Steroid hormones. Main pathways of peripheral metabolism

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    One of the necessary subsystems in the organization of endocrine functions is the peripheral metabolism of hormones. The most important role in the peripheral transformations of hormones is played by catabolic processes. Hormone catabolism is a set of processes of enzymatic degradation of the original chemical structure of secreted hormonal compounds.

    According to the basic physiological essence, catabolic processes, as already noted, are primarily a way of irreversible inactivation of hormones and ensuring hormonal balance, balancing the production of hormones and preparing cells to receive a new portion of hormonal information. Chemical degradation of hormones, carried out using special enzyme systems, occurs in various tissues, but primarily in the splanchnic system and kidneys. These organs determine the inactivation of hormones and prepare them for excretion from the body.

    At the same time, the significance of metabolic processes in the periphery is not limited to the irreversible inactivation of hormones. In catabolizing organs and, most importantly, in reacting organs, metabolic processes can occur, leading to activation, reactivation, interconversion of hormones and the emergence of new hormonal activity (Figure 44).

    Activation processes include, for example, the conversion of secreted androstenedione into testosterone, testosterone into 5a-dihydrotestosterone or androstanediols, secreted estrone into estradiol, thyroxine into triiodothyronine, angiotensin I into angiotensins II and III. Examples of reactivation include the transition of cortisone to cortisol, restoration of the structure of testosterone and estradiol from their metabolites - androstenedione and estrone, respectively.

    Examples of interconversions of hormones of different types are the conversion of androgens into estrogens in the hypothalamus and in other parts of the brain, as well as in adipose tissue, and the transition of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids into androgens. Finally, the processes of enzymatic transformation of the hormone in the periphery into compounds with a new type of hormonal activity include the formation of enkephalin, endorphins and memory peptides from β-lipotropin. All of these metabolic reactions in responding tissues obviously play an essential role in the local regulation and self-regulation of hormone effectiveness.

    Under conditions of physiological rest, metabolic processes in the periphery are in a state of equilibrium with the processes of hormonal production. The pathways and rates of hormone transformations are studied by biochemical methods in vivo and in vitro, generally accepted for any bioorganic compounds.

    In this case, 3H-labeled hormones are used. 14C and 125I. Radioactive substances are introduced in physiological concentrations into the body in in vivo experiments or into a medium with incubated pieces, sections, tissue homogenates and subcellular fractions in in vitro experiments. At certain time intervals after the injection of the hormone or the start of incubation of the tissues under study with it, labeled hormonal metabolites from biological material are extracted, purified using various chromatographic procedures, then identified and quantified. In in vivo experiments, the products of hormone transformation are usually determined in excreta.

    The half-life of hormones (T1/2) and the metabolic clearance rate (MCR) are often used as integral indicators of the intensity of metabolic processes in vivo.

    The half-life of hormones is the time during which the concentration of a portion of a radioactive hormone introduced into the blood is irreversibly halved. In table 12 shows the values ​​of various hormones.

    Table 12. Half-life of some hormones in a healthy person (generalized average data)

    The rate of metabolic clearance of hormones characterizes the volume of blood that is completely and irreversibly cleared of a hormone over a certain period of time.

    The metabolism of steroid hormones occurs mainly without cleavage of the steroid skeleton and is reduced mainly to reactions of reduction of the double bond in the A ring (in the main families of hormones, except estrogens); oxidation - restoration of some oxygen functions; hydroxylation of carbon atoms. It is carried out quite intensively not only in the system of catabolizing organs (liver, intestines, kidneys), but also in the brain, muscles, skin and other tissues, excluding the thymic-lymphoid tissue.

    All steroid hormones containing a D4-3-keto group in ring A (corticosteroids, progestins, secreted androgens) have a common transformation pathway, consisting of two sequential stages (Dorfman, 1960):

    The first stage is reduced to the reduction of the D4 double bond with the formation of dihydro derivatives of steroids and is carried out under the action of NADPH-dependent enzymes called 5a- and 5b-reductases; 5a-reductases are localized mainly in the microsomal and nuclear fractions of the cell. In turn, β-reductases, as a rule, are localized in the soluble fraction of the cell (cytosol) and form 5β-derivatives of steroids.

    This is how 5a- and 5b-dihydroforms of corticosteroids (dihydrocortisols, dihydrocorticosterones, dihydroaldosterones), progestins (dihydroprogesterones) and testosterone (dihydrotestosterones) are formed. In this case, both 5a- and 5b-reduction of corticosteroids apparently leads to almost complete inactivation of hormones. In the case of progestins, inactivation of the original hormonal compound most often results only in a 5/5 reduction; 5a-dihydroprogesterone (5a-DPr) can have pronounced progestin activity. In the case of androgens, the 5a-reductase reaction leading to the formation of 5a-DT from T causes a significant increase in androgenic activity.

