Hemangioma on the face and head in children under one year of age: photo, treatment, laser removal. Hemangioma in newborns: causes, symptoms, treatment Prevalence of vascular neoplasm

Benign tumors formed from vascular tissues can appear even in newborn babies. Such neoplasms are known under the general term “hemangioma.” The disease has its own classification, which you will get acquainted with a little later. Hemangioma in children occurs unexpectedly - doctors are still arguing about the mechanisms of the onset of the disease.

We have to deal not only with the causes and symptoms, but also with timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Classification of childhood hemangiomas

Children's hemangiomas have a benign course - they can suddenly disappear without medical intervention. The tumor can appear in 2% of newborns, and among one-year-old infants, every tenth person is at risk.

Depending on the time of tumor appearance, hemangioma in children can be congenital or acquired (observed after birth). There are four types of the disease:

  • capillary type (consists of capillaries, localized on the skin surface);
  • cavernous hemangioma (vessels dilate and form cavities in which the source of the disease is traced);
  • combined (combines subcutaneous and visible areas of distribution);
  • mixed (covers vascular, connective, nervous, lymphoid and adipose tissues).

In girls, the tumor is much more common, and 75% of angiomas manifest themselves in infancy. The shades and sizes of neoplasms vary.

There are also differences in the localization of tumors - the tumor can be found in fatty tissue, bones, tendons, muscles and parenchymal organs. Fortunately, such types of disease are extremely rare in babies under one year old.

Causes of vascular tumors in children

Doctors continue scientific debate regarding the mechanisms of tumor formation. Most often, the tumor appears on the baby's face. Sometimes the hairline suffers.

The causes of hemangioma in children may be as follows:

  • unfavorable environmental situation;
  • viral pathologies in the mother (I-II trimester);
  • maternal use of certain medications during pregnancy;
  • exacerbation/emergence of acute endocrine ailments in a pregnant woman;
  • pathologies leading to the birth of a premature baby;
  • placenta previa and preeclampsia;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • mature age of the mother (exceeding 35 years).

Often, capillary hemangioma in children has a clear outline and is localized on the baby’s skin. The disease can be recognized by a tuberous-flattened or tuberous-nodular and flat surface. The simple variety tends to turn pale when pressed. If you stop pressing, the previous color will return again.

Symptoms and manifestations of the disease

Vascular neoplasm in most cases manifests itself early - during the first weeks of the baby’s life. Almost all hemangiomas “pop up” before six months, the remaining ones - up to a year. Symptoms are directly related to the location of the tumor, but the cellular structure also matters.

Here are the main places of localization of education:

  • face (nose, cheeks, eyelids);
  • hair on the head (mainly on the back of the head);
  • limbs;
  • mucous membranes (tongue, lip, anogenital area);
  • internal organs;
  • bones (spine and skull area).

Outwardly it resembles a nodular or flattened tumor, the size of which ranges from 1-15 centimeters. Sometimes it is a flat spot, sometimes it is a lumpy elevation.

Shades vary from purple (in some cases bluish) to pinkish. If you compare the temperature of normal skin and the tumor to the touch, you will feel that the hemangioma is much warmer.

Depending on the type of tumor, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • Capillary type. A flat shape with clear boundaries dominates. Color - bluish or red. Pallor when pressed, followed by restoration of shade.
  • Cavernous type. An elastic, soft tumor covered with slightly bluish skin. The presence of an erectile symptom - enlargement and tension of the hemangioma with crying, straining and coughing. When pressed, a falling effect is observed.
  • Combined type. Combines all of the above characteristics.
  • Mixed type. The visual manifestation depends on the adjacent tissues complementing the main component.
  • Internal organs. The tumor is capable of growing and looks like an appendix appendix.
  • Bones. The child feels aching in the bones, pain and the effect of squeezing the nerve endings (can be seen during the growth of the affected area).
  • Disseminated hemangiomatosis. A very rare type of disease, which is characterized by multiple vascular manifestations of the tumor and metastases to internal organs.

How is infantile hemangioma diagnosed?

There are two scenarios according to which the evolution of childhood hemangiomas occurs. The first scenario involves progressive growth and localization near the organs of perception (eyelid, ear). In this case, the tumor can bleed, become infected, and ulcerate.

In such a scenario, treatment of hemangioma in children is a dire necessity that cannot be avoided. However, in 70%, regression of the capillary type of pathology is diagnosed.

