What graphics world of tanks. Test the new engine

In version 9.0, new graphic effects have been introduced into the game, designed to make tank battles even more beautiful and spectacular.

However, it is important to understand that these innovations will also affect the performance of the game. For this reason, the first time you launch the game after installing update 9.0, the graphics settings will be automatically determined on each account.

In most cases, this is enough for a comfortable game, but if after installing the update you experience a drop in performance, we recommend taking a few minutes to fine-tune the client manually.

  1. Select the graphics quality from those offered in the drop-down menu or use the “Recommended” button - the system will automatically select the most suitable graphics quality for the game, based on the parameters of your computer. The Graphics Quality settings affect the settings in the Advanced tab. Select a value in the Graphics Quality field if you do not want to configure every option on the Advanced tab.
  2. 3D render resolution. Decreasing the parameter value can improve game performance on computers with weak graphics cards.
  3. Selecting the size of the game window. If “Full Screen Mode” is enabled, the field name changes to “Screen Resolution”. If the set resolution in full screen mode does not match the current monitor resolution, the image may be distorted. Increasing the parameter increases the load on the video card and can reduce the performance of the game. You can reduce the load on the video card by adjusting the 3D rendering resolution.
  4. Enabling full screen mode expands the game to the entire monitor of your computer.
  5. Limit frame rate to 60 frames per second. Used when the image on the bottom of the screen is shaking or lags relative to the top.
  6. When this setting is enabled, the edges and edges of objects become smoother.
  7. Angle of view. The normal viewing angle for humans is about 95°. The smaller the angle, the closer objects become, but the peripheral view is reduced. Does not affect game performance.
  8. A mechanism for adapting the color palette for people with color blindness.
  9. Monitor refresh rate. You can view your monitor's refresh rate in the settings of your monitor or its driver. Please note that the displayed values ​​depend on the current monitor resolution. Install monitor drivers to display supported values.
  10. If the set aspect ratio does not match the current aspect ratio of the monitor, the image may stretch or shrink horizontally. The setting allows you to equalize the proportions on monitors with non-square pixels.
  11. Here you can select a monitor for the game if you have several connected to your computer.
  12. Change the brightness of the image. Works only in full screen mode. Windowed mode uses the current operating system settings.
  13. The color filter allows you to choose the visual design of the game from the proposed options.
  14. Moving the slider changes the visibility of the selected color filter in the interface. The picture above shows the changes.

If you need more advanced graphics settings, go to the "Advanced" tab. Please note: Most of the settings below are only available for the Enhanced Graphics renderer.

Some settings and their values ​​are not available for standard graphics.

Settings that significantly affect the performance/performance of the game are placed in a separate block “Significantly affecting performance”. In the image they are indicated by numbers 3–7 and 12–16.

Lowering or disabling these settings can significantly improve game performance.

It is important to pay attention to some points here:

  1. By choosing from the two proposed graphics quality options, you predetermine the choice in the remaining categories in this tab.
  2. The quality of textures does not depend on the performance of the card, but it is demanding on video memory.
  3. Game performance with this setting depends on the power of the video card.
  4. Shadow quality is highly dependent on overall system performance, affecting both the video card and the CPU.
  5. It is recommended to disable this option if performance decreases in sniper mode.
  1. Here you can adjust the display of smoke, dust, sparks, flames, explosions, etc. All these objects depend not so much on the video card, but on the central processor.
  1. Various additional graphic effects: air refraction, bloom effect, etc. Strongly depends on the performance of the video card and moderately on the amount of video memory.

Points 8–19, 21 slightly affect the performance of the game, which means that when setting values, you should be guided by your own wishes for the quality of each element (water, trees, landscape, etc.).

Many users will find it useful in paragraph 20 “Dynamic change in the quality of effects” - automatic simplification of effects when system performance drops.

Enabling the option will allow the game to adapt to the speed of your computer.

In the last article we talked about which one is needed and this is the primary condition for a comfortable game. But no less important is the correct setting of the game parameters.

Correct settings are the key to a comfortable game! Now we will briefly look at all the game settings and pay special attention to graphics settings.

1. General settings

The “Game” tab contains general settings.

