Verbal suggestion to a sleeping person. Methods of influencing a sleeping child Sleeping under the influence

Parental hypnosis through baby's natural sleep

This psychotechnology is intended for the most difficult cases of raising, correcting and treating a child at home. It is carried out through the efforts of the parents themselves. ATTENTION! All actions within the framework of this technique should be well thought out and, if possible, coordinated with the supervising psychoneurologist and/or child psychologist or defectologist.

I describe the most general and main steps of this delicate matter. (Based on the text from my letter to the mother of one four-year-old child with difficulty developing).

1. Preparation of the formula.

In advance - think carefully and write down either on paper or simply in memory what you want to instill in the child, what to bring to his mood, feelings, behavior, attitude towards himself and others, character...

In verbal form, this should be reduced to no more than two or three short phrases or even individual precise words. For example, “You eat well”, “You speak easily”, “You feel good”, “Calm”...

Words should only be positive, without using the particle “not”.

You can’t: “You will NOT be afraid anymore” (or, say, fight) or “You will NOT refuse food.”

You can: “You are friendly,” “You like guys,” “You eat well,” “You like food.” And if the child eats too much: “You get full easily, it’s enough for you to eat little by little.”

ATTENTION! - It is important not only to reduce the formula of suggestion to exact words in a minimum quantity, but also to well, figuratively imagine what you want to suggest - to see with your inner eye, hear with your inner ear, feel it within yourself as an action already taking place and BELIEVE in what it CAN happen. And at the moment of the suggestion itself, it is sacred to believe that this is REALLY being carried out. Anticipatory unconditional faith - this is the magic of suggestion: “According to your faith, let it be done.”

2. Self-tuning.

Before you begin the suggestion (the child may already be in bed at this time, not yet asleep or already asleep), prepare yourself for calm, affectionate and confident communication with the child. Free your breath, free your whole body... No rush, no tension, no fuss - everything is measured, calm, free...

Setup may take from a minute to half an hour. With skill, you can reach the desired state in a couple of seconds - usually it makes itself felt with a slight feeling of warmth spreading throughout the body, some kind of special freedom in the chest...

3. Entering into hypnotic contact (report).

Two main ways.

The first is “fall asleep”: directly through falling into sleep, lulling. Children easily fall asleep in the arms of their parents, or next to them - to some words, music, singing, light affection, or, the smallest ones - when rocked... The moments of falling asleep can be more or less drawn out, and if you say something For a child at this time, words can seep deep, penetrate the subconscious, without affecting or almost without affecting the consciousness. In therapeutic hypnosis sessions with adults, this point is also important.

I have been convinced many times that even my wordless, mental concentrations on some wishes that are important for the patient, precisely in these sacred moments, can penetrate into him and produce subsequent effects. It’s just important to be careful and careful here. There should be no pressure or tension, not even a hint of a commanding tone, either in the spoken words and intonations, or internally - in the consciousness and subconscious of the suggestor. In the “sleeping” version, topics that are difficult, especially painful for the one to whom you are instilling, and especially for the child, should not be touched upon directly. Everything that should enter and take root, let it enter only through indirect positive designations, through “guidance”, subtexts, hints... It is best at this time to tell the child some good fairy tale, in which the fairy-tale character easily accomplishes what you want the child finds it difficult or does not succeed at all or does not want to.

This is the area of ​​the most intimate parental creativity, and I urge you to be brave in it, to believe that everything will work out for you, once you get down to business, the images and words will come by themselves!..

The second method is “through-dream”. The suggestion is addressed to a person who has already fallen asleep. And it must be addressed exactly on time. Namely: somewhere between fifteen and eighteen minutes after falling asleep. This is the usual time for the transition of shallow and medium-deep sleep into deep sleep, which is also sometimes called “slow sleep” - based on the nature of the electrical waves appearing on the encephalogram, the so-called delta waves. In time intervals, however, individual variations occur. One of the highly probable external signs of the onset of “slow sleep” is the movement of the eyeballs under the eyelids to the right and left, not very fast. Sometimes these movements are clearly visible, sometimes they are almost not. But in general, if you begin to enter into hypnotic contact with a child from about fifteen minutes after falling asleep, then you are almost guaranteed not to go wrong.