The surgeon, pediatrician and dermatologist are responsible for making the diagnosis. The latter deals with the treatment of pathologies localized on the surface of the skin. If the tumor penetrates deeper, you will have to seek help from a specialist - an operating ophthalmologist or neurosurgeon.

Diagnosis is based on several types of studies:

  • data from the initial examination;
  • Ultrasound of the tumor;
  • dermatoscopy (a non-invasive device is used for examination);
  • angiography (x-ray examination of vessels adjacent to the tumor and “tinted” with contrasting liquid);
  • Ultrasound, computed tomography and radiography (the eye sockets, spine and skull are studied - in the case of particularly deep penetration of the hemangioma).

Treatment options

The treatment strategy in most cases is determined by a dermatologist.. The most effective method is considered to be the removal of hemangioma in children - drug therapy does not always give the required result. Do not think of opening the tumor yourself - it will be extremely difficult to stop the bleeding. Superficial and point forms of the disease can be successfully treated using the following methods:

  • cryodestruction;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser removal.

There are hemangiomas with a complex anatomical structure, and some neoplasms occupy a fairly large area. In this case, radiotherapy is required - radiation treatment.

Extensive damage to the skin (or subcutaneous) space is fraught with hormonal corticosteroid therapy. In particularly difficult situations, doctors combine treatments. For example, cryodestruction is combined with magnetic microwave irradiation.


The stage of tumor formation influences the choice of therapeutic strategy. In the early stages, the freezing method is actively used, which involves treating the pathology with liquid nitrogen. A small bubble forms, which will soon disappear, and the wound left after the operation will heal.

Here is a complete list of surgical intervention technologies:

  • cryodestruction (cold exposure);
  • destruction by electricity;
  • introduction of sclerosing drugs;
  • laser removal;
  • surgery.

The surgical method is prescribed only as a last resort. This occurs after long-term observation of the pathology over time. The condition of the newborn must be extremely serious.

Here is a list of indications for surgical intervention:

  • intraocular and oral localization;
  • location on the genitals, face and head, as well as near the anus;
  • complicated course;
  • rapid growth of pathology.

Drug therapy

Some types of localizations cannot be operated on. Then doctors develop a complex set of medicinal effects.

Conventionally, they can be divided into two types - the use of Propranolol and the introduction of hormonal agents directly into the affected vessel. The first method is based on taking tablets, the second - on injections.

Note that hormonal drugs are aimed at spurring the regression of hemangioma.

This method is relevant when a large area of ​​the baby’s body is affected. "Propranolol" is administered independently or combined with one of the surgical interventions.

This is done in a hospital under the strict supervision of doctors. Antibiotics during drug therapy are completely useless.

Rapid progression of tumors is observed in 6.7% of cases. After this, regression and complete disappearance of the pathology may occur. The pediatric surgeon may decide on dynamic observation - then get ready to stay in the hospital. There are currently no methods for preventing hemangioma.

Hemangioma on the face of a child is a vascular tumor of a convex or flat shape of a red, purple or blue hue. Occupies an area on the face with a diameter of 0.5 cm to 15 cm.

The following types of neoplasms occur in children:

  • Simple hemangiomas - look like moles, but have a red or blue tint. Lightens when pressed;
  • Caverous - located under the skin, consisting of cavities with blood inside.

The term "hemangioma" has Greek roots. Haima means “blood” in Greek, and angeon means “vessel”.

The neoplasm is benign and rarely degenerates into cancer, but it still needs treatment immediately after its appearance.

First of all, hemangioma disrupts the aesthetics of a child’s face; in addition, other serious complications are possible.

This video explains everything about hemangiomas in children:

Mainly it negatively affects the baby’s psyche. The child develops strong complexes and self-esteem decreases. The problem is seriously aggravated by ambiguous attitudes from peers, for example, on the playground or in the garden. This state of affairs is a threat of depression and nervous breakdown.

Another danger is damage to the tissues surrounding the hemangioma. If it is localized near the eye, ear or nose, over time, disruption of the functioning of these organs is possible. Thus, a hemangioma on the eyelid can cause decreased visual acuity and even blindness. The proximity of the tumor to the oral cavity provokes dental diseases and breathing difficulties.

Why does hemangioma develop on a child’s face?

As a rule, this is a congenital pathology, but the causes of the neoplasm are not yet fully understood. According to one version of scientists, the reason for the appearance of hemangioma lies in colds suffered by the child’s mother during pregnancy. The risk of developing a neoplasm is especially high when a woman catches a cold during the formation of the fetal vascular system in her womb.

