Telephone call for a psychiatric team. How to call emergency psychiatric help: contacts, in what cases is it necessary

Emergency psychiatric care may be required in a variety of life situations: suicide attempt, substance abuse, depression, psychosis, outburst of aggression and violence or uncontrolled behavior. Demand for psychiatrist services has increased because patients with mental illness are very complex to care for. Often, it is necessary to call a psychiatrist at home when it comes to exacerbation of the disease. Relapse is a crisis of patient stability in many serious and potentially life-threatening conditions that may include acute or chronic mental disorders or symptoms similar to these conditions.

We can help at home without hospitalization in a specialized hospital in cases of the following conditions:

Panic attack, phobia, pessimism, feelings of guilt, worthlessness, anxiety and/or fear;
-low self-esteem, inability to concentrate and make decisions;
-thoughts of death and (or) suicide, unstable appetite, marked loss or gain of weight;
- neurosis, nervous disorder, depressive mood (in children and adolescents this may manifest as irritability);
-anorexia, nervous tics, significant decrease in pleasure or interest in all or almost all activities;
-psychopathy, severe psychosis, loss of weight and appetite (possibly increased appetite and weight gain);
- unclear manifestation of aggression, psychomotor agitation or inhibition;
-insomnia (possible hypersomnia), decreased energy and increased fatigue;
-feelings of worthlessness and low self-esteem or inadequate feelings of guilt;
-inhibited thinking or decreased ability to concentrate.

If these conditions last more than one or two days, this is a serious cause for concern, because these symptoms may indicate not only the presence of a short-term mental or borderline disorder, but also serious illnesses, including those of non-psychiatric origin. Our doctors will accurately determine the cause of such conditions and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Type of servicePrice
Calling a psychiatric ambulance7000 rub.
Calling a psychiatrist to your home5000 rub.
Inpatient psychiatric carefrom 5000 rub./day
Calling a psychiatrist to your home for older peoplefrom 4000 rub.
Consultation with a psychiatrist at homefrom 2000 rub.
Calling a child psychiatrist to your homefrom 5500 rub.
Admission to a psychiatric hospital or hospital3000 rub.

Assistance is provided to all categories of patients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The psychiatric department provides the opportunity to stay in hospital for two or three days in order to obtain diagnostic clarity, to find a suitable alternative to psychiatric hospitalization for the patient. It also treats those patients whose symptoms can be eliminated within a short period of time.

In what cases is it necessary to call a psychiatric hospital? According to WHO estimates, 1 million suicides occur annually in the world. More suicide attempts. A variety of methods are used to treat mental disorders associated with an increased risk of completed or attempted suicide. Psychiatrists are able to predict the actions patients may take against themselves. Complex factors leading to suicide stem from many sources, including psychosocial, biological, interpersonal, anthropological, and religious.

Mental health professionals will use any resources available to
them to identify risk factors, make an overall assessment and decide on the necessary treatment. It is impossible to prevent suicide without the help of a psychiatrist. You should immediately call a psychiatrist to your home if you notice a person’s suicidal behavior. Aggression can also be a reason to call the orderlies from the psychiatric hospital, as it provokes violent actions towards others. This condition is the result of both internal and external factors that activate the autonomic nervous system.

The system of providing mental health care at the state level is hopelessly outdated. Unlike European psychological clinics, our dispensaries and hospitals look like a wretched legacy of the Soviet Union. Those methods and medications that were used 50 years ago are used in the treatment of mentally abnormal people to this day. This cannot but cause a skeptical view of the level of provision of emergency psychiatric services. When a psychiatrist arrives, the patient most often reacts negatively to the appearance of doctors. A picture from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” immediately appears in the brain of the unfortunate person, where two tall orderlies with blank faces are tightly holding the weakly resisting Shurik. This may make a healthy person smile, but the possibility of falling into the hands of such medical professionals is not really any fun.


