Why is there such a madhouse in the world? Is Russia a madhouse? It all depends on which side you look at! Putin: compromise on the Kuril Islands

In the Arkhangelsk region, on the eve of February 3, the day when a single all-Russian protest against the “garbage reform” was announced, an event took place in the village of Urdoma, Lensky district of the Arkhangelsk region, which experts regard as an attempt to “explode the situation”, to provoke active confrontation between the authorities and the population . A video report on the progress of the provocative event was distributed in... More networks. As readovka.news reports, local authorities imitated a public gathering. According to local media reports, the regional Minister of Natural Resources Alexander Yerulik was present at the hearing along with investors. As dvinainform.ru reports, the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry of the Arkhangelsk Region, Alexander Yerulik, noted that the region is preparing to move to civilized collection and disposal of waste, reclamation of the existing four unauthorized landfills that are poisoning groundwater. This requires 50 million rubles, which is offered by the investor of the Shies eco-technopark. The investor's representative, Deputy General Director of Technopark LLC, Denis Sinelnikov, emphasized that he was ready for dialogue with the Lensky District Development Fund, whose representatives came to the Urdoma House of Culture. He also added that investments in the socio-economic development of the Arkhangelsk region will amount to 6 billion rubles over three years. Environmentalists report that in the midst of the meeting, the lights in the hall went out. The rented hall in the cultural center accommodated about two hundred people. The publication refers to information from local activists (their voices are heard in video recordings) that almost all the participants in the hearings were visitors from other localities, who, according to some information, were paid 500 rubles for participation in the hearings. Residents of Urdom who tried to get into the cultural center were stopped by police. After the “hired participants in the hearings” left on buses, abandoned posters with slogans like “Navalny - hands off Shies!”, “Give new jobs!”, “Yes to the eco-technopark!” were found in the hall. According to activists, the “biased” and “staged” meeting was intended to demonstrate support for the controversial Shies eco-technopark. Regional authorities prefer not to notice the dissatisfied. Last December, up to 30 thousand people in the Arkhangelsk region took part in anti-garbage protests. They demanded that Moscow MSW be prevented from being delivered to the North. In the video from the activists, one can see that people leaving the hearing room are boarding buses for departure. Local residents block the way for buses. As Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region Igor Anatolyevich Orlov stated on the sidelines of the Gaidar Forum, the local population supports the progress of “garbage reform” in the region, and he personally supports the construction of the Shies eco-technopark.

"Here is the fire and the wood, where is the lamb for the burnt offering?"

What's happening to us? No, in this case I’m not talking about the economy, with its crises, inflation, corruption and other delights. And not about politics, the guidelines of which change so quickly that eyes tired during the day cannot follow the clever manipulations of political charlatans by the evening.

And not even about ideology - what kind of ideology is there in the postmodern age, when a propaganda choir begins a concert program with “God Save the Tsar”, then smoothly moves on to “The Internationale”, and enthusiastically performs “Murka” as an encore?

I’m talking about the soul, but not in the sense of its salvation for eternal life - this is for a priest, but in the simplest and most commonly used meaning of this word: “the soul is anxious,” “the soul hurts.” That’s right: my soul hurts when you look around with an uncluttered gaze, and I think I’m not the only one. Every day, and more than once, you come across something that scratches this sensitive substance, causing bewilderment, indignation or even disgust. And the same question constantly arises: why? Well, why do you, dear ministers, deputies, loudmouth leaders and other public figures, need this? Why are you still itching?

Let's not delve into those delicate areas that are constantly itching for a power rising from its knees - let's talk about everyday things. We cannot live a day without legislative initiatives, and necessarily draconian ones. Here it is again: a new bill is being developed in the State Duma to introduce criminal liability for ridicule of school teachers and “reproaches of incompetence.”

No, I am not at all a supporter of permissiveness for students and their parents - the figure of the teacher, of course, must be respected. Both the state, the entire society, and individual students and their families. But what does criminal liability have to do with it? And is it possible to avoid reproaches of incompetence if they are deserved?