Is it necessary to remove hemangioma from the face?

There are various rumors about this pathology, including that it goes away on its own sooner or later. Indeed, such cases are occasionally observed, but one should not hope for this particular outcome - hemangioma on a child’s face goes away in only 7% of cases. In this case, only small neoplasms themselves disappear. This does not apply to large hemangiomas; they require treatment.

Hemangiomas grow along with the child’s face, especially before six months. In premature babies, tumors develop especially rapidly. Therefore, when a neoplasm appears, one should expect mainly its growth, not disappearance.

How to remove a hemangioma

There are several ways to eliminate hemangiomas on the face. The doctor selects the best option based on the type, size, degree of tissue damage, rate of growth and other features of the tumor.

Cryodestruction of hemangiomas on the face

This method is ideal for eliminating small, simple tumors in any area of ​​the face. The procedure is simple: the doctor uses liquid nitrogen at a temperature of −195.75 °C. Applications are applied to the face with this substance and left for 15-20 seconds. The procedure is repeated several times until the effect is achieved. No anesthesia is required; after exposure, the treatment site is lubricated with brilliant green. For very large hemangioma, several sessions may be prescribed. Healing occurs quickly, no scars remain. After the tumor is removed, the child is immediately sent home.

Cryodestruction can be combined with microwave irradiation. This is also a painless technique that does not require a hospital stay. First, the hemangioma is irradiated with microwave waves and nitrogen applications are immediately applied.

Surgical removal of hemangiomas

Classic surgery is indicated for deep and dangerous tumors. Considering that traces remain after the operation, they resort to it only in the most extreme cases, when there is no other option. During the operation, the surgeon makes incisions along the edges of the tumor and carefully cuts it off with a scalpel. After this, stitches are applied.

Most often, observation in the first days after surgery takes place in a hospital, but home recovery is also possible with periodic appearances at the clinic for dressings.

Electrocoagulation of hemangiomas

This method is used for small tumors. The tumor is carefully cut off with a loop electrode or electric knife. After exposure, small marks are possible, but due to the small size of the neoplasms, they are invisible.

The advantage of electrocoagulation is the absence of bleeding and minimal risk of infection.

Laser surgery for hemangiomas

laser removal of hemangioma in a child (a photo of the hemangioma is taken before the procedure)

Today this technique is the most popular. Its advantage is that the laser beam does not leave scars or scars even in the most delicate places of the face - on the eyelids and lips. Bleeding and infection are also excluded.

Before removal, the doctor adjusts the laser device in such a way that the beam affects only pathological tissues without damaging healthy cells. As a result, after the procedure, only an even, smooth area of ​​young skin remains. Over time, it matches the color of the rest of the skin. The only disadvantage of such removal is the high cost and the need for several sessions for large hemangiomas. The maximum duration of a course of laser treatment is one and a half months.


Substances that provoke the death of pathological cells are injected into deep tumors. There are also no scars left on the skin, since healthy cells do not undergo changes. The disadvantage of the procedure is pain and a large number of sessions for complete recovery. On average, 10-15 injections are required at intervals of 15-30 days.

Drug treatment of hemangiomas

Sometimes doctors prescribe corticosteroid therapy before surgery. The course consists of injections into the body of the hemangioma and taking the drug orally. This treatment does not provide a good cosmetic effect, but it can slow down the development of the tumor and even reduce it, which makes the operation easier. During therapy, the child should not be vaccinated with live vaccines.

It is important to know! Regardless of how the removal was performed, the hemangioma can recur.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies are excellent as adjuvant therapy. Most natural remedies cannot lead to the complete disappearance of a tumor, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce it or stop its growth with their help.

It must be remembered that the use of folk remedies should not be uncontrolled, since some plant and animal components can cause allergies in a child. This is especially true for children under one year of age, whose immunity has not yet been formed. Therefore, before using the advice of friends and relatives, you should consult your doctor. Some doctors themselves prescribe concomitant treatment with folk remedies.