In the “Chat” section, you can enable message censorship so that stars are displayed instead of swear words (recommended for children). Here you can disable spam, invitations to a platoon, friend requests and messages from those who are not in your contact list (friends). Personally, I'm fed up with these messages, I turned off the chat altogether and am enjoying the game

In the “Types of random battles” section, you can disable “Encounter battle” and “Assault”. These modes use the same maps as in random battles, but the location of the bases and victory conditions have been changed. In the “Encounter Battle” mode, there is one common base and the team that captures it or destroys all opponents wins. In Assault mode, one team defends the base, the other defends. To win, the Defenders must prevent the base from being captured and at least one team member survive. To win, the Attackers need to capture the base or destroy all opponents at any cost. Personally, I don’t like these types of fights, but you can try them for a change and see if they suit your taste.

In the “Combat Interface” section, you can turn off the effect of optics (the green background in the sight) so that it does not spoil the picture, and turn off the display of the vehicle that destroyed you (if this makes you nervous).

Be sure to check the “Enable dynamic camera” and “Horizontal stabilization in the sniper scope” checkboxes, otherwise it’s simply impossible to shoot on the move, the scope dangles in all directions!

I uncheck the “Show vehicle markers on the scoreboard” and “Show combat effectiveness tapes” checkboxes, because I don’t see the point in them, they are just distracting.

As for the minimap options (camera direction beam, SPG firing sector and additional features), I disable them because I am using a minimap mod with advanced capabilities, which I will tell you about in the next article. This is important, if you, like me, use the minimap mod, then disable these parameters so that they are not duplicated, thereby reducing performance.

When the “Record battles” option is enabled, small files (replays) will be recorded in the “replays” folder, which is located in the game folder, which can then be viewed. This almost does not affect the performance of the game and you can easily share them with friends or upload them to the site “wotreplays.ru” so that other users can watch how you bend But these are not video files, they can only be played by the game itself and stop working after exit next patch. Therefore, if you want to post a video on YouTube or save the history of your victories for posterity, do not forget to digitize the best replays after hard battles using some program for recording video from the screen (ShadowPlay, Bandicam, Fraps).

Well, by checking the last checkbox “Display distinctive marks” you can compare barrels with players in the game. Stars or notches (from 1 to 3) received in battles for great services to the homeland will be displayed on the barrel of your tank

Immediately when you switch to the Graphics tab, the screen settings are displayed.

If you have just installed the game and it is still displayed in a window and not on the full screen, then check the “Full screen” box and click the “Apply” button. Only after this you need to select “Screen Resolution”. If you have a liquid crystal (flat-panel, TFT) monitor, then choose the maximum resolution and leave the frame rate at 60. If you still have a fucking box of a picture tube (CRT) monitor on your desk, then a resolution of 1280x1024 with a frequency of 85 Hz is usually suitable for it ( or 75 Hz). Click “Apply” and if everything is displayed normally (not stretched or flickering), then this is good. If you cannot find the resolution you need or the image appears stretched, then try also changing the “Screen Aspect Ratio”.

In the Graphics Quality field, you can manually select low, medium, high, or maximum quality. This will install the appropriate set of settings, which we will talk about next. If you are not playing on a calculator (a very weak laptop), then make sure that the “3D render resolution” slider is set to 100% and uncheck “Dynamic change”, otherwise the picture in the game will be blurry.

It is better not to enable the “Vertical Sync” option, as it negatively affects performance. This is only required in case of noticeable frame tearing and is applicable on high-end gaming PCs. The “Triple Buffering” setting is needed to improve the performance of the video card when “Vertical Sync” is enabled, but it affects the performance of the processor that performs this buffering.

The Anti-aliasing parameter improves the picture, it becomes softer and more natural, but this significantly loads the video card and is designed for powerful gaming PCs. In this field you can select different anti-aliasing modes from lighter (FXAA) to quite heavy (TSSAA-HQ).

“Viewing Angle (FoV)” specifies the location of the camera relative to your tank. That is, the angle at which you will look at it. The default is set to 95 degrees and "Dynamic FoV" is disabled. Nobody really complains about these settings, so you can leave everything as it is. If you want to experiment, then you now know how everything was, so that you can put it back in place later

The “Gamma” parameter adjusts the brightness, but don’t touch it in vain, it’s better to reset your monitor to default settings, since the game is well calibrated.

“Color filter” is a gourmet option that imposes a different background in the game, similar to the effects in cameras. I tried it, it’s glamorous but useless...

Well, “Color Blind Mode” is intended for people with vision problems.

On the same “Graphics” tab, if you click on the “Advanced” button, the graphics quality settings will be displayed.

