Nominative and accusative cases of nouns.


Write down suggestions. Put questions to nouns. Underline nouns in the nominative case.

1. A good fellow went into the upper room and took out a harp. 2. When the king heard about Alena the Beautiful, he could not sit still. 3. Baba Yaga fed the guest and gave him something to drink. 4. The Serpent Gorynych flew around the whole wide world in one night. 5. The miracle Yudo is going to attack their land, destroy all people, burn cities and villages with fire. 6. The sons console their father and mother. 7. Ivan Tsarevich broke the egg, took out a needle and let’s break the end of it. 8. An egg fell into the blue sea.

(From Russian fairy tales)


1. Listen to the sentences. Write nouns in the nominative case in one column, and in the accusative case in the other.

1. A pedestrian must cross the street only when the light is green. 2, Thick ice covered the lake. 3. My brother really loved chess. 4. The hunter made his way through the thick reeds. 5. Sand was brought into our yard. 6. The letter is placed in an envelope. 7. Autumn looks out the window. 8. Water floods the meadow.

2. Select and write sentences with nouns in the accusative case.

1. We went to the field. A strong wind was blowing in the field.

2. I looked at the sea. There was a storm at sea.

3. I wrote a letter. The letter is on the table.

3. Complete the sentences using plots from your favorite books and cartoons.

1. In one of A. Pushkin’s fairy tales, the sage gave the king…. 2. In another fairy tale by A. Pushkin, an old man caught ... from the sea. 3. In “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” the prince killed with a bow... and freed.... 4. In the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood, the Gray Wolf ate…. 5. Cinderella lost… at the ball. 6. Winnie the Pooh gave Donkey..., Piglet -..., Owl -.... 7. In the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!” The wolf can't catch... 8. Uncle Fyodor took ... with him to Prostokvashino. 9. Cheburashka found himself a best friend -….

4. Listen to the sentences. Write them down, replacing singular nouns with plural nouns.

1. The girl embroidered a towel. 2. In spring, the herd goes out to pasture. 3. A beautiful building was built in the new area. 4. I take the key with me every day. 5. A sparrow was sitting on a branch. 6. It's a difficult time.


1. Underline nouns in the nominative case. Indicate the endings in them.


There were many different toys on the table. What caught my eye most was the wonderful palace made of cardboard. Through the small windows one could see the palace chambers. In front of the palace there was a round mirror. It depicted a lake. Wax swans swam along it and admired their reflection. It was all very nice. But the sweetest of all was the young lady. She was cut out of paper and dressed in a skirt made of the finest fabric. She had a narrow blue ribbon in the form of a scarf going over her shoulder. The young lady was a dancer. She stood on one leg, arms outstretched.

85 words. (According to G. Andersen)


A small wild teal duck decided to move her ducklings from the forest to the lake. It was a long way. A man, a hawk, a fox could see a bird family. The mother did not let the ducklings out of sight. Then the guys noticed the chicks and wanted to catch them. The mother flapped her wings, ran with her beak open, and flew in different directions. Then she rushed to save her children. She shouted something loudly to them and ran into the field. The children obeyed her, quickly lined up and ran to the lake. The family continued on their way.

80 words. (According to M. Prishvin)

2. Underline nouns in the accusative case. Indicate the endings in them.


1. To tell the truth, you don’t need many words. 2. Take care of your dress again, and your honor from a young age. 3. Don’t go into the water without knowing the ford. 4. Eats for an ox, but works for a mosquito. 5. Cloudberries are not collected twice from the same swamp. 6. Quiet water washes away the shores.


The basket hit the ground with force and overturned. Avoska grabbed Neboska with his hands, and together they fell out of the basket. Behind them, the rest of the shorties fell like peas. Only Dunno held on to the edge of the basket. Bulka grabbed his trousers with his teeth. The ball hit the ground, jumped up, described a huge arc in the air and sank down again. The basket hit the ground again and was dragged. The ball hit something hard and burst with a deafening crash. The air journey is over.