It is also worth saying a little about what work is in psychiatry. This is the daily hard work of dispatchers, orderlies, and doctors. The psychiatric ambulance team responding to a call is strictly limited in the time of arrival and departure. The doctor needs to decide in a few minutes what’s wrong with the patient? Is hospitalization necessary? What medications can be used immediately? Making a diagnosis is also the responsibility of a specialist. But let’s be objective and imagine that the doctor has to talk with an aggressive person who was not informed about the arrival of the team and refuses to answer questions, and the doctor needs to go to the next call.


Our paid psychiatric ambulance service operates around the clock and can offer you the following specialized services:

  • Paid emergency psychiatric care. At the first signs of a mental disorder, call the indicated numbers and a team will be with you within 10-30 minutes. Our team, as a rule, consists of a psychiatrist, a paramedic and an orderly. Our employees are always polite, neat, and professional. We will spend as much time with you as needed!
  • Help from a psychiatrist in a hospital or at home. If you do not require emergency (immediate) psychiatric care, you can order the service “psychiatric help at home” or psychiatric treatment in our hospital. We can also hospitalize you in any psychiatric hospital. If you need help from a psychiatrist, call us! We can help you!
  • Transportation of psychiatric patients by ambulance. At the request and with the consent of the patient’s relatives, our team can also use forced methods of hospitalization or transportation of psychiatric patients. We can deliver the patient both to the hospital and to any place at your request.
  • Organization of psychiatric care for citizens(we provide emergency psychiatric care in Moscow and the Moscow region, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on psychiatric care and the rights of citizens during its provision, you can call emergency psychiatric care on the indicated numbers daily and around the clock, our team will provide assistance at home or hospitalize to a psychiatric hospital).
  • Emergency psychiatric care(we provide both planned inpatient and emergency psychiatric care, inpatient psychiatric care can be provided with or without the patient’s consent, urgent psychiatric care will also be provided with the consent of the relatives (guardians) of the person who has been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder).
  • Psychiatric care for children(our medical center for providing round-the-clock psychiatric care can accept both children, adults and adolescents, we will provide assistance to any segment of the population, paid psychiatric care for children is more accessible if you contact our medical center).
  • Compulsory psychiatric care(a team is called to provide compulsory psychiatric care only if the patient has already been diagnosed; by calling the hotline you can get answers to all your questions).
  • Specialized psychiatric care(this category includes emergency psychiatric care for children and adolescents, psychiatric and psychological care, outpatient care for elderly patients, anonymous psychiatric care service without the patient’s consent, psychological and psychiatric care.
  • First aid for schizophrenia, psychosis, neurosis, if the patient is delirious, first aid for depression or panic attack, anxiety and anxious states, severe feelings of fear, phobias, neurasthenia and other mental disorders.

Moscow is a huge city with a busy life, so there is a high level of people with mental disorders. But not every manifestation of the disease requires immediate hospitalization. When and how to call a psychiatric ambulance? First, let's talk about conditions that require the intervention of a psychiatric ambulance team, whose phone number is best to have on hand or written down in a visible place. So, exacerbations of psychosis, schizophrenia, depression with suicidal intentions and withdrawal syndrome (delirium tremens, “squirrel”) in alcoholics and drug addicts, accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations, delirium, fainting and attempts to harm themselves or others, all these conditions require immediate hospitalization . When calling a state psychiatric team, relatives are often faced with the fact that, due to a busy schedule and workload, the doctor does not arrive immediately, but after a significant period of time, the patient is examined quickly, a diagnosis is made and recommendations for hospitalization are issued automatically. No one will persuade the patient - there is no time! Violent methods of hospitalization are used (Shurik comes to mind), sedatives with severe side effects are used (they were banned in Europe several decades ago).

