Secrets of effective sleep. When will I get enough sleep? Secrets of effective sleep How to change your life to start getting enough sleep? or When will I get some sleep?

Every person’s dream is a full, high-quality sleep. In our age of fast-paced life, an overabundance of information, many stressful situations, many people do not manage to get enough sleep. Sometimes it is even difficult to fall asleep at all when a person is overexcited, overly tired or upset.

Women are especially worried about this. After a sleepless night, lack of sleep immediately affects your appearance, which women value very much. Indeed, who would like inflamed, red eyes, blueness, dark circles under the eyes...

The worst thing is that this problem worries more and more people, as the pace of life gets faster and faster. And there are more and more various irritants that prevent you from falling asleep peacefully and getting a good night’s sleep.

Let's look at at least some of the many reasons that prevent you from sleeping peacefully:

  • A large number of stressful situations during the day;
  • Excessive fatigue and, as a result, poor health;
  • General poor health in most people.

The list of negative consequences resulting from chronic lack of sleep is also quite serious:

  • The number of mistakes at work increases sharply;
  • Productivity and efficiency decreases;
  • The ability to focus on completing tasks decreases;
  • The ability to learn and perceive new information decreases;
  • Forgetfulness appears;
  • Attention is distracted, including on the road - as a result of which the number of car accidents increases, the cost of which can be the cost of life. In any case, you will incur considerable financial expenses.

To ensure that your sleep is effective and of high quality, so that you can avoid many negative and even tragic consequences of poor sleep, I want to offer you three simple ways that will help your body get a good night's sleep.

FIRST - free your memory from unnecessary information.

Analyze why you cannot fall asleep and, if you do fall asleep, that your sleep is sensitive and restless. Perhaps you are being bothered by excessive anxiety about the upcoming day? Are you straining your memory and trying to remember a long to-do list for tomorrow? Determining what task to start the day with?

To prevent this condition from preventing you from going to bed peacefully, you need to start a diary, or at least make a list of upcoming tasks in a notepad. You will always have it at hand, at any time you can look there for clarification, and your anxiety will leave you forever.

SECOND – at least an hour before bedtime, turn off the Internet, TV, finish work if you took it home, or work remotely.

Even if you don't do work in the evening, you may be hanging out on social media. networks to chat with friends or view messages. Finish this activity early, at least an hour and a half before bed, so that just before bed you can relax, take a bath and listen to good, calm music. Or turn on and listen to meditation.

Often the reason for the inability to fall asleep quickly lies in an overabundance of information that excites the body and makes it possible to fall asleep. The craze for smartphones, even dependence on them, gives such a negative result.

Therefore, give your brain and nervous system the opportunity to calm down and relax by turning off all screens at least an hour before bedtime.

THIRD – Come up with and perform some ritual every evening that will help you go to sleep peacefully.

It can be anything that pleases your soul. Any simple, elementary procedure. But it will tell your body that you are ready to go to bed to rest.

For example, turn on pleasant music, light candles, take a bath with aromatic oils and mineral salts, drink aromatic tea with herbs and honey... Read a good book, your favorite magazine (only without negative news there), meditate...

It is advisable to perform the ritual at the same time and over time it will become a habit. You will already begin to relax in anticipation of pleasant procedures.

An important nuance: if you work remotely, do not keep your computer in the bedroom. When this is not possible, be sure to remove all papers on your desk and unplug your laptop from the network to free your mind from thoughts and worries about work. You don't need excessive electromagnetic radiation.

It is also very important to perceive your night’s rest positively and before going to bed, think about good things, remember your victories and joyful moments. Even if not from the past day, but precisely those that make your soul feel light and joyful.

Another interesting point. Consider the upcoming night's sleep as the beginning of the next joyful day, and not as the end of the past.

Scientists have found that in the first case it is easier to fall asleep. In this case, people seem to be charged in advance with energy for the coming day. Those who sigh with relief that a hard day is over fall asleep worse.

Of course, it takes time and some effort, a strong desire to finally change and introduce new habits, but it’s worth it! The reward will not be long in coming.

