Cocktail recipe Salty Dog cocktail. Salty dog ​​cocktail recipe Salty dog ​​cocktail

The Salty Dog cocktail was invented in the American state of Texas by Russian sailors and local cowboys.

It is a well-known fact that the first card game in the state was Texas poker, the most popular type of poker today. When tired cowboys, after hard work, were playing poker in a bar, Russian sailors came in, it is unknown how they got so far from the sea. The sailors had a lot of vodka with them, while the cowboys preferred gin and grapefruit juice. Already quite drunk, people decided to mix their favorite drinks together, and the result was a rather unusual cocktail, which someone thought of adding salt to. This is how this drink was born. He came up with the name there: at dawn, when the coyotes were howling, someone shouted to the bartender in a drunken voice: “Hey, bring us that salty dog.”

This is the legend that goes around bars and restaurants in Texas when visitors ask for information about a strange cocktail that includes grapefruit juice and salted gin. No one can be sure whether this story actually happened, but tourists remain satisfied. These days, the Salty Dog cocktail is served everywhere in the United States, but few people know about it outside of this country.

The Salty Dog cocktail appeared thanks to Prohibition in the States, but its recipe has remained unchanged to this day - it is grapefruit juice and vodka. Well, experts additionally decorate it.

“Salty Dog” is a weak alcoholic cocktail. The ability to prepare it is a standard for bartenders, according to the rules of their International Association.

However, it is surprising that such an easy-to-make drink is actually widely known in America, but is not often prepared in other countries.

Information about the Salty Dog cocktail

The exact date of creation of the cocktail is unknown, but there is a legend in Texas bars that the drink appeared when local cowboys and Russian sailors met. Usually in Texas, cowboys always played poker in the evenings.

A Russian ship moored to the shore. The sailors wanted to visit the local bar and, of course, took with them a traditional drink - vodka. The sailors and cowboys met at the bar.

By the way, the latter did not drink pure vodka, but along with grapefruit juice. This is how the cocktail was born.

The salt in the recipe appeared because the sailors did not want to forget the ocean, the smell of which was already ingrained.

But the name came from the fact that the players, being already pretty drunk, all shouted to the bartender together: “Pour some salty dog.” There is a connection here with steppe dogs - coyotes.

Cocktail “Salty Dog”

2 methods of preparing the drink have been developed:

  • If you don't have the right size glass, it won't affect the taste of the drink. Any container will do. The main rule: the volume of the container should be 25% larger than the liquid in the glass;
  • It is not necessary to strictly follow the recipe. You can change the proportions of vodka and juice. Usually the drink is made less strong. To be precise, it is better to use a measuring cup or glass;
  • The juice must be freshly squeezed;
  • For decoration, you can use a slice of any citrus fruit - lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime;
  • It is better to choose coarse salt for decorating a glass. If it is small, then the taste is interrupted. By the way, you can glaze in two ways. First, wet the rim of the container with a slice of lemon or grapefruit, and then lower the saucer into the salt shaker. Secondly, immediately lower the inverted glass to a shallow depth into grapefruit juice, and then into salt;
  • If you want more sourness in the drink, it is recommended to add lemon juice.

There are several variations of preparing the drink. For example, the Pepper Dog cocktail has been developed for thrill-seekers. The composition is the same, but instead of salt, the glass is decorated with ground black pepper.

The second option is “Greyhound”. The recipe is the same, only salt is not used at all. Another “brother” of the cocktail is the usual “Screwdriver”, which consists of orange juice and vodka (or gin).

“Salty Dog” combines many flavors: it is salty, sour, bitter, and a little sweet. The drink is perfectly refreshing and relaxing.

The cocktail is considered simple, so it won’t take a lot of time and effort to prepare it. It is suitable for any party.

Step 1: Prepare the Salty Dog cocktail.

So, let's take clean dry glass, just slightly moisten its rim with a few drops of drinking water and dip it in salt (salt should stick to the rim, hold on to it firmly, and the salt shaker should be accordingly - wider than a glass). Carefully throw the ice cubes into the glass, carefully (without touching the rim) pour in the indicated volumes of vodka and grapefruit juice. Shake slightly.

Step 2: Serve the Salty Dog cocktail.

Step 3: .