    At the same time, 5B reduction of T causes almost complete disappearance of the androgenic and anabolic activity of the hormone in mammals. However, 5b-derivatives of T are probably not . with biologically inert compounds. Losing their androgenic and anabolic activity, they can acquire some new properties. Thus, 5b-DT and some of its metabolites in chicken embryos have the ability to induce hemoglobin synthesis and enhance erythropoiesis (Irving et al., 1975).

    The second general stage of transformations of D4-3-ketosteroid hormones, following the 5-reductase reactions, is the hydrogenation of the 3-keto group with the formation of 3- and 3β-hydroxy derivatives of steroid hormones.

    These reactions are carried out with the participation of the enzymes 3- and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (oxidoreductases), which, in the presence of NADPH or NADH, reduce 3-keto groups to 3-hydroxy groups. Both enzymes can exist in cells both in soluble form and in a form bound to the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. As a result of β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase reactions, tetrahydroforms of steroid hormones are formed. Apparently, tetrahydrometabolites of steroids in most cases no longer have direct biological activity and may be the end products of the catabolism of the corresponding hormones.

    Another common pathway for steroid metabolism is known. However, it has a narrower meaning, since it is inherent only in C21 steroid hormones. It comes down to the reduction of the keto group at the 20th carbon atom and is provided by microsomal and cytosolic enzymes 20a- and 20b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases, or oxidoreductases (see above, B).

    As a result of the 20-oxide dehydrogenase reaction, 20-dihydro derivatives of C21 steroids are formed, in which the hydroxyl group is oriented either in the 20a- or 20b-position. The substrates for this reaction can be both the original secreted steroids and their tetrahydrometabolites. Moreover, 20a-hydroxy derivatives of the hormones themselves, unlike 20b-derivatives, can have pronounced hormonal activity. At the same time, the 20a-, 20b-dihydroforms of steroids with reduced ring A are biologically inactive. Metabolites of C21-steroids with reduced side chain and reduced A ring constitute a significant portion of the final, excreted metabolites of corticosteroids and progestins.

    Finally, the peripheral metabolism of all steroid hormones is, to one degree or another, characterized by hydroxylation processes at different positions of the steroid molecule. Hydrokenlation processes occur mainly in the liver under the action of microsomal monooxygenases (hydroxylases) - cytochrome P450-dependent enzymes. This enzyme system of hepatocytes is similar to the hydroxylases of steroidogenic endocrine cells, but does not include adrenodoxin, an enzymatic component specific for the biosynthesis of steroid hormones. Interestingly, many isoforms of monooxygenases actively simultaneously convert xenobiotics - micromolecular drugs, toxins and carcinogens.

    All of the listed metabolites of steroid hormones are poorly soluble in water and are converted in the liver before excretion into paired compounds (conjugates) - esters with sulfuric, glucuronic and some other acids. The synthesis of ethers with glucuronic acid (glucuronides) and esters with sulfuric acid (sulfates) is the common final step in the catabolism of most steroid hormones, immediately preceding excretory processes.

    Esterification of steroids increases their solubility in water and increases the threshold for reabsorption in the convoluted tubules of the kidneys and intestinal mucosa. In addition, in some cases it additionally inhibits the biological activity of the compounds. The stage of formation of paired compounds is nonspecific for steroid hormones.

    The formation of an ester bond with metabolites of steroid hormones is a complex enzymatic process that occurs primarily at the hydroxyl of the C3 steroid (see above).

    In most species studied, with rare exceptions (eg, the guinea pig), approximately 90% of steroid hormone metabolites are excreted in the form of glucuronides and sulfates. In addition to glucuronides and sulfates, phosphates and conjugates with glutathione, N-acetylglucosamine and proteins are found in excreta (Yudaevidr., 1976).

    Polar C21 and C19 carboxymetabolites or their corresponding carboforms were also found in urine (Taylor, 1970; Monder and Bradlow, 1977). The carboxy forms of these compounds are called ethienic acids.

    Hormones are biologically active substances, different in chemical nature, which are produced by cells of the endocrine glands and specific cells scattered throughout the body in working organs and tissues.

    All hormones have several important properties that distinguish them from other biologically active substances:

    1. Hormones are produced in the cells of the endocrine glands and secreted into the blood.

    2. All hormones are extremely active substances; they are produced in small dosages (0.001-0.01 mol/l), but have a pronounced and rapid biological effect.

    3. Hormones specifically affect organs and tissues through receptors. They fit the receptor like a key to a lock, and therefore only affect susceptible cells and tissues.

