Everything you need to know about rabbit dachshunds. Long-haired dachshund Long-haired dachshund breed characteristics

If you are fascinated by a long-haired dachshund and have the opportunity to keep a pet, then it is advisable to purchase this dog. But the main thing is not only to choose the right puppy, but also to train it and create a suitable diet for it.

History of the breed

The pedigree of elongated dogs goes back a long way. Even in the tablets of the ancient Egyptians there is a mention of the dachshund. The name of the breed appeared much later and translated from German means “badger dog.” The first short-legged creatures began to be bred in Germany.

At first it was culling hounds. The dogs were not suitable for running long distances and could not participate in driving the beast. But thanks to its amazingly sensitive sense of smell, the breed began to be used in another type of hunting - norn.

Here the combination of short legs with an elongated body came in handy. Rejected hounds easily penetrated the holes of badgers, foxes and other animals. The fishing turned out to be so successful that it became the reason for selection. Thus a new breed of slow-moving hounds appeared.

The first representatives of the species are short-haired individuals. After crossing with spaniels, the shaggy dachshund was born, which immediately gained popularity among hunters due to its gentle disposition.


Since the 17th century, Germany has been looking at short-legged dogs for burrow hunting. In just one century, varieties of elongated dogs appeared, which were already bred outside the country. This was the reason for the approval of breed standards.


Since the 19th century, representatives of short-legged hounds have become pets everywhere. In selection, a new direction emerges - breeding miniature dogs. Among long-haired dachshunds, 3 varieties with chest volume appear:

  • standard – more than 35 cm;
  • “dwarfs” – 30-35 cm;
  • “rabbits” – up to 30 cm.

This is the main parameter by which representatives of species are assessed. Such dogs are further divided into 2 types - large dachshunds (8-12 kg) and small ones (6-8 kg). Miniature animals, accordingly, have even less mass.

Otherwise, the characteristics are identical: a well-defined keel on the deep sternum, an elongated body and muzzle, short legs, excessively hairy ears and tail.

Characteristics of the Dachshund

When purchasing a dog, many people want to be sure of its purebred. Each species has certain characteristics. The long-haired standard dachshund also has them.

  1. The head is triangular, but without points, with a narrowed muzzle.
  2. The neck is muscular, with pronounced withers.
  3. The transition from the forehead to the nose is fuzzy, all lines are smoothed out.
  4. The brow ridges and cheekbones stand out sharply.
  5. The eyes are dark, not slanted, placed on the same line. The cut is oval. The iris is most often brown, but some dogs have blue and amber.
  6. The nose is usually black, and in light-colored dachshunds it is often combined with a shade of fur.
  7. Ears hang down and are soft to the touch.
  8. The body is strong, with a tucked belly, an oval chest, and an elongated lumbar region.
  9. The hind legs are shorter than the front legs, but have developed joints. Toes on widely spaced feet always point straight ahead.
  10. The tail is a continuation of the chord line, is in a hanging position and reaches the ground.

The given description of this breed refers to the standard representatives of long-haired dachshunds. Small animals – “dwarfs”, “rabbits” – are also assessed based on these characteristics. As for the dog’s weight, they don’t pay attention to it.

Coat type and color

The main cover is two-layered - fluffy, short below, shiny and smooth above. Despite the name of the breed, dachshunds are not hairy everywhere. In the lower part of the body and on the throat of the dog, the hair is elongated. The breed's ears are framed with fringe, and its hind legs are fringed. The dachshund's tail is also fluffy.

The breed has different colors:

  • single-color, which stands out in reddish, fawn and red shades;
  • two-color, if lighter tan marks are distributed in places on a brown, black or chocolate background;
  • marble, with gray, red and black tints (small inclusions are allowed);
  • brindle - there are dark spots on the fawn or red coat.

Each of the described shades refers to breed standards. Dachshunds with the last two colors are less common in nature, so the dogs are more valuable.


Even individuals trained for hunting are distinguished by their docileness and peacefulness. This dog can be safely adopted in a family with small children - standard representatives of the breed are characterized by affection.

Dachshunds have a cheerful character, pets are active, love to play and will not let you get bored. Dogs easily pick up on their owner’s mood and show sympathy if they feel bad.

They attract attentiveness and intelligence in dogs. This is why the process of training a dachshund is easy and relaxed.

Education and training

When getting short-legged dogs with long hair for hunting or as a pet, they approach puppy training with all responsibility. The future habits of the pet depend on the owner.

The dog’s behavior is formed from the first days, as soon as it gets into its new home.

  1. To prevent the puppy from spoiling household things, the pet is accustomed to its toys.
  2. The baby is not allowed to grab food uncontrollably while the owner puts it in the bowl.
  3. Dachshunds have hunting qualities in their blood; the puppies do not miss a single cat or dog on their way. Therefore, when raising such a pet, they develop restraint in it.

Dachshunds begin training from infancy. Already at 4 months, puppies quickly learn commands. If the goal is to raise a non-hunting dog, it is enough to limit yourself to a small set of the most common exercises. Classes are structured taking into account the pet’s disposition.