How to do this? Slowly approach and stand or sit next to him. Just sit for a few seconds and relax slightly, breathe evenly... Observe how the child breathes and gradually adjust your breathing to the rhythm of his breathing, breathe in unison with him... Feel as if you are sleeping with the child - the deep, childish part of yourself beings... When you enter this state even just a little, everything further will become easier and will go by itself. You may feel an impulse to quietly touch your child’s shoulder or even put your hand on his forehead, quietly whisper: “Sleep, little one, it’s me... I’m with you...”

With almost a hundred percent probability, the child will not wake up, will continue to sleep, and perhaps even more calmly than he slept before... And at the same time, he will already be in contact with you, already in communication, will already perceive your state and mood, your thoughts and internal images, your words... He will hear you with deep, essential hearing, with the ears of the soul. You will enter into direct communication with his subconscious. A sleeping child may let you know about this by slightly moving or mooing, or even using some words, but will continue to sleep. In the unlikely event that he starts to wake up, don’t be scared or upset, just kiss, stroke, tell him that everything is fine - and continue to be close - or move away, and come back in a minute or two. And slowly enter into hypnotic communication again...

4. Suggestion itself, also known as hypnosis.

Everything that you now say or even just vividly imagine will begin to be imprinted into the child’s deep subconscious and - sooner or later - will have an impact on his condition, well-being, mood, way of thinking and behavior. Real hypnosis, in the full sense of the word. The results of your hypnotic suggestions may appear the next morning, or they may take more than a month.

Working with patients, both adults and children, I became convinced of how powerful such delayed suggestions, produced through a sleepy-hypnotic state, can be. This is how, for example, persistent urinary incontinence is cured in children and adolescents, and in adults, sexual disorders or severe obsessive states...

It is impossible to predict the timing of the effect, but its probability is quite high and increases with the continuation of suggestion. The longest, most persistent suggestions are needed, of course, to work with persistent distortions of character and mental development disorders. Suggestions do not produce miracles, they do not create something out of nothing - but they pave the way for hidden possibilities, prepare the ground for what can happen, water the seeds that can sprout... And in programmer language - they remove blocks and activate internal programs, and in some At least they create new ones.

Please be moderate and careful in your claims for the effectiveness of your hypnotic influence. Don’t expect the impossible from them and be careful not to go against the child’s nature. If, for example, you want your child to develop an appetite for something for which he has a persistent aversion, then before instilling this appetite in him, think ten times whether this is necessary. Most likely, a child avoids eating something because his body is trying to avoid the potential harmfulness of this product, even if this product is needed for energy nutrition and development. For example, meat: animal protein, of course, is desirable for the growth and development of a child, but his body may not have the necessary enzyme systems to neutralize the toxins formed during a meat diet, and gives a signal about this in the form of a persistent reluctance to eat meat. Under the influence of your suggestions, a child may begin to eat meat, and as a result, begin to suffer from sore throats or something even worse... Is there such a threat in your particular case? We don't know. Therefore: if a child stubbornly refuses meat, then suggestions regarding meat should be formulated very generally and carefully. Like: “The cutlets are delicious. You might like them.”

How long to continue the suggestion? From two to seven minutes, with pauses of 10-15-20 seconds... How many times should one suggestion be repeated in one session? Five to seven times, nine to be sure, but in no case more than twelve. If you repeat a phrase like “Cutlets are delicious”, then it is better to pronounce it in different intonations and variations: “Cutlets are good”, “Cutlets are fragrant”, “Cutlets are wonderful”, “Cutlets are funny”... Be careful when it comes to cutlets, then you risk instilling what was said into yourself with such force that immediately after the session you will destroy all the cutlets that are in the house at the moment, including raw ones :)

5. End the session.

It's quite simple: gently stroke the baby, you can kiss him, you can hold your hand on his forehead, shoulder or arm, bless him with a silent prayer...

Suggestions can be carried out every night; however, if you carry them out for more than two weeks, then it is better to do this intermittently - every other day. After 15 sessions, I recommend taking at least a week break. And after forty - a break of at least one month.

I'm sure you will succeed.