This is what a mentally ill person and his relatives have to face. Separately, it is worth describing the conditions of state hospitals for people with disabilities, but this requires a special article, because the living conditions in multi-bed wards are extremely difficult (smell, unsanitary conditions, rude staff, lack of repairs, inability to leave the ward). For a number of reasons, many relatives of people with mental disorders have long called our paid psychiatric ambulance. Our doctors are polite and competent, spending as much time with the patient as his condition requires. Medicines are used as a last resort, only after a long conversation. Brute force and violent methods of hospitalization are not used. Since in our country there is a very large percentage of people suffering from severe forms of alcoholism, it doesn’t hurt to know how to call a psychiatric ambulance for alcoholics. If an alcoholic has a binge or has come out of it, then most likely he has alcoholic psychosis. You need hospitalization and a call to a psychiatric ambulance, otherwise anything can happen. Causing bodily harm to yourself and others is the most harmless development of events.

If you see that a person does not come out of binge drinking for several days, especially weeks, be prepared to dial the telephone number of a psychiatric ambulance at the crucial moment. If possible, call a paid ambulance, the attitude will be more humane, anonymity and hospitalization in a good hospital are ensured. It is important to note that paid emergency psychiatric care also travels to the Moscow region. Wherever the patient is, a paid psychiatric team will come to his aid as quickly as possible. Education and personal development is a complex process that is individual and can last a person’s entire life. From birth, the human psyche is tested for strength, for example, everyone knows about the midlife crisis, but in fact the first and strongest test is the newborn crisis, which sometimes has a subconscious impact on the entire future life of the individual.

When growing up, a person goes through many different turning points and difficult moments. For these reasons, at any age, when a person begins to experience difficulties in overcoming psychological barriers, understanding on his own or without realizing the difficulty of the psychological situation, it becomes necessary to call a psychiatrist to provide psychiatric care at home; inpatient psychiatric care may be required in more severe cases. Unfortunately, in our country there is a negative attitude towards psychiatry. And such an assessment is not groundless. World history, from the very beginnings of psychiatry, is full of horrific examples of inhumane treatment of the mentally ill. Psychiatry, at different times, has surpassed the Inquisition in terms of pacifying unwanted people.

A psychiatric emergency telephone number should always be at hand; if necessary, it is advisable for a mentally ill person to call a paid ambulance. However, any medal always has two sides. Currently, being afraid of a psychiatrist is tantamount to being afraid of a person with severe toothache to go to the dentist and independently trying to pull out a bad tooth using floss and a doorknob. This is funny and not constructive. Moreover, in different everyday situations and for especially sensitive people there is always such a service as calling a psychiatrist at home . It may be more convenient to call a psychiatrist when the doctor needs to talk with all family members. For example, the case if there is a seriously ill patient in the family. And for a long time (usually a critical period of a year and a half), family member(s) have to drop out completely or partially from society to provide assistance and service to a sick relative. Here we need consultation and help from a psychiatrist at home for all family members.

The patient, as a rule, develops persistent depression against the background of a physical illness, and the relative caring for him “burns out” emotionally. Both sides cannot get out of this vicious circle on their own. Do not forget that depression is the same disease as all others, only it causes damage to the psyche: emotional stress, bad mood, irritability, increased fatigue, problems concentrating, insomnia, decreased or impaired appetite. If depression is not treated, somatic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, may arise or worsen. Saving money on your mental state and the health of your loved ones and relatives is not wise. The more the situation gets worse, the stronger the disease and its complications develop, and the more expensive and difficult it will be to get rid of the disease. Accordingly, by and large, a paid psychiatrist at home will save your money. If you do not know how to call a psychiatric ambulance, you can call the phone number indicated above, the team will be with you within half an hour. Calling a psychiatrist to your home is also necessary in cases of profound age-related changes in the human psyche. Such changes can be caused by shocks caused by the loss of a spouse, sometimes retirement, or other mental shocks.

