Itching due to nervousness is treated with drugs. Causes, symptoms and treatment of nervous scabies

Skin itching is a common and annoying symptom complex of various pathologies, for example, depressive states and psycho-emotional stress.

Reasons for development

Nervous itching can be caused by a variety of causes. The most frequently encountered specialists include:

  • Severe stressful situations;
  • Psycho-emotional stress;
  • Poor quality night's rest;
  • Imbalance of rest and work activity;
  • The presence of pathologies of the central as well as peripheral nervous systems;
  • Vascular thrombosis;
  • Taking certain subgroups of medications;

At risk are emotional people who find it difficult to control their condition, women and children. A person’s speed of response to events that are significant to him or her is strictly individual, so the symptoms of nervous scratching may appear somewhat later than the negative factor that caused it. That is why it is recommended to consult with a specialist dermatologist in time.

Development mechanism

Many years of research have allowed specialists to come to the conclusion that nervous itching is caused by immunological, physiological and biochemical reactions occurring in the human body, which are formed as a result of the negative impact of a stressful situation.

At this moment, special elements are produced in the human brain that affect the nervous tissue of the skin, thereby causing its swelling, expansion of peripheral arterioles and venules, and an increase in histamine parameters. It is he who is recognized as responsible for the formation of the sensation of itching.

In addition, psycho-emotional stress contributes to a significant decrease in the production of hormones of the adrenal cortex, which are responsible for anti-allergic processes in the human body. The upper layers of the skin become swollen and hyperemic, and nervous scabies actively manifests itself.


The feeling of painful itching on the skin accompanies many different somatic pathologies, for example, scabies or dermatitis. Therefore, only a highly qualified specialist can carry out an adequate differential diagnosis after appropriate diagnostic procedures.

The main symptoms of nervous itching:

  • Various rashes on the skin - vesicular or in the form of characteristic spots;
  • Local hyperemia;
  • Unbearable desire to scratch;
  • Individual, previously uncharacteristic, excitability;
  • Symptom of goose bumps;
  • Tissue swelling;
  • Increasing weakness throughout the whole body;
  • Rarely – an increase in temperature parameters.

Symptoms can be varied and resemble those of other dermatological pathologies, for example, urticaria or dermatitis. Only a careful collection of anamnesis by a specialist and the establishment of a relationship with the neuropsychological overload suffered by the patient helps to identify the root cause of the unpleasant sensations.

It is important not to scratch - the risk of a bacterial infection, which aggravates the human condition, increases.

Pathologies of the nervous system, accompanied by symptoms of itching:

  1. Postherpetic neuralgia is the root cause of the neuropathic variant of itching, which occurs simultaneously with pain.
  2. Notalgia paresthetica is a peripheral individual neuropathy involving 3-5 thoracic nerves in the negative process. Accompanied by debilitating itching at one edge of the human shoulder blade.
  3. Multiple sclerosis is itchy skin, which correlates with the level of negative damage to the human spinal cord. A characteristic symptom is paroxysmal itching. It occurs suddenly, lasts a few seconds, less often – minutes.
  4. Thrombosis of intracranial vessels, as well as the condition after local hemorrhage, may be accompanied by a sensation of painful itching after several days, and even weeks. As a rule, on the side opposite to the affected area.


The following features of the course also help in establishing the nature of itching from nerves:

  • Lack of generalization - the sensation of itching is localized in the area of ​​the skin that coincides with the zone innervation of one of the links of the afferent system, as well as its analyzer.
  • Itching does not occur on its own, but has accompanying symptoms: pain, paresthesia or burning, as well as motor or autonomic disorders.
  • An adequate diagnosis, despite the pronounced relationship with the nervous system, should be made only after excluding other causes, for example, diabetes and scabies.


The occurrence of an itchy sensation on the skin is a rather unpleasant symptom that should be correlated with some pathology, only in this case is it possible to get rid of it as completely as possible.

Diagnostics is carried out by a dermatological specialist who prescribes appropriate diagnostic procedures. It will be pathological that nervous itching is formed precisely at the moment of psycho-emotional overload, or immediately immediately after it. As a rule, it is local and episodic in nature, and intensifies many times during night rest.

At the initial stages it is able to pass on its own, as soon as the negative situation stops, the human body finds reserve opportunities for self-healing.