Below are some of the most popular remedies today.:

  • Ginseng root. Grind the root and fill a half-liter jar with it one-third, then pour vodka into the jar to the brim. Cover with a nylon lid and place in a dark place for 20 days. Take a teaspoon in the morning and evening for 10 days, then reduce the dosage to one teaspoon for a month. If the hemangioma does not decrease, repeat the course after 20 days.
  • Viburnum fruits. Crush the berries and add water in a 1:1 ratio. Mix and mash everything, squeeze the fruits through cheesecloth. Freeze the liquid in ice trays. Apply ice to the tumor and hold until it melts.
  • Celandine. Pour the herb with warm water in a 1:1 ratio and leave for two hours. Strain and squeeze the herb well. Soak gauze in the broth and apply to the hemangioma for 40 minutes, then wet the gauze again and apply for 40 minutes. Do this in the morning and evening.
  • Herbal collection. Combine lingonberry leaves, horsetail and yarrow grass, bird knotweed, sweet clover, calendula and birch leaves in equal proportions. From this collection you need to prepare a decoction and make compresses for 40 minutes, as in the recipe with celandine.
  • Iceland moss(sold in pharmacies) and plantain. Combine one part at a time and pour into a thermos, then add one liter of just boiled water and leave to steep for two hours. Drink during the day and make a new portion. Repeat for 20 days, then take a two-week break.
  • Sushenitsa and tansy. Combine one part of tansy with two parts of dried cucumber. Pour two tablespoons of dry collection into 200 ml of boiling water. After two hours of infusion, drink 20 ml five times a day for two months.

Diagnosis and treatment of hemangiomas in children.

Hemangioma in children, newborns, infants: what is it, what does it look like, types?

Hemangioma is a vascular neoplasm, a benign tumor. Most often detected in newborns or during the first year of a baby’s life (in 10 percent of children).
Medicine knows cases of hemangioma development at a later age.

Infantile hemangioma on the eyelid

What does a hemangioma look like?

Visible to the naked eye, a hemangioma on the skin and mucous membranes looks like a tuberous-nodular, tuberous-flat formation of red or bluish-red color with clear edges.

  • Tumors can be either flat, flush with the skin, or slightly protruding above it.
  • Subcutaneous hemangiomas look like swelling, without characteristic color changes on the integument of the body.
  • Internal hemangiomas are invisible without special equipment.

Capillary hemangioma of the scalp

All the variety of hemangiomas according to external signs is conventionally divided into types:

  • Star-shaped
  • Pineal
  • Venous
  • Fire nevi

Stellate hemangioma

Types of hemangiomas in children on the face and body: internal, subcutaneous, capillary, cavernous, combined, mixed

A more detailed classification, taking into account both the composition and external manifestation of hemangiomas on the face and body of the child at the same time, is presented below.

  1. Domestic. They are located in organs (liver, brain, ovaries) and on bones, and have no external manifestations.
  2. Subcutaneous. They have no borders on the skin, while the tumor body is located in the layer of subcutaneous fat.
  3. Skin
  • Capillary(vascular). Externally flat, turns pale when pressed.
  • Cavernous. Consists of cavities (cavities) filled with blood. Convex, increases with crying or coughing, falls with pressure.
  • Combined. Includes a vascular component and caverns.
  • Mixed. It combines cavities and capillaries, as well as other types of tissue (connective, nervous).

Liver hemangioma (diagram)

Spinal hemangioma (diagram)

Hemangioma in a child: signs and causes

To correctly diagnose hemangioma, a combination of all characteristic signs is necessary:

  1. At first, the tumor develops quite quickly and increases in size, thanks to which it is possible to distinguish a hemangioma from, for example, a birthmark.
  2. Due to the large flow of blood in the vessels of the hemangioma, it is hotter than the surrounding tissue.
  3. When pressed, the tumor turns pale, and after cessation of exposure it quickly restores its original color.

Combined hemangioma in the breast area

Most often, hemangiomas are located:

  • on the scalp(eyelids, cheeks, nose, scalp, back of head)
  • on the skin of the extremities(hands, soles of feet, buttocks)
  • on the body(stomach, back)
  • on mucous membranes(nasal passages, oral cavity, genitals)
  • on internal organs(liver, spleen)
  • on the musculoskeletal system(pelvic bones, skull).

There is no clear answer to the question of why this benign tumor is so common and how to prevent its occurrence.

Since in the vast majority of cases, hemangioma appears in a child from birth or in infancy up to one year, it is generally accepted that the main cause is abnormalities in the development of the vascular system in the embryonic period. At the same time, experts also note a dependence on the sex of the baby, since in 80% of cases hemangiomas occur in girls.

Multiple hemangiomas on the leg and body of a newborn

Other probable causes that increase the risk of developing hemangioma in children:

  • viral diseases suffered during pregnancy
  • heredity
  • unfavorable environmental situation
  • mature age of mother
  • alcohol abuse, smoking

Hemangioma in children: is it dangerous, to what age does it grow?