At the very top there are the already familiar “Recommended” button for automatically selecting the optimal parameters, the “Graphics Quality” field for setting a set of settings from low to maximum, the “3D render resolution” slider, which should be at 100%, and the “Dynamic change” checkbox. , which should not have a check mark.

As graphics quality increases, the frame rate per second (FPS) decreases. It is believed that a person sees 24 frames per second and for the smoothness of the picture it is desirable that the game produces at least 30 FPS. But from my own experience I can say that normal game dynamics start at 60 FPS.

What is the difference between low dynamics and high dynamics? With low dynamics, your tank drives like a Zhiguli (it just stalls), although maybe like a BMW. I have felt this more than once and you will feel it if you follow my advice! Extras (majors) have powerful computers that, even with high graphics settings, produce decent FPS (100 or more). Therefore, they feel the dynamics in the game much better, the machine subtly reacts to every fiber of the soul and they play more efficiently. And on a fast ST or LT without dynamics it’s generally sad... I’m not even talking about supercomputers that are used in e-sports. This is exactly what they are needed for - for dynamics.

An online game is not a single-player shooter, and what is important in it is victory over a live opponent, and not sluggish participation in a meat grinder with bots. Then the game gives that desired moral satisfaction after hard work, and not frustration and a bottle of vodka. Convinced, no? Then read on

I have a mid-range gaming PC and it runs the game at maximum graphics settings, delivering 40 FPS. At high settings it produces an average of 60 FPS. In the settings window that I provided above, you can select the graphics type “Standard” or “Enhanced”. So, despite what the hardware allows, I have long preferred to play on standard graphics, without any extra extras.

Just like that, simply and angrily, yes. But what a pleasure the game brings when you race on a bachata (or at least a four-wheeler) at a speed of 100-150 FPS! And there’s not a speck of dust in your eye, no clouds of smoke and rising earth from a T92 shell that fell nearby, no scary grass painted schoolchildren for ice cream highly paid designers, no fog that prevents you from aiming the T95 hatch from 500 meters, no other nasty graphic innovations that turn a BMW into a Zhiguli and prevent you from playing effectively.

Many computers handle standard graphics much better, the FPS is many times higher, and nothing prevents you from manually setting the available sliders to high parameters, at which the picture turns out to be quite neat, clean and dynamic!

I also recommend turning off grass and effects in sniper mode (they are very annoying), foliage transparency (makes the game even cleaner and faster), tracks and effects from under the tracks (you never look at them at all). “Quality extra. effects" it is better not to set it above average or turn it off altogether, since they also interfere (for example, when an artillery shell explodes nearby). It’s better to uncheck the “Dynamically change the quality of effects” checkbox; there’s no need for the graphics in the game to float.

In addition to high dynamics and clarity of the picture, you will receive some pleasant bonuses that you will notice as the game progresses (for example, thanks to the transparency of the water, you can clearly see the bottom topography and where you can drive along it). Try it, play for a while and you will notice that you have become more effective at playing. The main thing is not to rush forward on the wings of FPS

I don't promise anything, because I don't eat ties or caps. But if you still don't like the standard graphics, just change the settings. The screenshot below shows the settings for improved graphics, providing an optimal quality/performance ratio for an average-power PC.

You can download a detailed description of the settings for improved graphics, how they affect image quality, and what load they place on the video card and processor in the “” section.

And also, if you need to restart the game to apply the settings, a corresponding message will appear. In any case, I recommend restarting the game if you make major changes to graphics settings.

When we get to mods, there are still interesting opportunities to make the picture cleaner and the sight more stable

If, despite all the settings, your computer is sorely lacking in performance, consider installing a new level of GTX 1050 Ti or 1060.

MSI GTX 1050 Ti graphics card

Here is a screenshot of the settings in the Sound tab.

Everything seems clear here, so I’ll just add a little personal experience.

I turn off the music right away, it interferes with the game no less than the improved graphics

If you do not use a microphone in team battles, then disable voice communication by unchecking the only checkbox. Turn it on if needed. Communication works on the principle of a walkie-talkie - you press the microphone activation button (Q), say, release and listen to others. Anyone who holds the button for a long time pollutes the air with noise from his microphone (computer, apartment).

Headphones A4Tech Bloody G430

The microphone must be connected before starting the game. If your microphone is not always on, then after connecting it it is better to restart the computer, otherwise it may not work or work poorly. First check through the Skype testing service that the microphone is working properly, you can be heard well and there is no strong background noise. If necessary, increase (or decrease) the microphone sensitivity in the system settings (in Windows 7: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Manage audio devices\Recording).