Treatment tactics

After assessing the severity of symptoms and the general condition of a person, the specialist gives appropriate treatment recommendations:

  1. In the initial stages of the formation of nervous itching, the effect will be observed from light sedative medications based on nature, for example, lemon balm, motherwort, valerian and mint.
  2. In the presence of severe depressive conditions and the ineffectiveness of sedative medications, specialists usually prescribe stronger antidepressant drugs.
  3. It would be excellent to combine with topical medications, for example, ointments based on glucocorticoids (Hydrocortisone, Sinaflan), as well as with an antihistamine effect (Fenistil, Gistan).
  4. It is advisable to use antihistamines with long-term systemic effects, for example, Cetrin, Zodak, Claritin and Erius. They optimally eliminate the symptoms of tissue swelling, itching, as well as inflammatory manifestations on the skin. The frequency of administration, as well as the duration of the course, are determined by the specialist strictly individually.
  • Conducting courses of vitamin therapy with complexes, the main emphasis of which is on subgroup B vitamins and magnesium.
  • Adjust your individual diet.
  • Pay more attention to proper sleep.
  • Rubbing with chilled water and taking a cold shower significantly reduce the symptoms of itching.
  • Drink a decoction of chamomile or mint, or green tea based on sedative herbs.
  • Wiping with a vinegar solution will also ease the condition. Dilute the essence in equal volumes with distilled liquid. For those who don’t want to smell like vinegar, tomato juice will help: 2 volumes per volume of water. Wipe the itchy areas with a cotton pad soaked in the product.
  • Since ancient times, the initial symptoms of nervous itching have been relieved by bathing with healing infusions, for example, string or oak bark, as well as lavender.

Preventive measures

If a person knows that he has a predisposition to nervous overexcitability, as a rule, it manifests itself from childhood, then experts recommend:

  1. Conduct courses of sedative therapy several days a month, use plant-based sedatives or brew medicinal tea instead of regular tea, for example, motherwort or valerian.
  2. Use a variety of aroma lamps in the interior.
  3. Take meditation training courses.
  4. Master the elements of yoga aimed at relaxation.

These techniques can significantly strengthen the individual nervous system, teach optimal self-control, as well as stress resistance. The newfound inner peace will be an excellent prevention of nervous itching.

Many people face emotional overload and serious stress, which leads to the appearance of scabies. It is not similar to the disease caused by scabies mites. In this case we are talking about pseudo-allergy.

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    Reasons for appearance

    The main factors for the appearance of scabies are psychosomatic diseases, neurological weakness and mental instability. However, it can also appear in healthy people. In this case, nervous scabies occurs after strong experiences, stress and shock. In this case, acetylcholine is released, which is responsible for regulating the transmission of impulses in the human nervous system. A large concentration of this substance in the body leads to the appearance of a rash over the entire surface of the body.

    There are several factors that contribute to the appearance of nervous itching. These include:

    • depression;
    • prolonged stress;
    • phobias;
    • panic fear;
    • shock and recent nervous shock.


    Skin itching due to nervousness has various symptoms, as the body copes with stressful situations in different ways. Some symptoms appear more often than others:

    • Itching. Is the most common symptom. At first, the skin begins to itch only in a certain place, but over time the itching spreads throughout the body. It may become worse in the evening and after taking a hot bath. A person begins to constantly itch, which leads to the appearance of wounds. They can become infected with bacteria.
    • Rash. It appears as small red spots that appear in the armpits, buttocks, abdomen and thighs. Sometimes they have a completely atypical appearance for scabies, which complicates the process of diagnosis and therapy.
    • Exacerbation of skin diseases. Nervous scabies aggravates the symptoms of skin diseases such as psoriasis and atopic eczema.

    There are other signs that may appear with nervous scabies:

    • shiver;
    • high temperature;
    • loss of appetite;
    • weakness;
    • swelling and redness of the skin;
    • "goose bumps"


    This disease will not go away on its own, so it should be treated. Main goals of therapy:

    • Stabilization of the nervous system;
    • Strengthening the immune system;
    • Adjusting the diet;
    • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercise, long stays in the fresh air, proper nutrition;
    • Skin treatment.

    Effective remedies for scabies - ointments, tablets, sprays

    Stabilization of the nervous system

    To normalize the emotional state, various drugs are used, which include:

    1. 1. Normotimics. Used to improve the patient's mood. During treatment, small doses of the drug are used. Normotimics help get rid of scabies if it was caused by:
    • impulsiveness;
    • hot temper;
    • affective disorders;
    • depression.
    1. 2. Sedatives. With their help, stress and anxiety are minimized, sleep is normalized, inhibition processes are enhanced, and excitability is reduced. The main advantages of sedatives are that they are not addictive and have no side effects.
    2. 3. Antidepressants. They are the most popular means of combating anxiety and stress. With their help, you can lift your mood and avoid the onset and development of depression.

