Why a snub nose? Snub nose and upturned nose - which is better? Features of surgical correction of the nasal tip

Nature has generously endowed Iranian women with beauty. Foreigners who first came to former Persia always noted the thin, regular, chiseled faces of local women. True, a strange trend has emerged recently - more and more Iranian women dream of correcting the shape of their nose. And having completed the coveted rhinoplasty, they proudly display the post-operative patch on their face. So what is this new fashion related to?

Several years ago, Iran became the world champion in rhinoplasty - operations that change the shape of the nose. Every year, up to 200 thousand women go under the surgeon's knife here - this is seven times more than, for example, in the USA. Moreover, every year the figure is only growing. “Walking along the streets of large Iranian cities, you can often see a girl with a bandage on her nose. These are just traces of a recent operation,” writes traveler Sergei Anashkevich.

Most Iranian women want to give their nose a so-called snub nose, more typical of Hollywood “doll faces” or Slavic beauties. “Iranian women’s noses are very often much larger than those of European women. That’s why they want Western noses - smaller ones,” explained Iranian plastic surgeon Ali Asghar Shirazi in an interview.

According to Iranian women, an upturned nose is more attractive to men. Many people hope that after the operation they can get married easier and more successfully.

“The apotheosis of the “snub nose fashion” for me was a story told by the wife of one of the employees of the Russian Embassy in Tehran,” writes columnist for the Iran Today portal Alexander Levchenko. “Iranian women literally did not allow her passage, as soon as she stepped outside the embassy. Everyone was interested in one thing - where did she have such a successful operation that her nose became so snub-nosed? When she seriously answered that it was, they say, nature that made her this way, then immediately followed in all seriousness by a tearful request for an address, telephone number, or at least the name of the website of a surgical clinic under such an original name - “Nature”...

Interestingly, in Iran it is not customary to stay at home for a long time after rhinoplasty. Iranian women are not only not ashamed of post-operative plasters on their nose, but also proudly display them. We can say that not only a beautiful nose is in fashion, but also the operation itself to change it.

Some believe that the post-operative patch has become a kind of visual evidence of the financial well-being of a woman and her family. It gets ridiculous - the “slap” of white plaster on the nose is often fake. They stick it on without any surgery, just to show that a girl from a respectable family follows fashion trends.

As one resident of Iran noted in an interview with The Guardian, local women want to change the shape of their nose and make it ideal, since according to Islamic laws, the nose is the only place on the face that can remain open to the gaze of other men even in a hijab, MedVesti writes.

By the way, the plastic surgery industry is developing so quickly in Iran also because formally it does not in any way contradict the norms of Islam. Therefore, spiritual leaders do not take any restrictive measures, considering plastic surgery simply as part of surgery.

On average, according to some sources, “touching up your nose” in Iran costs about $2,500. This is almost half the average annual income of the average Iranian. It is believed that the cheapest operations are in Isfahan, the highest quality ones are in Tehran. Their price can reach $4,000.

Despite the sky-high numbers, rhinoplasty in Iran is much cheaper than, for example, in Europe. Therefore, those who want to make their nose a little snub are flocking to Iran from many countries - in particular from Syria, Oman and the UAE. By the way, such operations are also popular among men.

It is not surprising that recently the profession of a plastic surgeon has become one of the most prestigious and in demand in Iran, NTV notes. By the way, the surgeons themselves clarify that, along with a cosmetic effect, they also achieve a purely medical one. The fact is that due to the specific shape of the nose, Iranian women and Iranians often suffer from sinusitis.

However, you shouldn’t think that everyone in Iran is passionate about plastic surgery. Yes, changing the shape of the nose is in fashion here - but only among a certain segment of the population. And many Iranian girls, talking about their “snub-nosed” compatriots, will only meaningfully twirl their finger at their temple.

Based on materials from the Internet

We all probably share 99.9 percent of the same DNA. However, we look different from each other.

Of course, some things are similar, for example, the shape of the nose.

By the way, the shape of your nose is something that can easily make you related to a celebrity. After all, if you look more closely, you can find everything, even the most unusual nose shapes, on your favorite actors and singers. Did you know that the shape of your nose can tell you something about your character? No? Then go to the list below and learn something new about yourself.

Here are the 10 most common nose shapes in the world.