    4. Hormones are distinguished by the fact that they have a certain rhythm of secretion, for example, hormones of the adrenal cortex have a daily rhythm of secretion, and sometimes the rhythm is monthly (sex hormones in women) or the intensity of secretion changes over a longer period of time (seasonal rhythms).

    It is worth noting that biologically active substances that are produced by cells scattered throughout the body are often classified as so-called tissue hormones. Their distinctive features are secretion into tissue fluid and a predominantly local effect, while hormones exert their effect remotely.

    By their chemical nature, all hormones can be proteins (peptides), derivatives of amino acids or substances of a steroid nature.

    Work regulation

    The work of the endocrine glands (the intensity of hormone synthesis) is regulated by the central nervous system. At the same time, the activity of all peripheral endocrine glands is also determined by corrective influences from the central structures of the endocrine system.

    There are two mechanisms of influence of the nervous system on the endocrine system: neuro-conducting and neuro-endocrine. The first is the direct influence of the nervous system through nerve impulses on the peripheral glands. For example, the intensity of hormone synthesis can change due to a decrease or increase in the tone of the gland’s vessels, i.e. changes in the intensity of its blood supply. The second mechanism is the influence of the nervous system on the hypothalamus, which, through releasing factors (stimulants - liberins, and secretion suppressors - statins), determines the functioning of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland, in turn, produces tropic hormones that regulate the activity of peripheral glands.

    All endocrine glands are connected to central structures through a negative feedback mechanism - an increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood leads to a decrease in the stimulating effect of the nervous system and the central structures of the endocrine system.


    Most hormones are synthesized by endocrine glands in active form. Some enter the plasma in the form of inactive substances - prohormones. For example, proinsulin, which becomes active only after the cleavage of a small part of it - the so-called C-peptide.


    Hormone secretion is always an active process that is strictly regulated by nervous and endocrine mechanisms. If necessary, not only the production of the hormone can decrease, but it can also be deposited in the cells of the endocrine glands, for example, due to binding to protein, RNA, and divalent ions.


    Transport of the hormone is carried out exclusively by blood. Moreover, most of it in the blood is in bound form with proteins (about 90%). It is worth noting that almost all hormones bind to specific proteins, while only 10% of the pool is bound to a nonspecific protein (albumin). Bound hormones are inactive; they become active only after leaving the complex. If the body does not need the hormone, then over time it leaves the complex and is metabolized.

    Receptor interactions

    The binding of the hormone to the receptor is a critical step in humoral signal transmission. It is the receptor interaction that determines the specific effect of the hormone on target cells. Most of the receptors are glycoproteins that are embedded in the membrane, i.e. are in a specific phospholipid environment.

    The interaction between the receptor and the hormone occurs according to the law of mass action according to Michaelis kinetics. During interaction, both positive and negative cooperative effects can occur. In other words, the binding of a hormone to a receptor can improve the binding of all subsequent molecules to it, or greatly hinder it.

    The interaction of a hormone and a receptor can lead to various biological effects; they are largely determined by the type of receptor, namely its location. In this regard, the following variants of receptor localization are distinguished:

    1. Superficial. When interacting with a hormone, they change their structure (conformation), due to which the permeability of the membrane increases, and certain substances pass into the cell.

    2. Transmembrane. The surface part interacts with the hormone, and the opposite part (inside the cell) interacts with the enzyme (adenylate cyclase or gaunyl cyclase) and promotes the production of intracellular mediators (cyclic adenine or gaunine monophosphate). The latter are so-called intracellular messengers; they enhance protein synthesis or its transport, i.e. have a certain biological effect.

    3. Cytoplasmic. Found in the cytoplasm in free form. The hormone binds to them, the complex enters the nucleus, where it enhances synthesis

    Messenger RNA and thus stimulates the formation of protein on ribosomes.

    4. Nuclear. It is a non-histone protein that binds to DNA. The interaction of the hormone and the receptor leads to increased protein synthesis by the cell.

    The effect of a hormone depends on many factors, in particular, on its concentration, on the number of receptors, the density of their location, the affinity (affinity) of the hormone and the receptor, as well as the presence of an antagonistic or potentiating effect on the same cells or tissues of other biologically active substances.

    Receptor sensitivity is not only academic, but also of great clinical importance, since, for example, insulin receptor resistance underlies the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and blocking receptors in hormone-sensitive tumors (in particular, breast) significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.


    Hormones can be metabolized in the endocrine glands themselves, if they are not needed, in the blood, and also in target organs after they have completed their function.

