Compatibility of zodiac signs: he is Aquarius, she is Capricorn. Compatibility of Capricorn and Aquarius

Anna Lyubimova July 24, 2018, 19:30

Few people are familiar with the energetic interaction of these two signs; it is extremely interesting. Indeed, according to horoscopic history, both signs were initially subordinate to Saturn, and only later was the direct influence of Uranus on Aquarius discovered. Capricorn, who strictly acts within the framework of established rules, and the rebellious, stereotype-neutral Aquarius are two opposites.

And in spiritual life, airy, soaring in his ideas, Aquarius does not always understand the down-to-earth and rationalism of Capricorn, considering him a bore and even a hypocrite. Capricorn is disgusted by the optionality and easy attitude towards life of Aquarius. However, they need each other, because Aquarius sometimes lacks a foothold to take off, and Capricorn can give it.

Aquarius does not always understand the down-to-earth and rationalism of Capricorn

Intellectual and spiritually developed representatives of these signs may well get along and have an affair if they learn to accept each other as they are, tolerant of mutual oddities, without trying to remake the partner in their own way. Otherwise, conflicts cannot be avoided, because both signs are stubborn, strong in spirit and do not tolerate psychological pressure on their personality.

Compatibility Chart for Aquarius and Capricorn

Compatibility of Aquarius Man and Capricorn Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

Communication with an Aquarius makes a serious and reserved Capricorn woman more relaxed. She is attracted by the abundance of ideas and the originality of his thinking. Having achieved certain goals in life, she suddenly begins to open up new perspectives. But Capricorn is looking for a stable and strong relationship, confidence in her chosen one, and Aquarius, with his desire to belong to the whole world, can greatly shake her faith that he is the hero of her novel.

However, the union of this couple can bring out the best in each of them. The Capricorn girl will begin to look at things more broadly, be more lenient towards the shortcomings of others and not get hung up on norms and prescribed rules, fearing universal condemnation. Aquarius will see in Capricorn a wise guardian who will be interested and conquered by his ideas. She is ready to “punch” the road to realization with their help, considering them worthy and almost brilliant.

The Capricorn woman is not particularly curious, so she will not harass Aquarius with interrogations and suspicions, and he will appreciate it. In addition, Capricorn does not suffer from attacks of excessive emotionality, which is also to the liking of Aquarius. But Capricorn loves to lead. She may not be able to resist the desire to “educate” her friend. But Aquarius does not intend to obey. Considering that both natures are strong and stubborn, quite protracted conflicts can arise on this basis.

In such cases, it is useful for them to use their sense of humor, which both signs are endowed with. This will certainly defuse the situation and correct the situation.

Are they compatible in love?

The compatibility of this couple is at a very high level and, in the presence of true love, can develop into a strong, happy relationship.

A practical and rational Capricorn woman brings an element of stability into the life of Aquarius. He listens to her opinion and pays attention to manners, behavior, attitude to situations, gradually streamlining your lifestyle and acquiring practicality skills.

Not having a natural tendency to express emotions clearly, Aquarius will not amaze Capricorn with a special expression of feelings, but Capricorn will certainly feel in him reliability, readiness to protect and help in any situation.

Aquarius will not amaze Capricorn with a special expression of feelings

True, he transfers this readiness to his numerous friends and acquaintances, which can cause the Capricorn young lady to be jealous. Only by realizing that she is more than a friend to him can Capricorn become truly happy.

The harmony of their relationship is built on the principles of unobtrusiveness and preservation of individuality. At the same time, practicality and dreams, diversity and stability are closely intertwined in their lives. They may well be happy in conditions of mutual respect and tolerance.

Aquarius guy and Capricorn girl in sex

The Aquarius guy is attracted to novelty and originality.

The Capricorn girl is consistent and conservative. In bed, as in life, she often adheres to traditions and is not very inventive.

In addition, Aquarius may seem somewhat cold and insufficiently sensual to her.

In fact, you just need to start it. If Capricorn manages to loosen up and shows a willingness to experiment, this will pleasantly surprise and interest Aquarius, and his passion will begin to manifest itself more strongly.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Marriage relationships in the combination “She is Capricorn, he is Aquarius” can benefit both spouses, if their romance lasted long enough to get to know each other's character traits. Otherwise, disappointments are inevitable in life together.