Then launch the game, turn on voice communication and select your microphone in the appropriate field. The Player Voice Volume setting affects how you hear others. The default “microphone sensitivity” should be sufficient; at level 70 and above, your voice may begin to hum and cause discomfort to other players, do not overdo it with this parameter and ask your comrades not “How can you hear me?”, but “Is it too loud?” ?. I usually reduce the “general ambient volume level during a conversation” to 50, this muffles all the sounds of the game at the moment when a comrade addresses you and you don’t have to ask him again.

Well, the last, but not the newest feature is national voice acting. I usually leave the standard one, because who knows what the crew of a Chinese tank is babbling there, but it’s worth a try, it’s a challenging thing

And yet, there is some other “Start test” button, which I just noticed. Try it, tell me later in the comments

In the mods we will also install sound on the light bulb, what a song!

With the settings on the “Management” tab, everything is even simpler.

But I will still give some advice. I recommend reducing the sensitivity of the sniper scope and increasing the sensitivity of the artillery scope. Set it approximately like in my screenshot. This will give higher aiming accuracy when you are in a tank, since with high sensitivity, especially at medium and long distances, it is difficult to target enemies, the sight moves too quickly. And when you’re on the art, on the contrary, you’re tired of dragging the scope back and forth across the entire map with low sensitivity, and the mat gets erased...

Mouse A4Tech XL-740K

Don’t even think about turning on any inversion, only plums will do

And one more good piece of advice. If you have a mouse with additional buttons, then you can assign a specific consumables cell to one of them. In cells 1-3, the types of projectiles are switched and there is no need to touch them. But in cells 4-6 there may be manually activated consumables. For example, I install a fire extinguisher in the first cell, which corresponds to key 4 on the keyboard. Instead of key 4, I long ago assigned the side button on the mouse in the game settings. This allows you to quickly put out a fire in the event of a fire, rather than searching for the right button on the keyboard while the ammunition explodes. In addition, if there is an increased risk of fire, for example, an AMX 1390 came aft of you and is glad that it got to the soft one, then it won’t hurt to click at that time side mouse button for prevention! Works like an automatic fire extinguisher, but costs 7 times less

In the next article about mods, I will tell you how to assign several keys to one action and shoot more accurately! And, if you mess up the control settings, there is a “Default” button there

Go to the “Sight” tab.

Well, there’s nothing left to say here. You can adjust the size and shape of the sight, which I once tried. But the default settings are close to optimal, except perhaps make the size larger. Yes, and somewhere there is a sight with an indication selected. If you point it at the enemy's VLD (upper frontal part), it turns red, if you point it at the NLD (you can guess it yourself), it turns green. In general, it makes it clear whether your projectile can penetrate armor in this place. Red - no, green - yes.

But don’t bother with this, since in the article about mods we will install a more convenient sight with the correct indication that takes into account the angle of entry of the projectile!

Well, I just have to say that on this tab there are two more pads (pun intended) for setting up a separate arcade (3rd person) and sniper sight (in optics).

Here you can customize various icons above the tanks.

I somehow made the optimal settings for myself and they were saved, since now most of the settings (except for graphics and sound, in my opinion) are stored on the server and are pulled up from it again, even if the game is completely reinstalled.

There are also pads for setting up markers for allies, enemies and destroyed vehicles. For allies, they are the same there, but for destroyed ones, only the model of the vehicle for reference, the rest is disabled so as not to interfere with the screen.

I’m telling you everything honestly, but I still hope that you will install the right mods and you won’t have to configure anything manually.

8. Removing unnecessary files

And finally, some more useful information. You can significantly reduce the amount of disk space a game takes up by deleting all files from the Updates folder.

This folder contains temporary files that are downloaded during game updates. The developers themselves confirmed that these files are absolutely unnecessary and can be safely deleted. This is especially true for SSD drives that have a small capacity. For example, this folder took up 13.4 GB for me! For which she was sentenced to destruction without the right of restoration

Hard drive A-Data Ultimate SU650 120GB

9. Conclusion

To summarize, I want to say the following. If you want to win, forget about the special effects and set up the game well! After all, defeats do not bring any pleasure, but only irritate and leave a feeling of dissatisfaction!