Breed training methods:

MechanicalThe command is reinforced by influence (slap, light blow of a twig, pulling the leash) in case of an incorrect reaction. The important point here is not to “go too far”
IncentiveFor each well-executed command, it is recommended to reward the dog with praise, affection or a tasty bonus.
CombinedIncludes features of the first two methods
ImitativeThe method is used in joint training of adult dogs and puppies

In order for training to give an effective result, a number of basic rules are followed:

  • training begins if the owner and puppy are in a good mood;
  • during classes, at first, exclude all surrounding stimuli;
  • commands are pronounced in a clear, calm voice so that the dachshund understands the meaning of what was said;
  • to consolidate past lessons, they are repeated in new lessons, changing the sequence;
  • If the puppy loses interest, training is stopped.

To attract the dachshund's attention to learning, education is carried out in a playful way. It is not advisable to use only the mechanical method for small dogs. Giving your puppy rewarding treats can be more effective.

Caring for a dachshund is not difficult.

A special overall, worn on the dog before going outside, will save you from dirt. There is no need for unnecessary water procedures immediately, since frequent washing of the puppy is the cause of the development of seborrhea.

They bathe the dachshund once a week, but after each walk the dog’s paws are washed. Shampoos are selected taking into account the breed. This will make the coat healthy, silky and avoid tangles.


Short-legged dogs are big eaters, so following the regime is important, otherwise the dog will gain weight. Set specific hours for eating. At the same time, kids eat at least four times a day, and older dogs only in the morning and evening.

When choosing a diet for a pet, take into account what the breeder fed the puppy. If the new owner decides to rebuild the menu, then this should be done gradually. Ready-made foods are selected according to age.

List of necessary products for a dachshund:

MeatBeef, veal, lamb, and rabbit are given raw, and poultry is boiled. Pork and tubular bones are not included in the diet
FishFreshly frozen seafood, previously scalded with boiling water, is added to the menu 1-2 times a week.
VegetablesCan be raw or cooked. Required: carrots and potatoes
FruitsAll are recommended except grapes
CerealsThe exceptions to porridges are pearl barley and semolina; the rest are cooked by adding herbs and seasoning with vegetable oil.
PastaNo more than once a week, and only from durum flour
Dairy productsMilk is given with caution and is not combined with other foods. Introduce cottage cheese and yoghurts without additives into the diet
EggsBoiled - whole. In its raw form, only the yolk is absorbed by the body.
BreadOccasionally allowed, but not freshly baked. Baking is completely excluded

Unleavened crackers, biscuits, and crackers are not recommended to be included in a dog’s regular diet. But this is a good way to encourage a puppy during training.

Feeding rules

The smaller the pet, the more often it is fed. The number of meals depends on the age of the puppy.

Standard diet for a dog:

  • up to 3 months - every 3-4 hours;
  • from 3 to 8 – 3 times a day;
  • adult – twice a day.

Serve small portions so that the dog does not overeat. The dose is determined taking into account the pet’s body weight - for every kilogram of weight, 40 g of products are required. Sedentary dachshunds are given less food.

If the dog does not eat the proposed amount, then the bowl is immediately removed, and next time the dachshund is given less.

Dog dishes are served slightly warmed. Do not use spices or salt when cooking. If the dog has a mixed diet, food is given separately from natural food, at the same time (for example, in the morning).

An adult dog's food intake is combined with hours of walking, but the pet is fed upon returning from the street. Active movement with a full stomach leads to volvulus in the breed.

In small puppies, the digestive mechanism is structured differently - after eating, the need to defecate immediately arises. This feature is taken into account when toilet training the dog.

Baby food

Taste preferences are formed from the first months, which is why it is so important to provide your puppy with a balanced diet. At first they limit themselves to dry food for small dachshunds. Then gradually add meat puree from baby food mixed with a small amount of viscous porridge.

Babies often eat more than normal, but this is not a big deal. A dog's developing muscles are harmed by malnutrition. A properly developing dachshund puppy is a well-fed little guy.

Diseases and treatment

Dachshunds are one of the few dogs prone to allergies. Itching and dandruff appear when “wrong” foods are introduced into a pet’s diet. A similar reaction, as well as weak stools, is provoked by a sharp transition to a new menu.

Puppies should not jump a lot and do vertical stands. Such movements during games or training lead to displacement of the vertebral discs and the development of a hernia in dogs, which affects the posture of dachshunds. Due to the specific body structure of the breed, this is a common health problem for these dogs.

The breed is susceptible to other diseases. What do dachshunds get sick with?

NameDescriptionWhat to do
Intervertebral herniaThe pain comes unexpectedly. The decline in activity occurs instantly or occurs gradually. Usually the hind legs fail. Over time, the animal loses control of urinationAfter the examination, the veterinarian prescribes conservative treatment (medicines, physical procedures, massages) or resorts to surgical intervention
OsteoporosisPuppies get sick more often, and the reason lies in the wrong menu, lack of vitamin D, and rare walks. If the baby moves on his stomach because his paws are moving apart, this is a clear sign of the disease.Balance the menu, introduce healthy ingredients into the diet, expose them to the sun more often
Acanthosis nigricansThe skin is affected, turning into an elephantine skin - with hanging thick folds. Foci of the disease appear on the abdomen, thighs, chest, and armpits. In these places, the hair falls out completely and the pigmentation changes. Scientists have not yet figured out the true cause of the disease. Some people think it’s genetics, while others blame it on endocrinology. But everyone agrees on one thing - stress is the impetus.Therapy consists of treatment with corticosteroids, the use of special shampoos and ointments containing tar, sulfur, vitamin A. Preventive measures are important - hypoallergenic nutrition, avoidance of stressful situations
OtodectosisThe first symptom is severe itching, causing the dog to scratch. Dark crusts are visible at the site of sores in the earsThe best product is Vectra 3D

Specific pathologies can be avoided if you provide your pet with proper care in compliance with the regimens.