After a good quality rest at night, you will receive a lot of energy for new achievements, both at work and in communication with family, loved ones, friends, and colleagues. You will do your job faster and more efficiently and even enjoy it!

Do you think that having learned the secrets of effective sleep, it makes sense to think about whether it is worth changing some of your habits? For example, is everything a habit?)))

Many people ask themselves this question, because lack of sleep leads to loss of performance and bad mood. In the morning there is no strength, strong coffee, tea and various energy drinks may return vigor and strength for a short time, but still the whole day passes sluggishly and ineffectively. When we get enough sleep, we are in a great mood in the morning, the day brings a lot of joy, everything is beautiful all around. You manage to do a lot, your head works clearly and fruitfully.

The question of how to get enough sleep would not arise if there was time to sleep.

The fact is that we don't always spend our time sleeping. In the evening we have a lot of things to do, a lot of unfinished tasks that we would like to do. I'm not talking about various entertainments: watching television, reading an interesting book, social media. networks, etc. We sacrifice our sleep and well-being for them.

There is another question, why even if we can sleep 8-10 hours, it does not bring any relief, on the contrary, we wake up lethargic, everything hurts, our arms, legs, back, head. We pass the day in agony. Asking ourselves the question why I couldn’t rest, when will I finally get enough sleep, without finding an answer, we continue to suffer.

And so an important point is biorhythms. Everyone knows that every hour of the day has its own meaning and using it correctly means living in harmony with nature and with yourself. The body's natural capabilities decrease in the evening. Starting from nine o'clock in the evening, the body's energy drops and it is natural that you want to rest. In the evening, especially at this time, there comes a period when we want to sleep so much that it just cuts us off.

The moment you fall asleep is very important. The body is already ready for sleep, and going to bed at this time can give you a wonderful rest and sleep. The next period will occur in one and a half to two hours, depending on the characteristics of each person. If you couldn’t sleep during this period, we wait for the next one. For example, if we couldn’t fall asleep at 11 o’clock, we will fall asleep at 1 am.

Three things necessary for a good and complete rest:

1. Relax your body as much as possible.
2. Gain energy.
3. Calm your thoughts.

For good rest you need to be in bed 10-15 minutes before 1 am. At half past twelve, take a warm, relaxing shower. You can drink water with a spoon of honey. Do light muscle stretching exercises. It is very important to relax the facial muscles, a light massage is just what you need. You need to relax your body as much as possible before going to bed. Otherwise, you can toss and turn in bed for a long time, everything will get in the way. Signals from the muscles will not allow the brain to relax.

Any exercise is suitable for gaining energy. It is effective to gain energy by breathing or imagining how energy is pouring into you with golden light. When you gain energy, your mind will rest even more and while in bed you can already fall asleep without getting to the next exercise.
If you haven’t fallen asleep yet, we begin to calm our mind, slowing down and stopping the flow of thoughts.

As a result of these actions, your body and mind will be rested before bedtime, and you will need to sleep much less. At the moment of falling asleep, you can inspire yourself - I will sleep well, wake up fresh and rested.
The more energy you gain before bed, the less the body will need to replenish it. It is better to spend half an hour on these actions than to sleep an extra two hours.

Last but not least important for good health is the time of awakening. We also have periods when we can easily get up. I have such a period at 4 hours 45 minutes, and then at 6 hours 45 minutes. We don’t wake up ourselves, we set the alarm one or two minutes before this time. If we sleep through this period, we will go back to sleep and the extra 20-30 minutes will not bring us rest, but on the contrary will ruin our whole day. As a result of these activities, I can reduce my sleep if necessary to 4-5 hours without harm. I wish the same for you.

Every day millions of people ask themselves the question “When will I get enough sleep?” and don't find an answer.

Modern life is full of worries and worries. Every day we are bombarded with streams of information that need to be assessed and “digested,” or considered useless and ignored. Dozens of cases, many meetings, many of which determine the further development of events, and sometimes our fate. Endless stress that envelops us like a fog, never letting us out of its tenacious embrace.

It seems that there is enough time, after all, there are 24 hours in a day, and there should be enough for work, and for rest, and for solving all problems. However, it turns out that this is completely wrong. A constant race over time can exhaust anyone, even the healthiest person.

