Tyson is the smallest British dog. The strongest dogs in the world Tyson the dog fries a toy monkey

Four inches (10.16 cm) tall and 11 ounces (312 g) in weight, Tyson- the tiniest dog in the UK. He was born on March 30 this year, in a litter of five puppies.

A miniature dog, a cross between a Lhasa Apso and a Chihuahua, less than an iPhone in length and so tiny that his owner, Rosemary McLinden(Rosemarie McLinden) was forced to feed the baby from a pipette and use a hamster carrier to transport the baby.

The owner's husband, 47-year-old Anthony Corr, was the first to get scared when they noticed that the new pet began to lose weight after birth. The couple rushed to the veterinarian, who could not detect any disease, but gave some feeding instructions just in case.

The adoptive mother explained that Tyson needed special treatment from birth to survive among his large, lively siblings. “He was tiny when he was born, and in the end, his brothers and sisters pushed him out,” she explained. They even ordered a special crate for Tyson, as they mistook the baby for a toy. Rosemary emphasized that it was dangerous for him to play with other dogs.

Tyson had to be fed with a pipette because his mouth was too small to fit his mother's nipple.

"He really hasn't grown much since then. I had to start feeding him myself because he couldn't suckle. He was so small that he just couldn't latch due to his tiny mouth. I bought a small dropper and started feed him day and night every two hours until he gets a little bigger.”

And although the dog has grown a little, his height is still only a quarter of the size of the other dogs in this litter. The siblings tower over him by seven inches and weigh three times Tyson. Although this does not stop him from having fun at all.

There is one golf ball that the dog loves to chase, but even that ball is bigger than his head. Tyson loves to hunt his toes, but they are also too big for him. "He's just an energetic, loving puppy," Rosemary says.

Although not as noisy as others, the miniature dog loves to have fun and play

But Tyson isn't the only curious animal in Rosemary's household. She and her husband Anthony Corr have two kittens, a bearded dragon, sheep, horses, chickens and a hedgehog at their home in Keel Coates, Lincolnshire.

The vet who treated Tyson admitted he was very tiny even for a Chihuahua mix and could be the smallest dog in the UK. The previous record holder - Yorkshire terrier Pagan, from Hull, in Yorkshire - was five inches tall, writes express.co.uk.

They say that how a person treats other people can be judged by how he treats his animals. There is also a saying that you can judge a person's eccentricity by the type of pet they have. Below is a list of ten celebrities and their exotic pets. Can you draw a parallel between these pets and their famous owners...

Mike Tyson - white bengal tigers

In the late 1980s, when Mike Tyson was nearly unbeatable in the boxing realm, the young Brooklyn boxer felt like a king on top of the world. He had Bentleys, large mansions, mink coats and dated famous models of the time such as Naomi Campbell. When you live such a large life, you simply cannot have regular pets. Tyson's pets were rare white Bengal tigers - three to be exact, and each of them cost him $70,000. One would assume that he had other, more useful ways to spend all that money he was raking in. It is also important to consider animal welfare. A majestic animal like the Bengal tiger deserves to live freely in the wild. Living on a leash in a celebrity's backyard doesn't seem like the right choice for this noble creature.

Megan Fox - Vietnamese pot-bellied pig

Megan Fox is certainly one of the most attractive young actresses working in Hollywood currently. Recently she has started getting very good roles in blockbusters like Transformers and one of this summer's hits, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In the personal life of sexy Megan Fox, everything is more calm and homely. She has two children with husband Brian Austin Green and is a huge animal lover. In addition to several dogs, birds and a squirrel, Fox actually kept a cute Vietnamese pot-bellied pig, Piggy Smalls, which she later had to give away. Fox said she found Smalls another home because of “living conditions and work commitments.”

French Montana (Karim Harbouch) – monkey

You have to give credit to Karim Harbouch. This rapper from Brooklyn is quickly becoming one of the best rappers in the business. And all of his success came after he spent several years rapping in the New York underground scene. He is currently dating Khloe Kardashian and recently bought a $5 million mansion in which he keeps two tiger cubs and a monkey. In an interview with Complex magazine, he talked about his pet monkey, Julius Ceasor, and noted that the pet was a birthday gift from Las Vegas rapper Mally Mall. This monkey is very adorable and cute, we just hope his rich and busy owner gives him enough care and love.

Paris Hilton – Kinkajou

The kinkajou is a cute rainforest mammal that lives mainly in Central and South America. It's sometimes called a "honey bear," and it's certainly not the kind of animal you'd expect to see as a pet for a Hollywood debutante. Paris Hilton has one of these animals and named it Baby Luv. Her unusual pet made news in 2006 when he apparently seriously bit Paris Hilton. But since then, it seems like they've patched things up and Baby Love is in good health and an integral part of Hilton's life.

George Clooney – Vietnamese pot-bellied pig

George Clooney has finally settled down with his new wife Amal Alamuddin. Before this, however, the longest relationship the impressive actor was involved in was probably with his beloved 136kg pig named Max. Clooney was the proud owner of the pig for 18 years and became very attached to it, but it sadly passed away in 2006. There were press reports that he loved Max so much that sometimes they even slept in the same bed together.

Kristen Stewart – wolf-dog hybrid

Kristen Stewart made a ton of money from starring in the hugely successful Twilight films, which depicted the conflict between vampires and werewolves. This may be the reason why Kristen Stewart's pet is a majestic wolf-dog hybrid. Stewart's mother breeds these beautiful creatures and Kristen herself has one of these animals - a beautiful wolf-dog hybrid named Jack. During her last appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman, she described Jack as a "sweet" pet and also noted that she cooks food for him.

Vanilla Ice – Wallaroo

There are very few rappers who have experienced as many ups and downs in their lives as Vanilla Ice. His first hit in 1990, “Ice Ice Baby,” was the first rap song to reach the top of the music charts. Since then, he's been ridiculed as a fly-by-night rapper, had a major breakdown on cable television, dabbled in a career as a rap-rock artist, and even found success as a TV show host. With such an interesting life, it is quite understandable that he should have some rather unusual animals and among them there is a wallaroo named Bucky Buckaroo, as well as a goat named Pancho.

Kirstie Alley – lemurs

If you don't know what a lemur is, then you're in luck because today you're going to find out. The lemur is a small primate with large, cute eyes that lives mainly on the island of Madagascar. The name comes from a Roman word meaning "ghost" or "spirit". Lemurs are known to be nocturnal animals and move rather slowly. The often controversial actress happens to be the owner of three pet lemurs, and she apparently loves them so much that she even made them beneficiaries in her will.

Salvador Dali - anteater

We'll have to go back in time a little to tell you about this wonderful eccentric artist and his very unusual pet. The artist Salvador Dali is considered a genius of the 20th century. He was one of the founders of the art movement known as surrealism, and he also had remarkable skill in maintaining his popularity through the unconventional and eccentric lifestyle he led. For example, in the late 60s, it was common for Dali to stroll through the streets of Paris with his pet anteater. How cool was that? Look at the photo and you will understand everything.

Elvis Presley – tame kangaroo

Apparently, the “King of Rock and Roll” was also very fond of animals. Apart from making all the girls swoon with his sexy voice and raunchy dance moves, he also had a lot of love in his heart for his pet kangaroo. The adorable marsupial was given to him by his agent Lee Gordon. According to reports, Elvis had a deep affection for the kangaroo, but eventually decided to give it to the Memphis Zoo.

Dog character depends on 5 main components:
1 - breed(it is of primary importance for determining the disposition and habits of your four-legged friend);
2 - heredity(it has long been noted that parents pass on character and habits to their children);
3 - upbringing(the diligence of the dog’s owner can significantly correct its behavior);
4 - date of birth(American astrologer and veterinarian Donald Wolfe came to the conclusion that the character of a dog depends on zodiac sign , under which she was born).
Fifth , but not the least important component for determining a dog’s character is its nickname . The main feature of this component is that you can greatly influence it at the very beginning of your pet’s life.

Dog name- this is not an empty set of sounds, but encoded information, a sum, of genetic phonemes that dominate the animal, forcing it to behave one way and not another. Just as a person’s name carries information about a person, so a dog’s name carries information about the character of an animal. When giving a name to your pet, put your soul into it. Don't use the first words you come across. Remember that you will have to use this nickname for a very long time.

By the way, if you are already looking for a nickname for your dog, it means you will soon have a pet. Don't forget to create an individual vaccination schedule using an automatic form specially designed for you.

There are many nicknames and ways to choose a nickname for an animal. We can give you some advice on how to choose the right name for your four-legged pet. Dogs remember much faster and react better to nicknames that begin with consonants such as b, d (especially j), zh, r, h (it’s not bad if they are also inside the nickname), but worse - to vowels and such consonants, like x, w, sch, s. However, if you take a purebred dog, you will be told in advance which letter you need to come up with a nickname for the pet. But this nickname will only be included in the dog’s documents; in life you can call your pet by any other name. Remember that you should not name your dog after a deceased or missing pet or person, as this name may already carry negative energy.