Regulated Capricorn will stumble upon the optionality and avoidance of solving everyday issues of Aquarius. And his wife’s Capricorn, fed up with his integrity and conservatism, will begin to respond to her attempts to “teach reason” with his extravagant antics.

But it doesn’t matter when the spouses have studied each other well. The Capricorn woman, from communicating with her light and relaxed Aquarius husband, feels like a young soul and body. And its practicality is quite enough for two, so Aquarius is secretly glad that he is freed from problems and insecurity at the everyday level.

Aquarius and Capricorn must know each other's character traits

Is there friendship if he is Aquarius and she is Capricorn

They can communicate easily and pleasantly. The extraordinary personality of Aquarius appeals to Capricorn. She finds release for herself in a distraction from the order of life in its unpredictability, chaos and almost genius.

But his manner of constant intrusive friendship can still strain her. She will gladly accept help, when necessary, but aimless visits may not suit her, especially if she has found her soul mate. In this case, Capricorn may refuse friendship with Aquarius altogether. But he is not offended. He already has a wide circle of acquaintances and friends.

How to win an Aquarius man?

Aquarius is a freedom-loving nature. But this does not mean that he is fickle and unstable.

He can live your whole life with one woman who will understand his nature and will not tie him to his principles and lock him in an everyday cage.

And a Capricorn girl may well attract his attention. After all, she is not just attractive and well-groomed, which is important for a man. She is able to understand his nature intuitively, especially since she is not naturally characterized by emotional conflicts and the desire to be aware of all his body movements. She will not interrogate him, find out where he is going and why. Feeling his inner strength and determination, Capricorn will take upon himself the solution of all everyday problems within his power, and this is so necessary for a creative Aquarius, so as not to be distracted by the little things in life and to do something global.

How to get the attention of a Capricorn woman?

The Capricorn Lady is a rather down-to-earth sign. Material stability and confidence in the future are important to her. She prefers reliable men who know how to provide for a family, but don’t worry too much about how he will do it.

But with all this, down-to-earthness requires a certain release. Moving away from habitual stereotypes can be useful and necessary. This is exactly what can attract her to dynamic Aquarius. He is pleasant and free in communication, opens up new vision, ideas, goals, in addition to a practical career and status. And this brings variety to the life of Capricorn.

The Capricorn woman cares about material stability and confidence in the future.

Compatibility horoscope for Aquarius Woman and Capricorn Man

The horoscope of this couple is more positive in comparison with the combination of Aquarius-man and Capricorn-woman. Aquarius is attracted to an Aquarius girl who is open and easy to talk to. With her, he feels his importance and desire to care. And Aquarius happily accepts this care, which allows her not to think about everyday problems, but to devote herself to spiritual interests. She ready to support the Man Capricorn, listening to his rational advice and completely relying on his decisions.

But Capricorn, who strictly respects the rules and norms established in society, may demand that Aquarius moderate his sometimes too extravagant behavior. After all, he himself tries to adhere to the boundaries established in society and demands this from others. Aquarius may regard this as an attempt to put psychological pressure on her, a desire to “re-educate” her. But not everything is so categorical. Capricorn only insists on external adherence to the routine, but in his soul he is very impressed by her originality and unpredictability.

If an Aquarius girl is ready to make concessions and take into account the opinion of a Capricorn man, she will subsequently discover that she only gains in her image, since both classicism and originality coexist harmoniously in her behavior

Love relationships

In love, the Aquarius-Capricorn combination has good compatibility, largely thanks to the Aquarius woman. Capricorn occupies a leading position, and Aquarius is more than happy with this. She does not contradict, relies on his opinion, outwardly showing complete submission.

She manages, while maintaining inner freedom, to delicately direct Capricorn’s thoughts in the same direction as her own, and he is sure that he made the decision independently and single-handedly.

This state of affairs in a love union is quite natural - a strong guiding man and a weak follower woman.

In bed, the Aquarius-Capricorn couple loves experiments and variety

Sexual attraction of a couple

In bed, this couple loves experiments and variety. Aquarius provides Capricorn with leadership in intimate relationships, which strengthens his self-esteem and confidence. Aquarius, fueling his interest with unusual sexual surprises, will firmly tie Capricorn, who is prone to betrayal, to himself.