To be able to do everything (and this is necessary in order to avoid stress), you need to be able to rest well. The body’s ability to resist the external environment and its protective properties depend on the quality of rest. And, of course, the best rest is sleep.

There are several simple rules, the implementation of which will contribute to good, deep sleep and quality rest. After such a dream, it is pleasant to wake up full of strength, plans and energy to implement them. What are these rules?

  1. Don't eat before bed. This is really very important. During sleep, the body should rest and not digest food. Therefore, it is better to take your last meal at least 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime. However, you shouldn’t go to bed hungry either - such sleep will be of no use. If before going to bed you feel slight hunger or discomfort in an empty stomach, drink warm water or eat a light vegetable salad.
  2. To get enough sleep, the quality of your sleep must be good. Scientists say: “If you want to sleep well, sleep alone.” Indeed, it is difficult not to wake up at night if someone is snoring in the room, or sitting at the computer half the night, illuminating the room with the light of the monitor, or if the blanket was pulled off you and you are cold. Sleep in your bed in your usual place - and you will have a good sleep.
  3. It’s better to sleep in a well-ventilated room, but you shouldn’t have drafts in the room either - there’s a chance you’ll catch a cold. The air temperature should be lower than during the day, then covered with a warm blanket it is very pleasant to sleep.
  4. If you don't fall asleep for a long time, a walk before bed can help. Breathe some fresh air, get a little tired - and you will fall asleep quickly. You can also go out onto the balcony and feel a little cold, and then slip under the blanket and fall asleep.
  5. Before going to bed, it is better not to watch TV or sit at the computer. The extra flow of information will remain in your head for a long time, making it difficult to switch off and sleep. In addition, television programs are often negative in nature, stimulating the psyche, which is not at all suitable for someone who wants to get enough sleep.
  6. It often happens that you are prevented from falling asleep by the thoughts that are swarming in your head. You need to be able to discard these thoughts, because once you go to bed, you can’t change anything - give yourself the opportunity to solve the problems you’re thinking about tomorrow, because it’s not for nothing that they say “The morning is wiser than the evening.”
  7. If for some reason a full night's sleep cannot be achieved, sleep, if possible, during the day. Even a short 15-minute nap can invigorate the body, and longer, full ones can well relax the body after a sleepless night.
  8. And, of course, do not forget about normal sleep duration. Scientists say that 7-10 hours is enough, and it depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Plan your sleep in advance so that when you go to bed, the thought that “I have to get up early tomorrow, but I still can’t fall asleep” isn’t in your head.

And then you will probably be left with a question “When will I get enough sleep?”, and your sleep will become deep, complete and restorative.

With today's frantic pace of life, we have no time left for rest. Business meetings cannot be canceled, sports are also necessary, meeting with friends is a sacred thing. What a pity that there are only 24 hours in a day! And even then, you still need to set aside time for rest.

I will not say anything new if I remind you that our condition during the day depends on how we spent the night. Went to bed late or worked half the night – a difficult morning, to say the least. On the way to work, we fall asleep in minibuses; when we get there, we immediately brew ourselves a cup of strong coffee in the hope that it will help bring ourselves into a state of wakefulness. And so every day. It’s rare to get enough sleep on weekends; so many household chores have accumulated during the week, and you need to have time to get everything done. When and how to get enough sleep?

So, we have already found out that sound and quality sleep is the key to good health.

To sleep soundly, it is advisable to take a walk before going to bed; if this is not possible, then thoroughly ventilate the room. The room should not be hot or stuffy. It is ideal to sleep under a warm blanket, but in a cool room, rather than open in a hot room.

During the heating season, take care of air humidification. There are special humidifiers for this, but you can also use improvised means. Place a wet sheet over the radiator.

The evening shower should not be very hot; adjust the water to comfortable warm water. It promotes relaxation and calm, which has a beneficial effect on sleep.

It is advisable to go to bed before 23.00. I'll explain why. The best sleep for the body and brain occurs from 22.00 to 0.00 am. An hour of sleep before midnight is equivalent to two hours after midnight.