With God!

in columns: *** 2. Unknown artist - Track 2

Reading time: 4 min

Suggestion is the process of influence by one person on the subconscious of another, in which the latter uncritically perceives the attitudes that are being implanted. Suggestion is a specially formed emotional or verbal construction. Psychological suggestion blocks a person's thinking and changes his behavior. Many people firmly believe that only they control their behavior and their own thoughts. But many experts claim and prove that such phenomena exist: suggestion, telepathy, hypnosis. It is with the help of these techniques that some people influence others, instilling in them their thoughts and desires. Not a single sphere of human activity can do without suggestion; many social processes occur only thanks to it.

Suggestion on a person occurs during communication, education, work, and relationships. Sometimes this process of influencing a person is used for selfish purposes, benefit; psychological suggestion is used for the sake of auxiliary therapy, for example, with attitudes towards well-being.

Together with the concept of suggestion, the term is used, and the person using suggestion is called a suggestor.

The art of suggestion includes the use of verbal and non-verbal methods of influence. Often a person does not understand that during communication they influence him, imposing their own moods and opinions.

The power of suggestion increases with repeated repetition of the influence. It is necessary to repeat the information suggested to a person several times, since he will not be able to remember it and perceive it as proper information the first time.

The strength of the influence process depends on several factors: the mood of the suggestible, his emotional stability, the nature of the influence, the conditions of implementation, the authority of the suggestible, pliability, natural disasters and other factors.

Suggestion, the technique of the method, is based on the individual’s willingness to accept the transmitted information on a subconscious level, therefore it is often more effective than the method of persuasion, which is based on logical evidence.

Psychological suggestion instills in a person other people's ideas and thoughts, feelings and even sensations, without using any evidence or logical explanations. Individuals who manifest themselves as spiritually weak, timid, fearful and shy, those who uncritically perceive others, those who are too trusting and simple-minded, prone to dependence on others are very susceptible to this process of influence.

Strong personalities who are proficient in business activity, proactive, and energetic are difficult to suggest; arrogant and proud; unsociable and gloomy; eccentric; too frank; not dependent on others or having someone in their own dependence.

The following factors will contribute to the implementation of suggestion:

Internal dependence;

Overwork and psychophysical exhaustion of the object;

Psychological tension;

Unexpected communication of information;

Repeated message repetition;

Specific emotionality and absolute logic of the suggestor;

Suggestion to a person may not be carried out if internal barriers interfere with its implementation, including:

Critical-logical - a person rejects what he considers logically unfounded;

Intuitive-affective - the individual does not perceive information that does not evoke subconscious trust;

Ethical - a person does not accept material that contradicts his moral and ethical laws.

Overcoming the described barriers does not involve focusing on eliminating them, but making adjustments. For example, in order to influence an individual with little education, it is necessary to combine influences with strong negative emotions; if this person is intellectually developed, then use positive emotions.

If the subject is uncertain or depressed, it is best to approach him with a commanding tone, using gestures and facial expressions.

Suggestion of thoughts

Often, those closest to you, out of the most benevolent motives, can use suggestion on a person and make him believe that this perception is his own.

When influencing, it is absolutely not necessary to use only verbal or tactile contact to impose information on a person; you can do this from a distance.

Suggestion to a person, in contrast to the suppressive phenomena that modern mystics claim to be real, is an objective fact of reality. Scientists call it hypnosis. Hypnosis can change the state of consciousness. An individual who is awake or, conversely, asleep, is difficult to hypnotize. For a hypnotic suggestion to be effective, the individual must be in a state of drowsiness or trance. Consciousness in such an intermediate state acquires specific properties. The individual’s degree of criticality of consciousness sharply drops, the mechanism for forming a critical assessment of material coming from outside and the process of filtering data that do not agree with his experience, beliefs, laws of logic, habits, prejudices weakens, therefore, he will perceive everything that is told to him .

Also in this state, the impact of imagination and fantasy on conscious processes increases. Things that could previously be regulated by logical mechanisms now begin to obey only emotional perception, so if previously all decisions were made based solely on the criteria of right or wrong, profitable or unprofitable, now they change: like and dislike. That is why the main role here will be played by the personality of the inspiring hypnotist and the level of trust.

