Tea tree, tea tree oil. Tea tree essential oil: uses and beneficial properties Tea tree oil what is it from

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Properties and application

Natural oil extract effectively kills harmful microorganisms, fights fungus and stimulates the immune system. For people suffering from allergies, this is the No. 1 medicine! It helps eliminate unpleasant odors that cause irritation. A few drops are enough for wet cleaning in a spacious room. A small amount of product added to the washing machine will imbue clothes with a pleasant aroma and freshness. There are no contraindications. The main thing is to use it correctly so as not to get burned.

How to use in cosmetology

The oily extract is widely used for external care. It is found in many creams and is used to make masks. This component stops inflammatory processes, destroys harmful bacteria and even promotes the healing of small wounds. An oil extract from tea tree leaves is included in cosmetic products designed to eliminate acne and skin irritation. To understand how wide the scope of use of this drug is, it is necessary to consider the topic in detail.

For acne

A simple and therefore popular way to use tea tree oil extract to combat acne is as a spot treatment. The product is applied in a thin layer to each pimple. If you want to cope with the rash without medical intervention, carry out such procedures daily, with an interval of 6 hours. The best option: in the morning, at lunchtime and before bed. Systematic spot treatment quickly dries out acne. This is where their development stops. A rash that covers a small area of ​​the face does not spread further. Problem skin returns to normal.

Use an oil extract for acne, and you will not have problems with skin scars. Painful formations will recede before they have time to harm your appearance. This product will help clear your face of blackheads. The main thing is to maintain proper concentration. For the face, it is recommended to use an extract diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Pure concentrate is used in extreme cases. As the pimples are destroyed, the irritation is relieved. Reddened skin acquires a healthy, natural color. Cell regeneration accelerates.

For hair

The hair of modern people, especially women, is exposed to negative effects of external factors every day. Hair fibers are destroyed by ultraviolet radiation and styling products. Melaleuca protects hair health. The extract is used for dandruff and against itching. A hair mask with it is effective against inflammation of the scalp and increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. Many manufacturers of hair care products add melaleuca extract to shampoo, which is very useful for hair growth and strengthening.

If you use a specific shampoo, you can enrich it with a couple of drops of essential oil. To prepare the mask you will need a base of olive or sunflower oils. The main active ingredient is added in proportions of 1:30, or 5-7 drops per two tablespoons. You can add some essential oils. Rosemary, bergamot and lavender will do (2 drops of each). The mixture is applied for 25-30 minutes and then washed off with warm water. If a burning sensation appears, you should not endure it. Wash off the mask immediately.

For eyelashes

And here the Australian tea tree is far from useless. Melaleuca helps lengthen eyelashes and strengthen their structure. Use it correctly and you can emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes. Even without mascara, your eyes will look charming, the product will stop the process of eyelash loss, stimulate the follicles, and saturate the eyelash structure with vitamin E, which has a strengthening effect.

  1. To prepare an eyelash mask, mix 10 drops of olive oil with four drops of Australian tea tree oil.
  2. Wait a few minutes and start applying the resulting viscous substance to your eyelashes. The layer should be more or less uniform.
  3. Leave for 10 minutes and then rinse with plain water.
  4. It is advisable to clean the eyelid skin with a swab.
  5. Such procedures should be carried out at intervals of 1-2 days. The effect of strengthening and increasing volume will be noticeable in a couple of weeks.

For teeth whitening

Many people brush their teeth several times a day, but do not pay enough attention to the choice of toothpaste. If it contains oily melaleuca, it's very good. A unique product that came to us from Australia removes yellow plaque from tooth enamel. Its main advantage is harmlessness. If the rules of use are strictly followed, there will be no negative consequences, but the condition of the gums will improve. The taste sensations can hardly be called pleasant, but for the sake of healthy teeth and a blinding smile, it’s worth being patient.

The instructions for using melaleuca oil for oral care are as simple as possible:

  1. After brushing your teeth with toothpaste, rinse your brush and apply two drops of this wonderful Australian product.
  2. Perform your usual back and forth movements for two minutes.
  3. After completing the procedure, rinse your mouth with water and salt or lemon to get rid of the unpleasant taste.
  4. If your gums or the tip of your tongue become numb, don’t be alarmed. This phenomenon is quite normal.
  5. The procedure takes about 5 minutes, but provides an amazing effect. In a week you will surprise yourself.

For pigment spots

A common cosmetic problem that plagues not only women, but also men is age spots on the face. Dealing with it without involving specialists is not always easy. If you know about the secrets of melaleuca, minor defects in skin color will be a mere trifle for you. The extract will quickly cleanse the skin of stains left behind by acne and pimples. You can use it pure or mix it with lavender oil. Proportions – 1:1. For a milder effect, use lemon juice instead of lavender.