75 words. (According to N. Nosov)

Dictations on the topic “Spelling case endings of nouns”

"Rare Guest"

The guys lived in a village near the forest. At the edge of the forest, under a fir tree, they set up a bird canteen. Spruce branches protected the feeder from the blizzard. The children have been preparing food for the birds since the fall. Today the boys walked along a narrow path to visit friends. On the tablecloth of snow you can see fox, hare, and bird tracks. Frost decorated the birch tree with frost. The titmouse was already having breakfast in the house. A flock of goldfinches flew from the thicket to the feeder. Suddenly a squirrel appeared at the top of the tree. The animal looked around and jumped onto the bird's house. The rare guest deftly began to eat the berries from the mountain ash cluster. (85 words)

Grammar task:
  1. Parse the third sentence according to the members of the sentence (underline the main members, write down phrases, after each noun in the phrase indicate declension and case).
  2. Above each singular noun, indicate the case (for example, in the second, or third, or fourth sentence).
  3. Write down one noun of each type of declension, first in the form in which this noun is given in the sentence, then in the initial form.


Early in the morning I go to the neighboring grove. It’s good and joyful in my soul this spring! In front of me are rows of white birches. Golden rays of the sun play through the leaves on the grass. Birds sing loudly in the thicket of bushes and trees. The sounds of their songs spread throughout the surrounding area. Real spring is in full swing.

In a deep ravine near a birch grove a cold spring gurgles. I’ll sit on a stump by the key, take out a mug and a piece of bread. It’s nice to drink cold spring water and breathe deeply the air filled with the joy of life! (82 words)

Grammar task:
  1. Parse the sentence:
    I option. A light breeze plays in the green trees.
    Option II. The sun pours hot rays onto the earth.
  2. Indicate the cases of nouns and adjectives in the sentence:
    Festive fireworks flashed in the night sky.

Test dictation “How a man removed a stone”

In a square in one city there lay a huge stone. It took up a lot of space and interfered with the passage of a horse. They called in engineers and asked for help in removing the stone.

The first one suggested using gunpowder to break the stone into pieces and take them away. He requested payment of eight thousand rubles. Another engineer came up with the idea of ​​placing a large roller under the stone and dumping it in the wasteland. The cost will be six thousand rubles.

And one man undertook to remove the stone for a hundred rubles. He came up with the idea of ​​digging a hole near the stone, dumping it there and leveling it with earth.

The man did just that. He was given a hundred rubles for his work and a hundred rubles for his clever invention. (99 words)

Grammar task:
  1. Write down one phrase each with nouns of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declension. Highlight the endings of nouns, determine the case.
  2. Parse the noun as a part of speech (for) fiction.
  3. *Make a proverb from the words. Change the endings of nouns. Mother, no, you’ll find something better, friend.

"Night Guest"

Our yard was covered with snow. We walk from door to gate along a narrow path. There was amazing silence at night. The room was warm. The light of the lamp fell softly on the book. There were new poems in the notebook. Suddenly I heard a cautious knock on the window. It was late. Who could be knocking? I go to the window. The night sky cleared. The snowdrifts sparkled in the blue light of the moon. Behind the frozen glass I noticed a titmouse. What a night guest! (67 word) / Control dictation

Grammar task:
  1. Write out two phrases with a noun from the text, pose a question from the main word to the dependent word, determine the case of the noun.
  2. Parse the words as part of speech:
    1 option- along the path,
    Option 2- in the notebook.
  3. Parse the first sentence into parts of speech and parts of the sentence.

Dictation "Yashka"

The kite Yashka lives on an old fir tree next to the hut.

For Yashka I catch small fish. I catch a whole jar and pour it into the grass. The kite flies from the top of the fir tree and screams joyfully and piercingly.