Remember: “I tell them: “Don’t put the mirror in the desk,” but they keep putting it down.” How can one not be accused of incompetence? And after the reproach - to prison? Instead of the traditional "We'll live until Monday"? Just wait until next Monday for everyone...

Well, okay, current deputies - what is the demand from them? But the “representatives of the teaching community” are all unanimously in favor. It seems that besides prison, our society no longer sees any other means of educating the young (as well as mature and elderly) generation.

Yes, there are children who stand out for their particularly nasty behavior. They always have been. But, by the way, even in the much-maligned Soviet times, it was almost impossible to simply expel a student from school. They endured it until the end of the 8th grade, where at least the vocational school took on the load, then the army. However, they did not only endure it until the 8th grade; sometimes even until graduation. This is when “whose children are needed” and “what kind of parents are needed.” So, has anything changed now? Whose children will also continue to study, what parents will always agree with the school management one way or another, but what will happen to those who are neither “whose” nor “what”? Is this a criminal offense for them? Or will a collision happen - the offended in some feelings against the offended in others - and then who will win, until complete victory?

Once again: I am all for respect for everyone. For correctness, for tact. But even in the laws themselves adopted in recent years, I see neither respect, nor correctness, nor tact. This is not respect from all to all, this is a war of all against all. They are egging on from above, and society is already ready to happily deal with the newfound enemies.

Anyone who has never lived in a communal apartment does not understand how uncompromising such a struggle can be - not for life, but for death. When to annoy a hated neighbor in any way is a matter of honor, valor and heroism. Society is increasingly reminiscent of the “Voronya Slobodka”, where everyone dislikes everyone, teaches how to live and is collectively afraid of fire. And they waited, and such a self-fulfilling prophecy turned out.

We have long been afraid of each other and something else global that is beyond our control. And out of fear they are ready to fence ban with ban, threat with threat, prison with prison. We are ready to sacrifice not only those who are distant, but also our neighbors to our own fears - even our children: to be expelled from school, registered, imprisoned.

But all this does not relieve us of fear: the children will grow up, graduate, God forbid, make a reprimand to the teacher with now unknown consequences, and then they will ask us for everything: for the loyal convictions of youth, for careerism, for corruption, for weakness, for cowardice, for fear.

For the fact that we raised this monster: loud, mischievous, huge, yawning and barking, which is just as afraid of every shadow as each of us individually. Cerberus is no less afraid of those he guards.

But anticipating a fire is also the last thing. The smart ones will insure their property, others will tie things up into bundles to take away, some will go to spend the night with friends. But there will also be “nobody’s grandmother” who “does not believe in electricity,” and there will also be the poet Vasisualiy Lokhankin, who dreams of “transforming in flames.” But he won't change. Society too.

Again and again: teachers must be protected from rudeness. But are the teachers themselves sure that they want to do this at the cost of opening a criminal case against the child? Not administrative, but criminal? And is every single parent really sure that their child won’t one day correct the teacher: “You can’t say “lay down”?”

Many factors now indicate that Vladimir Putin has begun to lose ground in foreign policy. But in this context, the statement of Putin’s closest ally, former Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, about the need to reduce “geopolitical tensions” is interesting. And although Putin got into a skirmish with Kudrin, answering literally the following: “we will not trade our sovereignty,” nevertheless, this is one of the few recent serious statements in the spirit of “let’s live together” from people close to the Russian president. Russian financier and blogger Slava Rabinovich explained to Apostrophe what this could mean.

Alexey Kudrin, during a meeting of the Presidium of the Economic Council, told Russian President Vladimir Putin that Russia is technologically behind and must integrate into international technological chains. To do this, according to Kudrin, it is necessary to “reduce geopolitical tensions.” Putin, in response, reminded everyone present of the thousand-year history of Russia and stated that the country would not trade sovereignty, even if it was lagging behind in some ways. At the same time, he promised to defend the sovereignty of Russia until the end of his life.