In psychology, a whole topic is devoted to age-related changes - Gerontopsychology. A psychiatrist for elderly people will help at home if paranoid forms of the disease are visible, in other words, obsessive delusions (jealousy, despite age, constant suspicions of relatives of stealing some small things, even the desire to commit suicide). And of course, in such cases as senile nocturnal delirium (the restlessness of old people at night, which they forget in the morning), a psychiatrist at home for an elderly person is the only correct solution. The psychiatric ambulance team will provide urgent and emergency assistance to both the patient and relatives. A psychiatrist at home, in a family setting, will not disturb the usual routine of your elderly relative. And this is a very important aspect when extending the full life of your elderly. We must not forget about the inevitable frailty of all of us. And what example of attitude towards old people you show to your children now, the same treatment you will receive towards yourself in the future. Some categories of people are characterized by mental disorders associated with the abuse of various substances. A visit from a private psychiatrist to your home together with a narcologist at such critical moments is not only an acceleration of assistance to the patient, but also a guarantee of anonymity.

One type of emergency psychiatric care is compulsory or non-voluntary psychiatric care (psychiatric care without the patient’s consent). Outpatient psychiatric care can be provided to the population as planned, by appointment with a visit to a doctor at a specialized medical institution. Is it possible to call a psychiatrist to your home in seemingly mild cases, such as, for example, love disorder? If you feel your love, or the manifestations of love of a loved one, like mania - yes! Such personality changes that accompany love: high or low self-esteem, poor sleep, self-pity, pressure changes, etc., are also found in other mental disorders. Any “altered state of consciousness” is a job for a psychiatrist. It is difficult to call a private psychiatrist at the blast furnace, and it is more correct in cases of psychological problems in children. Children and teenagers have their whole lives ahead of them, adults know this.

But a child, faced with the difficulties of growing up, thinks completely differently. Due to lack of life experience and (or) due to psychological deviations, many children tend to elevate any minor incident to the level of a disaster. And if parents are unable to provide psychological assistance to their child on their own, a psychiatrist comes to the rescue. “Psychiatric department of a neurological clinic” is even scary to say, let alone taking your child there. Especially if there are no serious visible reasons for it. A child psychiatrist at home from a private clinic will help and soften all the delicacy of the moment. In what cases should a private psychiatrist be called to your home?

In order, without traumatizing the child, to carry out a primary diagnosis of the manifestations of a mental disorder in a child, namely: an altered perception of the world around him, or himself in this world, or a change in behavior. Also, at your request, a paid child psychiatrist is always not only guarding the mental health of his little patient, but when treating at home, it is easier for all participants in this process to maintain anonymity. The services and prices of a psychiatrist at home are quite affordable and vary depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the case, from 5 thousand rubles. Due to the growing trends in public education, especially in large cities, this service is becoming increasingly in demand. It’s no longer fashionable to cry into a vest while drinking each other over a glass.

Department of Candidate of Medical Sciences, gerontopsychiatrist Edinarova I.E. on her social networks: Facebook VKontakte

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Psychiatric ambulance

Psychiatric care

Psychiatric help, help from a psychiatrist, help from a psychiatrist, free help from a psychiatrist - where and how can you get all this?

Psychiatric care is a special type of medical care, including psychiatric (psychoneurological) dispensaries, psychiatric hospitals (private and public), psychosomatic departments at regular hospitals, intended for patients with mental disorders and at the same time other health disorders (pneumonia, injuries, etc.). d.), psychiatric ambulance teams (private and public) and privately practicing psychiatrists.

Who needs psychiatric help?

All people with certain mental disorders need it. First of all, this is unusual, strange, unacceptable behavior, hallucinations (visual and auditory), various unusual, delusional ideas, people with very low intelligence or very poor memory (forgetting to turn off the gas, water). These are people who cannot remember what year or month it is now, who confuse these concepts, people who do not recognize their loved ones. People with an unwillingness to live, constantly in a bad mood, too sad or, on the contrary, too cheerful. Be careful if your loved ones suddenly began to communicate with “space”, “God”, “aliens”, “read” other people’s thoughts, or an elderly relative began to “see” strangers in the apartment that you do not see - be vigilant, perhaps your loved one need psychiatric help. The help of a psychiatrist provided on time can radically change the situation in the family.

