Pug agent from men in black. Gleable, Snible, Nible and Frank the Pug: how the funniest Men in Black characters were created

It is impossible to pass by a dog like a pug. The description of the breed should begin with the history of its breeding, which is so rich that legends and myths still surround these animals. Images of short-faced dogs with bulging eyes, carved in jade stone, are found at the birth of Eastern Buddhist civilization.

Characteristics of the breed

The pug, perhaps, has a special role next to a person. Despite the confidential, pitying look, such a dog is not an empty toy. In addition to decorative functions, the breed has exceptional advantages as a helper, friend and companion.

But still, the secret of such high popularity of these animals lies in their extraordinary appearance. Smart and dark shiny eyes hidden in expressive folds, a hooked tail, short legs - it’s impossible not to love a pug. Walking with him is an endless source of positivity and pleasure. The dog certainly becomes the center of everyone's attention; ordinary passers-by cannot help but smile at the sight of such a wonderful creature; it is important to have a “leading” owner on a leash.

The breed began to have a modern appearance thanks to the British. After the dogs came to the country along with the Dutch sailors, the breeders of Foggy Albion slightly “conjured” their appearance. The pug, whose price has increased sharply due to selection, has become blunt-nosed, short-legged, with a square forehead. Their Chinese counterparts have a more graceful physique, and the muzzle itself is sharper.

Despite their positive appearance, pugs should not be treated solely as toys. This breed can become loyal and show true affection. If the owner is in even the slightest danger, they will fearlessly enter the fight and defend him to the last. Openness, friendliness, and the ability to get along not only with humans, but also with other animals, help the dog become a full-fledged member of the family. Pug puppies, when they get into the house, invariably interfere in all matters, get underfoot, and notify everyone of their presence with a ringing bark.

As a remark, it is worth noting that in China, pugs were used as hunting and guard dogs. Already at that time, the wayward life position of these animals was evident - pugs, like the emperor, were delivered to the hunting grounds on stretchers. But such a historical fact does not speak of the laziness and impudence of dogs - it reveals to us their innate sense of self-worth.

All of the above traits are harmoniously combined in a small, square and funny pug. The description of the breed can be continued endlessly. By the way, the sharp increase in the popularity of such dogs in Russia is associated with the release of the film “Men in Black,” where the clumsy and cute dog played the role of a superspy. Daria Dontsova’s novels also played their role.


A pug is an unintelligent dog; it is not very smart. Representatives of the breed are just satellites, companions. They don’t need training, and pugs don’t like all this wisdom - they have too stubborn a disposition. Nevertheless, pets are ready to perform simple tasks assigned by their beloved owner.


Representatives of the breed are kind and sociable, but with a penchant for shocking behavior and pranks. They value the attention of all family members and achieve it in different ways. Pug puppies immediately begin to show care and courage towards their new owner, gradually becoming house watchmen. Every suspicious rustle at the door will definitely be followed by a reaction.

A brighter temperament is observed in black dogs. Light apricot shades indicate that this is a calmer pug. The description of the breed allows us to note that, regardless of temperament, all pets get along well even with the smallest children.

Purebred dog standard

The current standard was approved by the FCI five years ago. A purebred pug is always a stocky, small dog with a “square” compact shape. The dog has harmonious proportions and developed muscles.

What kind of real pugs are they? Characteristics of a purebred individual:

  • weight - from 6 to 8 kg;
  • height at the withers - from 30 to 35 cm;
  • color: yellowish-fawn, apricot, black and silver are allowed;
  • smooth coat;
  • head: large, round, without depressions on the skull, with a clear indication of the transition from the forehead to the nose; the muzzle is short, blunt, square in shape;
  • ears: soft, small, thin, velvety to the touch. They can be in the form of roses and buttons. In the second option, the ear holes are not visible, and the roses have a crease in the middle, which slightly opens the inside;
  • eyes: round, large, dark, with a gentle look. In a healthy dog ​​they shine brightly when the dog is excited by games or happy - full of fire;
  • nose: short, not snub. The lobe is black, the nostrils are well developed;
  • overbite: usually called an underbite, since the lower teeth protrude slightly beyond the upper ones;
  • The breed's chest is wide, the ribs are well curved;
  • The back is short, the top line is level. Depressions or bulges are a defect in the breed;
  • Forelegs: the limbs are strong, of moderate length, always straight, set parallel, correctly positioned under the body. The fingers are separated, the claws are black;
  • Hind legs: very strong, of moderate length, with a parallel stance. The toes are well separated, with black claws. A pug whose legs are excessively short or elongated is not a purebred;
  • The tail is high-set, tightly curled, and rests on the hip. A special sign of purebredness is the double curl.