One day I was alone in the hut. I sat on a fallen birch tree and drew. Nearby stood a bucket of grayling for fish soup. Yashka suddenly flew out of the tree, sat on the edge of the bucket and began pecking at the grayling. (63 words) According to Yu. Koval

Dictation “Winter in the forest”

early morning in the forest. Dawn comes calmly. The snow crunches softly underfoot. The birch trees were decorated with frost. Patterns of footprints are visible in the snow. Here is a chain of fox tracks winding along the forest edge. Wolves walked along the very edge of the clearing. Suddenly a cheerful flock of birds flew over the edge of the forest. She was located on the top of a pine tree. A snow cap fell from a branch of a forest beauty. She lay down on an old stump. The forest smells good of resin and pine needles. (65 words)

Dictation “Yolka”

It was a clear frosty morning. The windows were covered with a thick layer of snowy leaves and flowers. A large Christmas tree was brought into the room. The tree gave off a chill. But its branches thawed and fluffed up. The house smelled of pine. The guys began to decorate the Christmas tree. Firecrackers, beads, and long paper chains appeared on the forest beauty. Golden cobwebs stretched from twig to twig. The boys fixed a star at the very top of the tree. The tree came to life, lit up with lights. (62 words)

Control and testing dictations on the topic “Spelling unstressed case endings of singular nouns”
Russian language 4th grade “School of Russia”

Current page: 3 (book has 7 pages total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]

Unstressed endings –I, –E in nouns of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd declension in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases

We go for a swim to the dam along a narrow path. A giant owl sits on the top of a shaggy spruce tree. We are approaching the spruce. The owl flies away.

We find ourselves in a lovely clearing. It's full of strawberries. Traces of yesterday's rain are visible on the log. A frog's head sticks out of the grass. Here she is jumping towards a large puddle.

We are standing on the bridge. Water striders run on the surface of the water. The water strider has high speed. Her speed is enviable.

There are already several bathers on the small area. With such hot weather, everyone dreams of relaxation. (79)

Grammar task

1. Determine the cases and declension of all nouns in the first paragraph.

2. Write the word HEAD in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases.


I have to buy food at the market. Here's a potato bag. Here's a string bag for carrots. We must also not forget about the bread and butter for the porridge.

Along our street I reach a country road. I will walk along this path to the market fence. Then I will go out to the gate.

At the first tent I will buy a kilogram of potatoes. We must not forget about carrots and greens. I will buy two hundred grams of delicious sour cream from an old woman from a nearby village. Then I'll bring the bag to mom. She will be happy with my purchase. (83)

Grammar task

1. Determine the cases and declension of all nouns in the second paragraph.

2. Write the word MARKET in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases.


There is a large globe on the table in my room. Today at school we were told about Africa. I decided to look at it on the globe. How many countries are there on this continent! I have already heard about Algeria and Egypt. My dad was on a business trip in Luanda, Angola.

The Republic of South Africa is located in southern Africa. A big river flows in this republic. The river has a funny name - Orange.

From Africa I move to America. I read in one book that there were many pirates in the Caribbean. I read about the pirate Francis Drake.

How interesting it is to find different countries on the globe! (93)

The use of the b sign in nouns in the genitive case and in nouns with a sibilant at the end


The veil of clouds in the sky cleared, and a joyful ray of sunshine appeared. An angry owl rose from a rowan branch and flew away into the depths of the forest.

The prickly hedgehog huddled tighter in its hole. The hedgehog loves the night. A vocal siskin greeted the sun. A nimble mouse ran through the puddles and disappeared into a clearing among thousands of blades of grass.

A deep ravine stretches through the entire forest. There are many steep cliffs here. At the bottom of the ravine there are several piles of stones. There is a spring in one place. Further on the ravine passes past pastures and flows into the river.