State psychiatric care (free psychiatrist help, psychiatrist at home state help)?

State psychiatric care, which is also the help of a psychiatrist, is provided free of charge at the level of PND (psychoneurological dispensary), psychiatric hospitals and psychosomatic departments. There are no free psychiatrists in regular clinics. In order to receive state psychiatric care free of charge, you must contact a psychoneurological dispensary at your place of residence, or if you want to receive state care from a psychiatrist at home, then you need to write an application to the PND for an examination of the patient at home. If the patient does not agree to be examined by a psychiatrist from the PND, then in this case it is necessary to go to court.

Very often the question arises: can psychiatrist help be provided online and online for free?

Currently, online psychiatrist assistance is not a type of medical assistance. And this is correct, it is not possible to treat a person either over the phone or over the Internet. Therefore, psychiatrist help is not provided online.

In what cases will state psychiatric care (free psychiatrist help) be provided without the patient’s consent?


Price, price list


Appointment with a neurologist:

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Center for Socio-Psychological and Information Support

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Where to go if you need psychiatric, psychological or social help?

Mental health patients and their families need information about where they can turn for help and support. They should know about the functions that a particular institution performs, as well as the types of assistance that can be received from them.

This information is especially important for those experiencing mental illness for the first time. Family members often don't know where to turn for help and are frustrated and confused. In this section, we tried to reflect the necessary information as much as possible, present the telephone numbers and addresses of government agencies that provide assistance to people with mental illness, as well as a number of public organizations working in the field of mental health. The last update of the information base was May 2013.

Psychiatric care is provided in specialized institutions of various ministries and departments, among which the main one is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Within the system of the Academy of Medical Sciences there is a Scientific Center for Mental Health (SCMH RAMS), which is a world-famous scientific institution that provides practical assistance to residents not only of Moscow, but also of other territories of Russia. There are also several research institutes in the system of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

State institutions providing psychiatric care in the health care system and their functions

· Psychiatric medical ambulance and emergency teams and teams for transporting mentally ill patients. Provide emergency and emergency psychiatric care in all cases when the patient’s mental state requires urgent medical measures.

· “Helplines” and “hotlines”. Designed to provide emergency assistance anonymously, over the phone, by professional psychologists and social work specialists. In difficult life situations, “helplines” allow you to speak out, not feel lonely, and receive information support (addresses and telephone numbers of institutions where you can still get help).

· Psychoneurological dispensaries (dispensary departments, psychiatric offices) are out-of-hospital institutions that provide the following types of care: emergency psychiatric, medical, consultative and diagnostic, socio-psychological, rehabilitation, outpatient psychiatric examination (including determination of disability).

· Psychotherapeutic assistance can be obtained at a specialized psychotherapeutic clinic.

· Psychiatric hospitals. In addition to emergency care, you can receive medical, treatment-consultative, psychoprophylactic, socio-psychological and rehabilitation assistance. They also carry out different types of medical examinations (military, forensic, and disability examinations).

Key institutions for persons with mental disorders in the social protection system

· Welfare centers provide the necessary informational, legal, social and pre-medical support (for example, nursing at home, performing simple procedures such as measuring blood pressure, administering injections as prescribed by a doctor.) Social and medical care at home or day stay in a hospital is possible center. Assistance can be provided either on an ongoing basis or one-time.

For one-time social assistance, a “Mobile Social Service” has been created in a number of social security centers, within the framework of which additional services are provided that are not included in the Territorial List of State Guaranteed Services, but are focused on the individual needs of clients (for example, assistance in drawing up an individual rehabilitation program, delivery technical means of rehabilitation, provision of home care services for disabled children, accompanying disabled children to additional educational institutions, etc.).