On average, the long-haired dachshund breed lives 14 years. But the sensitive treatment of the owner can extend this period. If you don’t pay attention to diet and health, your furry pet will barely live to be a decade old.

Pros and cons

A dog in the house is a joy and at the same time a small problem. Each breed has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of the breed:

Disadvantages of the breed:

There are few downsides to a long-haired dachshund. Even strict adherence to the pet’s diet does not become a burden.

Selection rules

It is better to buy a dog when it is a puppy, since it is easier to raise a dachshund than to retrain it.

When choosing a pet, pay attention to such signs as:

  • healthy ears, clean eyes;
  • saber-shaped tail without curvature;
  • straight line of the back, without humps and deflections;
  • smooth, glossy coat.

The puppy you like should be moderately well-fed. The dog's behavior is active and playful. Carefree mobility is a sign that the puppy has no health problems.

Dachshund puppy cost

Dachshunds of the shaggy breed are offered by cynological centers in Russia, operating in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Private breeders are also involved in breeding short-legged dogs. Therefore, puppy prices fluctuate.

  1. Titled dachshund babies bred for exhibitions cost 60 thousand rubles.
  2. Miniature varieties of long-haired dogs cost a little less - 30-40 thousand rubles.
  3. The price of purebreds with documents is 15-20 thousand.

If the passport and pedigree of the dog do not matter, then you can look at the poultry market. Here the price for puppies starts from 2-5 thousand rubles.

Dachshunds have been considered a symbol of Germany since ancient times. The image of a “sausage dog” is found on the family coats of arms of the burghers. Therefore, in Europe after the war, these dogs found themselves out of favor; they even tried to exterminate the breed.

Short-legged hounds remain the most numerous breed, second in popularity only to German shepherds. And in the village of Gergveis, dogs are bred in every yard, which is why the area received the status of the capital of dachshunds.

The Egyptians are trying to dispute the nationality of the animal, presenting ancient papyri as evidence. The drawings clearly show the silhouettes of dogs with a long body and short legs.


Origin: Germany

Classification: FCI group 4, dachshunds

Application: hunting dog for working in burrows. Often plays a decorative role, a good watchman

Color: single-color, two-color, brindle or spotted

Dimensions: height at withers – 14-20 cm, weight – no more than 4 kg for males, females weigh up to 3.5 kg

Lifespan: 12-15 years

The rabbit dachshund is one of the most recognizable dog breeds. Why are miniature dachshunds so attractive to dog breeders – their elongated body and short legs?

Appearance, first of all, is an indicator of a dachshund's hunting abilities. The dog is loved for its insightful mind and absolutely unique character.

History of the breed

We must pay tribute to German breeders for breeding the breed.

For hunting hares, or more precisely, for exploring rabbit holes, a dog of precisely this constitution has always been in demand.

German breeders did not stop working to reduce the size of the animal and sought to make the dachshund even smaller.

The narrow rabbit hole determined the parameters of the assistant - the dog had to not only crawl through it, but also maneuver there back and forth.

As a result, we managed to breed such a breed. Breeding miniature dogs was complicated by the fact that only a few puppies were born from dwarf dachshunds.

A special society was created to work on the breed. At the end of the 19th century, breeding of rabbit dachshunds was established in Germany.

Obtaining the breed took place in 2 stages. An ordinary dachshund was crossed with, but it was not possible to get what was needed right away.

Dogs did not always have the required hunting passion and anger. Or they turned out with long legs and big eyes, which was also not the goal of scientists.

They decided to abandon the introduction of blood from other breeds for breeding, and began to look for another solution.

The second stage was even more labor-intensive and lengthy. For selection, only the smallest representatives of the breed were used, producing dwarf offspring.

In 1905, a center for rabbit dachshund lovers was created, headed by breeder F. Engelmann, he was an admirer of the breed. Since that time, many documents have remained that describe the difficulties that had to be overcome in breeding the rabbit dachshund.

Dwarfs used in breeding are not normal in their physiology. When breeding them, it was not always possible to maintain the correct body proportions, like with ordinary dachshunds.

Breeding the rabbit dachshund was very labor intensive

In some canine essays, you can sometimes find information about rabbit dachshunds, claiming that they are an independent breed of dog.

This is a misconception, since each variety has its own standards and parameters, but the requirements for the breed are the same. This applies to color, coat, body proportions.

Rabbit dachshunds appeared in Russia relatively recently. They were brought from abroad. Very few owners use them for hunting, but mainly they serve as a decorative dog.

Prices for puppies are not too high, so getting such a pet is quite easy


The famous Russian scientist L. Sabaneev described the psychology of the dachshund very accurately:

“They are too smart, easy-going, understand their master at a glance and are very attached to him, sometimes annoying.

The rabbit dachshund requires an affectionate attitude towards itself; strict treatment of them is unacceptable - there are notes of pride in their character, they are stubborn, and sometimes vindictive and even touchy.

A dog of this breed is more suitable for a home than many other breeds - their excellent hearing never fails, so they never make noise for no reason, like terriers who bark for any reason.”