Marriage union

The Capricorn wife cannot be called an ideal housewife, but the Capricorn husband does not lose hope of curbing her violent fantasies and returning her to earth

But she brings inspiration and variety into his life, not allowing relationships to freeze and become moldy.

In everyday matters, Aquarius completely relies on her husband. He is practical, knows how to cope with any problem and find a way out. And she supports and approves of him in everything. Such a balanced relationship gives quite strong alliances.

How are an Aquarius girl and a Capricorn guy friends?

Friendship between these signs is often built on the basis of business relationships. Capricorn likes Aquarius' fresh ideas, which he, having processed from a practical point of view, can bring to life. Aquarius is open and sociable, you can talk to her on any topic. True, Capricorn sometimes likes to be alone, and Aquarius can be intrusive in friendship. Their friendship is long-term and stable until Capricorn finds his “soul mate.”

Capricorn likes Aquarius's fresh ideas

How to win a Capricorn man and build a relationship with him?

A girl who is charming, honest and non-mercantile can attract the attention of Capricorn.

The Capricorn man is captivated by the Aquarius girl with her inner freedom and unconventional thinking, which is what he lacks in his character. With her, he will feel more relaxed, at the same time wiser and more rational in everyday life. The kindness and responsiveness of Aquarius, the ability to console and encouragement will certainly find a response in the heart of young Capricorn. With age, he learns gallantry and tolerance for the love of freedom of Aquarius.

A mature Capricorn is a reliable support and support for the Aquarius lady, who shows sincere interest in him, is friendly and attentive, selfless and does not try to manipulate him

Is it possible to make an Aquarius woman fall in love with you?

Aquarius chooses honest, strong-willed and self-confident men. Capricorn is quite suitable for this role. True, he should learn to look after him beautifully, because Aquarius girls are very romantic.

If Capricorn stands out from the crowd in some way, then his chances increase significantly. After all, she draws attention to extraordinary men.

Aquarius will appreciate Capricorn's care; she is ready to obey, but not depend, so attempts to limit her in communication or demand that she bend to circumstances can push Aquarius away.

There is a category of Capricorns who not only go through life on their own difficult path of work and victory over themselves, but also want to somehow express themselves, to be original, going against society. But it’s one thing to seem original and quite another to be one by nature, which Aquarius is. His extraordinary personality can be extremely interesting to the described type of Capricorn. And Aquarius is able to become his “best friend”, setting the right example. But the sign of Capricorn, located next door to Aquarius, in an attempt to understand both the chaos and the genius of a partner, becomes his “best enemy.”

Mutual sympathy can quickly arise between Capricorn and Aquarius, which often begins with a seemingly ordinary conversation about common interests or problems. From the first phrases, Aquarius is able to reveal to Capricorn something completely new that will completely discourage him, present some kind of hypothesis that will turn his entire earthly world upside down, or show an example of some action that is common for Capricorn, but brings a much greater effect performed by Aquarius. Capricorn will envy such extraordinary intellectual and creative potential in his soul. But Aquarius will also show respect for the rationality and wisdom of Capricorn. By the way, this is a rather funny moment of manifestation of the eternal youthful nature of Aquarius and, from birth, the senile and sophisticated nature of Capricorn.

It will be a rather difficult decision for Capricorn to enter into a relationship with Aquarius, going beyond friendly compatibility. After all, this means to some extent bending under it. In addition, without completely understanding what is in Aquarius’s head and soul, it is difficult to predict his behavior. And Capricorn, like any earth sign, needs stability. How to find it with an initially changeable air representative? After all, Capricorn will inevitably have reasons to doubt the reliability of the freedom-loving Aquarius, although for this purpose loyalty to a partner is an indicator of the nobility of his personality.

However, communication will be easy and interesting for them. At least for Capricorn. Aquarius, of course, would not mind finding a more elevated and versatile interlocutor, but Capricorn, who is nearby, listens to everything with such interest, tries to realize, and then even try to realize that this “friendship” looks very useful. The secret of ease is also in Aquarius’s sociability and the breadth of his interests. Those. he can communicate without problems with almost anyone and find at least some overlap in interests with anyone. For Capricorn this seems like incredible compatibility, while for Aquarius it’s a completely familiar moment.