At first, the hypnotic process of influence was considered as a tool through which it was permissible to instill in a person anything, any thoughts. Gradually, psychotherapists who practiced came to the conclusion that hypnotic suggestion will be effective if the suggested information corresponds to the needs of the person.

If the inspired thoughts are contrary to the needs and attitudes of the individual, then she may develop an internal conflict, depression, nervous disorder, or breakdown. Due to the possible consequences, hypnotic suggestion is used only through the use of Ericksonian hypnosis, in which ready-made decisions and thoughts are not suggested. The patient gets the opportunity to sneak into his own, there to discover the cause of personal problems and, thanks to an experienced doctor, find their solution.

Suggestion of thoughts will have positive results if certain rules are followed. Thus, the object of influence must remain in this state until critical thinking and sober logical analysis of information are turned off.

The person who carries out the suggestion of thoughts must believe in the information that he inspires in the ward. If he fails to do this, then the suggestible will not be able to trust and the process will fail. Also, the suggestible person should not feel dissatisfied with himself during the influence session, otherwise the result will not be achieved. It is worth keeping all the promises given to the inspired. To improve your art of suggestion, you need to practice often.

Methods of suggestion

To persuade a person to take a desired action, block an undesirable behavior or way of thinking; the rapid spread of rumors and necessary information requires methods of suggestion.

Types of suggestion have several classifications, one of which includes the following: verbal, non-verbal, unintentional and intentional.

Verbal influence is realized using verbal formulations.

Nonverbal suggestion is carried out wordlessly, through intonations, postures and glances. Nonverbal influence has three subtypes: catalepsy, pause and levitation.

Unintentional suggestion is when the suggestor, without having specific goals to suggest something to the object of influence, does not make a conscious effort to do so. This type of influence is effective when the object is internally disposed to the evoked information.

Intentional suggestion is when the suggestor has a goal of influence and clearly understands what exactly he is going to and will suggest, and applies all the steps to achieve his goal.

Types of suggestion in content: positive - allows you to achieve positive changes in the state of the object, its character, emotions and behavior.

Negative suggestion is a psychological impact of a negative nature, after which negative states, actions, properties and feelings appear.

Some masters distinguish the following types of suggestion:

Impact when the client is awake, when his consciousness is fully active;

In the relaxing state of the individual, in which muscular and psychological relaxation appears;

Hypnotic suggestion, in which the object of influence is in an altered psychophysiological state;

Mental suggestion carried out without direct contact with a person;

Metaphysical suggestion is the combination of a conversation about the reality of the “I” of the individual and the indivisibility of the Universe with the thought process of influence. This method is used to heal the client mentally or physically.

There are also other types of suggestion: pressure, strong persuasion, emotional-volitional influence.

Indirect suggestions are an influence in which the individual has his own choice to reject or still accept the influence. Such influence is necessary to direct a person’s actions, emotions and thoughts in the direction that he is trying to avoid. Indirect suggestions are divided into the following types:

Acceptance sequence: when the suggestor lists statements that the individual perceives, and at the end of the list the attitude that needs to be accepted is pronounced;

Implication: the suggestor speaks firmly about possible consequences, and the client sets himself up precisely for the predicted outcome;

Double bind: the client is asked to make one choice between two similar options;

A suggestion in which the suggestor voices a list of possible options for a situation, while omitting the most significant event. Subsequently, the individual's attention is attracted most of all to it, and he fixes his consciousness on a certain aspect.

Hypnotic suggestion is an effect that immerses the client in a state of altered consciousness. With the help of the suggestor’s manipulations, a person deepens into a hypnotic sleep, and while in the state of this sleep, he reacts animatedly to the statements of the hypnotist. There is no critical assessment of the information, so the commands go into the subconscious itself, skipping conscious analysis. Then there is an impact on behavior, health and psycho-emotional state.

According to another classification, there are the following types of suggestion:

Mechanical: the client is influenced through things and phenomena that have a monotonous effect (sound, light);

Mental suggestion is the same as verbal - influence by word;

Magnetic suggestion – based on the use of therapeutic magnetism.

Experts believe that the best effect is achieved by combining magnetic and mental influences.