To help you choose a name for your dog and understand what impact it will have on your pet, we give you the most interesting and beautiful dog names . Even if you have already chosen a dog's name, you will probably be interested in finding out what it means.

See also: The most popular dog and cat names in 2010

Nicknames of bitches

ADA (from ancient Hebrew "decoration") A beautiful nickname for a purebred dog, well suited for females of the Great Dane or Greyhound breed. Ada is very cute and easy to train, but does not always like to play with children. Sometimes she can be capricious.

ADDY The character has been complex since childhood: she grabs everyone’s hands, is vindictive, depends on her own mood and the owner’s attitude towards her, whom she may even bite. You need to talk to her like a person. Addie's condition can be easily determined by her eyes. Addie is clean, easy to train with contact, and makes a good watchdog.

ADELA (from Old German "noble") Fully recognizes only its owner. She must be treated strictly. It is not immediately possible to train. It is recommended to give nicknames to dogs of the collie, middle schnauzer, pointer, and shepherd breeds.

ADELINA (from Old German "noble") A kind, affectionate, trusting dog that allows children to approach him. Adeline is sociable, cheerful, and smart. It's amazing: living with a cat, she is friends with her! It is advisable to give this nickname exclusively to purebred dogs, but not to small ones. It is suitable for dogs of the St. Bernard, Black Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Irish Terrier, and Setter breeds.

AZA (presumably from Old Hebrew “strong, strong”) This nickname was apparently taken from the play “Gypsy Aza” by I. Kalman. The temperament of a dog with this name is not easy. Winter Basics are restless and nervous. As a rule, these are lap dogs that rarely live in yards. They always happily greet their owners, greeting them with loud barks. This fearless dog loves traveling by train and car.

ALAYDA There is no translation of this word or name in dictionaries. The vibration of sounds indicates complexity in character. You need to be strict with a dog. Active, playful, loves to bark at passers-by. Alaida is easy to train. Adult winter dogs are restless and should not be let off without a leash. Alaida is the decoration of any exhibition; these beautiful dogs are always medal winners. The nickname is suitable for a Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, Rottweiler Boxer; sometimes bulldogs and miniature schnauzers.

ALBINA (from Latin "white") The nickname comes from a human name. The character of these dogs is complex, but they are easy to train. This is a purebred, beautiful medal-winning dog. The nickname is suitable for the Irish and English setter, Afghan hound. These dogs love to travel, swim, and hunt. Setters never leave their owners; you can take them for walks without a leash - they are very calm both on walks and at home. An atmosphere of calm is created around them, they love to play with children, and cannot respond to evil.

ALVA (Heb. “dawn”, “dawn”) This is a dog with a restless disposition, unyielding, nervous, although at the same time kind and active. Well trained. When playing with the owner, he can sometimes bite him slightly (out of spite). Nicknames can be given to large and small purebred dogs. This nickname is especially good for poodles, collies, Newfoundlands, and German shepherds.

ALEXANDRA (from Greek "to protect") This is a rare name for a dog, beautiful and complex in character. Winter dogs are good watchdogs, but they are difficult to train. In terms of exterior they can take prizes. Dogs are freedom-loving dogs; you can’t walk them without a leash. To be free, they can run away from their owner. This nickname is suitable only for large purebred dogs: Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, Boxer, Great Dane, Mastiff. Sometimes this nickname can be used to call a miniature schnauzer.

ALICE) This is a beautiful girl's name. A dog with this name can be big or small, it always calms its owners, is kind, affectionate, has a calm, reserved disposition. Alice gives birth to several puppies, loves them dearly, teaches them, and finds it difficult to part with them. This is a suitable nickname for such small breeds; like Scotch Terrier, Russian Laika, Shih Tzu, Japanese Chin, Pekingese.

ALMA (from Latin “nourishing”, “gracious”) People often give this nickname to both yard and purebred dogs, without knowing its decoding. The yard dog's character is kind and affectionate. They give birth to many puppies, become attached to the children who feed them, and are unpretentious in everything. They easily get used to new owners. Of the purebred dogs, this nickname is used to name huskies, German and Central Asian shepherds, Moscow guard dogs, and South Russian shepherds, whose temperament differs from the temperament of mongrel Almas.

ALPHA (the first letter of the Greek alphabet is “Alpha/Elf”) Purebred Alphas are strong, self-confident dogs, moderately playful, with a restless disposition. They are not easy to train. Yard Alphas are simpler, they like to wander around until they find a new, more convenient shelter.

AMANDA (from Latin "worthy of love") The character is not easy. Touchy, you need to communicate with her in a calm tone. She has expressive eyes, is very efficient, and there are almost no problems with her when communicating correctly. Amanda never runs away and serves faithfully. The nickname is best suited for setters.

AMOND (from English "almond") This nickname is only for purebred dogs, large and small. Amond is a hunting dog. Kind, with good instincts, loves to frolic. She is not always faithful to her owner and therefore sometimes gets into various troubles. Loves children very much. Suitable for Basset Hound, Blood Hound, Drahthaar, Shorthaired Pointer and Pointer breeds.

ANGELICA (from Latin "angelic") Lnzhelika's character is complex, the dog is very emotional, affectionate, and loves to play with children. Well amenable to training. The owner must be strict with her. You can walk with her without a leash: she does not run away from her owner. Externally, these are very beautiful dogs. This nickname can be used to call both large and small purebred dogs. It is suitable for Chow Chows, Shih Tzus, Collies, Great Danes, Newfoundlands, Central Asian and Young Russian Shepherd Dogs.

ARIADE (from the Greek “very” and “to like”, “very worthy to be revered, respected”) At exhibitions these are medal winning dogs. Their character and disposition are calm, kind, and they do not bark in vain. They are clean, do not annoy the owner, and are trainable. They love to travel in cars, but drafts are scary for them. These are very strong and brave dogs. The nickname is suitable for large dogs of the setter, greyhound, and shepherd breeds.

ARTEMIS In ancient mythology, Artemis is the goddess of hunting and the Moon. The character is gentle, the dogs are sensitive. They must always be protected from colds. Puppies are emotional, playful, good-natured. Winter dogs are restless and difficult to train. There are good watchmen in the house, brave and biting. They grab it with their teeth and pull it until it breaks if the owner does not intervene in time.

BABETA (French affectionate for the name Elizabeth) The nickname was apparently borrowed from the French film “Babette Goes to War” and arose thanks to the talented performance of Brigitte Bardot. The dog has a kind, calm disposition and is easy to train. Wildly rejoicing, he meets the owner. Children's favorite. The nickname is suitable for Scotch terriers, dachshunds, poodles, pugs, and miniature Spitz dogs.

BAGIRA This nickname came to us from the fairy tale by R. Kipling and the film “Mowgli”; many people know that this is a panther, Mowgli’s friend and protector. Dogs with this nickname are calm and kind, do not growl at strangers, and allow children to pet them. Neat. Until the lalas are wiped off, they will not enter the house. They give birth to several puppies and do not allow anyone near them for a long time. Pleases owners and neighbors.

BARBARA (from Greek and Latin "foreign") The character is simple and responsive. Behaves modestly. When he comes home after a walk, he lies down and lies calmly. It can be trained even at home - it all depends on the owner. She gives birth to two or three puppies, nurses them carefully and carefully. It is advisable to give this nickname only to purebred dogs.

SQUIRREL A small, active, cheerful dog. Good character, unpretentious character. It can easily do without its owner. Loves freedom and hunting in the forest. Excellent sense of smell, Good nickname for Spitz and Laikas.

BETTY The dog has a calm and kind disposition. Beautiful and smart, adores her owners. Brave, strong, loves to scare strangers. Gives birth to two or three puppies. This nickname can be given to all purebred dogs. But only small dogs are kind to people.

BONITA (from the date "good", "kind") The nickname was transferred from a female name. Impulsive, difficult to train. Much depends on the month of birth - it is easiest for summer and autumn Bonitas. It is not recommended to walk such a dog without a leash. It is advisable to give this nickname to terriers, setters, Irish wolfhounds, Japanese chins, papillons, and miniature Spitz dogs.

BULKA This is the nickname of a yard dog. She is kind and affectionate, and is friends with everyone in the yard. If the dog is homeless, the children usually make a kennel for it. She gives birth to many puppies and parts with them carefree. Everyone takes pity on her and feeds her.

BECKY (an affectionate abbreviation of the female name Rebecca - from Hebrew “network”) Beautiful nickname, soft sound. It can be given to any purebred dog. Such a nickname does not suit a mongrel. The character is reserved and kind. Bakkie's owners have no problems.

VLADA (abbreviation of the Slavic name Vladislav) Dogs have a cheerful, affectionate disposition. They quickly get used to their owners and learn quickly. They have a keen sense of the timbre of the human voice and are easily offended. Neat, brings peace and warmth to the house. This nickname is intended for large purebred dogs: Doberman, Rottweiler, Collie, as well as for medium-sized dogs: Dachshund, Scotch Terrier. Exterior - Vlada is a medalist.