Both partners have a good sense of humor and can smooth out rough edges in communication with irony. Although this will not eliminate all disagreements. Confident and forward-thinking, Aquarius will always look down on the down-to-earth Capricorn, unwilling to accept his position if their argument goes too far. And the tactics of force and psychological pressure typical of Capricorn will fail with Aquarius, who easily parries any of Capricorn’s arguments. How can one imagine what such scenes will lead to in family life?

The main conflicts in a pair of Capricorn and Aquarius

Capricorn will never be able to accept the fact that Aquarius is trying in every possible way to avoid specific responsibilities and rules, but prefers open relationships without regulations. And I am ready to accept restrictions just for the sake of formality. For Capricorn, such a lack of framework undermines the whole essence of relationships and understanding of family values. But in fact, Aquarius is only like this with him. Perhaps because his strong intuition tells him that Capricorn is not his hero.

Here Capricorn should think: what is important to each of them in a relationship? Capricorn knows the answer to this: he needs stability, confidence in the future, material security, fidelity, honesty and predictability. Which of these does Aquarius have? Perhaps not so much. And for Aquarius himself, the best partner is the one who will share with him freedom, experiments, flights of thought, give new reasons for inspiration, and become a fan of his ideas, in the end. Which, except for the latter, is also weakly traced in the earthly partner.

Another reason for the development of the “best enemy” in Capricorn will be envy of the successes of Aquarius, which are not rightfully deserved, as Capricorn believes. Much in the eyes of Capricorn comes too easily to Aquarius. And the way he throws around ideas without bothering to evaluate them and test them for viability is complete irresponsibility.
The compatibility of the couple in the sensual and emotional spheres is a big question. There is a high probability that it will be completely cold there. Capricorn is too closed, and airy Aquarius is not too hot by nature. It will be difficult for them to truly open up to each other.

Capricorn woman and Aquarius man

The Capricorn woman is looking for a stable and long-term relationship. The quickly emerging interest in the owner of a bright head - the Aquarius man - soon gives way to disappointment from the realization that he has turned the heads of many more people, and his reliability is in great doubt. And it would probably be worth checking better how well off he is. Otherwise, the stories about his brilliant prospects were too beautiful.

The Aquarius man, despite such mistrust, is able to show his best side for the Capricorn woman. But for how long? Will he be able to be the male breadwinner and exemplary family man that the Capricorn woman is counting on?

Capricorn man and Aquarius woman

The Capricorn man is pragmatic and it seems to him that the Aquarius woman complicates the relationship too much with her baseless claims. And her desires and moods change unpredictably and too often even for a girl. Capricorn simply cannot keep up with her.

But she is able to experience the true charm of his strong spirit and stubbornness in achieving his goals. Perhaps she will become a muse for him, and he will become a hardworking embodiment of her ideas?

It is difficult to find two more dissimilar people. Did you know that Capricorns and Aquarius were once two halves of a single whole? Their differences are not as great as they seem. This is why Capricorn and Aquarius are able to form a very happy couple.

Capricorn-Aquarius compatibility: how to seduce an Aquarius man?

Once upon a time, people had much less freedom than they do now. Their whole life was strictly regulated. Everyone in society and even in the family knew their place and, depending on it, followed a number of rules. The rules indicated how he should behave in relation to other people: a peasant in relation to a master, children - towards parents, courtiers - towards a monarch. But it was from this strict system that rebels, progressive politicians, and revolutionaries grew. Knowledge at that time was scattered, discoveries were most often made by accident, and for a revolutionary breakthrough in science it was necessary to first bring everything into a system. As you can see, the system and going beyond it were one process. In astrology, Saturn was considered the ruler of this process, and two signs were subordinate to him at once - the strict, extremely hierarchical Capricorn and the freedom-loving, intolerant of boundaries Aquarius. When the planet Uranus was discovered, its energy began to act in our world directly, and not through Saturn. But today Uranian Aquarians often lack a base, a foundation from which they can take off. Their soul mate, who helps them unleash their full creative potential, is Capricorn. To seduce an Aquarius man, it is enough to show him that you understand and respect his aspirations and are ready to be his reliable ally. Don't discount your sexual attraction either. Aquarius men are compatible with Capricorn women on a deep, energetic level. The intimacy between these people gives Aquarius a huge boost of strength.