The cocktail should be served immediately after shaking, thereby giving it the appearance of a translucent golden liquid. The salt rim should be visible, which gives the “salty dog” its status, and thanks to which the person drinking the drink will feel a concentrated salty taste. Cocktails of this kind are drunk slowly and in small sips so that you can feel the fullness of its flavor. Bon appetit!

Not having the right glass does not change the taste of the cocktail. Any other one can be used. The main thing is that its volume is at least a quarter larger than the liquid in it.

The proportion of juice and vodka can be varied (usually towards a lower strength). For special accuracy, you can use measuring containers or a glass of known volume.

You can garnish the cocktail with a slice of grapefruit or other citrus.

There is also a “Pepper Dog” for thrill seekers - the same composition, but black pepper is used instead of salt.

Additional sourness can be added to the drink with lemon juice.

Cocktail “Salty Dog” (“Salty Dog») – a popular and rather weak alcoholic cocktail, which is one of the standards of the International Bartenders Association. It combines a whole range of taste sensations - it is both salty and sweet, bitter and slightly sour. At the same time, cool and refreshing. Like most simple cocktails, it does not require much effort or time to prepare. It will brighten up any party and also add ease of communication and ease to it.

Finally, we also tell you that in some parts the drink is prepared with pink grapefruit and sugar instead of sugar. Here's another recipe that's even easier for them to learn with this video: How to Make Salted Dog in Under a Minute! I had a hard time finding a title for this report. It could very well be "the most disgusting liquids in the world" or "the most terrible drinks." Over the next few minutes you will be immersed in very distant realities. There is tradition, but also desperate attempts to drop the brand or crazy ideas that give a twist to what we call wine or beer.

Ingredients for making the Salty Dog cocktail:

  1. Vodka 50 ml.
  2. Grapefruit juice 100 ml.
  3. Ice cubes 5 pcs.
  4. Salt to taste

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


  1. Highball glass
  2. Wide salt shaker (or other container)

Preparation of the Salty Dog cocktail:

Step 1: Prepare the Salty Dog cocktail.

So, let's take clean dry glass, just slightly moisten its rim with a few drops of drinking water and dip it in salt (salt should stick to the rim, hold on to it firmly, and the salt shaker should be accordingly - wider than a glass). Carefully throw the ice cubes into the glass, carefully (without touching the rim) pour in the indicated volumes of vodka and grapefruit juice. Shake slightly.

Step 2: Serve the Salty Dog cocktail.

Step 3: .

The cocktail should be served immediately after shaking, thereby giving it the appearance of a translucent golden liquid. The salt rim should be visible, which gives the “salty dog” its status, and thanks to which the person drinking the drink will feel a concentrated salty taste. Cocktails of this kind are drunk slowly and in small sips so that you can feel the fullness of its flavor. Bon appetit!

Not having the right glass does not change the taste of the cocktail. Any other one can be used. The main thing is that its volume is at least a quarter larger than the liquid in it.

Proposals that will seem extravagant and illogical, but sometimes are already completely regulated in the consumption of different regions. 20 rare drinks: let's go with it! In this game, words are the basis of an impossible combination of tastes. A brewery in Hokkaido, Japan, recently launched a low-grade milk beer. The idea originated in a liquor store geographically close to the dairy industry. The initiative takes advantage of surplus milk by asking a local brewery to produce beer with milk.

Since a third of the beer was milk, it was seen as a great way to help local farmers. The beer tastes similar to some fruits and seems to pair well with candy. With its fruity taste, Bilk hopes to be popular among women.

The proportion of juice and vodka can be varied (usually towards a lower strength). For special accuracy, you can use measuring containers or a glass of known volume.

You can garnish the cocktail with a slice of grapefruit or other citrus.

There is also a “Pepper Dog” for thrill seekers - the same composition, but black pepper is used instead of salt.

Yanshi, a professor of calligraphy at Sichuan University, has patented a method for growing green tea in panda litters. The highest rating was offered for 000 yuan per kilogram. A drink that seemed to quickly disappear. This arises before the confidence in the alarming situation that creates a lack of tobacco.

There were many legal problems. Isn't this a contradiction? Every day we try to take care of our body in different ways, to maintain the line. You need to play sports, but not only that. The reason is explained by its label: "all the taste of normal water, but with half the calories."

Additional sourness can be added to the drink with lemon juice.