Features of color

If the dog is light in color, the markings should be as dark as possible. They are present on the ears, like a mask on the muzzle, on the cheekbones, like a spot on the forehead (in the form of a diamond or a “fingerprint”). A purebred dog has a distinct straight line of dark color on its back.

Black individuals

Black pugs are considered rare representatives of the breed. On the canvases of Brekelenkam, dated 1653, dogs of this color are found, however, this species was only able to be bred for breeding in 1886. Before this period, such individuals were rejected as non-standard litter. The difference from relatives is manifested not only in the color of the coat, but also in a brighter temperament.

Dog care

Caring for your pet should include regular care of the dog's coat and skin. It’s good if the owner uses special cosmetics. At least once a week, all the pet’s folds are thoroughly wiped, the ears are cleaned and the claws are trimmed. The coat can be brushed every day using a simple rubber brush - dogs love this very much.

General principles of content

1. Physical activity and walks. These dogs boast a developed muscular system, so they love walks, including long ones. It is advisable to go outside with your pet every day. In the cold season, pugs freeze very quickly - a walk should not exceed 15 minutes if the dog is not dressed.

In the summer, in hot, stuffy weather, it is better not to let your pet leave the house: representatives of this breed tolerate the heat very poorly and may feel unwell. Walking within the city limits is strictly on a leash, and the age of the pug in this case does not matter, since even a small puppy must be taught to behave correctly. This is also important for the owner, because then the dog will not rush somewhere if frightened, will not get hurt by other dogs, etc. Dog walking is not recommended for children under 14 years old, even if we are talking about a small pug.

2. The next point in our story about caring for a dog like a pug is a description of the place in the apartment. A dog should have its own bed from childhood. When choosing a place for a puppy, you should position it so that it is away from the fireplace or radiator, since dry air makes breathing difficult, in addition, it is harmful to the coat. The pet loves to be around people, so you can arrange a home for it in the living room.

3. Vaccinations. It is enough to vaccinate an adult dog once a year. All vaccine marks are entered in the veterinary book. Breeders and veterinarians strongly recommend using the services of state veterinary hospitals. Puppies are vaccinated no later than two months of age. Small pugs are vaccinated again after changing their teeth, i.e. at about seven months of age.


Among all the representatives of the canine world, the real glutton and gourmand is the pug. The description of the breed is often supplemented by this fact. These are the dogs that are prone to overeating, so portions should be strictly dosed. The recommended feeding intensity is three times a day.

The owner must adequately evaluate nutrition and use specialized balanced feed. Porridges and soups will never contain the set of vitamins and microelements that a dog needs. But without a balanced diet, you cannot count on strong bones, beautiful coat, or healthy teeth. Feeding your pet from the table can have a detrimental effect on its health, because the pug's stomach is not adapted to digest boiled food. Dry mixtures and canned dog meat are the best option, but you can pamper your pug with fresh raw meat.

Do not forget that the dog should have its own clean bowl for water and a separate one for food. Water should always be available to the dog.

Knitting. Breeding

Breeding puppies is best done by specialists. Inexperienced breeders do not take into account the subtleties of crossing, which can lead to the birth of not entirely pleasant offspring. However, there are several recommendations, if followed, the owner can achieve success:

  • the bitch must be given antihistamines a month before mating;
  • the weight of the animal must be normal;
  • individuals no younger than 6-10 months are allowed to mate;
  • the bitch is able to become pregnant 10-13 days after the start of estrus;
  • animals must get used to each other. When pugs flirt, they are preparing to mate;
  • mating is repeated after three days, then the probability of success increases many times;
  • a pug bears offspring for 63 days.

How to choose a puppy from a litter?

Small Pugs should be chosen intuitively. A potential owner, when examining the litter, can rely on his own emotional perception. A puppy who will become a beloved pet often takes a step towards it himself.