BERITA (from English “truth”, “truthfulness”) These dogs are attentive to people, trusting, and allow themselves to be petted by strangers. Easy to train. They can be walked without a leash: they will never leave their owner. They love to ride in cars and look out the window. The nickname is especially suitable for poodles, Pekingese, and Spitz. It can also be given to setters, great Danes, shepherd dogs, shorthaired pointers, and boxers.

VESTA (from Greek "home") In Roman mythology, Vesta is the daughter of Saturn, the goddess of the hearth and fire. The name suits the Japanese Chin or Pekingese. But everything, of course, depends on the owner - he can call a dog of any breed Vesta. And no matter what breed it is, it is distinguished by its touchiness and cannot withstand rough treatment. Beautiful and funny, this dog is easy to train.

GALATEA (from Lat, Greek "milk", literally "milky white") In ancient mythology, Galatea is the daughter of Nereus and Doris, a sea nymph, the personification of the calm sea. Good character. A good watchman. This dog can be walked without a leash. Personified calm and equanimity. But all this for the time being is only necessary for someone to encroach on her little world. This is a nickname for dogs of indoor and decorative breeds.

GLORIA (from Latin "glory") Kind, curious, playful dog. Very homely, slightly capricious. A favorite of the whole family, especially children. Small, almost pocket-sized, Gloria is very elegant and smart.

GRETA (short version of Margareta) Greta's trainer must be strict: she is a very spoiled dog. This nickname is best given to hunting breeds: Russian greyhound, pointer, Irish setter. The character is kind and affectionate. Exterior dogs, exhibition medalists.

DAISY (from English "daisy") The temperament, especially of winter Daisies, is very complex. They may suddenly growl, bite, or simply run away. In general, Daisy is a good watchman, a good mother, tenderly caring for her offspring. Never eats from someone else's hands. It is not recommended to let him off the leash.

JESSICA (from ancient Hebrew “god is watching”, “god is watching”) A dog with this name is strong, brave, with a calm disposition, loves to play with children, and is easy to train. You need to be strict with her, but under no circumstances yell at her. Can walk without a leash and will never run away. Whelps several puppies (sometimes twice a year). The nickname is suitable for collies, Airedales, and St. Bernards.

GILDA- the name of the heroine of the opera by G. Verdi. The dog's character is complex and stubborn. It can be trained well only at an early age. She is spoiled and requires careful care and attention. Having matured, Gilda becomes calmer. This is a beautiful and strong dog. Gives birth to at least 3 - 4 puppies. Quickly gets used to another owner. The nickname is suitable for large purebred dogs.

DINA Presumably this feminine name arose from the name of the Danube River. This is a beautiful and good name. Dean's nickname can often be heard in all yards. Yard Dina is an affectionate, well-behaved dog and mother of many children. She takes great care of the puppies. Sometimes this nickname is also given to purebred dogs - mainly decorative ones.

DOLA The dog's name became a woman's name. Calm, balanced, but strict towards people, she will not allow herself to be petted by strangers, but plays only with her owner. Dola never runs away. She is easy to train. The nickname is suitable for large purebred dogs: Doberman, collie, pointer, shorthaired pointer, Scottish setter, English setter, pit bull.

DONA (Russian abbreviation of the name Domna) The nickname is more suitable for yard dogs. It can also be called large purebred dogs. These are easily trained dogs and good watchdogs. This is a kind dog, but it does not let everyone near it. Submits mainly only to the owner. Unpretentious and smart. The nickname is suitable for shepherd dogs, giant schnauzer, and rottweiler.

DOMENICA/DOMINICA (from Latin "dominant") A beautiful nickname. The dog is restless, fussy; He doesn’t let anyone near him, not even children. Obeys only the owner. You shouldn't drive her without a leash. She won't do anything without a command. Proud, neat, excellent watchman. This is a nickname for setters, boxers, Rottweilers, Dobermans, terriers and other large breeds of dogs.

JULIET (from the Latin family name Julius, Julia) In honor of the heroine of B. Shakespeare's immortal work, Romeo and Juliet gave this name to the dog. The dog is friendly and playful. Well trained, caring mother for her puppies. This nickname can be used to call dogs of different breeds: large and small. Sometimes these are dogs with a tragic fate.

EVE (from ancient Hebrew "live") This nickname comes from the female name Eva. Kind, very jealous and suspicious. She is brave, goes to the rescue without hesitation, loves to swim, is easy to train, gives birth to 2 - 3 puppies, takes care of them for a long time. This nickname can be safely given to a black terrier, basset hound dog, or pointer.

SCAM This is a nickname for a simple, yard, stray dog, very hardy, which is fed by the entire yard. She has a loud voice and a kind disposition. When she lives with her owner, is well-fed and protected, she becomes phlegmatic. It’s better not to let her out into the street: she chases cars, barks at passers-by.

ZILLA (from ancient Hebrew "shadow") The character is balanced and proud. It is better to treat her strictly. She feels confident in the circus arena, at an exhibition, in front of the camera. The change of ownership is painful and distressing. Curious, with a good sense of smell. The nickname is suitable for dachshunds, basset hounds, and Scotch terriers.

ISOLDE (presumably from Old English “ice” and “dominance”, from “beautiful, beautiful”) Complex, touchy disposition. Submits only to the owner. The character of Isolde is that of a capricious woman. Cunning. He studies well, loves only himself. The nickname is suitable for guard dogs.

IRMA (dedicated to the ancient Germanic god of war) A dog with such a nickname is difficult to train and restless. You can’t take her out without a leash: she might bite or pick on the cat. A good watchman. The hostess is respected more than the owner. The nickname is suitable for Doberman, Mastiff, Bull Terrier.

ISIS (name of the ancient Egyptian goddess of agriculture) Only from childhood can it be trained; as an adult, it reluctantly follows the owner’s commands. You can't let her go outside without a leash. He does not allow anyone to pet him except his owners. Growling can frighten unfamiliar children. This nickname can only be given to large dogs - Great Danes, Dobermans, Boxers.

BLOT This is a non-pedigree dog, a yard dog, with a good disposition, accessible to everyone. Meeting a man wagging his fluffy tail. Doesn't like to roam like other mongrel dogs. Stays close to human habitation.

KASHTANKA The heroine of Chekhov's story. This is a yard dog with a good disposition, accessible to everyone. Easy to train, loud-voiced, agile.

BUTTON A small, kind dog, very domestic, gets along with everyone, is a little capricious, is friends with a cat, loves children. The nickname is suitable for both yard and indoor dogs.

LADA (from Old Russian “beloved”, “sweetheart”) This is a beautiful and intelligent dog that, in extreme conditions, will be able to stand up for itself and its owner. Calm disposition, does not cause any particular difficulties for the owner. Learns without problems. This nickname is best given to large and strong dogs of the Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Boxer, and Bulldog breeds.

LYMA (from Latvian and lit. "happiness") This is a serious, strict, disciplined dog. He trains well, guards and is not afraid of anyone. Those born in summer can be walked without a leash. Lyme will never run away. He loves his owner more and is more willing to go for walks with her. This nickname is preferable to give to large and medium-sized dogs: Doberman, Collie, Shorthaired Pointer, English Cocker Miniature Schnauzer.

LIZZIE (English abbreviation of the name Elizabeth) A persistent and gentle dog with a complex character, easy to train, but requires a special approach. He guards well, and occasionally works in the circus. This nickname is suitable for a boxer, Great Dane, or Miniature Schnauzer.

INDA (abbreviation of the names Theodolinda, Velinda, Ermalinda, etc.) A playful, kind, easy-to-handle dog. He trains well, practically does not resist, and walks without a leash. She becomes attached to her owner like a child, everyone in the family loves her. A good watchman. This nickname can be given to almost all dogs.

LORNA (presumably from Old English “to leave”, “to disappear”, “to disappear”, “forsaken”) An emotional, playful, efficient, kind dog. Doesn't really like to play with children, but respects the owner. Loves to travel. Very neat, requires careful care. In early childhood, she is predisposed to lung diseases. The nickname is suitable only for blood hounds, setters, and terriers.

LUCIA, LICIA (from Latin "snow") A dog of a calm, balanced disposition. Learns quickly. Can perform in the circus. It often takes prizes at exhibitions. An excellent watchman in the house. If a stranger comes into the house, then Lucia (Lucia) will not let him out. This nickname is good for large purebred dogs.

MAGDALENE (from the appendix to the name Marin - Marin from Magdala, then became a personal name) A very active, restless, kind dog that loves to play with children and does not bite anyone. This is a strong and brave dog, very beautiful, very smart, well trained, loves to give children rides. The nickname is suitable for strong and purebred dogs of the St. Bernard, Irish Wolfhound, Rottweiler, and Airedale terrier breeds.

NAIDA The nickname of everyone's favorite yard dog. She is trainable, but can bite a stranger. Naida rarely lives in an apartment, but gets very used to the owners. Lives with them until the end of his days. She gives birth often and a lot.