Also known as "Salty Dog"


The Salty Dog cocktail recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • Vodka (40 ml)
  • Grapefruit juice (100 ml)
  • Ice cubes

History of the Salty Dog cocktail recipe:

I was unable to find out in what year the recipe for the Salty Dog cocktail was created, but the story does not end there. It is known for sure that this drink appeared in America, Texas. Local cowboys spent the evenings playing Texas poker (it became the first card game in this state). One day a ship with Russian sailors and a traditional Russian drink moored to the shore. (^ ^) Having gone ashore and visiting a local bar, they became interested in a new game. Of course, the sailors joined, but not just like that, but taking with them several bottles of vodka. (^_~) Drinking pure vodka was not so interesting, but, having noticed that Texas cowboys also drink not just strong drinks, but together with grapefruit juice, the Russians quickly added 2+2. This is how the Salty Dog cocktail recipe came about. But given how much time the new arrivals spent at sea, given that the salty sea smell had already ingrained itself in their noses, the Russian sailors, so as not to forget this feeling, added a little salt to this cocktail.

It’s strange, but why is the name of the cocktail suddenly connected with a dog? Remember that the Salty Dog cocktail recipe originated in Texas? And you've probably heard about coyotes and know that they are essentially prairie dogs. So, when the evening was already drawing to a close, and it was time to end the game, the howling of coyotes was heard from afar. And the drunken players shouted in unison: “ Bartender! Give us some “Salty Dog”».

Variations of the Salty Dog cocktail recipe:

  • Cocktail "Greyhound"- essentially this is the same dog, only without salt

A few words about the Salty Dog cocktail:

Tasty and unusual. You will definitely like the recipe for the “Salty Dog” cocktail. It perfectly quenches thirst, it will help relieve stress, it will also help you forget ( it's all about the number of glasses). And don’t let the salt rim on the glass scare you, this cocktail is actually very easy to make.

Also known as "Salty Dog"


The Salty Dog cocktail recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • Vodka (40 ml)
  • Grapefruit juice (100 ml)
  • Ice cubes
  • Salt

History of the Salty Dog cocktail recipe:

I was unable to find out in what year the recipe for the Salty Dog cocktail was created, but the story does not end there. It is known for sure that this drink appeared in America, Texas. Local cowboys spent the evenings playing Texas poker (it became the first card game in this state). One day a ship with Russian sailors and a traditional Russian drink moored to the shore. (^ ^) Having gone ashore and visiting a local bar, they became interested in a new game. Of course, the sailors joined, but not just like that, but taking with them several bottles of vodka. (^_~) Drinking pure vodka was not so interesting, but, having noticed that Texas cowboys also drink not just strong drinks, but together with grapefruit juice, the Russians quickly added 2+2. This is how the Salty Dog cocktail recipe came about. But given how much time the new arrivals spent at sea, given that the salty sea smell had already ingrained itself in their noses, the Russian sailors, so as not to forget this feeling, added a little salt to this cocktail.

It’s strange, but why is the name of the cocktail suddenly connected with a dog? Remember that the Salty Dog cocktail recipe originated in Texas? And you've probably heard about coyotes and know that they are essentially prairie dogs. So, when the evening was already drawing to a close, and it was time to end the game, the howling of coyotes was heard from afar. And the drunken players shouted in unison: “ Bartender! Give us some “Salty Dog”».

Variations of the Salty Dog cocktail recipe:

  • Cocktail "Greyhound"- essentially this is the same dog, only without salt

A few words about the Salty Dog cocktail:

Tasty and unusual. You will definitely like the recipe for the “Salty Dog” cocktail. It perfectly quenches thirst, it will help relieve stress, it will also help you forget ( it's all about the number of glasses). And don’t let the salt rim on the glass scare you, this cocktail is actually very easy to make.

Now let’s get straight to the Salty Dog cocktail recipe itself.

Method I: Place some ice and vodka and juice in a shaker. Shake for 10-15 seconds. Take a highball glass (tall glass) and wet the rim of the glass and dip it in salt. Now you have a salted edge ready. Place 2-3 ice cubes inside the glass and pour the contents of the shaker. In this case, the decorative element is the salt along the edge of the glass.

Method II: Just like in method I, we make a salty rim and put ice in the glass. Pour the vodka and juice directly into the glass and slowly stir the ingredients with a bar spoon, so as not to damage the salty edges. In this version, you can also use zest, cut thinly and long, for decoration.