What does an ideal couple look like: a Capricorn woman and an Aquarius man?

In such a couple, the Capricorn woman always feels young. If we talk about very young Capricorn and Aquarius, then communication with an Aquarius makes a serious, responsible Capricorn girl relaxed. She knows that there is a person nearby who will come up with something original and will always support her and will not leave her alone to deal with the problems that she is afraid of getting by doing things differently from what she is used to. A mature, accomplished Capricorn woman finds new goals next to Aquarius. She knows what she wants to achieve in life, she has already achieved a lot - and here prospects of a completely different order open up before her. Capricorn finds higher goals than career growth or social status. Aquarius, thanks to this partnership, is never a loser. It is very impractical. When he is captivated by an idea, he can forget about everyday needs and how his idea will be accepted by others. Here the help of a sensible Capricorn woman is very useful. She becomes a caring guardian and at the same time a proactive manager of her beloved genius.

What are the difficulties in a union between a Capricorn woman and an Aquarius man?

No matter how harmonious this union may be, if we talk about lofty matters and global life goals, at the everyday level, the Capricorn woman and the Aquarius man are very different. In a relationship, the Capricorn woman values ​​stability and certainty, and this is precisely what Aquarius cannot give. It will be difficult for her to get used to his unpredictability. She will try to correct him, because Capricorn is a born leader. But Aquarius is such a stubborn person who cannot be changed. Therefore, serious quarrels are possible in a couple. The problem with the freedom-loving and non-obligatory nature of Aquarius occurs in couples who have just started a relationship. In marriage, this issue is no longer acute: Capricorn is a calm, not curious wife, she does not strive to be aware of all the affairs of her Aquarius husband. But attempts to “educate” and impose your opinion on Aquarius will create difficulties at any stage of the relationship.

To prevent quarrels between the Capricorn woman and the Aquarius man (and the quarrels of these signs are long and protracted), the Capricorn woman must use two wonderful traits of her character. The first is leniency. Capricorn is demanding, but able to accept the imperfections of others. She forgives them for their mistakes, and the stronger she is, the more she is able to forgive. A weak and dependent Capricorn woman (if such a thing exists) will be more afraid that her routine and rules may be violated. A strong and accomplished woman is forgiving of other people's shortcomings. The second trait is a sense of humor. Only Aquarius is able to appreciate the specific sense of humor of Capricorns. Therefore, the best way to defuse the situation is to laugh at the current situation together. If the Capricorn woman chooses such tactics, she will soon notice that she no longer wants to remake Aquarius, and instead of his shortcomings, his advantages will come to the fore - fearlessness, original thinking, friendliness.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Aquarius man at work

A Capricorn woman and an Aquarius man work well together if they are interested in a common goal. But even then, they need time to get used to each other's working styles. Aquarius strives for innovation, while Capricorn chooses proven ways of working.

Compatibility of a Capricorn woman and an Aquarius man - colleagues or partners

If they had to work together by chance, they are unlikely to form a team - rather they will remain two people, each working on their own part of the work. If they have been working together for a long time and know each other's characteristics, the work will be successful.

When a Capricorn woman is a boss and an Aquarius man is a subordinate

This is a bad balance of power. The Capricorn woman loves to control everything, and the Aquarius hates control. She doesn't trust him. He does not see authority in her. Often Aquarius in such an alliance works autonomously, for example, he can be a computer specialist or equipment adjuster, and his task is determined by the place of work, and not by orders from his superiors.

When a Capricorn woman is a subordinate and an Aquarius man is a boss

The main thing is that they have the patience to work together until they get used to each other. The union is very good: Aquarius is able to set original goals, make a breakthrough in his field of activity, and the Capricorn woman knows how to systematically implement them.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Aquarius man in friendship

An Aquarius man is a great friend. He is reliable and always ready to help. The Capricorn woman is constant, and Aquarius appreciates her loyalty to friendship. But this woman is also conservative, follows traditions, and often with her marriage or with the marriage of Aquarius, their friendship ends. As long as they are friends, there is mutual understanding between them. Capricorn is tolerant of Aquarius's oddities, and he never tries to change even friends who are completely different from him. Therefore, they communicate well, despite their differences. Friendship may end due to the fact that Capricorn is not eager to be friends around the clock and may not be happy about the visit of Aquarius if she has plans for this time. Aquarius will regard such behavior as betrayal, because for him friendship is most important.