  1. Wash your face with mild soap to remove oil and dirt particles. The water must be warm so that the pores can open.
  2. Wait until the skin is dry.
  3. Use the mixture you prepared to lubricate the pigment spots. Rub the product into the skin with slow movements.
  4. After a few minutes the mixture will be absorbed. There is no need to wash it off.
  5. This skin cleansing leaves no visible marks. The main result will manifest itself in a week if you carry out the procedures daily.

To strengthen nails

Australian tea tree oil is used to treat and prevent nail diseases. By using it, you can cure a fungal infection or prevent its occurrence altogether. If you contact your doctors, they will most likely send you to the pharmacy for a special ointment. You can take care of increasing the effectiveness of treatment on your part if you use melaleuca extract as an additional remedy.

A nourishing bath will help strengthen the nail plate:

  1. Fill a medium-sized container with 500 ml of water at room temperature.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of tea tree oil.
  3. Add a small amount of sea salt.
  4. When the ingredients are mixed, dip your fingers in the water for 15-20 minutes.
  5. To consolidate the effect, apply a special mask consisting of olive oil mixed with melaleuca extract. Proportion – 1:1.
  6. Rub the mixture into the nail plates and surrounding skin.
  7. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes and then remove any remaining product with a napkin or swab.

Tea tree oil treatment

They cannot do without this exotic remedy in the medical field. They produce rectal suppositories and ointments. In some cases, during pregnancy, doctors recommend its use orally. The oil extract stimulates the immune system and stabilizes vital processes in the body. There are many drugs with it, and their benefits are invaluable. In high concentrations, melaleuca extract can be harmful, so read the instructions for use carefully.

In gynecology

Tea tree oil is often used to treat diseases of the female genital area. This remedy is incredibly effective for thrush and vaginitis. Many doctors recommend using the wonderful Australian extract to solve gynecological problems. It will be useful as a preventive measure. Natural components normalize the vaginal microflora and increase resistance to diseases.

Oil extract of tea tree leaves protects the weaker sex from a host of ailments. Doctors use it for all kinds of baths and douching procedures. Melaleuca essential oil heals naturally, without contraindications or side effects, which is why many women prefer this natural antiseptic and the products in which it is used.

From fungus

All humanity is wary of this disease. Fungus of the foot and nails is accompanied by terrible discomfort, but this is not the worst thing. The affected skin breaks down and peels off. The infection penetrates deeply, and it is not so easy to get rid of it. Treatment of this disease takes a long time. A successful outcome is possible only with the timely and systematic use of special drugs. Tea tree oil has become a leading remedy in this area, its unique properties provide guaranteed positive results.

For feet, this product is used undiluted. The technique is simple: two or three times a day, apply melaleuca extract to the areas of skin affected by the fungus and rub it in thoroughly. Preparation is of great importance. Before the procedure, your feet should be washed with soap and dried. Damaged nail plates are cut and filed. Their length should be minimal. When you apply the product, wrap your fingers in a sterile bandage. The treatment will last at least two months, so be patient. Remember: procedures cannot be skipped!

For herpes

Unsightly, inflamed formations in the lips and mouth, due to which the appearance noticeably suffers, are a sign of the presence of infection in the body. When faced with this problem, you must understand that it is not the symptoms that need to be treated, but the disease itself, which is hidden deeper. Doctors prescribe all kinds of drugs and ointments. People know that melaleuca extract effectively helps against herpes on the lip. It cauterizes the wounds, preventing their further development. The rash dries out within 2-3 days of treatment. By a week, swelling and inflammation subsides.

  1. To treat herpes, apply 1-2 drops of the product to previously cleaned and dried skin using a cotton swab.
  2. Distribute it over the surrounding area of ​​skin. Wait until completely absorbed.
  3. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. This method is absolutely safe.
  4. As a rule, there is no pain when treating wounds. If there is a strong burning sensation, add a little water next time. The oil concentration will decrease, but its effectiveness will not be affected.

For a cold

For colds, tea tree oil is a good alternative to tablets and powders. Inhalations with this remedy help cure coughs and sore throats. Melaleuca extract is often used for sore throats. Its effectiveness always meets expectations. The main ways to use oil extract to combat cold symptoms:

  • With a runny nose. Cotton balls soaked in oil are inserted into the nose for 15-20 minutes. The procedure clears the airways for 2-3 hours, so it must be repeated at least 3-4 times a day. If you work in an office and therefore cannot walk around with cotton in your nose, lubricate the inner walls of your nostrils with a cotton swab soaked in melaleuca oil.
  • For dry cough. In this case, inhalation will be required. Fill a pan with hot water, add a few drops of tea tree oil, lean over the container and cover yourself with a thick towel. The enclosed space will be filled with healing steam. Breathe for 3-4 minutes and finish the procedure. Next time you can increase the duration by 1 minute. This method allows you to quickly get rid of cough.
  • For bronchitis. Add no more than 7-8 drops of melaleuca extract to the main rubbing medicine. This product is used in small quantities.
  • For sore throat. Gargling with a weak solution of tea tree oil will help you heal quickly. Add 10 drops of the product to a glass of warm water and start rinsing your throat. After 1-2 days, the pain will subside.

