Spring vitamin deficiency: rare vitamins. The most accessible sources of rare vitamins are named The rarest vitamin in the world

A healthy nervous system, good memory, strong immunity, clear skin and beautiful hair, sharp vision - all these signs of a healthy person depend on many factors.

One of them is a sufficient amount of vitamin B in the body. Or rather, a whole group of vitamins, united by a common name, because they are contained complexly in food products.

The lack of these vitamins does not have the best effect on a person. First of all, the nervous system suffers. And this is not only insomnia, depression, fatigue, irritability, memory impairment, attention and thought processes. These are also paresis, convulsions, neuralgia, neuritis.

B vitamins are necessary for cell growth and reproduction and the effective functioning of the immune system. Their deficiency results in digestive disorders, dermatitis, and decreased visual acuity.

Each of these vitamins has its own required daily dose. It varies depending on various factors.

For example, it is higher for people experiencing high mental and physical stress and stress. Pregnant and lactating women also increase their need for these vitamins. Their daily dose should be higher when taking certain medications, diets, unbalanced nutrition, especially vegetarianism.

Such people need to compensate for the deficiency of B vitamins with the help of vitamin complexes in tablets or ampoules. But what it will be: injections, tablets or dietary supplements - the doctor must decide.

Because an overdose of B vitamins obtained from food is unrealistic. But the consequences of uncontrolled intake of synthetic vitamins are quite possible in the form of severe allergic reactions, nervous agitation, headaches, rapid pulse and even convulsive seizures.

Where are B vitamins found: what foods to choose as a source?

The optimal source of easily absorbed vitamins without side effects is food. For B vitamins, these are primarily animal products:

  • meat, liver and other offal,
  • fish and caviar,
  • eggs and milk.

Among vegetarian products, the leaders in the content of these vitamins are:

  • unrefined cereals,
  • cereals, legumes,
  • green vegetables and herbs.

Vitamin B1 and its sources

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is involved in supplying the brain with glucose. Therefore, if there is not enough of it, memory deteriorates and attention wanders.

Thiamine is also important for the growth and full mental development of children, the functioning of the circulatory and digestive systems.

To the delight of vegetarians, plant foods contain thiamine: cereals, peas, buckwheat, rice.

Also found in legumes, wholemeal bread, spinach. In small quantities in potatoes, carrots, pork and beef.

But it is found in their husks, and in addition, it is destroyed during heat treatment. In addition, it is not produced or accumulated in the body.

But its deficiency can lead to insufficient weight, fatigue, weakness, neuritis, and decreased intelligence.

Where is vitamin B2 found?

Vitamin B2, or riboflafin, takes part in all metabolic processes.

Without it, complete hematopoiesis and normal functioning of the thyroid gland are impossible. The skin and mucous membranes will be healthy only if there is enough riboflavin in the body.

To do this you need to enable in the menu:

  • meat and offal,
  • eggs and milk,
  • buckwheat and rice,
  • broccoli and mushrooms.

Vitamin B2 is synthesized in the large intestine, so dysbiosis can easily cause its deficiency. The latter is manifested by dizziness and weakness. Pain and burning in the eyes, cataracts, and conjunctivitis may occur.

Seborrheic dermatitis, crusts and cracks in the corners of the mouth, itching and dermatitis of the hands and similar troubles can also be a consequence of a lack of riboflavin.

Pregnant and lactating women, people actively involved in sports, heavy and physical labor need it especially.

What foods contain vitamin B3?

The name of vitamin B3 - nicotinic acid - is familiar to many. It is also called niacin, or vitamin PP.

Niacin is considered a medicine. It is important for normal blood circulation, a healthy heart and brain.

Doctors prescribe “nicotine” in injections and tablets for the treatment of pellagra, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

And fans of homemade cosmetics add it to various masks: to strengthen hair, create a healthy glow on the cheeks and clear skin, and fight cellulite.

To maintain the balance of this vitamin in the body, you need to rely on:

  • buckwheat,
  • green vegetables,
  • fish and meat,
  • cottage cheese,
  • nuts.

You should not neglect good quality offal, such as liver. Grain products also contain a lot of this substance, but only those prepared from unrefined grains.

Nicotinic acid deficiency is often confused with age-related changes. It is literally there:

  • unhealthy complexion, pimples, pustules, boils;
  • the skin becomes sensitive to external irritants;
  • memory deteriorates, sleep is disturbed;

In addition, anxiety and irritability increase. But often age has nothing to do with it: it is enough to restore the balance of vitamin B3 for these unpleasant manifestations to disappear.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is a group of substances: pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine.

  • sprouted grain,
  • nuts,
  • legumes,
  • cereals,
  • cabbage,
  • meat,
  • liver,
  • eggs,
  • milk.

And they also enter the body not only from the outside: some of them are produced in the intestines

If they are deficient, beneficial substances will not be absorbed and used by the body, even if it receives enough of them with food.