10. Links

Below you can download a detailed description of all screen and graphics settings, how they affect image quality, processor and video card performance, with recommendations for the correct selection of parameters.

Headphones A4Tech Bloody G430
Keyboard A4Tech Bloody B254
Mouse A4Tech Bloody A90

World of Tanks is currently the most popular online game in Russia and the CIS, as well as one of the most popular in the world. “Tanks” is adored by both young gamers and the older generation, who fell in love with WoT from the first “one-shot.” They all scold the developers every day, but still continue to enjoy “bending” enemy combat vehicles in daily battles and in their fantasies.

As you know, an improved rendering type was introduced in World of Tanks not long ago. If earlier, on a standard render, “Tanks” ran on any vacuum cleaner, now it makes sense to understand the careful adjustment of graphics to the capabilities of the system. This is what we will do now.

Minimum system requirements for World of Tanks

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon X2 2.4 GHz.
RAM: 2 GB.
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GT/ ATI Radeon HD 2400 XT 256 MB.

As usual, we remind you that if your computer is weaker than even the configuration presented above, then it is better for you not to even try to run World of Tanks. Otherwise, you may lose your laptop or outdated system unit due to overheating.

Recommended system requirements for World of Tanks

CPU: Intel Core i7-3330 @ 3.4 GHz / AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz.
RAM capacity: 4 GB or more.
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2 GB / AMD Radeon HD 7850 2 GB.

If your PC is comparable or even exceeds the recommended requirements, then at first glance, you can stop reading further and calmly run and sit at the helm of your favorite tank. However, do not forget that WoT is still an online game, which means it requires a stable 60 frames in absolutely any situation during the battle. This means that it won’t hurt you to figure out what and where it’s better to turn off (or reduce the quality) out of harm’s way.

And, of course, those who are between the minimum and recommended requirements will find this article most useful. That is, those who have a processor more powerful than the AMD Athlon X2 2.4 GHz, but weaker than the Intel Core i7-3330, and a video card more powerful than the AMD Radeon HD 7850, but weaker than the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660, and so on.

Setting up World of Tanks graphics

The following lists all the image settings in World of Tanks. Some of them affect performance more, some less, and some have no effect at all. We tried to briefly describe the essence of each of these parameters, as well as give advice on optimizing them.

3D render resolution


Essentially, this setting allows you to reduce the graphics resolution without reducing the screen resolution, which allows you to leave all interface elements at maximum clarity.

Despite the fact that weakening this parameter allows you to significantly increase productivity, you should not forget that the appearance of the picture deteriorates just as significantly. Therefore, reduce the render quality only if you have a completely antediluvian device, and even in this case it is better to just turn on standard graphics.

Screen resolution

Performance Impact: high.

But here it is recommended not to damage your eyes and never lower the value below the recommended value for your display. But if you play by connecting your computer to a modern TV, you can try setting it to 1280x720 - most TVs, unlike monitors, reproduce this resolution perfectly, even if their native one is higher.

Vertical Sync and Triple Buffering

Performance Impact: low.

V-sync limits the frame rate to the screen's Hz, while triple buffering evens it out to 30/45/60 in the right situations. These parameters have little effect on FPS by themselves. However, if the average number of frames per second is between 30 and 60, then it is better to enable both settings for a smoother image.


Performance Impact: average.

Anti-aliasing makes the edges of 3D objects from the angle currently visible to the player smooth. The technology used in World of Tanks is not reliably known, but, judging by the tests, it “eats” resources not so little, but not too much (7-12 FPS). Therefore, it is better to disable it on weak PCs.

Texture quality

Performance Impact: average video memory consumption.

Texture quality determines the clarity of appearance of all 3D models in the game. The higher the value of this parameter, the clearer their surface will be. Turning the slider to maximum will not make the game run slower, but a lot of video memory will be occupied. Therefore, if you have less than 2 GB, set this to the average value.

Lighting quality

Performance Impact:

It affects the gamma of the image, as well as the atmosphere of the picture due to various dynamic effects such as a large number of light sources, sunlight, optical effects, in-depth shading and more.

Even if your video card is quite powerful, but was released many years ago, this parameter will affect it quite strongly. In the latest versions of chips from AMD and NVIDIA, the speed of working with complex special effects has been significantly improved and the impact on performance in their case can no longer be considered more than average. We recommend that you set the values ​​here to medium or low for testing, based on the information above.

Shadow quality

Performance Impact: high.