For warts

Using tea tree extract, you can get rid of warts on any part of the body. The main thing is to know the right approach for each individual case. If you have warts on your feet, just lubricate them several times a day. There is no need to dilute the extract. The skin on your feet is thicker and therefore less sensitive. For all other areas of the body, a 50% solution of tea tree extract and aloe vera gel is used. The last component can be replaced with water. You should not use a high concentration for delicate areas of the skin. This may cause irritation.

From papillomas

Benign tumors, called papillomas, form in the form of small processes, but do not pose any threat to health. Only the appearance suffers. There are many ways to combat papillomas at home. The most effective and harmless of them is considered to be spot treatment of formations with tea tree oil extract:

  • A small amount of the substance is applied to each process. Actions must be careful. Contact with skin is best avoided, otherwise irritation may occur.
  • Procedures are carried out 2 times a day. The general period for getting rid of papillomas is 7-10 days.

From sweat

Excessive sweating causes discomfort. Melaleuca extract will help get rid of them. The parts of the body that sweat the most are treated with tea tree oil. For example, apply 2 drops of the product to each armpit and rub. The oil will stop the growth of bacteria on the skin, and the amount of sweat will decrease. It will not be possible to get rid of discharge 100%, but the smell will be neutral. Use a minimal amount of the drug to avoid irritation.

For burns

Areas of skin damaged by high temperatures require careful care. They need to be disinfected and saturated with useful substances to speed up the healing process. For these purposes, you can safely use melaleuca extract. Tea tree contains a wide range of microelements that help restore skin structure. There are no harmful components in it, so there can be no talk of side effects.

If you are concerned about sunburn:

  • Add a few drops of tea tree melaleuca extract to the vitamin E oil.
  • Treat the damaged area of ​​skin with the resulting mixture.
  • Almond or avocado oil is ideal as a base.
  • Repeat the procedure in the mornings and evenings. After 1-2 weeks, the skin condition will noticeably improve. The length of the total treatment period depends on the severity of the injury.

To combat thermal burns, melaleuca extract is used in a slightly different way:

  • The burned area of ​​skin is treated with ice water for two minutes.
  • After this, oil with a 40% concentration is applied to it.
  • Adjacent areas of the skin are treated with the same composition.
  • The described treatment method will eliminate the possibility of infection and help keep the skin structure intact.
  • The concentration must be strictly monitored, otherwise the treatment will result in even greater harm.

Using essential oil for weight loss

Melaleuca extract is used in the fight against excess weight. Nutritionists give a number of tips on this matter:

  • Combine taking melaleuca extract with diet and weight loss products. The essential oil will act as an additional component, but its effect will be impressive.
  • Every day before going to bed at night, drink a glass of herbal infusion with a couple of drops of oil extract. The temperature of the drink should be moderate, otherwise the melaleuca extract will lose its beneficial properties.
  • A weight loss massage will be extremely effective if you add a few drops of tea tree oil to the main cream. You can further enrich the massage mixture with extracts of bergamot and nutmeg.

For protection against mosquitoes, ticks and lice

You can use melaleuca extract to control certain types of blood-sucking insects. Mosquitoes pester you in the summer, while ticks and lice pester you all year round. By treating your apartment rooms with tea tree oil, you can stop them all:

  1. Prepare a mixture that will repel pests. For this you will need lavender and clove essential oils, and melaleuca extract.
  2. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions.
  3. Treat soft fabric surfaces with the resulting substance so that the smell spreads freely throughout the room.
  4. This will end the war against mosquitoes, ticks and lice.


By watching the video below, you will understand how to whiten your teeth using tea tree oil, learn how to deal with burns, and find out how useful this remedy is for sinusitis. Listen to the recommendations of experts to learn how to get the maximum benefit from natural medicinal and cosmetic products!

This evergreen shrub grows in abundance on the shores of Brown Lake in Australia. Its falling leaves collect at the bottom of the pond, giving it the color of tea. Hence the name of the plant - tea tree. It is the leaves of the tea tree that are the source of healing oil, which is widely used not only in medicine, perfume production and cosmetology, but also in household use.

Melaleuca – medicinal plant

The tea tree or melaleuca is often called honey myrtle due to its profuse blooms and large amounts of nectar, which attracts not only bees, but also birds and bats. But most often the leaves of the plant are used, from which healing oil is obtained by distillation.

Australian Aborigines have long been familiar with the beneficial properties of tea tree oil. During the Second World War, tea tree leaves were used to treat wounds everywhere, using tea tree oil as a natural antibiotic.

With the advent of antibiotics produced in pharmaceutical factories, tea tree oil and its healing effect were undeservedly forgotten. For almost 40 years, no one even remembered the valuable properties of tea tree oil.