Experts recommend taking into account factors such as the breed of the dog, character, disadvantages and advantages of the breed itself. It is better to first consult with a breeder who will professionally select a suitable puppy.

If a dog is purchased to participate in various exhibition events or breeding, the choice should be as thorough as possible. The puppy must fully comply with the standard and have a good pedigree. You can involve a third-party, highly qualified dog handler in the selection. He will evaluate the “championship” prospects of a young dog with an experienced eye. When a pug is just a pet, such troubles are not so relevant; you can even take a puppy as a gift.

Who to choose: a boy or a girl?

Breeders and dog handlers advise using the standard crossing rule. It says that a “girl” pug would suit the owner, and a “boy” would suit the owner. Moreover, the choice falls on the family member who will be entrusted with all the main responsibilities for

Collective portrait of puppies

The pug, the description of which can begin with such characteristics as dedication and courage, tirelessness and endurance, is certainly a boy. Many will enjoy the company of a male dog; his cheerfulness and activity are inspiring. Their breed type is more pronounced, they are “more elegant”, with wider bones, which means they are larger. However, the pug boy is stubborn from an early age, which requires certain actions from the owner. The owner will definitely need to show his will and character. The dog must feel its place.

The female pug is calmer, lazy and friendly. She is obedient and always affectionate with her owners. Bitches are more intelligent, easily adapt to living conditions, and have higher intelligence. However, girls are very cunning and not so reliable. The appearance of the girls is not so bright, which, however, does not detract from their cuteness.


If the dog is purebred, exhibitions can be very useful. Their advantages:

  • harmonious development of the pet;
  • participation of the pet in breeding activities;
  • Gives the dog self-confidence.

You can start your career from 4 months. Don't despair if your team fails the first time. Different shows have different experts and opinions, so the result of the next show may be different. Victory will be so delightful! Dogs with a pedigree are allowed to participate in exhibitions. Pugs whose characteristics do not meet the established standards may participate in the program without competition.

How much is such a treasure worth?

A pug without a pedigree can be purchased for 5-6 thousand rubles. A dog born in a litter from purebred parents, according to all breeding rules, will cost significantly more. Purebred representatives can be valued at 35 thousand rubles per puppy. A pug whose price is below 15 thousand rubles cannot have a pedigree - this is the practice both in the capital and in the regions.

How long will the pet stay with the family?

The average lifespan of a dog is 10-14 years. An age of six years allows the pet to be considered old. Light and black pugs have equal care for the dog, its proper nutrition is the basis for the longevity of the pet.

Instead of completing

A pug is a creature that can fill everyday life with bursts of joy and emotions, bursts of laughter. However, we must remember that the owner’s duty is to love and care for his dog, then this delightful look of big brown eyes will not go out for a long time.

To attract more audience attention to their film, many directors give some roles to animals. And it’s worth noting that they often cope with their task just fine. We invite you to remember the brightest stars of the animal world, who amazed us with their play and artistry.

(Total 15 photos)

1. Monkey Crystal from the movie "The Hangover 2: From Vegas to Bangkok"

Many people remember this monkey, which became popular immediately after the release of the second part of “The Bachelor Party.” Few people know, but this particular monkey has already appeared in such famous films as “Night at the Museum”, “My Boyfriend from the Zoo”, “American Pie”, “George of the Jungle”, “Doctor Dolittle”, “We Bought a Zoo” and the TV series "House".

2. This 21-year-old star owes her popularity to trainer Tom Gunderson, who spotted the monkey's potential as soon as she was purchased by Birds & Animals Unlimited.

3. Tiger Pursh from the movie "Striped Flight"

4. Trainer Margarita Nazarova loved her pet Pursh so much that she even celebrated the New Year, 1963, with him in the restaurant of the Astoria Hotel. During the celebration, the tiger managed to feast on five kilograms of beef, scrambled eggs from two dozen eggs and two liters of milk.

5. Before “Striped Flight,” Pursh starred in a number of films, but this comedy became the crowning achievement of his career, since a year after the premiere, the tiger died of diabetes.

6. Killer whale Keiko from the Free Willy trilogy

Although the killer whale Keiko was cast in the main role, he, like a real star, had a backup, who became a robotic model of a whale. The robot was so believable that Keiko himself tried to flirt with him more than once.