One of the distinguishing features of hemangioma in children is the presence of two main phases of development.

  1. Growth stage. It usually lasts for 6-12 months, as a result of which the tumor reaches its final size.
  2. Regression stage(involution). This is a little-studied process of reverse development of hemangioma, leading to the complete disappearance of the neoplasm, the causes of which are still unknown.

Considering these features, the vast majority of surgeons recommend that parents use watchful waiting when treating hemangioma in children.

In 90% of cases, the tumor disappears without a trace by 7–9 years.

However, untimely treatment can lead to the growth of hemangioma with subsequent destruction of organs, muscles, bones and nearby tissues, serious cosmetic problems, and the tumor developing into a malignant one.

Subcutaneous hemangioma on the eyelid

Trauma to the hemangioma causes bleeding that is difficult to stop.

Which doctor should I contact with a hemangioma in a child?

Hemangiomas, like other tumors, are treated by a general surgeon. In complex cases, additional consultation may be required with a highly specialized surgeon (maxillofacial, plastic), as well as a cardiologist.

A child has a growing hemangioma - what to do?

As noted earlier, tumor growth in the first 6 to 12 months after appearance is the norm. Watchful waiting is not used if the hemangioma is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Excessive and prolonged growth. Parents can monitor this parameter themselves by periodically photographing the tumor and measuring its size. The indication for treatment is tumor growth after the child is two years old.
  • Development of hemangioma on the eyelids, near physiological openings, in traumatic places.
  • Hemangioma formation on internal organs and bones. Such a tumor does not allow the child’s organs to develop normally.
  • Large tumor size, creating a significant cosmetic defect.

Capillary hemangioma on the face requiring surgical treatment

note: physiotherapeutic procedures can provoke further growth of hemangioma. They should only be used if absolutely necessary!

Treatment of hemangiomas in children

First of all, a complete examination of the child is carried out, the purpose of which is to determine the type of tumor, its structure, size and potential dangers during its further development. For this purpose, a set of laboratory and instrumental studies is prescribed:

  • General blood analysis for a decrease in the level of platelets and hemoglobin in the blood circulating through the vessels of the tumor
  • Ultrasound- to determine the type of hemangioma
  • CT, MRI, thermography- to establish the true size of the hemangioma
  • Angiography- a study using a contrast agent injected into the vessels, which determines the degree of involvement of tissues of other organs in the growth of hemangioma; used in complex cases when surgery is required, for example, on the bones of the skull.

Multiple liver hemangiomas (ultrasound)

Cavernous hemangioma of the left frontal lobe of the brain (MRI)

Based on the research results, the doctor chooses wait-and-see or surgical treatment tactics. In modern medicine, the following methods are used to combat hemangiomas in children:

  1. Cryodestruction— freezing the tumor with liquid nitrogen.
  2. Laser exposure— destruction of tumor vessels with laser.
  3. Electrocoagulation- cauterization using electric current. Can be used for any type of superficial hemangioma.
  4. Sclerosis- administering injections with a special composition that clogs blood vessels.
  5. Radiation therapy- removal of the tumor using directed x-rays. It is used in the case of hemangiomas of internal organs, bones, or when it is impossible to use another method (for example, if the tumor is located in the orbit).
  6. Operation- a method that is ineffective and traumatic, in which the development of hemangiomas in neighboring areas is often observed. Used only in extreme cases.
  7. Drug therapy- treatment with drugs containing timolol, propranolol, hormones.

Self-treatment of hemangioma in children is not recommended!

Surgical removal of hemangioma in a child with laser, liquid nitrogen: indications, consequences

Removal of hemangioma with liquid nitrogen used at any stage of development of cutaneous hemangioma, but only of small sizes.

  • It is carried out in 1 - 4 sessions, followed by the formation of a crust on the surface treated with nitrogen.
  • It is undesirable for cavernous, combined and mixed types, since when deeper tissues are frozen, rough scars are likely to appear.

Combined hemangioma after one session of cryodestruction. Light areas are scar tissue.

Laser removal- This is a virtually painless method that does not require long rehabilitation.

  • The laser allows you to target the hemangioma in a targeted manner, without touching or injuring neighboring tissues.
  • The skin surface does not scar after therapy.
  • However, this method is characterized by repetition and duration of sessions.
  • Like cryodestruction, laser removal is successfully used in cases of capillary hemangioma, or in combination with other treatment methods.

Result of laser hemangioma removal

Are propranolol and timolol effective for hemangioma?