And also, don’t overeat before bed. The body should spend its energy on restoring strength, and not on digesting food. The same applies to alcohol, the neutralization of which takes a lot of energy.

Now let's talk about how we wake up. Our sleep consists of several phases. REM and NREM sleep phases. Our well-being during the day also depends on the phase in which we were during awakening. If it occurs during the REM sleep phase, then fatigue during the day is guaranteed. On the contrary, waking up during the slow-wave sleep phase will make it easier to get up; you won’t have to overcome drowsiness during the day. Both phases last 1.5 hours and with the help of basic calculations you can calculate what time is best to lie down or get up. For example, going to bed at 24.00. It is advisable to wake up at 6.00 or 7.30.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that it is possible to get enough sleep. Having a good night's sleep on the weekend, you will accumulate additional strength in yourself, which will be enough to cover 2-3 days of lack of sleep. Allow yourself, at least once a week, to sleep an extra couple of hours. If you can't get up later in the morning, rest during the day.

When you go to bed, take with you only pleasant impressions; leave all the negative moments you experienced during the day outside the bedroom. Lounge in your favorite bed, think about something good and fall asleep. May your sleep be sound, your dreams bright, and your awakenings easy. I hope these tips will help you get a good night's sleep tonight.

Here everyone thought that he slept little. The privates, who were allotted eight hours of sleep, from twenty-two in the evening to six in the morning, did not have time to recover from grueling training, exhausting duties in the kitchen and stables, and lengthy lectures on formations, movements, strategies and tactics of expeditions. And which of them slept for those full eight hours? While everyone settles down, while they calm down, someone will fight on the pillows, but what’s the matter - children, they are children, even if they have matured early. In the morning, out of habit, they scraped themselves off their beds and fell asleep while getting dressed, in formation, in the dining room. Connie even learned to sleep on the move, the main thing is to follow someone who is not going to turn away. Military personnel of a slightly higher rank - sergeants and corporals - ideally should sleep seven hours, but my God, when has this ever happened? While you herd these chicks into beds, while you sort out your affairs, while you fall asleep in this dog-like cold in winter and suffocating heat in summer (in the cold they envy ordinary soldiers, sleeping in a crowd in the barracks is warmer than several people in a room), and then get up , wake up those who fall asleep on the go, when you yourself want to lean against any surface and snore. How much sleep detachment commanders need to sleep was not specified in the regulations. It was probably meant that having reached this rank, a person is deprived of the need for sleep and turns into a war machine, scribbling reports on sleepless nights because what else can he do? It would be nice to find five hours of sleep, that’s already enough and at least the bags under the eyes don’t scare people away so much. But you’ll get stuck somewhere in the laboratory, you can’t throw everything at the faithful Moblit, of course he won’t make a peep, he’ll do whatever he’s told, but you also need to have a conscience, he also needs to get enough sleep at least occasionally. Then, as soon as you put down the pen, Nanaba will appear, don’t kick her out, sleep is important, but warmth is also necessary, even something as simple as the warmth of someone else’s hot body, otherwise such melancholy will fall upon you that you yourself will go to fish her, already asleep, out of the common room . And then unscheduled cleaning, well, who is to blame that these crooked hands won’t really rub the glass or sweep the floor, they think they’ve waved a broom and there’s order. “Happy. Happy, thinks Irwin Smith. “They’re sleeping.” And they grumble even more, yawning at the morning meeting, that it is impossible to get enough sleep in four hours. And you will sleep in two nights on the third, the same four hours, I’ll look at you. Rivay also snorts that it’s not forty, but there are already wrinkles here and there. Yes, what wrinkles, corporal, these are bags under the eyes all over the face. He often falls asleep like this, with his face on the cards, because the human body, despite the non-human brain, turns off its systems itself, feeling the limit of its strength. Sometimes, with some incredible effort, he drags himself onto a hard sofa until the first rays wake him up; the curtains cannot be lowered, otherwise he may sleep like this for a long time. How long had he been awake in his bed? What does she even look like? And in these morning hours, the commander of the Reconnaissance Legion is thinking about the same thing as ordinary private Connie, rubbing his eyes three floors below: “When will I finally get some sleep?”