The most angry cat is Grumpy Cat. Grumpy Cat - the grumpiest cat true story Disgruntled cat

Grumpy Cat - Internet Star

last days. On September 22, 2012, user Kataliadis posted a photo of his cat, which has a very unusual appearance, on popular Reddit blogs. This very appearance instantly elevated the animal to the heights of popularity on the Internet.

Where does the nickname Angry come from?

At first, users expressed legitimate doubts: was it Photoshop? Then the owner posted the video on YouTube. The expression on the cat's face is as if he is always dissatisfied with something or is angry. The cat received the nickname Grumpy Cat - an angry (or dissatisfied) cat and instantly became the hero of all kinds of memes and demotivators. In RuNet, he gained fame in the same way as the most dissatisfied cat, the sad cat, and even the gloomy cat. The grumpy cat even eclipsed in its popularity the previous star - the cat Lil Bub, who also has an extremely amazing appearance.

Genetic disorder?

In fact, the grumpy cat Tarde is a nine-month-old cat named Tardar Sauce, or Tartar sauce for short. The cat is a carrier of some genetic disorder. Her owners think that the dwarfism gene is the culprit for the cat’s unusual, unhappy appearance. Tard's parents are quite ordinary cats, unremarkable Domus cats, but in their litter two kittens with strange disorders were discovered. Although Tard looks like a cat of the Sacred Burmese breed, and her legs are short, like those of a munchkin, her brother has a completely mongrel appearance.

Sad cat blog

Now the sad cat Tard has started his own blog, although there is not much material there yet. The owners say that they love their strange cats very much. However, T-shirts with the image of an “angry cat” have already appeared on sale. This is the kind of romance they have in the bourgeois West - love is love, and money must be made while it’s hot.


Grumpy Cat - angry cat. This is exactly the nickname the pussy got and the dissatisfied expression on its face. The animal also has a real nickname, given by its loving owners - Tardar Sauce, or at home, Tardar Sauce. As a child, the kitten had fur with dark spots, which reminded the owner's daughter of its resemblance to tartar sauce. They made a mistake in the name, but nothing was corrected.

Grumpy Cat's interesting appearance sparked widespread curiosity after owner Tabatha Bundesen's brother decided to surprise the world with a photo of Tardar. He posted the photo on Reddit in September 2012, and the public immediately showed interest in the animal's angry appearance. The owner believes that the unhappy face is the result of congenital dwarfism and malocclusion.

By the way, many considered the first photo to be a fake - how could a cat be so dissatisfied with life? But fluffy frowning has found its way into the ranks of favorite memes: many have found a use for such a gloomy expression on a cat’s face.

Grumpy Cat was gaining popularity on the Internet, the media vied with each other to publish information about the disgruntled cat in newspapers and magazines. Soon, a photograph of Tardar appeared in household items: magazines, mugs, cups, calendars and other products with this pussy were in particular demand.

It turns out that congenital defects have become a feature of the strange cat, its peculiar feature. After the publication of the first photo, in order to dispel the public’s doubts, the owners posted a video of the pet with a gloomy appearance on Youtube. Gradually, new videos not only debunked the myth about Photoshop, but also made the cat a world celebrity.

What kind of Grumpy cat?

What is known about Grumpy Cat? A kitten with an unusual appearance was born in 2012, and the entire Internet mourned the death of the cat in 2013. It’s good that this turned out to be just someone’s cruel invention - the gloomy kitty lives and pleases its owners with its wonderful character.

Tabatha found a pregnant cat on the verge of giving birth and took her into her home. The first litter included several kittens, one of which turned out to be unusual. The kitten, named Pokey, looked like a munchkin and at the same time a Burmese cat, but had the usual black and white color. The second litter produced another non-standard baby, which Tabatha’s daughter Crystal immediately liked. Tard's owners claim that the parents did not have any breed standards, but nevertheless, in appearance, Grumpy cat repeats the color of the Snowshoe breed, the length of the munchkin's paws, and the fluffiness of the Burmese.

The owners who kept both the first and second kittens turned out to be caring: they paid attention to the distinctive features of the little angry cat and showed her to the veterinarian. After examination, it was revealed that the dwarfism gene that manifested itself in Grumpy does not particularly interfere with the animal’s life, although a certain clumsiness and sluggishness in movements are noticeable: a problem appears with the hind legs located at the wrong angle in relation to the body. In addition, the front legs are noticeably shorter than the hind legs. The little cat is only afraid of heights. The movements of everyone's favorite do not differ in speed; rather, on the contrary, the cat moves at a slightly slower pace.

The downturned corners of the muzzle are responsible for the angry expression of Tarde. This pathology not only does not harm the pet of the Bundesen family in any way, on the contrary, it led the cat to success. There is no trace of any cat depression in the animal - the affectionate and sociable kitty feels great, and the owners love her very much.

Talking about genetic defects, the owners concluded that it was the mother: Pokey and Grumpy Cat had different fathers. The gender of the kittens did not affect either: Pokey is a boy, and Tardar is a girl.