  1. Roman nose

This nose got its name from ancient Roman sculptures. Its distinctive feature is a small tubercle in the middle.

This nose shape is quite common, seen on celebrities such as Sofia Coppola and Mark Zuckerberg.

The Roman nose is found in those who like to influence others. You see yourself as a compassionate leader and someone who can make the world a better place.

  1. Nubian nose

Many famous faces are adorned with a Nubian nose, such as Beyoncé, Rihanna and Barack Obama.

It is also the most common nose in the world, mostly found in people of African and East Asian descent.

It is short in length, but at the same time wide.

People who have this nose shape are extremely creative and passionate. Their charisma attracts people and they are easy to make friends with.

  1. Snub nose

This nose, curved at the tip, is one of the most desirable nose shapes in the world. This form can be found on Emma Stone, Carey Mulligan and Victoria Beckham.

Even Michael Jackson had rhinoplasty to get his nose, although it didn't end well.

According to Israeli professor Abraham Tamir, about 13 percent of people have a snub nose.

This nose belongs to those who are optimistic and friendly. People love your playfulness, and when things get heated, they know they can trust you.

  1. Greek nose

The Greek nose is known as straight, long, narrow, and without any humps.

This is another shape that is popular among people who are considering rhinoplasty. Many celebrities and supermodels have Greek noses.

The owners of this nose are characterized by hard work and ambition. Their strong nature allows them to achieve goals, even if the path is thorny.

According to Tamir, only three percent of people have this nose shape.

  1. Upturned nose

This nose is marked by a softer, round shape at the tip, but has a slight snub like the shape of the same name.

Among celebrities, such a nose can be found on Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson and Helen Mirren. According to Tamir's research, he found this form in only five percent of the people he examined.

People who have an upturned nose are very gentle and have a good sense of humor. People are never bored in your presence!

  1. Thick nose

A thick nose has a large, protruding shape. According to Tamir's research, more than 24 percent of people have this nose, so it is considered the most common.

But just because that nose is bulky doesn't mean it's unattractive. It can be found on celebrities such as Mark Ruffalo and Albert Einstein, and their faces are difficult to classify as ugly.

People with large noses are thinkers and love to read books. They spend their entire lives acquiring knowledge.

  1. Humped nose

A humped nose, which has a very noticeable curvature and looks rough compared to a Roman one, is quite common.

Many people who are born with this nose dream of correcting it with rhinoplasty. However, not all celebrities decided to part with such a distinctive feature.

People who have this nose shape tend to doubt everything. Their motto could be: “I have to see to believe.”

  1. Nixon's nose

Nixon's nose is truly one of a kind, marked by straightness and length.

According to Tamir's research, less than a percent of the population has such a nose.

If you have this rare form, you are good at making quick decisions. You also do not choose any path unless you are sure that it is the only correct one.

  1. Potato nose

Here's another rare nose! The nose is marked with a large rounded tip.

These noses have gotten a bad rap thanks to cartoons that exaggerate them, but a lot of people have them, including celebrities. For example, Bill Clinton and Australian actor Leo McKern.

It is known that people who have this nose shape are very wise. People around you love to spend time with you and listen to what you have to say.

  1. Hawk nose

The hawk's nose is marked by a curve that resembles a beak.

Among celebrities, Sarah Jessica Parker and Adrien Brody have such a nose.

People who have this nose shape are smart and observant. It is not easy for you to get along with the majority, and you carefully choose your social circle.

Even in ancient times, wise men wondered which nose deserves to be called ideal. In their opinion, such an organ was considered to have a straight back, a rounded tip and neat wings. Despite the fact that not a single century has passed since that moment, the “formula” of the ideal nose remains the same today. But, unfortunately, nature does not reward every person with it. Some people develop complexes due to a large nose, others are not satisfied with excessive snubness. Each person who turns to a plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty has his own wishes and, which is also important, his own phobias. So, some are afraid that after the operation the nose will become upturned or snub-nosed. What causes this fear? And are patients’ fears often justified? We invited the famous plastic surgeon from St. Petersburg Valery Staisupov to speak as an expert.