There is a beach in this place. There are many birch groves scattered along the river bank. Golden rye sways in a large field. (98)

Grammar task

1. Determine the cases of all nouns in the first paragraph.

2. Underline the basis of the last sentence.


An old violinist and his daughter walk past the dachas to the beach. The path leads through the hills, and passersby see the ridges of roofs below. There are many dangerous cliffs on the hillsides.

Friends are coming from the beach. Several pleasant encounters take place. There are no clouds in the sky, but there are many puddles underfoot. It was a rainy night.

There are many thousands of herbs and flowers around. At the foot of the hill begins a giant field where rye sways. There are a dozen small groves along the edge of the field. On the other side of the ridge of hills a river flows. There are many picturesque pastures on the other side. Wonderful landscape!

Here is the beach. Why are there so many earthen heaps here? It was as if someone was searching for treasure. But that won't stop you from swimming. (107)

Grammar task

1. Determine the cases of all nouns in the second paragraph.

2. Write down words with combinations CH, ZN.

We arrive at the sea beach. In front of us are several piles of large boulders. And there's a beach volleyball match going on. Five guys throw a ball to each other. We see a lot of beautiful shots and serves. It’s not just young people who relax on the beach. Here is an elderly couple, and with them a lovely baby.

We take our place in the shadow of the billboard. A ray of sun shines through the hole. We have modest luggage with us - a towel and slippers. It is interesting to view the coastal landscape from the water. How many rocks and steep slopes there are!

In the distance are several small groves. There are many roofs visible behind the beach. This is our village. Next to it there are many pastures and fields where rye grows. (101)

Grammar task

1. Determine the cases of all nouns in the last paragraph.

2. Disassemble the word VILLAGE according to its composition.


There are many clouds in the sky today. It had been raining since morning. Hundreds of thousands of drops rushed past my window. Streams of water flowed from the roofs. There are a lot of children's programs on TV today. Fortunately, we don't have many math homework assignments. For lunch we had borscht and goulash. After lunch, my mother needed my help. We ran out of such a necessary thing as potatoes. I need to go to the store. I put on a raincoat, but went out without galoshes. There are so many puddles in the yard! And here is the billboard for posters. Treasure Island is coming to the cinema.

Near the large piles of fallen leaves that the wipers had raked up, I saw a mouse running. In the store, my school friend Sasha called out to me. We have five Sashas in parallel. At home I sat down to my homework. (118)

I did my homework early and was now watching an interesting report. There was a hockey match going on. Then the bell rang. I opened the door. There stood the daughter of my neighbor Kirill Grigorievich, Anna Kirillovna. It was raining outside and she was wearing a wet raincoat. She needed my help. She returned from vacation, but forgot her apartment key. And there was no one at home. She asked us to leave her luggage with us.

I invited her to sit with us and have lunch. She agreed and gave me a dozen pears. We ate borscht and goulash and watched several interesting programs. I have a white mouse. I showed it to my neighbor. Then Anna Kirillovna’s husband returned, and she went home. (106)


We entered the wilderness. Not far from here a spring emerges from the ground. Thousands of thousands of leaves rustle around us. There are many piles of dead wood underfoot. Here is a wood mouse running. Somewhere in the bushes a cautious hedgehog is snoring. And over there sits an angry owl on the branches of a pine tree. A ray of sun broke through the tree trunks. The owl flew away. It is interesting to observe the life of the inhabitants of the forest thickets.

We have a sharp knife with us. We walk through the forest looking for mushrooms. There are several large groves in the vicinity of our dacha. Two weeks ago there was great dryness. But now it rains often, and mushrooms have appeared in the forest.

In the morning there were no clouds in the sky at all. By noon there were already a lot of them. Soon there will be a lot of puddles, and we are without galoshes. I also forgot my coat. It's time to go home. Delicious red borscht awaits us there. (133)

There are several Mashas in our class. One of them is my neighbor's daughter. We also have a lot of Sashas at school. One of them lives in the next entrance. We are friends with them. Sometimes we are given many difficult tasks. Then I need help. I'm going to Masha. Sasha is also a faithful comrade. He and I go to the ski section together, and in the summer we play ball.