But the gloomy look gave Tardar a second name and fame. Don't think that angry cat offended by the whole world - there are many videos in which it is clear that the owner's pet has a cheerful, playful disposition.

The unusual brother and sister still live in the family of single mother Tabatha with her children. There is no talk of selling the sullen pussy - it is a family heirloom and simply a beloved cat.

On May 14, 2019, at the age of 7, Grumpy Cat died, but she will forever remain in our hearts.

History of the popularity of Grumpy cat

The cat's dissatisfied face made her famous, making her an Internet star. The owner of the animal was able to quit her job as a waitress and began to make good money from the popularity of her pet.

With the growing popularity of Tardar, there was a need to create a page on Facebook in her name, and in 2013, the pussy won the Webby Award in the Meme of the Year category.

The beginning of 2013 was spent creating two videos advertising cat food, where the leading role went to the now famous Tardar. Then an offer came from the company Broken Road, planning to make a feature film starring the gloomy celebrity. It is expected to repeat the success of the film "Garfield".

Surprisingly, the book “Grumpy Cat: A Grumpy Book” was soon published. She quickly found her readers.

Resourceful owners filed a patent and trademark, and even won a lawsuit for a large sum due to the unauthorized use of their pet's image. In addition to releasing the Grumppuccino coffee drink, Grenade Beverage used the cat's image for a series of T-shirts and a blend of roasted coffee beans.

In 2014, the celebrity became popular on the social network VKontakte and Instagram. The gloomy, funny cat has more than 2.4 million subscribers; several dozen and sometimes hundreds of thousands of people view the pages of the fluffy gloomy cat every day and like it!

The happy owners earned about 100 million dollars from the popularity, so despite the gloomy appearance of the pet, the owners cannot be called gloomy.

Photo with Grumpy cat

Can an ordinary cat become the most popular and earn millions of dollars? Yes, if it is the most gloomy cat in the world. The breed of a sad cat is the biggest mystery even for its owners.

The sad cat who “woke up famous”

The history of the unique “Angry (Sad) Cat” - “Grumpy Cat” began in the year of his birth - 2012. It must be said right away that the sad cat was actually a small cat named Tartar Sauce, or simply Tard for short. Her owner Tatana Bundesen worked as a waitress in a small cafe.

On September 22, 2012, Tatana's brother Brian posted on the social network Reddit a photo of little Tard, with a deformed short nose and a very sad, even angry, expression in her eyes. This eternally gloomy face was so loved by users of social networks that thousands and thousands of people almost immediately began posting and liking her photos.

However, this was not easy, because I had to take thousands of pictures, select the best ones, come up with titles and descriptions for them, and continue to publish them on social networks almost every day.

Breed "Grumpy Cat"

Mom Tard, a mongrel street cat, was picked up by her owner Tatana on the street. The cat found herself in a very difficult situation. She gave birth to kittens and was simply exhausted, lying on the ground motionless, barely showing signs of life. The kind girl did not even suspect that she had found her happiness in life when she helped an unfortunate animal. I took her home and gave her water to drink and adopted the newborn kittens. Among them was a kitten with a slightly deformed muzzle, whom Tatana named Pokey. It was the elder brother Tard.

A year later, the mother cat gave birth to several more kittens, including the future world Internet star, “Grumpy Cat.”

Tard's father, as the owner suggests, is a neighbor's street cat, also a mongrel. A real cat “macho”, whose skin is striped with the scars of cat battles. His appearance is quite banal - a white belly, a striped back and dark paws.

Therefore, the breed of a cat with sad eyes is very uncertain. Although, if you look closely, you will notice that based on the color of its face, the breed of the saddest cat in the world could be identified as Burmese. But, looking at her short legs, you can see that the breed of a dissatisfied cat is somewhat reminiscent of a munchkin.

Tard is a mongrel cat who was born with a deformed muzzle and has problems with her hind legs. The baby walks poorly, often falls, and her movements are somewhat retarded. An angry cat meows in a somewhat strange voice. Despite everything, she is very affectionate, friendly to strangers, loves to play, like all cats in the world.

Achievements of "Grumpy Cat"

  • The Grumpy Cat Facebook page has over a million subscribers.
  • The video of the saddest cat in the world, sweet Tard, has received an incredible 15 million views.
  • In 2013, "Grumpy Cat" was awarded the "Meme of the Year" award from the Webby Awards.
  • The same year the book “Grumpy Cat. An Angry Book from the Angriest Cat in the World."
  • The famous cat food manufacturer Friskies invited the sad cat Tard to advertise its products, naturally, paying her owner very impressive fees for this very “difficult” cat work.
  • In 2014, a continuation of the book from the saddest cat in the world was published.
  • In 2012, Crumpy Cat Ltd. represented by the owner of the sad cat, entered into an agreement with the American company Grenade, which produces coffee, in the amount of 150 thousand dollars. Tarde's image was supposed to appear on the packaging of the Grampuccino drink. However, the company began placing a portrait of a sad cat on packaging of other drinks, on T-shirts, mugs, etc. The result was a lawsuit from T. Bundesen against the Grenade company. The lawyer for the owner of the sad cat won the case, and the owner Tard received 701 thousand dollars.
  • Mistress Tard opened her own business and successfully sells funny T-shirts with funny inscriptions and a portrait of her sad cat.
  • In general, over two years, from various sources, the saddest cat earned his owner $100 million. This significantly exceeds the fees of the most famous Hollywood stars.