NERA A kind and calm dog, never runs away from its owner. He loves children very much, plays with them excitedly, but does not bite anyone. She’s cunning, she can caress, but she won’t take my writing from someone else’s hands. Feels the owners from a distance, even outside the door of the house, and greets them with a joyful bark. Likes to travel in the car and watch TV. Predisposed to colds and lung diseases.

PALM A universal nickname for both yard and purebred dogs. His character is simple and easy-going. Quiet dog, but can suddenly bite. Domestic Palms are calmer, but they cannot be allowed outside alone.

REGINA (from lat scratch) The dog's name is borrowed from the female name Regina. The dog is beautiful and calm, a real pride of the owner, but is strict with children. Trained without problems. But you can’t walk without a leash: Regina is very annoyed by cats. This nickname can be given to large purebred dogs - setters, Afghan hounds, giant schnauzers, medium-sized dogs, for example, American cockerspaniels.

RITA (colloquial on behalf of Margarita, lat. “pearl”) An obedient, efficient, calm and kind dog. The owners cannot get enough of it, the children simply adore it. Rita can be called a small dog, poodle, Pekingese, pug, toy terrier breed.

SILVIA (from Latin "forest") The heroine of the famous operetta "Silva" by I. Kalman. Playful and kind, Silva is well trained and is an excellent watchdog and guardian of children. She is attentive and never runs away from her owners. You can walk with her without a leash. This nickname can be given to small and large purebred dogs.

TINA (Russian abbreviation of the names Alevtina, Valentina) The bitch can be described in one word - quiet. A very sensitive domestic dog. He allows himself to be caressed by strangers, cries with the owner if there is grief in the family. Kind and affectionate with all family members, she understands everything. It seems that she is about to speak. The nickname is suitable for dogs of indoor and decorative breeds.

FELISA, FELICIA (from Latin "happy") The dog's temperament is calm, she is very sensitive, and willingly works with the trainer. Glutton, Strong, can run a lot. The owner has no trouble with it. She only needs to be protected from colds. Once a year she gives birth to several puppies. This nickname is intended for purebred dogs.

FLORA In ancient mythology - the goddess of flowers and spring. The nickname of small (not necessarily purebred) dogs. Dogs are kind, affectionate, and give people joy and peace. But loud barking can scare children.

FLORENCE (from Latin "bloom") The dog is emotional, playful, but avoids children and only recognizes its owner. A smart, beautiful and brave dog, the envy of others. She is very freedom-loving, behaves calmly at home, and does not react to unfamiliar sounds. But on the street she needs control.

HILDA (from Old German "war") Dogs are only kind to their owners. Doesn't really like children. Afraid of drafts. She is prone to colds and gets sick for a long time and severely. She needs special care. Winter dogs are more resilient and strong. This nickname is only for purebred dogs.

ELBE The dog's name comes from the name of a river in Poland. The dog is smart, not irritable, and can accidentally bite your hand in games. She is strongly attached to her owners and has difficulty, even painfully, withstanding separation. This nickname is not at all suitable for small dogs.

ELSA (English, German abbreviation of the name Elisabeth) This nickname is often used to call tigresses in the circus. They also give it to dogs. A dog with a calm, balanced disposition, efficient, intelligent, with a good memory. An excellent watchman and nanny for small children. This nickname can be called a collie, mastiff, Newfoundland, English setter.

UNITA (from English “unity”, “consent”) Unit's nickname is beautiful and kind. A dog with an unobstinate character, kind, beautiful. Loves to play with the owner and his children. Willingly walks in the park and forest. The dog is strong. This nickname is suitable only for purebred and beautiful specimens of the collie breed, Great Dane, St. Bernard Airedale Terrier, as well as poodles and setters.

Nicknames of male dogs

HAGGEI (from ancient Hebrew “festive”, “cheerful”) By nature, the dog should be kind, fast, and personable. The nickname is suitable for dogs of the Japanese Chin, Pekingese, Papillon, Toy Terrier, Miniature Spitz, and Small Poodle breeds.

IKE These can be mixed-breed dogs - brave, strong, big. Yard dogs are easy to train; they are not always angry, but always hardy, brave, and strong. Some of them live in the owners' yard and are quite reliable guards. Winter dogs have a more complex temperament.

AMETHYST The nickname is given in honor of a beautiful gemstone. The dog's character is proud. very attached to the owner. Change of owner is difficult to bear.

AMUR (in ancient mythology, the god of love) These are large, kind dogs, devoted to their owners, active, and good watchdogs. This name can be used to call any dog, but it is best suited to large dogs.

LEOPARD The nickname is borrowed from the name of the predator cat leopard. This is a big, strong, proud dog, well trained, an excellent watchdog, devoted to its owner. Nickname for large and beautiful dogs of service breeds: South Russian Shepherd, German/East European Shepherd, Podgolyansk Shepherd.

BARSIK Diminutive nickname from the previous one. This is a small domestic dog. It could also be a yard dog. No climate is scary for her. They have a kind, calm disposition and love children very much.

BIM The nickname is borrowed from the film by G. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear". The dog's name itself is kind. Dogs are highly trainable; They love children, are not malicious, they love their owners very much, they are devoted to them. Very smart. They don't leave their home. Suitable for setter dogs and small yard dogs.

BARON (in Western Europe - a title of nobility) This nickname is given to large, strong, proud working breed dogs.

BARKHAN (accumulation, mound of loose sand) The character of dogs is complex: they are stubborn, angry, and love only their owners. These strong dogs (especially winter ones) are only walked on a leash and muzzle, because they can kill any dog. They can be trained. They take prizes at exhibitions, as well as at championships. In battles, their reaction is lightning fast. These are good dogs for working on the border, good watchdogs. They have an excellent sense of smell. The nickname is suitable for all shepherd dogs, English Great Dane.

BURAN The character is calm, balanced, the dog is efficient and amenable to training. Loves to play with children. This is a strong and brave dog, it can easily take a 2-meter high barrier. They are not picky about food and can be taken out without a leash. When meeting the owner, he happily greets him with a joyful bark. The dogs are seasoned and rarely get sick and can perform guard duty. This nickname is good for large dogs: huskies, shepherds, great Danes.

TOP The dog is black or looks like a wolf, its disposition is calm and kind.

HAROLD (from Old German “army” and “to command”) The dog has a complex character. She is stubborn, proud, courageous, self-confident, and efficient. This is the nickname for the Giant Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzer, Great Dane, and Rottweiler. This nickname can also be used for a miniature schnauzer.

GASTON (from Old German “guest”, “foreigner”) The man's name became the dog's name. This nickname is given to large and small purebred dogs of noble origin.

GIDEON (from ancient Hebrew “slasher”, “to chop”) This nickname is given to a brave, strong dog. She is a good watchman, a glorious protector of the owner and his family. This nickname is for large shepherd dogs, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler.

GILMORE (servant of the Virgin Mary) This is a calm, confident dog of large stature; good guard. It is advisable to drive on a leash, as it is capable of picking up another small creature. The nickname is intended for Great Dane, Rottweiler, and Shepherd dogs.

GORDON (from a Scottish surname) The nickname is not new, but it is rare. These are strong dogs with an excellent sense of smell and are easy to train. This nickname can only be given to purebred dogs, mainly service breeds.

GRIF (from ancient Hebrew "judge") The nickname comes from the name of the bird. These are big, strong and brave dogs that are not afraid of anything. The nickname is intended for large purebred service dogs. The dogs are flexible, strong, persistent, and look like their mother. Winter dogs have a more complex character. Nickname for large breed dogs.

JARED, JARED (from Lat., Greek, Old Hebrew “descended”) This is a big, calm dog. This nickname can be used to call hunting dogs.

JASON (from ancient Greek “healer”) Dogs with this nickname are completely gentle, the kindest domestic creatures. This nickname can be given to dogs of small breeds - pugs, dachshunds, dwarf poodles, basset hounds.

JACK (short for John) This nickname can be given to a purebred and yard dog, since this kind and strong dog is a good watchman, but without a leash it can pick up a cat. Training skills are developed slowly.

JOHN (from ancient Hebrew “John” - “god bestowed”, “given by God”) In the Bible - the name of the baptist and apostle. This nickname can only be given to purebred medium-sized dogs. They have a good disposition. Winter ones are stronger than summer ones. Dogs are touchy, so it’s best not to let them off the leash. These dogs love their mistress more than their owner. The nickname is suitable for hunting dogs.

JUL (from English “gem”, “treasure”) This nickname is used to describe large purebred dogs - shepherds and mastiffs. The character of these dogs is not very calm, they worry a lot. They only tolerate a calm tone of communication, they are touchy.

JULBARS This is a strong, brave, angry dog ​​that obeys only its owner. Patient with pain. Kind to those who serve her. Dogs born in winter with this name are more vicious and less controllable. It is not recommended to let such a dog off a leash.

DICK General yard dog. Kind to children; If the dog is a husky breed, then it is a leader. Strong, smart, devoted to his owners, he goes hunting with them in the taiga.

DOMINIK, DOMENIK (from Latin "dominant") This beautiful nickname is for medium-sized dogs, exclusively purebred.