We don’t have dachas, so we usually spend our holidays in the city. When Masha and her mother left for the south, I helped carry the luggage to the taxi.

Yesterday Sasha and I went to the wasteland in search of hidden treasures. We only found an old brooch. Why do we have so little luck? On the way back we saw a billboard and went to watch the movie “Smoke of the Fires”. A good thing is cinema! (125)

I had some luck today. In the morning I found my mother’s brooch, which my mother had lost, and my key, which I had lost myself.

Yesterday I went to the store. I had some change left, and on the way to school I bought a kalach. There are a lot of puddles on the street. I threw a brick at one of them, and not one of the many thousands of splashes hit me. At school I solved several difficult problems and got an A. For lunch I have borscht and goulash.

After dinner I watched the movie "Treasure Island", several interesting programs, and in the evening a football match. Interesting report! Night was approaching. I ate a few pears and went to bed. (102)

My brother and I played Treasure Island and built a hut in the forest. The walls were made of thick sticks, with all sorts of little things thrown on top. They put a brick inside. It was a treasure chest.

A spring came out of the ground not far away. It turned out to be a small pond. There were reeds growing around. We drank from the spring.

Water is a very necessary thing when camping. But you also need food. We tried eating wild apples. Terrible bitterness. Fortunately, I had kalach and korzh with me, and my brother had lavash. And at home now we have borscht and goulash for lunch. And we sit here and chew bread crumbs! Meanwhile, many clouds gathered in the sky. It's time to go home. (103)


My uncle is a doctor. He can always help. His daughter wants to become a nurse. There are many schools that train nurses.

Fortunately, I had few meetings with doctors. I remember once I drank a mixture. Such bitterness! Medicine is a necessary thing. But it's better to live without her. The worst of all is the dentist. The thought of him makes me shiver! Therefore, one of the important tasks is to brush your teeth regularly.

Of all treasures, health is the most valuable. My good friend, a soccer ball, helps me strengthen it. In summer I often go to the beach. There are several pine groves near our house. I love walking there. (99)

NOT with verbs


I didn't know how to ride a bike. I didn't have one. I couldn't study until I was given a brand new two-wheeler. I wondered why they didn’t fall off him?

I sat down and started pedaling, but I didn’t even go two meters. I couldn’t resist and didn’t have time to put my foot out. I don't remember how I fell. I came to my senses at the bottom of the ditch, although I barely hurt myself or broke my bike.

I didn’t dare ride like that again until I practiced pedaling with one foot and stepping on the ground with the other. I didn't like driving like that. I don't think you can learn this way.

There is nothing left to do but ask grandfather. Let him teach you how to ride. (106)

Grammar task

2. Write out a word from the dictation with the spelling consonant in a weak position. Write a test word.


Today the thermometer did not rise above the thirty-degree mark. I don't want to leave the house. I hate frost. I won’t be bored at home, I haven’t finished reading a very interesting book yet.

But it doesn't depend on me. Mom says there won't be enough bread until the evening. Dad is unwell and cannot go. Mom sends me. I don't argue and am going outside. I haven't been able to find a warm sweater for a long time. I don't go anywhere until I find it under the bed. I'm perplexed. Did my cat drag him there? I couldn't throw it there myself?

On the street I run to the bakery so as not to freeze. Passersby don't stick their noses out of their collars. I don’t linger, I run into the store. I check at the cash register to see if I forgot the money. I bought bread and returned home. (127)

Grammar task

1. Write out two verbs with the particle NOT from the dictation.

2. Write out a word from the dictation with the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Write a test word.



We wandered through the forest until a thunderstorm caught us. To avoid getting wet, we took refuge in a hut. Until the storm subsided, we did not stick our heads out of our shelter. When we left, the drops were no longer falling, but the sky had not yet cleared. Distant thunderclaps have not yet ceased.

