Epigen intimate spray release form. Storage conditions and shelf life

Registration number: P N011741/02 dated July 22, 2008.

Trade (proprietary) name of the drug: Epigen Intim.

International (nonproprietary or generic) name: ammonium glycyrrhizinate,

Dosage form: spray for local and external use.

Composition per 100 ml of the drug:

Active ingredient:
activated glycyrrhizic acid (equivalent to ammonium glycyrrhizinate) 0.1 g,
Excipients: malic acid, fumaric acid, ascorbic acid, folic acid, propylene glycol, Tween - 80 (polysorbate - 80), purified water.

The solution is light yellow to light brown in color and has a characteristic odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group
Antiviral immunostimulating drug,

ATX code

Pharmacological properties
The active ingredient of Epigen Intim is activated glycyrrhizic acid, obtained by extraction from plant materials (licorice root).

Activated glycyrrhizic acid has a complex effect, which includes immunostimulating, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and regenerating.

Activated glycyrrhizic acid induces the production of its own interferons. The immunostimulating effect is manifested by an increase in the number and activity of T lymphocytes, a decrease in the concentration of immunoglobulin G and an increase in the concentration of immunoglobulin A and M.

Activated glycyrrhizic acid has an antiviral effect on various types of DNA and RNA viruses in vitro and in vivo (Varicella Zoster; herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2; cytomegalovirus, various types of human papillomavirus, including oncogenic ones). Activated glycyrrhizic acid interrupts viral replication in the early stages, causes the virion to exit the capsid, thereby preventing its penetration into cells. Activated glycyrrhizic acid inactivates these viruses in concentrations that are non-toxic for normally functioning cells. Mutant strains of viruses resistant to acyclovir and iodouridine are also highly sensitive to glycyrrhizic acid, like non-mutant strains.

The anti-inflammatory activity of activated glycyrrhizic acid is combined with a stimulating effect on humoral and cellular immunity factors. Activated glycyrrhizic acid significantly inhibits the release of kinins and the synthesis of prostaglandins by connective tissue cells in the area of ​​inflammation. The regenerating effect is due to improved repair of the skin and mucous membranes.

When applied externally and locally, activated glycyrrhizic acid is deposited in the lesions. Systemic absorption occurs slowly. The drug is found in the blood in trace amounts.

Indications for use

  • treatment of a viral infection caused by the human papillomavirus, including asymptomatic isolation of the human papillomavirus of high oncogenic risk as part of combination and complex therapy;
  • treatment of viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus types I and II as part of complex therapy;
  • treatment of a viral infection caused by the Varicella Zoster virus (shingles) as part of complex therapy;
  • treatment of a viral infection caused by cytomegalovirus as part of complex therapy;
  • prevention of relapses of viral infections caused by herpes simplex virus types I and II, Varicella Zoster virus, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus;
  • prevention and treatment of genital warts and cervical pathologies caused by human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus;
  • prevention and treatment of conditions accompanied by a decrease in local immunity, including nonspecific vulvovaginitis, vulvovaginal candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis, as part of complex therapy;
  • in cases of discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dryness of the mucous membranes, including after sexual intercourse;
  • with symptoms of discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dryness of the mucous membranes with insufficient ovarian function.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pregnancy and lactation
The drug is approved for use during the entire period of pregnancy and lactation.

Directions for use and doses
Externally, intravaginally and intraurethrally.

Shake the container before use. When using, keep the container in an upright position.

For external use, the drug is applied to the entire affected surface of the skin from a distance of 4-5 cm by 1-2 valve presses, which is the optimal therapeutic dose.

For intravaginal use of the drug, a special nozzle with a sprayer is included. Remove the valve from the spray bottle and put on the nozzle valve. Then insert the nozzle into the vagina and inject using 1-2 presses of the nozzle, which is the optimal therapeutic dose.

When used by men, in addition to external application, the drug is injected into the external opening of the urethra with 1-2 presses of the spray valve.

For type I herpesvirus infection and herpes zoster, the drug is recommended to be used 6 times a day on the affected area for 5 days. If the infectious process persists, the treatment period is extended until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

For type II herpesvirus infection (genital herpes), cytomegalovirus infection, it is recommended to use it 5 times a day for 14 days externally and intravaginally, after stopping the relapse - externally and intravaginally 3 times a day for 10 days.

