Activated white carbon. What is the difference between white carbon and activated carbon? What is white coal

In the last few years, white activated carbon has become increasingly popular among the ordinary population. It was developed by researchers specifically to bind and subsequently remove accumulated toxins from the body. It is also used for food, alcohol and other poisonings.

Its main feature is considered to be the ability to neutralize poisons as quickly as possible. Moreover, it acts an order of magnitude faster than the black activated carbon familiar to many. The effectiveness of the white analogue has been proven during laboratory and clinical studies. It actually removes a much larger number of toxins under identical conditions.

Composition and application features

The active ingredients of white activated carbon are two components:

  • microcrystalline cellulose, which is briefly called simply MCC;
  • silicon dioxide.

Due to the presence of a large amount of starch, the coal tablets received a pronounced white color. This served as the basis for the name of the drug. After use, the product is not absorbed into the cells of organs and tissues, and is not stored in any other form in the body. Instead, it is eliminated naturally.

White coal was created by pharmacists from Germany. It differs in composition from its black counterpart. Moreover, their indications and spectrum of action are almost identical. Another advantage of white coal is its milder effect on the body.

Many doctors appreciated the benefits of such a new product in the world of pharmaceuticals for its:

  • selectivity,
  • ease of use,
  • wide range of activities,
  • thoroughness.

The first point indicates the ability of the medicine to work only on a group of harmful substances. Since black coal usually cleanses the intestines by collecting all components on its surface, white coal functions precisely. He “knows how” to select only harmful elements and toxins from the intestinal microflora. An additional advantage is the ability of the white medicine not to attract water.

If you look at the instructions for use, it becomes clear that to achieve the desired effect, you need less white coal than black coal. If initially it seems that you can save money when treating with the classic method with black pills, then later it becomes clear that this is not so. Moreover, more modern medicine dissolves better in water. Because of this, it is much more convenient to take. Thanks to this, it becomes clear how white coal differs from black coal.

On average, one tablet of an innovative medicine can replace approximately ten units of black coal. This calculation is approximate, but even so the effectiveness of the enhanced formula becomes clear. Due to this, doctors around the world use white coal to treat a variety of diseases. Their list includes the following diseases:

  • allergic reactions,
  • liver failure,
  • dysbacteriosis,
  • helminthiasis

But most often such a strong sorbent can be found in medical prescriptions for the treatment of food intoxication or poisoning with alcoholic beverages and their surrogates.

How to take white charcoal?

The central principle when developing a course of treatment using white coal is timing. The sooner you start giving this potent sorbent to the patient, the sooner his health will return to normal.

As soon as the patient feels the characteristic signs of standard food poisoning, he should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will tell you how to take this drug. It is not recommended to prescribe it yourself without prior consultation with a specialist. You can accidentally calculate the wrong dosage, which will only worsen the patient’s health condition.

The main symptoms of classic poisoning are usually called:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • abdominal pain,
  • general weakness,
  • high temperature
  • headache,
  • muscle aches.

As soon as the patient feels at least a few of the signs from the list, you should immediately consult a doctor. Usually he prescribes symptomatic treatment, and also prescribes sorbents and dietary nutrition.

Features of using white coal

If at the time of the acute stage of poisoning it is not possible to see a doctor, then you need to prescribe white coal according to the instructions for the drug. There the dosage is prescribed for children, adults and the regimen. Any deviation from the rule threatens an exacerbation of the disease.

Experts advise at the initial stage during the acute period to take not tablets, but a suspension. Diluting the powder is not difficult, since usually the dosage in grams is always written on the bags.

In normal cases, the drug should be taken before meals with plenty of liquid. Moreover, it is better to use ordinary water, and not some drinks.

Most doctors are inclined to believe that white charcoal acts faster in crushed form (powder). This is explained by the fact that its adsorbing capacity increases many times over. That is why in the acute stage, diluted powder is prescribed or it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in water.

Some patients mistakenly believe that after a few days, when the condition improves, they need to stop taking the medicine. But for a complete recovery, you need to use the drug throughout the entire recovery course. This will allow you to quickly remove remaining poisons from the gastrointestinal tract.