BUG A small, fluffy, capable dog. Strong and brave. It is easy to train and can work as a circus performer. These are mongrel dogs, often living in the owner’s yard, where they are good watchdogs.

ICAR (from Latin, Greek, “dedicated to the Moon”) In Greek mythology, Icarus, the son of Daedalus, escaped from captivity from the island of Kfit, flying away on wings made of feathers and wax made by his father. This is a beautiful name for a dog. It should be given to large, strong dogs. This is a kind dog, easy to train, recognizes only its owner, very efficient, and a good watchman.

CALVIN Puppies are often given this nickname for their beauty. Nickname for purebred medium-sized dogs.

QUINT (from Latin "fifth") This nickname is given to large purebred dogs with a calm disposition. You need to be strict when dealing with them. These are kind, efficient dogs that are easy to train, but do not like cruel treatment.

CHARLES (from Old German "courageous", "man" and "man") These are usually small dogs that can be trained. Winter ones are much more talented than summer ones. This nickname is usually given to medium-sized, often yard dogs.

CLARK The nickname comes from the surname. This is a small domestic dog, strict, and always barks when meeting loved ones - greeting the owner, as if saying hello!

CLAUDE (French version of the name Claudius - from Latin “lame”) This is a nickname for dogs that are small, kind, loving children, well trained, and often work as circus performers.

CARIDON (from Greek "funnel") This nickname is given to large, tall, purebred dogs with a good psyche.

KIN Translated from the language of the inhabitants of the Isle of Man (in the Irish Sea) it literally means “warrior”. This nickname is given to large, brave, fast dogs. The dog is kind and affectionate in nature; good athlete.

MILAN (city in Italy) These are large, kind domestic dogs, loving children, warm-hearted, and calm. Nickname for dogs of hunting breeds.

MICAH (abbreviation of the Hebrew name "like the god Yahweh") The nickname is given to a gentle, affectionate creature, devoted to its owner.

MORGAN ("great", "light", "bright") This nickname should be given to a large, calm dog who loves people. This is a good watchman for the home. In winter he can carry children on himself.

MAY, MAY (English: "may" or "hawthorn flower") Nickname for service and hunting dogs. These are large, strong, well-trained dogs, loyal to their owner.

NOUA (“peace”, “calm”) This nickname should be given to phlegmatic dogs, small ones and only domestic ones. These dogs have a calming effect on humans.

ORESTES (from Greek, "mountain") This is a large, calm dog, very attached to its owner, although it does not tolerate changes in ownership too painfully. A good watchman.

OSCAR (from ancient Herm, “god” and “spear”) The character of such dogs is complex. These are smart, proud dogs who love children and do not offend anyone. These are large and medium-sized dogs.

SHELFH This is the name of a yard dog that is angry, restless, and complex. This dog spends most of its life traveling.

FLUFF A small fluffy dog ​​that is easy to train. These kind dogs warmly welcome members of the owner's family. They love to play with children.

RAD The nickname comes from the word “rejoice.” It can be given to any dog. These strong, hardy dogs are kind, but they love to scare people with their roars. Nickname for purebred dogs.

REX (from Latin "king") These are mostly yard dogs, but sometimes people give this nickname to purebred dogs. According to the author’s observations, these are mostly mixed-breed dogs. Winter ones have a complex temperament; They are good guards in the yard.

RENOLD, formerly REYNOLD (from Old German "reason", "decision" and "to rule") This nickname should be given to strong purebred dogs, for example, Great Danes, Rottweilers.

RICHARD (from Old German “rich” and Lat “strong”, “solid”) It is advisable to give this nickname to large purebred dogs, strong and brave: shepherd dogs, great Danes, but not hunting dogs.

Rizhik This nickname is based on the color of the dog. These are calm, good-natured dogs, easy to train, loving children and playing well with them. Most often this is a yard dog or a Karelian-Finnish husky.

SIMON (from ancient Hebrew “listen”, “hear”) The nickname of a kind domestic dog who gives children sledding rides in winter. These are large dogs such as Newfoundland and St. Bernard.

TARZAN This is the name of a mostly yard dog, bold and courageous.

TEMOTHY, TIMOTHY (from Greek "honorer") These are dogs with an impulsive temperament, hardy, hardworking, but not leaders.

TIFFANY (derivative of ancient Greek “god shows”, Russian - Feofan) A dog with a calm, kind disposition. Somewhat phlegmatic. Loves children. This is the name given to large service breed dogs.

TUZIK This nickname is intended for yard dogs. In the morning they greet people with a kind bark and wagging tail, they love children who do not offend them, but feed them.

COAL A fictional name for a yard dog, black as coal, kind, loving children, adaptable to any conditions.

WILBUR This is a nickname for large hunting dogs that are not afraid of water.

WILFRED (from Old German “will”, “desire” + “peace”) This nickname is intended for purebred dogs, such as Rottweiler, Boxer, Miniature Schnauzer, Giant Schnauzer.

HART (from German "hard") This nickname is suitable for large dogs of hunting breeds. The dog is calm, strong, brave, not afraid of water, and is easy to train.

CHARLIK This is a small, pocket-sized, toy-like, kind dog. Always greets the owner joyfully. She is beautiful, defenseless, and often sleeps in her owner’s bed.

BALL This is the name of a medium-sized yard dog that is easy to train and often works in a circus. A good watchman. Barks so loudly that it can scare you.

SHERIFF This is a judge and a policeman rolled into one. A serious, strong, formidable dog with excellent working qualities, very devoted to its owner. This nickname can be used to call dogs of service breeds: German (East European), Shepherd, Giant Schnauzer, Rottweiler, Doberman.

Based on materials from L. Oleynikova, B. Khigir. Your dog's karma. Parameters of fate.

The appearance of a dog in the house brings a lot of positive emotions, but also great responsibility. Choosing a nickname for a male puppy becomes an important choice for every owner. The name should suit the puppy and at the same time be short, beautiful, and memorable.

What's the best name for a dog?

When choosing a name for your new male puppy, it is important to follow these rules:

  • The puppy's name should consist of one or two syllables. A short name is easier to pronounce, and the dog will get used to it faster than a long one. If the animal already has a name assigned to it in the pedigree, you can come up with an abbreviation for it.
  • It is very important that the male puppy distinguishes his call sign from the command; try to make these words have different sounds.
  • When deciding what to name a male puppy, it is better to give a nickname that will not offend anyone or sound rude and ugly.

How to name a large breed male dog

The name for representatives of large breeds must be chosen responsibly so that the word reflects their dignity, nobility and strength:

  • For Great Danes, Great Danes, Italian Mastiffs, Rottweilers and fighting breeds, nicknames chosen from noble titles, the names of famous generals or the names of mythical heroes are suitable. For example: Odysseus, Perseus, Zeus, Grant, Baron, Count, Caesar, Churchill.
  • Having purchased a husky with beautiful blue eyes, think about the fact that it will be interesting to call the puppy with some cold word: Snowball, Ice, Typhoon, Frost, Buran. Considering the origin of the breed, try using Scandinavian nicknames that will reflect the character of the dog:
  • Goran (guard) is an excellent characteristic for a husky, which jealously guards its owners;
  • Ralph (wise wolf) - for a husky who demonstrates intelligence from an early age;
  • Magnus (great) is a nickname worthy of an animal with royal manners.
  • The German Shepherd is an excellent guard breed that has successfully proven itself in the service. Their main task when living with their owner is to protect the person, accompany them, and help, for example, while hunting. Names that sound similar to German words are ideal for your faithful male shepherd puppy. Try to choose a nickname in accordance with the meaning and character of the animal. How to name a male German Shepherd puppy:
  • Aldo – smart;
  • Kuno – brave;
  • Schwartz is black.
  • Alabais are also classified as shepherd dogs, which means they have all their distinctive features. A boy puppy needs to choose worthy, sonorous nicknames (Almaz, Akbar, Buran, Baikal, Bars, Barkhan, Valdai, Gard, Danube, Djinn, Irbis, Karat, Sorcerer, Orlan, Rokot, Pharaoh, Yakhont).
  • Large hunting dogs (Laika, Labrador) can be named based on their temperament, appearance and voice:
  • Thunder, Bass, Bassoon, Jazz - nicknames are suitable for a husky or other hunter with a sonorous voice;
  • Excitement, Fervor, Guardian - will reflect temperament and character;
  • Noir, Smokey, Fox, White - beautiful nicknames for huskies based on color;
  • Tiger, Troy, Rocky are suitable foreign names.

What to name a small boy dog

Owners of dachshunds, Pekingese, Spitz, Japanese Chin, spaniels and terriers are concerned with the question of what to name a small male puppy. Small dogs have a cheerful and playful disposition; they are very nimble and playful, and practically do not sit still. All these qualities of puppies can be reflected in nicknames. Calling a baby terrier, beagle, hound or dachshund a sonorous name can be done as a joke. However, it is better to choose funny, toy, soft nicknames. For example: Bambi, Winnie, Ogonyok, Fantik.

