the fox and taking it outside from time to time. It is not necessary to do this as often as if you had a dog; it is enough to accustom the fox to the tray.

By the way, they are easy to train.

However, while walking, watch the animal as carefully as possible! A careless fox may begin to grab glass and other dangerous objects with its teeth. However, dogs also suffer from this during puppyhood. Don't worry about food - foxes are omnivores and happily eat both animal and plant products. Many breeders simply feed the animal dog food.

And finally, a video about how a fox lives in a house:

Check your local pet regulations. In some cases, local regulations may prohibit keeping foxes at home. Even if there are no such prohibitions, you should remember that the fox is an exotic pet and you may need official permission to keep it. Be sure to study the legislative part of the issue before getting yourself a fox.

  • Check your local pet regulations. Even if regional laws allow keeping foxes, it may be prohibited by the rules of your locality.
  • You can search for regional legislative acts on the website of the legal reference system “ConsultantPlus”.

Find a veterinarian. Look for a veterinarian who is willing to deal with foxes. The fox will definitely need veterinary care. She will need to be spayed (neutered), vaccinated, taken for regular checkups and treated periodically, just like any other pet.

  • Not all veterinarians will be willing to work with such an exotic pet as a fox. So be sure to find someone who agrees to this.
  • You should find a veterinarian before the fox arrives at your home. Otherwise, subsequently finding a veterinarian who works with animals that are not typically considered pets can be quite difficult.
  • Annual preventive visits to the veterinarian will help you keep your fox in good health.
  • Keep your pet's entire medical history in case he develops any problems.
  • Consider the presence of other pets. Do not purchase a fox if you already have other pets that are smaller than it. In the wild, foxes feed on small animals and should be kept away from them, especially birds and rodents.

    Buy food for the fox. Foxes are omnivores, so they can eat a wide variety of foods. Purchase a high-quality medium-sized dog food for your pet and consult with your veterinarian about other supplemental food options for your fox.

    Be careful when choosing food for your fox. Work with your veterinarian to make a list of foods that should not be given to your fox. Never give your pet anything that is harmful to dogs or cats. For example, the following products can be harmful to a fox:

    • avocado;
    • caffeine;
    • chocolate;
    • grapes and raisins;
    • green eggplants;
    • pepper;
    • tomatoes;
    • green potatoes;
    • macadamia and walnuts;
    • pits and seeds of apples, cherries and peaches;
    • xylitol.
  • When walking, keep your fox wearing a collar with a tag and on a leash. On the street, the fox should either be in an enclosure behind a fence, or be on a leash under your control. Remember that foxes are capable of strangling other animals (including neighbor's pets) even in the absence of hunger. Be sure to provide your fox with a collar with an information tag so it won't be confused with a wild fox if it manages to escape.

    Foxes as pets are gaining popularity. Compared to spiders and chameleons, this fluffy, playful animal with a reputation for cunning has great advantages and evokes universal affection. Meanwhile, her appearance is deceiving. The bushy-tailed red pet requires a special approach and a prepared owner. Fox breeders warn: a domestic fox is not what it seems. And before you decide to purchase such an extraordinary pet, you need to carefully study the features of its maintenance and soberly assess your capabilities.

    When did the fox become a pet?

    The domestic fox has the personality traits of both a cat and a dog.

    According to the biological classification, the fox belongs to the canine family and is closely related to dogs, wolves and coyotes. But unlike the dog, the fox never became a 100% domestic animal, although people tried to do so.

    For example, in the USSR in the middle of the last century, a long experiment on the domestication of foxes took place. A group of scientists from the Novosibirsk Institute of Cytology and Genetics, led by Dmitry Belyaev, tried to breed domesticated tame foxes. They took as a basis the breed of common foxes, the silver-black population as the most susceptible to the process of domestication.

    During the experiment, a new group was bred, differing from their wild relatives in a greater degree of obedience and affection for humans.

    But not all types of foxes were tamed, but only the most inquisitive and easy to contact. The predator genes continued to make themselves felt and did not completely disappear. For this reason, scientists were forced to admit that the fox as a pet requires special precautions when handling.

    Scientists set out to change the behavioral reactions of the fox, but during the selection, external changes were also noted. The resulting domestic fox was not only playful and friendly, but also had a different coloration. Decreased melanin and adrenaline resulted in white spots and blue eyes, curled tails and floppy ears.

    Description and colors

    The most common and beloved color of the domestic fox is red.

    The domestic fox breed has two main colors - red and black-brown. But there are also pure white specimens, although more often the white color is present in the form of cute “collars” and “socks”.

    The weight of a silver fox or red fox reaches 6 kg. Females are usually larger than males.