· Psychoneurological boarding schools for adults. These are institutions intended for permanent (or temporary) residence of elderly and disabled people suffering from chronic mental disorders and in need of care, household and medical services.

Addresses and telephone numbers of psychoneurological boarding schools in Moscow

Educational and educational institutions in the system of the Ministry of Education for children with mental disorders

There are the following institutions for children with mental disorders:

· preschool – kindergartens and orphanages for children with mental retardation;

· school – auxiliary boarding schools and general education boarding schools for children with mental retardation;

· special educational institutions - correctional general education schools and vocational schools for children and adolescents with mental retardation and mild forms of mental retardation who have committed socially dangerous acts.

To enroll a child in a compensatory kindergarten (group), parents (legal representatives) must contact the territorial education department to undergo a district psychological-medical-pedagogical commission in order to determine a preschool educational institution that would correspond to the profile of the child’s limited health capabilities.

Children with disabilities are admitted to special (correctional) general education schools and boarding schools in accordance with clause 10 of Art. 50 of the Law “On Education” and the current Model Regulations on a special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with developmental disabilities and on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

Information about the work of these commissions can be obtained from the district education departments.

Phone numbers and addresses of institutions working with children with mental disorders

Public organizations working in the field of mental health

The experience of recent decades shows that, along with government institutions that provide assistance to the mentally ill, public types of support for the mentally ill and their family members are of great importance.

Public forms of assistance to mentally ill people - public organizations, protect the rights of patients, ensure the integration into society of people with mental health problems through their socio-psychological and labor rehabilitation, they provide mutual support, and prevent disability due to mental illness. Public organizations provide opportunities for communication, leisure, and exchange of experiences.

Currently, many public organizations related to mental health problems operate in Moscow.

Department of Psychiatric Care

Senior doctor of the psychiatric care sector Savenko Anton Valerievich

The psychiatric care department is represented by an operational dispatch service and specialized psychiatric mobile ambulance teams.

The operational dispatch service operates around the clock and carries out:

Consultative psychiatric care;

Reception and transmission of calls for execution to specialized psychiatric mobile ambulance teams.

Specialized psychiatric mobile ambulance teams of 20 are evenly distributed throughout the administrative districts of Moscow and provide specialized assistance in cases of sudden development or exacerbation of mental disorders that pose a danger to the patient and/or others at any place where the patient is located within Moscow and in his own country. activities are guided by the Law of the Russian Federation “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision.”

In some cases, a psychiatrist turns to the police for assistance in order to prevent socially dangerous actions, comply with legal norms and create a safe environment for examining the patient. After the treatment and diagnostic measures carried out, hospitalization in a specialized hospital may follow, or information (“asset”) may be transferred to an outpatient psychiatric service in order to ensure dynamic monitoring.

The decision to send a psychiatric team to a call is made only by a senior psychiatrist. In cases where there are no indications for emergency psychiatric intervention, including insufficient grounds for providing involuntary psychiatric care, a psychiatrist may decide to refuse to allow a psychiatric team to leave. In this case, depending on the situation, he informs the caller where to go (for example, to the police or, in accordance with the Law, with an application to a psychoneurological dispensary to obtain a judge’s sanction for a psychiatric examination).

Psychiatric teams do not have the right to issue documents certifying temporary disability, forensic psychiatric and other expert opinions, including those regarding the presence or absence of alcohol intoxication, and do not issue any other extracts or certificates.

Useful links

Ambulance and emergency medical care station named after. A.S. Puchkova of the Moscow Department of Health


Doctor consultation:

Address: Moscow, 1st Koptelsky lane. building 3, building 1

© Ambulance and emergency medical aid stations named after. A.S. Puchkova, 2017. All rights reserved.

Psychiatric care

Addiction to drugs, alcohol, and slot machines are terrible and serious diseases that require immediate treatment. Therapy must be carried out in a clinic under the supervision of experienced, qualified doctors. Equally important is the rehabilitation course and the provision of psychiatric care to the patient. When is it needed and what are its features?