Psychological suggestion is distinguished separately from other types; it is often correlated with everyday suggestion. Psychological suggestion uses the special psychological influence of a suggestor on a suggestor, who uses verbal and nonverbal methods of communication. The quality of the suggestor's arguments is not so high, the criticality of the suggestor's thoughts is low. It turns out that the suggestor delves into the weak arguments of the suggestor, and includes them among his own, without requiring evidence for this. Here the suggestor is not so much influenced by the source, form of suggestion and content, as by the personality of the suggestor, who evokes unconditional trust.

Attitudes that are inspired by the suggestor and laid down in the subconscious of the suggestor become part of his personality. Subsequently, the individual who was influenced changes his usual behavior in accordance with the received attitudes.

Suggestion at a distance is a method in which attitudes are imposed on an individual when he is not in the immediate area of ​​action. This method has the ability to change beliefs and behavior.

Suggestion at a distance is associated with phenomena such as hypnosis and telepathy.

Suggestion at a distance

Skeptics do not recognize the suggestion of thoughts at an indefinite distance. They do not even recognize the possibility of its existence, however, it is real and has already been proven. Many people know about hypnosis and believe in it, but in addition to hypnosis, there is also hypnotic telepathy, thanks to which it becomes possible to exert a powerful influence at a distance, that is, without visual contact.

The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance is based on influence through signals that come from the cerebral cortex. Those who are targeted by this signal are unaware of the influence it has on them, believing that the thoughts in their heads belong only to them.

There is a theory according to which all thoughts are radio waves of certain frequencies. A person is considered a radio receiver and, under appropriate conditions, he will be able to pick up other people's thoughts at a distance.

The method of mental influence at a distance is telepathic suggestion, which is called telehypnosis. Telepathy has no quantitative or spatial limitations, unlike force or material influence, does not depend on external conditions and can influence anyone, regardless of the size of the separating distance.

You can even do something that seems completely impossible to others - force an individual to call. Even when the person of interest is at a distance of up to a thousand kilometers, he will be able to catch the transmitted thought that you are asking her to call back. Human thought transmitted by the brain moves much faster than the speed of light and is capable of reaching any point on Earth in an instant. You just need to understand that a thought is a wave that is capable of moving in space without restrictions and being transmitted to others.

An individual who believes that he does not have telepathic abilities must take a good look at his own life and be able to remember when he used telepathic abilities at least once. For example, it is not difficult to remember such a case as you were about to call a person and suddenly, when you picked up the phone, the phone rang from the very person you needed to call.

Second example, you think about a person for a long time, and soon you meet him, as if completely by accident. Also, when in a conversation you suddenly say one phrase at the same time as your interlocutor.

Telepathy often occurs among those closest to you. Having heard the words of a loved one, you understand that you probably knew what he would say. Everyone has quite a few examples of cases. After all, it happens that you watch a person who does not see you for a long time and intently, and suddenly he turns around and makes eye contact with you.

Sometimes it happens that suddenly thoughts come to mind that are usually completely unusual for a person, and he feels them as alien. Indeed, it is true that thoughts that are not typical for you may not be yours, they were inspired by another person.

The human brain is a powerful radio station and at the same time a radio receiver. In some states of consciousness, after a change in electro-wave activity, you can hear other people's thoughts and also broadcast them at a distance.

The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance is not as difficult as it seems. Probably, many people imagine that there must be a magical ritual for this, but everyone can carry it out simply at home. The technique is best performed at night, just when a person’s consciousness is better subject to suggestion, it relaxes as much as possible, or sleeps. It is sleep that is the most suitable moment for suggestion, since the subconscious is best open to influence. You can transmit thoughts at a distance, and a person will perceive them as their own. Thanks to this method, you can instill love, desire and emotion in a person.

The technique of instilling thoughts at a distance begins with taking the most comfortable position, lying down or standing. Once you are comfortable, you need to relax all the muscles of your body and feel this sensation. Inhale deeply and exhale three times. Next, you need to think about a short, well-perceived text, wording that meets the needs, which will be sent to the person.

You need to focus as much as possible on the feeling of the person to whom the suggestion is planned. To do this, you should close your eyes, imagine it vividly, and as realistically as possible, as clearly as possible and express the already invented text, mentally repeat several times, extremely carefully, there should not be a single extra thought in your head.