As with the vast majority of games, shadows are one of the most resource-intensive effects in the game. For an online game, super beautiful soft shadows are not so important, since all the players' attention is focused on the battle. Therefore, it is recommended to set values ​​here no higher than average in order to immediately win a dozen or two FPS.

Grass in sniper mode

Performance Impact: average.

Most players turn it off regardless of the configuration of their computer, so that the natural growth of the landscape does not interfere with hanging “cradles” on enemies from a distance. And if you turn it on, then everyone (or almost everyone) will have an advantage, and you will have randomness with salt. And you can lose quite a few frames.

Extra quality effects

Performance Impact: medium or high (depending on the “modernity” of the video card).

This setting affects the so-called particle effects: explosions, flames, dust and smoke in the air. The number of particles themselves decreases (the scale of explosions decreases, etc.) and their visibility range.

As with any other special effects, the impact on performance depends on the "modernity" of your graphics adapter and ranges from medium (5-10 frames) to high (more than 10 frames). It is recommended to set this to the average value or lower.

Add. effects in sniper mode

Performance Impact: average.

As the name implies, this parameter is similar to the previous one, but is applicable only to the sniper aiming mode. Since the view in this mode is very limited, the impact on performance is approximately average, regardless of the video card.

Amount of vegetation

Performance Impact: average + average video memory consumption.

With this parameter you can adjust the density of the grass and its drawing distance. In most games, ground vegetation has either a medium or high impact on performance. In the case of World of Tanks, it is average, since, fortunately, from every blade of grass here Not a shadow falls. Therefore, if you want to add a certain number of frames, you can either turn off the grass completely or set it to the average value. But you can try high if your “machine” is powerful enough. Still, a landscape without “bald spots” looks much more advantageous.


Performance Impact: none or average (depending on the “modernity” of the video card).

Post-processing consists of cinematic effects that do not put too much strain on the video card, such as hot air or shading at the edges of objects. However, on outdated graphics chips, FPS can drop quite noticeably. Therefore, we advise you to reduce the quality to at least halfway if your video adapter is more than 5 years old.

Effects from under the tracks

Performance Impact: low + low video memory consumption.

If you turn it on, lumps of dirt, dust, snow and splashes of water will begin to fly out from under the tracks of your tank (or self-propelled gun). It looks beautiful and consumes very few resources. Feel free to turn it on. If you are the owner of a so-called low-end PC, then we remind you that it is better to simply disable the improved graphics rendering and there will be no such effects in the game at all, and the number of frames will immediately jump sharply.

Landscape quality

Performance Impact: high.

The name “Drawing range of landscape detail” would most accurately reflect the essence. At minimum values, even at close distances, the ground becomes simpler. Because of this, you may not see any mound that actually exists, and shoot not at the enemy, but at this natural ledge. The trouble is that the “Landscape Quality” parameter is quite power-hungry, so if you don’t have a powerful PC, you’ll still have to lower it. But don't do this all the way.

Water quality

Performance Impact: average.

Water quality means the presence of waves in rivers and lakes, ripple effects when a tank moves along a ford, as well as reflections of equipment on the surface of a reservoir.

It is worth remembering that whenever you are in the water, you are vulnerable, and a drop in frames can further aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to set the values ​​too high here for any gaming system.

Decals quality

Performance Impact: average video memory consumption.

Decals are, roughly speaking, textures on top of textures: marks from shells or tracks, dirt, leaves on the ground, and more. The setting affects their number, density and drawing distance. It should be turned on to maximum only if you have at least 2 GB of video memory.

Object detailing

Performance Impact: high.

Another insidious setting. On the one hand, it consumes a lot of resources, and on the other hand, it also greatly affects the image quality. By decreasing this parameter, the distance at which three-dimensional models of all objects in the game begin to become easier to draw decreases. If you turn it down to minimum, you can win 15-20 frames, but even up close, most tanks, buildings and other environmental elements will look terrible. So try to find a compromise by setting the slider closer to the middle if your computer is not very powerful.

Transparency of foliage

Performance Impact: average.

If you turn on “Foliage Transparency”, then close to the player all leaves on bushes and trees will disappear, and will remain only at a distance, where their density and number are much less. This way you can win 5-10 frames, and the picture won’t suffer too much.

Tree detailing

Performance Impact: average.

The same as “Object detailing”, only for trees. Since there are quite a few of the latter in World of Tanks, it is recommended to set the maximum value here only to owners of high-performance systems.