White coal for alcohol intoxication

If Carboactive and other sorbent preparations based on white coal are taken after symptoms are detected, then pure white coal can be drunk before they appear.

We are talking about feasts and parties. Preliminary use of such tablets will allow the body to better tolerate intoxication with alcoholic products. But if the potential poisoned person has forgotten about it, then the treatment of his progressive intoxication should

In the morning after gatherings with alcohol, the victim is required to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • immediately after waking up you need;
  • take white coal;
  • cleanse the intestines with an enema;
  • take charcoal until the end of the recovery course.

Possible side effects

Remember that any sorbents should only be prescribed by a doctor. The reason for this is possible individual intolerance to individual components of the drug. Moreover, it can begin even if no difficulties were previously observed with the intake of white coal.

Elderly people suffering from multiple chronic diseases and young children should be prescribed separately. Patients with diabetes deserve increased attention. When taking each tablet, they should remember that it will contain 0.26 g of sucrose.

As for side effects, they are almost minimal. The main factor for the start of their development is considered to be ignoring the dosage and prolonged uncontrolled treatment. In this situation, the victim develops:

  • drowsiness,
  • weakness,
  • reluctance to do anything.

The lethargy is explained by the onset of hypovitaminosis. This indicates a lack of vitamins. At the same time, the body ceases to have time to absorb the nutrients ingested in the quantities necessary for normal life.

It is worth preparing for the fact that when taking white charcoal along with other medications, it may lose some of its effectiveness.

Those who want to lose weight have also adopted white coal. But they do not always understand the degree of risks that arise from the uncontrolled use of this initially useful product. Those trying to lose extra pounds drink charcoal before fasting days.

The day after taking it, they eat only low-fat cottage cheese in minimal quantities and wash it down with large volumes of liquid. But nutritionists insist that such an approach can only do harm. It is much more effective to adhere to the general rules of a healthy diet than to experiment with medications.

Contraindications for use

Like all other drugs, white coal has a number of contraindications. Their list is small, but ignoring it can slow down the healing process.

The medicine is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • stomach ulcers,
  • internal bleeding,
  • intestinal obstruction.

White coal should not be consumed during pregnancy, lactation or for children under a certain age. In such situations, it is better to contact the local police officer, who will prescribe an effective and safe analogue.

In the life of every person, various troubles sometimes happen. And there is nothing worse when negative aspects relate to health and well-being. Particularly unpleasant are poisonings, which attack a person with a mass of painful symptoms. And almost everyone knows that first aid for intoxication is to take sorbents after inducing artificial vomiting.

Adsorbent drugs effectively neutralize and remove the remains of toxic substances from the body and return the victim to good health. One of the oldest and most famous sorbents is black coal. But pharmacists annually create new adsorbents, which include activated white carbon. What is the difference between these drugs? And which one is more effective?

White and black activated carbon are excellent sorbents

These coal tablets are familiar to everyone since childhood. They were permanent residents of any home medicine cabinet and were taken in all cases of poisoning (they took it for the purpose of cleansing the body, as well as for losing weight). This medicine comes in the form of hard, black pills that easily stain the tongue and teeth when taken.

The drug is called activated due to the peculiarities of the technological process. When special chemical reactions are used, natural coal goes through an activation stage, which results in the complete opening of coal pores. This event gives the product valuable pharmacological properties.

Dark sorbent was the first and main drug in domestic medicine from the group of adsorbent drugs. It was widely used in medical practice in previous years and was able to maintain its position in modern days. Many people trust only this remedy, tested for decades, and use it exclusively in case of intoxication.

Black activated carbon has been known for many years as an effective remedy for poisoning.

When rescuing a poisoned person, you should know that any adsorbent will be beneficial only if used at the stage of first (pre-medical) aid.

Long-term therapy is negotiated separately and continues only on the advice and agreement of the treating specialist. Black adsorbent pills are completely harmless to the body. Their only disadvantage is that they are inconvenient to use.. Indeed, in the case of serious acute intoxication, this sorbent must be taken in too large quantities.

The dose of the medicine depends on the patient's body weight. Take it at the rate of one pill for every 10 kg of weight. That is, if the victim weighs about 80 kg, he will have to swallow 8 tablets at the same time. And doing this in conditions of nausea, weakness and poor health is quite difficult.