7. After the completion of filming of the last film in the trilogy, animal rights activists began to demand freedom for Keiko. Unfortunately, the idea for the killer whale turned out to be fatal, since a year later Keiko fell ill with pneumonia and died not far from the coast of Norway. At the grave of the famous killer whale in the city of Halas, her fans erected a monument to the legendary killer whale actor.

8. Beethoven from the film of the same name

9. St. Bernard Chris was chosen from 12 applicants for the role in the film “Beethoven”. The director immediately noticed the dog’s talents as an artist, because he could easily fly into the street through a window, faint on command and lick food off the table. But, even with all Chris’s skills, preparation for filming took 6 months.

10. Bengal tiger King from the movie "Life of Pi"

11. Surely many already know that during the filming of the film “Life of Pi” the tiger King never crossed paths with the main character of the film. The scenes with them were filmed separately, after which they were combined into one on the computer.

12. By the way, King almost drowned during filming, but thanks to the well-coordinated work of the film crew, tragedy was avoided.

13. Frank from the movie "Men in Black"

14. The real name of the funny pug from the movie “Men in Black” is Mushu. It turned out that this dog can be taught to imitate human emotions and bark on command, thanks to which it was possible to film a 90-second episode in which Mushu sang a song.

15. Trainer Christy Mel managed to train Mushu in three months. In the first Men in Black film, he appeared on screen for only 90 seconds, but everyone found him very funny, so his role was expanded in the second part.

The Earth, as depicted in Men in Black, is a complex and amazing place. A small blue planet orbiting an unremarkable, medium-sized star. Home to both the thousands of aliens brought here and the secret agency that protects them and people from the “scum of the universe.”

But according to franchise producers Walter Parks and Laurie MacDonald, all these global ideas did not appear immediately. “The idea of ​​'what if?' was certainly attractive - what if aliens actually live among us? What if there was a secret police unit? What if by joining him you could learn everything about the universe, but you would have to give up the most intimate aspects of your life? says Parks. “But to be honest, it was the style elements that initially attracted us: the guns, the sunglasses... and the black suits.”

Indeed, the visuals of a franchise are just as important as its plot. The creation of the alien characters is well illustrated by the evolution from the hand-made puppets and pounds of makeup in the first film in 1997 to the modern computer graphics and motion capture technology of the new sequel to the story, Men in Black: International. The filmmaking process of all parts of the film - from the selection of actors and the birth of heroes to the design of weapons of the future and the appearance of aliens of all kinds - is described in detail in our new book, Men in Black. A guide to the adventures of the Earth's defenders from the scum of the Universe." Here we want to describe the stories of several bright heroes who were created almost spontaneously and with great pleasure.

Frank the Pug

Typically, trainers would bring six to eight dogs on set to play one character, but one of them, named Moo Shu, was so great that “we ended up using him ninety percent of the time,” recalls Barry Sonnenfeld. He acted in all three Men in Black films. “Mu Shu was simply an amazing animal, and his trainers were true professionals.” One day he asked Christy, the trainer, “Do you think there is a chance that I can make Mu Shu hold a martini glass and smoke a cigar?” Ultimately this effect was done on a computer. No animals were forced to smoke cigars on the set of this film. And there was no real smoke on the set!

People of cell S-18

Creating the Camera was a shared effort, notes Douglas Harlocker. As we've seen throughout the franchise, "I was always looking for ways to play with scale," says Barry Sonnenfeld. “I love these guys,” he continues. “They're sweet and charming, but they talk like they're from New Jersey.” Their city consists entirely of particles of garbage collected from the floor of New York's Grand Central Station. They're part hamster, part rat, with big eyes and antennae that add to their weirdness. “Their entire village is made of trash,” says Rick Baker, who created all these creatures. And if you're a truly die-hard MIB fan, rewatch the Chamber scene and see if you can spot the continuity error.

Worms Gleable, Snible, Nible, Mannix and Gordy

When creating aliens for films, Barry Sonnenfeld and Rick Baker were in constant dialogue. Barry often complained that aliens always looked human, and Rick began to develop several non-humanoid concepts. Barry inevitably responded, “But without eyes, how do viewers know where the alien is looking? And without ears, and without mouth...” - and so on. The search was not easy, but they stuck to the basic idea of ​​not making every alien look like a human. Baker recalls, “The worms were the result of that thought.” Later, Rick asked not only to draw the worms with computer graphics, but also to find puppeteers so that it would be easier for the actors to improvise on the set. And indeed, when the puppeteer team was assembled, the worm guys on the set literally came to life. In the second film, they even had their own bachelor pad - with mini-furniture, a jacuzzi and a soft carpet, on which the entire film crew loved to lie.