Friskies is going to make the famous surly cat the face of a new advertising campaign. It's unclear how this will boost sales, but it should be fun either way.

Friskies keeps popping up in cat news on the site not because it is the best cat food, but solely due to the creativity of its marketing team. What are the “Game house from Friskies” on facebook, ipad games for cats or an exhibition of cat sculptures made of cheese!

Grumpy cat became a favorite of the Internet audience quite unexpectedly after publishing one funny photo on Reddit. It was September 22, 2012. Many suggested that this was photoshopped - well, a cat cannot have such a face! Then the owners posted a video of the sullen cat on YouTube.

The first picture was followed by other cartoons, caricatures and “photographs” - fans worked tirelessly. And here it is - glory! The cat has his own website, a registered trademark, products with a unique facial expression - T-shirts, mugs, coasters, magnets, which bring the owners a certain income, which they share with cat shelters. Now gloomy cat Tarde will have a chance to become famous among the television audience.

What breed is the sullen cat?

Let's start with the fact that Grumpy Cat is not a cat, but a cat!!! No matter how incredible it may be. This is an ordinary domestic cat (mixed cat, crossbreed, mongrel - it’s clear to everyone), but the owners believe that it vaguely resembles the Persian, Ragdoll and Snowshoe, which may have been among its ancestors.

This miracle's name is Tardar Sauce. She was born on April 4, 2012. Grumpy Cat is small for her age, because she has a rare disease among cats - dwarfism. This explains the unusual expression of the muzzle. When she walks, she is a little lame on her hind legs because they are slightly different lengths. The owners note that their pet is completely different from its parents - an ordinary cat and cat, of normal size, with a typical facial expression, having nothing to do with short-legged munchkins.

In fact, the “gloomy cat” is not gloomy at all. The owners consider her smart, very affectionate and sociable.

Our favorite pictures with the Gloomy Cat

One day I tried to have fun. It was terrible!

It's never a good morning!

Do you know what I like about walking outside? Nothing!

The end of the world is near. Fine!

Grumpy Cat (translated as grumpy cat) is a gloomy creature who not only managed to win and maintain the popularity of an Internet star, but also brought her owner a multimillion-dollar income. But first things first. It’s worth saying right away that this is not a cat, but a cat :)

Congenital anomalies

A kitten with a strange appearance was born back in 2012. Its feature:

  • drooping corners of the mouth, giving the animal an offended look;
  • front legs too short;
  • hind limbs crossed and laid aside;
  • short ponytail;
  • bulging eyes.

An awkward build led to poor coordination, fear of heights and an awkward gait.

Moreover, a relative of the future “star” was picked up on the street out of pity for her shabby and unhappy appearance. A noble deed became fateful for the owner of the unborn angry cat, but more on that later.

The sick and half-dead cat quickly recovered and quickly lambed. Everyone in the litter was healthy, except for two babies who were born with a deformed jaw and poorly formed body.

What was the impetus for the abnormal development is not really known, and apparently no one set out to find out the cause of the “malicious” pathology. Some experts believe that this is how the dwarfism gene manifests itself in cats. Although this phenomenon is more similar to inbreeding in the family or malnutrition of the pregnant mother, which resulted in a system failure.

In any case, the anomaly did not greatly affect the well-being and quality of life of the cat.

Life before the finest hour

The owner of the famous cat is a young mother from England, Tabatha Bundesen, who barely made ends meet by working as a waitress in a bar. The birth of the angry kitten surprised and alarmed her. A trip to the veterinary clinic refuted suspicions of a serious illness and the pet continued its carefree existence.

Tardar Sauce - so named after the famous tartar sauce. Why? Well, such an original association appeared in the head of Tabatha’s youngest daughter when she first saw the baby.

Naturally, at first no one believed that the cat was a real animal and not a cleverly crafted fake. Subscribers demanded proof of the true existence of the “villain.” The touchy housewife posted a refuting video on YouTube. In just a couple of days, the video collected several thousand views.

Life of a star

An event of this magnitude did not go unnoticed by the promoters. Proposals poured in from all sides:

  • someone wanted Grumpy Cat to star in a cat food commercial;
  • others invited the star to act in a movie;
  • still others asked for permission to use the image of a cat on clothes and dishes;
  • still others write a book about an angry cat and publish it with millions of copies in different languages ​​of the world;
  • The coffee drink Grump Cappuccino appears.

The owners themselves started a cat page on Facebook and created an entire website dedicated to the sad pet, in the hope that they will not forget about him. And they still remember him. Moreover, in 2013, the “angry” resource received the Webby Awards, the so-called Internet Oscar, which is awarded annually to the best web projects.