Introducing White Activated Carbon

This adsorbent, distinguished by its light color, is an achievement of the modern pharmaceutical industry. The medicine differs not only in color, it tastes more pleasant and has a changed composition (compared to the black drug). Speaking about how white carbon differs from activated carbon, we should consider its composition. The white sorbent is additionally enriched with a complex of active components.

White activated carbon is a new sorbent with a faster effect

Silicon dioxide

This compound forms the basis of the drug. Thanks to him, the drug has a white color. It is precisely because of the inclusion of this substance that modern sorbent effectively cleanses the body of the following pathogens:

  • intestinal gases;
  • excess gastric juice;
  • toxins (microbial and chemical);
  • remnants of protein breakdown products;
  • allergens (food and bacterial).

Silicon dioxide is part of effective modern sorbents

Silicon dioxide helps to absorb alcohol residues from the blood and lymph, moving them to the gastrointestinal tract and removing them from the body. In addition to toxic ethanol, this active compound cleanses the body of lipids, heavy metal salts, serotonin, organophosphates and urea.

Microcrystalline cellulose

This active component of the white sorbent is isolated from natural plant fiber. Such a substance is not able to dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract; it effectively absorbs free radicals, toxic toxins and pathogenic metabolites of toxic substances. Microcrystalline cellulose works to improve the processes of parietal digestion (occurring in the small intestine) and helps remove formed food lumps.

White coal also contains microcrystalline cellulose.

Benefits of white coal

The enriched composition of the sorbent answers the question of what is better: white or black coal. Light adsorbent has a number of obvious advantages in comparison with its dark counterpart. In particular:

  1. Does not damage the tissues of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  2. Helps relieve allergic manifestations.
  3. Well stimulates intestinal peristalsis.
  4. Quickly cleanses the body of toxins and toxic metabolites.
  5. More effective in improving the functioning of the digestive systems.
  6. Does not provoke the development of constipation (this often occurs when treating with black charcoal).

The obvious properties that determine the difference between white carbon and black activated carbon include a reduced volume of drugs needed to obtain a therapeutic effect. The medicinal dose of a light-colored sorbent is only 4 grams (this property is based on increased sorption capacity).

In terms of absorption indicators, white coal is several times more effective than black sorbent.

Such qualities of the light sorbent make it possible to use it for a longer period of time without the risk of developing hypovitaminosis. The medicine meets all the requirements of modern medicine for detoxification agents.

When are sorbents effective?

Both types of adsorbent have identical indications for use. Their main tasks include neutralizing the toxic, poisonous contents of the gastrointestinal tract and relieving the unpleasant symptoms that accompany any intoxication. The main purposes of using these sorbents include the following situations:

  1. Flatulence, increased gas formation and acute intestinal colic. By the way, white sorbent copes with these troubles much more effectively.
  2. Poisoning of any type (alcohol, medicinal and food). Both types of drugs, once in the stomach, actively bind toxic substances, neutralizing them and preventing intoxication from developing further.
  3. Hepatitis. Activated carbon (white and black) is also prescribed for the treatment of hepatitis. In this case, sorbents are used to relieve poisoning that occurs due to weakened liver function.
  4. Allergies. The drugs become especially effective in the development of food allergic manifestations. These medications are also included in complex therapy in the treatment of angioedema, atopic dermatitis and urticaria. Sorbents effectively remove allergens that are activated in the gastrointestinal tract and relieve associated symptoms.
  5. Intestinal infections. White and black activated carbon help cleanse the intestines from harmful microflora and remove toxins produced by bacteria.
  6. Kidney/liver failure. Adsorbents are used in the case of diseases in which the human body suffers from poisoning caused by poor functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Both types of sorbent are also actively used in the treatment of many dangerous diseases. Doctors prescribe them for the treatment of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, acetone syndrome. Many clinics successfully use white/black charcoal in a comprehensive rejuvenation program. But, despite their naturalness, they should be used only after a doctor’s prescription. Do not forget that both types of activated carbon have a number of contraindications.

When sorbents cannot be used

White and black types of sorbent have a number of contraindications. Both types of drugs are not recommended for use in some situations. Moreover, if you do not take this into account and try to treat with sorbents, this frivolity can lead to the development of life-threatening conditions.