Changing the draw distance

Performance Impact: average video memory consumption.

All objects, except tanks and artillery, will not be drawn at long distances if you set low values ​​here. This is highly recommended for video cards with less than 2 GB of memory.

Motion blur quality

Performance Impact: low.

This effect is, as they say, not for everyone. It doesn’t affect performance much, but if things are really bad with frames per second or you just don’t like it, you can turn it off.

Dynamically changing the quality of effects

A very useful setting. Its essence is clear from the name: as soon as frames begin to sag, the quality of various special effects immediately and automatically becomes simpler for a while.

For mid-level and weaker systems (based on the minimum and recommended system requirements of World of Tanks), this option definitely needs to be enabled. For those who are absolutely confident in their “game monster”, you can leave everything as it is, but dying in the midst of a battle once again due to the far from best optimization of “Tanks” is still not a very pleasant prospect. So think carefully about this issue.

Tracks from caterpillars

Performance Impact: low.

If the “Decals” option is turned off, then tracks from the tracks will not be visible in any case. In general, this parameter affects the speed of the game quite insignificantly. So try turning it on.

World of Tanks graphics settings table

Once again we summarize the results using a table, but this time it does not contain a configuration close to the minimum system requirements. The reason, as mentioned above, is that on such a computer there is no point in tinkering too much with the settings, and it’s easier to install a standard renderer.

Click to enlarge

Thanks for reading! Come play World of Tanks on high settings on our main website, but don’t forget to be outdoors more often!

The program is called FXAA tool. It has an English-language interface, but this is not so scary; in principle, any computer user can figure out the settings! The program will not require any enormous knowledge from you! It's pretty simple! Let's take a closer look at it:

This is the main window of the program FXAA tool:

As you can see, there are various tabs visible here, each of which is responsible for one or another graphics setting. The program has various filters that are applied to the game and change the picture. After each change, do not forget to press the button "save". Let's take a closer look at what these filters are:

1.Anti Aliasing– This filter is responsible for anti-aliasing. As you can see, there are several sliders here:

FXAA Quality – general anti-aliasing quality.

Blur Amount – Blur amount.

Contrast Threshold – smoothing contrast.

Darkness Threshold – smoothing darkness threshold.

Blur Amount, Contrast Threshold, Darkness Threshold – These parameters can be left at default, changing only FXAA Quality. Let's go further:

2.Sharpen– this filter is responsible for the sharpness and clarity of the display. A grainy film effect where textures appear detailed rather than washed out. The difference is noticeably visible when the filter is on and off! Here we also see many sliders:

Pre-sharpen power– Preliminary sharpness, this is the main parameter here. In the right corner there is a parameter HQ Sharpen(high quality filter), no need to uncheck the box, leave it as is:

Blur Threshold – Blur threshold.

Edge Threshold – Sharpness limitation.

Contour Threshold – Contour threshold.

Post Sharpen power – post-processing sharpening power.

All four sliders except the main one Pre Sharpen power I would advise leaving it as is. On to the next filter!

3.HDR– High dynamic range, brightness and color! It is mainly used to change photos to give them brighter and more detailed colors, but in our case it can also be applied to the game!

There are only two sliders here:

HDR Power – HDR power.

HDR Radius – HDR radius.

4. Bloom (glow)– Light blur effect. Gives a more cinematic look to the image.

Bloom Preset – Bloom preset.

Bloom Threshold – Bloom threshold.

Bloom Width – Bloom width.

Bloom Power – The power of bloom.

In the right corner, as you can see, there is a parameter “Toggle Preset”. If you check the box, all the sliders will move together.

5. Tone Map– Color tone of the map, environment.

Gamma – color range.

Exposure – exposure, color exposure.

Saturation – color saturation.

Bleach - Discoloration.

Fog - nebula.

6. Technicolor– change in color, hue.

Technicolor Amount – amount of application of the effect.

Technicolor Power – The strength of the effect applied.

Red, Green, Blue – The power of a particular color.

7. Sepia– Old photo effect applied to the game. There is a list of shades here, you can try to select the one you want, or leave it turned off.

Sepia Power – Strength of effect.

Gray Power – The power of the gray shade.

So we looked at all the possible settings. This program gives a very good picture in the game. Here are presented exclusively my settings, I advise you to set the same ones, but you can configure them yourself.