In order to prevent relapses of genital herpes and cytomegalovirus infection, the drug is recommended to be used externally and intravaginally from the 18-20th day of the menstrual cycle until the end of menstruation 2 times a day in the morning and evening.

Before removal of condylomas - 3 times a day during the entire period of etiotropic therapy.
- against the background of destruction - 5 times a day for 10 days or more until complete healing.
- for the prevention of immediate relapses 3 times a day for 1 month.

To prevent the progression of human papillomavirus infection, it is recommended to use before and after sexual intercourse, as well as in the event of provoking factors (stress, fatigue, respiratory viral infections, microflora disorders, taking antibiotics, cytostatics) - 3 times a day intravaginally and externally during the entire period of exposure provoking factors.

For bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vulvovaginitis, and vulvovaginal candidiasis: the drug is recommended to be used intravaginally 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after 10 days. If provoking factors occur (respiratory viral infections, taking antibiotics, cytostatics) - 3 times a day intravaginally and externally during the entire period of exposure to provoking factors.

For symptoms of discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dry mucous membranes: 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 2-3 weeks. To prevent discomfort, use regularly after sexual intercourse.

line-height: normal;">As a prophylactic antiviral agent, the drug is recommended for use before and after sexual intercourse.

Side effect
Individual intolerance to the components of the drug is possible.
In rare cases, local allergic reactions are possible, including contact dermatitis,

Interaction with other drugs
No interactions have been identified with the main groups of drugs used for complex treatment of these diseases (antibiotics and antiseptics; anti-inflammatory and painkillers).
Synergism was found with the simultaneous use of activated glycyrrhizic acid and other antiviral drugs, in particular derivatives of acyclovir, iodouridine, interferon and other immunomodulators.

Special instructions
The nozzle is washed with boiled water and soap and stored in the supplied plastic packaging.
The design of the nozzle allows you to maintain the effect of uniform irrigation of the cervix and vaginal walls.
For use in a hospital setting, intravaginal irrigation with the drug in speculums can be performed without a nozzle.
To be effective, no prior rinsing of the application area is required.
If signs of intolerance appear, stop using the drug.

Release form
Spray for local and external use 0.1%, 15 ml and 60 ml in a plastic bottle with a sprayer. The cylinder is packed in polyvinyl chloride film (first opening control). Each bottle, together with a spray nozzle for intravaginal use and instructions for use, is packaged in a cardboard box.
15 ml (“free sample”) in a plastic spray bottle. Each bottle, together with a spray nozzle for intravaginal use and instructions for use, is packaged in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions: At a temperature of 15° to 30° C, out of the reach of children.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies: Dispensed without a prescription.

Best before date: 3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Production commissioned by Hemigroup France S.A., France(“B.Brown Medical S.A.”, Jaen, Spain) for Invar® LLC, Russia

Organization that receives complaints from consumers
LLC "Invar", Russia, 410056, Saratov, st. Rakhova 61/71

Representative office in Moscow:
115054, Moscow, st. Dubininskaya, 57, building 1

Epigen spray is a product that is used topically for therapeutic as well as prophylactic purposes. The main indication for its use is the treatment of gynecological pathologies. The product has an antiviral and immunostimulating effect. The spray is made on the basis of a natural component, which is extracted from a plant called licorice. Let's consider how you can use this remedy and how to use it correctly, and also find out what women say about this medicine.

In what cases is it prescribed?

“Epigen” (spray), a review of which (and more than one) can be found on forums dedicated to women’s diseases, is prescribed by the doctor for the following problems:

  • For complex therapy and prevention of gynecological diseases of viral origin.
  • In the event that it is necessary to increase local immunity.
  • For herpes infection caused by herpes virus types 1 and 2.
  • For thrush.
  • If a woman has human papillomavirus infection.
  • If the patient is diagnosed with colpitis and vaginosis.
  • To prevent and eliminate discomfort in the genital area, including dry mucous membranes, burning, itching, and also if a woman complains of discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Methods of application

“Epigen” (spray), a positive review (and not a single one, there are many responses) about which the majority of the fair sex leaves, is used in two ways:

  1. Externally.
  2. Intravaginally.

The bottle should be shaken well before each use. The bottle should be held vertically while applying the product. Before using the spray, there is no need to specially treat the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

External use of the drug

“Epigen” is an intimate spray that must be applied to the affected area at a distance of at least 4 cm. The usual therapeutic dose is 2 sprays.