I haven't breathed such clean air for a long time! I haven’t seen such a beautiful play of light on wet leaves for a long time! There was no more thunder. The sharp sound did not break the silence until a wasp flew in and buzzed over his ear. She disliked us for some reason and did not fly away for a long time.

Now no one bothers us to walk peacefully. But we don't have enough time for a long walk. How I hate that there is always not enough time! You can’t do everything over, but you can’t give up on them either. We're going home. (131)


I haven't been home all day. In the evening I returned, turned on the light, but the light did not come on. I didn't know what happened. I checked the plugs. They weren't knocked out. I left the apartment. The lights were not on in the entire entrance. I didn’t go to the neighbors to find out the situation, but went and went to bed.

But I didn't fall asleep. Sleep did not come to me. I suddenly remembered that the refrigerator didn’t work either. I hate getting out of bed at night! But I couldn’t leave the meat in the freezer to the mercy of fate. I didn’t find the slippers under the bed because I didn’t see them in the dark. He came to the kitchen and took out the meat. To prevent it from going rotten, you need to put it on the balcony.

The balcony door froze and wouldn't open until I pulled with all my might. I didn't feel cold right away. But while I was shoveling the snow on the table, I got cold. To avoid catching a cold, I quickly dragged the groceries onto the balcony. (149)


Yesterday Mishka Shishkin could not bring himself to tear himself away from the computer game and did not prepare for the dictation. He didn’t learn the rules, didn’t do the exercises, didn’t look up the words in the dictionary. To be honest, he didn't like learning the rules and hated writing the exercises. When Misha finished playing at one in the morning, he was very unwell. My head hurt. Mishka did not have dinner. He also didn’t wash his face or brush his teeth, but went straight to bed.

The next morning Misha did not wake up from the ringing of the alarm clock. If his mother had not woken him up, he would have slept until ten. Misha didn’t have time to have a proper breakfast and was almost late for school.

Marya Alekseevna did not check the homework, but immediately gave a dictation. Mishka couldn't even get a three. He couldn't spell ten words correctly. The teacher was perplexed and indignant! Eh, Misha! It's time to come to your senses! (134)

Endings for masculine, feminine, neuter and plural adjectives in the nominative case


Clear summer morning. The Black Sea splashes at our feet. The wide rocky beach stretches for several kilometers.

There, in the distance, high sharp rocks hang over it. On the other side of us rises a huge round mountain. At its top you can see an ancient fortress. The fortress has thick stone walls. There is a gentle slope from the beach to the road. A wonderful concrete staircase allows you to easily overcome a two-meter slope.

The dirt road soon joins the highway. The asphalt highway runs along the seashore. This amazing coastline is always different along the entire route. It is sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes steep, sometimes flat. (92)

Grammar task

2. Write out all the nouns from the last paragraph.


The rainy autumn is over. The cold, snowy winter has begun. The long-awaited snow fell in mid-November. The dirty ground is frozen. A clean white blanket hid her until spring. The bare branches of the trees were decorated with white snakes.

A few days later the first skiers appeared in the forest. Ruddy, joyful people ran along forest paths. Long narrow ski tracks cut through the forest from end to end.

In front of our house there is a wide sports ground. There was a good skating rink on it. In the evening it is illuminated by bright lanterns. Cheerful music is heard from the loudspeaker. We often put on sharp, ringing skates and go to the skating rink. (88)

Grammar task

1. Write out from the dictation one combination of a noun and an adjective, masculine, feminine, neuter and plural in the nominative or accusative case.

2. Parse the first sentence into sentence parts.


A hot summer day is coming to an end. The orange sun sets behind the dark spruce forest. The clear blue sky turns orange around the sun. The sharp peaks of the forest are visible against the sky.