Treatment with drugs containing propranolol and timolol is a fairly new method of combating infantile hemangiomas.

Propranolol Particularly effective for cavernous and internal hemangiomas. Drugs containing propranolol (most often Anaprilin) ​​have been used to remove such tumors since 2008.

Timolol included in eye drops and gel against glaucoma. The therapeutic effect in the fight against cutaneous hemangiomas was discovered by chance in 2010.

  • A drug containing timolol is rubbed into the tumor every 8 hours for 2 - 3 months with intervals of 1 - 2 months to avoid the body becoming addicted.
  • The paleness of the neoplasm is noticeable after 2-3 weeks of use.

Conspiracy for hemangioma in children

If traditional treatment methods do not help, or the disease returns again and again, affecting neighboring areas of the body, you can try using a white magic spell.

It is necessary to bite off a thread of sheep's wool from a skein and tie seven knots on it. For each node say:

  1. warmth, flesh,
  2. tears, blood,
  3. morning,
  4. day,
  5. night,
  6. trouble, stop,
  7. Go away.

After this, the thread must be tied to the branch of an aspen tree growing in the forest.

Hemangioma in children: reviews

The child’s health primarily depends on how quickly parents seek help from a competent specialist. In the vast majority of cases, hemangiomas can be successfully treated without complications or significant skin defects.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about hemangiomas. Which treatment tactics should you choose and why?

Hemangioma in children is a formation on the skin in the form of a red spot, located on any part of the body (usually in the scalp and on the face). A tumor on the skin is a collection of blood vessels and endothelial cells. During the process of fusion, the vessels form a pronounced purple spot. Hemangioma is a congenital pathology, but can appear during the first year of a child’s life. The neoplasm has the ability to independently appear, grow and disappear.

Hemangioma can be observed in every hundredth newborn. According to statistics, in 97% of cases the disease is detected in newborns or appears within the first 3 months. Girls are more susceptible to the disease (for every 1 boy there are 7 girls).

  • Code according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) for hemangioma and lymphangioma of any location: D18

Hemangioma is considered the most common type of tumor benign in nature. Hemangioma of the skin of a child under one year old is classified into: capillary (superficial); cavernous (cave); mixed or combined.


The most common and simplest type of tumor is capillary hemangioma, which occurs in 96% of cases in newborns and children under one year of age. The tumor has clear boundaries and a pronounced red color, sometimes with a bluish tint, and is located flush with the skin. There are several types of capillary skin tumor. Most often it forms on the face in the eye area, eyelid, lip, tongue, forehead and scalp at the back of the head.

The surface of the neoplasm is flat with small blood vessels of a lobular structure in the form of capillaries. When pressed, the area of ​​the stain turns pale.


A cavernous tumor looks like a bloody, convex round growth. The stain is formed as a result of loosely located blood vessels. The voids between them are filled with blood and cavities. Cavernous hemangioma of the skin can have different sizes and is most often located on the face (lip, eyelid, etc.). Cavernous hemangioma, which is located in the eyelid area, has a detrimental effect on the baby’s eyes.


With mixed types of hemangioma, the development of the disease involves not only vessels with capillaries, but also other tissues of the body (connective, lymph, nervous). The affected area extends over the upper part of the epidermis and into the subcutaneous layers. The appearance of such formations depends on the tissues involved in the disease process. The spots can have different types of formations, differing in size and number of affected areas of the skin.


Causes of tumors on the face and back of the head - most often congenital pathology. Based on the observations of specialists, a number of factors are identified that can influence the formation of hemangioma, although objective reasons have not yet been identified. Since the disease is congenital, the probable cause is considered to be a violation of the circulatory system during the embryonic period. The disease manifests itself only during the baby’s first year.

There are additional factors that can lead to disruption of the vascular system of an infant:

  • premature birth;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • taking medications during pregnancy;
  • mother's acute respiratory infection during the formation of the embryo's vascular system;
  • hormonal disorders in a child.

According to experts, the causes of hemangioma in newborns are intrauterine disorders of the fetal vascular system. Therefore, most often a child develops a congenital hemangioma. If a child develops a hemangioma after birth, this does not mean that the cause was external factors.


Symptoms of hemangioma in a child are purely external visual signs. The spots are not painful, but may increase as the child grows. The most intensive growth of the spot occurs before the baby is 6 months old. The neoplasm is usually located at the same level with the skin, in rare cases it protrudes. If damaged, the spots can turn into ulcers and bleed. Damage occurs especially often when the tumor is located on the back of the head.