Next, you need to visualize the moment how he carries out the order that was given in the text. For example, he confidently picks up the phone, dials the number and calls. Suggested thoughts penetrate through energy channels into the brain and do what is necessary - the suggestion reaches the object. The thoughts of the suggestor become the thoughts of the suggestor; he will pick up the phone, thinking that he himself wants to call you. You can develop your art of suggestion by practicing for 15 minutes every day.

Consistent actions that allow a person to calm down and fall into a trance are called hypnosis. Direct installations immediately enter the subconscious of a person who is put into a hypnotic sleep. To quickly enter the state, relaxation techniques and special exercises are used.

The power of hypnosis

Hypnosis is suggestion that occurs under certain conditions. The person is specially put into a trance. This is a borderline state when the patient does not sleep, but is not awake either. He understands what is happening to him, but cannot react to what is happening, because sleep-hypnosis completely turns off consciousness. It works on adults and children with the right method.

How does suggestion affect:

  • when a person is immersed in a hypnotic sleep, he cannot think about the instructions that are pronounced;
  • on a subconscious level, everything said during hypnosis is perceived as a new idea or a reason for future actions (consciousness does not question these attitudes);
  • After awakening, a person is sure that all desires come from him.

Hypnosis is used for treatment when a person has an addiction or bad habits (with a psychological root cause). Special techniques are used to correctly enter and exit trance.

Sleep under the influence

Hypnosis in a dream is an opportunity to change the way a person thinks. That part of her nature that creates false attitudes. With the help of trance, the behavior and habits of a man or woman change. This type of hypnosis is not usually practiced on children. It is used if other methods have not worked, because children have not yet formed their psyche, and such actions can be harmful.

Hypnotic sleep does not last more than 30–40 minutes. In total, the entire session lasts about an hour. This is the optimal time for introducing a person into a trance, introducing an attitude and safely removing him from sleep. This trance does not work with superficial hypnosis: it is a deep effect that is carried out in a quiet room without strangers.

Stages of going into trance

The technique of entering a hypnotic sleep consists of several stages. First of all, the person being hypnotized prepares - the person must be ready for the session mentally and physically. He meets a hypnotist and undergoes a preliminary medical examination. After this, one of the relaxation techniques is used on the patient - techniques that help to quickly fall into hypnotic sleep.

Hypnosis itself consists of suggestion, which is read at the third stage. A person is given several attitudes or one thought, correctly formulated. The statement is prepared in advance - it should be simple and understandable to the hypnotized person. The session ends when the person comes out of the trance. For the first half hour he needs rest and quiet.

Preparing for work

Hypnotic sleep requires certain conditions. For convenience, a cozy room is selected in which the hypnotized person can relax. On the eve of the procedure, all stages of entering a trance are explained to him. A person should not be afraid of hypnosis or loss of control over himself. An important step in preparing for bed is a medical examination.

Poor health of the hypnotized person and mental illness are direct contraindications to the procedure. Before entering a trance, a deep psychoanalysis is carried out - it will help to correctly formulate the attitude that will be instilled.

Relaxation technique

During hypnotic sleep, muscle relaxation is necessary. Without relieving tension, it will not be possible to enter a trance. Relaxation techniques are used in the first hypnosis sessions if a person is prescribed a course of treatment. They are also used for people with strong mental protection.

Techniques for hypnotic sleep:

  • Jacobson technique: a simple technique of hypnotic sleep is used in cases where the hypnotized person experiences severe fear or tries to isolate himself from what is happening (the patient resists treatment); The exercise is carried out in a comfortable position; it is necessary to alternately tense and relax the muscles of the body; for this, the person being hypnotized thinks to himself about a certain part of the body, then tenses it for 6–7 seconds. and immediately relaxes; the technique begins from the muscles of the head and ends with the toes;
  • the wobbly chair method is another way to relax: sitting on a chair, shake its legs well, such methodical vibrations will allow anxiety to leave the human body and distract from external noise; for the best effect, a person’s legs should be raised at an acute angle, the amplitude of vibrations should be the same; The exercise is carried out for 10–15 minutes, all this time the hypnotized person lets go of doubts and calms down.

The outcome of the entire event depends on the patient’s mood. If he experiences severe fear during hypnosis, the effect of the procedure will be insignificant. Before the session, the doctor explains that the brain can do anything, but it needs help - to give a command to the body to relax.