How to choose a name for a puppy

Choosing what to name a male dog is a very responsible and... It must be approached with all seriousness. To find an original nickname, you can use not only your imagination, but also some sources:

  • dictionaries from different countries that will help you determine the meaning;
  • Internet sites with articles on this topic;
  • in works of fiction about dogs and more.

There are several criteria that will help you decide what to name your dog:

  • the character and temperament of the pet;
  • external characteristics of a male puppy: coat color and length, size;
  • what specific features are inherent in the breed (you can read about this on websites with specialized literature).

Beautiful names for male puppies can be selected from different categories:

  • geographical names (rivers, cities, deserts);
  • literary and film characters;
  • historical figures (commanders, emperors, kings, heroes);
  • beautiful and rare male names;
  • common nouns, suitable for the habits and appearance of a male puppy.

Sounding names for male puppies

A beautiful and bright name will emphasize the dignity and nobility of a male puppy. Try to find the right one in the alphabetical list:

  • Admiral, Alfred;
  • Byron, Blade;
  • Wagner, Viking;
  • Grozny, Heinrich;
  • Denver, Donald;
  • Impulse, Irbis;
  • Claude, Colt;
  • Larson, London;
  • Merlin, Morgan;
  • Napoleon, Nord;
  • Olympus, Onyx;
  • Plato, Surf.
  • Raphael, Roger;
  • Samurai, North;
  • Tiger, Tyler;
  • Faust, Phobos;
  • Hagur, Hunter;
  • Chandler, Chester.

Cool nicknames for male puppies

Currently, unusual, cool and funny nicknames for male puppies have become fashionable:

  • Absinthe, Watermelon, Batman;
  • Wasabi, Zipper, Google;
  • Killer, Koresh, Lobzik;
  • Mackentosh, Obama, Bubble, Yandex.

Popular names for male puppies

How to name a small male puppy - common nicknames:

  • Rex, Jack, Mukhtar, Archie, Tyson;
  • Sultan, Count, Bandi, Prince, Donut;
  • Totoshka, Sharik, Filya, Charlie.

Video: what can you name a puppy

The dog has remained man's faithful friend for centuries. This animal has everything: love, courage, and loyalty to its owner. Some dogs hunt, others guard territory, and others are excellent companions. Among our four-legged friends there are nannies, guides and rescuers. A person chooses a breed that suits his lifestyle, character and temperament. This is how true harmony and understanding is achieved between dog and person. It has been noticed that animals often resemble their owner.

When deciding to get a pet, many are faced with the issue of choosing a nickname. Some discuss this issue at family council, others look for the answer in books or the Internet. A nickname is the name with which the dog will continue to live, and the owner will have to pronounce it many times a day. Therefore, it should not hurt the ear, awaken bad feelings and negative memories.

Dogs have different purposes based on their origin:

  • Sentinels.
  • Hunting.
  • Companion dog.
  • Service.
  • Shepherds.
  • Fighting ones.
  • Rescuers.
  • Riding.

How to choose the right name for a dog?

The name for a dog must correspond to its size, pedigree roots, status and future purpose. If this is a Doberman, then such a beautiful and stately dog ​​should be given a nickname that can emphasize its grace. For a boxer, we will focus on a strong physique. For hunters, we choose a sonorous name. For watchmen and security guards, understandable and clear nicknames are suitable. And companions will happily respond to the names of celebrities and artists.

Be sure to study the history of the four-legged friend's breed. Look into his eyes! They will advise you and help you make the right choice.

It is not advisable to come up with a nickname for your pet before it appears in the house. You don’t know his character yet (and this is very important). We must remember that choosing a nickname for dogs is a responsible step. Astrology claims that the name received affects the future character of the pet and its future life.

Any owner wants a flexible, mentally balanced friend to grow up next to him. Therefore, there is no need to call him the Devil or the Demon. Choose beautiful, bright and sonorous names. Which are nice to say. Avoid sibilant letters and abrupt endings. Say your chosen nickname out loud several times, try shouting it out loud. It happens that a dog does not respond to the chosen name and unexpectedly responds to another. She also has the right to choose!

Nicknames for large dogs

Guard dogs (Great Dane, Cane Corse, Mastiff, Giant Schnauzer, Doberman Pinscher, Bullmastiff, Rhodesian Ridgeback)

They guard the house and perform faithful service. They have a difficult and responsible job. The nickname must correspond to their status and position. For such dogs, choose beautiful and serious names.

  • Male: Rich, Martin, Marcel, Orion, Fakir, Dick, Pirate, Lord, Cesar, Caesar.
  • Bitch: Irma, Alba, Laura, Dana, Yashma, Dina, Chelsea, Era, Chaka, Bagheera, Saima.

Service and guard dogs (all types of shepherds, Newfoundland, St. Bernard, Rottweiler, bulldogs)

Their life is intended to protect and save man. They are large and brave animals. Therefore, they need a nickname that emphasizes their main essence and purpose:

  • Male: Zeus, Sheriff, Anchar, Jack, Zaire, Icarus, Faithful, Scarlet, Max.
  • Female: Alba, Viola, Ruby, Cherry, Kiara, Elsa, Laura, Irana, Becky, Agnia, Daisy.

Hunting dogs (huskies, hounds, shorthaired pointer, pointer)

They are wonderful hunters and know their stuff. It is better to choose a sonorous name so that you can shout it. Suitable names for them:

  • Male: Bim, Ralph, Boy, Bay, Valdai, Baikal, Vostok, Gray-haired, Gray, Fuse.
  • Bitch: Zara, Maina, Bullet, Belka, Aika, Gerda, Adele, Lana, Zarya, Nala, Chika.

Sled dogs (husky, malamute, samoyed)

Guests from the north. Strong, powerful and extremely durable. They will love nicknames with a cold, northern theme.

  • Male: Buran, Ice, Bars, Polyus, Kai, Nord, Nanuk, Sever, Balto, Umka, Norman.
  • Bitch: Vyuga, Purga, Alaska, Utah, Dymka, Khurta, Nora, Alpa, Sky, Jena.

Herding dogs (collie, mountain dog, Australian white shepherd, Akita inu, terriers, Welsh corgi)

Smart and mentally balanced. Reliable friends of a person. Help people at work. They are good guards and nannies. Suitable nicknames for them:

  • Male: Anchar, Marquis, Baron, Jackie, Karat, Albert, Muscat, Louise, Leon.
  • Bitch: Gerda, Zheka, Laima, Silva, Vesta, Alba, Mirta, Shelby, Betty, Adele.

Fighting dogs (pit bull, staffors, mastiffs, bulldogs, Bordeaux dogs)

It is difficult to choose a name for such a dog. A small puppy does not immediately match the name of an adult animal. When he grows up and matures, this name will suit him. Let it be short, without a hint of “susi-pusi”.

  • Male: Kuch, Sean, Tyson, Staff, Boss, Porsche, Tair, Ben, Fred, Bruce, Hank, Duke.
  • Bitch: Elsa, Adele, Sharon, Pita, Dayma, Linda, Sarah, Yukka, Chili, Hannah.

Companions, companion dogs (retweaver, labrador, afghan)

They are started for the soul. They don't go hunting and don't catch criminals. The main purpose is to be close to the owner and give love. You can talk to them or go on vacation. The owners prefer to call their companions by affectionate names.

  • Male: Meissen, Charlie, Leon, Barry, Henry, Ruslan, Henri, Kasper, Lucas, Orion.
  • Bitch: Jessie, Katie, Berta, Marta, Eva, Margot, Zhaddi, Lilu, Faina, Agata.
  1. Choose a name with no more than two syllables. A dog's hearing does not perceive long names.
  2. Do not call dead animals by their names. This is a bad omen.
  3. The dog's name should be meaningful and match the animal's coat color. It is ridiculous to call a white dog Black and a black dog Ice.
  4. A sense of humor is not appropriate here. Do not call large and beautiful dogs by popular names and yard nicknames.
  5. There is no need to call it a word whose meaning is not known. Who knows what it will bring into the house?
  6. Rare and original names will give the dog a bright personality.

Most of us carefully come up with a name for our new dog. And rightly so, because the popular names of our dogs can tell a lot about ourselves, about our ideas, humor and even character. Therefore, choosing a beautiful and popular name for a boy's dog can be really difficult. However, a suitable name often comes to mind, and sometimes just looking at a collection of common nicknames is enough. Here we've compiled a list of over 500 of the most popular dog names for males, so we hope you'll find the best one for you!

Archie, Alex, Ice, Arnie, Altai, Diamond, Akello, Agate, Altair, Alan, Azar, Aragorn, Amadeus, Anchar, Argus, Apollo, Arnold, Iron, Ares, Aragon, Athas, Asterix, Achilles, Amulet, Akamaru, Avatar, Aji, Artes, Amethyst, Airan, Alfred, Armstron, Aramis, Albus.