The rabbit dachshund is extremely balanced and calm


In modern conditions, the dwarf breed is used as indoor decorative dogs. As it is now fashionable to call it – a companion dog.

The dog is capable of bringing joy to all family members, although he is completely devoted only to his owner.

In appearance, such a coat is similar in appearance to a smooth one, the only difference is that the fur on the face is shaggier - there are eyebrows, a beard and a mustache.

Dachshunds come in both short-haired and long-haired varieties.

How to choose a dog

Having decided on a breed of rabbit dachshund, you need to prepare all the conditions for the puppy. It is necessary to equip a place where the dog will sleep and spend time playing games.

Decide who you need: a male or a female. Boys are much more active and aggressive, while girls are more patient and attentive.

When choosing a female, you need to take into account that you will have to breed dogs. This, in principle, is a profitable activity, but if your plans do not include messing around with puppies, then it is better to get a male.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to its appearance. A healthy baby should look well-fed and playful

At one month of age, the fur is already smooth and shiny. The paws are thick and squat, but not long. The muzzle should not be sharp, but on the contrary, the shorter (dumber) it is, the better.

Features of care

You can wash your dogs often with clean running water, but with soap - only twice a year.

It is necessary to monitor the eyes in a timely manner; care consists of wiping the discharge with a soft cloth. If your eyes become watery, you should wash them with a 2% solution of boric acid or strong tea.

At least twice a month, the ear canals are inspected and dirt is removed with a cotton swab lubricated with Vaseline or a 3% peroxide solution. If an ear plug forms, it is recommended to drip paraffin oil into the ear and remove the plug with a cotton swab.

Dirt often collects between the claws on the paws. It must be cleaned after every walk. The claws themselves are carefully filed with an abrasive file as needed.

Maintaining hygiene is especially important when there are small children in the house.

You need to carefully monitor your dog's condition


Smooth-haired dachshunds are always ready for a show. Their coat is always perfect, it does not require additional care or combing, and dirt does not stick to it. The same can be said about wire-haired dachshunds.

It is enough to clean these varieties sometimes with a brush, starting from the head and throughout the body in all directions.

Rabbit dachshunds with long hair look more decorative. They periodically need to comb the fur on their limbs, undersides and tail.

Brush dogs with a brush made of natural bristles, which is not capable of damaging the skin. Care should be taken to ensure that the hair behind the ears does not form clumps.

Long-haired breeds should be combed - this device is ideal for caring for your pet during shedding.

The dachshund is sanguine in temperament and has a strong, stable character.


The rabbit dachshund loves walks, because the hunting instinct is in her blood. Walking freely, she often finds and digs up rodent holes.

One day A.P. Chekhov said: “This dog has a long body and small crooked paws, but it is unusually smart.”

The peculiarity of dachshunds is that, if necessary, they themselves are ready to analyze the situation and take decisive action. This behavior pattern was developed in dachshund species when they had to independently make optimal decisions underground in burrows.

Adaptability to long-term stress, determination, resourcefulness, the ability to wait and compromise - these are the distinctive features of the behavior of these dogs.

There is an opinion that dachshunds have an overly stubborn disposition. But this is not stubbornness, but pronounced independence. This, again, is a feature of the character of a hunting dog.

Accustomed to dealing with rodents or rabbits in a hole one on one, the dachshunds did not have the ability to obey commands at that moment. Along the way, the dog relies only on his resourcefulness and determination. The dachshund is independent in everyday life, but is by no means stubborn.

Dachshunds need a protein-rich diet


The rabbit dachshund has a greater need for energy reserves than large breed dogs.

For 1 kg of weight, she needs 85-90 kkl, while a large dog, for example, or, needs only 50 kkl.

To maintain energy in an adult dachshund, food should contain as little fat as possible.

When an adult dog continues to be fed puppy food high in fat, he is at risk of becoming obese.

The diet of an adult rabbit dachshund should consist more of fiber rich in carbohydrates.

You can use high-energy, intended for dogs with increased activity.

You need to feed your dachshund strictly twice a day, and do not teach him to snack in between.


If the dog’s behavior has changed dramatically - the nose has become hot and not moist as before, heavy breathing is felt, intestinal upset appears in the form of vomiting or diarrhea, then without a diagnosis it can be determined that the dog is sick.


Before vaccination, deworming should be carried out, since vaccination is more difficult to tolerate in infected animals. Regular pyrantel will do.

The first vaccination can be carried out at 1.5 months. This could be a vaccination against hepatitis or enteritis - it all depends on the prevalence of diseases in the region of residence.

Puppies tolerate these treatments well, but it is better not to take them outside for now. Two weeks later, a second course of the selected vaccine is administered.

At 2.5 months it is time for the plague vaccination. There is no point in doing it earlier, and delaying it further is dangerous for the dog’s teeth

The fact is that vaccination against plague affects the growth of teeth, which begin to change later, when the vaccination is left behind.

After this procedure, for 3 weeks, it is better not to walk the puppy in public places, protect it from hypothermia and not bathe it.

A second plague vaccination is given at 6-7 months - just after changing teeth.


On average, there will be from 3 to 6 puppies in the litter

To detect it in time, inspect the litter daily. The day you discover the signs will be the first.