The difference between a snub nose and a snub nose

First, let's figure out what the difference is between an upturned nose and a snub nose. The first has a raised tip, which makes the nostrils clearly visible. It looks short and wide. The snub nose is a type of snub nose; its feature is a thicker and fleshier tip, which seems to dominate the back and stand above it. A woman can be called a snub nose if the nasolabial angle is more than 115 degrees, a man - if this angle is more than 95 degrees.

During consultations, I always discuss with my patients the result of the upcoming surgical intervention. Surprisingly, most of them speak negatively about upturned and snub noses and are afraid of becoming the owners of similar ones. It is strange that some of these people are women. After all, it is the snub nose that makes the face pretty and open. And in general, people come to me to get rid of a hump or make their nose narrower. This is nothing more than attempts to get away from excessive severity in appearance. Isn’t that the same effect that an upturned or snub nose has?

Perhaps the inconsistency of thoughts is due to the fear of getting an exaggerated result. Those. the patient thinks that if he asks the surgeon to shorten his nose, they will definitely make his nostrils visible! In other words, it’s not a matter of dislike for upturned and snub noses. People are afraid that the doctor may simply not understand what kind of result they want to get. However, all wishes must be voiced, because only by understanding what exactly the patient wants can the surgeon plan and carry out the operation so that expectations are fully met.

What kind of nose does Victoria Beckham have? Snub-nosed or upturned?

Determining character by the shape of the nose

The nose plays an important role in shaping the opinions of others about a person. It can soften the face or, conversely, make it more severe. The nose can have a rejuvenating effect or visually add extra years.

Valery Staysupov comments

People with upturned noses tend to have some charm and are friendly, cheerful and optimistic. They strive for independence and freedom. A woman with such a nose looks attractive and perhaps a little careless, especially in the eyes of the opposite sex. A striking example is Marilyn Monroe. According to physiognomy, those with a snub nose have a gentle character, they are sociable and positive, capable of great achievements. These include Angelina Jolie, Kate Beckinsale and other screen stars.

Kate Beckinsale's snub nose

Rhinoplasty of snub nose

Earlier we talked about people who are simply worried about the result of aesthetic surgery. But there are also those for whom snub nose is a real problem. In most cases, in order to solve it, surgeons lengthen the tip. To do this, they use autografts, which are taken from other areas of the patient's cartilage tissue (often from the nasal septum). For this reason, the operation takes place in two stages. The dimensions of the implants are carefully calculated, taking into account the anatomical features of the individual patient.

If the wings of the snub nose are too large or thickened, during rhinoplasty the doctor first partially excises and then sews together the cartilage at the junction. This allows you to reduce the volume of the tip and narrow or thin the wings.

In accordance with Eastern traditions, a person’s face is an open book from which one can read a variety of information about his character, habits and health characteristics. The world knows highly qualified Chinese doctors who can identify many human diseases just by looking into his eyes. What can a snub nose “tell” about?

Firstly, a lot depends on how the face is “composed” and how this “detail” is planted. Harmony is indicated by approximately equal shares from the hairline to the eyebrows (No. 1), from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose (No. 2) and from the latter to the tip of the chin (No. 3). The snub nose is often short, which entails a small zone No. 2, which is responsible for the age from 30 to 50 years. If it is too short relative to zones 1 (youth) and 3, then the individual may not be destined for a very long life.

Secondly, it is important to evaluate the wings of the nose. If they are wide, then the person is drawn to heights and achievements. Such forms are characteristic of captains of aircraft and ships, adventurous natures, ready to take risks. A snub nose with wings located close to the middle indicates that it preserves rather than acquires.

Thirdly, you also need to look at the tip. If it is round in shape and has a pinkish color, then the person is cheerful, kind, and sympathetic. Owners of such a “positive” facial detail are energetic, cheerful, optimistic, and love sincere praise. If at the same time the lady also has a wide bridge of the nose, then this may indicate a strong will, intelligence and a good sense of humor. A snub nose, sharp at the tip, is a signal that you need to be careful with such a person. In this case, you should be wary of cunning, resourcefulness and temperament.

The snub nose, the photo of which is presented below, did not quite suit the girl, and she preferred to get a clearer profile with the help of rhinoplasty. Soft shapes are more preferable for women, so ladies often ask plastic surgeons to shorten the length or remove the hump.