    Hormone metabolism can occur in several ways:

    1. Molecule splitting (hydrolysis).

    2. Changing the structure of the active center due to the addition of additional radicals, for example, methylation or acetylation.

    3. Oxidation or reduction.

    4. Bonding of a molecule with a glucuronic or sulfuric acid residue to form the corresponding salt.

    The destruction of hormones is not only a means of their disposal after they have completed their function, but also an important mechanism for regulating the level of hormones in the blood and their biological effect. It is worth noting that increased catabolism increases the pool of free hormones, thus making them more available to organs and tissues. If the catabolism of hormones remains elevated for a long enough time, then the level of transport proteins decreases, which also increases bioavailability.

    Excretion from the body

    Hormones can be excreted by all routes without exception, in particular, by the kidneys with urine, the liver through bile, the gastrointestinal tract with digestive juices, the respiratory tract with exhaled vapors, and the skin with sweat. Peptide hormones are hydrolyzed to amino acids, which enter the general pool and can be used again by the body. The preferential method of excretion of a particular hormone is determined by its solubility in water, structure, metabolic characteristics, and so on.

    By the amount of hormones or their metabolites in the urine, it is often possible to track the total amount of hormone secretion per day. Therefore, urine is one of the main media for the functional study of the endocrine system; the study of blood plasma is no less important for laboratory diagnostics.

    To summarize, it is worth noting that endocrine system is a complex and multicomponent system, all processes in which are closely interconnected, and dysfunction can be associated with pathology at each of the above stages: from the formation of the hormone to its elimination.

    Volgograd State Medical University
    Faculty of Medicine and Biology, III year
    Human biochemistry
    Presentation of slides for the lecture
    Ph.D. Valery Gennadievich Zaitsev
    (Department of Theoretical Biochemistry with a Course of Clinical Biochemistry of Volgograd State Medical University)
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    Lecture outline

    Steroid hormones - structure, nomenclature and
    General overview of steroid hormone biosynthetic pathways
    Enzymes involved in biosynthesis
    Pathways of biosynthesis of individual hormones and their regulation
    Steroid hormones in the blood
    Mechanism of action/interaction with target cells
    Inactivation and catabolism of steroid hormones
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    Features of steroid hormones

    Common origin (predecessor –
    Fat-soluble, therefore easily penetrates
    They are not stored or stored in endocrine tissue,
    secreted immediately after synthesis
    Synthesis, not release, is regulated
    Enzymes for the biosynthesis of steroid hormones
    localized in mitochondria and smooth ER
    Transport with blood requires special
    hormone-binding transport proteins
    In some cases can be converted to
    forms with altered biological activity
    non-endocrine tissues (liver, target tissues)
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    Skeleton of steroid hormones

    4 hydrocarbon rings
    (3 six-membered and 1
    Deputies' provisions
    indicated by arrows
    Possible substitutes:
    methyl-, hydroxy-, oxo-,
    carboxyl-, acetyl-,
    carboxyalkyl- and others.
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    Metabolic origin

    All steroid hormones
    – lipophilic
    low molecular weight
    connections, common
    which is
    Sources of cholesterol in
    human body:
    food and biosynthesis
    (mainly in
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    The place of steroid hormones in cholesterol metabolism

    Bile acids
    Vitamin D
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    Stereochemistry of steroids

    For B/C communication
    animal steroids
    only the cis conformation is known
    A/B and C/D connections
    can be both cis and
    human hormones
    have a conformation
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    Steroids with regulatory action

    "True" steroid hormones:
    synthesized mainly in the glands of the internal
    endocrine effects
    Neurosteroids (Baulieu E.E., 1991; Biol. Cell. 71:3-10)
    synthesized by cells of the central nervous system
    autocrine and paracrine effects
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    Necessary stages of exchange

    Synthesis of steroid hormones directly from cholesterol
    or from intermediate products
    Secretion of steroid hormones into the blood / transport to targets
    Peripheral metabolism (conversion of primary steroid
    hormones into metabolites with other biological activity,
    occurs in the liver and target cells)
    Uptake by target cells
    Inactivation and catabolism of steroid hormones/removal
    decomposition products
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    10. Classifications of steroid hormones

    By place of education
    By biological functions (which systems
    By type of biological activity
    According to biochemical activity
    By target cell type
    According to chemical structure
    By gender (universal/male/female)
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    11. Places of education

    ADRENAL GLANDS (corticosteroids -
    glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, partly -
    progesterone and some androgens)
    TESTES (male sex hormones - androgens)
    OVARIES (female sex hormones - progestins and
    (progesterone from 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, as well as
    estrogens - from dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate)
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    12. Classes of steroid hormones