Rabbit dachshunds usually give birth to 3-6 puppies. To do this, 3 matings are carried out, the last test is for confidence. The first mating is on the 10th day of estrus, and then every other day.

If everything went as it should, the bitch may show the first signs at the beginning of pregnancy. She may refuse food, sleep a lot, and be lethargic.

Dachshunds bear offspring for up to 70 days. If there are many puppies, then birth occurs 10-12 days earlier. When a dog is past its due date, you should contact a veterinarian.

The idea that dogs can cope on their own during childbirth is wrong.

Assistance during childbirth is definitely needed - this will guarantee that all puppies will survive, and in case of complications, help will be provided in a timely manner.

Rabbit Dachshund: A Loyal Companion with a Sound Mind

The rabbit dachshund is one of the most recognizable dog breeds. Appearance, first of all, is an indicator of her hunting abilities. The dog is loved for its insightful mind and completely different character from others.

For those who want to get a pet that is not a living toy, but a friend and companion, the long-haired dachshund is truly a godsend. This lively, inquisitive, playful and easy-going dog will be indispensable for walks and for noisy fun games with children.

The first mention in the literature of dogs of this species occurs in 1820. This breed of dachshund was developed by crossing a spaniel with a standard smooth-haired dachshund with an admixture of several breeds of cops.

The appearance of the dachshund in our area dates back to the post-war period (we are talking about World War II).

At that time, these dogs were not distinguished by the quality of the breed, since they were of unknown origin.

At first, long-haired dachshunds were used as hunting dogs, then their working qualities decreased, and eventually the dachshunds became decorative dogs.

Persistent breeding work has led to the emergence of certified sires among dachshunds of this species.

Anatomy, structure, become

Length from 20 to 40 cm, weight ranging from 3 to 9 kg.

Breed characteristics:

  • The muzzle is elongated;
  • Elongated ears, rounded at the ends;
  • Strong massive skeleton;
  • Developed strong back;
  • Volumetric deep chest with a keel;
  • Short powerful legs (the hind legs are smaller than the front ones);
  • Thick tail, especially dense at the root;
  • Silk soft wool.

The hair of males is longer than that of females. The silhouette is clearly visible, despite the thickness of the coat, which forms silky feathering on the head, belly and paws.

On the tail it creates a fringe effect. Matte, hard and overdried wool is an indicator of the absence of a fatty layer that does not allow moisture to pass through.

  • Curls and wavy tendencies in such dogs are unacceptable by the standard, since fluffy and shaggy hair is highly absorbent.

Being visually warmer and thicker, it creates problems with grooming, intensively collecting dirt, as a result of which the long-haired dachshund becomes like a dust collector.

Colors, colors

There are the following colors:

  1. Red (golden, chestnut, orange, mahogany and cherry);
  2. Coffee (brown and light beige with tan marks);
  3. Black and tan (pure brown and black colors have not been found since the 20s of the twentieth century).
  4. The moire color, the most common among lovers of this breed, implies a golden color at the root of the hair and black at the top. The red color predominates on the lower abdomen and on the paws, while the color on the head, back and sides is dark.

As a result, the dog looks as if a veil has been thrown over it. The elegant and exotic appearance of dachshunds of this color explains the increased demand for them.

Briefly about physiology

The dog goes through several molts before the coat is completely formed. This occurs around the age of two.

A thick “fur coat” protects dachshunds from cold and wind in winter, but at the same time snow freezes to it, which prevents them from walking normally. In the warm season, their gait is sweeping and free.

Character and temperament

An inquisitive and lively dog, the Limousin is patient in searching, persistent in work, friendly in the family and careful with strangers. Because of her bright facial expressions, the expression on her face is easy to read.

Vivid character traits:

  • Calm;
  • Persistence and endurance;
  • Sociability and friendliness;
  • Ability to adapt and get along;
  • Ability to quickly change actions;
  • Playful and carefree.

Dachshunds copy their owner's gait, adapting to his movements. They are well oriented in space, switch instantly, while remaining attentive.

Sensitivity is expressed in an angry grunt at unfamiliar sounds or smells perceived as a source of danger.

Territorial restriction is highly characteristic of these small creatures, which account for a considerable percentage of bites.

Don't forget that dachshunds are hunters. They love to dig in the ground. Therefore, in summer cottages with flower beds and lawns, you need to carefully monitor them.

Species and subspecies

By size, the longhaired dachshund is divided into standard, rabbit and miniature.

The difference between this variety of dachshunds is that it is divided into subspecies according to size, taking as the main criterion not the height at the withers, but the chest girth.

  • Standard ones weigh over 5.5 kg, their chest circumference is more than 35 cm.
  • Rabbits weigh up to 3.5 kg, chest circumference – up to 30 cm.
  • Miniature dogs (contrary to their name) are larger in size - weight varies from 4 to 5.5 kg, chest girth ranges from 30 to 35 cm.

All three subspecies are working and hunting by nature - the standard dachshund, the miniature dachshund, and the rabbit dachshund.

It is impossible to single out among them a greater or lesser predisposition to a decorative lifestyle - this factor depends on the individual character traits of each specific dog.

Before purchasing, you should definitely decide on the intended purpose of your future pet. One type of dachshund is needed for hunting, and another for lying on the couch. Hunting and decorative dogs differ in price.