However, in the 70s of the last century, many scientists drew attention to the need for serious research into folk remedies used for medical purposes, since the widespread use of antibiotics caused a number of negative consequences. Serious concern among specialists was associated with an increase in the number of allergic reactions of the body, dysbacteriosis and a decrease in human immunity.

Beneficial components of melaleuca leaves

Among many medicinal plants, tea tree has attracted special attention from researchers. The results of chemical analyzes of the composition of its leaves confirmed the medicinal qualities of the plant. Melaleuca leaves contain:

  • a huge amount of biologically active substances, as well as terpenes, giving the oil from the leaves of this plant a powerful bactericidal effect;
  • components that suppress inflammatory processes, viral and fungal infections, vitamins, caffeine and tannin necessary for the normal functioning of the body;
  • tea tree essential oil, which acts as a powerful stimulant of the human immune system. This healing substance is one of the essential components in the production of medicines used for inhalation, as well as massage compositions, the use of which helps in the fight against all kinds of colds.

Efficiency of treatment of diseases of the nervous system

Tea tree essential oil has a calming and sedative effect. Many experts recommend using it as aromatherapy to treat patients with increased anxiety, as well as to eliminate depression and persistent emotional disorders.

Under the influence of the unique aroma of tea tree oil, stimulating processes occur in the nervous system, as a result of which a person’s memory improves and attention is concentrated on important details. Therefore, experts recommend that people with mental work not to forget that aromatherapy using tea tree oil always gives a positive result.

Using a unique product in dentistry

The use of tea tree oil in dentistry as a natural antiseptic has a beneficial effect on the processes of normalization of microflora in the oral cavity. Therefore, based on it, it is possible to prepare solutions for rinsing in the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease and caries.

As a powerful natural disinfectant, tea tree oil helps get rid of unpleasant yellow plaque on the tongue and teeth quite effectively. It also quickly heals minor inflammations and wounds on the oral mucosa, which ultimately makes it possible to use the oil as a breath freshener.

Treatment of the genitourinary system

Thanks to the antiseptic and bactericidal properties of tea tree oil, the treatment of certain diseases of the male and female genital organs has become more effective and successful. It is known that with such gynecological diseases as colpitis, vaginitis and thrush, the mucous membranes of the female genital organs are primarily affected.

Therefore, along with traditional medications, tea tree oil can be used for such ailments due to its effective effect on the mucous membranes. External use of oil in the treatment of prostatitis, orchitis, urethritis also causes significant relief in men.

Treatment of the musculoskeletal system and dermatitis

This unique remedy is used with great success in the treatment of serious dermatological ailments: ringworm and shingles, scabies, psoriasis, eczema. In addition to its antiseptic and bactericidal properties, tea tree oil also helps with pain - it has an analgesic and warming effect.

Therefore, tea tree oil is an integral component of creams and ointments used in the treatment of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular arthritis and arthrosis.

Melaleuca oil as a cosmetic and disinfectant

The cleansing and bactericidal qualities of the oil have found their application in cosmetology. By regularly using this traditional medicine, you can achieve hair strengthening and growth, cleanse your skin and permanently rid it of annoying acne. Tea tree oil will provide invaluable assistance in improving your appearance, helping to get rid of:

  • dandruff;
  • herpes;
  • warts

This healing remedy will significantly improve the condition of brittle and split nails, giving your hands a well-groomed and tidy appearance.

Tea tree essential oil has a significant disinfectant effect. Therefore, with its help you can achieve a disinfecting effect during wet cleaning of the room, as well as disinfect clothes, linen, and towels during washing.

The “repelling” effect of tea tree oil helps to successfully fight various harmful insects:

  • mosquitoes;
  • flies;
  • moth.

Features of using melaleuca oil

Before you start using tea tree essential oil in the treatment of a particular disease, you should consult your doctor.

The fact is that some people are susceptible to allergic reactions to drugs containing tea tree oil. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is enough to do a sensitivity test by rubbing a couple of drops of oil in the opposite direction from the elbow.

It is worth noting that tea tree oil is intended for external use only. It should also be used with caution by young children and pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy.

If all precautions are followed, you can start using the oil.

Beauty Recipes

Getting rid of acne

The oil will help cure acne. To do this, pimples are regularly lubricated with tea tree oil. In some cases, acne is lubricated with regular face cream, adding 5 drops of tea tree oil to it. This homemade cream can be used no more than 4 times. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve the desired effect.

Treatment of herpes

Using a small amount of oil will have a beneficial effect during an exacerbation of herpes. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the oil is regularly lubricated on inflamed areas of the skin.

Treatment of fungal infection

To treat a fungal infection on the feet, it is useful to take daily baths with the addition of 4-5 drops of tea tree oil or regularly rub a few drops of tea tree oil into pre-steamed fungal-affected nails.