    GLUCOCORTICOIDS (the main representative is
    MINERALOCORTICOIDS (best known and studied
    ANDROGENS (eg testosterone)
    PROGESTINS, or PROGESTOGENS (progesterone)
    ESTROGENS (the most significant are estradiol and estrone)
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    13. General scheme of biosynthesis

    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    14. Common metabolic precursor

    Pregnenolone (C21-steroid)
    Formed at the first stage of synthesis
    ALL steroid hormones
    Side chain elimination reaction
    cholesterol is catalyzed by a special
    cytochrome P450-dependent
    enzyme – P450scc (also
    called 20,22-desmolase or
    Key step in steroid synthesis
    Regulated by adrenocorticotropic
    hormone (ACTH) in the adrenal glands and
    luteinizing hormone (LH) in
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    15. Androgenic steroids

    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    16. Androgenic steroids

    Synthesis sites
    Adrenal cortex
    Androgenic activity
    Growth and development of male genital organs
    Involved in determining the sex of the fetus
    Affect gender-specific behavior
    Determine the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics
    Stimulators and regulators of spermatogenesis
    Anabolic effect
    Muscle development
    Skeletal and connective tissue development
    Hair development
    Causes reversal of catabolic processes,
    leading to a decrease in the mass of certain types of tissues
    Stimulation of protein synthesis, suppression of its breakdown
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    17. Anabolic steroids

    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    18. Estrogenic steroids

    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    19. Estrogenic steroids

    Synthesis sites
    In small quantities – adrenal glands, hypothalamus,
    adenohypophysis, testes
    Physiological activity of natural estrogens
    Regulation of reproduction
    Development of female genital organs
    Regulation of ovulation
    Preparing a woman's body for pregnancy and
    regulation of pregnancy stages
    Regulation of bone tissue turnover (growth)
    Regulating the nature of fat deposits
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    20. Synthetic estrogens

    Stronger than natural estrogens, suppress
    Included in oral contraceptives
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    21. Progestins

    Synthesis sites
    Corpus luteum of the ovaries
    Adrenal cortex
    Physiological activity
    natural estrogens
    Preservation and maintenance
    Suppression of maturation
    follicles and ovulation
    Preventing spontaneous
    uterine contractions
    Breast development
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    22. Mineralocorticoids

    Synthesis sites
    Adrenal cortex (zona glomerulosa)
    Physiological activity
    Regulation of electrolyte levels and balance (strengthen
    sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion)
    Regulation of water metabolism
    Increased blood pressure
    aldehyde form
    hemiacetal form
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    23. Glucocorticoids

    Synthesis sites
    Adrenal cortex (zona fasciculata)
    Physiological activity
    Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism (gluconeogenesis), proteins
    (proteolysis), fats (lipolysis), calcium
    Suppression of immune system activity, regulation,
    inflammatory and allergic reactions
    One of the stress hormones
    Involved in the formation of memory, learning ability,
    mood, circadian rhythms
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    24. Circadian rhythm of cortisol secretion

    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    25. Regulators of steroid hormone synthesis

    Luteinizing hormone (LH)
    progesterone and testosterone
    Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
    Angiotensins II and III
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    26. Steroidogenic enzymes

    located in mitochondria and smooth ER
    Desmolases (lyases)
    P450scc removes part of the cholesterol side chain. Reaction
    requires cytochrome P450, O2, NADPH. Enzyme
    mitochondrial, associated with electron transport
    Requires cytochrome P450, O2, NADPH and can be
    found both in mitochondria and in the ER
    Hydroxylated steroid dehydrogenases
    They can be cytosolic and microsomal. Reactions
    reversible, the direction depends on the ratio
    Converts the A-ring into an aromatic ring. Membrane-bound cytochrome P450-dependent enzyme
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    27. Steroidogenic enzymes

    Trivial name
    3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
    17α-Hydroxylase / 17,20lyase
    Aldosterone synthase
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    28. Steroidogenic enzymes

    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    29. Synthesis of steroids in the adrenal glands

    * DHEA-S – dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    30. Regulation of steroid synthesis in the adrenal glands

    zona fasciculata + zona reticularis
    adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) + corticotropin liberin + cortisol (negative feedback)
    cAMP-dependent regulation
    zona glomerulosa
    angiotensins II and III stimulate P450scc
    regulation of intracellular Ca2+ levels by
    protein kinase C-dependent mechanism
    Plasma potassium may regulate synthesis
    mineralocorticoids directly, through the action
    voltage-gated Ca2+ channels
    change in plasma potassium levels by only 0.1 mM
    causes an almost twofold change in secretion
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    31. Synthesis of sex hormones

    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    32. Regulation of androgen synthesis