The psychology of relationships between a man and a woman is the most exciting section of the book of life. How do you know which person is right for you? What steps should you take to reciprocate your sympathy? Horoscopes answer these questions and advise how to behave in certain relationships. Perhaps practical advice will help you find your ideal soul mate.

Compatibility in love relationships for the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius

The elements of these signs do not combine. This means that for both Capricorn, born under the auspices of the Earth, and Aquarius, born under the auspices of Air, the path of love relationships will not be easy. But not everything is so sad. Capricorn, reserved in his judgment, is in no hurry to part with the person he likes. Dreamy Aquarians try to find positive aspects in every situation. A couple who is willing to work on their relationship invariably comes to an understanding. And who knows, perhaps the natural curiosity of both partners will help them correct such disappointing star forecasts.

Capricorn man and Aquarius woman compatibility in love is called unexpected rather than predictable. A man spends a long time just trying to understand an Aquarius woman. So this couple’s first date may occur several years after they met. A woman’s desires change so quickly and unpredictably that the Capricorn man has difficulty understanding what is happening. And at this moment a crisis comes. Couples who dare to have a love relationship at a conscious age will communicate and try to correct the situation. Very young people with youthful maximalism break off difficult relationships.

The Aquarius man is not as simple as he seems. Under the mask of a cheerful person, a vulnerable and sensitive nature is often hidden. He charms, but does not let a person get close to him even after a long acquaintance. Capricorn Woman initially committed to a serious relationship. And such a man’s defense at first causes bewilderment, and then irritation. But beautiful courtship and attentive attitude towards women are undoubtedly captivating. And if the lady has patience, she will open many interesting pages in the character of her chosen one. Aquarius, in turn, will understand that they accept him with his difficult character and do not try to change him. And then the couple can breathe a sigh of relief - the first compatibility exams have been passed.

Sexual compatibility for Capricorn and Aquarius

The sexual compatibility of this couple is quite high. But a different approach to issues of an intimate nature will undoubtedly affect the quality of relationships. Capricorn can be called a follower of the traditional development of events. Flowers, dates, walks in the moonlight and sex as a logical continuation of a relationship. For Aquarius, this approach seems boring, which he does not hesitate to declare to his partner. Aquarius not only does not recognize conventions in sex, but also enthusiastically discusses their relationships with friends and even casual acquaintances. However, communication is easy and interesting for them. Both of them have a sense of humor that helps them get around awkward situations.

The couple does not immediately feel compatibility in sex and in bed, because for a Capricorn man Aquarius woman is a real mystery. The difference in the worldview of these people is reflected. On an intuitive level, a man and a woman are attracted like a magnet. The Aquarius woman is a loner in love. And not because he doesn’t want a relationship. She wants to get to know a person well before sharing his bed. A woman chooses not just a lover, but an ally and partner. The Capricorn man quickly becomes bored with long and intimate conversations, and he hurries to get down to business. He seeks to take over the mind, soul, heart and body of his partner. But complete spiritual intimacy is impossible to achieve.

The Aquarius man sees a secret in every stranger, Capricorn woman so erotic and attractive that sexual compatibility is predetermined from the first minutes of acquaintance. They quickly become attracted to each other and just as quickly become disappointed. A woman is unpredictable, her behavior changes dramatically in different situations. Her extravagance, which is so attractive in appearance, sometimes frightens a man. Only the woman next to whom he will feel like a deity can win the heart of an Aquarius.

Marriage compatibility for the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius

Accidents in our lives are not accidental. And if Capricorn and Aquarius came to the decision to live together, it means they have done a tremendous amount of work on themselves and their relationship. But the stars do not advise stopping there. People who perceive the world differently constantly have topics for discussion. Mature couples go to a psychologist. Young people ask their friends for advice. Aquarius's sociability will help conservative Capricorn change his worldview.

The Capricorn man strives for stability, Aquarius girl seeks entertainment and fun, so the couple finds compatibility in marriage through long-term transformations. Such frivolity irritates the practical Capricorn. He is ready to bring everything to the family and expects a similar attitude from his wife. The girl is looking for a source of inspiration in her partner. She herself is talented and full of enthusiasm, which is enough for several people. A strong marriage for a couple is possible for two, where the Muse woman generates ideas, and the hardworking Capricorn man implements them.