    Important! Improper use of such drugs leads to hallucinations, so you should consult a specialist before using them.

    Skin treatment

    You can cure nervous itching using special means:

    • Boromenthol. This ointment should be used twice a day. It has no side effects, but it is not recommended for use by people with hypersensitivity to the components contained in the ointment. Severe chills and pain may occur after application. In this case, the drug must be wiped off with a cotton swab. Boromenthol should not be used to treat children under one year of age.
    • Nezulin. Contains only plant components that have an anti-inflammatory effect and help relieve itching. Nezulin can be used to treat children. It should be applied to the skin once a day.
    • Fenistil. When applied to the skin, the gel reduces irritation and itching, has an anticholinergic and antikinin effect. The advantage of the drug is its rapid onset of action. Literally within a few hours the itching begins to disappear. The gel is applied externally 2-3 times a day.

    Folk remedies

    You can get rid of nervous itching of the skin using traditional methods of treatment. The following tools are used for this:

    • Melissa tea. Reduces itching, relieves skin irritation, and has a calming effect on it. To make tea, you will need to take a tablespoon of the herb and brew it in one glass of boiling water. The duration of treatment is one month.
    • Bath with a string. With its help, the skin is restored, itching is removed, and allergic manifestations are mitigated. To prepare, take two tablespoons of string, which should be poured with a glass of hot water. Before use, the mixture is infused for twenty minutes.
    • Propolis. Has the strongest antibacterial properties. Often used to treat skin conditions such as burns, eczema, ulcers and rashes. Using this remedy you can get rid of itching in a few days. Propolis can also be used externally. To do this, the affected areas of the skin are treated with 10% tincture.
    • Alcohol tincture of calendula. Helps get rid of itching, prevents the development of bacterial infections that appear when scratching the skin. You can buy the tincture at a pharmacy or make it yourself. To do this, 10-20 g of the plant is poured with 70% alcohol, after which the mixture is infused for two weeks. Before application, it is filtered using gauze. If pain appears after use, the tincture should be diluted with water.
    • Mumiyo. Prevents the occurrence of infectious processes and relieves itching. To treat skin rashes, a 2% solution is used. The compress is applied to the affected areas of the skin.
    • Tomato juice. To create a solution, juice is mixed with water in a 2:1 ratio. The mixture is applied to the itchy area of ​​skin before bed.
    • Laundry soap. A small piece of soap should be grated, filled with water and placed on a gas stove. After 10-15 minutes, grated garlic and onion are added to the water. The mixture can be used while washing or taking a bath.
    • Soap with lard. To prepare, you will need grated laundry soap, a tablespoon of melted lard, two teaspoons of sulfur and a spoon of birch tar. These ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which the mixture can be applied to the skin. The itching should go away within one week.
    • Celandine. A tablespoon of celandine is mixed with three tablespoons of cream. After this, it is infused in the refrigerator for one day. The ointment is applied to the body before going to bed.

Itchy skin is a rather unpleasant situation. Every person has had this problem at least once in their life. Basically, itching appears from severe stress and disorders of the nervous structures. Nervous itching is easy to notice: it has pronounced symptoms. Only an experienced specialist in this field will help you get rid of skin itching from nerves. He will find the source of the rash and prescribe quality treatment. How does this problem manifest itself? Does the whole body itch or just certain parts? What drugs can overcome the disease? You will find answers to these questions below.

Itching often has a nervous origin

What are the reasons for itching?

The causes of nervous itching can be very different. This largely depends on the sensitivity of the person. If he takes everything to heart, often experiences stress and overexertion, sleeps poorly, is often tired and feels lethargic, then against the background of these reasons a nervous itch will appear. It should be noted that women and children often become hostages of nervous scabies, because their psyche is much weaker than that of men.

A symptom such as a rash has been studied by many scientists for a long time. They determined that stress triggers a series of physiological, biochemical and immunological reactions in the human body. Continuous tension causes the brain to work actively and release special elements into the blood that affect skin cells. It is because of them that swelling appears and the level of activity of enzymes that affect the skin increases. This is how a person gets itchy skin due to nervousness.

Constant psychological stress is taken into account. It reduces the production of adrenal hormones, which protect the body from possible allergic reactions. The skin of the body does not receive the necessary elements and begins to itch, swell and turn red. If a person sees a rash on the palms, arms, head, legs and other parts of the body, he should go to the hospital. Initiating such a problem is extremely dangerous for health.