Black activated carbon cannot be used for a long time

Gastrointestinal bleeding

They announce themselves with the following symptoms:

  • drop in blood pressure;
  • increased heart rate;
  • abdominal pain;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • melena (sooty, black stools);
  • dark-colored vomit containing blood.

Sorbents are strictly prohibited for use in this extremely dangerous condition. The only thing you need to do is urgently call an ambulance. The victim should not be allowed to eat or drink, nor should he be provoked to vomit. It has been noted that persons suffering from chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers are predisposed to the development of gastrointestinal bleeding.

Intestinal obstruction

This condition manifests itself with the following signs:

  • stabbing abdominal pain;
  • increase in temperature;
  • severe swelling of the peritoneum;
  • problems in passing gases;
  • prolonged constipation (sometimes there may be watery and very loose stools).

This condition is considered urgent (requiring urgent help). Therefore, in this case, immediate medical intervention is necessary. In this case, the patient is prohibited from drinking, feeding, or giving any medications (even weak painkillers).

Black activated carbon (as opposed to white) can be given even to small children

Other contraindications

White activated carbon cannot be used in case of pregnancy or childhood (under 14 years of age). It is also prohibited in the treatment of poisoning during lactation.

Both types of sorbent should not be given for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, taking adsorbent drugs significantly aggravates the condition.

Which coal do you prefer?

So what color sorbent to choose: white coal and black coal, the difference between these types of drugs exists and is quite significant. These medications are effective medications that save you from intoxication, but they have their own pros and cons. If you have difficulty deciding which sorbent to prefer, check out the list of their main differences. This will help you make the right choice.

  1. Black adsorbent is used without age restrictions. It is applicable for the treatment of even tiny infants, pregnant and nursing mothers. But white cannot be used in this case.
  2. Black coal has been known much longer than white coal. He has successfully stood the test and test of time and enjoys well-deserved respect. Light sorbent is still available in new products.
  3. But the white adsorbent does not cause constipation (unlike the black one). And it removes poisons and toxins from the body much more effectively and quickly.
  4. Light coal does not help with long-term diarrhea, which is often observed with poisoning (and black coal successfully copes with this scourge).
  5. White sorbent is much more effective in treating acute colic of the gastrointestinal tract and increased gas formation and flatulence.

As for the pricing policy, both sorbents do not have any special differences. The cost of black coal is slightly less than white coal. But one use requires much more of its pills. But in any case, the final decision on choosing a suitable sorbent falls on the shoulders of the doctor. Odnoklassniki

Our life takes place in the age of scientific and technological progress, computer technology and other inventions of the civilized world. The incredible achievements of man in all spheres of his existence have a twofold impact. On the one hand, people use their intellectual and physical gifts to improve their environment; on the other hand, there is an inevitable invasion of wildlife, a disruption of the ecological balance, and pollution of water bodies and air. We add to this the abuse of smoking, alcohol and an irrational diet, which inevitably leads to the entry of various poisonous and toxic compounds into the body.

Rational natural cleansing techniques can stimulate the body’s natural elimination of harmful substances. Sorbents are rightfully considered one of the most ancient medicines used to neutralize toxins. The mechanism of their action was known back in the archaic era of Greece.

The term sorbent comes from the Latin word “to absorb” and covers a group of substances capable of absorbing other compounds from the environment: drugs, poisons, bacteria, toxins, biologically active substances and gases. Most sorbents are solids, less often liquids.

The ability of a particular sorbent substance to absorb toxic compounds is determined by its physicochemical characteristics. The leading position among them is porosity. Thanks to this property, sorbents acquire an extensive active surface, which determines their therapeutic effectiveness.

Activated carbon tablets

The most popular sorbent today is activated carbon. In natural coal, which is familiar to every person, the pores are in a clogged state. To ensure a pharmacological effect, the carbon is activated - subjected to special processing. The consequence of such manipulations is the opening of pores and the appearance of healing properties.

Not so long ago, as a result of the joint activities of Ukrainian and German pharmacists, a unique sorbent of the last IV generation was developed - white coal. Clinical trials confirm that this drug is extremely effective against various intoxications and poisonings.