First, the lower edge of the sun disappears behind the forest. Then the setting sun disappears halfway. And finally, only the top edge is visible from behind the dark peaks. The mysterious time of twilight is coming. A warm breeze rustles the leaves. Tall trees sway slightly.

The evening darkness is getting thicker and thicker. The dark starry night comes into its own. (79)

Grammar task

1. Write out from the dictation one combination of a noun and an adjective, masculine, feminine, neuter and plural in the nominative or accusative case.

2. Disassemble the composition of the words HIGH, EVENING.



Today is a warm spring day. Dad and I decided to go to the zoo. Here is the tram stop. In a quarter of an hour we will be at the zoo. We enter through the main entrance. It is decorated with tall, beautiful sculptures. We immediately see the swan pond. Beautiful birds glide across the water surface. In addition to swans, wild ducks and gray geese also live there.

Various animals live in large enclosures. Here are the red foxes. There are dire wolves here. There are brown bears there. And there are little bunnies. Funny monkeys live in a separate room. Huge elephants and dangerous crocodiles are also placed separately.

It's time to go home. Before leaving we eat delicious ice cream. The Moscow Zoo is the best place for a walk. (101)

My favorite color is blue. I love the stormy sea. More than half of the Earth is occupied by the gigantic World Ocean. That's why the Earth is half blue.

Turquoise is the color of the sky. A clear sky is turquoise, a cloudy sky is gray.

Brown is the color of the soil. Brown soil is sometimes light, sometimes dark, almost black.

In spring and summer, the leaves and grass are green. In autumn they are yellow or orange.

White snow falls in winter. The reservoirs are covered with silvery ice.

What's red? Our fire is red. If you look closely at it, you can see that it is still yellow and orange. (81)


Today we are going on an excursion to the Moscow Kremlin. Before us is the Alexander Garden, the Eternal Flame, beautiful fountains. The asphalt path leads us to the Kutafya Tower. This is the smallest tower of the Kremlin. Behind it is the Trinity Tower. The two towers are connected by a wide passage. We enter the Kremlin through the Trinity Gate. Directly in front of us is a tall white building. This is the Palace of Congresses. Behind it is Cathedral Square.

Here is a huge Tsar Cannon. She shot only once. A little further away stands the giant Tsar Bell. Next to it is a broken piece.

We go out to Cathedral Square. It contains ancient cathedrals. These are the Archangel Cathedral, the Assumption Cathedral and the Annunciation Cathedral. There is also a very tall white stone bell tower on the square - Ivan the Great. (107)


A long, cold winter has passed. Severe frosts and rare thaws are left behind. Slippery ice and deep snowdrifts no longer cover the ground. The most joyful time of the year has arrived. Eternally young spring is coming into its own.

Cheerful babbling brooks run along the ground. Small rivers turned into wide, full-flowing streams. Spilled water floods vast meadows. It will subside soon. The rivers will return to their normal channels.

Migratory birds are returning from the south. Warm countries did not deter tireless travelers. The returning birds begin to build cozy nests.

Thick green foliage once again covers the deciduous trees. The first greenery of spring is the most pleasing to the eye. (92)


After visiting the Kremlin we go to Red Square. We are walking through the Alexander Garden. Before us is the Historical Museum. We walk through a long, wide passage between the museum and the Kremlin wall and emerge into the square.

To our left is a museum, and behind it is a beautiful church. The far end of the square is occupied by the beautiful St. Basil's Cathedral. We look at its multi-colored domes for a long time.

We are walking across the square. To our right is a granite mausoleum, behind it are marble busts. Former state leaders are buried there. On the left is a huge store. It's called GUM.

In front of the cathedral there is a famous monument to Minin and Pozharsky. (89)


In the summer, my dad and his friends made an exciting trip to Altai. Gorny Altai is a very beautiful place. We arrived by train to the distant city of Barnaul and boarded a regular bus.