To acquire a friend and companion, an advertisement on the Internet is enough (on the Internet you can even find a free distribution of puppies). To acquire a hunter, you should go to a special club or nursery. The cost of a puppy, depending on the elite of the breeders and the prestige of the place of purchase, ranges from 5 to 500 dollars.

How to parent properly

Training and education again depend on the purpose for which the puppy was purchased. Future hunters are sent to special schools, where they learn to search for and catch animals. Raising a friend is also possible at home, since even a teenager can do this process.

These dogs are mindful and easy to teach all sorts of tricks. And even without regular repetition, the long-haired dachshund remembers commands and carries out them with pleasure.

Note to the owner

Long-haired hunters do not overeat, unlike smooth-haired ones. But they, like other breeds, are naturally prone to obesity, so their diet must be carefully monitored.

Caring for the thick, long hair of dachshunds requires a lot of effort on the part of the owner. Combing with a brush is recommended. Upon returning from a walk, wipe the paws with a special rag or damp cloth and rinse them in the shower.

In situations of insect infestation (ticks, fleas), products are used in the form of a spray, soap, emulsion or collars.

The use of these drugs requires a preliminary check to see if the animal has allergies. It is important to consider dimensions (height and weight).

Compatibility and livability

Long-haired dachshunds become very attached to their owner and follow him everywhere. They are inquisitive and strive to join in the work of their companion or at least observe him.

When choosing one owner, the dog is polite and friendly with other family members, but only obeys one.

But these little hunters are aggressive towards foreign animals, like cats. It is worth paying attention to the intolerance of this breed of dog towards familiarity, rudeness and familiarity towards itself if there are small children in the house.

Good-natured and not prone to conflict, the long-haired dachshund easily finds contact with other animals living in the family.

What external features should a long-haired dachshund have, according to the standard, as well as its character. Rules for keeping and feeding a pet. Features of choosing a healthy puppy.

Dachshunds are one of the oldest hunting dog breeds, the selective formation of which began in the 16th century.

Their ancestors were hounds that were culled according to the length of their paws. Short-legged dogs were not able to catch up with the beast, but due to the pronounced hunting instinct that they retained, they turned out to be convenient for use in burrow hunting. As the popularity of the breed increased, in addition to working varieties, several more decorative ones were bred, which include the majority of long-haired dachshunds. They were obtained by crossing a classic smooth-haired dachshund and a spaniel.

The breed has 3 varieties that differ in size. Long-haired dachshund, the general description of the breed is similar for all varieties.

  1. Head. Wedge-shaped, with a well-developed occiput and almost non-protruding brow ridges. The transition from forehead to muzzle is noticeable.
  2. Nose. Black or brown color. The lobe is oval. The nostrils are well developed.
  3. Mouth. Lips are not wet, tightly fitting. Complete set of teeth. They are strong and quite large, closing tightly.
  4. Eyes. Oval in shape, small, moderately deep planting. The color of the iris is often brown, but in blue merle dogs, amber and blue are not a fault.
  5. Ears. Hanging, triangular in shape, located on the sides of the head. Seat at eye level. The end is rounded. If desired, the dog can actively move them.
  6. Body. It is strong, has developed muscles, and an elongated body. The scruff is pronounced, the withers are visible. The chest is oval, of medium width. Its line is lowered below the elbow joints. The loin is elongated. The croup is strongly sloping. The stomach is taut.
  7. Paws. Strong, short, with wide, pronounced joints. The placement of the carpal joints creates the impression of curvature of the forelimbs. The stance of the hind legs is wide, not pulling back. The fingers are strong, tightly packed, with long claws. The pads should be dark in color.
  8. Tail. Hanging or crescent-shaped. The fit is slightly lower than the back line. Should not lie on his back or stand upright according to breed standards. At the moment of excitement, the tail rises and the dog wags it vigorously.

For each variety of long-haired dachshund, the standards provide acceptable limits of minimum and maximum size, which, like external characteristics, affect exhibition ratings and initial admission to competitions.

Size and weight

When classifying varieties of long-haired dachshunds, it is not the length of their body or the height at the withers that is taken into account, but the girth of the chest. All dogs, including decorative rabbits, are allowed to exhibitions as working dogs.

The longhaired standard dachshund has chest circumference more than 35 cm. Dogs with a girth of 30 to 35 cm are classified as miniature. Dachshunds with an indicator of less than 30 cm are considered rabbits, which are mainly kept as decorative pets. Weight standard size dogs must be no more than 9 kg, miniature dachshunds should not gain more than 7 kg, and rabbits should be heavier than 5 kg.

Color and coat type

The breed has a silky soft coat that flows beautifully along the body. It is especially long on the inside of the ears, belly, paws and tail. The undercoat is well expressed. It is dense, thick, and reliably protects the dog from the cold. These shaggy dachshunds have a particularly sophisticated appearance.

The standard provides the following color options: plain, two-color, brindle and marbled. In the first case, the most popular is red. Fawn and beige are allowed. The presence of black hairs makes the color fawn-like.

Bi-colored dachshunds often have a base color of black or dark brown, adjacent to reddish, cream or fawn. Small white spots are allowed on the neck and chest.

With a brindle color, there are black stripes with somewhat blurred boundaries on a dark red background. It doesn't happen often.

Marbled dachshunds are also rare and are particularly decorative. The main background of their coat is dark red, brown or black, and light spots of arbitrary shape are distributed over it. They can be silver, fawn or white.