Intravaginal use

In this case, it is recommended to install a special nozzle with a sprayer, which is included in the kit, on the bottle. Remove the nozzle from the bag, remove the spray bottle from the bottle and put the nozzle on it. After this, you should insert it into the vagina and make the required number of sprays. The dosage for intravaginal use is 1 or 2 injections.

To prevent cytomegalovirus infection and genital herpes, the spray is used 2 times a day from 18-20 days of the cycle until the end of menstruation.

For bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginitis and thrush, the drug is prescribed 3 or 4 times a day. The average duration of therapy in this case is from 7 to 10 days.

To prevent infections that can be caused by papillomavirus, Epigen (intimate spray) should be used before and after sexual intercourse. It should also be used during periods of exposure to factors that can trigger the onset of the disease, for example, overwork, stress, respiratory infections, taking antimicrobial drugs, and microflora disturbances. In this case, you need to administer the medicine 3 times a day.

If a woman feels discomfort in the genital area, itching, dryness, burning, then the doctor prescribes the remedy 2 times a day. The course of treatment is usually 3 weeks.

To prevent discomfort, the intimate hygiene product should be used regularly after each sexual intercourse.

Similar drugs

"Epigen" (spray) has analogues for the active component. The most effective similar drugs in this case are: Epigen Labial cream, Glyciram tablets. Also, Epigen (spray) has analogs based on its pharmacological action. In this case, such medications are Laktonorm suppositories, Vagilak capsules, and Vagikal suppositories.


"Epigen" (spray), the price of which may seem high, can be purchased in pharmacies, as well as in specialized stores selling cosmetic, hygiene products, body and face care products. The cost of this drug is influenced by several factors: the volume of the bottle, the location of the outlet, as well as its markup. On average, the price of a spray ranges from 950 rubles. And this is for a 15 ml bottle of Epigen (spray). The price of a larger volume of medicine is naturally higher. So, for a 60 ml bottle you need to pay about 1800 rubles. The price is really high, but the result justifies the amount.

Side effects

In general, the drug is well tolerated by patients, even when the treatment was long-term. But individual intolerance to the drug cannot be ruled out. Therefore, in this case, allergies (contact dermatitis, urticaria) may develop.

Positive feedback from people

Basically, "Epigen" - a spray for intimate hygiene - has positive reviews. So, many girls praise this remedy for its amazing effect: it helps in complex therapy to get rid of thrush forever, it perfectly treats vaginosis, vulvovaginitis, and herpes in the genital area. The drug can also be used as a prophylaxis for these ailments. In addition, you can find responses on women's forums from women who used this drug to get rid of the papilloma virus. And in this case, Epigen (spray) helped them. Reviews from representatives of the fairer sex are positive. The remedy helped these women get rid of the papilloma virus. And if anyone doesn’t know, this disease can trigger the development of cervical cancer. That is why women advertise this spray so zealously, so that those who have been diagnosed with the papilloma virus do not worry. After all, with the drug “Epigen” you don’t have to be afraid of this disease. In addition, the product eliminates unpleasant odors and treats inflammation of the appendages. And this gel simply needs to be used to irrigate the uterus in the following cases:

After swimming in various reservoirs and rivers.

After sexual intercourse. In this case, the drug will help relieve dryness, itching and discomfort.

Women also note the fact that it is very convenient to use a product such as Epigen (spray). Reviews, and more than one, confirm that this drug can really be used anywhere. So, a woman, being in an interesting position, can use this remedy in the maternity hospital to treat thrush. And, as the girls write, they have never come across such a convenient spray. And you don’t need to take a rubber bulb, because Epigen has a special attachment that can be easily used. In general, the drug is 100% convenient. Women also note that this is a wonderful alternative to all suppositories and antibiotics. The girls also liked the natural composition of the product, as well as the fact that it lasts for a long time.