Baron, Bim, Buddy, Barney, Bucks, Buran, Bars, Beck, Bob, Byron, Blade, Barbos, Bruno, Boy, Borman, Brawler, Boston, Barchi, Boss, Boomer, Bart, Bond, Butler, Buckler, Bobby, Bruce, Bard, Byte, Screwtape, Basta, Blade, Bays, Benya, Bucephalus, Bike, Bilbo, Betmer, Beckham, Golden Eagle, Bastian, Baggio, Brandy.

Vulcan, Volt, Wolf, Vinnie, Wulf, Viking, Jack, Wolf, White, Vic, Wally, Wax, Weiss, Viscount, Vinci, Woody, Varga, Winston, Vincent, Varg, William, Veron, Wooddy, Valdai, Woland, .

Thunder, Count, Gray, Hector, Gucci, Gore, Hertz, Gambit, Harold, Gange, Gerry, Goofy, Grat, Gross, Homer, Hermes, Gabriel, Gard, Goodwin, Georg, Gimli, Greg, Hans, Harry, Hamlet, Grem, Grave, Green, Geri, Gold, Ginter, Garfield, Goode, Gamber, Gift, Grozny, Garrett, Grinch, Hoover, Goliath, Hercules, Guinness, Hephaestus, Hex, Hyde, Grim.

Dick, Jack, Joni, Jim, Dave, Jackie, Dante, Dan, Jay, Doc, Dobie, Day, Denis, Dark, Dundee, Jacks, Joker, Jasper, Dingo, Dexter, Jackson, James, Dobie, Diego, Dusty, Danai, Jago, Juice, Dickens, Dandy, Duncan, Dobson, Davis, David.

Elai, Esaul, Erik, Eshka, Erysh, Euphrates, Endi, Euro, Eremey, Yenisei, Evstigney, Epiphanius, Ephraim, Erosh, Erofey, Emelyan.

Jean, Jacques, Zhorik, Julien, Zhuchi, Zheik, Zheka, Jasper, Gerard, Jastin, Jean-Paul, Zhivchik, Zhordak, Gendarme.

Zeus, Zack, Zidane, Sigmund, Siegfried, Zag, Zeron, Zufar, Zeiman, Zohan, Zorro.

Emerald, Eli, Ichi, Icarus, Ingard, Indigo, Irbis, Emperor, Inter, Impulse, Ibrahim, Eastwood, Irtysh, Imir, Intares, Indus, Ignat, Iskander.

Ian, Yorick, York, Yoda, Johan.

Casper, Cupcake, Kuzya, Clyde, Karat, Castiel, Space, Chris, Kurt, Kuzya, Klaus, Kazbek, Kashtan, Christopher, Kep, Kevin, Cas, King, Fang, Crete, Clark, Kaiser, Kelvin, Kron, Kenny, Claude, Cosmo, Courage, Conan, Krauser, Cortez, Crystal.

Lord, Leva, Leo, Lari, Light, Lucifer, Lexus, Lars, Ley, Loyd, Lector, Lapus, Luke, Lyon, Fierce, Laurel, Luntik, Life, Lynch, Largo, Lucius, Lyman, Limus, Lux, Lear, Lavrentiy, Lucian, London, Live, Ledger, Ludwig, Lestor, Lordon, Lancer, Larsen, Lacoste, Leader, Lazarus, Larion, Lotus, Luciano.

Milo, Max, Mickey, Marty, Mark, Mitch, Monty, Martin, Meni, Mickey, Michael, Mustang, Murphy, Mukhtar, Motya, Mikey, Maybach, Markus, Macho, Micah, Marshall, Milan, Mac, Mangus, Mario, Mennie, Morgan, Major, Morris, Marquis, Mix, Matthew, Madrid, Major, Mafin, Mitch, Magnum, Moby, Marten, Mitchell, Mongol, Machete, Sailor, Maurice, Merce, Marat, Mirage.

Nice, Nick, Nord, Nike, Knight, Nigel, Norman, Noah, Nikos, Neo, Niko, Nash, Napas, Niles, Newton, Nestar, Norfolk, Norris, Nilsson, Noir, Naum, Nivago, Napoleon, Nautilus, Newman, Nurgle, Namib, Neumann, Navarro, North, Neil, Neville.

Oscar, Oddy, Oscar, Oliver, Ogonyok, Olaf, Odin, Oji, Oswald, Obivan, Oz, Olympus, Ozon, Orlan, Oryx, Orestes, Odysseus, Olympus, Ontario, Osirius, Opium, Overlord, Obsidian, Optimist, Onuphrius, Otar.

Pirate, Peach, Prince, Polkan, Fluff, Persian, Pumbaa, Prime, Percy, Perseus, Perry, Pooh, Poof, Gingerbread, Poof, Pif, Porthos, Pierre, Pablo, Pele, Pluto, Plato, Peekaboo, Pappy, Pluto, Pilate, Pikey, Pygmy, Pegasus, pink, Pixel, Peter, Proton, Pikachu, Poseidon, Ghost, Preston, Porter, Pilot, Pusher.

Umka, Uranus, White, Wilfred, Urman, Walter, Unicum, Umberto, Urvin, William, Ulrik, Ural, Ursan, Success, Wally, Vincent, Ursa, Urfin.

Phil, Fox, Funtik, Felix, Fred, Filka, Phoenix, Fart, Frodo, Filimon, Frank, Frank, Flower, Freud, Fakir, Forest, Fidel, Phantom, Fedor, Fredi, Franz, Fabian, Phobos, Frost.

Hachiko, Heidi, Khan, Hooch, Hunter, Hulk, Happy, Henk, Hardy, Khalif, Hitch, Hugo, Hunt, Hassan, Haiko, Hugh, Khaki, Charon, Hacker, Hokan, Jose, Hancock, Harley.

Caesar, Cerberus, Cicero, Centurion, Caesius, Ceylon, Centaurus, Celer, Cerius.

Charlie, Chip, Chuck, Chucky, Chips, Chingiz, Chop, Chief, Champion, Chally, Chayzer, Cheese, Chicks, Chase, Charlise, Chingay, Chibis.

Sharik, Shah, Shaman, Sheldon, Sherlock, Sean, Schultz, Sharkhan, Sherry, Shepard, Scamp, Saffron, Shandy, Sharfey, Shakespeare, Storm, Stirlitz, Sherman, Sheik, Sheikh.

Elvis, Alvin, Eric, Ernie, Einstein, Elf, Edgar, Eragon, Enri, Air, Everest, Edwin, Alice, Elbrus, Andy.

Eugene, Yurchik, Juventus, Jupiter, Yupik, Yutos, Justin.

Yarik, Yan, Yakut, Yanis, Yastreb, Yantar, Yarmak, Yakuza, Yandex, Young, Yamal, Jaguar.

You brought home a shaggy little miracle - a puppy. You are faced with many questions - how to care for it, what to feed it and what name to choose for your pet. The dog's name is heard often in the house and on the street; it attracts the puppy's attention and shapes its character. Choose a name according to the breed, appearance, temperament and size of the dog.

How to name a boy's dog - general rules

Before choosing a nickname for a small dog, consider the following points:

  • The dog should easily recognize its name. Choose nicknames with one or two syllables, for example, Arbat or Bars. Dogs perceive only the first two sounds by ear;
  • you can use an abbreviation of the pedigree name or observe the pet. Observations will help you choose a nickname based on the character and habits of your shaggy friend;
  • do not call the dog by sounding commands. The nickname “Fas” is not suitable for a puppy. He will get confused when you start teaching him commands;
  • choose a euphonious name for your pet that does not offend someone’s dignity. You shouldn’t name your dog out of spite after your father-in-law or neighbor – Fedya or Petya, even if you don’t like the person. The dog is not to blame for your conflicts. Human names are generally not suitable for dogs;
  • Don't call your puppy a very funny name. It will be fun at first, but the name remains for many years and the pet grows up. Would it be convenient for you to call your puppy all over the street with this nickname: “Julio, come to me”? And the little shepherd Pupsik will grow into a huge Pupsik.

How to name a boy's dog - nicknames for a watchdog

Guard dogs can be small mongrels or huge wolfhounds. For a dog who has been tasked with protecting the owner’s home and his family, choose a short and euphonious name. Choose a solid, serious nickname. Zhoriki, Bagels and guns are not suitable. Name your guard:

  • Arbat, Vulcan, Dart, Jacques, Zeus;
  • Emerald, Craft, Celt, Mars, Pirate;
  • Rex, Roy, Typhoon, Hurricane, Farhat, Count;
  • Circassian, Storm, Jung, Yatagan, Lord.

Don't call a dog a stupid nickname if in childhood it resembled a cute soft toy. Name the large guard dog with humor - Babai, Uzbek, Tigran, Elbrus, Nero or Hefty.

How to name a boy's dog - nicknames for hunting dogs

Independent and intelligent hunting dogs require special training. Name the puppy so that you can control its behavior in the future. Don't choose a long nickname.

Suitable names for hunting dogs for boys:

  • Archie, Boyd, Harry, Dark, Jacquard;
  • Kairat, Condor, Laurel, Max, Murphy;
  • Orlik, Rudis, Ronald, Uran, Floyd;
  • Chardi, Shaggy, Eric, Yantar, Juraj and Iason.