At first there were only high hills around. Then they began to turn into real mountains. We arrived in the main city of Gorny Altai - Gorno-Altaisk. Picturesque mountain slopes are visible from all sides.

We spent the night in the city and went by bus to Lake Teletskoye. A tourist boat transported us to the opposite shore of the lake. We visited the beautiful mountain waterfall Korbu. Then we went out onto the gently sloping rocky shore and pitched three double tents. (97)

IN ALTAI. ( Continuation.)

The next day, in the early morning, we rolled up our tents. We have a difficult but interesting journey ahead of us. The journey will be long. Our small detachment will go along the river. A narrow river valley will lead us to a mountain village. There we will board a passenger helicopter and return to Barnaul. But this will happen in a few days.

Mountain ranges rise around us. Gray rocks hang above us. There is a white high waterfall. A wide and swift river rustles nearby. The weather is cloudy but warm. Everyone is in a cheerful and cheerful mood. (81)

Some nouns ending -a(s), denoting the qualities of people, belong to the masculine gender if they denote male persons, or to the feminine gender if they denote female persons, for example: such bully Andryusha, so bully Tanya. These are nouns general kind. Adjectives with them agree either in the masculine or feminine gender.

229 . Copy using missing punctuation marks. Indicate the gender of the highlighted nouns. Name sentences with appeals. Explain the placement of dashes in sentences.

1. Seryozha - round, orphan. Masha - round.. orphan. 2. Misha - big.. bully. Marina is amazing.. 2 bully. 3. How., you arrogant Petya..Mom was surprised. How are you arrogant mother was surprised.

230 . Find common nouns. Which of them sharply negatively characterize a person? Write down the words with missing letters. Which synonyms for the highlighted word are used more often in relation to children?

1. Natka ordered the bungler Katyusha and the glutton Fedka to be sent home. 2. Karasikov ran after Alka and shouted: “Crybaby!” 3. Fidget Ioska hovered around the plywood tank.

(According to A. Gaidar.)

plywood [n’]

Some masculine nouns, naming persons by profession, position, or occupation, denote both male and female persons, for example: doctor Ivanov and doctor Ivanova.

The predicate verb in the past tense with such a subject-noun is put in the masculine gender if we are talking about a man: Doctor Ivanov (m. r.) wrote out (m. r.) a prescription, and in the feminine gender if we are talking about a woman: Doctor Ivanova (f. b.) wrote out (f. b.) a prescription.

The adjective definition with such a noun is used in the masculine gender: The doctor on duty Ivanov wrote out a prescription; The doctor on duty Ivanova wrote out a prescription. This use is acceptable in colloquial speech.

231 . Put the verbs in the past tense and agree them with the nouns. Copy using missing punctuation marks. Indicate the gender of the highlighted nouns.

1. Doctor Irina Ivanovna (invite) another patient to the office. 2. Doctor Smirnova (write) a prescription. 3. By animated faces and approving remarks architect Nina Nikolaevna (understand) that the project has been accepted. 4. Young agronomist Anechka (sort) the seeds. 5. Professor Rozhdestvenskaya (to ascend) to the department and (to address) the students with greetings.

232 . Make up sentences with these words, using them to denote both male and female persons. Place predicate verbs in the past tense.

Archaeologist, choreographer, trainer, biologist, foreman, accountant.

233 . Dictation. Underline the nouns in the accusative case as parts of a sentence. What types of spellings have missing letters?

1. You can barely hear a stream flowing in the shade of the oak grove, a little breath of the breeze that has fallen asleep on the leaves, and the quiet moon, like a face-faced swan, floats in the silvery clouds. 2. The region is thinning. The cloudy ridge is thinning; sad star, black star, your ray silvered the withered plains. 3. On this (?) night... the darkness spreads across the sky like a robe of light. 4. The forest is clearing up its dirt, the frost is turning the withered field silver, the day is peeking through, as if against its will, and disappearing over the edge of the surrounding mountains.

(A. Pushkin)