The difference between white coal and black coal, indications and contraindications for use, as well as the main advantages will be discussed in our article.

What is the difference between black activated carbon and white activated carbon?

Pharmacy chains offer a wide selection of activated carbon forms for any target audience: powder, paste, tablets, capsules and granules. The choice of forms for producing white coal comes down to tablets and suspensions.

White coal tablets

The active ingredients of white coal include the following chemicals: silicon dioxide, microscopic cellulose compound, powdered sugar and starch. It is the latter substance, the difference between white coal and black coal, that gives the preparation its characteristic color.

The list of indications is the same for both means:

Among the general contraindications, we note ulcerative and erosive conditions, open bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, and atony of the intestines. What makes white coal different is that it is contraindicated for children under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

Which is better white or black coal?

Black coal is the most common sorbent preparation among the common man. The minimum cost and absolute availability in any pharmacy make this substance so popular.

Let's figure out why white coal is better.

  • Firstly, its sorption characteristics are much superior to those of black coal. It is recommended to take no more than 4 grams of white carbon per day, while the dose of activated carbon reaches tens of grams per day, depending on the severity of the disease.
  • Secondly, in most cases, taking white coal does not cause constipation; on the contrary, it stimulates intestinal motor functions, thereby accelerating the removal of toxic substances from the body.
  • Thirdly, the effect of white coal is aimed at suppressing fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fourthly, white coal is involved in the breakdown of nutrients.

General rules for taking white and activated carbon

We have seen that there is a significant difference between white and black coal, but some instructions for their use are universal.

  1. Sorbents are not intended for long-term use. Staying in the intestines, they are able to absorb any active substances, including amino acids, hormones, vitamins and enzymes. In fact, the therapeutic course should not exceed several days.
  2. White and activated carbon can weaken or neutralize the effect of pharmacological compounds, therefore, sorbents should be taken separately from other medications.
  3. The dosage and duration of taking medications can be determined exclusively by the attending physician. Otherwise, side effects cannot be avoided, including diarrhea, vomiting, vitamin deficiency, indigestion, disruption of the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which will lead to an inevitable failure of the metabolism as a whole.

In our article, we paid attention to the question: what is the difference between white carbon and activated carbon. However, entrust the choice to your attending physician, who makes a prescription based on diagnosis and laboratory tests.

In any home medicine cabinet it is important to have an effective detoxification agent that can quickly eliminate ailments and relieve poor health. White coal is a modern enterosorbent that fully meets medical requirements. Along with drugs that are proven on the pharmacological market, the new medicine has a higher degree of effectiveness.

What is white coal?

The drug belongs to the group of adsorbent medications of the latest generation. It fully meets modern requirements for detoxification agents, and its high sorption degree is many times higher than that of activated carbon. White charcoal is a highly effective remedy for detoxifying the body and stopping diarrhea.

Composition and beneficial properties

This medication has a different composition from activated carbon. It is based on a substance called silicon dioxide, which gives the drug its white color. It removes excess intestinal gases, gastric juice, bacterial and food allergens, chemical and microbial toxins, and protein breakdown products from the body. Silicon dioxide moves and subsequently removes ethyl alcohol, heavy metal salts, glycosides, organophosphorus compounds, serotonin, urea, and lipids into the intestinal tract from the lymph and blood.

As an additional component, the tablets contain microcrystalline cellulose isolated from plant fiber. It does not dissolve in the intestines, but collects toxins, breakdown products, and free radicals on its surface. This helps improve parietal digestion in the small intestine and helps remove stagnation of the food bolus. Thanks to these components, the drug has a number of advantages:

  • Does not damage the gastrointestinal mucosa and improves its functional state.
  • Provides a quick therapeutic effect.
  • Non-toxic and absolutely safe for use.
  • Affects the reduction of symptoms of allergic reactions.
  • Does not cause constipation, stimulates intestinal motility, promoting rapid elimination of toxins.
  • It has a much lower daily dose than activated carbon, which is 4 grams and is based on the greater sorption capacity of the drug.
  • Does not require grinding, but in the form of a suspension it has a higher degree of efficiency.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Does not contain any flavoring additives and has a neutral taste.
  • It is not harmful when used for many months, does not cause hypovitaminosis, due to its selective action.
  • Effective in small doses.
  • It has several forms of release (tablets, powder to create a suspension).