Pyridoxine is involved in hematopoiesis. With its participation, serotonin is synthesized, which is responsible for good mood and healthy sleep. It is also involved in supplying the brain with glucose.

And a lack of this vitamin can cause many diseases. Among them are decreased immunity, anemia, neuroses, skin inflammation, conjunctivitis and many others.

An increased dose of vitamin B6 is required for smokers, as well as those who drink alcohol, are exposed to stress, high psychological stress, or take certain medications, for example, contraceptives, some anti-rheumatoid, anti-tuberculosis drugs. But taking high doses of the vitamin is permissible only under the supervision of a doctor.

Sources of Vitamin B9 Content

Vitamin B9 - folic acid - is especially well known to expectant mothers. It is recommended to take it at the stage of preparation for pregnancy.

It is absolutely necessary for the full development of the fetus.

Foods rich in vitamin B9:

  • liver,
  • eggs,
  • beans,
  • spinach,
  • parsley.

They must be fresh and minimally processed: during long-term storage and exposure to heat, most of the vitamin is destroyed.

These products should be on the table not only for pregnant women. Without a sufficient amount of this vitamin, normal functioning of the gastric epithelium is impossible. And the acidity of gastric juice depends on this, which means the absorption of nutrients.

Folic acid is involved in cell division and hematopoiesis. Without it, the brain and nervous system will not be able to function normally.

Its deficiency means loss of strength and headaches, distracted attention and poor memory. Anemia, slow growth and development of children, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also be the result of a lack of folic acid.

Vitamin B12 – a problem for vegetarians

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is exactly the vitamin that is found only in non-vegetarian foods:

  • liver,
  • eggs,
  • fermented milk products.

Therefore, vegetarians and people who fast or diet should maintain its level with the help of tablets or injections.

With the help of this vitamin, the body fights stress. It promotes the normal functioning of the nervous system, the formation and restoration of nerve cells; plays an important role in hematopoiesis.

And since this vitamin affects cell division, it is simply necessary for expectant mothers. During this period, the need for it increases several times.

Vitamin B12 is partially produced in the human intestine and is also accumulated in the liver. It may take several years before a deficiency becomes apparent.

Symptoms of B12 deficiency:

  • neurological disorders,
  • depression,
  • irritability,
  • memory impairment,
  • anemia,
  • dizziness,
  • tinnitus,
  • increased risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke.

The peculiarity of cyanocobalamin is that it works only in conjunction with folic acid (B9), as well as pyridoxine (B6) and thiamine (B1). But some antibiotics interfere with its absorption in the body.

B17 is the rarest vitamin

Vitamin B17, or amygdalin, is the most controversial and not universally recognized B-complex vitamin.

Its only source is fruit seeds. Especially apricots, peaches and bitter almonds. But these same seeds contain hydrocyanic acid, which in large quantities can cause poisoning and even death.

There is a theory that amygdalin deficiency in the body leads to the development of cancerous tumors, and it itself is a panacea for this terrible disease. However, official medicine does not recognize this theory, has no data to support it, and calls its supporters charlatans.

To date, the need for humans for this substance has not been confirmed.

In the vital vitamin B complex, each component has its own significance, but they all ensure energy metabolism and normal functioning of the nervous system. The effective functioning of the immune system and the active growth and reproduction of cells depend on them.

With the current number of stress-forming factors, a deficiency of these vitamins is simply dangerous, and their reserves need to be constantly replenished. Moreover, they are obtained from common and affordable products. First of all, this is meat, liver and other offal, fish, eggs and milk. Plant products include green vegetables, cereals, and legumes.

Many people do not know about the existence of these vitamins.

We think we know everything about vitamins, or at least a lot. There are popular star vitamins. Anyone, even if you wake up in the middle of the night, will say that ascorbic acid improves immunity and helps cope with colds, that vitamin D and calcium strengthen bones, and vitamins A and E are good for hair and skin.

And there are vitamins - soldiers of the invisible front. They seem to be in the shadows, but at the same time they are no less important for the body than their highly promoted colleagues. We decided to eliminate injustice. So, meet me!

Biotin - against gray hair, choline - against Alzheimer's disease

Biotin, also known in narrow circles as coenzyme R or vitamin H, turns out to be responsible for how quickly we go gray and bald. It has some connections with the function of hair follicles. It also regulates the absorption of fatty acids. That is, it depends on him whether the kilograms of salmon and mackerel eaten for the sake of the most beneficial Omega-3 acids will benefit our vessels.

If there is not enough biotin in the body, hair loss, drowsiness, wandering muscle pain and even depression may begin.

Choline, a fat-like substance, ingratiates itself with bad cholesterol and smashes it to smithereens. And solid fats, which strive to settle on our waist, are utilized by choline, turning into an emulsion.