Negative reactions from people

Unfortunately, people speak not only flatteringly, but also not very favorably of the Epigen (spray) product. Discharge sometimes causes negative reactions from women. Some girls are sure that after using Epigen they have even more leucorrhoea. However, these women do not specify that they used this spray on their own, without a gynecologist’s prescription. But, no matter how safe this remedy is, it should still be prescribed by a doctor. After all, you don’t know what causes vaginal discharge. Maybe Epigen should not be used in your case? Therefore, it is necessary to buy, let alone be treated with, this spray only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Women are also dissatisfied with the price of the drug Epigen. Indeed, the cost of this product is high. However, this price is successfully offset by the important advantages of the drug: its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness. And even a small bottle lasts a long time.

Now you know in what cases the doctor can prescribe Epigen (spray), how to use it correctly, what analogues of this medication are available. We have determined that people generally respond positively to this remedy, specifying that it helped them cope with thrush, vaginosis, colpitis, itching and burning in the genital area. Although this treatment spray may seem too expensive for many, you should know that the end result is worth the price.

According to the instructions for use, Epigen spray is an effective antiviral and immunostimulating drug, which is offered in a convenient form for use.

This drug contains special substances that are obtained from the licorice root extract. We are talking about glycyrrhizic activated acid in its active form. This component is an excellent remedy with antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, an extract from licorice root relieves itching, promotes rapid healing and restoration of the skin. Thus, you can quickly get rid of serious problems caused by infection and inflammatory processes in the body.

Glycyrrhizic acids synthesize endogenous interferons and significantly increase the number of lymphocytes and their activity. During the use of Epigen intimate spray, an increase and decrease in certain types of immunoglobulin occurs. Glycyrrhizated activated acid is capable of killing many types of viruses, including cytomegalovirus, herpes (both types 1 and 2), papillomavirus, including those of a malignant nature, that is, those that cause oncology.

The peculiarity of Epigen intimate spray is that it has a strong effect on viruses, but at the same time does not penetrate cells. Thanks to its powerful local effect, reviews of Epigen spray during its existence have been only positive. The action of glycerrizinic acid is aimed at deactivating diseased cells. Moreover, this substance is absolutely non-toxic for those cells that cope with their work normally.

Epigen spray has proven to be an effective drug for combating mutant and non-mutant strains of viruses. The active substance copes even where there is no positive effect from Acyclovir and Iodouridine. According to the instructions, Epigen intimate spray has a strong stimulating effect on humoral and cellular factors. At the same time, its anti-inflammatory effect is at a high level, which makes the spray stand out among similar products. It is impossible not to note the stimulation of epithelization, which causes the rapid restoration of the mucous membrane of organs.

Epigen can be purchased in several forms for use at the site of the lesion. Thus, the strong active ingredient of this remedy has a powerful local effect specifically in the inflammatory focus. If glycyrrhizic acid does enter healthy cells, it is an absolutely insignificant dose.

When should you use Epigen spray?

As a rule, specialists prescribe this drug for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to combat diseases of viral etiology from gynecology. In addition, Epigen intimate spray will be useful if you need to quickly increase local immunity.

The peculiarity of this remedy is that it gets along well with other drugs, so it can work in combination, which significantly increases the chances of a quick and more effective recovery. Epigen copes well with viral diseases, which include papillomavirus. It is prescribed in the absence of pronounced symptoms in the laboratory determination of HPV of a highly oncogenic type.

In addition to effectively combating papillomavirus, Epigen intimate can relieve a person of genital herpes. It fights well against both types 1 and 2, and also kills cytomegalovirus.

Epigen intimate is often included in the complex treatment of pathological ailments and formations in the cervix. The drug can also be used as a prophylactic for those people who have a tendency to develop HPV. Epigen spray can be prescribed for patients with herpes virus, human papillomavirus and cytomegalovirus in recurrent stages.

Epigen is one of the components of complex therapeutic measures for the treatment of patients with reduced local immunity. In addition, it will be useful for nonspecific vulvaginitis, vaginosis caused by bacteria, and vulvovaginal candidiasis. For some women, a spray for the intimate area is recommended to eliminate discomfort in the genital area, severe itching, excessive dryness of the mucous membranes, causing a burning sensation, which can be felt during or after sexual intercourse.

How to use the spray?

According to the instructions, Epigen spray is intended for intravaginal, intraurethral or external use. If we are talking about a liquid form of production, then before each use of the product it must be shaken thoroughly. When spraying the drug, the bottle is held strictly vertically.