Hair strengthening

To strengthen the hair structure, improve its growth, and also get rid of dandruff, you can add 7-8 drops of oil to the shampoo while washing your hair.

Ways to combat colds and oral diseases

Tea tree essential oil can help relieve nasal congestion during a cold. To do this, rub a drop of oil on the wings of the nose and in the nasal passages. Inhalations with tea tree oil are effective for coughs and sore throats.

To alleviate the condition, you can add a drop of tea tree oil to a bowl of boiling water or to boiled potatoes. Then, covered with a towel, you need to breathe over the steam for about 10 minutes. By dissolving 2 drops of oil in a glass of water, we get an effective gargle for sore throat. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times a day.

If you are hypothermic, you can take a bath with tea tree oil. Add 7 drops of oil to 150 ml of bath foam and pour the prepared solution into prepared warm water. Take an aromatic bath for 10 minutes, after which you need to rinse your body with clean water and wipe dry with a towel. In this case, aromatherapy will not only help avoid colds, but will also perfectly cleanse the skin.

For diseases of the oral cavity and to prevent caries, prepare a solution for daily rinsing by adding 2-3 drops of oil to a glass of warm water. By regularly adding a drop of oil to your toothpaste while brushing your teeth, you can achieve fresh breath and avoid problems associated with oral diseases for a long time.

Using unique oil in everyday life

From time to time it is necessary to treat the premises with disinfectant solutions. They can be successfully replaced with tea tree essential oil. To wash floors and other surfaces, 7 drops of oil are added to a bucket of water or a drop of oil is added to an aroma lamp to disinfect the air. By adding 25 drops of oil to 5 liters of hot water, a disinfectant solution is prepared in which the clothes are kept for several hours before the main wash.

To reduce itching and swelling from insect bites, just moisten a cotton swab with clean oil and apply it to the bite site. Using 2-3 drops of tea tree oil applied to a tick attached to the body, you can easily remove it and at the same time disinfect the bite site.

Tea tree essential oil works great against moths. To protect the contents of our dressing rooms and closets, you need to drip a few drops of tea tree oil onto cosmetic cotton pads and place them in different sections of the closet. Using wipes soaked in oil at least once a month will permanently rid your home of moths.

Thus, tea tree, as a source of unique oil, can be considered a reliable assistant in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Using oil at home will make our life easier and will also help fight dangerous and harmful insects.

Video: Tea tree oil for face, hair and body

Tea tree oil is a substance obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of melaleuca, a tropical shrub native to Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea.

The product is a transparent yellowish liquid with a specific camphor aroma with pronounced tart and spicy notes. Today I will tell you what beneficial properties tea tree essential oil has, and what are the features of its use for medicinal, health and cosmetic purposes.

Melaleuca leaf oil is a powerful natural antiseptic. This product contains substances that prevent the proliferation of bacteria, viral and fungal microflora. Reviews from people who have used tea tree essential oil to treat infectious diseases indicate that this drug helps reduce the unpleasant symptoms of pathologies and speed up the recovery process.

The oily liquid obtained by steam distillation of melaleuca leaves has other beneficial properties:

In addition, the oil helps improve the condition and appearance of nails, hair and integumentary tissues.

In alternative medicine, tea tree oil is used only externally. Let's consider the most accessible and effective ways to use this product for medicinal purposes.

  • Cough, lung diseases

Heat a mixture of sunflower oils (1/4 cup) and tea tree oils (6 drops) in a water bath. Soak a cotton napkin with the resulting mixture, press it to your chest in the lung area, cover it with plastic wrap and insulate it with a woolen scarf. The compress can be left overnight. The procedure must be carried out every day until all symptoms of the disease disappear.

  • Sore throat

Dissolve 2 drops of oil and 3 pinches of soda in a glass of warm water. Gargle with the resulting mixture every 1.5 hours. After the procedure, you should refuse to eat for half an hour.

  • Nasal congestion, rhinitis, sinusitis

Boil unpeeled potatoes, mash them in a mortar and add 3 drops of oil to the resulting puree. Inhale the steam rising above the mixture for 7-9 minutes. In order to speed up the healing process, you can lubricate the wings of the nose and the area around the nostrils with tea tree oil.

  • Dental diseases

In order to ease the symptoms of dental and gum diseases, just add a drop of tea tree oil to your toothpaste. In case of inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues, it is necessary to rinse your mouth every 4 hours with an aqueous solution of this drug (2-3 drops per glass of liquid).

  • Skin diseases

For dermatological diseases, baths based on tea tree oil are useful. In order to prepare them, you need to add a liter of fat milk and 1 teaspoon of the drug to the water. Baths should be taken daily until complete recovery. The duration of each procedure is 13 minutes.

  • Swelling of the legs

Pour 7 liters of warm water into a basin and add 8 drops of melaleuca leaf oil to it. Immerse swollen feet in the solution for 25 minutes. If there is severe swelling of the tissues, add a handful of sea salt to the bath.