Of course, when the Fuhrer talks about a thousand years of history and sovereignty, he means exclusively his sovereignty, and the sovereignty of his organized crime group. But we know what the end will be. We. But not “they”. After all, “many” are unaware that technical backwardness inevitably entails the loss of sovereignty of the entire economy, the entire country, the entire people, if not in the literal sense. Although... maybe this is for the better. Perhaps this will put an end to the new development of fascism in Europe in the 21st century... It seems that the thousand-year history of Russia will end with Putin. We are not just still “lagging behind somewhere”. We are already a century behind and everywhere.

On the other hand, recently the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Valentina Matvienko, reiterated that Moscow does not want to “calmly look” at the oppression of Russians in the republics of the former USSR.


Kudrin will not help Putin

Deutsche Welle 06/04/2016

Putin hints at 'American conspiracy'

Nihon Keizai 04/30/2016

Putin: compromise on the Kuril Islands

Nihon Keizai 04/15/2016

Putin and Russia as a thorn in the side of the West

Czech Free Press 06.06.2016

Vladimir Putin is a brave strategist

Financial Times 12/14/2015 And member of the Federation Council, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Defense and Security Franz Klintsevich said that NATO is preparing a springboard for a “global strike” against Russia.

What's happening?

It's very simple.

From 2000 to 2008, Putin and his organized crime group had the following contract with the Russian cattle population: “We feed you, and you sit quietly and do not interfere (while we are quietly robbing the country).” And this contract really worked.

Then Putin’s rating went down and the contract was violated, in the “we feed you” part. “Pikalyovo” happened and it threatened to spread to other “points in the area” of Putin’s clearing. Then Putin and his organized crime group attacked Georgia, and Putin’s rating immediately soared. They noticed this effect and liked it. But it was not possible to return to the previous contract. Naturally, this was impossible simply for objective economic reasons due to the economy they themselves destroyed.

And then Putin and his organized crime group came up with a new contract with the Russian cattle population: “We protect you, and you sit quietly and don’t interfere... Do you know why it was necessary to annex Crimea? Because the USA imposed it on us. Because we couldn’t do anything differently: if we hadn’t done this, then NATO ships would have entered Crimea in two weeks and would have remained there.”

And the recent statements by Matvienko and Klintsevich are absolutely from the same opera: “We are protecting you, but you sit quietly and do not interfere.”
Russia is surrounded by enemies, but “we are protecting you, but you sit quietly and don’t interfere.”

And so far the Russian cattle population has accepted the new contract. With pleasure.

Back in 2007, the director of the Center for Conservative Research at the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University, Alexander Dugin, said: “There are no longer opponents of Putin’s course, and if there are, then they are mentally ill and need to be sent for medical examination. Putin is everywhere, Putin is everything, Putin is absolute, Putin is irreplaceable.” True, Adolf Aloizovich also had such contracts and support. But we all know how they end.

I was absent from the Internet for only 2 days - I was leaving Murmansk for the region to work as a photographer at a friends wedding.
For the first time I was able to visit an old Russian town called Kandalaksha, whose history dates back to either the 14th or 11th century.
I liked this city with a population of just under 40 thousand people (90% of the population are Russians) primarily for its people.

Look at this happy couple - this is our healthy Russian gene pool. And believe me, there are a lot of such truly happy people in the city of Kandalaksha, and in Russia as a whole!

When I returned home from the region and plunged headlong into the Internet, it was as if I had gone from Heaven to Hell.

I don't even know how THIS name. Well, come up with some name for yourself. THESE dancing in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviorjews(ug..sch), preferably with an adjective BURDENED...

The first thing that caught my eye that evening was an article with the title


  1. All news from Russia is, by and large, news from the field of psychiatry.

  2. Russia is a big madhouse.

  3. Putin is the main mental patient who controls the rest of the crazy people.

When my indignation subsided a little, I realized that this sensational and extremely offensive For the first person of our state, this article is partly good news!
Apparently it was written by a person with paranoid schizophrenia someone Mikhail Vernov talking about himself "I'm like Albert Einstein...".