Often, purple spots appear in children on the scalp, in the back of the head, or on any parts of the face (eyelid, lip, forehead, cheek, ear, bridge of the nose, tip of the nose, tongue, etc.). Much less commonly, hemangioma is located on the back, arm or neck of a newborn. There are cases when the disease affects the oral cavity or genitals.

In 75% of cases, the tumor goes away on its own, but doctors do not recommend ignoring this disease. A benign tumor on the surface of the skin can grow inside the skin over time.

The germination process can disrupt the functioning of vital organs. Especially if the hemangioma in newborns is located in the head area. The consequences of tumor development can be blindness, hearing loss and other irreversible processes.

The disappearance of the spot occurs spontaneously and unpredictably. Regression can begin as early as the first year of life. It is not necessary to treat hemangiomas; usually the tumor disappears by the age of 7. The disappearance begins with the appearance of light spots in the central part, which gradually spread to the entire affected area. Regression sometimes occurs quickly, but can drag on for several years.


Hemangiomas need to be treated in cases where the tumor interferes with normal life activities or spoils the aesthetic appearance of the face. Treatment and removal of hemangioma is individual.

Before treating a tumor, careful and regular monitoring of the development of the tumor (increases, disappears, changes color, etc.) should be established.

Modern medicine has non-traumatic and effective treatment methods. Still, removal through surgery can cause stress to a child under one year of age. Therefore, doctors recommend taking radical measures in extreme cases and only after confirming active tumor growth.

  • The formation is located on the eyelid and can damage vision or cause lazy eye syndrome;
  • The tumor is located in the respiratory tract and can cause suffocation;
  • A tumor on the lip poses a risk of injury during feeding;
  • A tumor in the area of ​​the ear can interfere with normal perception of sound;
  • Hemangioma on the forehead should be removed due to the possibility of injury from headgear;
  • Formations on the body in places of constant friction with clothing are removed urgently (on the leg, wrist, neck, etc.).

Cavernous hemangioma on the head or face is dangerous and must be treated. If the growth of the spot could cause harm to the child, removal of the cavernous hemangioma is mandatory.

In cases where the cavernous tumor is located on the back, abdomen and other places not subject to mechanical stress, treatment can be medicinal. In such cases, you should not resort to mechanical intervention; it is better to limit yourself to regular observation.


In a child, any surgical intervention can leave a more pronounced defect on the skin than the tumor itself. In 70% of cases, the disease disappears without a trace without requiring removal. If there are no critical indications for removing the stain, then surgical intervention should be replaced with a more gentle treatment.


For the sclerotherapy procedure, 70% alcohol or other drugs prescribed by the attending physician are used. Sclerotherapy is used for deep vascular tumors of small size and difficult to localize. Treatment with sclerotherapy is indicated for areas in the facial area (lip, nose, etc.).


Cryodestruction involves cauterization of the affected area of ​​skin. Removal with liquid nitrogen is applied to formations of small sizes. Cauterization can be performed on newborns; the procedure is painless and does not cause bleeding. Cryodestruction leaves a bubble at the site of the tumor, which requires proper care. With proper treatment, the wound heals quickly without leaving a mark.

There are enough methods for removing hemangioma; the question of choice is in selecting the most suitable and effective technology. It is necessary to pay attention to the type of education, all the advantages and contraindications of the procedure.

Hemangioma is an example of a benign tumor, not prone to metastasis and malignancy, and consisting of overgrown blood vessels, due to congenital defects of angiogenesis. However, there are reasons that force the patient to consult a doctor about removing this formation. There are many removal techniques, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Indications for hemangioma removal:

  • Cosmetic indications. Formations often appear in the area of ​​the face, neck and décolleté, and therefore bring aesthetic discomfort to the patient.
  • Discomfort. The location of the hemangioma is in areas of friction with clothing; movement causes pain and injury to the surface.
  • Bleeding. As a result of friction with clothing or unintentional entanglement with something, the hemangioma is injured and bleeding begins, which constantly renews.
  • Violation of the functions of vital organs. For example, in some cases, a hemangioma is located near the eyeball, and as a result of its growth, it blocks blood vessels and impairs vision. Hemangioma of the tongue, oral mucosa and nasal passages is also dangerous.
  • Infection. When a hemangioma is injured, a periodically bleeding surface appears, in which favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of bacteria. As a result, the bacterial flora penetrates the wound and causes local inflammation.
  • The occurrence of other complications.