A man should have a large nose. It testifies to intelligence and the desire to understand the world. If this part of the face is absolutely straight, of a classic shape, then this speaks of a hardworking, purposeful nature. The Roman form conveys a potential leader with high stress tolerance and the ability to take on challenges. A large, bony nose can indicate that its owner is arrogant. And if the tip is also sharp, then you can expect severity and some temper from the owner of such a nose.

The mouth can tell a lot about a person's character. A small mouth indicates that the character is weak and restless. Large - indicates that this is a daring, mocking mouth. The average size of the mouth indicates that the person is secretive, modest, but at the same time wise and generous.

Let us note that the above signs are generalized, and each of us has our own individuality, life path. Therefore, “they meet you by the face, but you see them off by the mind.”

Snub nose has always been a fairly popular trend. This form is often spoken of with particular tenderness. However, snub noses have both their advantages and disadvantages. And owners of such slightly upturned noses consider them ugly and overly plump. Experts say that with the right selection of hairstyle, makeup, etc., a snub nose can look very attractive.

Photo by Shutterstock

The snub nose is one of the six most popular species.

Usually the nose is assessed according to several indicators at once:

  • form
  • length
  • width
  • bridge of the nose
  • tip
  • wings
  • basis

A snub nose has a raised tip that makes the nostrils visible. The snub nose is a variation of the snub nose, but has a slightly larger tip - thicker and fleshier.

Before you start getting upset about your snub nose, remember which other stars have this shape. The list includes recognized sex symbols Angelina Jolie, Natalia Oreiro, Kate Bakinsale and others.

Snub nose and human psychology

People with a snub nose are distinguished by special prudence, a practical and tenacious mind, balance and reliability. Such people are very loved by those around them, especially children.

Psychologists assure that such a person is an excellent conversationalist who can keep any secrets he hears. In addition, people with snub noses are not inclined to refuse, because helping others is their need.

From a professional point of view, people with snub noses are quite wealthy, as they are inclined to achieve all their goals.

Snub nose and makeup

A snub nose is often called the standard of beauty, because it can be quite easily adjusted in terms of thickness. At the same time, he will look cute due to his slight upturned look.

To disguise the snub nose, apply dark powder along the side walls and wings. Due to this darkening, the nose will visually look narrower. Moreover, the nostrils need to be masked more strongly. Darker colors are suitable for this. But the tip, on the contrary, needs to be lightened by applying a peach-colored product to it. Be sure to exclude corrective products with a shining effect. Remember that when visually correcting a snub nose, the skin should not shine and indicate that a large amount of makeup has been applied to the face.

To correct your nose with makeup, you can use not only powder of different shades. Blush and even some types of shadows are also suitable.

It is also worth considering the fact that a snub nose will look harmonious only if you choose the right makeup for your entire face, and not just correct the nose itself. The amount of cosmetics should be minimal. The lines that you will draw are smoothed out as much as possible. Also remember to pay special attention to the cheekbones and chin. Thanks to this manipulation, you can divert attention from the center of the face.

In addition, it is worth shading your cheeks and lower jaw with a dark corrector. This way you can create ideal facial proportions, in which a snub nose will look natural and beautiful.

Snub nose and hairstyle

You can also correct a snub nose using your hairstyle. For owners of such a nose, experts usually recommend using haircuts in which the hair is decorated with lines framing the face. It is best to have hair of medium length, and always voluminous.

It is better to refuse straight options, giving preference to torn hairstyles

As an option, you can use a hairstyle with curls, only the ends must be directed upward.

Canons of the ideal nose

A European nose is characterized as ideal if it creates an angle of 30 degrees to the face. Naturally, this is not an axiom, and ladies with a 40-degree nose angle can look no worse and more harmonious than those with a sloped nose.

The angle between the nose and lips is also usually assessed. In women, on average, it is 105 degrees. For comparison: the ideal proportion of this parameter in a man is 95 degrees.

According to the canons of beauty, the bridge of the nose should be located slightly higher than the base of the eyelashes of the upper eyelid. Its depth should not exceed 6 mm.

An ideal nose must have symmetrical nostrils, the partition between them should fall below the nostrils by 5 mm

A nose with a small hump, about 2 mm, becomes ideal. Also, the upturned tip of the nose brings it closer to ideal, which is why it becomes snub-nosed. And many ladies - owners of exactly this shape - for some reason are sure that their nose cannot be worse.