It is known that schizophrenics have extremely developed megalomania. Therefore, they divide the country into themselves and the cattle, into handshakes and anti-Semites, into their friends and into their enemies... It is also known that among media workers there is the largest number of degenerates - people with genetic disorders and diseases. These are the statistics of leading psychiatrists. By the way, the largest percentage of such degenerates is among US journalists - up to 90%!!! Read Grigory Klimov.

Degenerates are trying their best to get into journalism, politics, and power in order to realize their psychopathic abilities. On one side they have megalomania, on the other hand - persecution mania. And all their actions are determined by these two “millstones”.

And if today Vladimir Putin is declared a degenerate the most important mental patients, it means that something has finally begun to happen in Russia that has caused the world community of degenerates to stir—the word is a tangle of disturbed snakes!

Let's see what examples Mikhail Vernov and "Bulletin of Civil Society" who published his work are trying to prove to everyone that Russian President Putin is crazy.

I quote a large part of the article In the psychiatric hospital. V.V. Putin":

"...The Duma, in a panic, adopts the exemplary punitive laws necessary for such a policy, Putin immediately signs them, which gives rise to a flurry of questions and doubts about the adequacy of the government. The man in the Kremlin gone crazy? There is an epidemic in the country idiocy? There are no number of questions and articles that talk about madness what's happening.
Here are the authentic statements on this matter.
Human rights activist: The authorities have gone mad and want to finally restore the Soviet entourage.
Writer: In general, I have been wondering for a long time: are our rulers such idiots or so smart?
Journalist: Perhaps this is the most important question for a country that is rapidly turning into a madhouse...
Actress: Putin is a complete lawless man. He no longer understands what he is doing. I think he's gone crazy.
Head of NPO: Vladimir Vladimirovich, I believe that you are sick with spy mania.
Editor: The country is overrun by sick people.
Former State Duma deputy: If so, then it turns out that power rests on the orphaned and wretched? What kind of country are we building then, a country of fools?
Moscow correspondent for the Washington Post: There is a feeling, and an often expressed feeling, that the country is run by fools.
Journalist and photographer: There is an idea that the regime will bury itself under the rubble of its own insanity.
Advocate: ...in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation there are only slightly fewer schizophrenic miracles than in district courts.
Politician: Putin has gone crazy, it’s more or less obvious.”

"Such judgments can be made ad infinitum. The general appeal to the rationality of power is not accidental. Putin went to fight against the human essence - with reason and the desire for freedom. In the 21st century - the century of miracles created by a free mind, instill fear in it, move in the opposite direction and at the same time pretend to be a great power, for this you need to be dangerously advanced."
“When an individual person is recognized as abnormal, he is treated or in one way or another isolated from others. Well, what if a country becomes insane? If it’s small, it’s not so bad. to the entire globe. A doctor from outside comes to such a patient in the most difficult cases, when he is violently insane and rushes to the whole wide world. It is up to the inhabitants of such a country to get rid of this condition.

Position of the West and the USA: non-interference in Russian insanity. The purpose of US foreign policy is to ensure the defense of the country, not to free someone under the threat of nuclear war. In addition, there is no point: the security officers will destroy themselves, this is so obvious that neither in the West nor in China are there fools who would have any reason to fight with Russia.

It’s hard to imagine how Russia’s self-medication will end if Putin’s avant-garde is not tied down peacefully. The Russian revolt is cruel and senseless, but in accordance with the duration of the madness of the authorities and the church. Gentlemen of Russia! Fear the wrath of your patient people more than the wrath of the Lord God himself!

The level of paranoia under Putin's rule will continue to increase, and the standard of living will fall, especially in comparison with the United States. And if they once again tell you that not everything is perfect and wonderful in the USA, agree. However, note that they no longer lynch blacks, but make them presidents; they never shout “America, go!” and, above all, they have Brad Pitt, and we have Putin’s nonsense.”

