Lateral crossbite. What is a crossbite and how long does it take to treat this anomaly? Crossbite - cost of treatment

This pathology is not common: in children and adolescents in approximately 2% of cases, in adults – 3%. An asymmetrical bite manifests itself in the form of a horizontal displacement of the lower jaw, as a result of which the natural proportions of the face are disrupted, and the teeth overlap, overlapping each other excessively when the jaws are closed. The disproportion of the face can be very pronounced, this circumstance is noticeable to people around, which often causes a feeling of internal discomfort and uncertainty in a person with an incorrect bite, therefore it is important to seek help from a doctor in time to eliminate the anomaly of asymmetrical bite, since it leads to significant maxillofacial deformities in adults, it causes problems with speech, disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, there are difficulties in chewing and swallowing food and other abnormalities.

What does a person's face look like with a crossbite?

Crossbites are less common than distal bites, but they can cause a lot of discomfort for people who have them. As a rule, a person’s facial symmetry is noticeably disturbed, and serious problems associated with chewing food appear.

A person with a crossbite has a face that looks like this:

  • teeth are too wide or, on the contrary, too narrow;
  • the frenulums on the upper and lower lips do not match;
  • lateral movement of the lower jaw is difficult and can cause pain;
  • due to changes in natural angles in the horizontal direction of the lower jaw, the chin shifts;
  • the upper lip recedes;
  • the cheeks become sunken, resulting in frequent biting;
  • facial asymmetry is clearly expressed, which is very noticeable when smiling;
  • when closing, the teeth overlap each other;
  • often the face takes on a suffering look, the corners of the lips droop down;
  • often, due to the fact that the upper and lower eyelids are not completely in contact with each other, the eye cannot close completely;
  • facial abilities are difficult due to atrophy of the facial muscles;
  • nasolabial and frontal folds are smoothed.

Types of asymmetrical bite

There are several types of asymmetrical bite:

  1. Buccal, which is characterized by displacement of the lateral teeth on the lower and upper jaws. Buccal occlusion is divided into:
  2. when the lower jaw is not displaced: one-sided, characterized by narrowing of the upper teeth or widening of the lower jaw teeth; bilateral, in this case the dentition on the lower and upper jaws is simultaneously crowded or expanded;
  3. when the lower jaw is displaced to the side, and the displacement can be either diagonal or parallel;
  4. combined combines the first two types of buccal bite.
  5. Lingual, when the upper dentition is significantly expanded compared to the lower teeth, or, conversely, if the teeth on the lower jaw are too narrowed compared to the upper teeth. In this case, there is a retraction of the cheeks with the formation of folds, and there may be no contact between the two jaws when they are completely closed. Lingual bite can be unilateral or bilateral.
  6. Buccal-lingual.
  7. Gnathic characterized by abnormal overdevelopment or underdevelopment of one of the jaws.
  8. Dentoalveolar closure of teeth, in which one dentoalveolar arch or two simultaneously on the upper and lower jaws is expanded or narrowed;
  9. Bite articular when the lower facial bone of the jaw is moved diagonally or to the side in relation to the midline.

Causes of crossbite.

Facial disproportion due to malocclusion can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital asymmetrical bite is a consequence of abnormal intrauterine development of the fetus, skull bones, deviations in the formation and growth of the mandibular joint, as well as pathology of the growth of soft tissue around the bone.

Acquired facial asymmetry can form as a result of injury, various infectious and inflammatory diseases. These include the following cause-and-effect factors:

  • impaired nasal breathing and swallowing function;
  • inflammatory processes of ENT organs;
  • excessively long replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones;
  • underdevelopment of one of the jaws;
  • incorrect body position during sleep;
  • bone fractures and their improper further healing;
  • harmful habits, such as: chewing on one side, the habit of squinting, biting the ends of pens and pencils, etc.;
  • lack of teeth;
  • violation of the location of teething;
  • chewing dysfunction;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • neoplasms in the jaw of the face.

Diagnostic methods and treatment.

Asymmetrical bite is quite treatable in both adults and children, starting from the age of 7. Moreover, it is important that it is much easier for adolescents under 15 years of age to eliminate this malocclusion pathology than for older people, who often require surgical intervention.

During the initial appointment, the doctor palpates the jaws, takes pictures of them, from which, using a three-dimensional computer model, he carefully assesses the nature of the deformation of the temporomandibular joints. In addition to x-rays, the patient is prescribed orthopantomography, teleroentgenogram of the head and additional studies.

Also, to identify the characteristics of jaw pathology, special tests are carried out, from which accurate data on the displacement, narrowing and expansion of the dentition, as well as parameters of distortion in the symmetry of the face are obtained.

Treatment is prescribed taking into account the patient’s age, the nature and form of the defect, as well as the cause that caused it.

Treatment of asymmetrical bite in children is carried out by applying a special compressive extraoral bandage to the upper jaw, and activators are used to increase the width of the teeth in the lower jaw. Mouthguards and trainers are also widely used to treat mild jaw pathologies of the face.