How to name a boy's dog - a name for a little puppy

You got a little pocket dog for your soul. The baby pleases the owner with his presence and cheers him up in a sad moment. Give it a cute, original name:

  • Baby, Fluff, Tail, Bonya, Nukki, Smiley;
  • Cupid, Vinnie, Dandy, Zephyr, Charlie, iPhone;
  • Sailor, Mikron, Funtik, Screw, Janusz, Chaffee.

If you bought a purebred puppy, first discuss the dog’s name with the owner of the kennel. After purchasing a dog, you cannot change its name; it is indicated in the passport. In nurseries, the names of puppies from the same litter begin with the same letter - Archie, Aport and the like. Talk to your family and give your puppy a new name if you don't like what the breeder gave you. But you will have to discuss this issue with the breeder, then your nickname will be indicated in the passport.

Do not call your dog a name with growling sounds - this can provoke aggression in the animal. Growling is considered anxiety in dogs. Choose a name with a whistling or hissing sound.

Call the mongrel by any name, but not too funny. Usually mongrels are named by distinctive features of their appearance - spots, unusual color. For example, Chernysh, Ryzhik.

It’s good if you come up with a unique nickname for your pet, dogs from the area won’t come running to it. It doesn’t matter whether you named your pet after a movie character or came up with a name yourself. Most importantly, say the name with love, and your four-legged friend will be devoted to you for the rest of his canine life.

First, let me remind you of the main facts from the “biography” of six-year-old Tyson:

Dog aggression does not come out of nowhere. Therefore, one must always clearly understand its origins and causes, that is, the triggering mechanism. Some dogs () are born with a genetic predisposition to aggression(this is one of the most important, as they used to say, “economically useful” characteristics of service/working dogs). And sooner or later, some environmental factor will provoke aggression in such a dog.

And having bitten a person (dog) and thus solved the emotional problem that has arisen, the dog remembers for a long time the “method” of resolving it and subsequently begins to apply it in similar cases “purposefully”, improving in this.

Thus, emotional (genetic, potential) aggression turns into learned or instrumental. It’s as if a person who, at a critical moment, finds a combat pistol in his pocket and uses it, now begins to draw it faster and shoot more accurately.

Therefore, our first task is to determine the level of dominance in our dog and find out those “resources” or environmental factors that can trigger aggression. And the second is to train the dog to get out of these potential conflict situations peacefully (without using aggression).

The life story of Tyson the Shar Pei can serve as a clear demonstration of these theoretical principles.

From the first days of life in his new family, Tyson began to act like a dominant dog, and indulging his desires family behavior contributed to the strengthening of the dog's leadership behavior. Growing up, Tyson climbed the “career ladder” and by the age of one year, reached the status of the undisputed leader in the owner’s family. These “leadership habits” of Tyson are listed below:

  1. slept in bed with adults and children, rested on chairs and beds, that is, in high and “honorable” places
  2. On a walk pulled the leash And dragged accompanying (usually children) where he wanted to go
  3. He also controlled the “quantity” of affection received ( demanded to be stroked and caressed whenever he wants)
  4. At the dinner table he also took the initiative - that is, he was present while people were eating, demanded and received tidbits
  5. The dog received food upon request

Listed below are the triggering factors that first “forced” the dog to show aggression, and then provided it with greater opportunities to train and reinforce aggressive behavior:

  1. Traditional (outdated) dog training methods, particularly the use of shock collars and shock collars, which were used on Tyson at the training ground, caused the dog to defend himself against people who were hurting him.
  2. Tyson growled to defend his resting place when they tried to kick him out of his bed or sofa and learned to stop obsessive children's games by biting them
  3. The injuries that Tyson received when another dog attacked him served as a lesson that he remembered for the rest of his life - attack first!
  4. He no longer trusted people, not allowing them to clean his ears (once severely injured by an attacking dog) and the owners stopped these attempts
  5. To demonstrate his higher status in relation to the dog, the owner deliberately provoked resistance from Tyson, dragging the reluctant and growling dog into the house by force

Thus, his aggression from emotional (potential) turned into instrumental (learned), and became not only a tool for achieving his goals, but also a way of protecting himself from the obsessive behavior of people.

I had to quickly establish a conflict-free relationship with Tyson and take care of him for an indefinite period while his owner was absent. This work not only took up a lot of my precious time, but also forced me to stop consulting with other clients.

But the case was “difficult” and I, as a professional, could not refuse.

To start working with the dog, it was necessary to create food motivation in Tyson. I asked the owner not to feed him anymore. From now on, Tyson will receive food while learning social behavior in a micro-team consisting of the two of us.

I only had a week to establish contact with the dog.

Physical strength and endurance have been valued in dogs since time immemorial. After all, it was four-legged friends who, since ancient times, protected people from intruders, as well as their homes from wild beliefs. They also helped to obtain food and herd the herds. Therefore, the strongest dogs today deserve respect and admiration.

The strongest dog breed in the world

- Representatives of large breeds. The strongest dogs in the world were considered to be Caucasian Shepherds, Central Asian Shepherds, various mastiffs, Alabais, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, as well as Great Danes and wolfhounds. Watchdogs are the most popular dogs among owners of country houses. The enormous physical strength of these four-legged animals is due to their powerful muscles and size.

Sled dogs. They are famous for their unsurpassed endurance. Malamutes and huskies can attack even a stronger animal without fear. However, such dogs usually win only with the support of their relatives. However, some breeders have quite popular stories about huskies that alone were able to cope with, for example, a bear. Such stories are not fiction, but pure truth.

Fighting dogs. They are, of course, inferior in size to the others listed, but this is more than compensated for by their incredible grip. Bulldogs, Staffordshire terriers and pit bull terriers are especially powerful and aggressive. In a duel with the enemy, they rely mainly on their unusually strong jaws. The grip, as they say, is dead.

Aggressive and angry dogs. Among these, Boxers and Rottweilers are notorious. Oddly enough, the list even included seemingly peaceful Dalmatians, as well as chow-chows and the same huskies. The list would not be complete without Doberman Pinschers and Dogo Canarios. These breeds have a fairly strong survival instinct and independence. All require careful and professional training.

There have been cases when a strong dog, as a result of improper upbringing, became dangerous to humans. Having decided to become the owner of a potentially dangerous dog, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will need the help of a trainer and a large amount of knowledge, which should include information on how to behave in the event of a dog attack.

The strongest dogs in the world are record holders

The strongest dog breeds that have managed to set their own impressive records are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. St. Bernards and divers became world record holders. Dogs of these breeds are also popular in Russia. Their strength is not measured by size, fearlessness or the strength of their jaws. It turns out that they became leaders thanks to their ability to shift weight.

St. Bernard Raittes Brandy Bear

The dog that was able to move the largest load (the load was railroad tracks) was four-year-old St. Bernard Raittes Brandy Bear. The owner of the strongman is a man named Douglas Alexander, a resident of Monroe, Washington. The dog was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the strongest in the world. The record was recorded in Bothell (Washington State) on July 21, 1978. The amazing four-legged dog has been dead for a long time, but he still bears the title of the strongest dog in the world.

Strong dog pulling a car

This eighty-kilogram dog was able to drag a load weighing 2905 kilograms over a concrete surface 4 meters and 57 centimeters in less than a minute and a half. The rail was secured to the cart. By the way, a few days before setting this record, the same Raittes tried to set another - he took on a load weighing 2993 kilograms.

However, the pet was unlucky - when there were only 12.7 centimeters to the finish line (the minimum distance was 4.5 meters), the allotted time (which is 90 seconds) expired.

Newfoundland Barbara Allens Dark Hans

Another record holder is a Newfoundland dog named Barbara Allens Dark Hans. Her name is also in the Guinness Book of Records. She is the strongest dog in proportion to her weight. At a competition that took place back in 1979 in Bothell, the animal dragged a load of 2,289 kilograms across a concrete surface. And this despite the fact that Barbara weighed only 44 kilograms.

Pit bull Tyson is the strongest dog on the European continent

In the post-Soviet space, the strongest dog is considered to be a pet from Ukraine. Three-year-old pit bull named Tyson from Donetsk. Tyson came, as they say, from the street to the competition, which was the first in the four-legged life. The dog, whose weight is only 37 kilograms, took first place in tugging the load. Alexander Meleshin took the winner’s dog straight from the podium, becoming his new owner.

Over time, it turned out that Tyson is a kind and smart dog. He can easily act like a real aristocrat, even though he has no pedigree.

Donetsk Tyson's personal record was moving a cart with a load weighing 385 kilograms over a distance of 4.8 meters. The dog turned out to be quite purposeful, so this result is not the limit for him. The owner of the four-legged dog plans that his pet will weigh about two tons.

One way or another, the dogs are not moving the record weight for themselves. These achievements are exclusively for our beloved owners. Every dog, even the strongest, needs care, affection and smiles. On the website you can read an article about the largest dogs in the world. Or you can save time and watch our video about the giants of the dog world.

The largest dog breeds

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