Before applying Epigen spray to the skin or mucous membranes, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the affected area. When spraying the spray, the bottle is kept at a distance of about 4 cm from the surface of the skin. As a rule, the doctor recommends applying 2 sprays at a time.

Epigen in spray form is very convenient for intravaginal use. The kit should include a nozzle with a spray bottle, which is designed specifically for these purposes. As a rule, the attachments are well packaged. Before use, the device must be removed from the packaging and the regular spray bottle removed from the can. Then a special nozzle is put on the bottle and inserted into the vagina, where the number of sprays recommended by the doctor is performed. As a rule, one dose is a couple of presses on the sprayer.

Epigen intimate can also be prescribed to men. In this case, doctors often recommend intraurethral use, that is, administration of the drug through the urethra. Most often, representatives of the stronger sex are limited to external use. When using attachments, they must be thoroughly washed and dried after each use. The cleaning process must be accompanied by the use of soap or shower gel.

Epigen to prevent illness

According to a large number of positive reviews from doctors, Epigen spray is recommended not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of many diseases associated with the human genital organs. To avoid the development of papillomas, it is necessary to treat the skin and mucous membranes after each sexual intercourse. When it comes to preventing herpes, you need to first pay attention to the places where rashes most often form.

In cases where the risk of disease is very high, it is necessary to carry out treatment at least 3 times a day. It must be remembered that diseases can be triggered by decreased immunity due to hypothermia, stress, or overheating in damp rooms.

Experts give exclusively positive reviews about Epigen intimate spray. Its distinctive feature is the minimal number of side effects. Doctors note that this drug is usually well tolerated by patients. The only exception may be people with individual intolerance to the components of this product.

If a patient often suffers from various types of allergies, it is possible that after using an intimate spray he will develop urticaria or contact dermatitis. In this regard, Epigen is contraindicated in patients with negative reactions to one or more components, especially to glycyrrhizic acids.

Regarding the use of Epigen spray for children and pregnant women, studies have shown that this medication is absolutely safe for pregnant women. This is due to its exclusively local action and the absence of a significant effect on healthy cells of the body. Thus, Epigen intimate spray during pregnancy is prescribed throughout the entire period. In addition, the spray has no contraindications during breastfeeding.

As for children, there is not enough research. Considering that the effect of Epigen on a fragile body has not been fully studied, the drug cannot be prescribed to small patients.

Epigen intimate spray and other medications

As mentioned above, this drug has shown itself well in complex work. It is often prescribed together with other drugs that have a positive effect in the treatment of gynecological ailments. Epigen spray is compatible even with antibiotics that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. This drug enhances the effect of Acyclovir, Interferon and Iodouridine.

Average online price*: 942 rub.

Where to buy:

Instructions for use

The drug does not help against thrush, although sometimes they try to use it against the fungus.

The drug is available in cylinders with a capacity of 15 ml or 60 ml, equipped with convenient sprayers that help treat the damaged surface. The drug comes with an additional spray nozzle used for intravaginal use.

Pharmacological properties

The spray is based on an active agent - glycyrrhizic acid. The medicine contains auxiliary acids and water.

The medicinal solution has a light brown color and a specific odor.

Properties of glycyrrhizic acid

Activated glycyrrhizic acid is a substance obtained from the rhizomes of licorice glabra. This plant has medicinal properties, and the resulting acid increases the formation of interferon, an increased amount of which activates the body's immune response against persistent types of pathogens, primarily against viruses.

Gently affecting mucous tissues, the acid does not cause pathological changes in the skin, but rather restores them, destroying various pathogens of pathological processes.

Glycyrrhizic acid is especially active against human papillomavirus, herpes, herpes zoster and cytomegalovirus.

It has the property of inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins, which leads to the disappearance of tumors and restoration of the skin.

Directions for use

  1. Before removal of condylomas, treatment is carried out 3 times a day, continuing to do this until the period of etiotropic therapy passes.
  2. When the cells and tissues of neoplasms of the papilloma virus are destroyed, treatment is carried out 5 times a day for at least 10 days until complete healing.
  3. To prevent exacerbation of the disease, treatment is carried out 3 times a day for 1 month.
  4. For genital herpes and cytomegalovirus infection, treatment of the affected areas is carried out externally and intravaginally. The course of treatment is 14 days, 5 times a day.
  5. After the exacerbation ends, the spray is used for at least 10 days - 3 times a day.