    Leydig cells
    testosterone production is stimulated by LH via a cAMP-dependent mechanism
    cannot synthesize dihydrotestosterone
    Sertoli cells
    testosterone production is stimulated by FSH via a cAMP-dependent mechanism
    can use endogenous and exogenous (from cells
    Leydig) testosterone for the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone
    Ovarian thecal cells
    production of androstenedione and testosterone
    stimulated by LH via a cAMP-dependent mechanism
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    33. Regulation of androgen synthesis

    * StAR – Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    34. Androgen antagonists

    (prostate cancer)
    (prostate cancer)
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    35. Aromatase in estrogen synthesis

    Aromatase is present in thecal and granulosa cells
    In the thecal cells, estrogen synthesis (secretion into the blood)
    stimulated by LH through activation of androgen synthesis
    In the granulosa, the synthesis of estrogens (from thecal androgens
    cells, secretion into follicular fluid)
    stimulated by FSH through increased activity
    aromatase. Maturation of granulosa cells increases their
    sensitivity to LH
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    36. Aromatase in estrogen synthesis

    O2, NADPH
    O2, NADPH
    O2, NADPH
    peroxy enzyme
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    37. Aromatase in estrogen synthesis

    17 -HSD
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    44. Steroid hormone receptors

    Intracellular effects
    extracellular effects
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    45. Steroid hormone receptors

    hsp hsp
    hsp hsp
    + or -
    Target gene
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    46. ​​Steroid hormone receptors

    Cell specific
    SR SR
    TF TF
    SR SR
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    47. Regulation of steroid hormone function

    Hormone concentration
    At low steroid concentrations, phosphorylation
    usually weak
    Serine and threonine are phosphorylated
    Enzyme: mitogen-activated protein kinases
    Steroid binding may increase the degree
    Phosphorylation increases the receptor's affinity for
    DNA, transcriptional activity and stability
    hormone-receptor-DNA complex
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    48. Steroid hormone receptors

    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    49. Steroid hormone receptors

    Estrogen response element
    AP-1 element (or Sp-1)
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev


    Steroid Receptors Class ll Receptors
    GR Glucocorticoid
    PR Progesterone
    AR Androgen
    ER Estrogen
    Palindrome HREs
    Orphan Receptors
    TR, FXR
    RXR, LXR
    RAR, PXR
    NR RXR
    Direct Repeat HREs
    Halfsite HREs

    51. Estrogen receptor coactivators

    histone acetylation
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    52. Synergism of hormones

    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    53. Inactivation of steroid hormones

    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

    54. Diseases associated with steroid metabolism disorders

    HIRSUTISM (excessive production
    dehydroepiandrosterone, a defect in one of the 3
    biosynthesis enzymes)
    ADDISON'S DISEASE (hypocortisolism)
    CUSHING'S SYNDROME (hypercortisolism - tumors
    adrenal glands or pituitary gland, iatrogenic)
    HYPERCORTICISM without Cushing's syndrome
    (testicular feminization)
    © 2007, V.G. Zaitsev

      Levels of organization of regulatory systems.

      The role of hormones in the regulation of metabolism.

      Hormones of the adrenal medulla, thyroid, parathyroid and pancreas.

    For the normal functioning of a multicellular organism, the interaction between individual cells, tissues and organs is necessary. This relationship is carried out by 4 main regulatory systems.

      Central and peripheral nervous systems through nerve impulses and neurotransmitters;

      The endocrine system through endocrine glands and hormones that are secreted into the blood and affect the metabolism of various target cells;

      Paracrine and autocrine systems through various compounds that are secreted into the intercellular space and interact with receptors either of nearby cells or of the same cell (prostaglandins, gastrointestinal hormones, histamine, etc.);

      The immune system through specific proteins (cytokines, antibodies).

    Metabolic regulation systems. A - endocrine - hormones are secreted by glands into the blood, transported through the bloodstream and bind to receptors of target cells;

    B - paracrine - hormones are secreted into the extracellular space and bind to membrane receptors of neighboring cells;

    B - autocrine - hormones are secreted into the extracellular space and bind to membrane receptors of the cell secreting the hormone:

    Levels of organization of regulatory systems

    3 hierarchical levels.

    First level- CNS. Nerve cells receive signals coming from the external and internal environment, convert them into the form of a nerve impulse and transmit them through synapses using chemical signals - mediators. Mediators cause metabolic changes in effector cells.

    The second level is the endocrine system. Includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, peripheral endocrine glands (as well as individual cells) that synthesize hormones and release them into the blood when exposed to an appropriate stimulus.