Symptoms of scabies

A feeling of severe itching on the skin can occur for many reasons, for example, due to scabies or dermatitis. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Symptoms of nervous itching include the following:

  • rash on the body in the form of blisters or spots;
  • tropical hyperemia;
  • desire to itch a lot;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • severe weakness throughout the body;
  • goose skin symptom;
  • an individual rash that has not previously appeared;
  • increase in body temperature (rare).

Symptoms of nervous itching of the skin can be very different and feel like hives or dermatitis. Only based on the results of a special analysis can an accurate diagnosis be made. Severe nervous shock the day before can give similar symptoms.

A person needs to control himself and try not to scratch the rash. You can get an infection that can negatively affect your health. Symptoms of nervous itching pathologies are also classified as certain diseases.

  1. Postherpetic neuralgia is the first cause of itching in the lower back, accompanied by pain.
  2. Notalgia paresthetica is a personal neuropathy that involves 3 to 5 thoracic nerves. After stress, a person feels severe itching in the shoulder blades.
  3. Multiple sclerosis can also cause nervous itching. In such cases, the spinal cord is affected. The symptom appears suddenly and does not last long, a few seconds.
  4. Thrombosis of cerebral vessels - in such cases hemorrhage occurs. Scabies can occur 2-3 days after the breakdown. A person feels itching all over the body and a burning sensation that is almost impossible to tolerate. Often the symptoms are felt on the side opposite the lesion.

Features of itching

Specific features will help identify skin itching due to nervousness.

  1. Absence of the feeling of scabies on the body, which occurs in the area of ​​​​innervation.
  2. Scabies does not appear on its own; it is always accompanied by symptoms such as pain, burning and movement disorders.
  3. An accurate diagnosis must be made after diabetes or rubella have been ruled out, because the cause may lie in nervous itching.

Diagnosis of the disease

To determine itching of the skin due to nervousness, you do not need to read about the symptoms and their appearance on your own. It’s not hard to guess that itchy skin arose from nervousness. If scabies was preceded by stress or depression, then the itching from the nerves will not last long. It may appear on the face, hands, head or other parts of the body, and go away on its own after a couple of days. By night, nervous scabies intensify, red spots appear on the skin.

In many cases, skin itching from nerves goes away on its own after the person calms down. This happens thanks to the body’s hidden reserves, which help relieve stress on its own.

Scabies gets worse at night

Basic treatment conditions

If symptoms of nervous itching are confirmed, it is not advisable to self-medicate and you should definitely consult a doctor. He will determine the severity of nervous itching, take all the necessary tests and prescribe treatment for nervous itching.

To get rid of nervous itching and remove not only the symptoms, but also the cause itself, you need to take special medications. You can't do without them. Their action will be aimed at normalizing human systems during nervous itching. Medication-based sedative tablets are suitable for treatment.

In severe mental disorders, itching can appear on the head, face and even in the throat. Therefore, after detecting symptoms, you should definitely seek help from a psychotherapist.

You can independently remove the symptoms of scabies due to nervousness using ointments. They should include glucocorticoids. When treating nervous scabies, you cannot do without allergic medications.

To remove scabies completely, you need to undergo a course of comprehensive treatment. Usually the doctor himself prescribes, in addition to ointments and other medications, antihistamines. With their help, you can quickly relieve swelling, redness and itching on the skin.

Your doctor may prescribe a special ointment for itching.

How to get rid of itching at home?

If scabies appears suddenly, and there are no special medications at home to relieve it, you can use home recipes. They will not completely remove skin itching, but they will relieve discomfort.

To begin with, a woman or man can try taking a cool shower and applying hygiene products. Another remedy is a solution of water and vinegar. They need to wipe the red areas with a washcloth. Do this very carefully so as not to scratch the skin.

To prevent such situations from disturbing a person, you need to try to protect yourself from possible stress and stress-related disorders. You can consult a psychologist who can help you solve various problems. The use of sedatives will improve a person’s general condition and prevent the onset of depression due to nervousness. You can also prepare an herbal tincture. Soothing herbs such as propolis, chamomile or St. John's wort are used for it.

Sports and yoga help a lot. A person should rest more, sleep well and walk in the fresh air. If you follow these recommendations, you can prevent stress and depression, and scabies from nerves will never bother you.