Universe on a chessboard

In the new part of the film, agents M and H meet a new character - Pawn. “The idea was that Pawn and his people live in the back room of an antique store,” explained designer Charles Wood. “The backstory was that they were allowed to live here incognito, but they paid for the housing by producing weapons.”

The original idea for civilization on a chessboard came from executive producer Walter Parks. “It was one of the long-standing ideas of all context - could there be an alien civilization living on a chessboard?” says writer Matt Holloway. This was just one of the ideas: a world where everyone - from pawns to the queen - would fulfill their roles.

Designer Charles Wood and his team of conceptual artists had to visualize the idea. They created cute little figures that lived on the chessboard and created a special atmosphere there. Chief among them was the character Pawn - funny and sarcastic. His face (using motion capture technology) and voice was comedian Kumail Nanjiani, who was given freedom to improvise and brought a lot of new things to his character.

In American society, infected with conspiracy theories and the arms race, a myth appears about the mysterious “men in black” - representatives of a secret organization who track down and interrogate UFO eyewitnesses.

Lowell Cunningham and illustrator Sandy Carruthers create three issues of Men in Black for Aircel Comics, followed by three more a year later. The main characters here were already Zed, Kay and Jay - however, all of them were white.

Hollywood producer (two years later heading DreamWorks) Walter F. Parks acquires the film rights and tries to approach the director "The Addams Family" Barry Sonnenfeld, who is currently busy filming Get Shorty. They only want to see him in the director's chair, so you have to wait.

The producer of the film adaptation, Spielberg, manages to persuade Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith on the condition that the script be improved - the actors felt that the writers could not cope with the spirit of the comic book. Smith's candidacy was lobbied by Sonnenfeld's wife, a fan "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"- a sitcom that saved the young hip-hopper Smith from bankruptcy. Kay was originally supposed to be played by Clint Eastwood.

The first film in the franchise is released, where at the last moment one of the side lines is removed during editing. The whole variety of alien races is invented by Rick Baker, who worked on “Videodrome”, “Ed Wood”, “The Exorcist”, "Star Wars" and Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video. Leading up to the film, Marvel publishes several new issues of the comic, followed by a comic based on the film. Following the film, the shooter Men In Black is released for PC and PlayStation, Will Smith releases a single of the same name, and sales of Ray-Ban glasses from the Predator 2 series triple.

On Warner Bros. The WB launched the animated series Men in Black: The Series, a continuation of the film that ran for four seasons until the release of the sequel. Kay was kept on staff and rejuvenated, Jay's mustache was shaved, and MIB headquarters moved under the LaGuardia Airport building. Besides, there were almost no jokes here.

"Men in Black II" is coming out - the story of how Jay has to re-recruit Kay (who resigned at the end of the first episode) to fight a new scourge - the alien viper Serlina in the guise of Lara Flynn Boyle from the Victoria's Secret advertisement . A much funnier film collects a significant box office, but the critics are lukewarm, and Boyle takes the role. "Golden Raspberry". While still on set, Will Smith proposed to Barry Sonnenfeld the idea of ​​a sequel with a trip to the past, but it hung in the air for a long time.

On April 1, Sony Pictures announced that the third part was being launched, and a year later it was confirmed that the same Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones would play the main roles.

On June 11, 2010, a teaser appears with Will Smith in MIB's signature suit, announcing that "You expect 3D with explosions from us, but we care about something else - I'm here to make 3D attractive."

On May 25, the newest film adaptation of the story of Jay and Kay - Men in Black III - will be released on screens around the world. Instead of Zed (who played him, Rip Torn, is now serving time for numerous offenses), the agency is now run by O, Kay's former secretary. At the start of filming, the screenwriters had not yet come up with the ending and sometimes composed lines right during filming. Will Smith makes his first appearance on the silver screen after a three-year hiatus, and the film's budget grows to 215 million because of his whims. Three days before the release, the game Men in Black: Alien Crisis went on sale, where instead of the main characters there is another character, but there is a pug Frank.