Important! The price of dogs with a rare color is much higher than those with a classic color.

Species and subspecies

The standards distinguish three subspecies of long-haired dachshunds - standard, mini and rabbit. The division into three sizes is also typical for the smooth-haired and wire-haired varieties.

The most popular is the rabbit dachshund, which has a very decorative appearance and small size. Despite the fact that the dog has not lost its working qualities, it is more often used as a companion.

Less active than classic smooth-haired pets, rabbit dachshunds feel good in even a small apartment, but only with regular walks lasting at least 1 hour.

Large long-haired dachshunds are mainly bred by hunting enthusiasts as working dogs. The number of representatives of this subspecies is much smaller, and finding such a pet will be more difficult. The same applies to the mini variety, although it is also in demand as a decorative one.

Health and illness

The peculiarity of the body structure, which gives the dog significant advantages in burrow hunting, predisposes it to a number of diseases associated with the spine. When breeding decorative dachshunds, some pathologies become hereditary, appearing due to inbreeding and selection of animals only for external indicators. When starting a dachshund, you should take into account that the breed is most susceptible to a number of pathologies.

  1. Swimmer's syndrome - most often appears in dogs after injury or obesity, but can also occur as a hereditary disease. Its symptoms are quite similar to osteoporosis. With a genetic predisposition, the disease is detected in puppies. In especially severe cases, they may completely lose the ability to stand on their paws and will be forced to crawl.
  2. Discopathy. This disease causes damage to the intervertebral discs. They may be deformed, misaligned, or damaged from excessive pressure. The pathology is more typical of old dachshunds, but can also develop in young ones due to injuries and improper maintenance, when the animal lacks physical activity and the muscular skeleton is poorly trained.
  3. Acanthosis nigricas. This pathology is non-hazardous and is associated with disruption of the sebaceous glands. When it occurs in certain areas of the skin, thickening and excessive pigmentation appear. This disorder is genetic and does not require treatment.
  4. Epilepsy. As a rule, it is hereditary and begins to appear in puppies. The frequency of attacks depends on the individual characteristics of the dog. Treatment, carried out correctly and started in a timely manner, in most cases leads to stable remission.
  5. Eye diseases. To a greater extent, these pathologies are characteristic of the rabbit variety. The most commonly observed conditions are optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment, glaucoma and cataracts. Due to its small size, the dog can suffer traumatic eye injuries.
  6. Enteritis. Also, owners of the rabbit variety have a rather big problem. A sick dog experiences inflammation of the intestinal walls, which is caused by inappropriate nutrition or a viral infection. With timely regular vaccination, the disease manifests itself due to poor diet. The vaccine protects against the viral form of enteritis.

Important! When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to the close relationship of its parents. Offspring from inbreeding should not be purchased.


Life expectancy of longhaired dachshunds from 12 to 15 years. It is influenced by the type of dog, its health, living conditions and whether it is used for hunting. Domestic dogs, medium or mini, that do not participate in hunting and do not receive wounds in a fight with an animal, live longer than their counterparts, who are regularly injured. A pet that has the opportunity to move quite a lot in the fresh air is stronger than a dachshund, which spends most of its time in an apartment.

The rabbit variety, which is actively bred as an ornamental animal, is characterized by less good health, since often when selecting dogs for mating, it is the appearance indicator that is taken into account first.

Advice! If you want to prolong the life of your pet and maintain its health longer, you should visit a veterinarian for preventive purposes once every 6 months, for timely detection of pathologies if they begin to develop.

Character and intelligence

The long-haired dachshund is curious and highly active. She is constantly on the move, taking part in everything that happens in the house, regardless of whether she was called or not. The dachshund constantly needs the attention of its owner, and leaving it alone for a long time is unacceptable.

The dog's intellectual abilities are high and it trains well. The pet masters even complex skills in a short time. This feature makes it easy to socialize the animal.

Attitude towards children and others

A long-haired dachshund easily gets along with children, but only if it is not offended. In response to rudeness, the pet will use its teeth, which cause serious damage. Dachshunds communicate easily with other pets, establishing friendly connections. The exception is small animals such as rats and hamsters, which in most cases are perceived as being hunted.

The dog is moderately aggressive or indifferent to strangers. She does not have the desire to bite a stranger in the house or on the street unless absolutely necessary. The pet will not impose its company on guests and will show great desire to communicate with them, even when called.

Training and education

Training of dogs that will be used as hunting dogs is carried out in specially equipped areas under the supervision of an experienced trainer. In other cases, the pet is socialized and raised independently. From an early age, he is taught two vital commands during walks - “Come to me!” and "Ew." By the first walk, the dog should already perform them accurately.

During training, harshness or physical punishment should not be used against your dachshund. This will make the dog nervous, distrustful and cause disturbances in its behavior. The optimal method is training in short lessons in the form of a game, when the dog receives encouragement for correctly executing a command.

Pros and cons of the breed

A dog can only live in a house. She should be provided with her own bed with a blanket and toys. Every day your dachshund will need at least 2 walks lasting 1 hour or more. Your pet needs to be brushed every day. Nail trimming is carried out, as is washing, as needed. Ears and eyes are wiped once a week. General care is the same as that required for any long-haired dog.

Important! You can only let your dog into bed if you always plan to sleep next to it. It will no longer be possible to wean a dachshund from such rest.