The impression of the game largely depends on the graphics: realistic steel vehicles must fight in locations that closely resemble real battlefields. Gloomy and depressing, pastoral and pacifying - different. But, most importantly, realistic. Graphics are the basis for creating a realistic battlefield. Graphic technologies are used to create everything from the exposed metal of destroyed equipment to the vegetation on the map.

Water, earth, clouds, trees and buildings - all this is created using graphics technologies. To globally update the graphics of World of Tanks, it was not enough to simply draw a beautiful picture - we needed to develop a new graphics engine.

With this massive visual overhaul, we invite you to take a closer look at how Update 1.0 will change the look of the game in a three-part series. Today's article will focus on the sky and shadows.

We all know that graphics include houses, vegetation, and other small objects, but there are elements that are not immediately noticeable, but are extremely important. For example, lighting: without the right light, everything will look dark or unrealistic, and details will be lost. Another example is the landscape: the surface of all natural materials on maps, starting from the ground under the tracks of tanks! Water and sky also play an important role: without them, the game world would look dark, gloomy, dead and unrealistic. What makes a game realistic?

Our goal is to find the perfect combination of all these elements to give the battlefield a truly realistic look. At the same time, we have done everything possible so that you can enjoy the views, and productivity remains at the same level.

The visual difference compared to update 1.0 is immediately noticeable, because a huge amount of work has been done. And before we dive deeper into the visual improvements, let's quickly go over the key changes that form the basis of the massive 1.0 update, as well as the steps we've taken so far.

  • Preparation: In update 9.15, we added support for DirectX 11 primarily to improve performance on computers that support it (we planned future graphics improvements even then).
  • Technology platform: At some point we realized that the BigWorld client technology was too outdated to provide the kind of massive graphics improvement we had in mind. Therefore, we had to create a new graphics engine to begin improving the graphics components and add technological capabilities that were not previously available.
  • Recreating game content: The bulk of the content for each map has been rebuilt from the ground up using new technologies supported by a new graphics engine. Simply put, we redrawn EVERYTHING.
  • Optimization: To ensure that every player could see the new game world and enjoy the new graphics, regardless of the configuration of their computer, we optimized the frame rate and stability and thus reduced the load on performance.

Work on graphics will not stop after the release of update 1.0. We will continue to introduce new technologies - and now, by releasing new graphics, we have only taken one, albeit gigantic, step in this direction. Now that the groundwork has been laid, we will continue to improve graphics in 2018 and beyond.

This was a general overview. And now to the details!


Thanks to the photorealistic sky, it is always sunny at Prokhorovka. Previously, the sky looked unreal and static, but now the clouds move with the wind, and the sky changes color depending on the lighting. In 1.0 the sky will become photorealistic: the development team is working on each map separately. It will be extremely difficult to distinguish the World of Tanks sky from the real one: the clouds in the game float where the wind blows them and change color depending on the lighting.

The lighting itself affected more than just the sky and clouds; just look at how the vegetation has changed.


Lighting is one of the most important elements of graphics. It determines how textures look, how shadows fall, and, more importantly, interacts with other graphical components in the game.

Thanks to Global Illumination technology, which was added to the new graphics engine, all objects interact with lighting in the same way as in the real world. Take a look for yourself - we're sure you'll notice the difference:

We've implemented SpeedTree 6 with significant changes to suit the game's requirements and changed how vegetation and lighting interact. Just take a look:

Moreover, the technology calculates the interaction of light between objects. For example, light passing through a colored translucent surface will create colored shadows on other surfaces.

If there is light, there are also shadows...


In the visual part of World of Tanks there is something that is not immediately noticeable, but significantly affects the atmosphere and realism - shadows. If the shadows are implemented well, the game will look realistic.

Adaptive Shadow Maps technology calculates shadows from stationary objects (buildings, rocks, trees, etc.) and stores them in a special, reusable shadow texture. This reduces the load on the processor and video card. Moving objects (equipment, falling trees, etc.) will receive improved dynamic shadows.

The new graphics engine provides interaction between shadows and particle effects. This means that steam, dust and smoke will cast translucent shadows. For example, when your car drives into the shadow of a mountain, the dust from under the tracks will no longer glow unnaturally. Instead, the dust will move into the shadow of the mountain and be illuminated similarly to the car and other objects nearby. Lastly, we've added shadow material effects to help convey the depth of different materials more accurately.

They say it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. And you can see everything with your own eyes! Don't miss the continuation of the publication, where we will tell you how the water and landscape have changed.