Preventive actions

If a person notices that he develops scabies due to stress, he should know how to prevent it. When certain parts of the body itch, doctors recommend using the tips below:

  • conduct sedative therapy sessions several times a month;
  • drink herbal sedatives or brew them instead of tea;
  • light fragrant candles at home for calm;
  • do yoga and meditation;
  • eat right and exercise;
  • stop worrying about trifles and not taking problems seriously.

Such techniques will help strengthen the central nervous system and prevent the formation of scabies due to stress. The person will be more stress-resistant and will be able to control himself in many unpleasant situations.

After gaining inner peace, scabies due to nervousness will not appear.

Scented candles are a simple way to relieve stress


A person must learn to control himself and try to prevent a nervous condition. If this does not work, you should seek help from a specialist or relieve stress at home.

Itching of the skin is an unpleasant and incredibly annoying problem that often occurs on the skin and goes hand in hand with nervous feelings.

As a rule, itching is caused by severe nervous stress, depression and constant nervous anxiety. In order to quickly and most importantly permanently eliminate this problem, it is necessary to find the true cause of such severe itching and clearly separate nervous itching from other causes that lead to unpleasant sensations of discomfort on the skin.

Main causes of itching

Traditional medicine has long recognized that physical illnesses, as well as mental problems, are seriously affected by severe stressful situations. These include:

  • prolonged nervous tension,
  • poor disproportionate sleep,
  • wrong work
  • wrong rest.

Each of these reasons can become a unique factor that triggers skin itching.

The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that itchy skin can occur not only due to serious mental problems and nervous tension, but also simply in people who are often susceptible to emotional experiences.

Thus, itchy skin is often found in women and children, who belong to a unique risk group because they are not very good at controlling their emotions.

The mechanism of the formation of skin itching, as a peculiar reaction to nervous overstrain, has been quite well studied. Long-term clinical trials have shown that in the human body, under the influence of severe stress and prolonged nervous tension, a chain reaction is triggered, consisting of chemical, physiological and immunological reactions, which ultimately leads to the development of skin itching in the patient.

During a stressful situation, the brain begins to produce certain substances that affect the nerve cells of the skin. Thus, peripheral vasodilation begins and swelling can be observed, and the level of active histamine increases. And as you know, it is histamine that is the main cause of any allergic reaction that appears on the skin in the form of itching.

At the same time, there is also a reverse reaction to nervous tension and stress. With mental stress, the production of hormones from the adrenal cortex begins to decrease, and it is these hormones that are responsible for the anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects on the skin, as a result the skin begins to turn red and the patient experiences a feeling of itching.

If we combine all the causes of skin itching, it turns out that nervous tension leads to an increase in the production of histamine and at the same time to a decrease in the production of hormones from the adrenal cortex. Thus, an ideal environment is created for the occurrence of skin itching.


Correct diagnosis of skin itching, which occurs as a result of nervous application and stress, must be carried out in a clinic. It is impossible to make a correct diagnosis on your own.

In principle, the main clue that skin itching is associated with nervous tension is the fact that the appearance of redness and swelling on the skin, as well as discomfort, occurs either immediately after a severe nervous breakdown, or at the time of a critical situation.

In addition, it can be noted that against the background of long-term depression, symptoms of itchy skin may appear.

As a rule, skin itching due to nervous stress and overexertion is local in nature; it occurs sporadically and most often occurs in the area of ​​​​the extremities or on the scalp.

However, in rare cases, there are also systemic manifestations of skin itching; in this case, it can be noted that the symptoms intensify in the evening and also at night.

In some cases, itchy skin may be accompanied by a skin rash; this is not a necessary condition. We also note that itching can completely go away on its own as soon as the person calms down and stops being nervous. By the way, the rash can look like hives, so the reader needs to know what it looks like.

In other words, at this moment the body finds its own reserves that can eliminate the problem and does not necessarily require the use of sedatives or any ointments, creams, or lotions.

Let us also note such a moment as combing the skin. With severe skin itching, the patient, as a rule, cannot resist and begins to scratch the skin vigorously. This is fraught with trauma to the epidermis, and as a result, the penetration of various bacteriological infections. Thus, we are faced with associated infections, which only worsen the itching of the skin.

The main ways of treating and treating itchy skin

Here we immediately note that absolutely any treatment for skin itching, which occurs precisely because of nervousness, must be agreed with a doctor, and only after an accurate diagnosis! The drugs that are used in this case have a lot of side effects, and taking them yourself is an extremely dangerous activity.