  • Fungal infection of nails

Tea tree oil is proven. To achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to rub the product into the steamed nail plates every day, making sure that it does not get on the skin next to them. There is no need to wash off the oil.

  • Insect bites

Soak a cotton pad in tea tree oil and press it onto the bitten area for 20 minutes. If a large area of ​​the body is affected by bites, then it should be treated with a mixture of the drug with any vegetable oil (1:5).

  • Papillomas

Tea tree oil helps get rid of small papillomas. Each neoplasm must be treated four times a day with a cotton swab dipped in the preparation. Papillomas that appear on the mucous membranes should be lubricated with a mixture of olive and melaleuca oils (10:1).

Use of oil in cosmetology

Tea tree oil is actively used for cosmetic purposes. Products based on this product help fight acne and improve the condition of hair and skin.

  • Fighting acne, blackheads

For this you need to use tea tree oil (8 drops) dissolved in boiled water (6 tablespoons). The procedure must be carried out twice a day. When preparing a cleansing lotion, water can be replaced with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage).

  • Increasing the tone of aging skin

Melaleuca leaf oil can be used to prepare a mask that improves skin tone. To do this, you need to mix 3 drops of the drug with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, 4 teaspoons of oatmeal ground into powder and 6 tbsp. spoons of rich green tea. The mixture must be left for 20 minutes and distributed over problem areas. After 17 minutes, the mask should be washed off.

  • Treatment for dull, brittle hair

A mask made from a mixture of coconut and tea tree oils (20:1) helps improve hair condition. The heated mixture should be distributed over the strands and left for 40 minutes. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week.

Tea tree oil should not be taken orally. Taking this drug orally may cause the following problems in the body:

  • confusion;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • digestive disorders;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • profuse skin rash.

Tea tree oil is contraindicated in pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children under 7 years of age, and persons who have recently suffered a TBI. The drug cannot be used to treat the area around the eyes, or for instillation into the nostrils and ears.

It is also important to remember that melaleuca oil is a potential allergen. Therefore, before using products prepared on its basis, it is necessary to conduct a test for hypersensitivity of the body. To do this, you need to apply a drop of the drug to your wrist and wait 50-60 minutes. The medicine can be used only if during this time the skin does not show signs of irritation.

Tea tree essential oil for hair, skin and mucous membranes is used in cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine. An entire science, aromatherapy, “grew up” on the miraculous properties of a number of essential oils, which, interacting with air, skin, water or thermal bases, are capable of releasing beneficial elements.

Tea (myrtle) tree oil is the most common cosmetic ingredient, which is often combined with other elements to provide the most positive effect. The product itself consists of 47 organic elements and is often used in its pure form. The properties are also predetermined by a combination of rare natural substances:

  • Viridoflorene
  • B-terpineol
  • L-ternineol
  • Alligexanoate

Cineole is used against diseases of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. But it can have an irritating effect on the skin, so it is better to treat by combining tea tree extract and the oil component of mint: such a combination will be more appropriate for hair and skin.

Application of extracts and oils: unique properties of tea tree

This ingredient is added to shampoos, creams, lotions. Cosmetics companies often use this versatile product. Many adherents add a few drops of the extract to ready-made creams and masks to get rid of acne and “pacify” the activity of the sebaceous glands. And also in balms and shampoos against hair loss.

  • According to laboratory studies, essential components can be used against streptococcal and fungal pathogens
  • This is relevant in dentistry
  • Many sprays, antiseptics, rinses, balms and toothpastes are produced with this composition
  • The properties of the extract make it possible to effectively combat seborrhea, increased sebum, and unpleasant consequences from the activity of “runaway” hormones

It's hard to believe, but the use of just one natural component can get rid of acne, hair loss and too quickly dirty hair.

Indications for use

In dermatology, preparations from the myrtle tree are a favorite among natural preparations. The therapeutic properties are combined with the aromatic and healing “talents” of this magical remedy.

As a result, cosmetologists and dermatologists can offer a fragrant, easy-to-use and effective in 99% of cases remedy for eliminating various defects. In its pure form, it is advisable to use tea tree in the following cases:

  • Swelling, itching
  • Acne, elimination of negative marks after severe rash, acne
  • Against small pustules, small boils
  • For hair loss
  • For rinsing the mouth, sanitizing the oral cavity and teeth
  • Against any inflammation of the mucous membranes of the body (colpitis, hemorrhoids, otitis media)

Application of the "elixir" on different parts of the body

Despite the fact that the product is universal, before use it is important to take into account some features of human physiology and carefully select the method of exposure to the skin and mucous membranes.


The extract can be used against hair loss of any type. For those with light-colored curls, this combination is suitable: the product, olive oil and the essential component ylang-ylang for hair prone to dryness and hair loss.