Minor facial asymmetry is corrected by prescribing a course of massages, myostimulation, and cosmetic methods (contour plastic surgery, when special preparations containing hyaluronic acid are injected under the skin, Botox injections, etc.).

Bilateral and unilateral narrowing of the dentition in the lower jaw is treated with the help of special plates that expand the jaw.

For teenagers and older people, it is very effective to treat crossbite defects with braces, which can be either visible or invisible (lingual braces) to others.

If the face has changed its shape as a result of pinching of the facial nerve, then this pathology is treated by a neurologist.

In case of serious pathologies of crossbite, functional devices are used to treat the anomaly, for example, the Frenkel activator, etc. In addition, to correct the appearance of the face, plastic surgery or tooth extraction followed by compactosteotomy is often required.

Risks associated with complications if asymmetrical bite is not treated.

If the problem associated with malocclusion in a child is left unattended, then at an older age this defect progresses and causes various diseases and problems, such as:

  • disturbances in speech, breathing and swallowing functions;
  • uneven chewing load quickly wears down teeth and enamel;
  • problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • risk of increased jaw injury;
  • A child’s baby teeth may fall out too early, which will disrupt the normal growth of permanent teeth.

To prevent the formation of malocclusion, it is important, even in childhood, to pay attention to the child’s habits, such as sleeping on one side, frequently biting foreign objects and keeping them in the mouth for a long time, monitor correct posture, promptly treat dental diseases and visit an orthodontist to monitor correctness. bite and tooth growth

Dear readers! We often raise various questions regarding malocclusion, and today we will touch on one of them. This is a crossbite. From our article you will learn about what it is, how it is diagnosed, classified and treated in modern dental medicine.

What is it?

This is one of the many pathologies of teeth closure. It is due to the fact that teeth have different sizes, shapes, and grow in transverse directions. This type of bite leads to other problems. In particular, the patient has speech disorders, an asymmetrical face, and chewing function. Often he may complain of pain in the temporomandibular joint.

Crossbite - what is it?

Video - Diagnosis of crossbite

Why does crossbite occur?

Let's try to study the main reasons for the development of such disorders in humans. Statistics show that they can be either congenital or acquired. So, let's start in order. Let's assume that the problem in a particular patient is congenital. Why could this happen and what influences it?

  1. Hereditary factor. If family members have had similar disorders, there is always a possibility that in the future they will appear in children, grandchildren, etc.
  2. Sometimes the problem begins at the moment of formation of the rudiments of permanent teeth.
  3. Often the causes are abnormalities in the development of the jaws and TMJ.
  4. Macroglossia (abnormal enlargement of the tongue).
  5. Often such problems are the result of birth injuries.

Crossbite - before and after treatment

If problems begin after birth, then their causes may be:

  • retention of individual teeth and disruption of the sequence of their eruption;
  • (grinding);
  • premature loss of teeth causing displacement;
  • carious lesions of a large number of teeth;
  • the child’s addictions (thumb sucking, lip biting, hand resting his cheek);
  • various diseases, including adenoids, sinusitis and rhinitis;
  • polio;
  • osteomyelitis of the jaw;
  • diseases of the temporomandibular joint.

Even poor posture in a child can ultimately lead to malocclusion in the foreseeable future. Violations can also be traumatic in nature.

Video - Crossbite


Modern orthodontics defines three main types of crossbite:

  • lingual type;
  • buccal type;
  • buccal-lingual.

Buccal crossbite can be unilateral or bilateral. Also, some patients experience displacement of the lower jaw, while others do not have this problem. With such a defect, the upper row of teeth narrows and the lower row expands. The buccal cusps of the upper teeth overlap the cusps of the lower teeth.

The second type, lingual crossbite, can also be unilateral or bilateral. In this case, the upper row of teeth/jaw expands, the lower one narrows (with one or two). When the teeth come together, the buccal cusps of the upper teeth overlap the palatal cusps of the lower teeth.

If the patient has a buccal-lingual type, then the manifestations of the first two types are combined.

Very often, parents, having discovered such problems in a child with baby teeth, think that everything is fine. After all, this phenomenon is temporary and will pass along with the change of teeth to permanent ones. Therefore, you should not be surprised to see these on a person of about thirty. The situation is worst in rural areas. Because there has never been normal dentistry there.

According to statistics, the biggest problems are in Asian countries - Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, mainland China, including Tibet, in African countries, and Latin America. But don’t think that everything is fine in the CIS. According to the same statistics, provinces in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and, in particular, the states of Central Asia are experiencing the same problems. It is very common to see advanced cases in adults.


This type of bite in all forms has a number of common manifestations. In particular, facial asymmetry. The chin is usually offset, the lip is sunken on the same side, and the opposite part of the face below appears flatter. The dentition may narrow or widen, the lower jaw may shift, and the side teeth may not contact correctly. The lip frenulums do not match. The dentitions intersect upon contact.

Since chewing function depends on the number of occlusal contacts, there is a problem with proper chewing of food. Following this, various gastrointestinal diseases appear. Patients often bite the inside of the cheek, damaging the mucous membrane. This leads to other problems as well. Speech disturbances are observed. Also, such malocclusions lead to problems with the temporomandibular joint. Chronic dysfunction occurs, then arthrosis of the joint. Also, due to uneven pressure on different areas, gum disease occurs.

Patients may be diagnosed.

Making the correct diagnosis

In order for the doctor not to make a mistake, he needs to fully examine the patient. Examine his face, jaws, dentition, joints, listen to complaints. Next, a TRG and an orthopantomogram are performed, impressions are made, and an X-ray is taken. Based on the data obtained, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

The specialist determines what type and form of malocclusion he is dealing with, how this disorder affects the patient, and what other specialists he will additionally need to turn to for help. This could be a pediatrician, ENT specialist, speech therapist, neurologist, etc. After examinations, comprehensive treatment is prescribed. This type of malocclusion in children is not the most common. But there are many examples in medical practice.

Treatment methods

When parents discover noticeable problems with their bite, the first thing they usually ask is how to correct such a serious defect. Fortunately, modern medicine offers quite effective methods that allow for correction.

The task of doctors is to ensure the natural position of the teeth in all planes.

For problems such as crossbite, treatment is not quick. Therefore, it is worth preparing in advance for the fact that you will have to spend more than one year to get the desired result.

4 ways to treat crossbite:

Treating crossbite in adults requires much more effort and time. Be prepared for the fact that in addition to the orthodontic course of correction, surgical intervention will also be required.
The most effective treatment involves the use of fixed structures that straighten the dentition. You can completely hide the fact of correction by installing lingual braces on the inside of the teeth
Removable devicesSometimes, in order to correct crossbite, removable devices are used: mouth guards, trainers, and others. These methods can be effective for children with non-serious pathology
Functional toolsIn cases where the crossbite with displacement of the lower jaw is particularly severe, functional appliances are used. These include, for example, Katz crowns and Frenkel activator

Let's start with the simplest. The first stage begins at a very early age. Specialists advise parents, give recommendations on nutrition, and special exercises for the jaws. Tooth cusps and cutting edges can be ground to reduce trauma. If you fall out early, prosthetics using removable structures is recommended. This will prevent other teeth from shifting in the foreseeable future. If the child is older, various types of orthodontic devices are used, such as Andresen-Goipl and Klammt activators, and the Frenkel functional regulator.

There are also various systems that correct the jaw itself and the position of the chin.

Once a child/adolescent's permanent bite has formed, permanent systems such as Katz crowns and Engle appliances are recommended. Further, to consolidate the effect, it is recommended to wear retainers for a long time. Often, in addition to orthodontic treatment, surgery is also used. Individual teeth can be removed, and operations on the jaw and temporomandibular joint are performed.

Crossbite - cost of treatment

If you plan to solve the problem, be prepared for the fact that you will need a lot of money. For example, we have collected prices in Moscow. In Ukrainian clinics, most of these services are cheaper, and some doctors provide consultations for free. If you need a tooth removed:

  • removal for dystopia or retention – 6,500 rubles (approximately $100);
  • simple and complex removal of a permanent tooth – 2100 and 3700 rubles. respectively ($32.3/57).

Crossbite - cost of treatment


  • neurologist – 1930 rub. ($30);
  • dentist-therapist – 1000 rub. ($15.4);
  • ENT – 1750 rub. ($27);
  • orthodontist – 1100 rub. ($17);
  • speech therapist – 1700 rub. ($26.1);
  • an orthopantomogram will cost 1,130 rubles ($17.4);
  • TRG (teleradiography) – 1550 rub. ($23.9);
  • TRG analysis – from 2000 rub. ($30.8);
  • cast 800-1000 rub. ($12.3-15.4);
  • diagnostic model 1 jaw – 1000 rub. ($15.4).

The average cost of orthodontic treatment in a Moscow dental clinic is 104 thousand rubles. ($1602).

Orthodontic devices:

  • single-jaw removable orthopedic apparatus – from 10 thousand rubles ($154);
  • classic braces for 1 jaw – from 33 thousand rubles ($508.3);
  • ceramic braces for 1 jaw – from 44 thousand rubles ($677.7)
  • non-ligature braces for 1 jaw – from 55 thousand rubles ($847);
  • internal braces (lingual) for 1 jaw – from 140 thousand rubles ($2156.4);
  • correction of braces 1640 rub. ($25.4);
  • retainer for one jaw (non-removable type) – from 7,500 rubles. ($116);
  • mouth guard for one jaw – 6,700 rubles. ($104);
  • Frenkel apparatus – from 20 thousand rubles ($310);
  • double-jaw removable orthodontic device – 18,500 rubles. ($286);
  • Andreisen-Gopl activator – from 19 thousand rubles. ($295).

This is not a complete list of procedures and equipment that may be required for orthodontic treatment of a crossbite.

The first and most important advice to parents is to consult a doctor immediately upon detecting signs of malocclusion in a child. The sooner you start treatment, the more successful, faster and cheaper it will be for you. And it’s better for a child to endure stress in early childhood than to listen to the ridicule of peers later. Be sure to find a good specialist. A lot depends on the professionalism of the doctors you contact.

Video - Crossbite of teeth. Treatment with Star Smile aligners

The problem of malocclusion has always caused and continues to cause great problems and discomfort for many. This pathology prevents normal daily activities and chewing. In addition, it spoils the appearance of a smile and interferes with normal conversation. Bite pathologies can vary, but crossbite is considered especially problematic. With this disorder, there is a horizontal displacement of the upper and lower jaw bones in relation to each other. If you do nothing and do not use effective treatments, then this pathology can lead to serious problems in the future.

Attention! Overbite or cross-type occlusion is one of the abnormal developments of the dental system. With this pathological malocclusion, a change in the shape and size of one of the two jaws is observed, which as a result causes a displaced crossing of the closing units of the dentition.

This form of malocclusion is considered the rarest, but it is quite complex. This pathology requires long-term treatment, which usually involves complex therapy. Orthodontists are involved in correcting this disorder.

What forms are there?

Crossbite is a pathology of the closure of the dentition, characterized by a discrepancy in the size and shape of the teeth in the transverse direction, manifested in facial asymmetry, speech defects, biting the mucous membrane of the cheeks, and impaired chewing function.

Crossbite usually occurs in different forms. Moreover, each of its forms has certain characteristics that differ.


During this disorder, a change in occlusion is observed, in which the buccal cusps overlap in the area of ​​the lateral parts of the teeth. The overlap can be either one-sided or two-sided.
The main factors in the appearance of this form of malocclusion may be an increase in the movable part of the jaw, and sometimes underdevelopment of the upper jaw may be observed.


During the lingual type of crossbite pathology, a low degree of closure of antagonist teeth or a complete absence of contact occurs. During partial closure, contact is observed between different tubercles.
The main provoking factor of this pathology is the lengthening or shortening of one of the jaws.


This disorder may combine all or partial signs of the buccal and lingual appearance. Combined malocclusion is one of the most complex pathologies that can only be eliminated with the help of combined treatment methods.
Depending on the location of the pathological process, this type of disorder is divided into three types:

  • Articular;
  • Gnathic;
  • Dentoalveolar.

Factors that cause crossbite

There can be a large number of reasons due to which this pathology may occur. This disorder can appear during a variety of hereditary disorders, traumatic injuries, various diseases and bad habits.

Heredity is a genetic predisposition to the formation of a certain type of bite. Genes determine the structure of the tooth, its shape, and genetic factors also influence the risk of caries in certain areas of the teeth.

The main provoking factors may be the following reasons:

  1. Hereditary predisposition;
  2. If pathologies of tooth formation occurred during embryonic development;
  3. The presence of a congenital discrepancy between the sizes of teeth and jaws;
  4. Early loss or destruction of primary dentition;
  5. Nasal breathing disorder;
  6. The presence of inconsistency in the work process of the masticatory muscles;
  7. The presence of carious lesions or tooth extraction in childhood;
  8. If before this there was a late and inconsistent eruption of the primary units of the dentition, as well as the presence of cleft teeth;
  9. Congenital pathological processes (for example, clefts of the soft palate);
  10. Diseases of the jaw of an inflammatory nature;
  11. Mineral metabolism disorder;
  12. Complications of traumatic facial injuries;
  13. Having problems with posture, scoliosis.

Quite often, bad habits that appeared in childhood can be factors in the occurrence of crossbite.


How to determine that there is a crossbite? What signs accompany this pathology? Different types of this disease come with different signs and symptoms. Thanks to these symptoms, the doctor determines the presence of this particular form of occlusion and prescribes effective therapeutic therapy. But there are general symptoms that will help you identify the presence of this pathology.

Crossbite is a dental anomaly in which the lower jaw shifts to the side. The face becomes disproportionate, which is especially noticeable when smiling; it becomes clear that the teeth overlap.

Common symptoms may include the following:

  • The appearance of asymmetrical facial contours;
  • The upper jaw moves slightly forward or backward;
  • There is a slight shift of the chin to the side;
  • Disproportion of the dentition in relation to each other appears;
  • Problems with contact of opposite crowns during closure;
  • The occurrence of a mismatch between the upper and lower bridles;
  • Impaired diction.

What complications can there be?

Often patients do not see anything special about the fact that they have a cross type of occlusion. The only thing that can worry you during this period is external signs in the form of incorrect closure of the upper and lower jaw units. But, unfortunately, if you do not begin to eliminate this pathology in time, then unpleasant consequences and serious complications may ultimately arise. For this reason, many dentists and orthodontists recommend that you consult a doctor as early as possible and begin taking all necessary measures to eliminate crossbite disorders.
What are the most common complications associated with cross-occlusion:

Features of the examination

Typically, a crossbite examination begins with the use of an instrumental method, and a clinical picture is also studied. At the first appointment, the doctor performs auscultation of the TMJ and palpation. Using these diagnostic methods, the degree of functionality of the dental system is determined. In addition, for a more detailed examination and accurate diagnosis, other examination methods are used:

  • Orthopantomogram;
  • Radiography;
  • Teleradiogram.

A teleroentgenogram is a panoramic image of the skull in lateral and frontal projections; it is obtained using the X-ray method and is used for postamology diagnostics and treatment planning.

After all examination methods have been carried out, the orthodontist, based on the data obtained, identifies the type of pathological process and determines an effective way to eliminate this disorder. At the last stage of diagnosis, the doctor examines the formed artificial jaw model. Sometimes, in order to correctly make a final diagnosis, it is often necessary to resort to the help of other specialists.

Features of therapeutic therapy

The main goal of therapeutic therapy for this pathology is to completely restore the relationship of the teeth of both jaws. Crossbite correction is carried out using various types of structures and methods. The indications and use of certain treatment methods depend on the age of the patient, the type of pathological process and its degree of neglect.
The main condition for a successful treatment outcome is the complete elimination of all causes of the pathological process. Therefore, in order to completely eliminate all the causes and factors that caused malocclusion, the following effective treatment methods are used:

  1. Myogymnastics;
  2. The method of grinding the cutting area of ​​the tooth is used. This is necessary to align the closure line;
  3. Use of removable prosthetic elements;
  4. Application of instrumental therapy;
  5. Use of systems with extraoral exposure;
  6. Installation of dental arches;
  7. Expanding type plates;
  8. Installation of the trainer.

To treat crossbite and restore the integrity of the dentition, removable prosthetic elements are used (if one or more teeth are lost). They are fixed to natural teeth using hooks that cover the supporting teeth and can be externally noticeable.

In order to eliminate bite problems in permanent teeth, the following methods can additionally be used:

  • Engel apparatus;
  • Aligners;
  • Braces;
  • Katz crowns;
  • Surgical intervention.

Many orthodontists and patients claim that the most effective and efficient treatment methods are trainers, aligners, braces and surgical treatments.

Nuances of correction by trainers

The use of Trainers differs from other devices for malocclusion in that the bite is corrected by eliminating pressure on the teeth and tension in the muscle fibers.
Features of treatment using trainers:

  1. At the first appointment, the doctor models the structure using a computer. Through the use of computer programs, everything is done with maximum precision;
  2. The products are made from silicone material, which is the most convenient and practical;
  3. The main use of trainers is at night. During the daytime, these devices only need to be worn for 1-3 hours;
  4. Typically, treatment with trainers is carried out in several stages, and during each stage it is prescribed to wear products with a certain degree of rigidity, which is indicated by color;
  5. Treatment begins with the use of the softest retainer, which is blue in color. Due to the high degree of elasticity, easy passage of the adaptation period is ensured;
  6. At the last stage, retainers with the most severe degree, which is red, are used;
  7. Each type of retainer must be worn for 7 months.

Retainers are a special orthodontic design that holds the teeth in the correct place. It is used post-course after a course of teeth correction using braces. They can be removable or non-removable, depending on the individual preferences of the person and the doctor’s recommendations.

The effectiveness of this treatment method is 90% of cases. The cost of this treatment therapy is much cheaper than other methods of bite correction.

Features of using aligners to eliminate occlusion

Attention! Aligner aligners are a transparent structure made of transparent plastic material. A product of this type completely replicates all tooth shapes. The process of straightening teeth with the help of aligners is carried out through prolonged pressure on the problem area. In this case, the degree of pressure applied is quite low, so the patient experiences virtually no pain.

During the first appointment, the doctor makes dental impressions and performs virtual 3D modeling of dental units. After this, a complete set of aligners is manufactured using this sample.
For a full course you will need from 10 to 50 caps. The device typically needs to be worn for at least 20 hours. Every 2 weeks, the aligners are replaced with new ones.
The period of treatment of malocclusion with the help of mouth guards has some differences, it all depends on the type of disorder. Sometimes the treatment period is about 3 months, and sometimes more than 1 year. During the entire correction procedure, it is important to visit the dentist once every two months to check the condition of the dentition.
Aligner aligners have several positive features:
  • Adaptation time is approximately 3 hours;
  • When worn, there is no injury to the mucous layer;
  • When in use, these products are not visible from the outside;
  • Do not cause difficulties when performing hygienic and dental procedures.

Aligners are mouth guards for correcting malocclusion. They are made of inconspicuous transparent polymer, invisible to others, and do not spoil the aesthetic appearance of the smile.

This method of correcting malocclusion pathologies can be used even in children starting from the age of five. However, it has one significant drawback - aligners are not used if there is a partial or complete absence of a tooth.

Features of correction with braces

Important! Braces are a non-removable device that provides complete correction of malocclusions using mechanical influence on the teeth. As soon as the dentist conducts the necessary examination, identifies the presence of a pathological process, eliminates the reasons for the impossibility of using these products and consults with the patient on the choice of the necessary material for the manufacture of the structure.

Typically, braces are made from the following types of material:
  1. Made from ceramic base;
  2. Metal;
  3. Made of sapphire material;
  4. Made of plastic.

Installation Features:

  • The entire process of installing braces is carried out by a dentist;
  • First of all, the brackets are attached to the teeth with glue;
  • Then an arch is made from a metal base, which has a memory effect, to the fixing element of each bracket. Due to this element, the basic alignment of the dentition is carried out;
  • At the last stage, the device is secured and configured.

The disadvantage of these products is that when wearing these products there is a long period of adaptation, and sometimes it extends to the entire period of use of these structures. Treatment therapy lasts from 1 year to several years.
After the dentition is completely straightened and all defects disappear, the braces are removed. The structure is removed by squeezing it with special forceps. Sometimes small marks from braces remain on the surface of the crowns of the teeth, so after they are removed, the surface of the teeth is ground and polished.
However, wearing braces is not always permitted; there are cases when the use of these products is contraindicated. Contraindications include the following conditions:

  1. Carious lesion;
  2. Periodontitis;
  3. Gingivitis;
  4. Diseases of the skeletal system;
  5. Various mental disorders;
  6. Oncological tumors;
  7. Pathologies of the circulatory system;
  8. Endocrine system disorders.

Features of surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is used when conventional treatment methods are not effective.

Important! The method of therapeutic therapy consists of opening the palatal suture, after which rapid or slow expansion is performed using recommended hardware methods. In most cases, screw expanders are used, which are activated every day. After activation, slight pain may be observed, which usually disappears completely after an hour.

The final result of surgical treatment can be achieved in approximately 2-3 months. Retainers are used to secure the results.

How is treatment done in children?

Features of the treatment of malocclusion pathologies in children have some differences from medical therapy in adults.
During the period of early mixed dentition, but usually not earlier than 5-6 years, treatment is used using removable plate devices with an expanding screw and a sectoral cut. As a result of using this device, the expansion screw will expand exactly the segment of the dentition that needs expansion.
Also, in addition to the device for correcting crossbite, the doctor can additionally add some components - buccal and labial pads, which ensure the normal condition of the muscle tissue in this place. In addition, these elements cause the process of removing soft tissues from dental units to prevent unwanted pressure that the tissues exert on the teeth.
For children, another type of device can be used to correct occlusion pathologies - the Frenkel function regulator. Through the use of this device, normalization of the myodynamic balance of the maxillofacial area is ensured.
Often in children this pathology may be accompanied by a violation of the closure of the first molars. For this reason, the orthodontist in these situations may recommend the use of devices such as the Andresen-Goipl activator and the Persin activator to eliminate class II and III anomalies.
If cross-curvature of the teeth is observed with a slight narrowing of the upper jaw, then in these situations the doctor may prescribe the use of expanding structures. The most effective device is considered to be the Biderman apparatus. This design allows for rapid palatal expansion. Activation of this device can be done at home by parents. Activation is done once every 7-10 days.

With a crossbite, there is a narrowing of the arch of the dentition associated with the genetic predisposition of the patients, and also possible breathing disorders (replacement of nasal breathing with oral breathing). To combat this type of jaw pathology, the Biederman apparatus is used.

How is treatment done in adults?

The following devices and treatments are commonly used to correct crossbites in adults:

  • Individual fixed device with mechanical action. This device is used to both widen and narrow dental arches. In appearance, this device is an iron arc that covers the problem area on the vestibular side. The product is fastened to crown-caps, which are installed on the supporting units of the dentition. Bite restoration takes place over several years;
  • Engel's apparatus. This device is used to widen the jaw. In appearance, this device is a curved arc that applies pressure from the lingual side. In order to achieve a positive result while wearing this design, constant adjustment of the device is required. This product allows you to correct second-degree bite problems; it should be worn for at least 4 months;
  • Katz crowns. These products are used for occlusion of the anterior dentition. This device is a loop that is fixed to a metal crown. The principle of operation of this device is as follows: the loop is located on the lingual side at a certain angle in relation to the units with defects. As a result, constant pressure is placed on the teeth, which causes displacement;
  • Braces. These are the most common and effective devices that are used for different types of bites, including cross bites. This product consists of brackets and an arc, which is fixed inside the brackets. When wearing these products, pressure occurs on the dentition, which ensures its displacement.

The Katz guide crown is a non-removable orthodontic device with a functional guiding effect. It is a crown that is installed on a displaced tooth, with a guide plane made of wire loops soldered to it.

Preventive measures

Since the treatment of crossbite is quite long and does not always give 100% results, it is best to prevent the appearance of this pathology in a child from childhood. To do this, you should remember a few recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the child's posture. Especially starting from the age of 7, when there is a period of rapid bone growth;
  2. It is imperative that a child be taught how to properly brush his or her teeth from childhood;
  3. Limiting the consumption of sweets;
  4. Monitor the child’s behavior and prevent the development of bad habits - lying on the side, sucking fingers, making faces;
  5. Timely elimination of all diseases of the ENT organs;
  6. Compliance with preventive treatment of rickets, which can cause bone deformation;
  7. Regular visits to the dentist.

Crossbite is a serious deformation of the dentition that can appear in early childhood. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of your child’s teeth from the moment they erupt. It is also best to go to a pediatric dentist for prevention, who can conduct an examination and give useful recommendations on dental care. If it was not possible to avoid this pathology, then you should be prepared for the fact that the treatment will be lengthy and not always effective.

A crossbite is a bite that is characterized by the crossing of the dentition during closure. Mild pathology is practically unnoticeable, but at high degrees, crossbite with displacement of the lower jaw worsens the appearance and affects some functions of the body, and therefore requires serious treatment.

There are several types of pathology with their own characteristics, depending on which the treatment plan is determined:

  1. Location in the anterior section, when the dental units (one or more) in the frontal zone have an inclination, most often towards the tongue. In this case, progeny is diagnosed in the lateral sections.
  2. The location on the side of the lateral teeth is one- or two-sided. In this case, the teeth may be displaced towards the tongue, cheek or palate.

Lateral bite is divided into three types:

  • Buccal crossbite with or without displacement of the jaw to the side; teeth pointing towards the cheek.
  • Lingual(displacement towards the tongue).
  • Combined.

In addition, true or false cross-occlusion is distinguished. In the first case, this is a congenital anomaly, in the second, it is the patient’s involuntary protrusion of the lower jaw. To accurately determine the type of pathology, the doctor conducts a diagnosis:

  • determining the center of closure using bite ridges,
  • assessment of the degree of jaw displacement,
  • palpation examination of the TMJ.

Crossbite, if left untreated, can lead to many complications.

To differentiate a true crossbite from a false one, X-ray studies are performed - teleroentgenogram, orthopantomogram. They allow you to assess the condition of bone structures and see their asymmetry.

In adolescence, a bone x-ray may be prescribed, which allows you to assess the level of bone tissue development.


Most anomalies in the arrangement of teeth in a row or relative to each other - be it distal or deep bite - are caused by heredity due to improper formation of the maxillofacial apparatus in utero or in early childhood. Cross occlusion is no exception. Its main reasons:

  • children's bad habits - lip biting, thumb sucking, the habit of sleeping on one side or resting their cheek with their hand. In adulthood, such actions, even regular ones, do not pose a danger, but in childhood, all structures of the body, including bone tissue, are characterized by variability,
  • disruption of eruption, especially of permanent teeth. If one of them is late in appearing, the neighbors will move to fill the void, while the “latecomer” will be forced to look for room to grow,
  • diseases of the ENT organs cause enlargement of the tonsils, complicate nasal breathing, as a result of which the child is forced to breathe through the mouth. In addition, otitis media can provoke inflammation of the TMJ, which is actively involved in the formation of bite,
  • heredity, congenital defects (alveolar cleft, making feeding, breathing, speech difficult).

Crossbite is formed in utero or during childhood.

Manifestations and consequences

If the development of pathology is at an initial stage, it may not be noticed, unlike crowded teeth or prognathia. Parents can suspect an anomaly based on the following: signs:

  • the face takes on an asymmetrical shape,
  • the upper jaw moves forward or backward,
  • the chin moves to the side,
  • diction is impaired.

If you do not take measures to correct the situation and do not start treatment, the consequences can be unpleasant:

  • incorrectly positioned teeth often injure the mucous membrane,
  • abrasion increases, the risk of developing caries increases,
  • mouth breathing provokes diseases of the nasopharynx,
  • Insufficiently chewed food entering the gastrointestinal tract disrupts its functioning.

There are also psychological problems that are caused by improper closure. The child becomes withdrawn, complexes and low self-esteem and excessive shyness are formed.

Among the unpleasant consequences is tooth abrasion.

Crossbite correction

The doctor chooses the methods by which the defect can be corrected taking into account the patient’s age.


The following methods are considered priority for pediatric patients:

  1. Usage plate devices equipped with an expansion screw. The design may include pads (inserts) to strengthen the corresponding muscles - labial or cheek. One of these devices is the Frenkel regulator, which is a metal frame with plastic shields and pilots. This is an adjustable device that can perform various functions for several types of malocclusion, including cross-bite defects.
  2. — cast mouthguards worn while sleeping. With their help, you can not only achieve the correct visual bite, but also eliminate muscle disorders.
  3. Myogymnastics- exercises to strengthen the jaw muscles, with reduced tone of which a pathological bite is formed. All the exercises are simple, accessible to the child, and can be performed in the form of a game. The main thing that is needed to achieve results is regularity: classes must be carried out twice a day for 4-6 months.
  4. Grinding of baby teeth, preventing lateral movements of the jaw. After the procedure, the grinding site is remineralized and treated with a composite.

Myogymnastics is effective in childhood.

It is important to take preventive measures: eliminating bad habits, treating ENT diseases that can change the position of teeth.

Correction in adults

If a lower crossbite is diagnosed in adults, treatment with plate appliances will be ineffective because the bones have already formed. Preference is given to other methods:

  1. Installation of brace systems, the task of which is to expand or narrow individual areas, form the correct central ratio, and normalize the functioning of the masticatory muscles. Systems with additional cross-bars are often installed, which the patient can independently remove while eating.
  2. Removing part of the deformed teeth and then installing crowns in their place.
  3. An operation that involves removing part of the bone to rearrange the surrounding tissue in the right place.

Crossbite is a transversal, or transverse, dental anomaly, in which there is a discrepancy and suppression of the dentition and/or jaws in the horizontal plane. Crossbite has several types. It can be buccal, lingual and combined.

The buccal type (bucca - means “cheek”) is characterized by a narrowing of the upper dentition and/or jaw and expansion of the lower dentition and/or jaw. With the lingual variety, the upper teeth and/or jaw, on the contrary, are too wide, and the lower ones are narrow. The last, combined type has all of the above pathologies. Moreover, each type of anomaly can be either with or without displacement, as well as one- and two-sided. Naturally, proper closure between the front and back teeth does not occur during a crossbite.

Reasons for development

Crossbite can be either congenital or acquired. The first type includes anomalies “inherited” from parents or grandparents, or formed at one of the stages of pregnancy.

Acquired curvatures occur as a result of various injuries or improper fusion of bones after a fracture; due to mouth breathing and infantile swallowing; due to biting the lip and propping the cheek and chin with a fist; due to incorrect position of the child during sleep, as well as due to rickets and scoliosis.

Interesting fact!

According to famous Russian dentists, crossbite occurs one and a half times more often in people with incorrect posture than in patients with a straight back.

An important role in the development of cross-pathology is played by untimely loss of teeth and their abnormal eruption. Poor oral hygiene in children leads to multiple inflammatory processes and, as a consequence, to early loss of baby teeth and damage to the rudiments of molars. As a result, the dentition is formed incorrectly, the growth of the jaws is disrupted, which leads to improper closure. Long-term absence of teeth in adults also causes the development of transversal anomalies.

In order to avoid all of the above problems, you should carefully monitor the health of your teeth and promptly replace lost ones with dentures when it comes to children and adolescents, and implants when it comes to adults.

Crossbite – treatment in adults and children

Timely prevention helps to avoid the development of anomalies, but what to do if a crossbite has already formed? The choice of treatment method depends on several factors: the type of curvature, its degree, and the age of the patient. Thus, crossbite is best corrected in children.

How to correct crossbite in children?

If a child has been diagnosed with a crossbite, the first step is to get rid of the cause of its appearance, that is, wean the baby off bad habits, buy him the right pacifier and bottle, and make sure that he does not sleep in the same position. An older child should be given solid foods more often and be encouraged to chew longer on the deformed side. With early unilateral curvatures, grinding some teeth can also help, but only at the initial stage of the anomaly.

Crossbites caused by improper development of the jaws can be eliminated with the help of a pressure bandage and various palatal expanders. However, these designs should be used with extreme caution. Putting too much pressure on the jaw can cause noticeable deformities of the chin and face. If a crossbite has developed as a result of untimely loss of teeth, then the first step is to restore them and only then proceed to the next stage of treatment.

Interesting fact!

Palatal expanders can also be used in adulthood, but only until the palatal suture has become “ossified,” that is, until the age of 18–22. For older people, the suture is opened surgically.

In case of serious anomalies, in addition to the equipment described above, functional equipment is also used, for example, an Andresen-Heupl activator with a one- or two-sided pelot - a small plate that is located under the tongue; regulator of Frenkel functions, as well as Katz crowns. Plates and trainers allow normalization of the position and size of the dentition during the period of primary and mixed dentition, and after 12 years - braces and aligners. To eliminate anomalies in permanent occlusion, slightly different techniques are used.

Correcting crossbite in adults

Combined orthodontic treatment helps correct crossbite in adults, which often includes orthognathic surgery, which not all dentists in Moscow can offer. However, surgery is not required in all cases. For example, an anomaly formed at the level of the dentition can be eliminated with braces or aligners.

In extreme cases, for example, when the patient has severe crowding and there is not enough space in the jaw, doctors resort to removing teeth - mainly fours or eights.

People with a crooked jawbone are referred for an osteotomy, a surgery to correct bone deformities. It is performed under general anesthesia, after which the patient remains in the hospital for some time. It is necessary to understand that the surgical stage does not cancel the wearing of orthodontic structures. That is, in order to correct a crossbite, the patient will have to wear braces or mouthguards both before and after surgery.

Why is crossbite correction necessary?

Even the initial stage of the anomaly sooner or later develops into a severe one and leads to sad and even dangerous consequences. All owners of crossbite, regardless of the type of anomaly, have pronounced facial asymmetry. For people with a buccal type of crossbite, in addition to all the above deformations, an enlargement of the lower jaw is also characteristic, and for patients with a lingual crossbite, a flattening of the chin is also typical. As for the combined anomaly, it includes all of the above symptoms at once. In addition, crossbite owners can be recognized by a receding upper or lower lip and speech impediments.

However, this pathology threatens not only problems with aesthetics - the functions of chewing and digestion are disrupted, as well as muscle hypertonicity, headaches and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. In addition, the bite sooner or later becomes traumatic and damages the soft tissues of the oral cavity. Bacteria enter the resulting wounds, causing severe inflammation and periodontal disease. Therefore, leaving everything as is will not be the best idea.