“Under the guise of political technology, psychiatry has been put at the service of the regime. Putin and Co. see the only possibility of maintaining power in the creation of enemies and military order, in which the actions of the security officers, including repression and terror, are not subject to discussion. To achieve this goal, they deliberately provoke a split in society and the escalation of mass psychosis, creating an era of boundless inadequacy. As a seasoned leader, Putin is trying to make this process habitual and gradual, keeping the insanity of the regime within the achieved “norm” and restraining those who are excessively idiotic. The fate of Putin is paradoxical: such an advanced leader, but he can only be the leader of an advanced people! A distinctive feature of Putin's contribution to this achievement is the occupancy of power. Everywhere you look, security officers are at the helm of the regime..."

How do you like this publication, friends?

This is no longer dancing for you jews from Pussy-Wright in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior with chanting “Our Lady, drive Putin away”!
It's already cry of despair those who have exhausted all the possibilities to really turn RUSSIA into a MAD HOUSE.
So the psychic attack of LGBT minorities has choked, pederasts, in a simple way. And how much animal howl there was about the INFRINGEMENT of the rights of sexual minorities who wanted social freedom under rainbow flags!?

Let's now take the above seriously.

First question: what does it have to do with itVladimir Putin andthe so-called CRAZY HOUSE?

If we talk about real mental patients, then we must first of all talk about degenerates, which in Russia several million.
Many of them are very aggressive and socially dangerous, such as Marat Gelman (in the photo he is in the center in the foreground).

There are also female degenerates, like Valeria Novodvorskaya, who publicly said that:
Russia is “the very country that is a brake on everything reasonable, good, and eternal.”
“The Russian people belong in prison, and not just anywhere, but right next to the prison bucket...”
“The Russian nation is a cancer of humanity!”

So I say: what does it have to do with it? Vladimir Putin, if we should all thank for the presence in Russia of thousands of such socially dangerous degenerates international Jewry ! This is it international Jewry , flooded Russia with record numbers mental patients And violently insane !

I spoke quite popularly and in detail about the scale of Jewish degeneration in a number of my articles.

  1. "The biggest problem of humanitydegenerates!:

  2. "Gelmans and Wassermans":

  3. “You don’t like lesbians, gays and other degenerates? You are an anti-Semite!!!":

  4. "The most dangerous nation in the world!":

  5. “The diagnosis has been confirmed: Jews are the most dangerous nation in the world!”:

  6. “You can’t help but believe this!”:

There is no longer any doubt that the 1917 revolution in Russia also the act of degenerate Jews with a symptom called "megalomania".
Independent observer of Russian history automaker Henry Ford, author of The International Jewry, described what was happening in 1922 in the following words: “If those Jews who dominate the world wanted to liberate the Russian people and extinguish the corrosive flame of Bolshevism, putting an end to the participation of Jews in all revolutionary movements, then they could do this within a week. What is currently happening is being done with the knowledge and consent of the Jewish world powers. Obviously, they have no desire to cause a reverse movement. This point of view has largely taken root among American Jewry and includes in its program the plan to “prove our power on one of the existing states" The Jews are strictly guided by this program. But we must not forget that this program also has a downside: it is true that it proves power, but at the same time she outlines the people who uses it. And perhaps in the end the time will come when these people will bitterly regret that they sought this power and used it..."

To what H. Ford said I will add:the power of pathological liars, sadists and murderers, completely devoid of moral inhibitions! that's what it is Jewish power model 1917 1937

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently reminded everyone of this when he made a speech at the ceremony of transferring the famous Schneerson Library to the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center in Moscow. Then, on June 13, 2013, in an act of goodwill, Putin remarked: "The decision to nationalize this library was made Soviet government, the first Soviet government. And its members were approximately 80-85% Jews. But they, guided by false ideological considerations, then went for arrests and repressions of Jews, Orthodox Christians, and representatives of other faiths, Muslims. They all were treated with the same brush. And these ideological blinders and false ideological guidelines, they, thank God, collapsed. And today we really are handing over, in fact handing over these books to the Jewish community with a smile..."

Degenerates from among the Jews of this Putin's smiles They didn’t notice, but they noticed something else, that the Russian President was transparently hinting that he could hang all the dogs on them for all the past crimes of degenerate Jews and for all the current ones. The consequences, of course, can be the most unpredictable: from new local Jewish pogroms to a new worldwide HOLOCAUST.