The feeding regimen changes according to age, as with dogs of other breeds. The water in the drinking bowl should be constant and changed 2 times a day. The diet should include lean meat, boiled lean sea fish, buckwheat and rice porridge, vegetables and fruits. You should not give your dog flour, sweet, fried or smoked foods.

Features of grooming

Professional grooming is required for participating dogs. In other cases, you can cut your pet’s hair yourself so that dirt does not collect on the long fur in wet weather. You can also dress your dog in overalls. For the dachshund itself, clipped wool is more comfortable.

How to choose a puppy

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its appearance. A healthy dog ​​should have clean eyes and nose, be active and inquisitive. The puppy should be free of fleas and signs of worms, as well as an overly bloated abdomen, which indicates intestinal problems. An animal older than 2 months must have a veterinary passport, which contains notes on vaccinations already done.

Long-haired dachshunds are lively and active dogs that require a lot of time from their owners for communication and cannot stand being alone. You should not get them if you are not sure that you will be able to keep your pet correctly.

Video about the breed

Russian classic A.P. Chekhov said about dachshunds: “The legs are crooked, the bodies are long, but they have an extraordinary mind.” Smart and cunning, independent and courageous, these dogs, once used as hunting dogs, are now increasingly acting as companions for city dwellers. The long-haired dachshund, an elegant and dignified dog with thick, beautiful hair, is loved by many dog ​​breeders. We will tell you about the types and characteristics of long-haired representatives of this popular breed, the features of their maintenance and care in this article.

History of origin

According to many experts, the dachshund is a typical German breed, bred for highly specialized activities, namely for searching and chasing game in holes. The club of German dog breeders - lovers of dachshunds - was created in 1888, and since then the standards for this breed have been set there. Originally, the longhaired dachshund was bred to work in the harsh conditions of the north.

The first mention of dogs of this breed with long hair was found in 1820. They were obtained by crossing spaniels and certain types of pointers. The first officially recognized representative of the breed is the long-haired female Schniepp of the breeder von Bünau, who received a prize in Hanover in 1882 and served as a model for the development of the standard for long-haired dachshunds.

Dogs of this breed became very popular in Europe in the thirties of the 20th century. The long-haired dachshund continued to be popular in the West until the second half of the 70s of the last century.

Dachshunds in Russia

This breed has been known in Russia since the 18th century, but did not become popular. They are smooth-haired and were kept in most cases as decorative companion dogs and family pets. Dogs of this long-haired breed appeared in the Soviet Union immediately after World War II, all of them were exported from European countries. The long-haired dachshund, the photo of which is presented in the article, is not widely used as a hunting dog, but it has become popular as an ornamental breed.

Modern views

Today, among modern dachshunds, it is customary to distinguish the following varieties: smooth-haired, wire-haired and long-haired dogs of standard or dwarf size. Animals differ only in the type of fur and size. There is an opinion among experts that the long-haired rabbit or dwarf dachshund was obtained by crossing pinschers and terriers with the smallest representatives of dachshunds.

Features of long-haired dachshunds

Dogs of this breed are characterized by a rather late development of the final color and coat length, usually at 2-4 years of age. Long-haired cats are born with fluff on their body, which bears little resemblance to wool.

Subsequently, as a result of several molts, the fluff changes first to teenage fur, and only by the second year of life an adult “fur coat” is formed, tightly fitting to the dog’s body and well protecting from moisture, cold and wind.

The long-haired dachshund comes in black and tan, red and coffee colors. The red color is represented quite richly: it can be golden chestnut, light red, cherry brown, but always rich and bright.

Rabbit dachshund

Later than all others, such a breed of dachshund as the rabbit or dwarf appeared. It was obtained as a result of selective selection and was intended for burrow hunting of rabbits.

Today, few dog breeders use these dogs as hunting dogs; most keep such dachshunds as decorative pets and companions. It differs from all other representatives of its breed in its miniature size: the height at the withers varies from 10 to 15 cm, and its weight is about three kg, and its character is calmer. These dogs love to communicate and are happy to find a common language with all family members. Just like standard-sized dachshunds, miniatures come in three types: short-haired, wire-haired and long-haired. These active dogs can quite easily do without walks on the street, as they are easily accustomed to the tray. The long-haired miniature dachshund can have almost any color, both single-color and several colors.

How to care for long-haired dachshunds?

The coat of any long-haired dog requires special care, and dachshunds are no exception. Experts recommend weekly brushing of this breed's fur with special brushes and washing the dog with special shampoos twice a year. It should be noted that dachshunds are quite clean and do not need frequent washing. Dachshund paws with any coat also need care. First of all, a dog returning from a walk needs to wipe its pads with a damp cloth, removing dirt, dust, and, in winter, chemicals. It is very important from an early puppyhood to accustom your pet to trimming its nails, as well as trimming the fur between the pads. If you have never done such procedures, ask for help from professionals: veterinarians, breeders or more experienced owners. As a rule, a few lessons are enough for a novice dog breeder to be able to do this on their own.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their lively, active long-haired, photo of which is presented below, and will be happy to walk and frolic with children.

Long walks over rough terrain and swimming help strengthen the rather weak muscles of the back and legs. From an early age, you need to train your dachshund puppy to walk with a collar and a tight leash, which helps develop correct posture, as well as the development of an obedient character and the habit of discipline.