First of all, medications will be prescribed as part of the treatment, which will stabilize the patient’s emotional state. Here we can talk about light sedative medicines, which consist of a plant base, they can be used:

  • Motherwort,
  • Valerian,
  • Hop,
  • Mint,
  • Peony.

If a patient presents with skin itching, which is a consequence of an already severe mental condition, treatment will be prescribed and carried out by a psychotherapist, in this case it will not be herbal-based drugs, but drugs and antidepressants such as:

  • Citalopram,
  • Venlafaccin,
  • Fluoxetine.

To quickly eliminate the symptom, the use of topical medications is indicated; the following drugs are suitable:

  • "Hydrocortisone"
  • "Prednisolone"
  • "Diprosalik"
  • "Lokoid"
  • "Sinaflan"
  • "Photocort")

As well as antiallergic drugs “Fenistil”, “Gistan”.

An excellent solution in the complex treatment of skin itching, which is a consequence of nervous stress and overexertion, is the use of antihistamines, which help relieve discomfort from the skin.

These drugs include: “Cetrin”, “Suprastin”, “Tavegil”, “Claritin”, “Erius”. The above-mentioned remedies perfectly relieve swelling, redness and, most importantly, eliminate skin itching. However, as we have already said, you should not get carried away with taking antihistamines, and do it uncontrollably, especially if we are talking about a pregnant woman a woman, child or patient with chronic diseases.

As one of the preventive measures, as well as as a point of complex treatment in the treatment of skin itching due to nervousness, a change in diet can be considered; in addition, you should definitely change your approach to organizing sleep, rest and work, all these points have a direct impact on state of the human nervous system.

First aid at home

If skin itching starts at home, but there is not a single antihistamine, and there is no way to go to the doctor, you can take several steps that will help somewhat reduce skin itching and discomfort.

First of all, you can take a cold shower without soap or any other hygiene product, you can simply wipe yourself with a napkin soaked in cold water, you can add a little vinegar to cold water. The main thing is to do all this with a soft sponge that will not scratch the surface of the skin and thus increase skin itching.

Many people suffering from itching do not know its true cause; they blame it on scabies mites or other diseases caused by fungi or microbes.
But nervous scabies has its own characteristic symptoms:
  1. The first signs are observed immediately after stress or a day after it;
  2. Symptoms are clearly expressed on the arms, legs or abdomen (there are cases when the signs can spread to other areas of the skin);
  3. Lack of positive effect after using traditional treatment methods;
  4. No contact with allergens or irritants.
These signs are decisive for specialists in making a diagnosis.

Treatment of nervous itching

It is very important to begin treatment of the disease as quickly as possible, so as not to complicate the situation and prevent the development of a chronic form.
Nervous itching can be treated in several stages:
  • first eliminate phobias, stress and anxiety;
  • the second stage is to eliminate symptoms caused by stress;
  • the third stage is disease prevention.
To eliminate neuroses, sedatives and sedatives are used. In severe cases, tranquilizers and antidepressants are prescribed.
As for the itching itself, antihistamines are used for external application. In rare cases, ointments and creams that contain glucocorticoids are prescribed.
Of course, medications must be selected correctly, because during exacerbations the body can recognize them as allergens.

In order not to harm your body even more and not cause any allergic reactions, use the completely harmless and very effective remedy “Medula Gold”.

It does not consist of chemical additives; it contains only natural ingredients that do not cause harm to the body. With regular use and compliance with all dosages, the patient will be able to:
  1. get rid of fears and anxiety;
  2. cure insomnia;
  3. improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  4. improve the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy and for people who have hypersensitivity to its constituent components. For other patients, modern medicine strongly recommends using this dietary supplement.

Anti-itch medications

When nervous itching caught you by surprise, you can try to relieve its symptoms yourself. There are many ways to do this from products and substances that are available at home:
  • you can wipe the skin with water and vinegar;
  • take a warm (not hot!) bath with a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort;
  • Soda baths also relieve itching for a while.
Such methods do not eliminate the main cause - stress, so scabies will appear again. And in any case, it will need to be treated with more effective means, for example, such as Medula Gold. The drug will relieve all signs of neurosis in 2-3 months and bring you to a state of peace. What else do you need to get rid of itching forever?
This dietary supplement can be used with traditional methods treatment and also as preventive measures. Do not be afraid to use it as a therapeutic therapy; the drug is not capable of harming the body or causing addiction. It will invigorate you, relieve you of depression and return your body to its former strength.
"Video ITCHY Psychosomatics"