    The third level is intracellular. It consists of changes in metabolism within a cell or a separate metabolic pathway that occurs as a result of:

    - changes in enzyme activity by activation or inhibition;

    - changes in the amount of enzymes by the mechanism of induction or repression of protein synthesis or changes in the rate of their destruction;

    - changes in transport speed substances through cell membranes.

    The role of hormones in the regulation of metabolism and functions

    Hormones are integrating regulators that connect various regulatory mechanisms and metabolism in different organs. They function as chemical messengers that carry signals originating in various organs and the central nervous system. The cell's response to the action of a hormone is very diverse and is determined both by the chemical structure of the hormone and by the type of cell to which the action of the hormone is directed.

    Hormones(Greek hormao- set in motion) are biologically active substances, different in chemical nature, produced by specialized organs and tissues (endocrine glands) that enter directly into the blood and carry out the humoral regulation of metabolism and body functions. All hormones are characterized by high specificity of action.

    Hormonoids- substances produced in a number of tissues and cells (not in specialized organs), like hormones, influencing metabolic processes and functions of the body. Hormonoids often exert their effects within the cells in which they are formed, or they spread by diffusion and act near the site of their formation, while some hormones also enter the bloodstream. There are no sharp differences between hormones and hormonoids.

    Endocrine system is a functional association of cells, tissues and organs specialized for internal secretion. Their main function is the synthesis and secretion into the internal environment of the body (incretion) of hormone molecules. Thus, the endocrine system carries out hormonal regulation of vital processes. Endocrine function is possessed by: 1) organs or glands of internal secretion, 2) endocrine tissue in an organ whose function is not limited to internal secretion, 3) cells that have, along with endocrine and non-endocrine functions.

    Organs, tissues and cells with endocrine function

    Tissue, cells

    Endocrine glands

    Pituitary gland a) Adenohypophysis

    Corticotrophs Gonadotrophs Thyrotrophs Somatotrophs Lactotrophs

    Corticotropin Melanotropin Follitropin Lutropin Thyrotropin Somatotropin Prolactin

    b) neurohypophysis


    Vasopressin Oxytocin Endorphins

    Adrenal glands a) cortex b) medulla

    Zona glomerulosa Zona fasciculata Zona reticularis Chromaffin cells

    Mineralocorticoids Glucocorticoids Sex steroids Adrenaline (Norepinephrine) Adrenomedullin

    Thyroid gland

    Follicular thyrocytes K cells

    Triiodothyronine Tetraiodothyronine Calcitonin

    Parathyroid glands

    Chief cells K cells

    Parathyrin Calcitonin



    Organs with endocrine tissue


    Islets of Langerhans alpha cells beta cells delta cells

    Glucagon Insulin Somatostatin

    Gonads a) testes b) ovaries

    Leydig cells Sertoli cells Granulosa cells Corpus luteum

    Testosterone Esterogens Inhibin Estradiol Estrone Progesterone Progesterone

    Organs with endocrine cell function

    Gastrointestinal tract

    Endocrine and enterochromaffin cells of the stomach and small intestine

    Regulatory peptides


    Syncytiotrophoblast Cytotrophoblast

    Human chorionic gonadotropin Prolactin Estriol Progesterone


    Thymosin, Thymopoietin, Timulin

    JUGA Peritubular cells Tubules

    Renin Erythropoietin Calcitriol

    Atrial myocytes

    Atriopeptide Somatostatin Angiotensin-II

    Blood vessels


    Endothelins NO Hyperpolarizing factor Prostaglandins Adhesion regulators

    A system of cells capable of transforming amino acids into various hormones and having a common embryonic origin forms the APUD system (about 40 types of cells found in the central nervous system (hypothalamus, cerebellum), endocrine glands (pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland , pancreatic islets, adrenal glands, ovaries), in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys and urinary tract, paraganglia and placenta) APUD is an abbreviation formed from the first letters of the English. words amines amines, precursor predecessor, uptake assimilation, absorption, decarboxylation decarboxylation; synonym diffuse neuroendocrine system. The cells of the APUD system - apudocytes - are capable of synthesizing biogenic amines (catecholamines, serotonin, histamine) and physiologically active peptides; they are located diffusely or in groups among the cells of other organs. The creation of the concept of the APUD system was facilitated by the simultaneous discovery in peptide-producing endocrine cells and neurons of a large number of peptides that play the role of neurotransmitters or are secreted into the bloodstream as neurohormones. It was found that biologically active compounds produced by cells of the APUD system perform endocrine, neurocrine and neuroendocrine functions.

    Features of hormones:

    - hormones are present in the blood in very low concentrations

    (up to 10 -12 praying);

    - their effect is realized through intermediaries - messengers;

    - hormones change the activity of existing enzymes or enhance the synthesis of enzymes;

    - the action of enzymes is controlled by the central nervous system;

    - hormones and endocrine glands are connected by a direct and feedback mechanism.