Is compatibility possible for zodiac signs where the Aquarius man is looking for warmth of the soul, and Capricorn woman independent and freedom-loving? It is quite possible, say the stars, because there are no barriers for loving hearts. That’s why people live together for a long time, test their relationships, quarrel, make peace, but do not legitimize the relationship. The rational wisdom of the Capricorn woman commands respect from her husband. Sociable Aquarius finds in his wife a grateful listener and an interesting interlocutor. A woman understands that only in her husband will she find true support.

Compatibility in friendship for the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius

Capricorn and Aquarius take friendship seriously. They don't play with each other's feelings and don't try to play at love. They turn their differences and visible differences in character to mutual benefit. Capricorn's restraint and equanimity helps to perceive any situation from a rational point of view. Capricorns often make friends with people who can become useful to them. Sociable Aquarians strive to solve problems at the peak of emotions. They are in no hurry to commit themselves. But together Capricorn and Aquarius are capable of moving mountains. And those friends who understand this achieve great heights in life.

Compatibility of zodiac signs Aquarius woman and Capricorn man confirmed by long-term friendly relations. Although at the beginning of a relationship they don’t even think about possible friendship. A woman's daydreaming is often ridiculed by a sarcastic man. Stinging remarks hurt the sensitive nature of Aquarius. But such training helps a woman gain the thick skin that is so necessary in modern life. Friendships go through ups and downs, but these two always maintain a connection.

Possibility of friendly compatibility Capricorn woman and Aquarius man They don't even consider it. They find too many differences in another person. Even among mutual friends, they do not stop sorting things out. If, by the will of fate, they cross paths, they are more likely to call each other friends. The spontaneity of Aquarius irritates the calm Capricorn woman. Her predictability is perceived by a man as boring.

Work compatibility for Capricorn and Aquarius

If Aquarius and Capricorn have a common goal, they are capable of much. The desire for new knowledge and love for the profession can unite even people who are unlike each other. Aquarians are executive employees. Capricorns have sufficient stubbornness and assertiveness. Both go to the goal the hard way, but in tandem they are ready to share not only the responsibility, but also the rewards for victory.

The Capricorn man is too focused on his responsibilities to pay attention to conversations in the smoking room. Aquarius Woman strives to apply a creative approach to any issue. She considers a male colleague an obstacle to progress. He doubts his colleague's qualifications. But if they voluntarily decide to team up as a couple, they will reach certain heights in business.

Capricorn girl He constantly tests himself for professional suitability, and the Aquarius guy at first doubts their compatibility in the workplace. But life will put everything in its place. For some reason, the girl doesn’t lack a sense of responsibility. And if the guy manages to refrain from criticism, he will receive a devoted friend and qualified employee as an ally.

Do you believe in the power of love to change star predictions? Perhaps you are familiar with such relationships? Write in the comments, we will be grateful.

Aquarius and Capricorn are a rather interesting union of two very different people. There are a lot of contradictions between them, but if they are interested in a relationship and are ready to overcome difficulties, then the couple can be harmonious. For more detailed forecasts, it is necessary to consider the astrological compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn in various areas of life separately.

Aquarius man and Capricorn woman

These are very different people, but their differences sometimes do not interfere with creating happy couples. In astrology it is believed that they are halves of one whole. The Capricorn woman is a principled, strict and conservative nature, while the Aquarius man is a freedom-loving person who does not recognize any boundaries. At the same time, they complement each other perfectly, since both representatives of these zodiac signs are subordinate to Saturn. Capricorn helps Aquarius realize his creative potential, and the latter makes such a union interesting and vibrant.

Perfect Union

The Capricorn girl attracts the Aquarius guy with her prudence and self-confidence. He is quite impractical, so in the pursuit of new ideas and ideas he often forgets about pressing problems. His companion will return her husband “to earth” in time and will never allow him to become a loser.

A Capricorn married to an Aquarius man always feels young. With him, she can open up completely, knowing that her chosen one will always support and help solve any problems by coming up with something original. Thanks to her companion, the Capricorn woman reaches heights that she could never have imagined before.