    The muzzle of the domestic variety is less elongated than that of the usual one and has a rounded shape. The ears are drooping, the tail is slightly curved upward.

    It has also become fashionable to keep a fennec fox, an African desert fox, as a pet. Fenechs differ from ordinary ones in their tiny size (2 kg), huge ears (15 cm) and extremely long tail (30 cm).

    The big ears and cute face of the fennec cat will not leave anyone indifferent

    Such proportions might seem strange and even ugly, but not in this case. An extremely cute creature with expressive eyes on an elongated, lop-eared muzzle has long won the hearts of the local population.

    The color of the coat of the African fox is not as bright red as that of its common relative, and is as close as possible to the color of sand for camouflage. The fur on the belly is white. By the way, fennecs are born entirely white and turn yellow as they grow older.

    The large ears and eyes of the fennec are a clever idea of ​​nature. The size of the eyes allows the desert fox to be a vigilant night hunter, and the increased ear size plays the role of a kind of air conditioner, cooling the animal’s body in hot desert conditions.

    Pros and cons

    Do not forget that the fox is a predator, and, succumbing to instincts, it can bite its owner

    Whatever fox you choose - a descendant of a red or silver fox, a baby fennec fox - you should remember that this animal requires special conditions of maintenance and care, as well as a trained owner. A domestic fox is not a dog. She will not run to your leg at the first call and it is useless to expect dog loyalty from her. And you can’t compare her with a cat either. The genes of a wild predator and an unpredictable temperament make living with a domestic fox a rather risky proposition, especially for families with small children.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a fox as a pet:

    • Not every country allows you to keep a fox at home.
    • The smell of fox is strong and unpleasant.
    • The animal is a loner by nature, independent and on its own mind. It is difficult to predict the course of his thoughts, as well as to control his behavior.
    • The fox is a burrow inhabitant. You need to be prepared for the fact that she will dig in the house - on the sofa, under the sofa and in other places
    • Active and inquisitive. Will vigorously develop the territory. You always need to be on your guard, otherwise you won’t be able to avoid chewed up pants and puddles on the carpets.
    • Even the female marks her territory.
    • Poor toilet training.
    • Screams at night.
    • Bites.
    • Jumps high, especially the fennec.
    • Domestic hamsters, mice, rabbits and chinchillas are prey for foxes, not friends.
    • Active and inquisitive. You won't get bored with her.

    You should prepare for the appearance of a domestic fox in your apartment like you would for the arrival of a noisy, clumsy and playful child. This means that it is necessary to remove from its access area everything that could pose a danger and threat to life, as well as things that are valuable and dear to your home.

    The fox should have its own place - a cage with a den and a toilet, where it should be locked during the absence of its owners, so as not to return to a ruined apartment.

    The animal will also need:

    • bowls (for food and water);
    • toilet/diaper filler;
    • bedding - hay;
    • sand (for fennec);
    • leash and harness for walking.

    It is important to periodically walk your domestic fox; for this you can use harnesses or leashes and dog collars

    In a private house it is easier to create conditions for maintenance. Red and silver foxes can live outside all year round - in an enclosure with a booth. Experts also advise making a small elevation in it in a sunny place - a kind of solarium for foxes.

    Sunlight must penetrate into the enclosure

    Fennec foxes are African foxes; they cannot live in the cold. Therefore, keeping them outside in the Russian winter is not suitable for them.

    Domestic foxes have inherited sharp claws from their wild ancestors that need to be trimmed periodically. This procedure is carried out using a muzzle, which the fox has been accustomed to since childhood.

    The fox does not need to be combed, with the exception of the molting period, which occurs at the beginning of spring and lasts 3-4 weeks. Combed wool will not only reduce the duration of shedding by a quarter, but is also valuable for craftsmen and artists who create various crafts and woolen items.

    There is no need to wash the fox. She takes care of her skin on her own, licking it like a cat. Frequent bathing can dry out the skin and cause dermatitis. Only fox cubs that are not clean are washed, no more than 2 times a month. Moreover, water is used at room temperature.

    If a snowy or marbled fox begins to darken, then the conditions of detention and diet should be reconsidered.

    What to feed

    As with any domestic animal, the diet of a domestic fox should be balanced

    Foxes have a reputation as omnivores. And this is partly true, with the exception of some details.