Emergency psychiatric care

Psychiatric care is one of the main stages of providing assistance to those addicted to alcohol or drugs. It is needed in the following cases:

  • mood disorders are observed. Its changes are often observed: sadness, joy, sadness, irritation and other manifestations;
  • a person experiences illusions and hallucinations, which are usually accompanied by unrealistic delusions;
  • loss and lapses in memory – amnesia;
  • disturbances in perception are visible;
  • inadequate reaction to certain situations that occur around and anxiety.

Emergency psychiatric care involves calling a doctor to your home and, if necessary, further treatment in a hospital. You can seek help from specialists at any time and it is best to do this in the early stages of identifying the disease (if possible). In most cases, when a psychiatrist is called to your home, the addict must be hospitalized in the future.

Before the doctor arrives, carefully monitor the patient's possible reaction. It is worth removing all objects that pose a danger to human life (knives, scissors, forks, etc.). You should talk to an addict calmly and level-headedly. Before the doctor arrives, you should prepare the necessary documents for hospitalization (if necessary).

Often, relatives of a patient wonder whether their loved one can return to a normal, ordinary lifestyle. Our emergency drug treatment center provides not only psychiatric treatment using modern medications, but also applies methods of social and professional rehabilitation.

Rarely, there are situations when minor children suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. This is very scary and serious. In this case, treatment and psychiatric care is provided to the patient only with the permission of the parents or official guardian.

How to call for psychiatric help in Moscow

Of course, before calling for psychiatric help, it is necessary to inform the patient. This is necessary in order not to violate the rights of the addict. In emergency situations, when a person is in a dangerous condition and there is a threat to life, both for him and his loved ones, you should not hesitate and urgently need to call a doctor. This can be done by calling the phone number listed on the clinic’s website. When calling, you must provide information: last name, first name, patronymic of the patient; indicate the circumstances that could provoke an inadequate state (alcohol, drugs or other reasons); describe in detail the behavioral characteristics of the patient. It is recommended that the psychiatrist tell the whole truth and, most importantly, not hide anything regarding the addict’s condition. This will allow you to establish the correct diagnosis and subsequently prescribe the correct course of treatment.

You can contact our emergency drug addiction and psychiatry center 24 hours a day, any day of the week. The clinic’s specialists will quickly accept the call, and the doctor will immediately come to the patient. You can also use the feedback form. To do this, you need to enter your name and phone number in a special form on the website. They will call you back within 15 minutes and answer all your questions.

Why should you contact our clinic? The center employs highly qualified doctors with many years of experience. Services are provided throughout Russia and the region. By contacting the clinic, you will receive:

  • provision of psychiatric care at any time of the day;
  • providing professional consultation;
  • use of modern, effective methods of therapy;
  • treatment of depression, thought disorders (schizophrenia) and other mental disorders.

Our center also provides other services: calling a narcologist to your home; treatment of addiction to drugs, alcohol, slot machines and tobacco; detoxification of the body. You can contact us for psychotherapeutic help, diagnostics and coding of a person. A full course of rehabilitation is carried out after the treatment.

Do your loved ones or relatives have problems with alcohol, drugs or mental health? Do you need qualified assistance from experienced doctors? Contact our center! We will be happy to help you treat and resolve all problems associated with mental disorders. Call us immediately!

Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population

2nd Saratovsky Prospect, 8., bldg. 2

State budgetary institution "Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population"

Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow

The largest specialized center for practical psychology in Moscow and the Russian Federation.

A unique project of the Moscow Government, representing a multi-level urban structure.

Since 2003, our specialists have been working on a number of pressing psychological problems in the metropolis.

Psychological assistance is provided on a non-commercial basis, and the availability of psychological services is ensured by a network of territorial and local departments of the Service in all administrative districts of Moscow.

Individual and family counseling

Consultations on family and marriage issues, child-parent relationships, intrapersonal conflicts, psychological health, career guidance, using psychological diagnostic methods.