    Many hormonesare transferred by blood not independently, but withproteins blood plasma - carriers.Destroyed hormones in the liver, andare displayed products of their destruction by the kidneys.

    In target organs (which hormones reach) on the surface of cells there arespecific receptors , which “recognize” their hormone, sometimes these receptors are not on the cell membrane, but on the nucleus inside the cell.

    Synthesized hormones are deposited in the corresponding glands in different quantities:

    Stock steroid hormones– enough to supply the body for a period of time several hours,

    Stock protein-peptide hormones(in the form of prohormones) is enough for

    1 day,

    Stock catecholamines- on several days,

    Stock thyroid hormones- on several weeks.

    The secretion of hormones into the blood (by exocytosis or diffusion) occurs unevenly - it is pulsating in nature, or a circadian rhythm is observed. In the blood, protein-peptide hormones and catecholamines are usually in a free state; steroid and thyroid hormones bind to specific carrier proteins. The half-life of hormones in plasma is: catecholamines - seconds, protein-peptide hormones - minutes, steroid hormones - hours, thyroid hormones - several days. Hormones affect target cells by interacting with receptors; their separation from the receptors occurs after tens of seconds or minutes. All hormones are ultimately destroyed, partially in target cells, especially intensively in the liver. Mainly hormone metabolites and unchanged hormones are excreted from the body in very small quantities. The main route of their elimination is through the kidneys with urine.

    Physiological effect of the hormone determined by various factors, for example:

      hormone concentration(which is determined by the rate of inactivation as a result of the breakdown of hormones, which occurs mainly in the liver, and the rate of excretion of hormones and its metabolites from the body),

      affinity for carrier proteins(steroid and thyroid hormones are transported through the bloodstream in combination with proteins),

      number and type of receptors on the surface of target cells.

    The synthesis and secretion of hormones are stimulated by external and internal signals entering the central nervous system.

    These signals travel through neurons to hypothalamus, where they stimulate synthesis of peptidesreleasing hormones(from English, release - release) - liberins and statins.

    Liberins stimulate and statins inhibitsynthesis and secretion of hormones of the anterior pituitary gland.

    Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland, calledtropic hormones, stimulate the formation and secretion of hormones from peripheral endocrine glands, which enter the general bloodstream and interact with target cells.

    Diagram of the relationship between the body's regulatory systems. 1 - synthesis and secretion of hormones is stimulated by external and internal signals; 2 - signals through neurons enter the hypothalamus, where they stimulate the synthesis and secretion of releasing hormones; 3 - releasing hormones stimulate (liberins) or inhibit (statins) the synthesis and secretion of triple hormones of the pituitary gland; 4 - triple hormones stimulate the synthesis and secretion of hormones from the peripheral endocrine glands; 5 - hormones of the endocrine glands enter the bloodstream and interact with target cells; 6 - changes in the concentration of metabolites in target cells through a negative feedback mechanism suppresses the synthesis of hormones of the endocrine glands and hypothalamus; 7 - the synthesis and secretion of triple hormones is suppressed by hormones of the endocrine glands; ⊕ - stimulation of synthesis and secretion of hormones; ⊝ - suppression of the synthesis and secretion of hormones (negative feedback).

    Maintaining hormone levels in the body ensures negative feedback mechanism communications. Changes in the concentration of metabolites in target cells by a negative feedback mechanism suppresses hormone synthesis, acting either on the endocrine glands or the hypothalamus. Synthesis and secretiontropic hormonessuppressed by hormones of endocrine peripheral glands. Such feedback loops operate in hormone regulation systems adrenal glands, thyroid gland, gonads.

    Not all endocrine glands are regulated in this way:

    G hormones of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland - vasopressin and oxytocin - synthesized in the hypothalamus as precursors and are stored in terminal axon granules of the neurohypophysis;

    The secretion of pancreatic hormones (insulin and glucagon) directly depends on the concentration of glucose in the blood.

    Low-molecular protein compounds also participate in the regulation of intercellular interactions - cytokines. The influence of cytokines on various cell functions is due to their interaction with membrane receptors. Through the formation of intracellular messengers signals are sent to the core where they take place activation of certain genes and induction of protein synthesis. All cytokines have the following common properties:

      synthesized during the body’s immune response, serve as mediators of immune and inflammatory reactions and have mainly autocrine, in some cases paracrine and endocrine activity;

      act as growth factors and cell differentiation factors (they cause predominantly slow cellular reactions that require the synthesis of new proteins);

      have pleiotropic (multifunctional) activity.