Meditation for sleep

For hypnosis to work, relaxation techniques that can be used without other people will come in handy. Yoga and meditation allow you to focus only on your own body and mind. During the procedures, thoughts are cleared and worries go away. Meditation in its pure form also has a good effect on a person who tends to suffer due to his own thinking.

To do this, you need to disconnect from the outside world - any extraneous sounds can interfere with hypnosis and entering a trance state. Soothing music is used to help the body switch from external to internal.

It should not be too loud: it is better to choose a melodic, calm composition. Incense will also allow you to focus on yourself and your feelings. Hypnosis during meditation is practiced by experienced hypnotists: it will be difficult for a beginner to go into trance in the first sessions.

Entering and exiting trance

During a trance, mental protection is switched off; in this state, a person is vulnerable and defenseless. After instilling the installation, it is important to get out of the trance correctly.

To do this, the hypnotist gives a command - this is a simple but infrequently used word (it should not evoke any associations in the hypnotized person). It takes a long time for a person to come out of this state. Sensitivity gradually returns to him.

If hypnosis is used to treat addictions or get rid of harmful thoughts, the patient is prescribed psychotherapy or medication immediately after therapy. For such patients, proper rehabilitation is necessary.

Coming out of a trance should not create unnecessary stress - doctors should be with the person all the time before and after hypnosis. During this period, it is important to have the support of loved ones who will help you accept this technique.


Hypnotic sleep is the main component of hypnosis, which is used for deep suggestion. A person is deliberately put into a trance, after which the necessary installation is “planted” into his subconscious. After such a dream, a person rests, gains strength and goes through further stages of complex therapy.

Verbal suggestion to a sleeping person

We have already said above that a sleeping person is more susceptible to negative influences than when he is awake. Naturally, in such a suggestion, the results of influence will be different for both the suggested and the suggestor. The latter will achieve its goal faster, but at the same time will cause more harm to the suggestible. This is how damage is sent through a dream. So, who influences whom and for what purpose.

Most often this is intra-family influence. Members of one family try to influence others in order to achieve some results.

A mother influences her married son in order to cause him to quarrel with his wife.

The mother performs a mysterious ritual over the face of her sleeping son: she fans her face with a black chicken feather, saying: “ I blow my feather - I drive away love, I drive away love - I leave my son».

The spell is repeated 9 times.

After such a suggestion, the son will dream that he does not love his wife, and in the dream the wife will be perceived as a strange, unfamiliar woman. The next morning the son will not be able to get rid of sleep. Distrust and alienation will be introduced into the relationship with your beloved wife. If this ritual is repeated throughout the week, it will be possible to stifle the son’s feelings for his wife.

After this, the mother can begin to influence her daughter-in-law.

The mother-in-law blows a black chicken feather over her face and reads the spell: “ Your beauty will fade, your love will disappear».

The spell is also repeated 9 times.

The daughter-in-law will have a dream in which she perceives her husband as a complete stranger. A ritual attack by the mother-in-law can last a week and produce results.

It happens that a daughter-in-law wants to harm her mother-in-law (father-in-law) or a son-in-law wants to harm her mother-in-law (father-in-law).

In this case, a feather from a red hen is taken, the face of a sleeping person is fanned with it, and the following spell is said: “ Life is not a joy, dreams are disgusting».

Repeated 3 times.

At night, older people will have a scary dream that will greatly affect their well-being.

For example, if they want a person to become seriously ill, they repeat many times: “ You will die, you are not a survivor, go to the kingdom of the dead».

After such a suggestion, a person will dream that he will soon die, that he will be executed or killed, and his health will sharply deteriorate.

Or, for example, a wife wants her husband to be able to love only her. She says these words: “ Your masculine strength will only be mine».

She repeats these words many times. As a result, the unfortunate husband will dream that he is being made into a eunuch. The result will be exactly what the wife wants.

It happens that a mistress influences another man's sleeping husband. She places her hands on the forehead of the sleeping man and repeats the spell: “ If you leave me, you won’t get to her. You'll forget me- her you'll fall out of love».