  • The presence of an active infectious disease process, fever;
  • Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases;
  • Exacerbation of herpes infection;
  • Inflammation and infection of hemangioma;
  • Severe diseases of internal organs;
  • Bleeding disorders;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Epilepsy and mental illness;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Period of menstruation;
  • The presence of a pacemaker in the radio wave surgery method;
  • Cryodestruction applies to infants.
If there are some contraindications you should consult a specialist regarding the possibility of carrying out the removal procedure.

Removal methods

Radio wave surgery.
Atraumatic method removal of hemangioma by exposing the tumor to high-frequency waves. The most suitable method for removing hemangioma, due to its advantages superior to other methods:

  • Does not destroy surrounding healthy tissue;
  • Cutting method without bleeding;
  • Does not leave a postoperative scar;
  • The possibility of burns and tissue necrosis is completely eliminated;
  • Rapid rehabilitation and tissue regeneration;
  • No complications or discomfort after removal;
  • Fast completion of the procedure;
  • Sterilizing effect of radio wave surgery;
  • Suitable for almost all types of hemangiomas (except intraorgan location and very large tumors);
  • The removed tissue is completely suitable for histological examination, since there is no overheating or disruption of its structure. This advantage distinguishes this method from laser coagulation, an effective and common method in medical practice.
The cut with high-frequency waves is performed without mechanical impact and destruction of tissue cellular structures.

The procedure is performed using special Surgitron equipment. When interacting with the waves emanating from the electrode, the skin releases thermal energy and thus a thin and even cut is formed. Currently, radio wave surgery is widely used in dermatological and oncological practice.

During the procedure, a cryoapplicator is applied to the formation, which causes redness and swelling of the area. After a few hours, an epidermal blister forms, containing serous or hemorrhagic fluid. After 10-14 days, a crust is created in its place, which, after rejection, leaves a pink spot in its place.

The cryosurgical method can cause unpleasant sensations such as tingling, burning and mild pain, but they quickly pass.

Removal of hemangioma with nitrogen is contraindicated in infants.


Laser coagulation neodymium laser. Laser removal of hemangioma is one of the most effective and used methods currently, as it has a number of advantages:

  • Without pain and trauma;
  • Does not damage surrounding healthy tissue;
  • Speed ​​of execution;
  • Does not leave postoperative scars and hyperpigmentation;
  • Suitable for almost any type of hemangiomas (the exceptions are intraorgan location, large size and combined structure, with high tissue invasion);
  • Has no age restrictions;
  • Short rehabilitation period;
  • With superficial localization, it allows you to get rid of the tumor in one session.
The essence of the technique comes down to a local high-temperature effect on the vessel, as a result of which it “solders” and stops blood circulation.

After cauterization, the structure of the newly formed vessels dies. After the procedure, a slight swelling of the area develops, which is replaced by a crust. Then all the phenomena gradually disappear, leaving behind clean and smooth skin without scars.

No special preparation is required, the main thing is the absence of applied cosmetics. During the rehabilitation period (from several days to several weeks), it is important not to overheat the area, not to wet it, not to lubricate it with alcohol solutions and iodine, not to injure it or expose it to insolation.

Unlike the radio wave method, the laser destroys tissue and does not make it possible to evaluate the histological picture of the tumor.

Methodology based on the introduction of a special chemical substance into the area of ​​hemangioma, which has a sclerosing effect.

As a result, the vessel becomes empty and is replaced by connective tissue; scar tissue remains at the site of the tumor after the procedure. Aethoxysclerol, prednisolone, thrombovar, and fibrovein are used as sclerosants.

Sclerosing therapy is used in hard-to-reach places, with cavernous types of hemangiomas and the combined form, as well as spinal hemangiomas.

The method is based on exposure to high-frequency impulses current on the hemangioma, cauterization of the formation with electric current.

As a result, the vessels heat up, coagulate and become empty.

After some time, swelling forms and is replaced by a crust. After this procedure, a scar remains.

X-ray therapy.
Exposure of hemangioma to X-rays causes its destruction.

However, this method is not used due to many side effects.

There are other methods for removing hemangioma, such as surgical removal, electrophoresis using calcium chloride, which are not currently a viable alternative to the above methods. Surgical removal with a scalpel is used when the tumor is located internally, serious complications occur, and the tumor is of significant size.

Features of removal in children

In a child, if a capillary hemangioma occurs, which does not represent a cosmetic defect and the risk of complications, use wait-and-see tactics, with constant monitoring of education growth.