But in addition to the fight for our harmony, choline also tries with all its might to preserve our memory and coordination of movements. In any case, he is trying to keep track of the transmission of neuromuscular impulses in order to protect us from the currently incurable Alzheimer's and Hattington's diseases (this is a disorder of control of the limbs).

A lack of choline can lead to increased blood cholesterol, hypertension at a young age, decreased vascular elasticity, fatigue and decreased concentration.

Inositol saves the liver

This substance is extremely necessary for modern man. It protects the liver from a wide variety of harmful effects - from alcohol to the effects of taking medications (antibiotics, hormonal drugs). Inositol also prevents the growth of adipose tissue around the liver, that is, the development of fatty hepatosis (according to gastroenterologists, up to 70% of adult Europeans now suffer from it to varying degrees due to low mobility and chronic overeating).

Inositol deficiency is fraught with increased blood pressure, indigestion, and constipation.

Pangamic acid reduces cravings for alcohol

Otherwise called vitamin B15, it is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier from the body. Increases physical endurance, improves metabolism and even reduces cravings for alcohol! It is also known that pangamic acid increases the lifespan of body cells and prevents their degeneration into malignant ones.
When the body lacks B15, the supply of oxygen to the cells of internal organs, including the brain, is reduced. This causes chronic fatigue, palpitations, and mood swings.

But a vitamin called PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) or otherwise vitamin B10 protects the lungs from the harmful effects of ozone, and the skin from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (by the way, PABA is often included in sunscreens). This vitamin has another useful property - it reduces the impact of tobacco smoke and tar from passive smoking. And in general it is an adaptogen, that is, it helps our body adapt to negative natural weather changes.

There are many vitamins. There are “star” vitamins that everyone knows about: these are the well-known vitamins C, A, B, D. They know what benefits they provide to the body and what happens when these vitamins are deficient. But there are also vitamins that few people know about, little is said about them, they seem to not exist, but they very much “exist” and at the same time, they are also very useful, no less than their much-hyped “colleagues.” "!

Now I’ll tell you about these mysterious vitamins...

No. 1 – BIOTIN, or vitamin H, is responsible for how quickly a person turns gray or bald. How fatty acids are absorbed by the body and how our hair follicles work depends on this vitamin.

It depends on him whether eating salmon or mackerel will benefit our blood vessels in order to replenish the body with the most beneficial Omega-3 acids.

There is little biotin in the body, expect problems in the form of hair loss, eternal drowsiness and apathy, depression may begin... And muscle pain will simply torment you!

In addition to fatty fish, biotin is also found in cauliflower, boiled chicken yolks, brewer's yeast, and whole grain bread.

No. 2 – CHOLINE, a fat-like substance – destroys bad cholesterol to smithereens, and choline utilizes solid fats that tend to settle on the waist and turns them into an emulsion. But besides the fact that choline helps us to be slim, it also tries to preserve a person’s memory and monitors the coordination of movement.

It is responsible for the transmission of impulses, the path of which is nerves-muscles, so that, God forbid, Alzheimer's or Huntington's disease begins to develop. Unfortunately, these diseases are not yet curable...

If there is not enough choline in your body, you are at risk of decreased vascular elasticity, early hypertension, decreased concentration, and fatigue. And this mysterious choline is found in offal and legumes.

No. 3. INOSITOL is a substance that is extremely necessary for people living in our difficult times, i.e. you and me! Inositol can provide effective liver protection - from alcohol, nicotine, and the effects of taking medications. Inositol also prevents fatty liver (fatty hepatosis), which affects up to 70% of Europeans due to low mobility and excessive overeating. A lack of inositol is fraught with hypertension, indigestion, and constipation.

This miraculous vitamin is found in peanut butter, lime, melon, grapefruit, and brewer's yeast.

No. 4. PANGAMIC ACID, simply known as vitamin B15, cleanses the body of toxins well, because it is an unrivaled antioxidant! It increases a person’s physical endurance, is able to improve metabolism and reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages. Vitamin B15 prevents the degeneration of body cells into malignant ones. With a lack of this vitamin, the amount of oxygen decreases. Which should enter the cells of human organs. This causes chronic fatigue, palpitations, and mood swings.

There is a lot of vitamin in brown rice, bran, sesame, pumpkin, liver.

No. 5. PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid), or vitamin B10, protects the skin from too much exposure to ultraviolet rays. In addition, it protects the lungs from the harmful effects of ozone. Sunscreens contain vitamin B10.

Another beneficial effect of this vitamin is the reduction of exposure to tobacco smoke from passive smoking; it is an adaptogen, an assistant in adapting the body to negative and natural weather conditions.

To get enough of this vitamin, you need to add beef, lamb, offal, mushrooms, spinach, and brewer's yeast to your diet.

I think you should always remember these essential vitamins!