After this, the husband may dream that he has two wives and they decided to saw him in half. Imagine what thoughts will overcome the poor husband, especially considering that the dream will be repeated regularly.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Spiritual Body and Physical Health by Samokhin N E

Suggestion and hypnosis: pros and cons As we see, suggestion and especially self-hypnosis is a powerful, universal means of combating all diseases. Non-traditional schools of healing, as well as traditional medicine, have long appreciated this effective remedy.

From the book Masks of the World author Zorin Petr Grigorievich

74 SUGGESTION AND ILLUSIONS Suggestion is possible not only by word, but also by example, no matter in what form this example exists. Suggestion easily gives rise to illusions of perception, but in some cases, in order for these illusions to arise, repeated repetition of suggestion is required, in

From the book Classic Recipes for Magic author Gordeev Sergey Vasilievich

XII. Instilling love Oddly enough, but according to the recipe of European wizards, love can be achieved using the same wax figurine (or image) as in experiments to destroy enemies. The sequence of actions is similar to the events described in the previous section.

From the book Secret Teachings. Alchemy, hypnosis and magic author Gordeev Sergey Vasilievich

14.12. INSPIRATION OF LOVE Oddly enough, but according to the recipe of European wizards, love can be achieved using the same wax figurine (or image) as in experiments to destroy enemies. The sequence of actions is similar to those described in the previous

From the book Tablets of the Magician author Likhanov A V

Suggestion of movements and actions 8. In a theater or any other public place, direct your magical gaze to the back of the head of the subject in front of you. Instill in him that he should turn and look at you. If this is difficult to achieve, then gradually

author Mizun Yuri Gavrilovich

Exercise 24. Post-hypnotic suggestion

From the book Secrets of the World Mind and Clairvoyance author Mizun Yuri Gavrilovich

Exercise 59. Psychokinetic suggestion of feelings

author Kladnikova Serafima

Suggestion with a positive goal In essence, this phenomenon resembles the situation from the movie “The Big Break”. Remember the character played by Evgeny Leonov who unsuccessfully tried to learn history in his sleep? Such suggestion is aimed at achieving some

From the book How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage author Kladnikova Serafima

Suggestion with a negative goal It is natural that a person strives for power over another person. Such suggestion benefits some and harms others. There are many ways and means of suggestion to achieve the planned negative effect for

From the book How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage author Kladnikova Serafima

Verbal suggestion on a waking person Everyone has encountered verbal suggestion at least once in their life. In such a suggestion, the main technique on the part of the “suggestioner” is to talk you into losing your pulse, to get you, as they say. Information that is suggested

From the book How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage author Kladnikova Serafima

Verbal suggestion at a distance A person who wants to suggest something at a distance must have telepathic abilities. Usually the suggestion is made over a photograph of the victim and always at night. For example, you can make a person obsessed

From the book Farewell without return? [Death and the other world from the point of view of parapsychology] author Passian Rudolf

Telepathy - suggestion - hypnosis Many paranormal phenomena can be explained by the transmission of thoughts at a distance, so-called telepathy. Today this is a proven fact, so there is no need to refute skeptical counterarguments. But we had to spend many years

From the book Phase. Cracking the illusion of reality author Rainbow Mikhail

Hypnosis and suggestion A little-studied opportunity to master the phase is the hypnotic effect on a person. The point is that the hypnologist, through suggestion or instructions, will introduce the average person into the phase. The fact that this is relevant for individuals who are easily susceptible to

From the book Superpowers of the Human Brain. Journey into the subconscious author Rainbow Mikhail

From the book The ABC of Happiness. Book I. “The Main Thing About Man” author Lada-Rus (Peunova) Svetlana

Hypnosis, suggestion and self-hypnosis What do we usually understand by the word “hypnosis”? This is the suppression of a person’s own will and consciousness, or rather, turning them off and replacing them with the will and consciousness of the hypnotist. In psychotherapeutic practice this is sometimes necessary,

From the book Shadow and Reality by Swami Suhotra

Chapter 3: Verbal Evidence (Shabda) The word shabda is found in the Upanishads, Vedanta Sutra, Srimad Bhagavatam, Mahabharata and many other ancient Sanskrit texts. Its main meaning is “sound” or “voice”. Shabda is the vibration of the element akash, ether, or