    The following foods should not be given to domestic foxes for the following reasons:

    • Broccoli is toxic to animals.
    • Yeast dough causes fermentation in the intestines and increased gas formation.
    • Potatoes and peppers provoke diarrhea.
    • Tubular bones (raw, cooked) can damage the esophagus and cause enteritis.
    • Milk and dairy products cause diarrhea. Give only for constipation and poisoning.
    • Sweets cause obesity, tooth decay, and diabetes.
    • Plums and peaches are toxic to animals. Suitable in minimal doses.
    • Persimmon causes intestinal obstruction and enteritis.
    • Citrus fruits can cause vomiting and an allergic reaction.
    • Onions and garlic contribute to the development of anemia.
    • Chocolate, coffee, tea. Caffeine causes diarrhea, vomiting, and is toxic to the heart and nervous system.
    • Pork is too fatty.
    • Sausage contains preservatives and spices.
    • Bread is often an allergen for the canine family.

    The ideal diet is that of a predator in the wild. For example, fennec cats in natural conditions feed on bird eggs, catch small reptiles and insects, and adore locusts. They also do not disdain plant roots and tree fruits. They get all the moisture they need from food and can go without water for a long time.

    When kept at home, fennec cats are fed fruits (figs, dates), vegetables, and raw meat. Domestic foxes - minced meat, boiled fish, raw eggs, low-fat cottage cheese (once a week), vegetables (carrots, zucchini) and fruits (grapes, pear).

    Fenechs love to eat fruit, but don’t forget to give them other food as well.

    You need to immediately decide on the type of food: natural or ready-made. Dog food of at least premium class is suitable for feeding foxes. The category is selected based on the size of the animal. For ordinary domestic foxes, food is suitable for medium breeds of dogs, for fennec foxes - for small, decorative ones.

    Diseases and treatment

    Like any pet, a fox needs care and attention. The state of health directly depends on the quality of its maintenance and diet. The animal must be regularly shown to the veterinarian and promptly vaccinated, especially against rabies.

    Any change in the pet's behavior and appearance - loss of appetite, lethargy, apathy, dull fur, dry, warm nose, watery eyes, frequent sneezing - should be a signal to contact a veterinarian. This may be a sign of a dangerous disease: plague, rabies, parovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis, salmonellosis, streptococcal infection, leptospirosis, ringworm, toxoplasmosis, piroplasmosis and a number of others.

    A domestic fox must have a separate bowl for food and water.

    A good fox cage should have 4 qualities:

    • Be spacious.
    • Durable so that the animal cannot make an unauthorized escape.
    • With a secluded lair.
    • With a toilet - a cat litter box or a box with sand.

    In the apartment, the foxes are often given a balcony. This is a good option for an ordinary fox, which is hot in the apartment in the summer, but is not suitable for a fennec fox, which needs a warm (at least +20 degrees), dry room all year round.

    Before moving the fox onto the balcony, it needs to be prepared.

    A good balcony for keeping a fox should be glazed and have:

    • Tiled floor.
    • A booth-hole.
    • No sharp or fragile objects.
    • Strong wire mesh on the window frame for ventilation. Heat is destructive for a fox.

    The best conditions for a fennec cat are a separate room or part of a room with an equipped partition. Fenech loves to bury itself in the sand. He does this with phenomenal speed. It is advisable to provide him with this bulk material so that he can realize his natural instinct.

    The long-eared fox has very sensitive hearing - the noises of the big city disturb her, so she needs to choose a place away from the central streets and passageways.

    Fenechs are also night hunters. They become active at dusk. The noise they make will disturb the sleep of other residents of the apartment.

    Fenechs are extremely jumpy. Everything that is at a meter height is within their access zone.

    In autumn and winter, fennec foxes are not walked and protected from drafts.

    The best conditions are outdoor cage keeping.

    Hay is an ideal bedding for a domestic fox kept in an enclosure.

    An outdoor enclosure must have not only walls, but also a roof and floor (foundation). Such precautions are necessary to prevent the escape of a cunning pet, prone to digging (the walls of the enclosure are buried 1 m 20 cm) and jumping in height.

    The enclosure is equipped with:

    • a container with sand for digging;
    • shelves and elevations for climbing;
    • a den-kennel for privacy;
    • tray with sand for the toilet;
    • bowls of food and water.

    When keeping a fox outdoors, you need to pay attention - spend at least 4 hours with it every day, walk it. If this is not done, the connection with the animal will be lost and it will go wild.

    Breeding at home

    In captivity, foxes reproduce poorly. And breeding them without the necessary skills and knowledge is not a very reasonable decision. Usually this is done by professional fox breeders and on order, so as not to create problems with the further sale of fox cubs.

    For pet keeping, animals are castrated. This helps reduce the specific unpleasant odor and aggressiveness that worsens during the rut/estrus. The castration procedure is carried out at 6–9 months of age, when puberty begins.

    How long do domestic foxes live?

    In captivity, they live 15–20 years, provided they are properly maintained and fed. Fenechs - 10–13 years.

    Character and education

    If a fox is constantly treated kindly, it will become more tame.