Preventative treatment

  1. To prevent the development and growth of papillomas, it is recommended to spray treatment before and after sexual intercourse. To prevent the appearance of herpes, areas of constant rash are treated
  2. Treat 3 times a day in the presence of provoking factors. A decrease in the body's protective functions occurs under stress, severe hypothermia, sudden overheating in a sauna or bathhouse.
  3. The herpes virus appears after ARVI. Treatment with antibiotics and cytostatics can cause painful blisters to appear on the skin.
  4. To prevent genital herpes rashes during menstruation, women are recommended to treat the external and internal genital organs. This begins to be done from the 18th - 20th day of the menstrual cycle until the discharge completely ends. The spray is used 2 times a day.

Side effects

Local allergic reactions are sometimes observed, and contact dermatitis may develop. Individual intolerance to the active substance or components of the drug may occur. Then the drug is discontinued. There are no contraindications.

Effect of the drug on pregnant and nursing mothers

The drug is safe and does not in any way affect the fetus or breastfeeding.

Rules of application

  1. Before spraying, the contents must be actively mixed by shaking the can of medicine.
  2. Spraying the liquid onto the surface is carried out by holding the container vertically, at a distance of 4-5 cm. To apply the required amount of liquid, 1-2 presses of the valve are enough.
  3. Intravaginal use of the drug is possible with a special nozzle. Its design allows for irrigation of the internal genital organs in a uniform layer. In a lying position, a special nozzle is inserted into the vagina, and then irrigation is performed.
  4. After treatment, it is recommended to lie down with your legs elevated for a while so that the drug can take effect.
  5. Men using the drug must inject it into the urethra. After use, the nozzle is immediately washed with soap and running water and stored in a special bag.

Have a great day everyone! Today I decided to write a short post about my favorite intimate hygiene product - Epigen intimate gel, which I have been using recently. For those who are interested, please see cat.

Composition of the product

Let me start with the fact that intimate hygiene products should contain very soft, non-irritating surfactants (surfactants) that foam and wash away impurities, and in high-quality products, in theory, there should be no sodium lauryl and laureth sulfates at all, which Gives a good lather, but can irritate the skin. This product contains sodium laureth sulfate, but judging by the composition, there is very little of it and was added just for foam.

Almost all intimate gels and mousses contain the main active ingredient in their composition - lactic acid. It acidifies the acid-base balance of the product, making it acidic, because our mucous membranes also have an acidic pH level. A change in pH to alkaline leads to a weakening of the protective function of the mucous membrane, which is why soap should not be used for intimate hygiene - this can cause thrush. In addition, lactic acid prevents irritation and inflammation, and acts as a mild antiseptic.

Many other means are limited to this. If you look closely at the composition of Epigen gel, you can see two more active components - phytosphingosines and activated glycyrrhizic acid, obtained from licorice root extract. Pure glycyrrhizic acid has many studies on its antibacterial effects, reducing skin irritation and redness. That is, it not only prevents lactic acid, but also fights these problems.

Phytosphingosines are natural substances, most often obtained from yeast cells, that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Glycerin is added for moisturizing effect, and there are no fragrances or dyes in the composition, which is also very good.

The gel itself is a pleasant natural yellow color, thick (but not sticky), and spreads well over the skin. Here's a short photo in daylight.

Expanded opinion:
I have been using Epigen gel for more than a month now, and I can say that I like it much more than other intimate hygiene products that I have tried (and I have only tried Lactacid). It is really very soft and gentle, does not dry out the skin, foams quite well and leaves a pleasant feeling of freshness throughout the day. It has a pleasant natural smell, although there are no fragrances in the composition. With it, I forgot about all the irritation and discomfort that used to occur from time to time, and now I wouldn’t trade it for anything))

Among other things, it is very economical - after a month of daily use, there is still 2/3 of the product left in the bottle. For one use, 1 dose is enough (that is, one press of the dispenser). In general, my rating is a solid five.

Price: 500-600 rubles depending on the pharmacy

Testing period: 1 month