Essential components of lemon and myrtle tree are a real salvation for hair prone to oiliness. A mixture of these ingredients will reduce the excessive activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands of the head. Hair looks shiny and shiny. Freshness and purity do not leave the owner of oily hair for a long time after using such an oil “cocktail”.

It is no coincidence that the essential elements of rosemary for hair are used in combination with tea tree esters. This mixture will eliminate the unpleasant phenomena of dandruff. The easiest way to test the magical properties of natural ingredients is to simply add 10 drops of each extract to your shampoo or conditioner bottle.

Viral and bacterial manifestations of URT

Viruses, fungi and bacteria often infect the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. This is why tea tree extract is used so effectively in inhalations.

Place 9-13 drops of oil extract into the inhaler. You can take a bath or just breathe in the ether vapors.

Oral cavity

For teeth, this remedy is a real godsend. Gingivitis, tooth sensitivity, periodontitis, inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane, and damage to it by fungal microorganisms can be cured by rinsing. For 200 ml of boiled water you will need 5-7 drops of essential suspension.

To prevent dental caries or eliminate its manifestations in the early stages, dentists advise, when brushing your teeth, to drip at least a drop of essential extract onto your toothbrush. Such an event can be held once every 2-3 days.

If you have a toothache, you can apply a cotton swab richly moistened with an aromatic solution to the inflamed area. The oil is diluted with water 1:1 so as not to accidentally burn the gums or damage the tissue of inflamed teeth.


The amazing properties of the oil elixir include the ability of the substance to penetrate into the deepest layers of the dermis. This is extremely important for combating unpleasant cosmetic manifestations of oily skin.

Oil components are able to regulate the secretion of sebum, relieve inflammation and redness. The antibacterial base dries and disinfects the skin, helps prevent the appearance of acne, and the oil base will moisturize the dermis without drying out delicate and sensitive tissues.

Key Aspects in Mixing Oils

The magical properties of oil extracts allow you to combine several ingredients at once. Sometimes, the composition is so successful that it justifies the investment of time, effort and money 100%. Most often, the components are combined to create hair and skin care products.

When working with ingredients, you should remember the main nuances:

  • To emphasize the aroma of the mixture, sandalwood components are added. This technique is relevant for aromatherapy
  • To make the most of the essential oil components of lavender for hair and skin, it is mixed with tea tree extract
  • Citrus and pine extracts perfectly refresh a cosmetic “cocktail”. Perfectly removes acne marks

Combinations of oil components and expected effect

Most often, products are mixed based on the law of synergy. Each component of the finished cosmetic product complements and enhances the effect of each other.

For example:

  • Chamomile and lavender are more effective against inflammation
  • Tea tree and orange essential oil will be a real lifeline for hair prone to hair loss.
  • The combination of oil components of mint, cedar, orange and rosemary will eliminate acne marks and pimples.

Complementarity - combining ingredients in such a way that each component complements each other. For example:

  • Valerian, rosewood and cinnamon extract will soothe and relieve inflammation
  • But a mixture of cinnamon, grated coffee, myrtle essential oil will be an excellent scrub with a pronounced refreshing effect

In general, based on cinnamon, you can create tint balms, masks and hair suspensions, and also perform light facial cleansing. The presence of an oil component in the mixture will “enrich” the cosmetic procedure and soften the overall effect on the skin.

Using cinnamon, myrtle tree oil and starch solution, super effective anti-aging masks are created. Starch eliminates fine wrinkles, cinnamon whitens marks from age spots, acne and pimples, and tea tree tones, cleanses and refreshes the dermis. The action of all components at once can really improve aging and problem skin.

Inhibition - when mixing components, some suppress the properties of others. If one of the components has side effects, you can try to eliminate them using a suitable inhibitor partner. But, in the course of an unsuccessful experiment, you can make a “dead” combination.

For example, cocoa and cinnamon neutralize each other's effects. Myrtle extract and coffee “kill” the positive properties of the “partner”.

The most effective combinations of tea tree oil with other natural ingredients

The following combinations are suitable against hair loss, for shine and smoothness of curls:

  • Tea tree oil component
  • Grapefruit oil extract
  • Cinnamon extract
  • Decoction of burdock and chamomile roots 1:1

An excellent mixture for treating sensitive areas after depilation and for hand skin care:

  • Tea tree oil
  • Lemon oil
  • Bergamot extract

Tea tree or Melaleuca is the name of a tree native to Australia and Malaysia. Aborigines have used its properties since ancient times, and tea tree oil has been used as a wound-healing agent that prevents the development of infectious skin lesions and wound suppuration. The population of Australia used Malaleuca leaves to treat colds, making inhalations and compresses. Modern research has only confirmed the antiseptic properties of tea tree oil.

In the first third of the last century, chemist Arthur Penfold discovered the antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil, which were almost 10 times stronger than phenol, which was used at that time as an antiseptic. Tea tree oil first became widely used during World War II. It was used as almost the main means in the treatment and medical care of the wounded.