Possible problems

Harmony in the love of an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman can be overshadowed by everyday life. Capricorn needs security and stability, which such a man cannot give her. Since she is a strong person with excellent leadership qualities, she will certainly begin to educate Aquarius and wean him from his inherent unpredictability. However, Aquarius is quite stubborn and is not going to obey other people's rules, and therefore serious conflicts are possible in the marriage of these two.

Aquarius's excessive love of freedom can cause a woman to consider him a complete egoist. By the way, this position is observed not only in the case of Capricorn, but also with representatives of other zodiac signs. The Aquarius man rarely considers the opinions of others and can put personal freedom above the interests of his loved ones, which causes their indignation.

Capricorn man and Aquarius woman

The Capricorn guy is attracted to the Aquarius girl with her kindness, selflessness and reliability. For the sake of these qualities, he easily forgives her eccentricities and peculiar views on the world. Perhaps in their love he will not be a romantic, but he will be faithful to his beloved and will become her best helper and protector.

Perfect Union

Ideally, an Aquarius woman, like the heroine of romance novels, is capable of melting the heart of a closed and unapproachable Capricorn man with her kindness. She awakens the knight in him, who is ready to save her from all pressing problems, so that she has the opportunity not to worry about everyday life. In love relationships and marriage, the Capricorn man is the leader, but it is obvious that it is the woman who creates psychological comfort in the couple.

She supports her beloved in everything, approves of all his actions and recognizes his prudence as a guarantee of their well-being. Of course, a rational Capricorn will not look at the world through the eyes of Aquarius, but he will feel good in the company of such an eccentric.

Possible problems

Difficulties in the love of these horoscope signs arise at the beginning of a relationship, when these two are not yet accustomed to each other’s characters. Aquarius lives by its own rules and hates boundaries and restrictions, while Capricorn always knows what is possible and what is not. He will try to remake his chosen one, to bring stability and order into her life.

An Aquarius woman may not like this behavior very much. She may prefer independence and leave Capricorn. But if there is more mutual understanding in their love relationship, they will overcome these difficulties and form a happy union.

In bed

The sex life of an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman has a special energy. These horoscope signs are combined at the energy level. That is why intimacy with a Capricorn woman gives Aquarius a great boost of strength. There is a special understanding between them in bed. And although Aquarius does not have a sexual temperament, he loves experiments and will surprise Capricorn with an unconventional approach to sex. And a woman like Capricorn needs a man with whom she will be able to fully reveal her sexual potential.

The Aquarius woman knows how to always be different and interesting, so she can maintain Capricorn’s interest for years. He is faithful in his affections and will enjoy his chosen one, without looking back at other women in life. The sexual compatibility of these zodiac signs is very good. Despite the fact that Aquarius needs romance, and Capricorn is a rather down-to-earth sign, they understand each other well in bed.

In friendship

According to the horoscope, an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman can have the strongest friendship. Aquarius is a very reliable friend, ready to help at any moment, and Capricorn is constant and faithful, so these two can make a good friendly union. But since the Capricorn woman is quite conservative, their friendship may end if she gets a husband or Aquarius gets married.

But friendship between an Aquarius woman and a Capricorn man is much less common. In friendly relationships, Capricorn often seeks benefits, which he will not find in the case of such a lady. In turn, she will not tolerate his attacks about her own behavior and will be irritated by his excessive rationalism.

In progress

If an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman have common goals in work, then they can become excellent partners.

However, it should be taken into account that their methods of doing business are different: Aquarius is an innovator and loves original ways of solving problems, while Capricorn prefers to work in proven ways. If a woman in such a relationship is the boss, then things will not go well: she likes to control everything, and he hates pressure and control. The opposite option, when the leader is Aquarius, will bring good results if both get used to business relationships. In this case, Aquarius will set the right tasks, and Capricorn will carry them out well.

The business relationship between a Capricorn man and an Aquarius woman is quite complex. The man in them is very ambitious and will not tolerate such a freedom-loving and extravagant person next to him. If she turns out to be his boss, then he is unlikely to take her seriously and will try to take her place. If a woman works under him, he will probably consider her an unproductive employee.

As you can see, the dissimilarity of the characters of these horoscope signs can be smoothed out in love and in marriage, when partners are ready to forgive each other a lot. But in friendship and in work, their relationships can be quite tense.

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