I told this story in detail in my article. “PANDORA’S BOX AND PUTIN’S NEW ECONOMIC POLICY”:

The hint that Putin made during the transfer of the famous Schneerson library to the Jews so excited the degenerate part international Jewry what they call now in a fit of paranoia Russia madhouse, and President Putin the most important mental patient who controls the rest of the psychos.

Now the most important thing, gentlemen!

These degenerates, even though they are mentally ill, still clearly understand that Putin is not just a figure who is trying to somehow straighten life in Russia for the better, he holds in his hands key from Russian nuclear shield.

This is precisely why Putin scary today for everything international communities of degenerates.

Hence such caricatures on the Internet about Russia and Putin.

Hence the pessimistic confession of Mikhail Verny: “The position of the West and the United States: non-interference in Russian insanity. The purpose of US foreign policy is to ensure the defense of the country, not to release someone under the threat of nuclear war.”

In conclusion, I want to talk about perhaps the MOST IMPORTANT thing.

Look what is happening now in global geopolitics. The leaders of the United States, like real swindlers, pulled off a great dollar scam, flooding the world with empty candy wrappers, with the help of which they managed to essentially rob all other countries - once! However, this was not enough for them, and they planted another mine under the global financial system. have built up a gigantic external debt, which has already exceeded $17 trillion - two!

Ask yourself: for what purpose did the US leadership take these steps?
To then repay debts to someone?
Do you believe this?

The style of the US leadership is completely different: destroy creditors!
This is evidenced by the entire history of this predatory country.

Remember what Western politicians said when Jewish oligarchs tormented Russia from all sides in the 90s of the twentieth century.

“It is economically justifiable for 15 million people to live on the territory of the USSR” . (M. Thatcher)

“Russia’s task after losing the Cold War is to provide resources to prosperous countries. But for this they only need fifty to sixty million people.” (R. Reagan, US President).

“Russia is a defeated power. It lost a titanic struggle. And to say “it was not Russia, but the Soviet Union” means running away from reality. It was Russia, called the Soviet Union. It challenged the United States. It was defeated. There is no need to feed now illusions about the great power of Russia. We need to discourage this way of thinking... Russia will be fragmented and under trusteeship. Russia can be either an empire or a democracy, but it cannot be both. If Russia remains a Eurasian state, it will pursue Eurasian goals. , then it will remain imperial, and Russia’s imperial traditions will need to be isolated. We will not observe this situation in a passive way. All European states and the United States must become a united front in their attitude towards Russia." (US President Clinton Directive No. 13, February 1992)

"NATO's goal in the future is to introduce peacekeeping forces into regions of ethnic conflicts and border disputes from the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural Mountains." (K. Powell, US Secretary of State).

Now, I hope you understand who writes such lampoons at President Putin and asks publicly "Does a madman have the right to rule a nuclear power"?

In life, you often have to choose not only between the best and the worst, but also between two evils. I do not have all the information about our president to make a final conclusion whether he is good or bad as a leader of the country. So with the sinking of the Kursk nuclear submarine in 2000, not everything is clear. Why then couldn’t it be told to the people honestly that our submarine was torpedoed by a foreign submarine?! After all, there was a neat hole and dent on the starboard side of the Kursk an eloquent trace of a torpedo hit! Why did you have to talk all over the country: “she drowned!”?

There are a lot of thoughts about Putin that pop into my head... Both for and against him, but when I see what they are doing in Russia and what all sorts of degenerates, united in the Jewish mafia, who have powerful support in the West, write about Putin, I want to support him even to spite them!

Partly not so long ago, an article by Konstantin Dushenov opened my eyes to Vladimir Putin:

At the same time, I want to say that whoever today relies on leaders from among the Jewish degenerates, on Navalny, for example, will ultimately end up, if not in Hell, then certainly in a “broken trough.”


1. Article “The Jews themselves prove: there are Jews and there are Jews!”: