White house and black cat. Black cat in the White House

The inimitable talent of Boris Zakhoder turned the kind and funny poems of Polish poets - R. Pisarski, J. Tuwim and J. Brzechwa - into real masterpieces, and the amazing artist Alisa Poret illustrated them with childish innocence and spontaneity. According to the recollections of Alice, who had an incredible ability to work and speed, she read these wonderful poems with pleasure and immediately drew. The words instantly turned into a picture. That is why the poems and illustrations in this book form a single whole.

The lyrical, mysteriously contrasting poem about a black-black cat, which gives the name to this collection, reads as if a multi-layered world is gradually opening up - from large to small - a white field, a white house, a white hall, a white bed... And a black cat - small, but a significant point in a vast space.

The wonderful poem “About Pan Trulyalinsky” is easy and relaxed to read. Perky and cheerful, it contains two important pedagogical meanings: firstly, it is an excellent training for speed and purity of pronunciation (try practicing with your child: “All drivers are Tweedledums, / Postmen are Tweedledums, / Football players are Tweedledums, / Saleswomen – Tweedledums”, etc.); secondly, this is the morphological law of word formation, wittily embodied in the seemingly frivolous content of the poem (of course, all these various suffixes are designed for children over preschool age).

“Glue” is a little “upside-down” story in which everything seems to be turned on its head. Indeed, how can a cat stick to a dog, or a truck to a tram! But this technique allows the author to focus attention on things that often do not fall into the usual field of vision (nonsense: glue is the main character of the work!).

The main advantage of the book “The White House and the Black Cat” is that it is very interesting to read and look at. And as experience shows, it is interesting for both children and adults. And this is the first and indispensable condition for the existence of real children's literature.
The main advantage of the book “The White House and the Black Cat” is that it is very interesting to read. And as experience shows, it is interesting for both children and adults. And this is the first and indispensable condition for the existence of real children's literature.

September 11

ANDHe who has ears, let him hear.

Old employees of the White House - the residence of American presidents in Washington - are sure that the venerable abode of the top officials of the state is often visited by the ghosts of long-gone rulers.

Cleaners and repairmen who happen to work late at night swear that they have encountered characters in the White House who would seem to belong only on the pages of magazines and American history textbooks. More than once in the late afternoon they saw in the Oval Hall and in the library hall the figure of Abraham Lincoln, familiar from historical films. And Blair House, a spare mansion used as a residence for special guests of the US President, for some reason was especially loved by the late President Woodrow Wilson. He was seen there more than once relaxing in a rocking chair, the creaking of which in the dead of night caused consternation among bystanders.

But the biggest mystery of the White House is a huge black cat, which has appeared here since time immemorial and terrifies with its ominous meowing, in which there is nothing. feline - these are sounds from the underworld. The cat is seen only after midnight. He appears to the gaze of a casual observer at first like a small, pitifully meowing frail kitten, which then begins to grow before our eyes, turning into a huge creature with tousled blue-black fur and piercingly burning eyes.

The creepy "kitten" phenomenon is said to have first appeared in 1929 before the Great Depression. In subsequent years, the phantom of a black cat, which is called here - the Satanic Spawn or the Fiend of Hell, returned to the White House at night before major catastrophes, calamities, and upheavals of a national nature. This was the case before the assassination of John F. Kennedy and before the terrorist attack on the Trade Center towers on September 11th.

The cat always appears unexpectedly and only in front of people who are alone. They are afraid of him and try not to talk about him at all: it is believed that one mention of him will certainly bring some kind of misfortune or misfortune.

A cat appears in the White House apartment before the change of presidents. American newspapers reported that one minister again saw the Devil in the rooms of the presidential residence. Now everyone - both fortune tellers and serious political observers - are wondering what this could mean: simply the coming to power of a new President, Barack Obama, or some as yet unknown cataclysms threatening American society.

Newspaper “Secret Power” No. 2, 2009

Man with no name

The founding of the United States in the 18th century was preceded by strange and mysterious events. According to contemporaries, surrounded by George Washington and Benjamin Franklin there was a man whose real name no one knew. He was respectfully called Professor.

The author of the book “Our Flag,” Robert Campbell, more than once heard the Professor mention events that took place more than a century ago, as if he himself was a participant in them. This gentleman, despite his venerable age, was distinguished by excellent health and a lively mind. In 1775, Washington and Franklin invited him to participate in a meeting of the Colonial Congress Committee regarding the establishment of an American flag. The draft emblem proposed by the Professor was adopted. After that, no one ever met him again.

On July 4, 1776, the future Declaration of Independence was discussed in Philadelphia. In the midst of the debate, a tall, pale-faced man appeared at the State House. He made a clear case for the declaration, explaining that American freedom is pleasing to God. His heartfelt speech immediately put an end to disagreements, and the declaration was adopted unanimously. The stranger disappeared without a trace.

According to researcher Manly P. Hall, George Washington, Franklin, and the famous Marquis Lafayette - quite significant figures in American history - belonged to the Mystery School, which controlled political life in the world for many centuries. And the creation of an independent American state was not a coincidence at all, but a carefully thought-out and pre-prepared act. The Masonic symbols on the one-dollar bill also support this version.

Visions and ghosts

It is known that some rulers of the United States had paranormal abilities. From time to time they had prophetic visions that were destined to have a huge impact on American history.

Take the famous case of Washington in 1777, during the Revolutionary War. Then, sitting at the table, the general saw in front of him a beautiful woman clearly not from the real world. “Son of the Republic, watch and learn,” she said, and then a vision of all parts of the world, including America, appeared before Washington as if in reality.

Some otherworldly creature splashed Europe and America with water scooped up from the ocean. A dark cloud rose from Europe and floated west. From time to time he was pierced by lightning, and then Washington clearly heard human groans and screams. Then the cloud cleared. Cities and villages appeared on the American continent - they could be observed from above.

But then new dark clouds moved towards America. A light appeared inside them, and in its reflections soldiers appeared, apparently going to battle. Then an angel came down from heaven holding an American flag with the word “union” inscribed on it. And the dark clouds disappeared. And the ghostly stranger explained that the general had seen the future of his country, and the vision should be interpreted as follows: three great dangers await the republic. The third of them will be the most terrible. And although the population of the whole world will rise to fight it, it will not be possible to win quickly.

Something similar happened to Abraham Lincoln. It is known that ten days before his death, the president had a strange dream. It was as if he had woken up at night from muffled groans and sobs coming from the other end of the building. Getting out of bed, Lincoln rushed towards these sounds. Having met no one on the way, he reached the East Hall, in the middle of which stood a hearse with a coffin. Nearby, the guards froze in silence. “Who died?” – asked the surprised Lincoln. “President,” they answered him.

During the last three nights before his death, Lincoln dreamed that he would be killed. He even told his bodyguard about this dream. When John Booth shot him in the theater, the president said, “Now the time has come,” and fell dead.

Shadows of the White House

Almost immediately after Lincoln's death, his ghost began to appear in the White House. The first to see him was Grace Coolidge, wife of President Calvin Coolidge. The Phantom stood at the window in the Oval Office and looked out into the street with a thoughtful look. He was later seen by others, also at the window in the Oval Office.

For some reason, the ghost appeared especially often during the reign of President Roosevelt. One day, one of the secretaries, a young girl, entered the room where Lincoln’s bedroom had once been located and found him sitting on the bed and tying his shoelaces. After some time, the maid found the ghost of the president in the same room - he was trying to light the fireplace.

At that time, the office of the first lady, Mrs. Roosevelt, was set up in the former Lincoln Bedroom. True, she herself had never seen anything unusual, but it always seemed to her that someone invisible was watching her.

The Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, who arrived on a visit to Roosevelt, was awakened one night by a knock on her bedroom door. Lincoln stood on the threshold...

Harry Truman also claimed to have seen Lincoln. In addition, they say that the ghost even came into contact with Truman's daughter. In the evenings, she often locked herself in the former presidential bedroom and talked for a long time with the phantom. They even said that through her my father asked his ghostly predecessor for advice in certain matters.

Ronald Reagan's daughter and many White House employees during Reagan's reign also encountered the ghost.

However, Abraham Lincoln is not the only ghostly inhabitant of the White House. President Andrew Jackson may have turned into a ghost after his death because he was fond of spiritualism during his lifetime. And he also became famous as a womanizer who never missed a single skirt. Sometimes young secretaries, passing by Jackson's bed in the Pink Bedroom, hear a strange giggle.

One of them, Lillian Parks, recalls: “In 1961, in the Pink Bedroom, I was making a bed intended for Queen Elizabeth, who came to Washington on a visit. I bent down and suddenly felt a touch on my back and below from someone’s confident hands. My hair stood on end because there was no one in the room. But when a characteristic giggle was heard, I guessed whose trick it was, and flew out of the room like a bullet.”

Here is a story by President George W. Bush's youngest daughter, Jenna, published in Texas Monthly:

“One night I heard singing from the fireplace in my room. Someone sang an aria from the opera. When I told my sister Barbara about it, she didn't believe it, but the next week, while we were in my bedroom together, we heard the sound of a piano. It was a '50s motif."

By the way, Harry Truman, who spoke about the shadow of the assassinated Lincoln, loved to play the piano in his leisure hours. Has he really become a ghost too?

At midnight, blood stains appear to appear on the white marble of the staircase adjacent to the meeting room leading to the gallery. They say this is the blood of Kentucky Congressman William Taulbee, who was mortally wounded by journalist Charles Kinkard in the winter of 1890.

But the most sinister ghost here is the spirit of a black cat. He goes by the nickname DC, which stands for Demon Cat. They say that this is a phantom of one of the three dozen cats that were released into the White House in 1800 to catch rats. Allegedly, the animal did not want to leave the walls of its beloved shelter...

DC appears indoors, on the alley leading to the White House, and in the basement of the Capitol. At first he seems to appear in the form of a small black kitten, but if you get closer to him, he becomes the size of a tiger. It has a huge mouth and eyes that glow in the dark with blood-red light.

This horrifies eyewitnesses. Some of those who met the cat lost consciousness, and one even died in the hospital from a heart attack. There have been cases when a ghost attacked people, leaving hard-to-heal scratches on their bodies. The guards shot at him several times, but ghosts are not afraid of bullets...

The appearance of DC is said to herald disasters on a national scale. He was seen on the eve of the 1929 financial crisis, the assassination of John F. Kennedy and several other dramatic events. It also flashes in the White House during periods when power passes from one president to another.

Clinton and black magic

All kinds of devilry are extremely popular in America. After all, it was the Americans who introduced the tradition of celebrating Halloween - honoring evil spirits just on the eve of All Saints' Day on October 31. On this night, many dress up as devils and witches and in these costumes they organize merry dances, like at Sabbaths.

At one time, rumors spread that Bill Clinton was twice helped to become president... by Haitian voodoo priests! Historian and archaeologist Joel Root claims that before the 1992 elections, the future president was introduced to the ousted ruler of Haiti, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, who promised to find a means that could influence the course of the upcoming elections. Aristide brought Clinton together with the Haitian priest Gerard Jean-Juste, who has the title of the main priest of voodoo - houngan. He performed a ritual of casting a spell on Clinton's main competitor, George Bush. Soon after, Bush's ratings plummeted and his health deteriorated. In gratitude for his help, Clinton wrote Aristide a large check and helped him reinstate himself as president in Haiti.

In 1995, Clinton allegedly returned to Haiti and even took part in a black magic ritual. And the re-election took place. But this time the American president did not keep his promise to provide Haiti with significant loans, for which he was punished. The scandal with Monica Lewinsky, as Joel Root assures, is the revenge of the priests.

Of course, it is difficult to confirm this information. However, there are quite a lot of facts that indirectly indicate the intervention of anomalous and supernatural forces in American life.

Irina Shlionskaya

Photography - shutterstock.com

The creepiest ghost of the White House in Washington is rightfully considered not the ghost of Lincoln or Jackson, but a ghost known as the Demon Cat, which is sometimes simply called DC. This incredible creature, in its behavior, is immeasurably closer to the forces of hell than to ordinary ghosts.

There is an otherworldly beast in the White House basement and in a room known as the crypt. Everyone who encountered it claimed that it was a black creature with glowing red eyes, which first appears as a cute black kitten, and then suddenly grows to enormous sizes, turning into an evil creature.

Sometimes the Demon Cat attacks people, leaving scratches that take a very long time to heal. The guards shot at him more than once, but bullets are powerless against the hellish cat. Where did this tailed ghost come from?

According to Daniel Cohen, author of Animal Phantoms, in 1800 the Capitol and the White House were overrun by rats and mice. To solve the problem, dozens of cats and kittens were brought into the building. After they completed their mission, they were caught and returned to where they were taken from. However, one cat on Capitol Hill remained forever, and that was DC.

One January night in 1970, one of the White House security guards was walking down the corridor and saw the Demon Cat. His eyes glowed blood red in the darkness. The employee seemed paralyzed; he could not move, no matter how hard he tried.

Before his eyes, the phantom grew to the size of a tiger, opened its mouth, exposed its huge teeth and raised its front paw with equally huge claws. The guard closed his eyes and began to pray, and when he opened them, the ghost was no longer there.

As a rule, the Demon Cat, unexpectedly appearing in front of a person, is content with putting him into a stupor with just his fantastic appearance. However, if the person who encounters the cat is not afraid, the ghostly creature attacks him with fury.

It is noteworthy that the Demon Cat usually appears before national disasters. He was seen a week before the stock market crash of 1929, which led to the Great Depression, before the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and he appears on the eve of other serious and dramatic events. Sometimes it flashes during periods when power passes from one president to another.

However, there is no information that the ghost cat was seen before the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 or before the onset of the catastrophic hurricanes Katrina and Ike. However, it is quite possible that the Secret Service is simply keeping such appearances secret so as not to cause unnecessary excitement in society.

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