The drug is used as a dietary supplement and is an additional source of enterosorbents that help relieve symptoms of renal and liver failure, food poisoning of various origins (including alcohol and mushrooms), acute intestinal infections, helminthiases, gastric disorders, hepatitis (including . viral hepatitis A and B). Promotes absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and elimination of endo- and exogenous toxic substances, food and bacterial allergens, reduces the manifestation of toxic-allergic reactions.

Directions for use and dosage

Children over 7 years old and adults are prescribed 3-4 tablets of the drug 3-4 times a day, an hour before meals. You need to take the medication with plenty of water. If the drug is in powder form in a bottle, then prepare a suspension from it by adding 250 ml of chilled boiled water and shake thoroughly. One measuring cap contains 1.15 g of the drug. The suspension is allowed to be consumed by children from 1 year old - 0.575 g, from 7 years old and adults - 2.25 g 3-4 times a day between meals.


Gastric and intestinal bleeding, the presence of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer at the acute stage, erosion of the intestinal mucosa, pregnancy, intestinal obstruction, lactation, as well as individual intolerance to the components are reasons for refusing to use the drug. It is not a drug, therefore it is used in complex therapy. Before taking, you should consult your doctor.

Which activated carbon is better, black or white?

This question arises for everyone who learns about the existence of an analogue of the usual activated carbon, which is the most common drug taken for poisoning. But modern medicine offers a more convenient and effective option. Silicon dioxide contained in white coal has a high adsorption capacity, and its tablets do not require grinding. This provides the additional advantage of convenience and a smaller amount of the drug required for use compared to activated carbon.

In case of food and alcohol poisoning

During intoxication of the body, it is necessary to take a sorbent that will quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of poisoning. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and headache will go away faster after consuming charcoal. Activated - you need to drink in large doses, but it will help strengthen the stool faster in case of food poisoning. White – more effectively detoxifies the body from alcohol, quickly relieving headaches, and the dosage of this drug is several times less.

For allergies

In case of unpleasant manifestations of allergic reactions (hives, pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, sneezing, coughing), you need to drink an adsorbent drug that will instantly cleanse the body of toxic substances. Therapy should be comprehensive in conjunction with antihistamines prescribed by a doctor. Which charcoal is better for allergies, white or activated, is chosen by everyone independently, depending on preferences. White will help solve the problem more effectively and faster, but its cost is a little higher.

For weight loss

Adsorbents will be good helpers for weight loss. They help cleanse the body of waste and toxins. In the evening, take a dose of the drug according to the instructions, and the next day drink a lot of water, herbal teas, and compotes. Such fasting days will help you gradually lose weight. The problem is that the drugs used absorb not only harmful substances, but also useful ones, depriving a person of essential vitamins, minerals, and fats.

By absorbing the elements necessary for the body, activated carbon leads to vitamin deficiency, and its modern colleague based on silicon dioxide has a lesser ability to absorb useful substances, absorbing mostly toxins. This is an advantage when using the drug for weight loss. When cleansing the body with any adsorbent, it is necessary to additionally take multivitamins to eliminate the likelihood of their deficiency.

During pregnancy

Silicon dioxide-based charcoal should not be used during pregnancy, according to the instructions. It is better to replace it with an activated one, which will help get rid of frequent gas formation, colic, and indigestion. But if the expectant mother has a tendency to constipation, black coal should be taken with caution. Calculate the required dose of the drug based on the proportion: tablet for every 10 kg of weight. Grind them into powder, pour water until a suspension forms. This way the drug will act faster and more effectively.

For children

The dose of the adsorbent substance for the child’s body is calculated according to the child’s weight. For infants, sorbents are recommended in the form of a suspension, which is prepared from white or activated carbon. Both drugs are sold in powder form for suspension. But the sorption capacity of white carbon is much higher than that of activated carbon, which will help quickly relieve the baby from painful sensations. Black coal is given to children at the rate of 0.05 g of the drug per kg of body weight; it should be taken 3 times a day, two hours before or after meals.