This continued until the invention of antibiotics. Tea tree oil was forgotten a little and was remembered again in the 70s, when interest in natural, natural products flared up.

Many companies around the world produce fragrance oil, but the best examples are made in Australia.

According to its physical properties, tea tree oil has a light texture, mobile, transparent, and fluid. There may be a faint mint tint. The aroma is strong, bold, refreshing. A mixture of spicy notes, light bitterness and woody aroma.

More than 98 chemical compounds have been counted in tea tree essential oil, most of which are antimicrobial, but not only. Here are the main properties of “tea” oil:

  • Prevents the growth of bacteria (antiseptic).
  • Has a detrimental effect on viruses.
  • Has analgesic properties.
  • Antifungal action.
  • Activates immune processes in the body.
  • Promotes vigor and energy.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Heals the skin, relieves inflammatory processes.
  • Activates mental processes.
  • Strengthens hair, prevents dandruff formation.
  • Improves the condition of the oral cavity and teeth.
  • Helps with food poisoning.
  • Normalizes digestion.
  • Eliminates cystitis.
  • Helps with body poisoning.

This oil is loved by many for its amazing properties and qualities. Its versatility allows you to prepare aroma baths with it, use it in aroma pendants and aroma lamps. It is added to your favorite creams and shampoos, homemade soap is prepared for washing, it fights fungus and strengthens hair, and is even dripped into water for cleaning the room.

Bronchitis, cough, sore throat, otitis media are perfectly treated with inhalations of tea tree oil. A couple of drops added to the aroma lamp serves as an excellent prevention of the development of colds. To relieve heat at high temperatures, prepare hot tea with 3 drops of essential oil. It increases sweating and strengthens the body's resistance.

The healing properties of tea tree oil are used when antibiotics are not effective in fighting an infection or are contraindicated for use.

The purpose and effectiveness of therapeutic use depends on the concentration of the oil. Pure 100% tea tree oil is used for nail fungus, and the content of only 10% in the base oil eliminates severe sweating of the feet. To treat acne, 5% tea tree oil is sufficient. Rub the oil into the skin and warts.

The aroma of tea tree relieves anxiety, emotional overload, and increases resistance to emotional disorders. A person, inhaling the invigorating smell of oil, concentrates more easily, gets tired less, and recovers faster from illnesses.

Women love tea tree essential oil for its ability to prevent hair loss and make it voluminous. An aromatic substance with a camphor smell is used to combat dandruff, when some pharmaceutical products are unable to defeat it. By the way, according to reviews, it also removes warts without a trace.

Tea tree oil for hair and face - mask recipes

Using undiluted pure oil even on sensitive skin does not cause burns or irritation. The only contraindication for use is allergies. It is also not recommended for children under 3 years of age due to the effect on the immune system.

When preparing recipes do not exceed the indicated doses. One extra drop is enough for the strong aroma to cause an attack of nausea or dizziness. Digestive upset often occurs when the dose of tea tree essential oil is increased.

Improve hair structure You can nourish them with energy and achieve shine by adding 5 to 8 drops of aromatic oil to a single dose of your favorite shampoo. The same can be done before using conditioner or a hair mask. After the first use, you will notice how the general condition of the scalp has improved, the appearance of dandruff and itching has decreased.

Mask with tea tree oil to strengthen hair.

Recipe: Add 2 drops of essential substance and 2 drops of jojoba oil to 1 yolk. Try to distribute the mixture over your hair and scalp, cover with film and a towel. It is better to wear this mask for at least an hour. Rinse off with water, then wash with shampoo as with normal washing. This treatment procedure should be carried out 2 times a week.

When you feel like hair is too dry, brittle and lifeless. Mix 3 drops of fragrant oil with a glass of water and spray on hair.

From acne

To relieve inflammation and reduce the appearance of acne, you need to spot-smear it daily with a cotton swab.

Just one drop of tea tree essential oil, added to a small portion of face cream, enhances the effectiveness of anti-acne treatments.

Skin lotion is prepared from 12 drops of ether and 100 ml of slightly warmed water. Wipe your face with the prepared mixture daily to remove oily shine and tighten pores.

Oil tea wood from fungus

Oil when applied to The nail plate can get rid of fungus and remove yellowness. To do this, prepare a bath with hot water and steam your feet.

Remove all keratinized areas, use a file to remove the top layer a little so that the nail becomes rough. Lubricate each nail, rub in the essential oil and give it some time to absorb. Carry out this oil treatment every day until results appear.

It will take longer to fight the fungus, it will take about 3 months.

Recipe for mouth and teeth

You can heal your gums and remove odor from your mouth by adding a couple of drops of tea tree oil to the water for rinsing your teeth. This composition fights plaque on teeth, so you are guaranteed a snow-white smile and fresh breath -

This magnificent essential oil has earned a place of honor in your medicine cabinet. It will help you not only be healthy, cheerful and collected, but also increase your attractiveness.