    As with any pet, you need to speak the language of love with a fox. Initially, there is no need to have illusions and draw analogies with dog devotion. You will have to be patient, especially during the first year of your pet’s life. If you follow the chosen course and establish contact with the animal, you can get a smart, funny friend who reciprocates warmth and care.

    Raising a fox cub begins from the first days it appears in the house.

    Fox is a night hunter. In the wild, its activity occurs in the dark, which is not suitable for home living. You can transfer the fox cub to daytime mode in the following way: you need to provide him with activities and tire him to such an extent that at night he sleeps “without his hind legs.” As a rule, this is achieved through games and attention. It is necessary to provide the pet with a sufficient set of toys so that it does not feel sad or bored in the absence of its owners.

    The animal must know the command “Fu!” Training is carried out using the “carrot and no carrot” method, that is, you can give a treat for a completed command and not give it if the pet does not obey.

    Fox breeders advise using only non-contact punishment methods. Physical pressure is not applicable to the fox - it will move away and contact will be lost, perhaps forever.

    The fox has a very good memory and is smart. It is enough to lock your pet in a cage or skip one feeding for an offense. The lesson will be learned! You can clap your hands and shout if the cheat is caught committing a crime, but it is useless to do this when the pillow was “eaten” 20 minutes ago. Lisa won't understand anything. In general, the best way to protect your property from the pranks of the red beast is to remove valuables from the animal’s field of view and access and give it good physical exercise every day so that there is no energy left for mischief.

    Foxes are very energetic, so they need to be walked and constantly played with.

    Many of the habits of foxes are similar to those of dogs. For example, they also wag their tail when they are happy and in the mood to play. They press their ears back when they are afraid and put their belly up as a sign of reconciliation and complete trust. Like dogs, they do not like to be alone and enjoy attention and company. Foxes are also susceptible to learning. They can easily be taught a number of commands and walking on a leash, especially if you already have experience in dog training.

    There is a lot in their character from cats. They also love to play in boxes and are easily litter trained. Foxes also love to be petted. And they themselves choose the time and place for this. In their independence and individualism, foxes are more cat than dog.

    How to tame a pet fox

    Speak her language

    To tame a fox, it is important to learn to understand its sounds and body language. They will tell you what mood the animal is in and how it feels.

    For example, the drawn-out “oo-ru-ru” is the call of a fox cub missing its mother. The first days in someone else's house he makes this exact sound. Whining combined with a wagging tail means joy. But if, whining, the animal hid in a corner - this is a completely different emotion, meaning “Don’t touch me!”

    A fox makes a sharp sound, similar to a cough, when it is about to bite, defending itself from an offender or protecting its property.

    Use her habits

    Considering that foxes are very smart, cunning and curious, you can play on these qualities to achieve your goal. For example, try to outsmart the prankster. If she steals a sock, do not try to take it away by force, but offer a “fair exchange” - give a toy, diverting the pet’s attention from the sock.

    Be patient

    Don't expect immediate results from your efforts. Be prepared for the fact that taming a fox is a long and labor-intensive process and not always successful. For example, only 60% of foxes can be tamed to the tray. And those, from time to time, relieve themselves in the wrong place.

    Don't waste time on your pet

    Practice shows that the more time the owner spends with his unusual pet, the faster and more successful the process of socialization of the animal is. As a result, the fox turns out to be a peaceful, affectionate, attached animal.

    Animal games

    Suitable toys are those sold in pet stores and intended for cats and dogs.

    Domestic foxes are playful creatures. It is important for the owner to take this fact into account when taking advantage of it. Firstly, during games, contact is established with the animal. Secondly, it provides physical exercise and a release of accumulated energy. Thirdly, it is better to let a toy suffer than the legs of a chair or the upholstery of a sofa.

    It is important to choose the right games. They should not contain elements of struggle and aggression. The best options are with a ball or searching for a hidden object. Catching a wind-up mouse is also suitable.

    Fox breeders do not recommend using plush, fleece toys - they won’t last long, the fox will deal with them in no time. And besides, they resemble the upholstery of forbidden objects - a sofa, pillows, which confuses the animal. It is recommended to choose toys that sound and move - they attract the attention of the domestic predator, make her think and move.

    An animal's toy arsenal must have at least 5 different toys. They do not need to be posted all at once, but should be replaced as interest in them wanes.

    The domestic fox is not the easiest pet to keep. She will never stop wanting to dig, tag, sing at night and steal socks. It is impossible to get rid of its pungent smell and achieve complete obedience and dog devotion. But if you have patience and stock up on a fair amount of tenderness and care, you can get a wonderful companion, well-mannered, sensitive and playful. Only true love allows you to create real miracles.