Emergency psychological assistance

Crisis face-to-face counseling (on-site); on-site crisis assistance (at home), work of rapid response teams in connection with “emergencies” with victims and their relatives.

Emergency psychological help telephone

Since November 2006, a free “Emergency Psychological Helpline” has been operating in Moscow, which is intended for prompt, anonymous, round-the-clock, informational, preventive and emergency qualified psychological assistance.

A single three-digit Moscow number and modern technical equipment allow any resident of the capital who finds himself in a difficult life situation to quickly contact a specialist.

* only telecom operator services are paid according to the tariff plan

Internet consulting

A convenient and fast way to receive psychological help. The undeniable advantage of online consultation is the speed, ease of connection with a consultant and the anonymity of the client.

Free psychiatric care in Moscow

Zagorodnoye Highway 2

Site information

24-hour emergency psychiatric care

In order to provide emergency specialized care, the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “PKB No. 1 of the Department of Health Care” works

Psychiatric Emergency Department

The department is open 24 hours a day (7 days a week)

Our hospital provides emergency psychiatric care with a psychiatric team visiting the home of citizens living in Moscow and the Moscow region with hospitalization, if necessary, in our hospital.

Conditions that require emergency psychiatric care:

1) If a person is disoriented, does not recognize relatives, shows aggression towards them, talks about a threat that does not exist in reality, sees non-existent people and objects, talks to them, does not sleep at night, has lost basic household skills, refuses food.

2) If a person experiences severe anxiety, fear, panic, which is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, a feeling of lack of air, increased blood pressure, fear of death, etc.

3) If a person has been in a depressed state for a long time, is withdrawn, self-absorbed, or, on the contrary, is in high spirits, sexually disinhibited, and can easily go without sleep and food.

4) If it is known that a person suffers from a chronic mental disorder and an exacerbation of the disease begins, which can be manifested by refusal to visit a doctor and take medications, an increase in causeless anxiety, restlessness, aggression, hallucinations, delusional statements, and inappropriate behavior.

5) If a person is taking antipsychotic drugs and has developed restlessness, stiffness, anxiety, and muscle cramps.

The emergency psychiatric care team consists of a psychiatrist and an orderly; the medical room contains a sufficient range of medications for emergency care, including injections. If necessary, the doctor can write a prescription for medications. If the patient’s condition requires hospitalization in a hospital, the emergency psychiatric care team can carry it out independently, completing all the necessary documents and transporting the patient to the hospital.

Currently, the department is represented by 5 separate posts:

1st post – st. Zagorodnoe highway 2 (PKB No. 1)

Post 2 - st. Zyuzinskaya 1 (PND No. 13)

Post 3 – st. Mosfilmovskaya 6 (PND No. 1)

Post 4 – st. Academician Semyonova 13, building 1 (dispensary department PND No. 13)

Post 5 – st. Rodnikovaya 12, bldg. 1 (PND No. 24)

Hospitalization is possible in the paid department of PKB No. 1, as well as in the department for caring for the elderly. The department also provides paid services for medical examination and transportation of patients to the hospital from medical institutions.

The psychiatric emergency department is staffed by highly qualified medical personnel with extensive experience working with patients suffering from mental disorders.

Office operating hours: 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Head of the department: Stolyarov Gariy Borisovich.

1. Calling a psychiatrist and providing assistance at home by a psychiatric ambulance team without hospitalization within the Moscow Ring Road - 7,600 rubles.

2. Outside the Moscow Ring Road, every 10 km (including incomplete ones) when traveling to a patient is additionally charged in the amount of 600 rubles.

3. Calling a psychiatrist and providing assistance at home by an emergency psychiatric care team, followed by hospitalization in rubles.

4. Waiting for a patient by a team in his absence (a simple team) at the place of call is charged 2,400 rubles per hour.

Telephone numbers for calling a psychiatrist at home:

If desired, help can remain anonymous and confidential!